
How to replace oregano in cooking. Dried oregano (Oregano) - what is it? Caution should be exercised when consuming this plant in any form.

How to replace oregano in cooking.  Dried oregano (Oregano) - what is it?  Caution should be exercised when consuming this plant in any form.

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than cooking for yourself))


Among the many spices of Mediterranean cuisine, there is a tart spice. Its taste is bitter, but surprisingly warm - it cannot be confused with anything else. Thanks to its special piquancy, you can achieve an unforgettable taste without adding any more spices. The plant has found application not only in culinary arts, but also in folk medicine.

What is oregano

People knew how to prepare a dish with forest mint back in ancient times. The first description of this plant is given in a source from the 1st century AD. “The Joy of the Mountains” - this is how oregano began to be called in Greek at that time. The name was associated with the special aroma of species growing in the mountains, which have a piquant taste that could please even the most discerning gourmet.

We need to figure it out: oregano – what is it? The spice looks like a herbaceous perennial bush with small inflorescences, reaching a height of more than half a meter; it looks like thyme. It begins to bloom no earlier than the second year of life. In cooking, fresh flowers or leaves are used, which are added to dishes and drinks, but the dried stem is stored longer. The main difference from other seasonings, for example, marjoram, is its pronounced taste. Store dry oregano in a hermetically sealed container.

Oregano - beneficial properties

For all its usefulness, this culinary ingredient, both fresh and dried, has contraindications. These include stomach diseases: chronic gastritis, as well as ulcers. If an expectant mother is invited to dinner, you will also have to think about how to replace forest mint or how to prepare a dish without spices: consuming it during pregnancy can lead to miscarriage. Even healthy people are not recommended to overuse the spice. Men should be especially careful, because excess seasoning can lead to decreased erection.

Oregano – seasoning

Fresh and dried oregano is used in cooking; the seasoning is in great demand. Dishes where this spice is added are varied. In Italy it is called “herb for mushrooms” and is combined with meat, fish, potatoes, mushrooms and even desserts. Ice cream with forest mint is very tasty, the refreshing effect increases. You can add dried spice to a ham sandwich. Combined with lemon, garlic and olive oil, dried oregano is a suitable ingredient for a marinade. The spice is used to prepare salads and sauces – it’s also very tasty.

Oregano - uses

The key to the usefulness of oregano spice is careful use, in which all substances are preserved. When preparing dishes with it, you need to follow some rules so that it turns out both healthy and tasty. You need to add forest mint shortly before the end of cooking and in small quantities. This spice goes well with many well-known seasonings - basil, thyme. The same herbs can be used when you have to decide what to replace forest mint with and how to prepare something from Italian cuisine without it, although it is difficult to imagine Mediterranean cooking without oregano.

Professionals working in the kitchens of famous restaurants, as well as experienced housewives, know very well that from a completely trivial set of products you can prepare dishes that can differ significantly from each other.

Meanwhile, the original taste, unique aroma and special attractiveness can be given to most culinary delights by the right combinations of spices and aromatic herbs.

Some of these products deserve additional attention and a more detailed study of their capabilities. In this case, an experienced cook would first of all recommend taking a closer look at oregano or oregano (as it is also called). In Italian cuisine, this seasoning quite rightly occupies a special place, giving traditional dishes a characteristic taste and aroma.

What is oregano?

The oregano plant itself or oregano is an annual half-meter shrub. He comes from the Mediterranean region. The main countries supplying this seasoning are: Türkiye, Greece, Syria.

Originating from the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, oregano has been successfully grown in both Europe and Africa. In particular, the ancient Egyptians cultivated this plant for more than 3,000 years. In Ancient Greece, during the era called classical, this spice was widely used for both culinary and medicinal purposes. Well, oregano began to actively penetrate into other European countries from the 13th century.

Oregano has many names:

  • spiritual color,

  • bedbugs

The name of the plant itself comes from a Greek phrase literally translated as “the joy of the mountains” or “the decoration of the mountain.” Because during flowering, oregano covers the mountain slopes with a bright, fragrant carpet. It looks very impressive and even magical. Even now, the wild variety of oregano remains quite common on the slopes of the mountain ranges of Spain or Italy.

