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How can you treat diaper rash in newborns and infants, what remedies are best, what does Komarovsky say? How to treat and how to treat diaper rash in newborns How to remove diaper rash in newborns

How can you treat diaper rash in newborns and infants, what remedies are best, what does Komarovsky say?  How to treat and how to treat diaper rash in newborns How to remove diaper rash in newborns

Today we will talk about how to avoid diaper rash in newborns and how to treat it if it suddenly occurs.

Peculiarities of the skin in children in the first months of life

When a baby is born, its skin has a bright red tint. This is due to the saturation of the blood with oxygen, a change in the gas composition of the blood. The baby's skin is so delicate that it can be injured even from rough seams on rompers or undershirts.

The epidermis layer is quite loose. The epidermis and dermis do not have clear boundaries, so they can easily peel off with the appearance of blisters.

The skin of a newborn contains up to 80% water compared to an adult, whose moisture content is about 60%.

The baby's skin is thinner, more elastic, and has a tendency to peel.

It should also be remembered that the sweat glands do not function sufficiently. A baby in the first month of life can easily overheat.

Causes of diaper rash

Most often, diaper rash occurs in newborns and children in the first year of life for the following reasons:

  • poor quality diaper;
  • staying in a diaper for a long time;
  • lack of daily water procedures;
  • intolerance to the powder used to wash children's clothes;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • improper nutrition of the mother during breastfeeding, which can lead to frequent bowel movements;
  • a change in the pH of feces towards a more acidic side, which leads to even greater irritation of the skin.

Favorite places for diaper rash are the natural folds of the skin (groin, buttocks, armpits), less often - the folds behind the ears, the lower abdomen. Mostly diaper rash occurs in the groin and butt.

Try to use the diaper only during walks, trips to the children's clinic, or at night. And during the day, when the baby is at home, you can use knitted diapers sewn in the shape of triangles. Of course, this will complicate washing, but your baby’s skin will be healthy.

What are diaper rash types?

Pediatricians, together with dermatologists, conventionally distinguish three degrees of diaper rash.

  1. The first degree is redness of the skin. The very beginning, a “bell” that the baby’s skin is subject to excessive friction due to improper care.
  2. Second degree. The redness becomes brighter, cracks and weeping appear.
  3. Further, if the mother does not provide any help to the baby, the third stage occurs - the stage of pronounced cracks in the skin, the addition of a bacterial infection (the appearance of pustules), or a fungal infection. At this level, pain and itching will occur. The child will be extremely restless, will not be able to sleep, and may even refuse to eat.

Types of diaper rash:

  • diaper, or contact, dermatitis;
  • impetigo;
  • eczema and other types of allergic reactions.

Contact dermatitis

As the name suggests, this type of diaper rash is associated with the appearance of rashes and crusts on the skin upon contact with diapers and clothing. Most often, it can be caused by poor-quality material from which children's clothes are made.

Use only baby powders for washing diapers and baby undershirts. The most common brand, “Eared Nanny,” has proven hypoallergenic properties.

Impetigo in newborns

Impetigo is a disease of infectious etiology, primarily caused by poor hygiene. Can affect any age category. The infection is bacteria, staphylococcus or streptococcus. A small baby can become infected in the maternity hospital from the staff or from a relative.

Some literary sources describe that impetigo blisters can grow to the size of a cherry, but this has not been observed, since due to their thinness they quickly burst.

Symptoms appear in the first days of life. Bubbles filled with liquid appear on the skin. Then they burst and leave behind erosion, which is successfully cured without leaving scars or ulcers.

If impetigo is detected in a newborn in the maternity hospital, it must be isolated until the source of infection (the patient or the carrier) is identified.

The favorite place for impetigo is the groin area. But it can also occur in other natural folds of the baby.

Treatment of impetigo

  1. Hospitalization of mother and newborn in the hospital (infectious diseases department).
  2. Avoid contact of moisture with affected areas of the skin.
  3. The child should only have his own clean, ironed diapers.
  4. Try to avoid unnecessary contact with the child. To avoid infection, mother should wear gloves.

You cannot squeeze out the bubbles yourself. This is fraught with aggravation of the condition, up to the occurrence of septic shock.

The bubbles must be treated with an antiseptic (aniline dyes, zinc-based ointments). The whole task of treating impetigo comes down to ensuring that the blisters dry out and disappear as quickly as possible.

The use of oral antibacterial therapy is possible only by the doctor’s decision if the child’s well-being worsens or if blood test results are poor.

Is a diaper a helper or a pest in the modern world?

Of course, the world does not stand still. The advent of diapers made my mother's life much easier. But let's discuss some simple rules for using this device.

  1. Try to purchase diapers from well-known brands such as Pampers and Hagis in pharmacies, which have a quality mark and proven hypoallergenicity.
  2. The diaper is a disposable product. There is no need to dry it on the battery and put it on again.
  3. Also, you should not wait until it becomes full and weighs more than the baby itself. Keeping a baby in a diaper for more than 2 hours is not recommended.
  4. It is better to wear a diaper only when going for a walk, going to the clinic, or when the child sleeps at night. It should be changed at night.
  5. After removing the diaper, wash the baby and let him “swim” in the air bath for 15 minutes.

Treatment of diaper rash in newborns

A pediatrician will be able to answer your question about how to deal with the hated diaper rash in newborns.

