
What can you do with the number? The best ways to take revenge on the person who offended and betrayed you. Positive aspects of revenge

What can you do with the number?  The best ways to take revenge on the person who offended and betrayed you.  Positive aspects of revenge

Since time immemorial, the most basic way of harming a person has been damage or the evil eye. This is a rather complicated procedure and should be done independently, but it is advisable. In general, before taking such a serious step, you need to think about how all this will affect you in the future.

Methods of damage

  • It is necessary to obtain the water that was used to wash the deceased body. This water must be poured on the enemy’s door, and also sprinkled on his back. When using this method, people will avoid and treat the person who has been damaged coldly;
  • You can make a doll from paraffin. It should be as close as possible to the person who needs to be harmed. Dress in a dress style like the enemy's. Must have hair or nails from this person. The resulting figurine must be baptized with the name of the enemy. Now you can cut it with a knife, poke it with needles, etc. all manipulations that are performed with the doll will be reflected on the opponent;
  • On Friday you need to get the hair of the person you want to harm. For 9 days you need to tie one knot in your hair. On the ninth day, wrap this hair in a clean sheet of paper and strike it. The enemy will receive all the pain;
  • If it is not possible to get a piece of the enemy’s flesh, then you can use his trace. Once you have found the mark, you need to drive 4 nails into it in the shape of a cross. When hammering nails you need to think about wishes for the enemy;
  • To make your enemy suddenly fall ill, you need to take an unused needle and drip wax onto it. In this case, it is necessary to pronounce the conspiracy.

As sharp as a needle,

Spirit of evil, guide with your hand.

Like this iron, so my spirits of evil stick

The arrow is so sharp

My flaxen wax sticks like

Words and deeds to my needle.

The needle must be placed on the clothing of the person to be harmed.

Danger in causing damage

If we discard the moral side of such behavior, then there remains a danger for the magician when inflicting damage. There is always the possibility of getting back the negativity that the sorcerer caused.

A kickback can occur for two reasons:

  • The first is that people delve into magic on their own, and when casting damage they do not provide absolutely any protection (I mean both for the work itself and for protection from a backlash). Then the person also goes to the master, and if the attempt to remove the damage is successful, the “household magicians” begin to reap the benefits of their savings from working independently;
  • The second reason is that the victim has a strong defense and, accordingly, any negativity simply bounces off and comes back. And such a person doesn’t even need to take off anything. This again happens when working independently. An experienced master first breaks through the defense in different ways, and only then puts damage!

In life, people face resentment and betrayal. It hurts the most when it is the closest and dearest person who strikes. The one who should protect from the whole world becomes an enemy. A person experiences pain, loneliness, resentment, defenselessness, vulnerability.

The range of negative emotions is replaced by a desire for revenge. Revenge will allow you to breathe a sigh of relief and calm down. It helps to forgive the offender. A person takes revenge in order to rid himself of negative emotions.

Before you waste your energy on revenge, you should make sure that the revenge is justified.

Important! The greatest art lies in turning an enemy into a friend. Simply defeating the enemy through revenge is an extreme option; you should think about your actions. Revenge will not get rid of problems, the enemy will only get angry.

If it is impossible to make an enemy a friend, and you cannot forget the grievance, revenge will help alleviate mental suffering. Hurt pride will return to normal.

Positive aspects of revenge:

  • promotes healing of emotional wounds;
  • puts the offender in his place;
  • insurance for the future: next time a person will think about whether to harm you;
  • helps to forgive and leave grievances in the past;
  • it's fun!

If we are talking about a harmless prank in response to negativity on the part of a person, revenge is easy. It won't cause any serious concern. Pranks, like at school, will add variety to the drab everyday life and allow you to punish the offender.

Disadvantages of revenge:

  • from a victim, a person turns into an offender, takes responsibility for revenge;
  • trying to throw dirt at an enemy can seriously stain your hands;
  • minus to karma;
  • vindictiveness is a negative character trait, the ability to forgive is a benefactor.

