
What can you shave with a trimmer? Shaving trimmer - what it is and how to use it. Electric shaver with built-in trimmer

What can you shave with a trimmer?  Shaving trimmer - what it is and how to use it.  Electric shaver with built-in trimmer

A trimmer is a small device that can solve many problems in caring for facial and body hair: tidy up the “necessary” hair and remove unnecessary hair. To forget about unsafe and tedious cutting with scissors forever, you just need to buy a high-quality and convenient hair trimmer for home.

Criteria for choosing the best hair trimmer

Purpose of the device

All trimmers are divided into devices for cutting beards and mustaches, devices for removing nose hair, and 2-in-1 devices that combine the first two functions.

Power type

Trimmers can operate from the mains, from batteries, from an accumulator, or combine power from the mains and autonomous sources.

Blade material

The most popular material is stainless steel. In more expensive models, steel blades are sometimes coated with titanium, carbon fiber, and ceramics.

Battery life

In popular models, the time varies from 30 to 100 minutes.

Hair length range

In different models, the length of the haircut varies from 0.4 to 1.5 cm.

The best hair trimmer manufacturers

It’s best to start your search for the best hair trimmer by choosing a reliable brand. The list of the best naturally includes companies that have gained fame as manufacturers of equipment for professional hairdressers and stylists, but at the same time do not forget about ordinary consumers. The leading positions among them are occupied by the famous American brand Wahl, the German Moser (owned by Wahl), and the French Babyliss. Philips, Braun, Panasonic, and Remington, traditionally strong in the home appliance market, are not lagging behind. But it is better to avoid cheap products from little-known brands, in order to avoid discomfort during use and for the sake of saving nerve cells (and money).

An electric razor with trimmer for men is a convenient 2-in-1 device. With its help, you can not only remove stubble and give your skin perfect smoothness, but also trim your mustache, beard, shape your sideburns, and trim your nose hair. These razors can be rotary or mesh. The former allow you to effectively shave off hard stubble growing in different directions, which is achieved through double blades: the first lifts the hair, and the second cuts it off. Mesh razors are suitable for sensitive skin: the fine mesh cover prevents contact with the cutting unit, thus preventing damage. In such devices, the trimmer is made in the form of an additional blade, which is located between two meshes. In many razor models, the trimmer is represented by a separate sliding cutting part.

As a rule, electric shavers with a trimmer, the price of which is affordable, have a special regulator: it allows you to trim your beard to the desired length. Some devices are equipped with a “Comb” attachment, with which you can shorten your beard to the level of stubble.

The device body is made of durable plastic that is resistant to mechanical damage. It has a rubberized coating that prevents the razor from slipping out of your hands. The device can operate from a home power supply with a standard voltage of 220 V or from its own battery, providing up to 45 minutes of continuous use. It takes about 1 hour to recharge the battery. Modern electric shavers with trimmers are often equipped with a self-cleaning system, which is represented by a special cartridge with disinfectant liquid.

Where to buy an electric razor with trimmer?

You can buy a men's electric razor with trimmer in the Eldorado online store. Online ordering is available to site users. Delivery of goods is carried out in Moscow and other cities of Russia.

“A man should be powerful, smelly and hairy,” says ancient women’s wisdom. New female wisdom objects: “A man should also be well-groomed!” Which gave carte blanche to thin-legged hipsters and sleek metrosexuals to proudly straighten their shoulders and left adherents of more conservative views scratching their overgrown chins in puzzlement away from female attention.

Fortunately, the world is not black and white, and men are not divided into overgrown gorillas and plucked chickens. And women, I assure you, are very different in their preferences, no matter what they inspire from TV screens and from the pages of glossy magazines. But it has so happened historically over the past centuries (google “Peter I, beards, boyars, chop”) that in modern civilized society it is customary to be clean-shaven, or, as a last resort, to have a well-groomed mustache and a small beard. And another big question is what costs more work - daily shaving or regular care of existing hair.

