
Pregnant woman near the navel is white. Why is the navel brown or black during pregnancy or after childbirth? If your belly button hurts

Pregnant woman near the navel is white.  Why is the navel brown or black during pregnancy or after childbirth?  If your belly button hurts

During pregnancy, the body changes a lot. Internal restructuring and external changes are taking place. This is a normal natural process that lasts throughout the entire period of pregnancy. Changes in the functioning of internal organs and hormonal levels often lead to unpleasant symptoms that bother the expectant mother.

How does the navel change during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the navel darkens due to increased melanin production

Almost all changes in the navel during gestation are caused by stretching of the uterus and enlargement of the abdomen. Expectant mothers encounter this phenomenon starting from the second trimester of pregnancy. The navel protrudes slightly forward, becomes like a small button, itches and can change color. In the absence of pain and other unpleasant symptoms, a woman has no reason to worry.

Navel protrusion

After 20-25 weeks of pregnancy, the uterus gradually fills the entire space of the abdominal cavity. There is less and less space left for the internal organs, even the umbilical cavity is filled. These changes cause protrusion of the navel.

Another reason for the navel protruding outward is weakness of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. In women who neglect physical activity before and during pregnancy, muscle tissue is less elastic and quickly loses its strength and elasticity.

Women most often experience changes in the shape of the navel if they are overweight, have polyhydramnios, or have multiple pregnancies. The short period between the current and previous pregnancy becomes another provoking factor.

Color change

Most expectant mothers notice that during pregnancy the navel and the skin around it darken, and a dark stripe appears in the middle of the abdomen. These changes are caused by restructuring of the body and increased production of sex hormones, as a result of which skin pigmentation changes.

Not just a darkened, but a blue navel should be a cause for concern. This may be a sign of illness or a serious pregnancy complication. In addition to color changes, women experience pain in the umbilical ring and other alarming symptoms.

Intestinal infections accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and fever. The navel becomes hot, begins to prick and hurt. Pathologies are dangerous not only due to exhaustion and dehydration of the expectant mother’s body, but they provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus and can cause premature birth.

Due to the fact that the enlarged uterus displaces all internal organs, pain during inflammation of the appendix can be localized not only on the right side of the abdomen. The navel, lower abdomen, and right hypochondrium begin to hurt. Added to the unpleasant sensations are bluish skin around the umbilical cavity, nausea, vomiting and increased body temperature.

The causes of intestinal colic are often flatulence or constipation. This condition does not pose a threat to the unborn child, but causes significant discomfort to the pregnant woman. Characteristic symptoms of intestinal dysfunction are pain in the navel and a feeling of “bloating” in the abdomen.

If the navel protrudes strongly, hurts and turns blue or black, this may be due to umbilical hernia. On palpation, a lump is felt in the navel area. A woman should not ignore such symptoms.

To the main symptoms pathologies of the digestive system include pain in the navel, discoloration of the skin around it, nausea, defecation disorders, dryness and bitterness in the mouth. The intensity of discomfort depends on the form, stage and nature of the disease.

Painful sensations in the navel, excessive protrusion and discoloration of the skin may indicate gynecological pathologies: threat of miscarriage, frozen or ectopic pregnancy. Such complications are accompanied by severe cramping pain, a feeling of pulsation in the abdomen, bloody discharge from the vagina, and an increase in body temperature.

If a woman's navel turns black during pregnancy, this may indicate that the fetus has become entangled in the umbilical cord. This condition is very dangerous for the unborn child. Entanglement leads to poor circulation, lack of oxygen and hypoxia.

Other changes

Expectant mothers often experience itching in the navel area. This symptom can bother a woman from the very beginning of pregnancy. It is caused by changes in hormonal levels. In addition, the navel may itch due to increased sensitivity of the skin of the abdomen.

After 30 weeks of gestation, other causes of itching appear:

  • umbilical ring stretching;
  • excessive tension of the abdominal muscles, as a result of which they diverge;
  • active movements of the baby, during which he can irritate the nerve endings in the navel area.

Sometimes the belly button can fall back. If at the same time the stomach also sank, the woman needs to urgently seek help. Such symptoms may be signs of dangerous diseases.

When will the belly button color return to its original color?

Changes in pigmentation appear already in the first trimester of pregnancy: the navel becomes brown, and a dark stripe appears on the abdomen.

All changes are reversible. The darkening of the navel will disappear as soon as the woman’s hormonal levels stabilize after childbirth. This happens differently for everyone. For some, the color becomes the same 3-4 months after the birth of the baby, for others - a few weeks after the start of menstruation. The only exception is the brown color of the nipples - after the first pregnancy it remains that way forever.