Important! Forgiveness does not mean that the charges against the offender are dropped. To forgive means to rid yourself of worries, cleanse yourself and move on with your life. The offender will have to live with his bad deed, this is a minus to his karma, life knows how to take revenge better than people.

If the resentment is strong, your character does not allow you to leave everything as it is, then it’s time to move on to a plan of revenge.

List of the best ways to take revenge on a person:

  • Gossip.

Through communication, you can seriously damage the reputation of the offender. Gossip can make people turn away from him. You can take revenge on a cheating guy by telling his new girlfriend about a bunch of sexually transmitted diseases that he has. Checking won't hurt anyone.
The story that the guy has a bad character, has repeatedly offended and betrayed you, will ruin his reputation. Especially if it's true.
A more cruel version of revenge through gossip is to spread a rumor about the immoral behavior of an enemy, to tell an incredibly vile story that exposes the person as a complete nonentity. Part of the story should be in contact with real events, it’s more believable.

  • An eye for an eye.

Betrayal is a reason to turn the situation around, forcing a person to be in his own skin. The guy who cheated should not immediately tell him that you know everything. A great option is to cheat on him and then tell him everything. You need to speak calmly, without emotion.

You can punish your betraying friend by answering her in kind. You need to establish relationships, and then betray her in the same way. Revenge is good cold, after time has passed.

  • Superiority.

If a fat girl is teased and called names, the best revenge is to work on herself. When such a girl returns with a stunning appearance, the offenders will be amazed on the spot. Girls will become jealous, guys will become interested. This is the best revenge.

This can be the answer to any offense. Become more successful, start playing sports, lose weight - these methods will be beneficial. Revenge is not so obvious, a person does not cause harm, he simply improves. And the opportunity to inject the offender with this will definitely present itself.

  • Complex schemes.

Suitable for serious revenge, the cause of which was a great offense. If harm has been caused to family and friends, the harm is serious and has serious consequences, then it’s time to make a plan.

Multi-passes are used. Example: a friend took her beloved away from her sister, who almost committed suicide because of this. Her sister can gain the trust of a homewrecker, make friends with her boyfriend, push her to cheat and make her see it. Or he simply decides to fight him off and then abandon him.

You need to take into account all the nuances and act carefully. Such revenge will pierce the offender like a boomerang, making him suffer and regret. But it will take a lot of effort and time that could be spent on joy and fun.

Important! Revenge through spells and magic is a bad option. Is it dangerous.

If you know his phone number

Mobile phones, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki greatly expand the list of opportunities for revenge. Finding out who set the trap is extremely difficult. This is revenge at a distance. Unregistered SIM cards allow you to remain incognito.

You can print out and post notices around the city with your enemy’s phone number. He will constantly receive calls with an offer to buy an animal or a desire to spend leisure time with an inexpensive call girl. Such childishness will lift the mood of an offended person.

By phone number you can provide information about the arrival of a relative. The offender will rush to meet him at the station, wait several hours before realizing that he has been played.

Important! Threats are a criminal offense. Bullying of any kind can cause serious problems. Even if a person cheated, used, framed, did not repay the debt.

The best way to avoid revenge

When a person is peaceful and friendly, you don’t want to offend him. Be kind, listen to others, give in and don’t get angry if you’ve been treated rudely. The enemy realizes that he has offended a good person and will try to make things right.

Respond with good even to evil. And don’t let resentment enter your soul. Forgive immediately and completely. Then your life will be easy and joyful, and those around you will be kind to you.

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Revenge is a destructive feeling, but if the desire to get even cannot be gotten rid of through positive methods and self-hypnosis, you need to act. Next, we will tell you how you can take revenge on the person who offended you.

How to take revenge on a person for an insult?