One way or another, there has always been a demand for barbers. It used to be that one person would cut and shave for an entire block. But, in principle, acquiring a straight razor and the skill to use it has long been commonplace. The revolution in shaving was the machine invented at the end of the 19th century by King Camp Gillette, whose name became the name of the famous razor brand. And in 1927, Colonel Yakov Schick invented the first electric razor. And the world cracked in half... The debate about which is better - a machine or an electric razor - continues to this day. However, most men, without unnecessary debate and almost bloodlessly, decide what is more convenient for them to use.

The machines have their advantages - they are easy to use, fit closer to the skin, shave, on average, cleaner, and at the same time cleanse the skin of dead scales, reducing the likelihood of acne. However, blades in direct contact with the skin injure it, even causing cuts, which makes it necessary to buy additional gel or foam, as well as soothing aftershave lotion. And it is advisable to change the blades themselves more often.

For technomaniacs and those who, in principle, are not averse to making their lives easier through modern technology, without shying away from anything new, they have come up with an intermediate option: battery-powered machines that vibrate barely noticeably. The manufacturer claims that this helps achieve a closer and faster shave.

Hybrid razor Gillette Mp3 Power

The opinions of the men themselves differ - some liked this device, some did not notice the difference, and some even complain that it is neither this nor that, shaves worse than a machine, but still requires wet shaving.

As for electric shavers, they do not require water or a battery of cans and bottles for shaving, making them more mobile - and this is valuable when traveling. Shaving is faster, but if you save money on the device, it may be of lower quality, leaving short stubble. But electric shavers irritate the skin less and practically eliminate the possibility of cuts. True, it would be useful for users of electric razors to periodically cleanse their facial skin with a scrub, since an electric razor cannot achieve the same cleaning of pores as when in contact with a blade. One of the undoubted advantages is the rare replacement of blades, and if the device also has a built-in self-cleaning function, then the operation and maintenance of the device is greatly simplified. The disadvantages are high cost and risk of breakdown. But usually the price pays for itself over a long period of use, and the more expensive the razor, the longer its likely service life.

However, everyone decides the issue of money based on their capabilities, but the question of choice, when it exists, is based on personal needs and the characteristics of their skin. If you decide that an electric razor is more convenient for you, then this guide will help you make your choice.

Rotor or mesh?

Rotary shavers have pioneered the world of electric shavers. Our fathers and grandfathers used them for a long time. Yes, yes, this is exactly the buzzing monster from which some particularly impressionable ladies, who looked into the bathroom at the wrong time, ran away in horror. I must admit, the wildly rotating heads on which sharp knives are mounted really do look terrifying.

But in fact, modern rotary razors make much less noise than foil razors, and they shave, on average, cleaner, due to the tighter fit of the rotating blades to the skin. Unfortunately, some risk of cuts remains, and those with sensitive skin often complain of irritation from shaving. But progress does not stand still, and we can say with certainty that the latest rotary electric shavers with high-quality knives and a system for following facial contours are much more gentle on the skin than older models.

Philips AT 890 is one of the most popular rotary shavers that has earned good user reviews. Three floating heads, a movable block, a trimmer, an ergonomic handle, and most importantly - high-quality shaving and a long service life... what else do you need from an electric razor?

Rotary shaver Philips AT 890

For those who find rotary razors too harsh, foil electric razors, otherwise called vibrating razors, will be a salvation. In them, shaving heads with vibrating blades are separated from the skin by a fine mesh, which eliminates the possibility of cuts and reduces irritation. Unfortunately, if the design of the razor is not well thought out, problems with a clean shave may arise. In addition, owners of foil electric shavers often complain that the hairs being shaved are crushed by the blades into dust, which settles on everything, and during wet shaving (more about that below), the foil can “get stuck” in the foam, smearing it over the face instead of to remove with stubble. Some well-established manufacturers of foil electric shavers include Braun and Panasonic, but even here everything is very dependent on the specific model.

The promising new Panasonic ES-LV95 with the function of dry and wet shaving justifiably takes its place among foil electric shavers in the upper price segment. 5 (!!) heads, a trimmer and a movable shaving unit ensure a clean and smooth face, and it only takes an hour to fully charge the battery for 45 minutes of work. The high-tech filling of the device includes a display with charging and cleaning indication, sensors that determine the density of the bristles and control the engine speed, Sonic turbo cleaning mode and road blocking.