This herb has been widely used since ancient times not only as a remedy. The ancient Egyptians considered it an excellent disinfectant and preservative, and the ancient Romans mixed it with lavender and rosemary, using it to scent baths and clothes.

In fact, there is a difference between oregano and ordinary oregano:

    oregano is a wild plant, best suited for pickling and teas;

    Oregano is an excellent seasoning that is grown specially and more and more new varieties continue to be developed.

This spice has gained the greatest popularity due to its excellent combination with meat dishes, vegetables and seafood.

Composition, calorie content and properties of seasoning

100 g of product contains approximately 306 Kcal, 11 g. protein, 20 gr. carbohydrates and 10 g. fat But essential oils, the composition of which is simply amazing, are of great value.

In fact, oregano contains 2 valuable essential oils: thymol and carvacrol. They have antibacterial and antioxidant properties, which allow these substances to be used for a wide variety of medicinal purposes:

    with their help you can relieve pain in the digestive system,

    effectively fight various infections

    and even repel annoying insects.

Full calorie table

general information Carbohydrates Minerals Vitamins Lipids Amino acids
Water 9.93 g Sucrose 0.91 g Calcium, Ca 1597 mg Vitamin C 2.3 mg Fatty acids, saturated 1.551 g Tryptophan 0.203 g
Energy value 265 kcal Glucose (dextrose) 1.9 g Iron, Fe 36.8 mg Thiamine 0.177 mg 10:0 0.004 g Threonine 0.322 g
Energy 1107 kJ Fructose 1.13 g Magnesium, Mg 270 mg Riboflavin 0.528 mg 12:0 0.246 g Isoleucine 0.441 g
Proteins 9 g Galactose 0.15 g Phosphorus, P 148 mg Nicotinic acid 4.64 mg 14:0 0.004 g Leucine 0.78 g
Fat 4.28 g Potassium, K 1260 mg Pantothenic acid 0.921 mg 16:0 0.792 g Lysine 0.5 g
Inorganic substances 7.87 g Sodium, Na 25 mg Vitamin B-6 1.044 mg 18:0 0.505 g Methionine 0.127 g
Carbohydrates 68.92 g Zinc, Zn 2.69 mg Folate, 237 mcg total Fatty acids, monounsaturated 0.716 g Cystine 0.11 g
Fiber 42.5 g Copper, Cu 0.633 mg Folic acid, food grade 237 mcg 16:1 undifferentiated 0.004 g Phenylalanine 0.449 g
Sugar, total 4.09 g Manganese, Mn 4.99 mg Folic acid, DFE 237 mcg 18:1 undifferentiated 0.712 g Tyrosine 0.297 g
Selenium, Se 4.5 μg Choline, total 32.3 mg 18:1 c 0.712 g Valine 0.585 g
Betaine 9.8 mg Fatty acids, polyunsaturated 1.369 g Arginine 0.449 g
Vitamin A, RAE 85 mcg 18:2 undifferentiated 0.748 g Histidine 0.144 g
Carotene, beta 1007 mcg 18:3 undifferentiated 0.621 g Alanine 0.5 g
Carotene, alpha 20 mcg 18:3 n-3 c,c,c (ALA) 0.621 g Aspartic acid 1.009 g
Cryptoxanthin, beta 7 mcg Phytosterols 203 mg Glutamic acid 0.975 g
Vitamin A, IU 1701 IU Glycine 0.517 g
Lutein + zeaxanthin 1895 mcg Proline 1.712 g
Vitamin E (alpha tocopherol) 18.26 mg Serine 0.314 g
Tocopherol, gamma 24.42 mg
Tocopherol, delta 0.92 mg
Vitamin K (phylloquinone) 621.7 mcg

But this is not the entire composition of oregano. So, the spice also contains other elements:


    B vitamins, vitamin A;

    ascorbic acid;

  • tannins;



    rosmarinic acid and others.

Article on the topic: What is bulgur, the beneficial properties of cereals, its contraindications and several recipes.

