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Crochet bolero for girls: diagrams and descriptions, photos of finished products and video tutorials. Crochet openwork bolero for women and girls: patterns and descriptions for beginners Lace bolero for girls

Crochet bolero for girls: diagrams and descriptions, photos of finished products and video tutorials.  Crochet openwork bolero for women and girls: patterns and descriptions for beginners Lace bolero for girls

Elizaveta Rumyantseva

Nothing is impossible for diligence and art.


Crocheting a short bolero for a woman or girl is much easier using the patterns and descriptions that go with them, where each step of creating the fabric is discussed in detail. Initially, this item of clothing was for men; in appearance it was a short vest. In the women's wardrobe it began to change, acquiring different sleeves and collars. Today, the accessory is a good addition to any outfit in your wardrobe. You can knit it yourself using master classes.

What is a bolero

In modern fashion, this item of clothing is a shortened jacket. It looks like a tight-fitting blouse, often without any fasteners. Such a thing appeared in the 18th century, then it was worn by Italian bullfighters. Then women turned their attention to it - it became less monotonous thanks to the invention of new interesting styles and experiments with decor and colors.

Models and styles

Modern models of such short jackets are presented in a wide range. They can be made of fabric, fur, leather or crocheted from yarn. The difference from the initial version is the presence of sleeves of different lengths: long, short, three-quarters - although there are also models without them. The variety of models is achieved through collars, including those that turn into lapels, and button fastenings.

What to wear with

The high demand for such a blouse is due to its versatility. With this small accessory you can create many extraordinary and extravagant looks. You can wear a bolero with almost everything. It goes well with a knitted dress, jeans, skinny trousers and shorts. A more formal option is with a pencil skirt. High-heeled shoes such as ankle boots are preferable, although sneakers are also suitable. Unusual fur models are combined with stiletto heels and skinny trousers, and leather ones with jeans. Knitted options look good with turtlenecks and dresses.

Crochet bolero

The first stage of work will be the preparation of the necessary materials and tools indicated in the description of the master class. Their list includes the following:

  • a tool of one number or another, which is selected taking into account the type and thickness of the threads;
  • thin or thick yarn depending on the purpose of the clothing;
  • scissors;
  • if necessary, straight knitting needles;
  • darning needle;
  • some decorative elements are optional, for example, braid.

In order for the finished product to fit well, you must first knit a sample from which to calculate the knitting density. It depends on the thickness of the yarn and the tool number. The test sample is created as follows:

  • according to the desired pattern of the product, knit a sample measuring 10 by 10 cm;
  • wash, dry and iron;
  • place it on cardboard measuring 10x10 cm;
  • count the number of loops along the main side of the sample that fell on the cardboard - this is the knitting density;
  • if the sample turns out to be smaller, then you should take a thicker tool, otherwise, on the contrary, a thinner one.

How to choose the right thread

The correct choice of yarn is equally important. For light and airy patterns, threads with the addition of synthetics are suitable. As a result, the product will hold its shape better. Loose and thick patterns look more impressive from denser yarn, which can be knitted even in 2 threads. Tips for choosing yarn:

  • bamboo, viscose, cotton and silk yarn are suitable for summer models;
  • mercerized cotton will give you coolness in the scorching sun, and pure high-quality wool will give you warmth in winter frosts;
  • lace models look more beautiful when made from thin cotton or synthetic thread;
  • a product made from stretch yarn will emphasize the curves of the body;
  • models made of mohair, cashmere or merino wool combine warmth and beauty;
  • evening options look elegant made from lurex yarn;
  • sports models made of fine wool are suitable for girls with an active lifestyle.

This warm bolero is crocheted from merino (sheep) wool. It is hypoallergenic and soft. Popular manufacturers are Gazzal - BabyWool, Galla, Artic. For an autumn-spring wardrobe, it is better to use yarn with cotton and acrylic in the composition, sometimes with the addition of wool. The best manufacturers are Jeans from YarnArt, Cotton Gold from Alize and azzal – Baby Cotton. Linen and cotton yarn are considered summer yarns. It makes elegant openwork blouses. In this case, good yarns are Begonia, Violet and Duet (Alize), Iris, Lili and Semenovskaya - Tenderness, Ivushka, Irina and Lily.