Electric foil shaver Panasonic ES-LV95

Dry or wet shaving?

The vast majority of electric shavers can cope with a dry shave, which makes them such an attractive accessory for trips where it is not possible to shave normally with foam and warm water. Despite the fact that after wet shaving with a machine, the sensations of dry shaving may be somewhat unusual and, occasionally, even unpleasant at first, the skin quickly gets used to such treatment.

Saturn ST-HC7394 - a bright rotary electric dry shaver with four floating heads

However, not everyone is ready to give up wet shaving - skin previously steamed with warm water and covered with gel or foam shave better and cleaner, and the feeling is much more comfortable. If you have sensitive skin that feels like sandpaper when it comes into contact with an electric razor, a razor that offers a wet shave function in addition to a dry shave may be the right choice. In addition, wet shaving with an electric razor can be a way to get used to this device as painlessly as possible and, over time, switch to dry shaving without irritation. The transition process usually takes from a week to four, depending on the sensitivity of the skin; All you could potentially need afterwards is a post-shave moisturizer.

If you use only the wet mode, then the shaving process, on average, will be more comfortable, but at the same time, the very idea of ​​​​an electric razor as a compact and economical way of shaving disappears, since gel/foam will not save either money or space in your travel bag. Among other things, razors with a wet shaving function are not afraid of water, and they are easy to clean - just rinse under running water and leave to dry. If we are talking about cleaning, it is worth saying that many razors for dry and wet shaving are equipped with a self-cleaning function in the so-called turbo mode, which increases the number of revolutions to approximately 17 thousand per minute. The user just needs to apply a little foam or shaving gel to the shaving heads, turn on the turbo mode and, at the end of it, rinse the razor. At the same time, dry shaving razors are most often equipped with only a brush with stiff bristles to manually remove any remaining hair from the blades or foil.

Battery or mains?

You should pay special attention to whether the razor is powered by a battery or mains power. Until recently, corded electric shavers dominated the market, but now devices whose only source of power is from a wall outlet are inevitably becoming a thing of the past. Modern electric shavers are designed to operate on battery power or a combined power supply method, with battery-powered models available even in the lower price segment.

Batteries differ from each other based on the type of batteries used in them. There are three types of electric shavers: nickel-cadmium (NiCD), nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) and lithium-ion (Li-ion). Until recently, the latter were considered an attribute of expensive razors, but now the situation on the market has changed, and nickel-cadmium batteries, like nickel-metal hydride batteries, are rather rare. The fact is that these batteries have such an annoying property as the “memory effect”: if the user puts the battery on charge without fully discharging it, the battery “remembers” that it is being used at a lower capacity, and the next time it works to the remembered limit , which, accordingly, reduces the battery life of the device. As a result, the razor has to be completely discharged and charged periodically, but this does not completely save you from the consequences of the “memory effect”. Manufacturers have met the complaining users halfway: the latest generations of razors operate on lithium-ion batteries, which do not have this drawback. And thanks to the development of production technologies, the price of these batteries has been reduced.

However, all three types of batteries are still in use today. Nickel-cadmium - the cheapest; They must be completely discharged before recharging, and they take several hours to charge. However, if you charge the razor at night, what difference does it make whether it is ready at three in the morning or at seven if you get up at eight? But it is not recommended to keep it constantly on the charger - this wears out the battery.

Sinbo SS-4026 is a type of razor powered by a nickel-cadmium battery that is now dying out. But it can also surprise - the battery life of this razor is 8 hours!

Nickel-metal hydride batteries are also cheap, but charge in less than an hour and last an average of 40 to 80 minutes. In addition, they, like lithium-ion batteries, tolerate constant connection to a charger much better, and for one shaving session they can quickly recharge in 3-8 minutes.

Remington R8150 is a rotary electric shaver with a NiMH battery. One and a half hours of charging is enough for an hour of work, fast charging function is available

Lithium-ion batteries are the most expensive, charge within an hour, work for about an hour and a half, but there are also high-capacity batteries. One charge of the razor can last for almost a month of use!