  • When the stage of redness occurs, treating diaper rash on the bottom of newborns can only be done by adjusting hygiene. Diapers should be changed frequently and the baby should not be left wet. Be sure to wash your baby after every diaper change. After bathing, leave your baby naked for 5-10 minutes so that the folds dry thoroughly. Then you need to treat it with baby clothes and swaddle it.;
  • If the second stage of diaper rash occurs, creams will help. There are many skin care products for newborns in pharmacies.

Let's look at some of them.

  1. Ointments and creams containing zinc oxide and talc. They dry out the skin during the second stage of diaper rash, when it becomes wet. Here are some of them - zinc ointment, Desitin, zinc oxide-based talkers.
  2. Cream or ointment Bepanten, its analogues - Dexapanthenol, Panthenol. This drug restores damaged skin areas and has a weak analgesic effect.
  3. Clotrimazole is an antifungal drug that helps with candidal infections.

If there is diaper rash with crusts, you should not bathe the baby; you should just wash it in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and then dry it well with a towel. If pustules appear, they can be treated with brilliant green.

  • if diaper rash with crusts and pustules occurs, it is better to stop using diapers;
  • if you need to fight diaper rash with an allergic component in newborns, antihistamines will help - Zodak, Suprastin. It is also possible to change baby powder and brand of diapers.

Says Dr. Komarovsky: “Many parents believe that if diaper rash appears, you can apply cream a couple of times, and everything will go away. In fact, diaper rash is different. If the surface gets wet, then it is necessary to dry it with a zinc-based mash. It can only help us at the initial stage of diaper rash or as prevention. If a bacterial infection occurs, then antibiotic ointments are used. For allergic reactions with a pronounced exudative component, it is possible to use ointments with anti-inflammatory hormones.”

Preventing diaper rash is the best cure for it

To summarize the above, it can be noted that prevention is better than treatment.

Here are some tips.

  1. You can bathe your baby every day in herbs such as chamomile and chamomile.
  2. Change diapers regularly.
  3. Avoid staying in a diaper for a long time.
  4. Adjust the mother's diet if the baby is breastfed.
  5. Use air baths after bathing.

Love, care and proper care are all that is needed for the delicate skin of a newborn.

The skin is the largest organ of the human body, and in a baby it is also the most vulnerable. In newborns, the skin is still very thin and delicate, sensitive to any irritants. It is for these reasons that baby’s skin needs special care, otherwise problems cannot be avoided. Diaper rash is the most common of them.

About the disease

Diaper rash is a skin inflammation in areas that have been exposed to moisture (sweat) or friction for a long time. Most often, red rashes appear:

  • under the arms;
  • in the groin;
  • on the butt and between the buttocks;
  • behind the ears;
  • in the pubic area.

According to the severity of diaper rash in infants, they are conventionally divided into 3 degrees:

  1. the skin has a chafing appearance with slight redness;
  2. redness is pronounced, microcracks, peeling are observed, and sometimes pustules appear;
  3. severe redness, purulent rashes, itching, weeping ulcers, cracks. The baby experiences severe itching, burning and pain, his behavior becomes restless, and the child cries constantly.

Of course, it is better not to start the problem and take action when you see the first signs. How can diaper rash be treated in a newborn baby? Is there any way to prevent the disease?

Why do diaper rashes appear?

It is important to start treating diaper rash with prevention. Periodically check your baby's skin for redness, pay special attention to the skin folds and groin, the skin on the butt, inspect the neck and the area behind the ears. The armpit is also a vulnerable place, since the skin here sweats quickly and is easily rubbed by the seams of clothing. If you notice that your skin has begun to peel or become red, you need to take action.

Causes of diaper rash and how to eliminate them


This is the main reason why diaper rash appears in the groin and butt. Urine, due to its high uric acid content, causes irritation on the skin, and bacteria from feces only enhances its negative effects.

Improper use of diapers

It sounds strange, but many parents often make the simplest mistakes when using diapers, which in turn leads to severe diaper rash in the groin. Of course, good diapers made from high-quality materials, on the contrary, prevent contact of urine with the skin, but they must be changed after 4 hours, or immediately after bowel movement. If the diaper is not changed in time, the child’s groin and buttocks will be in a real greenhouse of urine and sweat vapor.

Improper care

When changing a diaper, the baby must be washed with warm running water, and after defecation, it is necessary to use baby soap. If you are not at home and need to change a diaper, keep a supply of wet antibacterial wipes with you.

Do you treat your baby's skin with baby cream or powder? Before putting your baby in a clean diaper, lubricate the skin with cream or powder (talcum powder).

Are you bathing your baby correctly?

After each bath and wash, gently pat your skin with a towel to dry it. Girls need to be washed and dried especially carefully - only in the direction from the pubis to the anus, and in no case vice versa - there is a high risk of intestinal infections.

Does friction bother your baby?

Very often, diaper rash appears where the baby's skin comes into contact with seams on clothing or with hard folds. Wear clothes made of natural cotton, it is best if the seams are external - this way nothing will irritate the baby’s delicate skin. Choose diapers that are sized so that the elastic bands on the waist and legs do not squeeze the skin or rub.

Allergies to care products and food

Excessive care on the part of parents can harm no less than carelessness. Incorrectly selected creams and powders, instead of soothing and softening the skin, only irritate it more.