Knitting patterns

Beginning needlewomen should not immediately take on complex patterns. Training on simple patterns will help you cope with more complex ones in the future. Patterns can be found in knitting magazines or on the Internet. Symbols will also help to simplify the process, so that even a beginner can figure out where and what kind of loops to make. They may reflect:

  • single crochets (sc);
  • double crochet (dc);
  • air loops (AP);
  • half double crochet (PSN);
  • half single crochet (PBN);
  • lush column;
  • relief column.

There are different knitting techniques that are used by craftswomen. The main classification includes the following methods for creating knitted fabric:

  1. Circular. The canvas turns out to be round, like a napkin, seamless. Knitted in one direction with each circle closed with a connecting and lifting loop.
  2. Straight. The fabric is knitted in rows according to the “back and forth” principle.
  3. Knitting motifs. In this case, several separate parts are made, which are then connected with a hook or a needle.

How to knit a bolero - step by step instructions

Almost any bolero is crocheted according to the pattern of a classic jacket, only its edges are rounded and the length is reduced. First you need to choose a model - will it be needed simply to complement the image or is it necessary for the purpose of insulation. A decorative bolero is crocheted from thinner threads and often without long sleeves. The insulated version needs them, and the yarn should be thicker.

Decorative models

Silk, cotton, viscose or synthetic yarn - these options are suitable for decorative models. Any of them can be connected according to the following scheme:

  1. Select the sleeve length, multiply it by 2 and add the back, measured from shoulder to shoulder. This is the width of the rectangle. Its height is equal to the circumference of the arm at its widest point plus 5-7 cm for a loose fit.
  2. Next, fold the rectangle lengthwise, make two seams from the edge to the center for the desired length of the sleeve. There is no need to perform its okat here.
  3. Along the contour, make the trim with ruffles or another pattern.

Warm knitted bolero

For insulated options, it is better to take yarn with wool, cashmere or mohair in the composition. These boleros are crocheted according to a simple pattern:

  1. Measure the distance from shoulder to shoulder on the back, knit a square of these dimensions (for size 42-44 they are approximately 50-52 cm).
  2. Fold the resulting piece in half, sew it on the sides from the edge to the center to the second mark by about 10-12 cm, leaving slits for the arms.
  3. Next, tie the remaining holes to the desired sleeve length.
  4. Make shelves. To do this, tie the edges of the stitched square in a circle for the required number of rows.

Crochet bolero - diagrams and descriptions for beginners

Knitted models of such jackets have won special love. They can be created at any time of the year. In addition, boleros are crocheted quickly, and according to the diagrams and descriptions, any craftswoman can handle them. This can be a light cape for a cool evening or an insulated winter model under a turtleneck. Several such options are presented in master classes with photos.

A long-sleeved model is more suitable for the autumn-winter period, so the yarn should be thicker. In general, for knitting you will need:

  • medium thickness mohair of any color – 400 g;
  • hook - No. 4, 5.

The product is knitted from two parts in the transverse direction from the sleeve. In some places, loops are simply added or, conversely, removed. The instructions include the following steps:

  1. Cast on a chain of 33 air loops, knit according to pattern 1, in every fourth row adding 2 loops (p.) 4 times. In the end there should be 49 of them.
  2. After 48 cm of knitting, add a chain of 4 VPs on both sides (you get 57 loops in total).
  3. Knit another 10.5 cm middle loop, close, continue knitting the remaining 28 stitches of the back for another 8 cm, then cut the thread at a total height of 69 cm.
  4. Go to the shelf, according to scheme 2, after 3 rows, bevel the neckline, cut the yarn.
  5. Do the second part in the same way.
  6. Pin them onto the pattern, moisten them, and let them dry.
  7. Make side and central seams, tie the edges according to pattern 3.

Simple crocheted bolero for girls

The following knitted pattern is perfect for a girl aged 5-6 years. Necessary materials and tools for the master class:

  • hook - No. 3.5;
  • yarn 100% cotton pink or other color – 50 g.