One of the best razors for dry shaving is produced by Braun: this is the Braun 760cc-4 Series 7. In addition to the lithium-ion battery, it can also be powered from the mains, but its position among expensive razors is largely influenced not by the method of power supply, but by high-tech filling, including a display indicating charging, cleaning, and replacing knives; In addition, it comes with a docking station for charging and cleaning.

Braun 760cc-4 Series 7 - one of the most successful new products of recent times

The first shave is cleaner, the second is even cleaner...

How many blades does it take to shave your face? If we talk about the machine, then the first, as you know, will cut, the second will scrape... the twentieth will gently polish the jaw bones. But if we are talking about an electric razor, then slightly different rules come into force. To achieve an ideal close shave in a short time, manufacturers are constantly improving their devices. The minimum number of shaving heads for foil shavers starts with one, for rotary shavers – two, but the maximum is limited only by the imagination and skill of process engineers, who need to hide all this beauty somewhere. Currently, manufacturers have settled on five shaving heads for both types of razors, and if for vibrating razors they are located under the mesh, then for rotary razors everything is visible. It's hard to say how much this actually affects the quality of the shave, but more floating blades at least allows you to shave more skin in less time.

The rotary electric razor for dry shaving SINBO SS-4028 has as many as five heads. And this is in addition to an attachment for cutting hair in the nose and ears, a comb for cutting and a trimmer...

In addition, shaving comfort directly depends on the location and fit of the shaving heads. To avoid leaving unshaven areas on your face and to minimize the possibility of cuts, it is advisable to choose an electric razor with a system for following the contours of the face. These can be either floating knives or movable heads, or even all together.

Trimmer and other useful options

There is no need to tell why those with a beard and mustache need a trimmer. Not everyone can afford a chic beard with a shovel and save on Santa Claus; the rest have to take care of the existing vegetation. But for those who are not in the habit of growing a beard, the trimmer in an electric razor can be useful. Especially in cases where, for some reason, brutal three-day stubble has turned into neglected week-long stubble, and you’ve only just gotten around to shaving your arms. Unlike a machine, an electric razor copes worse with long hairs, and if you don’t first remove them a little with a trimmer, you won’t be able to achieve smooth cheeks.

The trimmer can be either an attachment or a built-in retractable blade, which is used to trim beards, sideburns, trim eyebrows or nose hair, or shorten stubble - depending on how far it is extended. The trimmer can also be used to trim temples and even private parts, but for these purposes it is better to purchase a separate body trimmer or clipper. Its presence slightly increases the price of the device, but most often it’s worth it.

In addition, given that recently people have become accustomed to the fact that equipment communicates with them, informing them about its condition, it is not surprising that on expensive models of electric shavers there is a liquid crystal screen that shows the battery charge status, reports that the knives need to be cleaned or replaced, and other useful data. The LCD display is usually located on the handle and does not interfere with the use of the electric razor.

The LCD display is most often located on the handle and does not interfere with using the razor

But manufacturers are always trying to outdo each other in originality, so special additional options appear in new electric shavers. For example, some Philips models have an automatic humidification function. The razor body has a special reservoir with a dispenser for gel or lotion, which allows you to apply shaving product to the skin directly while using the device.

This is what the process of “filling” an electric razor with shaving gel looks like

And Braun specialists went further and released a very special Braun CoolTec series, which is equipped with active cooling technology. When the battery is fully charged, the cooling mode lasts for 15 minutes - enough to shave. According to the manufacturer's idea, this helps reduce irritation from shaving by dulling the sensitivity of pain receptors after they are “frozen.”

Braun CT2s CoolTec foil shaver for dry and wet shaving, perfect for sensitive skin

In addition, we already talked above about cleaning razors. In expensive and advanced models, you can increasingly find an automatic cleaning function in their docking stations. Having placed the razor head down in a special reservoir filled with cleaning and disinfecting liquid, you can go to bed, and during this time the blades will be cleaned, disinfected, dried, and the razor itself will be charged. The cleaning solution must be changed periodically; for this purpose, cleaning cartridges are sold both with razors and separately.