When buying children's cosmetics, pay attention to their composition - the ingredients must be natural and hypoallergenic. Not only allergies to the components of creams and powders, but also food allergies can aggravate the problem with diaper rash. All together sharply worsens the baby’s condition, and treatment is carried out under the supervision of both an allergist and a dermatologist. A nursing mother should be careful with what she eats - infants instantly react to changes in maternal nutrition.

Normal overheating

Diaper rash often occurs due to too high indoor temperatures or too warm clothes outside. The most comfortable temperature for a baby is no higher than +22 degrees. Always dress your baby according to the temperature; do not bundle him up - he feels the heat just like you. Do not overdo it with wrapping your child for fear that he will freeze.

Bacterial and fungal infections

This type of diaper rash is the only one of all that requires drug treatment. However, such cases are very rare.

According to the famous pediatrician Komarovsky, the main cause of diaper rash is the improper functioning of the sebaceous glands, improper care is a secondary, but nevertheless aggravating effect.

In mild stages of diaper rash there is no need to treat, it is enough to take all the measures given below. Mild forms of the disease occur in every infant during the first months of life simply due to the characteristics of biological processes in the body. Treatment of diaper rash in newborns is easy to do at home. Drug therapy will be required if rashes and redness begin to spread throughout the body and itching appears.

How to properly care for your child's skin?

  • After baths or washing, treat all folds on the child’s skin with oil or a special cream with a water-repellent effect.
  • If you notice that your baby is allergic to the material from which the diaper is made, change the brand.
  • Do not ignore the diapers on which the baby sleeps. Keep them dry and change them regularly. The ideal option is disposable diapers or oilcloths with a fabric base. This way the skin will not rot.
  • Do not wash baby clothes with regular powder; use special products for this purpose that do not contain allergens. Always rinse your linen and clothes thoroughly, iron them both inside and out. According to Komarovsky, it is recommended to dry diapers in sunlight, and not on a radiator or rope in the kitchen.


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Diaper rash appears very quickly - sometimes it is enough to spend several hours in a damp diaper. However, despite the fact that the baby’s skin is hypersensitive to any irritants, it recovers no less quickly from damage. To cure diaper rash of 1-2 degrees, only 2-3 days are enough. A few simple rules will help you avoid problems in the future. So, what is included in therapeutic care:

  1. Regular change of underwear and diapers;
  2. Mandatory hygiene procedures after each bowel movement;
  3. Thoroughly wipe dry after any contact with water, please note that you cannot rub the skin with a towel - only blot it;
  4. Rinse well and treat all folds on the skin with oil or rich cream;
  5. Taking air baths is the simplest and most reliable method of treating diaper rash. After the bath, let the baby lie naked on his back or tummy. Make sure that the temperature and humidity levels in the room are maintained;
  6. As soon as the areas most vulnerable to diaper rash are washed and well dried, you need to apply a protective cream to them and let it absorb - after this procedure you can put on a clean diaper. The cream accelerates the healing of damaged skin areas and additionally protects it from the influence of harmful substances.

If after a day of all these procedures there is no effect, and the irritation is still as strong, you should move on to radical measures - the use of special drugs. The purpose of these medications is to relieve inflammation and soften the skin to relieve itching.

The principle of choosing the type of drug is extremely simple: weeping sores must be dried, and peeling skin must be moisturized and softened. If you apply too greasy ointments to weeping wounds, this will only worsen the situation - the film formed by these products will not allow the skin to breathe and will slow down healing.

Therapeutic baths

To dry wet wounds, you can bathe the baby in a bath with regular water added to it. Dilute several crystals of potassium permanganate (3-5 pieces are enough) in a glass of water and strain the solution through gauze folded several times. This is necessary so that the crystals do not get into the bath and the baby does not get burned. Potassium permanganate will not only dry wounds, but also speed up their healing - it is a powerful antiseptic.

Oak bark in the form of a decoction has a similar effect on the skin. To prepare this remedy, take crushed bark, which is sold at any pharmacy. For 1 liter of boiling water use 4 tbsp. tablespoons of the dry mixture, simmer the resulting solution in a water bath for 30 minutes. Wait for the finished broth to cool to body temperature and pour it into the bath. Bathe your baby for 5-8 minutes.

Baths with water are an equally good method of combating diaper rash. After bathing, you need to thoroughly dry and dry the skin, and then apply baby cream to problem areas.

Important: if you are going to use herbal baths as treatment and prevention, use herbs only after the approval of your pediatrician. Please note that many plants are strong allergens for a newborn baby. It is good to lubricate the skin around the pustules with weak solutions or water-based methylene blue.


Tannin ointment and special mixtures based on talc, zinc oxide, glycerin and distilled water have healing properties. Such a “talker” can be made to order for you directly at the pharmacy. Before using any medication, be sure to consult your doctor - not all medications are suitable for treating small children, and some children may be allergic to one or another component of the drug.

If, upon examination, you find diaper rash on your baby’s neck or see that the redness has spread behind the ear, you need to act quickly to prevent the diaper rash from developing to more severe stages. So, how to treat diaper rash?


With the help of the drug, not only skin irritations, but also cracks with ulcers are successfully treated. The medicine contains vitamin B5, which improves the regenerative functions of the skin by strengthening collagen fibers. The ointment must be applied to clean and dry skin. The first results will be visible within 1-2 days; diaper rash will completely disappear within 7 days.