Beneficial features

Among a wide variety of spices and aromatic herbs rich in antioxidants, oregano ranks first. The phenols and polyphenols it contains can effectively counteract various harmful effects on the body's cells, including sources of threat such as cancer. No less important is the use of oregano in the prevention of diseases affecting the circulatory and cardiovascular systems.

The significant content of calcium, iron, fiber, manganese and vitamin K, as well as the essential oils already mentioned, allows this seasoning to have an inhibitory effect on the development and growth of harmful bacteria in the mouth and intestines. A successful combination of essential oils and other valuable components opens up many possibilities.

In addition, oregano:

    resists intoxication of the body;

    accelerates cell regeneration;

    is a natural antiseptic;

    has a positive effect on the nervous system;

    and, in general, due to its rich vitamin and mineral composition, it has a beneficial effect on the entire body and strengthens the immune system.

Use in folk medicine

Naturally, adherents of traditional medicine could not ignore such a storehouse of vitamins. They actively use oregano for:


    cough and sore throat,


Infusions, decoctions, teas, compresses and baths are made from parts of the plant. It is believed that oregano is a good antidepressant, sedative and even sleeping pill (the latter applies more to children, who can be given tea with oregano if they sleep restlessly).

The spice also helps to survive a severe hangover, as it speeds up metabolism and removes toxins.

The seasoning is useful for women's health. It relieves pain during menstruation and helps during hormonal imbalances during menopause.

For a nursing mother, oregano will stimulate lactation.

The plant has diuretic, choleretic, diaphoretic and expectorant properties.

The strong half of humanity can take the spice so that everything is in order with male power. The main thing is just not to abuse it.

Increases appetite, which is actively used in the fight against anorexia.

And external use of oregano relieves itching and reduces inflammation.

The magical side of the issue

Since ancient times, this herb was called “wife’s grass” and was used as an anti-love spell. It was believed that if a husband begins to look towards young girls, then he needs to add oregano to his tea and then he will come to his senses.

There is some truth in this, since it is highly undesirable for men to consume excessive amounts of spice. This negatively affects libido.

Contraindications and harm

Where there are benefits, there are also contraindications. This case is no exception - oregano can cause harm. We have already mentioned men twice, but that’s not all. People who should avoid eating oregano:

    with cardiovascular diseases,

  • with kidney and liver diseases,

    for allergy sufferers (especially those who are allergic to lavender, mint, sage, basil),


    pregnant women.

In addition, it is better to limit the intake of spices before surgery (2-3 weeks), as it can affect blood clotting.

And those who take any medications should definitely consult with their doctor.

Role in cooking

Oregano can go well not only with Italian dishes, rich in tomatoes, olive oil, different types of cheese and meat products.

This aromatic seasoning plays a significant role in various cuisines - from Greek to Mexican. It successfully enhances dishes made from seafood, eggs, vegetables, and various types of meat or fish.

It is used in the preparation of marinades, sauces and even bread. In some ways, oregano is more than a simple aromatic additive. And the whole secret of this special position lies in the essential oil contained in this plant.

Back in the Middle Ages, oregano began to be used in European countries to add a refined aroma not only to local dishes and cereals, but also to various sweets, cakes and puddings. There is written evidence that back in the 14th century in Spain, oregano was used in preparing shellfish dishes and added to stews.

But during the Renaissance, this spice, among other things, became a popular component used in the preparation of beer, mead and ale. It is worth knowing that without a bunch of oregano you cannot prepare a real béchamel sauce, since it is part of the famous “bouquet garni”, which must be added to milk at the initial stage.

"Bouquet Garni"

This “bouquet” is a fairly simple and truly ingenious invention of the famous chef, which, unfortunately, is not so often used by modern housewives. Some people don’t want to cause themselves additional trouble, while others simply forget in the chaos of the kitchen about such an important component that can give the simplest dish originality, aroma and unforgettable taste. Meanwhile, everything is very simple.

Simply take some fresh parsley, thyme, rosemary and oregano, tie them together and drop them into broth or other liquid at the right time. There is actually no standard recipe for making such a bouquet - the very principle of flavoring a dish with the help of a bunch of several aromatic herbs, which after use are removed from the pan and simply thrown away, is important.