Many models from Panasonic, Braun and other leading manufacturers are equipped with such a docking station for charging and cleaning

And of course, in the wake of the craze for USB devices, a razor with a USB connector simply couldn’t help but appear! The compact rechargeable razor VITEK VT-2371 with an original design will be appropriate in a business briefcase or in a student backpack, and can be charged from your laptop. Apart from this, it cannot boast of any special bells and whistles, but as an inexpensive backup option for emergency shaving, it will definitely find its demand.

With the protective cover closed, the VITEK VT-2371 foil shaver can be confused with a mobile phone in a case

Top 10 popular models

From a considerable number of actively purchased shaving devices, we have selected ten of the most interesting and popular.

Philips RQ 1150

The Philips rotary electric shaver features three movable shaving heads for both dry and wet shaving. The lithium-ion battery lasts up to 40 minutes, with a full charge time of just 1 hour.

Modern and stylish electric shaver Philips RQ 1150

The waterproof case and non-slip insert on the handle allow you to use the device even in the shower, and the travel lock will not allow it to run out of charge in your suitcase, simultaneously shaving its insides. The package also includes a protective cover, trimmer, cleaning brush and charging stand with a two-level battery charge indicator.

Panasonic ES-8109

This electric razor from a well-known Japanese company is notable primarily for its well-thought-out system for following the contours of the face - three floating heads, a movable shaving unit with adjustment. The shaving foil with an increased number of holes can withstand both dry and wet shaving, and the motor speed of this model is 13,000 rpm.

Panasonic ES-8109: Japanese quality

The kit includes a trimmer, a protective cover, a travel case, a cleaning brush, oil for lubrication, as well as a charging and cleaning device with an indication. The Li-Ion battery charges in an hour and works for up to 45 minutes, while the device is equipped with automatic voltage switching from 100 to 240 V.

Braun 5040-s Series 5

Perhaps the Braun 5040-s foil razor for dry and wet shaving with two shaving heads is not the most “sophisticated” device from this manufacturer, but many people associate the fifth series from Braun with a qualitative breakthrough and is invariably popular to this day.

Braun 5040-s - the famous fifth series

For beard care or shaving, machines and electric shavers were previously used. It is not always possible to achieve a good result when using them - removing hairs in hard-to-reach places. The shaving trimmer, which replaced its predecessors, will do this task perfectly.

Shaving trimmer

What is a shaving trimmer - it is a smaller version of a hair clipper, equipped with a razor blade. It has several attachments to get rid of unwanted hair and is used for hard-to-reach parts of the body, suitable for particularly sensitive skin.

The trimmer works by using small knives that cut hairs and shaving blades safely hidden behind a metal mesh. The system is designed in such a way that there is no direct contact with the skin; special attachments can adjust the work to any hair length.

Shaving trimmer

Using a trimmer you can:

  • shave smoothly or create a light stubble effect;
  • give a clear outline to the beard and mustache;
  • trim long hairs;
  • trim the temples;
  • shave off the mustache.

Trimmer and clipper

The trimmer is designed in such a way that it replaces an electric razor and an epilator and can remove hair from any part of the body, on the contrary, which cannot be said about a hair clipper.

Differences between a trimmer and a hair clipper:

  • Size – as a rule, the machine is almost twice as heavy and larger than a trimmer;
  • Care – the trimmer attachments are easy to clean; just rinse them under running water. The machine is more difficult to maintain: the parts need to be periodically lubricated with a special lubricant, otherwise it will begin to pull out hair during operation;

The best way to shave

  • Equipment - the machine has more attachments, and it is better able to cope with different lengths of hair;
  • Application - the trimmer copes better with facial hair and worse with long and coarse hair. Therefore, hairdressers first use a machine, use a trimmer to trim and model the hairstyle;
  • Versatility - the trimmer copes with hair removal in hard-to-reach places: the nose, ears, intimate area and armpits and is used to create complex curly patterns.

Trimmer selection criteria

In order for a trimmer to do its job efficiently, you need to choose it based on its characteristics and some features.

First of all, you should pay attention to the main characteristics.

Equipment and convenience

The trimmer operates on two types of electric motors:

  • Rotary. It is quite powerful, lasts a long time and practically does not break. Designed for professional use.
  • Vibration. Has weaker power and needs rest every half hour. Great for home use.