This cream is one of the most popular products. It has a calming effect and heals microcracks in the skin. It is important that the cream does not clog pores and allows the skin to breathe, maintaining normal moisture circulation. The product does not dry out the baby's skin, unlike powders. Apply the cream 5 times a day to the affected areas. Noticeable improvements are visible already on the third day of using the drug.


Effective ointment based on D-panthenol. The product easily and quickly penetrates the skin, accelerating its healing. The ointment should be applied to clean and dry skin of the baby once a day. After 7 days of use, you will see that there will be no trace of diaper rash.

"The Tender Nature of a Baby"

This product was developed by specialists specifically for infants, taking into account the characteristics of their skin. The fact is that the skin of newborns is very sensitive, and the work of the sebaceous glands has not yet been established. The effect of the drug makes itself felt 5-7 days after regular use.


The drug is applied to the neck or behind the ear; it copes well with weeping wounds, drying out the skin. The product has an anti-inflammatory effect. Apply the cream several times a day to problem areas of the skin (maximum number of times - 5) until diaper rash disappears. Use the product as a preventative measure for several days after treatment.

Such a dermatological problem as diaper rash is familiar to every parent firsthand. However, despite a lot of advice and suggestions, every parent thinks about the question - how to treat diaper rash in newborns? After all, irritation occurs in different areas of the skin, sometimes under different circumstances. Let's try to figure out the reasons and find, although not original, but an effective method of treatment.

Inflammations on the skin
babies are called differently:

  • intertrigo;
  • prickly heat.

By and large, there is no fundamental difference in terms, except that it is a matter of the area of ​​the body where inflammation occurs.

Intertrigo- inflammation of the skin as a result of aggressive environmental influences - urine, secretions, heat and moisture.
Prickly heat– rashes that appear only due to moisture and heat.

Using this terminology, diaper rash is observed in:

  • between the buttocks;
  • in the lower abdomen and back.

And prickly heat affects all the folds on the child’s body, neck and behind the ears.

Disease factors

External and internal factors contribute to the occurrence of inflammation of the skin of a newborn.

External factors for the development of skin inflammation include:

  • room temperature;
  • air humidity;
  • presence of free air circulation;
  • aggressive effect on the baby’s skin of urine, sweat, secretions;
  • the presence or absence of proper care.

So-called internal factors include:

  • congenital diseases;
  • the child has allergies;
  • other dermatological diseases.

A combination of factors leads to the development of inflammatory processes on the skin, which are aggravated by the emergence of an infectious, bacterial environment.

A conditionally pathological environment tends to develop under conditions of humidity and heat. Therefore, the extreme stage of inflammation of the skin is characterized by the presence on the child’s body:

  • wound;
  • cracks on the child's body.

Diaper rash in newborns occurs regardless of the quality of care; many parents, literally blowing dust off their baby, are faced with diaper rash.

What is the cause of inflammation, how to treat diaper rash in newborns?


The symptoms of skin inflammation are characteristic and are not difficult to diagnose. The development of inflammation occurs quickly, replacing one phase of the inflammatory process with another within a few hours.

Stages of inflammation:

  1. Redness of the affected area.
  2. The appearance of a clear boundary of skin lesions, small rashes.
  3. Formation of cracks in skin folds.

At the first stage, the baby’s skin turns red in the affected area, but does not cause much discomfort.

Rapidly developing into the second stage, diaper rash is already an enlarged affected area of ​​skin on which small red rashes form.

At the third stage:

  • the skin takes on a crimson tint;
  • the affected area becomes clearly defined;
  • a weeping crack forms deep in the fold of skin.

Localization of the disease

The rate of development of diaper rash largely depends on the location of the lesion. For example, in the groin area, inflammation will develop faster due to the aggressive effect of urine on the skin of the newborn.

In some areas of the body, the inflammatory process occurs somewhat more slowly due to less exposure to secretions and moisture, such as:

  • folds on the handles;
  • legs.

However, inflammation can occur in any fold of a newborn’s body; for this, an untimely diaper change or stuffy room is enough.

Diaper rash on the butt

Diaper rash on butt Newborns occur most often, the reason for this is the constant exposure of feces to the baby’s skin.

As a rule, newborns, for the convenience of parents, wear diapers or, less commonly, cloth diapers. The skin under the diapers does not breathe, and even at a moderate air temperature in the bedroom, the baby’s bottom sweats.

In addition, frequent urination regularly moisturizes the skin, creating irritation from urine.

The next factor is timely changing of diapers. At night, especially, changing diapers does not always happen as needed.

There are several reasons for this:

  • parents may not check the baby “for dryness” in a timely manner;
  • will not disturb the baby's sweet sleep.

All this together leads to conditions favorable for the development of inflammation of the child’s delicate skin.

Irritation, inflammation of the skin of the butt, between the buttocks, looks like an irritated red area that causes discomfort after each urination.
Urine entering the wounds creates a painful burning sensation, which disturbs the newborn and can cause restless behavior, agitation, and crying of the child.

External symptoms of inflammation on the butt:

  • child's moodiness;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • loss of appetite;
  • crying during or after bowel movements;
  • motor activity.

During this period, the first symptoms appear on the skin:

  • redness;
  • rash.

It is important to start treatment at this moment, otherwise, very soon, within 20-40 minutes of inactivity, inflammation can take on a more serious form:

  • the appearance of wounds deep in the folds of the skin:
  • cracks.


Diaper rash in a baby begins to be treated with the use of:

  • antiseptics;
  • antibacterial ointments;
  • powders;
  • aerosols.