Crochet a bolero for a girl starts from the armhole of the first sleeve, and ends with the end of the second. The product is not completely solid. The remaining sleeve is tied from the armhole. The instructions are as follows:

  1. Dial so many VPs so that the width of the sleeve is the size of the child’s hand.
  2. Knit according to the pattern to the armhole of the sleeve - the width of the fabric is equal to the width of the back.
  3. Close the knitting ring. Continue knitting in circles with the same pattern until the desired length.
  4. Make the second sleeve from the left armhole. Tie both together with a row of single crochets and a row of crab step.
  5. Do the edging of the neck and back as follows: 1 row sc, 2 rows of loop *2 double crochets, knit 1 chain stitch together*. Repeat this twice more. Tie open edges like sleeves.

Bolero for summer

Options for summer models are lighter, so the yarn should not be thick. Their pattern is often openwork, which gives the product a special airiness. To make one of them you will need:

  • yarn 100% cotton (250 m/g) – 300 g;
  • hook - No. 2.

The finished item, knitted according to this pattern, is suitable for women with clothing sizes 38-40. The sequence of its execution is as follows:

  1. Back. Cast on a VP chain 52 cm long, knit according to the pattern of 43 cm. Next, leave 12 cm in the center, and finish both sides separately. For neck bevels, decrease 1 cm once. After 48 cm of fabric, finish knitting.
  2. Shelf. Cast on a VP chain 26 cm long, knit 24 cm of fabric according to the same pattern. Next, in each row, decrease 1 loop 7 times. When the fabric reaches 48 cm, finish knitting. Do the other half in the same way.
  3. Sleeves. For each, cast on a VP chain 40 cm long, knit according to a 5 cm pattern.
  4. Assembly. Make all the seams, tie the edges with 2 rows of dc and 1 row of such a cycle *3 VP, 3 dc in the same base, skip 3 loops, 1 sc, skip 3 loops*.
  5. Lace. Knit a VP chain 70 cm long, knit 1 row of sc, thread the tie into the shelves.

Openwork boleros for experienced craftswomen

If you are already familiar with knitting techniques and have completed a few simple bolero patterns, you can move on to the next level and create a more complex product. It is more difficult to make openwork patterns, but according to the diagram and description it is easier to make them. The main thing is to follow the sequence of manufacturing all the parts, use the recommended yarn and the number of the tool for it. As for the color of the threads, you can choose it to your taste.

Crochet floral cape

The light openwork cape in this master class is knitted from round motifs. Then they are connected to each other, resulting in a finished product. Required materials and tools:

  • yarn 100% silk – 230 g;
  • hook – No. 2.5.

The diameter of each motif is approximately 8.5 cm. Their knitting and assembly into a finished item is carried out according to the following instructions:

  1. According to scheme 1, knit 32 motifs, connect them according to the drawing: when knitting the last flower, do not cut the thread, but make 1 sc from the top of the middle picot of the bottom row, then 6 ch, 1 sc, inserting a hook under the top of the middle picot of another motif. Perform chains of 6 VPs and 1 RLS, inserting the tool alternately into one and the other flower.
  2. Fill in the free areas of the upper edge according to pattern 2. Tie it with 1 row of single crochets.
  3. For the fringe, group 3 threads 25 cm long and secure them along the bottom contour.

Bright knitted bolero “Chinese fans”

Creating this model is more labor-intensive due to the difficulties of connecting individual motifs. The following materials and tools will be required:

  • double mercerized cotton – 400 g;
  • hook - No. 1.5.

Crocheting a bolero begins with creating 4 round motifs. Already from them they make a pattern of fans. The instructions for creating the product are as follows:

  1. Knit an openwork strip of 4 circles.
  2. Next, knit the back fans according to the pattern, starting with 5, and then alternating 3 and 4 fans. There should be 6 rows in total.
  3. Make each shelf separately, following the sequence of rows in the diagram.
  4. Sew the product on the sides, tie the sleeves with fans to the required length.