If desired, you can add bay leaves and sage or any other components to this “bouquet”. Adding bouquet garni to marinades used to pre-process fish, poultry or meat not only takes advantage of the antioxidant properties of aromatic spices, but also imparts a delicious taste to the final product. And it is desirable that one of the components is oregano.

Video about the benefits of oregano (oregano)

Today I will talk about an amazingly healthy seasoning, about the dishes with which it can be served, I will give several recipes and, of course, I will dwell in more detail on the beneficial and harmful properties. So what is oregano?

Despite its euphonious name, you don’t have to go to an Italian restaurant to look for this seasoning, although it undoubtedly occupies a special place in the cuisine of this country. In Russian, the Italian additive sounds much more familiar - just oregano.

It grows almost everywhere and can be grown without much difficulty even in an ordinary garden plot. For those housewives who are not good with herbs, I will dwell in a little more detail on the appearance of the plant. This is a shrub that includes several trunks, oval-shaped leaves of a gray-green hue and white, less often pink, flowers.

Varieties of oregano

Oregano is usually divided into types depending on the place where it grows. The most popular are the following several types:

  1. Greek.
  2. Syrian.
  3. Turkish and others.

Each variety includes individual individuals of that plant. They all differ in smell and taste - this is the most important thing you need to pay attention to when preparing a dish with this seasoning. An incorrectly selected aroma will negate all the efforts expended and the treat will be ruined along with the mood.

Now I will talk about those varieties that are widely known:

  1. Oregano "Greek Kalteri". This variety stands out for its bright aroma. It gives the dish a rich spicy taste. This additive goes well with many dishes and chefs love it for this.
  2. "Nana." This addition is an ideal addition to spicy dishes. It has a strong spicy aroma and a slightly tart taste.
  3. Among the varieties with a mild taste, “Aureum” can be distinguished. But this variety is served as a serving element for a treat.
  4. Among the domestic representatives that can boast of a rich smell, the fragrant bunch stands out.

Now that we know the simpler and more understandable name of this dietary supplement and its appearance, we can talk about what it is eaten with.

Dishes you can serve with oregano

  1. Potatoes baked in the oven.
  2. Omelettes.
  3. Fish seasonings and sauces.
  4. Meat dishes and marinade.
  5. Soups.

Also, oregano is added during the preparation of drinks such as beer or kvass. It is added, as a rule, 5-7 minutes before the end of cooking.

Like any food additive, oregano combines both benefits and harm. In general, when choosing any additive, it would be a good idea to read about it first, in case one of your guests feels bad about what’s on the table? If such a danger exists, you can simply prepare several small portions that do not contain seasonings that are dangerous to humans, this will help avoid unpleasant situations.

Beneficial features

  1. Oregano, despite its popularity and indispensability in the culinary field, is still primarily a medicinal plant. It contains essential oils, which allows you to quickly heal wounds.
  2. Oregano will help cope with such troubles as poisoning, diarrhea, has a cleansing effect, and prevents the growth of harmful bacteria that have entered the body. However, this property also has a downside: with the help of aromatic spices, some chefs sometimes mask the staleness of their dishes. Therefore, if something causes you doubts, it is better to refuse the food you brought.
  3. Helps increase muscle tone, normalizes the functioning of the digestive system.
  4. Herbal tea with oregano will relieve anxiety and frustration, help you relax and give you a restful sleep.
  5. This is an excellent painkiller that will help relieve not only headaches, but even toothache and joint pain.

In addition to medicine and cooking, the seasoning is also found in cosmetology. Its essential oils have a good effect on the skin, it becomes fresh, rejuvenated and gets rid of such troubles as cellulite crust.

Despite the amazing value of the spice, there are situations when its use is not only undesirable, but also dangerous.

When should you not use oregano?

  • Oregano should never be taken by women who are pregnant. The fact is that this herb causes the uterus to experience contractions, and this can lead to the loss of the child.
  • If you are taking medications, it is better to leave experiments with oregano until you complete your course of taking pills. Oregano may be incompatible with them.
  • People who have problems with the liver and kidneys should use oregano as carefully as possible.
  • This seasoning is strictly contraindicated for those people who have heart disease, ulcers and suffer from stomach problems.