The first step is to eliminate the external factors that lead to diaper rash:

  1. Reduce the elevated temperature in the room.
  2. Ventilate the room.
  3. Give your baby a bath, adding a few mg to the water. manganese
  4. Change your vest and hat to lighter, more breathable ones, made of natural fabric.
  5. Replace the diaper with a diaper made from a piece of gauze.

Gauze - “grandmother’s” diapers, made independently from a piece of gauze, 0.5 x 1.0 m in size, allow air to pass through well without creating a “greenhouse effect”.

Treatment of diaper rash in infants is carried out using:

  • medicinal;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial agents;
  • antiseptics.

They also use some alternative methods of treatment.

Therapy for minor rashes and skin irritations on the butt includes:

  1. Treating the affected areas between the buttocks with an antiseptic.
  2. Use antibacterial and healing ointment.
  3. For preventive purposes, you can use powder.

Antiseptics for treating affected skin:

  • chlorhexidine;
  • decoction of chamomile;
  • sequences;
  • lovage

Diaper rash on the neck

Diaper rash on the neck of a baby occurs as a result of overheating and, accordingly, excessive sweating.

These conditions occur when:

  • elevated temperature in the room;
  • wrapping the child too tightly and warmly;
  • using a hat that is not the right size for the baby or that is too warm for the home.

As a rule, there are no other reasons for the appearance of prickly heat or diaper rash, except moisture and heat.

Diaper rash on the neck looks like a small pink rash; only in advanced cases, cracks may appear in the fold between the neck and back.

Cervical diaper rash brings discomfort, especially if skin irritation from rubbing against a hat or vest is added to the conditions that promote inflammation.
Therefore, when buying personal items for a child, you need to choose clothes from soft, only natural fabrics, strictly in size. Clothes that are too small or too large can cause chafing on your baby's skin.


Treatment of diaper rash in infants or newborns on the neck can be combined with taking baths to which herbs are added:

  • chamomile;
  • celandine.

Decoctions of these herbs:

  • relieve irritation;
  • prevent the development of bacterial flora.

The affected area of ​​skin gradually becomes lighter, the rash and wounds disappear. The use of herbs has a beneficial effect on the skin and sleep of the newborn.

Diaper rash therapy is carried out after bathing and includes:

  • use of antiseptics;
  • the use of anti-inflammatory and wound-healing drugs.

As an antiseptic ointment you can use:

  • salicylic ointment;
  • ointment based on zinc oxide.

These ointments have drying and wound healing properties. Apply them to the affected skin of the neck in a thin layer after taking baths.

Panthenol spray is also great for treating diaper rash. Thanks to its convenient application, the aerosol fits perfectly on the skin, absorbs without leaving marks on clothes.
The properties of Panthenol cope with inflammation on the baby’s skin and have the following properties:

  • tread;
  • antimicrobial,
  • bactericidal.

When spraying the aerosol, you should be very careful to avoid getting the medicine on the child’s mucous membranes.

It is better to use a remedy for diaper rash in newborns after consultation with a pediatrician who has more information about the condition of the newborn.

Diaper rash in armpits

Diaper rash in the armpits of a newborn occurs due to:

  • sweating;
  • overheating

The general conditions for the development of factors that provoke diaper rash are the same.

Reasons for inflammation of diaper rash in the armpits:

  • warm clothes;
  • poor air ventilation;
  • sweating

Diaper rash symptoms:

  • redness;
  • skin rash;
  • cracks in the folds of skin under the armpits.

The initial redness of the affected area should be treated as quickly as possible.

This will prevent further development of inflammation:

  • rash;
  • the appearance of wounds;
  • cracks in folds.


Treatment is carried out according to a familiar scheme:

  • antiseptic treatment;
  • use of diaper cream, ointment, anti-inflammatory agent;
  • prevention.

Antiseptic agents can be used:

  • in the form of a solution - chlorhexidine;
  • in the form of a paste – zinc;
  • antibacterial ointment – ​​Bepanten, Panthenol, sea buckthorn oil.

Additionally, baths are used for bathing, with the addition of antiseptic decoctions - chamomile, string.

You can treat diaper rash in newborns on your own at the beginning of the first stage of inflammation, and if wounds and cracks occur, it is better to seek the advice of a pediatrician.


Prevention of diaper rash in newborns may benefit from daily use and elimination of external causes.

For preventive purposes use:

  • drying;
  • bactericidal agents.

This could be baby diaper cream.

Diaper rash can be completely cured by eliminating all factors and creating the proper conditions. In practice, this is not entirely possible, but preventive measures will reduce the likelihood of developing inflammation.


Protection against diaper rash in babies begins with preventing the disease.

Creating comfortable conditions includes:

  • maintaining air temperature and humidity;
  • timely change of diapers and clothes;
  • use of medications;
  • use of herbal remedies - sea buckthorn ointment, Bepanten, zinc ointment.

Good day, dear readers! Today the topic of conversation will be diaper rash in newborns - how to treat it, photos of the best remedies that will help get rid of irritation and methods of prevention.

Diaper rash on a baby's skin can lead to severe suppuration in the affected skin areas. To protect your baby from suffering, and yourself from worries, I suggest reading this article.