White bolero made from fragments

A very simple but beautiful bolero is crocheted from squares. You just need to complete several motives and then connect them according to a special pattern. For knitting you will need:

  • cotton thread – 50 g;
  • hook - No. 1.5.

The number of square fragments may vary depending on the desired length of the sleeves and the product itself. In addition, they can be placed at an angle of 45 degrees, rather than straight, as in the standard version. The classic bolero pattern is crocheted like this:

  1. According to the pattern, knit 10 square motifs.
  2. Connect them together with connecting posts along the last row of arches.
  3. For the back, make a 2x3 square canvas. For the shelf, attach 2 more motifs down.
  4. Tie the edges of the sleeves and neck with fans according to the pattern.

A small jacket with a mesh pattern can be a great addition to an evening dress. To make it you will need the following:

  • Vega yarn 65% viscose, 35% cotton – 200 grams;
  • hook - No. 2.

You need to crochet a bolero according to the pattern shown in the picture. The product consists of a back, two shelves and sleeves. The sequence of knitting them is as follows:

  1. Back. Knit a chain of 127 VP + 3 VP for lifting. Knit 5 rows with the pattern in pattern 1. Next, move on to the main pattern. It is shown in Figure 2. After 20 cm of fabric, leave the armhole on both sides in the form of 2 repeats of the pattern. Continue knitting according to the pattern, ending at a height of 39 cm.
  2. Shelves. Cast on a chain of 67 VP + 3 VP for lifting. Knit 1 pattern of 16 cm, then make a cutout for the neckline, leaving 5 cm on the inside. Then, for rounding, add in each row 4 times 1 cm and 2 times 0.5 cm. Knit the right armhole in the same way as the back. Make the second shelf symmetrically.
  3. Sleeves. Sew side and shoulder seams, attach the yarn to the armhole, knit in the round with the main pattern until the required length.
  4. Assembly. Tie the edges of the shelves and the neck according to pattern 3. Make the lace in the form of a VP chain.

Beautiful crochet bolero for an evening dress

For an evening out, it is better to crochet a classic black bolero using colored motifs. it is created very simply, and the materials and tools needed are as follows.

Boleros go well with jeans, office wear, and evening dresses, so this is a truly versatile wardrobe item. The second plus is functionality. On a cool summer evening, such clothes will cover your shoulders and arms if a light dress does not warm you enough, and a warm jacket makes you very hot. During the day, a light, openwork bolero will save your shoulders from the rays of the scorching sun. Moreover, little fashionistas will wear boleros with no less pleasure than their mothers. Very beautiful, intricate openwork patterns can be created using a crochet hook. Let's look at several options for how to knit a beautiful and stylish bolero for your little girl without extra effort, even if you haven't really worked with crochet before:

We crochet a pink bolero for a girl according to the pattern

Bolero knitted for a 4 year old girl.

To work you will need: 200g cotton and hook No. 3
We cast on a chain of 81 air loops, make a loop for lifting and knit the fabric according to pattern 1:

Having knitted 10 cm, close the armholes. To do this, on both sides of each row there are 4 stitches and two loops twice. Having knitted 24 cm, you should have 16 loops on each shoulder, and 33 loops for the neck. The back is ready.

Right shelf.
Again we cast on the chain and 81 chain stitches and knit 1 pattern according to the pattern. Having knitted 2 cm, close 41 loops on the right (we have formed a tie). We continue knitting, making decreases along the neckline 16p. There is one loop in each row. We measure 10 cm from the beginning of knitting the fabric, make an armhole from the side seam. The armhole of the right front should match the armhole of the back. Having knitted 24 cm, we should have 16 shoulder loops. The right shelf is ready.
Left shelf.
We knit symmetrically with the right one.

We cast on a chain -41 air loop, knit with a pattern according to pattern No. 1. At the same time, add 8 rubles on both sides of each 2nd row. 1 stitch each. The total should be 57 stitches. Having knitted 22 cm from the start of work, we begin to roll up the sleeves. To do this, repeat 1 rapport on 2 sides of 3 rows, and we get 41 loops. Cut the thread. We make a control measurement of the sleeve height using a centimeter tape, having previously steamed the parts. It should be 25 cm.