If you fall into any of the categories I described above, do not take unnecessary risks, hoping that nothing will happen.

It's better not to joke with your health.

What can you replace oregano with?

Replacing an aromatic seasoning is not difficult; you just need to choose the herb with which it is combined. Here are some options:

  1. The most accessible, native and familiar substitute for oregano is regular finely chopped dill.
  2. On store shelves you can often find a mixture of Provence herbs, which is also quite suitable.
  3. Saffron.
  4. Basil. This is an absolutely identical alternative to oregano. Even a herbalist will not feel the difference, especially if you present a tandem of basil and mint in your treat.
  5. Sage.
  6. Cumin and marjoram in their combination will create an even more advantageous composition than oregano itself.

The video will tell you about the medicinal properties of oregano and how to make tea from this plant:

Use in cooking

Dried oregano seasoning is prepared as follows:

  • A biennial plant is cut off when it reaches a height of approximately 20cm.
  • The tops are cut off and left to dry in a dark room with reduced humidity. This could be, for example, attics or basements.

The prepared additive can be stored for no more than 2 months in a place where sunlight does not penetrate.

Omelette with mushrooms and oregano

To prepare this dish you need: 1 glass of milk, a tablespoon of flour, 6 eggs, 300 grams of champignons, herbs, pepper and salt to taste, and actually, oregano, no more than a teaspoon.

  1. First you need to prepare the omelette itself, or rather, beat the cooked eggs with milk and add a little salt. Then add flour to the mixture.
  2. Now we need to deal with the mushrooms. The film must be removed, and the champignons themselves must be thoroughly rinsed under the tap.
  3. The onion is peeled and cut into small pieces.
  4. Mushrooms need to be fried in any oil, it doesn’t matter whether it’s butter or sunflower. The most important thing is that it is almost ready. When the champignons reach this state of readiness, they can be removed from the heat. The degree of cooking is easy to determine: they should be soft.
  5. All prepared ingredients are sent to a deep container and mixed very thoroughly. Now is the time to add the spices along with salt and the oregano itself.
  6. The prepared mixture is poured into a baking dish and placed in an oven preheated to 180-200 degrees for half an hour.

The omelette is served immediately after cooking. Bon appetit.

Among the string of spices and various herbs, oregano stands out - a seasoning famous for its magnificent aroma. Known to people from the earliest times, oregano has firmly taken its place in the palette of spices of culinary specialists all over the world. What is special about this herb, and what dishes is it suitable for? How to properly use oregano (an alternative name is oregano) in the process of creating culinary masterpieces?

The familiar oregano, or overseas oregano - what kind of seasoning is this?

It belongs to the perennial plant species of the Yamnotaceae family. It is distinguished by small oval leaves and neat inflorescences of a whitish or pink hue.

Most oregano can be found in Europe, Russia and the Mediterranean on mountain slopes and forest clearings.

This is interesting. Literally translated from Greek, the word “oregano” means “beauty of the mountains.” This plant has been known to people since ancient times - mentions of it are found in the works of the famous physician Hippocrates.

Useful properties of seasoning

Oregano is often used to create culinary masterpieces - the herb makes an excellent spice.

However, the use of oregano seasoning is not limited to cooking. Oregano is also used in the field of medicine. Its leaves, stems, and flowers are excellent raw materials for making teas and decoctions. External use of oregano in the form of lotions, applications, and compresses for wound healing is acceptable. By adding oregano to your bath, you can provide the body with a tonic effect and improve overall well-being.

How did people know about the medicinal properties of the herb? According to ancient Greek belief, on the island of Crete, deer and other animals wounded by hunters feasted on oregano. Gradually, arrows and spear shafts came out of the wounds on the animals’ bodies, the damage healed and scarred. People adopted this wonderful feature and began to use oregano for medicinal purposes.

Gradually, additional healing properties of plants were discovered:

  1. Antispasmodic. Oregano-based products relieve pain and spasms.
  2. Calming. By eating food seasoned with oregano, you can forget about nervous system disorders and eliminate the symptoms of insomnia.
  3. Antimicrobial. Medicines prepared on the basis of oregano help fight microorganisms that reach humans along with harmful or expired food products.