Diaper rash occurs quite often in newborns. This pathology may be associated with rubbing, constant contact with moisture or overheating of certain areas of the skin. It is important to notice the disease in time in order to begin treatment as quickly as possible, because an advanced version of diaper rash can lead to consequences in the form of inflammation or suppuration.

But why are young mothers so often associated with the problem of diaper rash in their newborn children?

Oddly enough, one of the reasons for the appearance of this disease is the parent himself. Inappropriate child care can lead to diaper rash. By wrapping the baby in another diaper, an inexperienced mother blocks the access of air to the baby’s body.

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Another common cause is an incorrectly worn diaper. If a parent overtightens the fasteners on the diaper and does not straighten the folds of the product at the legs after completing the process, friction is created, resulting in irritation on the skin.

But main causes of diaper rash Other factors are considered, such as:

  • Moisture. The child has bowel movements frequently. The parent quickly changes the diaper without allowing either the bottom or the groin to dry. Or after water procedures, the newborn does not have time to dry completely, and they are already starting to dress him.

  • Diarrhea. The process of defecation, in principle, greatly irritates the anus, which is why redness appears in the corresponding place.
  • Diaper. If the diaper is not suitable for the child (based on the chemical composition: for example, fragrance), diaper rash also occurs.
  • Hygiene products. Again, if the soap or powder used to wash his clothes is not suitable for the child, then they can become the causative agent of the disease.

This is not a complete list of possible causes of diaper rash. Therefore, parents should always treat their newborn with special attention.

But how can you tell if your baby has diaper rash?

2. Symptoms of diaper rash in a newborn

Noticed irritation on your baby's skin? It is likely that you are faced with the problem of diaper rash. Signs vary depending on what the diaper rash looks like.

There are three levels in total:

  1. blood flow(weak hyperemia).
  2. Skin redness, the appearance of microcracks, suppuration of the affected areas of the body in the form of small erosions.
  3. Severe hyperemia. Microcracks begin to release moisture. Detachment of the skin and inflammation in areas of skin damage are possible.

Diaper rash can occur in different parts of the body, let's figure out what to do if you notice irritation on your child's body.

3. If diaper rash occurs in the groin

Fat deposits predominate in the groin, and it is they that provoke constant friction of the skin. Moreover, this place is a favorite place for bacteria to grow.

If diaper rash in the groin is minor, treatment will not be difficult at all.

The main thing to remember is one important rule: the baby’s skin must breathe. Give your baby air baths. Always wait until the skin is completely dry before changing a diaper.

Do not use diaper rash cream in this area.

Diaper rash in the groin is best treated infusion of herbs or chamomile. To consolidate the result, apply with a cotton pad. zinc ointment to the damaged area of ​​the body. Our grandmothers used potato starch. Now it is being replaced with powder.

4. If diaper rash occurs on the butt

Even the most expensive diaper will not be able to protect your newborn from irritation on the butt. A large amount of moisture accumulates here, since the product is not able to absorb all the liquid after urination.

It is better to wipe diaper rash on the butt chamomile infusion. Change diapers as often as possible (every 2-3 hours). The child should not be in a diaper every minute; the skin should have access to air. If such measures do not help - use potassium permanganate.

5. If diaper rash occurs under the arms

As in the case of the groin area, diaper rash under the arms is formed due to constant friction of the skin. Irritations often appear precisely in the places where newborns fold. Parents often ask themselves the question, how to deal with diaper rash in these places?

Usually, to care for the baby’s delicate skin, they offer a number of preventive measures:

  • ventilated room,
  • baths with chamomile or potassium permanganate,
  • treating baby's folds with baby powder.

If the degree of redness increases, your doctor may prescribe a diaper rash remedy.

A fairly common remedy for irritation is bepanthen ointment.

6. If diaper rash occurs on the neck

Since diaper rash tends to appear in the folds of newborns, the neck is no exception. And although they occur here much less frequently than in the groin or butt, this does not exclude the possibility of redness.

The neck is an open area of ​​the body; to treat it, you can use any ointment for diaper rash, or use baby cream.

For prevention purposes, pediatricians recommend giving the child a bath with chamomile, and then giving the newborn a full body massage, rubbing baby oil into the baby’s skin.

7. If diaper rash occurs behind the ears

Sometimes irritation also appears behind the baby’s ears. There is nothing wrong with this, because the ears are an open part of the body. Unlike the groin area, there is no pathogen such as a diaper, which impedes the flow of air to the damaged area of ​​the skin.

Usually parents do not have questions about how to remove diaper rash behind the ears, but if you doubt the correctness of your actions, I will tell you. The treatment process is no different from preventative care measures for the neck or underarms. Simply apply to the reddened area bepanthen ointment.

8. If diaper rash occurs on the arms or legs

This is an extremely rare case, but sometimes skin irritation can occur on the arms (legs) of a newborn.

To eliminate them, it is enough to use regularly any baby cream, both domestic and foreign brands. Parents may rarely notice the occurrence of diaper rash on a child’s limbs, because procedures such as a chamomile bath and airing the room usually prevent the onset of the disease in the very first stages.

9. How to treat diaper rash in a newborn

I have already written about the fact that the degree of diaper rash varies.