How to choose the right trimmer

The following important characteristics of the trimmer for comfortable use:

  • Weight – it should be light and comfortable in the hand. The body is made of plastic with rubber elements to prevent slipping;
  • Backlight – its presence makes it easier to use when you need to illuminate hard-to-reach places;
  • Convenience – location of buttons on the body, presence of a charging indicator;
  • Attachments are designed for all types of shaving. The more there are, the wider the area of ​​use of the trimmer.

Operating time without recharging

Depending on where the trimmer will be used: at home or outside, you should take care of the battery capacity.

According to the type of power supply, trimmers are divided into:

  • Operates on regular batteries. This trimmer is convenient when traveling when recharging is not possible. Its power relative to other types of trimmers is significantly inferior;
  • With recharging from the network. It operates only from a power outlet and is tied to a specific location of use. However, it is multifunctional and works great;
  • Equipped with battery. This device is very versatile. It runs on a battery from half an hour to an hour, recharging time is from 3 to 8-9 hours. Can also work from the network.

Battery trimmer

Additional Features

To make using the trimmer more comfortable, you should pay attention to its additional equipment:

  • For wet cutting and shaving. Such a trimmer must be protected from moisture, it is comfortable to remove hair and is easy to wash;
  • Availability of built-in fuse. You don’t have to worry about the electric motor breaking down if there is a power surge;
  • Equipped with several operating modes. This makes working with such a trimmer much easier and more comfortable;
  • Vacuum collection option. It will keep the area clean and make the procedure comfortable.

Women's shaving trimmer

There is a line of trimmers produced specifically for women. It has an attractive design and special attachments for the bikini area and eyebrows. To the question: is a trimmer a razor or an epilator, you can answer - both, only better. Because the device works delicately, as women have delicate and sensitive skin. The trimmer does not shave the hairs, it carefully trims them, thereby avoiding skin irritation. Some models are equipped with special stencils for creating original intimate haircuts.

Women's trimmer

Men's trimmer for cutting and shaving

In men's models, the design is restrained and strict. The main purpose is to trim and contour the beard and mustache, as well as remove hair from the ears and nose. It is worth choosing a device with adjustment for hair length.

How to use the tool

The trimmer is very easy to use, you can get used to it in one use.

To use it, you must first prepare:

  • check for functionality;
  • apply oil to the parts according to the instructions and drip onto the blades;
  • turn on for half a minute;
  • remove excess oil with a dry cloth;
  • The blades must be dry so that hairs do not stick to them.

How to shave a beard with a trimmer

How to shave with a trimmer:

  • You must first decide on the area of ​​application and the final shape of the beard, mustache or sideburns;
  • during the shaving process, the shaving styler must be kept at the same angle relative to the skin;
  • Shave with smooth movements;
  • Shaving direction is from above the ear to the chin.

Pay attention! The neck is usually shaved with a razor, but a trimmer can be used.

Features of use in different areas

For different areas, it is worth using different techniques and approaches to shaving with a trimmer:

  • Beard and mustache. You need to choose a nozzle so that you can adjust the length and distance of the hairs. Typically the length ranges from 0.5 to 1 cm. The device itself must have a mode control function.
  • Nose and ears. The nozzle should rotate and have a narrow head. You don’t need to penetrate deeply with the trimmer, just bring it up and go a little deeper. Before the procedure, you should clean the nasal and ear passages and perform hair removal only in good lighting.
  • Intimate places.

Nose trimmer

To use the device for this zone, you need to consider some points:

  1. the trimmer must be waterproof so that, if necessary, it can be used directly in the bathroom;
  2. the body of the device must contain an anti-slip surface;
  3. The process itself is best carried out on dry skin and the device is moved in the direction against hair growth;
  4. to create a pattern you will need a special nozzle with a narrow head, it is also perfect for removing remaining hairs;
  5. After completing the process, the skin should be moisturized with a soothing cream.

Trimmer care and lubrication

After using the trimmer, you need to carry out the cleaning process, for this:

  • you need to remove all attachments and wash them with soap and warm running water;
  • clean the trimmer itself with a special brush, be sure to remove the head so that there are no hairs left;
  • Clean the grooves between the blades with a cotton swab;
  • to finally get rid of hairs, you should put on the head and turn on the device for a while;
  • After cleaning, the trimmer should be lubricated with oil; it is advisable to do this after using it.