We apply the steamed parts to each other, aligning them along the edge. If the parts are slightly uneven (which is possible - after all, this is knitwear and you shouldn’t be alarmed), use a strong jet of steam to soften the fabric and even out the parts. Let them dry. Now we make the seams and sew the sleeves into the armholes. Focusing on pattern No. 2a, we knit 2 flowers. To do this, we cast on a chain of 5 chain stitches, close it in a ring with 1 single crochet, cast on 3 loops to lift the row, and tie it with 11 double crochets. Next, according to the scheme, complete the 1st part of the flower. Since our flower is three-dimensional and consists of three parts, we knit the 2nd and 3rd parts according to patterns 2b and 2c. We place the finished flower parts on top of each other and secure them in the center. This can be done either with a thread and a needle, or with a crochet hook. Using pattern No. 3, we knit two stems. We tie the edges along the edge of the product with a “crawfish step”. Based on the photo of this model, we sew flowers and stems onto the left shelf of the bolero. We moisten and let the product dry.

Stylish cape knitted with a pineapple pattern for a little fashionista

The “Pineapple” pattern is probably loved by all knitters. There are many different variations of it. Here's another way to crochet a bolero using this versatile pattern.

We knit the motif according to the pattern:

We tie the pattern to the diagram:

From the center of the motif we form the back:

Pay attention to the nuance of pattern expansion:

Now, using the pattern, we knit 2 sleeves:

We tie the edges of the product according to the scheme:

The result is a vest like this:

All that remains is to sew the sleeves to it. This children's bolero, made of white yarn, will look great with an orange dress knitted in the same pattern.

Every girl wants to be like her mother. Since childhood, they try to put on makeup, curl their hair, walk in their mother’s heels, in their mother’s dresses. So let's please your baby with a stylish addition to her outfits and knit her a luxurious bolero. By the way, you can introduce girls to the process of knitting, this develops fine motor skills, which is a very important point for the formation of a full-fledged personality of a child. The development of fine motor skills of the hands significantly affects the development of your child’s mental and creative abilities. So, by knitting with their daughter, mothers (or grandmothers) may well raise a future needlewoman.

In the 21st century, bolero is becoming increasingly popular among adults and little fashionistas. This is not surprising, because the right cape will enliven and complement any outfit. There are light openwork and insulated options for every taste. In our article, craftswomen will learn how to knit a bolero for a girl on their own, even if you don’t know how to crochet. They describe in detail the entire operation of the circuit and a description of them. The variety of existing models will allow you to find the option that suits you.

Original crocheted bolero for girls with patterns

Even less experienced craftswomen can master crocheting, especially when it comes to bolero for girls. The resulting cape is suitable for a 2-3 year old girl. With a minimum of effort and money, you can prepare an original outfit for your daughter.

To get started you will need:

  • 100 grams of yarn (100% acrylic) of the desired shade;
  • Hook number 3.


To complete the back, you need to knit a pentagon according to this pattern. Legend:

  • v.p – one air loop;
  • conn. st – one connecting post;
  • Art. s/n – one double crochet;
  • vp lifting – one air loop for lifting;
  • Art. single crochet - one single crochet.

In the 13th row, knit armholes. To do this, cast on chains of 32 chain stitches each on both sides, skipping 12 stitches each. Then continue knitting according to the pattern, repeating rows 14 and 15, a total of four times.

Assembly of the finished product

Tie the edges of the armholes with a row of single crochets. Lightly wet the finished item and lay it out on a flat surface until completely dry.

We knit an openwork cape with pompoms

A bright bolero model for girls will be a wonderful gift for 1-year-old babies. This is a universal option that will suit both holiday and everyday wear.

To work you will need:

  • 300 grams of melange yarn (100% acrylic);
  • hook No. 4

Description of work

Back knitting: cast on a row of 60 chain stitches, unfold, then knit straight with double crochets, knitting three chain stitches instead of the first stitch in the row. Knit in this way until the fabric reaches 20 cm. Tie the bottom of the back: three air loops, skip two loops, 1 single crochet. Continue this sequence until the end of the row, in the end there should be 20 arches. Knit further, starting from row 9.