  1. If treatment for irritation begins at the initial stage, it is enough to get by with walks in the fresh air.
  2. Don't forget that your baby's skin needs to breathe. Therefore, the child needs to have air baths. Completely undress the baby (take off the diaper too!) To keep the baby warm, you can cover him with a light diaper. Let him lie there for at least 15 minutes.
  3. You also need to apply various creams to the child’s skin that is susceptible to irritation. Zinc ointment is perfect; it can repel moisture from affected areas. Irritations behind the ears, on the neck, and on the limbs can be treated with Bepanthen ointment.
  4. If diaper rash appears in the form of suppuration, it is better to consult a doctor. In such cases, there is no need to engage in amateur activities; incorrectly selected treatment can harm the newborn.

And here’s what the famous pediatrician Komarovsky thinks about it:

10. Preventive measures

It is always easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. To avoid possible consequences from diaper rash, carefully monitor changes in your baby’s skin.

Walk with your newborn more often, monitor the air temperature in the room. After evening water procedures, wipe your child dry. Change your baby's diapers every 2-3 hours, even at night. Try to leave your baby without a diaper as often as possible so that the groin area and bottom are ventilated.

Treat your baby's skin with ointments and creams. If you suspect any complications, call your doctor.

Remember, dear readers, that newborn babies are defenseless and cannot tell us what is bothering them. Only an attentive and loving mother can help her baby. Share with your friends a guide on how to protect your baby from diaper rash.

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Every mother has to deal with the problem of diaper rash in newborns, because their skin is delicate and vulnerable. The child’s well-being and mood depend on the parents’ ability to care for him and prevent irritation in vulnerable areas. Modern hygiene products and high-quality disposable diapers will help avoid the risk of diaper rash in children.

Causes of diaper rash in infants

The skin properties of different babies differ. Someone can stay in the same diaper for a long time, while others instantly develop rashes and redness in the area in contact with the diaper. The tendency to diaper rash may also depend on the composition of urine and feces. High concentrations of uric acid and salt in urine increase the likelihood of irritation in the groin and buttocks.

An important factor is the frequency of urination and bowel movements in newborns. Breast milk acts as a laxative, so it is normal for stool to be evacuated during or shortly after each feeding. In the first months of life, the consistency of stool is liquid, which leads to diaper rash. Complementary feeding also provokes loose stools and the aggressive effect of feces on the skin in the groin and butt.

Inept child care, untimely replacement of diapers and wet onesies are the main cause of irritation in the area of ​​contact between skin and wet fabric. If the skin does not breathe for a long time, is not cleaned, or is exposed to the greenhouse effect inside diapers, it reacts to this by causing damage. Diaper rash that appears from contact with diapers and nappies is called diaper dermatitis.

Types of diaper rash and their signs

Diaper rash is classified by severity:

The photo shows what skin damage due to diaper rash looks like. Primary defects can be affected by bacteria and fungi. Types of skin manifestations:

  1. Contact dermatitis. Reddish rashes in areas of contact with urine and feces.
  2. Allergic anal ring. Redness in the anus as a result of a reaction to the addition of new foods to the diet.
  3. Intertrigo. Abrasions in the groin and in the folds of the skin due to sweating and friction.
  4. Impetigo. Infection of damaged areas with staphylococci and streptococci. It is characterized by the appearance of watery blisters and pustules, which eventually become crusty.
  5. Candidomycosis. Skin infection by fungi. Accompanied by itching, weeping, and pinpoint swelling. A characteristic sign is the formation of rims of exfoliating skin around the spots.
  6. Seborrheic eczema. Large, swollen red spots with a rough and oily surface. The main location is the lower abdomen.

Diaper rash also varies in location. They can be in the groin, buttocks, on the neck, under the armpits, in boys - around the testicles and on the penis. Overweight babies have many folds of skin, they can be located on the legs and arms. Any folds increase the risk of diaper rash.

If you have any symptoms, you should consult a doctor?

If a baby has severe damage to the skin (deep cracks, suppuration, persistent weeping), which cannot be quickly removed, he should be shown to a doctor. It may be necessary to undergo additional tests on fragments of skin defects to make an accurate diagnosis. Diaper rash of the second and third degrees should be treated only under the supervision of a pediatrician. Infectious skin manifestations are treated by an infectious disease specialist or dermatologist.

General recommendations for hygiene and care of the baby when diaper rash appears

The main requirement in the presence of diaper dermatitis is to minimize the time of contact of the child’s skin with feces. Your baby's diaper needs to be changed as often as possible.

When the baby is at home, you should remove the diaper and change it immediately after urinating and bowel movement, after washing it with baby soap. Wash damaged skin carefully, without using hard washcloths. The water should be warm or room temperature. The washed skin should be carefully blotted with a soft cloth and diaper rash should be treated with powder, oil or cream.

It is important to increase the time of air baths so that the skin breathes more and does not come into contact with the fabric. To avoid damaging your baby's furniture or mattress, you can lay him naked on disposable diapers with a waterproof outer layer. Reusable diapers should be washed with baby soap or powder intended for infants, rinsed thoroughly and ironed on both sides to eliminate the presence of allergens and germs.

If the child is away from home, a diaper is essential, but they should be changed frequently and the perineum and genitals should be cleaned with special baby wipes or an aerosol. Currently, there are many hypoallergenic hygiene products. Diaper rash should also be treated before putting on a diaper. In this case, you need to choose only breathable diapers.

When caring for your baby, you must first wash your hands with soap or treat them with antiseptics. The changing surface should also be treated.