Before you begin revenge, you should take into account the fact that when restoring justice, you cannot go beyond the law. This means that if, as a result of revenge, damage is caused to a person’s health or property, the avenger will have to bear responsibility. Therefore, it is advisable to choose methods that are effective, but completely legal.

Rules of revenge that are not advisable to break:

  • one should not go beyond the limits of justice - the damage must correspond to the damage caused;
  • you need to think about the consequences - revenge should not give rise to “blood” enmity;
  • you must act independently - you should not involve outsiders in revenge;
  • It is advisable to pause so that the offender calms down, and, besides, “Revenge is a dish that is eaten cold.”

The simplest and most effective way to take revenge is to respond in kind. If your spouse cheated, change in return by choosing a more successful and attractive man. However, it is worth considering the fact whether revenge will really bring pleasure or will it only bring bitterness and unpleasantness.

But if you don’t want to stoop to the level of the offender, you can start by ignoring him. Moreover, it must be ignored so that the person himself begins to doubt his material existence. This method is especially effective with those who were expecting a response, but received only icy indifference.

How else can you take revenge on the person who offended you: active revenge

One of the ways to take active revenge is to prove your own superiority. To implement it, you need to take a closer look at the offender and outline the points at which it is preferable to strike. There is no need to insult her to her face, just casually comment on the fashionista’s “grandmother’s” perfume, point out a mistake made in the report, and ridicule the bragging.

You can take revenge on the car owner in a variety of ways. For example, glue windshield wipers to the glass with superglue. Or coat the door handles with Vaseline or gouache, which are very difficult to clean. Finally, pour the used oil under the bottom of the front part of the car, then the owner will be tortured to look for a leak.

If the offender is worthy of big trouble, you can proceed to actions that, if the avenger is caught, can lead to proceedings with law enforcement agencies. For example, you can inject the contents of a chicken egg under the upholstery of a car with a syringe. After a few days, the smell in the cabin will be so disgusting that the seats will most likely have to be changed.

Another effective way to take revenge is to organize a barrage of spam on the phone and email of the offender. And to do this, you just need to sign him up for a variety of goods and services, best of all indecent ones. At a minimum, this will cause irritation, at a maximum - overload and telephone.

How to take revenge for an insult to your boss?

Revenge on the boss must be carefully thought out, otherwise the consequences may be undesirable for the avenger. If the boss is incompetent, but is accustomed to his mistakes being corrected by his subordinates, he should stop doing this. And if possible, deliberately introduce several gross inaccuracies into his speech or report. Senior management is unlikely to like this, and the threat of dismissal may hang over the offender.

If it is customary for the company to monitor corporate mail, you can subscribe the offender to mailing lists from various sex resources. That’s why the security service and administrators will “rejoice” by looking through his mail. A similar method is to order toys from a sex shop in the name of your boss and make sure that the courier arrives during an important meeting or with the maximum presence of the team.

Betrayal, resentment, quarrels - all this is an integral part of human life. But it is always unpleasant when the offender goes unpunished, and a natural and fair desire arises to punish him. There are dozens of ways to ruin a person’s life, they range from the most harmless to the extremely dangerous.

Ways to ruin your life

You should be guided by the principle of justice before you begin to take revenge on a person. After all, if you really decide to harm someone, you need to realize the scale of the harm, the damage that will be caused. There is no need to harass a person if he takes your parking spot. You can arrange a kind of court hearing, where the guilt of the criminal has already been proven, and you only need to pass a verdict, which should be fair.

There are several options for how to harm a person you hate. You should immediately discard everything connected with magic and rituals- it doesn't make any sense. We need real action that causes real damage.

This damage is often accomplished through:

  • Use of social networks or the Internet.
  • Active actions to damage property (smear the front door with paint, break windows).
  • Moral humiliation of a person.
  • Using a phone number.

These are not even methods, but categories. Each of them is unique and includes dozens of options. Using the principle of justice, you can choose the type of revenge that suitable for a certain occasion. For example, if someone insulted you at work or at school, you can humiliate the person in return. This will not create a reputation for you as a vindictive and unscrupulous dirty tricker, unlike methods that involve damaging property.