Rating of the best manufacturers

A good, high-quality trimmer should be made by a reputable manufacturer and tested by the user.

Trimmer Philips BT 7210

Below is a selection of which trimmer is the best in all respects:

  • Philips BT 7210 trimmer is intended for men mainly for beard care. It has self-sharpening blades, a vacuum system, and a charge indicator.
  • Wahl 5546–216 Trimmer – Mainly designed for ears and nose. It runs on a battery and has two replaceable attachments.
  • Trimmer Braun MGK3020 6 in 1 is a universal device, used for all types of haircuts. Can be washed under water, has a backlight and automatically adjusts to voltage.

By choosing a high-quality and reliable trimmer, you can forget about going to the salon for many years. It is easy to use, maintain and saves a lot of time.

A well-groomed beard, a neat haircut and the absence of unwanted body hair together give you self-confidence and help you make a positive impression on others.

In order to get all this, you don’t have to go to a barbershop. It is enough to purchase a functional trimmer.

What is it?

A trimmer is an oversized, eclectic hair cutting device with many different attachments. You can use it to trim hair on your face, body, bikini area, and even your nose.

The principle of operation is in many ways similar to a conventional hair clipper.– the motor drives special knives that cut off unwanted hairs.

For the safety of the skin and to prevent direct contact, the razors are covered with a fine metal mesh or comb.

How is it different from a typewriter?

The main difference between a trimmer and a clipper is its compact size. Due to the fact that it is half the size, it is very convenient for them to care for a shaped beard and hard-to-reach parts of the body.

Attention! Using a trimmer, you can remove hair not only on the face, but also on the body. This is much safer for the skin than a razor.

At the same time, the trimmer is much inferior to the machine due to the fact that it cannot cope with too stiff bristles and long hairs. Due to its large size, the clipper does this better.

The difference between a trimmer and an electric razor is explained in the video:

How to choose?

When choosing a trimmer, you must understand who will use it and for what needs it will be intended.

For example:

  1. For a man. A good men's trimmer is a faithful assistant for caring for your beard and mustache. In addition, nozzles for caring for hard-to-reach places - the ears and nasal sinuses - will be useful.
  2. For a girl. There are two types of trimmers for women - for eyebrows and for the bikini area. Both should be as compact and safe as possible.

In addition, carefully study the characteristics of the device.

As for technical parameters, it is worth considering:

  1. Power type– choose rechargeable models, since mains ones will have to be constantly charged.
  2. Resistance to electrical surges– as a rule, the cheaper the model, the lower this figure.
  3. Ease of use– sometimes a device may only look miniature and maneuverable, but in practice it turns out that it is completely uncomfortable to operate. Do not hesitate to ask the seller to let you hold the trimmer, press buttons, move it across your palm, etc. A high-quality device will not vibrate much in your hand and pinch the skin .
  4. Moisture resistance– Most people use a trimmer in the bathroom. If you plan to do the same, choose models with a waterproof case.
  5. Equipment and functionality– at a minimum, there should be replaceable blades and a charge level indicator.
  6. Country of origin. Professionals choose German and Japanese cars.

Step-by-step instructions for use

  1. Wash the hair in the treatment area. If the trimmer is moisture resistant, you can start shaving; if not, dry them.
  2. Remove length. If the hair has grown too much, remove the length using scissors or a clipper. Remember that the trimmer is not able to cope with dense and lush vegetation longer than 5 cm.
  3. Start shaving– here everything is not the same as in the case of classic shaving. The trimmer should be guided against the direction of hair growth, not along it.
  4. Follow the pressure– the flat part of the nozzle should fit tightly to the skin, but not injure it.
  5. Trim– at the last stage, trim stray hairs or shave them off by removing the trimmer attachment.

Reference! If the trimmer starts to pull hair and cut poorly, it’s time to clean it. If cleaning does not help, take it to a repair shop.