Instructions for use of ointment, powder and other external agents

Thick ointments, creams, powders, and mash should be applied to dry skin so that they do not form lumps that further injure the skin. If your baby has a lot of folds on his body, you need to check them all and then treat them. It is unacceptable to use powder and cream at the same time, because Lumps will form. Ointments and creams should be applied to the palms, distributed evenly, and then lubricated with the palms of the perineum, buttocks and genital area.

It is preferable to use the cream for dry, flaky skin, and the powder for normal skin and weeping skin. When exuding, it is better to choose drying ointments, for example, zinc. A good option is to use Sun cream powder. It is enough to apply it to the damaged areas, and after a while it turns into a silky powder.

The best manufacturers of anti-diaper rash products

The best pharmaceutical remedies for diaper rash in babies are medicinal ointments and creams Bepanten, Sanosan, Tsindol mash and Baneocin powder, etc. (more details in the article:). For fungal infections, skin lesions should be treated with Clotrimazole, Fukortsin and other antifungal drugs (we recommend reading:). For severe dermatitis, external medications are not enough; it can be completely cured only with the addition of oral medications.

Hygiene procedures play an important role both in the treatment and in the prevention of diaper rash. The world leader in the production of hygiene products is the American company Johnson & Johnson. The following are produced under this brand:

The company also produces baby soap, cream soap for washing, powder, oil, bathing foam and milk. All products are hypoallergenic and tested by dermatologists and allergists.

The French laboratory Bioderma produces the ABCDerm series for skin care for newborns:

  • micellar aqueous solution (used from birth, except for premature babies);
  • cleansing wipes;
  • creams for the prevention and treatment of diaper rash;
  • Babysquam cream for seborrheic dermatitis;
  • cleansing milk for the diaper contact area;
  • cold cream that creates a protective film;
  • balm, cleansing cream and milk Ato+ with zinc salts for atopic dermatitis.

The ABCDerm series also includes oils, foams, mousses and shampoos for child care. Astellas Pharma's Locobase series drugs replenish the lack of lipids in the stratum corneum of the epidermis, penetrate into the deeper layers, providing long-term support to the skin. The Bulgarian brand Quack-Quack is popular on the Russian market. The Russian manufacturer Avanta produces a series of newborn care products “My Sunshine”, incl. products with panthenol and herbal extracts. The international company Bayer produces ointments for the treatment of diaper rash Bepanten and Bepantol Baby.

Effective folk recipes

Bathing at home with the addition of herbal decoctions (chamomile, string, oak bark) is useful for children. The decoctions are boiled for 30 minutes in a water bath, then filtered and poured into bathing water. Ingredient ratio: 2 tbsp. herbs for 1 tbsp. water. Herbs have antiseptic properties and reduce redness and itching. The use of medicinal plants must be agreed with the pediatrician, because they can cause allergies in the baby.

Another recipe from grandmothers is wiping vulnerable areas with sterilized vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, sea buckthorn, etc.). The oil is kept in a water bath, preventing it from boiling. The baby should be treated with cooled oil. Starch from potato juice helps fight redness. Recently, doctors do not approve of this method, because... starch tends to form lumps.

Possible complications of untimely treatment

If diaper dermatitis is not treated promptly, the areas of skin defects will begin to rapidly expand. Erosive manifestations can be infected by viruses and bacteria of the group of cocci, herpes, etc., as well as various fungi.

Children who are not breastfed are especially susceptible to infection through the skin. Soreness and itching of the skin will cause restless behavior, crying, and whims. The child's nervous system will be at risk.

Prevention of diaper rash in infants

Prevention measures:

  1. Timely change of diapers, diapers, panties. The amount of time your baby's skin comes into contact with wet or fecal-stained fabric should be minimized. You need to choose breathable disposable diapers and do not tighten the fasteners too tightly.
  2. Daily air baths. If possible, the child should be given the opportunity to be naked at each diaper or diaper change, alternately on the back and tummy. For air baths, it is advisable to place the baby on a disposable diaper with a waterproof outer layer.
  3. The right choice of clothes. Children's clothes adjacent to the body should be made of soft cotton fabric, made with seams facing outwards and not be too small for the child.
  4. Proper washing. Reusable nappies and diapers, children's clothing should be washed only with products intended for children, or with neutral baby soap, rinsed thoroughly and ironed on both sides.
  5. Be careful when choosing complementary foods. New foods should be introduced gradually, no more than one product per week. This will allow you to track the reaction of the child’s body, incl. leather, new.

All actions must be coordinated with the pediatrician and visiting nurse. For babies with very sensitive skin, it is advisable to apply special creams under the diaper, especially at night. Daily careful care and attention to your baby's skin in problem areas will reduce the risk of diaper dermatitis.

Komarovsky's opinion

Ukrainian pediatrician Evgeniy Komarovsky, known from the TV show “Doctor Komarovsky’s School,” believes that there are 2 causes of diaper rash - improper functioning of the sebaceous glands and improper care. Mild diaper rash is inevitable in the first 3 months of a baby's life and does not require treatment. Drug care is carried out when diaper dermatitis is widespread and itching occurs. Evgeniy Olegovich believes that the best treatment for diaper rash is sunbathing and frequent bathing. He believes that it is better to dry diapers and onesies not on a radiator, but in the sun, after boiling them first.

If the mother has little time, the baby can wear diapers all day long, but they must be of high quality and breathable. A child’s thermoregulation is carried out through the lungs, so if the room is cool and the baby can breathe easily, then the skin in the diaper will not rot.