However, the majority will still choose option with property damage, although watching the shame of a morally humiliated enemy is as pleasant as hearing his cries that someone has broken his car window.

And also an extremely unpleasant (for the offender, of course) way using his phone number. You can really get on your enemy’s nerves by constantly calling him at night. You can even download a special program and go to bed peacefully - it will do everything itself.

Don’t forget about methods that can really scare you. For example, intimidation, which includes not only anonymous threatening calls, but also good old notes under the door. Collectors use similar methods; you can adopt a couple of options from them.

Damage to property

Property damage is the most common option. But you need to remember that it can become a crime if you cross the line. There is no need to set anything on fire, nor do you need to blow it up.

The following options are usually used:

The main thing, as in principle with other methods, is not to get caught.

For such methods of revenge, there will be no criminal punishment, but administrative punishment is possible.

There will also be rumors, and all of this together will put you in a bad light, despite the fact that another person was the initiator of the conflict.

Harm via the Internet

Everything that happens in the modern world immediately ends up on the global network and is actively discussed. Even if the information is false. You can use this for your revenge. And there are a huge number of options for what nasty things can be done to a person.

But it is worth paying attention to the following:

The Internet provides quite creative and unusual ways to harm a person. Knowing the phone number, you can use it for revenge. But there are also other ways that can be much more unpleasant for the offender.

We use a phone number

In addition to posting ads on dating sites and trading platforms, you can use your phone number in other cases. You can intimidate a person, or you can attract the attention of law enforcement agencies to him.

To intimidate means to make a direct threat to a person’s health or life. This may lead to undesirable consequences, if the offender wants to contact the police. So it's worth knowing how to intimidate someone anonymously. For this you can use Skype program. It is often used by the famous Ukrainian pranker Volnov, who not only sarcastically mocked the victims of pranks, but also threatened some. This program allowed him to remain anonymous. It is designed for calls via the Internet, but also has a function for calls to the telephone. The main thing is not to indicate your number anywhere.

In addition to this, you will also need voice changer program. All calls will be made through a computer, so a microphone will be required. When you speak into a microphone, this program will transform your speech. In this way, the girl will be able to speak in the voice of a frail old man.

Having these utilities, all that remains is to think about the pressure line.

There is no need to directly threaten to kill or injure a person, then he will definitely contact the police.

You can simply express your demand, for example, that the offender quit, and then reinforce the demand by calling at night, leaving messages on the door, and you can also break his windows with stones with a note attached.

The second option is to attract the attention of law enforcement agencies. It is necessary, wherever possible, to leave the enemy’s number indicating that drugs are sold here. You can write on fences and houses using a can of spray paint. A bold move would be to do this in front of the police station. Main - spread over a large area. And then either drug addicts who want to get a dose will call this number, or the police will pay attention to the owner of the number.

Nuances of revenge

Problems can come from anywhere: a loved one abandoned you, your boss is a tyrant who ruined your career, noisy neighbors. When an ordinary person who has not caused any inconvenience is subjected to vile blows, his desire for revenge will be completely just.

But it is worth remembering that you need to act fairly - no matter how vile the enemy acts. There is no need to be like him, it is better to act according to the principle "an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth". It is important to imagine the consequences that revenge can lead to - no need to go beyond the law.

Besides this, revenge must be individual, except if the harm was caused to more than one person. There is no need to involve other people in the implementation of your plans, because they can tell someone about it, and this information will reach the enemy.

If it seems that you can’t cope on your own, and a retaliatory strike will not be sufficient punishment for the offender, you can turn to detective agencies.

Some provide special services - they spoil their reputation. And often it is damage to reputation that causes the greatest harm to a person’s self-esteem and general condition. Specialists can help, but at a big cost. But if you still decide to carry out revenge on your own, you need to remember the main rule - don’t get caught.