Consumption of oregano is relevant if you have the following problems:

  1. Disruptions of the menstrual cycle, painful periods, pathologies of the genitourinary system. Oregano also helps fight hormonal imbalance during menopause.
  2. Lack of breast milk. Oregano is an excellent remedy for increasing lactation.
  3. Gastrointestinal problems. With the help of oregano, you can normalize stool and improve the digestion process.
  4. Diseases of the respiratory system. Oregano decoction and rinses eliminate the symptoms of colds. This remedy is also useful for rhinitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, tuberculosis and other similar diseases.
  5. Dermatological diseases. Various oregano-based compresses help eliminate acne, neurodermatitis and eczema.

By the way. Traditional medicine offers many recipes for alcoholism, the main component of which is oregano.

Use of spices in cooking

What dishes goes with spicy oregano?

A special feature of the seasoning is its bitter taste. Both freshly picked and dried leaves of the plant are equally suitable for creating culinary creations. It is also permissible to use oregano buds.

Oregano is relevant in the process of creating the following dishes:

  • vegetable pickling;
  • pizza or pasta;
  • sauces;
  • pickled fish;
  • meat soups;
  • sausages;
  • meat dishes;
  • omelettes or scrambled eggs.

What can you replace oregano with?

Of course, no spice can completely replicate the original taste and aroma of oregano. But some herbs or combinations thereof can replace oregano to some extent.

These include:

  • marjoram;
  • basil + mint;
  • dill + parsley;
  • ready-made mixture "Provencal herbs".

Attention. It should be noted that all of the herbs listed, although they have some notes similar to oregano, do not have the beneficial qualities of oregano.

How and how much to add oregano

Moderation is the main rule that must be followed when adding oregano to a dish. The persistent spicy aroma of the spice, which is carelessly added in excess quantities, can spoil a culinary masterpiece.

Here's how you can add oregano to your dish:

  1. Using a dry spoon, scoop out the amount of spice specified in the recipe. You should not pour the seasoning directly from the container into a hot dish. Rising vapors can spoil the remaining oregano in the jar, after which the spice will stick together into a single lump.
  2. Fresh oregano is chopped finely and crushed by hand, releasing a wonderful aroma.

For your information. If the exact amount of oregano is not specified in the recipe, you should proceed from the main component of the dish. So, for 500 g of meat or minced meat, take 1/4 tsp. spices. For pasta or sauce - 1 tsp. herbs, in salad - 0.5 tsp.

As for when to add oregano, the following principles should be followed:

  1. Fresh leaves are added to the dish at the very end of cooking. This is how you can provide culinary masterpieces with a unique aroma.
  2. The stew is also seasoned at the final stage of cooking.
  3. When cooking the broth, oregano and other herbs are tied into a bundle and placed in a gauze bag. The latter is lowered into the pan, and when the broth reaches readiness, it is thrown away. This way the finished soup will be completely saturated with the wonderful aroma of the herbs.

Rules for storing seasoning

Oregano contains multiple essential oils that have volatile properties. That is why the spice must certainly be stored in a closed container. Often, glass containers with a screw-on lid are used for this.

Contraindications to the use of oregano

Like many plants, oregano is distinguished not only by its benefits, but also by its possible harm.

You should be careful when consuming this plant in any form if:

  • heart and kidney diseases;
  • acute pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • intolerance to at least one of the components of the plant.

Men and pregnant women should not overuse oregano. In the first case, the spice can lead to a weakening of potency, in the second - to a miscarriage, due to the possible effect on the contractile functions of the uterus.

For your information. Consuming oregano may affect the effectiveness of certain medications.

Almost any dish becomes more refined and perfect after adding certain spices to it. Oregano is considered an almost universal seasoning for side dishes, first courses and meat dishes. This spice can be used both fresh and dried. In the absence of the required amount of oregano on hand, it is permissible to replace it with alternative products, for example, a ready-made mixture of purchased herbs or self-prepared spice combinations.