How to trim a beard with a trimmer at home is shown in the video:

Features of care

Men's beard

The nozzle should be selected depending on the length of the beard and the desired result. For trimming, the no. 3 attachment is usually used. You need to shave your beard in the opposite direction from the hair growth, pressing the upper part of the nozzle firmly against the skin.


Just like with a beard, choose the appropriate nozzle size:

  • Leave the upper part of the mustache in its original form if you don’t want to get antennas bristling in all directions.
  • If necessary, trim them with scissors and wax them.

Intimate area

The trimmer is good for cutting off excess vegetation in the groin up to 5 mm. This will make the process of personal hygiene or a close shave easier in the future. In this case, a trimmer is much more practical and convenient than scissors.

Ear canals and nostrils

Using a trimmer to trim unwanted nose and ear hair is quite simple.

Put on the round nozzle, insert it 1-2 cm deep into the nostril or ear and twist it a little.

In a few seconds you will get rid of all the bristles.

Rating of the best electrical devices

Remington MB4030

Convenient trimmer for home mustache and beard care. It comes with 2 replaceable attachments, thanks to which the length of the hair being cut can be adjusted in 18 steps. Can work both from the mains and from the battery (for 40 minutes).


  • good blades cope with hair of any hardness;
  • one charge is enough to completely shave your entire face;
  • fits comfortably in the palm of your hand.


  • quickly becomes clogged with cut bristles;
  • non-moisture resistant;
  • difficult to clean with a brush.

The price is quite reasonable for such characteristics and varies in the area 3500 rub.

Moser 3214-0050

The shape of this trimmer resembles a writing pen and weighs only 60 grams! The powerful rotary motor is powered by an AAA battery.


  • moisture resistant;
  • does not cause discomfort;
  • does not injure delicate mucous tissues.


  • breaks easily when dropped;
  • With regular use, you have to change batteries frequently.

The price of such a useful device is more than affordable - about 1 thousand rubles.

Braun PT 5010 Precision

A device characterized by increased practicality - using the spot hair removal function and two comb attachments of 5 and 8 mm, you can tidy up not only your beard and mustache, but also your sideburns and eyebrows. Battery operated.

An indispensable and compact assistant before important meetings on business trips.


  • possibility of wet cleaning;
  • compact size and ergonomics;
  • multifunctionality.


  • does not show the remaining charge level;
  • Suitable for soft and fine hair only .

Is this unit worth it? around 1000 rubles.

Watch the video review of the Braun PT 5010 Precision trimmer:

Braun FG 1100

This model is amazingly different small in size and weighing only 100 grams! The kit already includes two attachments for spot hair removal in the bikini line, 2 comb attachments of 5 and 8 mm.

Battery powered - one charge is enough for 2 hours of continuous operation.


  • moisture resistant;
  • easy to use and care for;
  • Suitable for correcting eyebrow shape.


  • works noisily and vibrates;
  • dulls quite quickly;
  • replacement nozzles are almost impossible to find on sale.

Average price per trimmer – 900 rubles.

Philips BT-9290/15

Double-sided trimmer, one side of which is 32 mm, the other is 15 mm. Equipped with a display showing the current charge level and a waterproof case.

Reference! The main distinguishing feature is precise laser guidance. Works both from the mains and from the battery.


  • fits comfortably in the hand;
  • easy to care for;
  • High quality cuts even the coarsest and shortest hairs.


  • High price – approx. 10,000 rubles.

With such characteristics, the high price is completely justified.

How to care?

In order for the device to last as long as possible without losing its quality characteristics, it must be looked after.

From the instruction manual we can learn that the rules for caring for any trimmer are approximately the following:

  1. Rinse the nozzles– this must be done after each session. Place all used attachments in the sink and wash with warm running water and soap. Make sure that all hairs are washed off and cleaned. .
  2. Clean the blade using a brush, turning on the device at minimum power.
  3. Wipe the case from any remaining hair and dust with a damp swab and a dry cloth.
  4. Store the device assembled– after completely drying it from any remaining moisture.

The modern generation of men finds it much easier to take care of themselves. To do this, it is no longer necessary to devote time to a painstaking haircut with scissors and a dangerous machine - it is enough to have one device on hand that can tidy up both the face and the body - a trimmer.