Knitting shelves: cast on a row of 8 chain stitches, connect into a ring. Continue knitting back and forth ( not all around!). Do the second shelf in the same way. Connect the shelves to the back.

Product processing

Make armholes and tie them with five rows of single crochets. Around the back, shelves and neckline, knit a pattern according to the following description:

  1. One air loop at the beginning of the row, 4 air. loops, one double crochet in the arch, repeat in a circle. At the end 1 will connect. column.
  2. One air loop at the beginning of the row, 4 air. loops, one double crochet in the arch, repeat in a circle. At the end there is a connecting post.
  3. 3-4 double crochet stitches in each arch, connecting stitch at the end of the row.

Making ties with pompoms

Cast on a row of air loops of the required length. Knit as described, ending each row with a connecting stitch.

1r. connecting stitch 5 loops from the hook, a total of 5 air loops will come out;

2 rub. two tbsp. yarn over in each loop, connect at the end. column, a total of 10 tbsp. used yarn over;

3 rub. two double crochet stitches in the 1st stitch, 2 tbsp. double yarn over in the next stitch, repeat the sequence to the end of the row;

4r. and all subsequent even rows of 1 tbsp. double crochet in each column;

5 rub. one tbsp. double yarn over in the first 2 stitches, 2 tbsp. single crochet in the next stitch, repeat the sequence to the end of the row;

7r. one tbsp. double yarn over in the first 2 stitches, 3 tbsp. double yarn over in the next stitch, repeat the sequence to the end of the row;

9r. knit everything in single crochet stitches until the end of the row;

11r. two tbsp. double yarn over together, 1 tbsp. double yarn over in the next three stitches, repeat the sequence to the end of the row;

13r. two tbsp. double yarn over together, 1 tbsp. double yarn over in the next two stitches, repeat the sequence to the end of the row;

15 rub. two tbsp. double yarn over together, 1 tbsp. double yarn over in the next stitch, repeat the sequence to the end of the row;

17r. two tbsp. Yarn over together, repeat sequentially until the end of the row.

Such ties are perfect for other children's things, so it's worth taking note of their implementation.

Bolero is a universal wardrobe item. She is able to decorate and add new accents to both everyday and festive outfits of a girl. Knitting a bolero is always simple, quick and does not require much expense. In everyday life, it will help keep a little girl warm and give her a tender, sweet, girlish look. At an older age, a cropped sweater tied around the chest will emphasize the waist and add elegance. In this article we crochet a bolero for girls of different ages. We will analyze several options with diagrams and descriptions that are suitable for both beginners and experienced craftswomen.

For a baby 2-3 years old

Let's start with the sweetest age. At 2-3 years old, a bolero will look very cute on a girl. The most popular wearing option, of course, will be holidays and the mid-season period. If a child goes to kindergarten, such an outfit may also be in demand.

We will need 1 skein of acrylic yarn 100 grams (can be replaced with any other type of thread of the same thickness), hook number 3.

Let's start knitting. Let's start by knitting the back. To do this, you need to knit a pentagon according to this pattern.


  • v.p. - air loop;
  • Art. s/n. – double crochet;
  • conn. Art. – connecting column.

In the last thirteenth row, pay attention to the large number of air loops. These are future armholes. In order to knit them correctly, we cast on 32 air loops, skipping 12 loops. We repeat the knitting principle for both sides. We knit rows 14 and 15 further according to the pattern. Repeat both rows a total of 4 times. Fasten the thread. Tie the edges of the armhole with single crochets. Fasten and cut the thread. Wash and dry so that the product does not lose its shape. Bolero for a little girl is ready!

Girl 4 years old

In this master class we will consider a very interesting but warm bolero for a girl. It will always look beautiful and stylish. In addition, this option will keep you warm at any time of the year: the baby’s neck and back will always be covered. Let's get started.

We will need: acrylic yarn of three colors to choose from. We offer this option, since the back is knitted in the round, and the presence of different colors will look more impressive. But you can use more or less colors. You also need a number 3 hook.