Not every pregnant woman experiences changes in pigmentation due to increased levels of adrenal hormones.

What can you do if pigmentation appears during pregnancy?

Any discomfort that worries the expectant mother must be reported to the gynecologist at the appointment. Only a doctor will be able to determine the cause of the pain, the change in color of the navel and the skin around it.

If unpleasant symptoms appear, a woman should not take any painkillers or laxatives on her own. Such actions will significantly complicate making a correct diagnosis.

If the navel has darkened due to changes in hormonal levels, and there are no other alarming symptoms, the woman will not be prescribed any treatment. It is possible to conduct ultrasound and Dopplerography to exclude the possibility of fetal circulatory disorders and the development of other pathologies.

The expectant mother is advised to carefully monitor hygiene and take a contrast shower to increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin. An important point is the prevention of stretch marks. To avoid the appearance of stretch marks, you need to regularly moisturize the skin and use a special cream or oil.

If complications during pregnancy or other dangerous diseases are detected, the woman is hospitalized in a hospital for therapeutic procedures.

If we consider the female body, then a special period for it is carrying a child, its birth and the period after that. Breast swelling, edema and abdominal enlargement are frequent accompaniments of this process, which disappear over time.

But there are also some things that frighten and worry the expectant mother, for example, when the navel darkens during pregnancy.

“Why is the belly button black?” - you ask.

It is worth noting that it changes its color for one main reason - a change in hormonal levels.

At this moment, structures such as the adrenal glands and pituitary gland begin to work intensively, producing the so-called adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and beta-lipotropin, which stimulate the production of melanin grains in the skin, and hence its dark color. This result is achieved by influencing melanosomes - special organelles that are found in human cells and contain melanin, as well as other light-absorbing pigments.

It is they who cause not only a brown navel, but also a change in the color of the white line - a thin “path” in the middle of the abdomen, starting from the chest and passing to the pelvis. This also includes darkened nipples and small pigmented spots on the face, which, however, may not exist.

If we consider the duration, then the black navel remains for some time after childbirth, and begins to change in the early stages. It is also considered one of the early possible signs of pregnancy, especially if no illnesses are observed. In general, the return of the navel to its original appearance occurs quickly - by the time a woman’s menstrual cycle begins to resume. This also applies to the shape of the navel.

Norm or pathology

If your belly button turns brown during pregnancy, this is not a signal from your body about some kind of problem. The reasons that led to this, namely, an increase in hormonal activity, are absolutely normal and only indicate that the child is actively developing, and the mother’s body is helping him in this. However, any question necessarily has two sides, so an increase in ACTH and beta-lipotropin is observed both during pregnancy and during illness.

Hyperfunction of the pituitary gland, that is, excessive release of these active substances, can be observed both when awaiting the birth of a baby, and during Cushing’s disease. In this case, fat “barrels” and an increase in waist size begin to appear, which were not typical before. If the mother is physically active and engages in sports, she will begin to notice that they are difficult - muscle weakness has appeared that does not go away even after intensive rest.

Stretch marks, or stretch marks, also form on the body. But they, just like the fact that he became dark or turned black, are a variant of the norm, you might think. In this situation, there are differences - the stretch marks are bright purple. A new mother may also complain of headaches, which are the result of high blood pressure.

Another important symptom is a change in mental state - the darkening of the navel after childbirth can lead a woman into a state of horror, depression, or, conversely, aggressive behavior.

If you notice that these or other symptoms are present in you, this is a good reason to consult a doctor and get examined.

Because an excess of these substances is observed in tumors of the adrenal glands or pituitary gland. Even in this case, there is nothing terrible, because such situations are corrected surgically, but you should not bring the issue to a critical moment - you can lose your health. In addition, if in the early stages it is possible to do without surgery, then in advanced cases it is inevitable.

We hope that this article has helped you understand this difficult and slightly confusing issue a little more.

There is no doubt that the female body and organism undergoes strong changes during pregnancy. The expectant mother is especially interested in the growth rate of the tummy and the behavior of the navel during pregnancy. The metamorphoses that occur with the latter make us not only wonder, but also worry. Let's consider the main points that, along with the question of why the navel protrudes in pregnant women, most often arouse women's interest.

Why does the belly button stick out during pregnancy?

Most women whose gestation period has reached the 25th week notice the transformation of their usual navel into a strange-looking “button”, which also sticks out. Eslulaps, regarding this point, show an enviable unity of opinion, which lies in the logic of the situation. In fact, not a single expectant mother is immune from the fact that the navel sticks out during pregnancy. This happens because the umbilical ring gradually expands under the pressure of the growing belly.

A pulling navel during pregnancy, which causes some pain, means that the skin is stretched or the abdominal muscles are weak. Also, if this may indicate inflammation of appendicitis or intestinal infection.

Concerns about the navel darkening during pregnancy are also unfounded. This situation is a normal consequence of hormonal changes and skin pigmentation.

Navel piercing for pregnant women – is it possible?

The tandem of pregnancy and navel piercing, which, according to medical indications, should be torn off, is considered special. There is no official justification for this opinion. However, there are cases when navel piercing in pregnant women caused intractable stretch marks or skin tears during childbirth. That's why you should give up this accessory, at least for a while.

Another cause of concern may be a bruise around the navel during pregnancy. It is nothing more than veins or clusters of blood vessels visible through thinned skin. Just like a darkening navel during pregnancy - this should not be alarming woman.

Often, expectant mothers are annoyed by the fact that the navel itches during pregnancy, and it is unbearable. This is the result of severe tension and drying of the skin. Moisturizing creams and will come to the rescue.

We hasten to assure you that such a situation when the navel comes out during pregnancy is absolutely normal. This is further evidence of a normally developing baby inside you, whose dimensions are becoming larger. This circumstance is the most comprehensive explanation of why the navel sticks out in pregnant women.

The accumulation of dyes in the body of the expectant mother is associated with hormonal changes and is due to the fact that the adrenal glands place an additional burden. The darkening is due to the fact that the level of hormones of the adrenal cortex increases, and male sex hormones, which many people think about, have nothing to do with it.

Skin begins to change from the earliest stages of pregnancy. The first spots on the face and darkening of the areola appear already in the first trimester, at 7-8 weeks of pregnancy.

Later, you may notice that the skin in the area of ​​the inner thighs and perineum has darkened, and for many, a stripe appears on the stomach.

Red-haired women, those who had a lot of freckles, may be disappointed to discover that there are even more of them, and they have acquired an even more intense color. Moles throughout the body become more numerous and brighter.

Nipple pigmentation during pregnancy can be very intense.. The nipples of those who are not pregnant or have not given birth have a soft pink color, and after the first pregnancy their color changes to brown, and as a rule, this does not go away after childbirth, the nipples will remain that way forever, they may only lighten a little.

Pigmentation on the face during pregnancy has a specific character. These are light coffee-colored spots in the area of ​​the mouth and nasolabial triangle. Fortunately, these are reversible skin changes that go away within 3-4 months after the baby is born, as well as changes in the thighs and armpits.

A stripe of dark brown or lighter color may appear on the abdomen, running along the abdomen. It can be smooth or arched, it can reach the navel and rise above it, then the navel also becomes brown. The strip appears more often in the second trimester and goes away with the resumption of menstruation after childbirth; it does not happen to all women.

Skin color during pregnancy will be less pronounced if you avoid tanning and use sunscreen. The diet of the expectant mother is important. Fatty, heavy foods place increased stress on the liver, and this causes pigment spots. Drinking coffee and strong tea also helps. A dairy-vegetable diet and an abundance of vitamins in food, especially folic acid and vitamin C, prevent this process.

Remember that cosmetics can be harmful during pregnancy. Do not use whitening creams that are not intended for pregnant women, because many substances that are absorbed through the skin can harm the fetus.

And if pigmentation of the breasts during pregnancy then persists after childbirth, spots on the face, freckles after the birth of the baby will definitely decrease and disappear, there is no need to be afraid of these skin changes, they are not dangerous for you and your baby, and are just temporary changes in your appearance.

Pregnancy is not only hormonal changes, but also daily external changes due to the continuous growth and development of the fetus. The belly of the expectant mother becomes larger, rounded, the skin becomes tighter, and sometimes the navel begins to protrude against this background.

What happens to the navel during pregnancy?

From the second half of pregnancy, when the belly begins to increase significantly, the navel may also become convex. These changes are completely normal and are due to one of the following reasons:

  • high water;
  • rapid weight gain;
  • multiple births.

In these conditions, the belly of the expectant mother rounds much faster, which is why the umbilical cavity is smoothed out, and the navel itself protrudes outward.

Why can your belly button hurt?

Pain in the navel is a rather uncomfortable feeling, both physically and mentally. It worries and makes you worry not only about your health, but also about the condition of the baby.

Reference! Nagging pain in the navel area is a type of normal.

Natural causes of belly button pain include:

  • Skin stretching. The abdomen of some pregnant women increases in size very quickly, because of this the skin on it becomes very tense, which is reflected in pain in the umbilical cavity.
  • Physiology. The baby grows and takes up more and more space, causing the internal organs to shift.
  • Low abdominal muscle tone. In unsportsmanlike mothers, pain in the navel is much more common. This is due to the fact that the abdominal muscles simply cannot cope with the increasing load.
  • Hormonal changes. In some cases, the cause of discomfort is hormones that soften ligamentous tissues.

From the above it follows that pain in the navel is normal and natural if:

  • it is short-term;
  • discomfort does not occur systematically;
  • no bleeding;
  • body temperature does not rise above normal.

In all other cases, you should consult a doctor in order to minimize the risk of miscarriage.

Diseases that cause pain in the navel:

Monitoring changes in how you feel during pregnancy is extremely important, as cutting, stabbing, or cramping pain may indicate health problems.

- gynecological diseases

If the pain in the lower abdomen radiates to the navel and is accompanied by vaginal discharge, then there are problems with the pelvic organs. In this case, you should not hesitate to visit a gynecologist, since the cause of unpleasant sensations may be:

  • semolina hypertonicity;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • threat of miscarriage.

- hernia (umbilical or strangulated)

This condition is accompanied by vague symptoms of gastrointestinal distress: constipation, heartburn, bloating, nausea and vomiting.

Important! Without timely treatment, a hernia can develop into intestinal necrosis.

The disease requires urgent medical diagnosis, and in some cases, surgical intervention.

- appendicitis

Discomfort in the navel area may indicate inflammation of the appendix. Moreover, the pain is so strong that the expectant mother feels its echoes with every movement. The distinctive signs of appendicitis are as follows:

  • pain in the hypochondrium on the right side;
  • feeling of nausea and vomiting;
  • bowel problems (diarrhea or constipation).

Under no circumstances should you try to eliminate such pain on your own - at the first signs you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

- food poisoning

Not everyone can create a correct and balanced menu during pregnancy, especially when unusual food cravings or desires to combine incompatible foods appear.

Reference! An intestinal infection can cause uterine hypertonicity and cause miscarriage.

Food poisoning is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • severe, cutting, cramping pain;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • loud rumbling in the stomach;
  • high fever and chills.

The first thing to do in case of poisoning is to take a few tablets of activated carbon and call a doctor at home.

- gastrointestinal problems

Unpleasant sensations in the navel and above can worsen in women with chronic or untreated gastrointestinal diseases. The feeling of heartburn, mild nausea and colic after eating does not become an unpleasant surprise for the expectant mother. In this case, the doctor, in order to reduce the level of discomfort, prescribes the patient to take enzyme preparations.

During the second trimester, food begins to move down the esophagus more slowly than usual. It is absolutely normal if during this period there will be stabbing and cutting sensations in the stomach.

Reference! You can avoid problems with intestinal perspiration if you adhere to the principles of a diet for pregnant women.

Piercing and navel pain during pregnancy

Navel piercing is a fairly popular piercing among young girls. Below are five facts about how this decoration affects the condition of a woman in an interesting position:

  1. If the puncture is done long before pregnancy, it does not pose any danger to the health of the mother and child.
  2. It happens that piercing is carried out in the early stages of pregnancy, even before the expectant mother finds out about her new status. In this case, it is better to remove the earring and let the wound heal. If this is not done, then as the abdomen grows, the puncture will increase in size and begin to fester.
  3. Piercing does not interfere with a woman until 5-7 months of pregnancy. As your belly increases, it is better to replace your metal earring with jewelry made from safe, flexible plastic.
  4. The earring will need to be removed just before delivery or caesarean section.
  5. To prevent infection, regularly wipe the puncture site with an antiseptic.

Prevention of discomfort

When pain in the navel is due to physiological reasons, the doctor is simply unable to help the patient with medication. She herself will have to take care of reducing the level of discomfort. The following tips will help you relieve unpleasant symptoms:

  • Sleep on your side or on a special semicircular pillow for pregnant women. This will help reduce skin tension on the abdomen and relieve stress on the abdominal muscles.
  • Play sports. Do light exercises at home or attend specialized courses for expectant mothers. Don't forget about daily walks in the fresh air.
  • Wear a “mother belt.” It takes on part of the load and relieves discomfort when standing.
  • Use special cosmetics for stretch marks. Creams, lotions or oils moisturize the skin well, make it elastic, and relieve itching and irritation.

Pay attention! Women who used stretch mark creams during pregnancy regain their skin tone and firmness much faster after childbirth.


Pain in the navel and its protrusion are completely natural processes caused by the enlargement of the uterus and the growth of the child. However, you should not treat everything too carelessly: pregnancy is a condition in which reinsurance is never superfluous.

Especially for- Elena Kichak