Description of work. This warm bolero is knitted very simply and consists of only three parts: the main part and the sleeves. The photo shows diagrams of the parts. The main part is knitted according to pattern No. 1:

Knitting should start with five air loops closed in a ring, and then knit according to the pattern. In our proposed version, it is necessary to change the thread color. We suggest alternating every four rows, but you can do this as you wish or not at all. We knit 8 rows, as shown in the photo. In the ninth row we knit the armholes. For this size they are 18 air loops. We continue to work according to scheme No. 1.

When the main part is completely connected, let's start decorating it. We will tie the prepared part according to scheme No. 3. The pattern is called “fan”; it will add openness and airiness to the bolero. Let's start working with one of the armholes. Turn the main piece inside out and knit 36 ​​single crochet stitches at the armhole. Next, we make the sleeve according to pattern No. 2. Knit the sleeve on the other side in the same way. The length can be measured directly on the child himself, or from his clothes.

The final stage will be knitting the flower according to pattern No. 4. This decor can be used as a button at the top of a bolero, sewn on as a brooch, or to decorate the back at the base of the circle. A warm bolero for a 3-4 year old girl is ready!

One size fits all

In this master class we will tell you how, using a simple calculation, to knit an openwork bolero according to the child’s measurements. Very easy to knit, perfect size for beginner needlewomen. Let's get started.

We will need: summer yarn, you can take cotton, iris. We take Summer. The thickness of the thread is 350 m per 100 grams. Don't forget about hook No. 2.5-2.75.

Let's start knitting. To make a simple bolero, a rectangle is knitted according to a given motif. First, you need to decide on the sides of the rectangle. To do this, let's take measurements: we need to know the width of the back plus 10-15 cm and the girth of the arm at the widest point plus 5-7 cm. This will be the width and length of the figure.

We knit a rectangle according to the given “Honeycomb” pattern. One report is equal to 10 air loops. That is, we knit the required size, taking into account the multiple of division by 10. That is why the calculation of the size of the rectangle indicates an approximate increase.

When the rectangle is ready, we tie it with ruffles around the entire perimeter. You can make several levels of ruffle. The connection will be like this:

  1. The first row is knitted with single crochets.
  2. Second row: alternating 1 double crochet and 2 double crochets.
  3. The third row is knitted with double crochets, in every third loop we knit 3 double crochets.
  4. We knit the fourth row like this: connecting stitch, skip 2 loops, 5 double crochets in one loop, skip 2 loops, knit 5 double crochets in one loop and so on until the end.

Fold the knitting so that the rectangle lies horizontally. We bend the sides on the right and left, measure from the fold the width of the shoulder with an allowance, divided by 2. Sew the edges. You can understand the progress of the work in more detail by watching the video tutorial below in the article.

Bolero is ready!

Video on the topic of the article

- an indispensable wardrobe attribute for cool summer evenings or for a festive occasion. You can knit this bolero in just a couple of days. The presented description is suitable for a girl 5-7 years old. The finished product has a height of 22 centimeters (including the binding), a width of 28 centimeters. The bolero is a little stretchy.

To work you will need:

  • 1 skein of LANOSO Alisya yarn (72% cotton - 28% polyamide; 100g - 360m);
  • Hook No. 3.

Description of the process of crocheting a bolero for a girl:

First, the back is knitted according to pattern 1. We cast on the number of air loops, a multiple of twelve (in this case, 48 loops), to a height of 20 centimeters.

Let's start knitting the front. Tie two parts according to scheme 2 - these will be the left and right shelves. After knitting, all three parts must be sewn, first the shoulder seams, and then the side seams.

After this, we begin to knit the sleeves - they are knitted from top to bottom, directly from the product itself (from the armholes that you did not sew - their height is 13 centimeters), and are not sewn on. You need to knit according to pattern 1, just like the back. You choose the length yourself, in this case 14 centimeters.

When the two sleeves are ready, you need to tie the bolero itself in a circle according to pattern 3 and tie the laces in front for ties.

Crochet pattern for a bolero for a girl: