
Feeling of beauty and desire. Aesthetic sense of beauty is a test of a sense of taste and style. We will also definitely conduct a meditative and artistic practice that will help you...

Feeling of beauty and desire.  Aesthetic sense of beauty is a test of a sense of taste and style.  We will also definitely conduct a meditative and artistic practice that will help you...

I have a heightened sense of beauty. I very sensitively feel the appropriateness of clothes for this or that holiday of life, I get hysterical when the colors are incorrectly combined, I know how to spell certain complex words correctly. If you made a mistake in any of this, I will point my finger at you and laugh. I will tell all my friends about your mistake, and when they see you they will begin to laugh homerically.

Do you consider yourself a stylish and beautiful girl? Are you wearing a blue coat, a light green skirt, pink boots and a purple bag? Darling, I won’t just point my finger at you, but I’ll also express my “fie” to the whole street. Learn to dress appropriately.

Do you like to walk in 15-centimeter heels, but don’t know that in this case your legs are like those of a person who has just dismounted from a horse? I will make fun of you in front of everyone. If you want to stand out with a beautiful gait, evaluate your efforts and skills.

Do you paint your lips with bright scarlet lipstick, chew cud worse than a cow, wear patent black boots with a white skirt and don’t take off your down jacket that ends near your kidneys all winter? I will call you a prostitute. At worst - a brainless fool. I don’t care whether you get sick or not, but your honest profession of a lawyer is not written on your forehead, which means what you look like is what you’ll be called.

You haven't washed your hair for a week, bought black pants, shitbags and a spiked belt? Dear, you are not a punk, not a goth, or even a rocker - you are almost a homeless person. You don't have greasy hair, you have impenetrable laziness. Nowadays you can choose amazing care products for any hair type. A belt is far from an attribute of a rocker or punk life. If you want to know, rocker is a diagnosis, not a humiliating one. If you are not an adherent of these cultures from birth, you will not understand this lifestyle, and you will still not be able to imitate it.

Do you call yourself a business man, wear shoes, coats and trousers with arrows, but at the slightest request to give up your seat on the tram you start cursing at everyone? You are a redneck. Take off your decent clothes and put on your abibas. Otherwise, behave appropriately for your status or simply don't call yourself the elite of the intelligentsia.

Sitting in a chat, do you think that there are no Russian language teachers here and you can relax? I will be exactly the bore who will tear to smithereens your “on the bed”, “thank you”, “smack”, “oha”, “slap” and other heresies. I will get the moderators, I will ridicule you in front of other forum participants, I will humiliate you, despite your tricks in the form of obscenities, name-calling and attempts to stop the discussion of your cretinism. If you do not know the differences in the five chemical nomenclatures, without being a chemist, I will not touch you. But God forbid you spell some simple Russian word incorrectly - I’ll eat it and spit out the bones.

I have endless patience, very thick skin and a complete lack of compassion for the orphaned and wretched. If you were born a human, be kind enough to remain one. I know that I’m sick of everyone, I know that I can’t change the world for myself, and I don’t need that. I will continue to fuck up the people who surround me, and you, dear ones, think about yourself.

There is a creator in every child! Develop and maintain a sense of beauty in your baby. Pay special attention creative activity your baby. Draw with a brush and fingers, make appliqués, sculpt from dough, dance , Listen to music, sing children's songs and lullabies at night, read poems and favorite fairy tales.


I wonder when the feeling of beauty begins in children? A two or three year old child is unlikely to admiringly contemplate the masterpieces of painting in the Hermitage. The aesthetic feeling in a person is not born with him; it is not instinctive. The sense of beauty is nurtured and nurtured by the environment in which the baby grows. As always, you need to start from a very early age.

JUST LOOK. You don’t have to be an art critic, a writer, an inspired collector of butterflies or medals in order to “pass on” and “instill” something in your little one. When you step outside, the city opens up before you. What is this? An endlessly dull urban landscape, garbage and dust, or architectural structures worthy of attention, bridges and stairs, park benches, decorated storefronts? It all depends on your focus. Teach your child to choose the right focus: first of all, to see the beautiful, not the ugly. Pay his attention to architectural details, colors, sculptures and fountains. It is not a fact that your baby will become a sculptor or painter. It is important that he learns to live with a positive attitude. After all, you can get aesthetic pleasure from life itself (not just from a performance or an art exhibition).

LOVE FOR NATURE AND ALL LIFE. Most of all, a child’s soul responds to nature. Try to be in the forest as often as possible, listen to birds singing, splash in the river, watch bugs in the grass, smell flowers and watch the wind sway the tops of pine trees. Nature doesn't need anything from us. She only gives. We ourselves know how a space where there are no cars, high-rise buildings and large crowds of people heals a tired soul and body. Children are close to nature, even urban ones. Try taking your baby to the village or country house. First of all, he will start digging in the ground. Allow him such luxury!

SURROUND YOURSELF WITH BEAUTIFUL THINGS. Already from infancy, when the baby’s vision is developing, his gaze clings to attractive objects. Make your life bright. It’s good if you are surrounded by things you made with your own hands: an embroidered picture, a sweater knitted for a baby, a panel on the wall. Such things are always “alive”, they contain a piece of our soul, and it will definitely pass on to our children. The baby does not need to be taught anything specifically, he will see everything himself. The main thing is to have something to show. Now we are not talking about beauty-comfort and beauty-prestige. Beauty is not always and does not have to be expensive. In a sense, the old toys of our childhood, which are inherited by children, are priceless treasures of our biography, our living emotions (not in the past, but in the present). Even Picasso's original cannot replace them.

MORE INTEREST AND FUN. Where does aesthetic feeling begin? Out of admiration, out of interest. If we admire sincerely and from the heart, our child will also not remain indifferent to the world around him. Psychologists note that the modern generation of children has a large amount of memory, but a poorly developed emotional sphere. They learn this partly from us, adults, who have no time to raise their heads and look at the stars. The beauty that is always there goes unnoticed. A person who has lost touch with beauty is lost in everyday space, he is absorbed by everyday life and worries. Parents face a difficult task - not to get lost themselves and not to mislead their own children. In principle, all children have a natural gift - curiosity about the world. We can only place emphasis: “You see this. What about this?” Teach your baby to be surprised and enjoy everything he comes into contact with in life.

Knowing of limits

The famous children's teacher and psychologist K.D. Ushinsky said: “Repetition weakens the feeling, and repetition strengthens the feeling... a feeling that is not evoked for a long time freezes; the feeling often evoked becomes dull.” He pointed out an incredibly fine line.

A senseless, but massive in its stupidity, fuss is unfolding around the exhibition “Without Embarrassment” at the Lumiere Brothers Center for Photography.

“Perhaps, first, Ms. Mizulina should have looked at the exhibition with her own eyes?”

The exhibition began on September 8, but the clouds have only now gathered. And most importantly, to hell with them, with art critics - the employees of the Lumiere Brothers Center, what do they even understand about art? The people know better.

Especially Anton Tsvetkov, who had not previously been noticed as a lover or connoisseur of art. And especially Internet activists. That's where it all started.

Whirls of anger raged on the Internet, and now Ms. Mizulina, without even honoring the exhibition with her presence, is trumpeting the propaganda of pedophilia.

Listen, but maybe it still makes sense to “argue about the taste of oysters and coconuts with those who ate them”?

Maybe, first, Ms. Mizulina should have looked at the exhibition with her own eyes? Remember that after all, professionals work at the Lumiere Brothers Center... But, by the way, why? You can talk about the collapse and rise of Hollywood without having seen a single film.

The children's ombudsman also decided to mark herself as an art connoisseur and begin her career path with a high-profile case. And in this case it was completely impossible to do without a subtle sense of beauty from representatives of the Russian Officers and, in particular, Mr. Tsvetkov.

In your opinion

What types of social activists in cultural life would you approve of if you share their position?

You can choose several answer options

In particular, on his Facebook page, Mr. Tsvetkov wrote(punctuation and spelling preserved):

“We’ll figure it out on the spot and make all the decisions. According to his statement, this is indeed the photographer, but his photos are different. Based on this, my question is, your opinion, can there be an exhibition of a person in the center of the Russian capital in which these photographs are not exhibited, but he took these photographs, photographed naked children. Whether this is blasphemy towards victims of pedophilia, or if it was voluntary between him and his children, then we can forget about this page of his life and advertise his work and put it on display.”

Filmed naked children...

Hell, there are a million pictures of children in unsightly ways on social media: on the potty, naked on the beach, etc. Parents take photographs without asking their children’s opinions (why ask their little ones?) and post them in the public domain without any embarrassment.

And this is not considered propaganda of the very letter “p”. But not everyone’s accounts are closed, and anyone can see these photos, being anywhere and thinking about anything.

The photo shows Sturgers as a model. They consented to being photographed and consented to the public display of the photographs. And since these works travel around the world without accompanying litigation, maybe these models do not need obscurantist sympathy?

And then, what about the aunts who publicly pull down their children’s pants and teach them, excuse me, to pee in public places? It would be better if our desperate moralists and Mr. Tsvetkov in particular paid attention to these cases. Instilling immoral behavior from childhood and public display of a half-naked child in public places without the consent of the child.

the most subtle feeling, if there is one

Alternative descriptions

Sweet at the melon

External feeling

There's no arguing about him

Understanding the graceful

Subtle sense of esthete

Aesthetic conscience

Instinctive preference

The ability to evaluate without trying


The development of this is one of the tasks of aesthetic education

What's sour about lemon?

Lemon is sour

Bitterness or sourness

Delicious food quality

He has no friend

He can cheat on a woman without being her husband or lover

One of the human feelings

Feeling on tongue

What they don't argue about

Ability to appreciate

Woman's genius

One of the feelings


Sense of style

Stylishly dressed people have it

Hot pepper

The ability to see beauty

Excellent taster

What is relish?

Verbal partner of color

Your own adviser when choosing clothes

There are no comrades to match his color

On... and there is no comrade color

There are no comrades for him, and for color

Can cheat on a woman, but not her husband

. "lingual" feeling

Sweet by honey

Bitter, sweet

Feeling on the tongue


Understanding beauty

. “on... and there is no comrade’s color” (verb.)

What sense evaluates food?

Matchmaking partner of color

Real jam

One of the external senses

Gourmet's sophisticated

. “and the world was transformed for a moment, and strangely changed... guilt”

Understanding Beauty

Property of food

Sweet in revenge

Ability to dress beautifully

One of the feelings

Helps in choosing clothes

Ability for aesthetic perception

Like a flower, he has no comrades

One of the external senses of humans and animals, the organ of which is the mucous membrane of the tongue and oral cavity.

Property of food

Feeling, understanding of graceful, beautiful

. “On... and there is no comrade” (pron.)

. "Brother" color in absence. comrades

. "Pagan" feeling

. "and the world was transformed for a moment, and strangely changed... guilt"

What sense evaluates food?

M. relish, one of the five external senses, the instruments of which are located in the mouth, the most important in the tongue, for recognizing certain properties of food, such as sweetness, bitterness, acidity, saltiness, freshness, etc. The very property of the variety of food and objects tasted on the tongue. Taste and smell are personal senses; vision, hearing and touch are common. I have a bitter taste, and everything is bitter. These apples don't taste good; they taste bad. Navaga fish tastes like cod. You can't tell the difference between horse meat and beef by taste. There is no master (comrade) to taste, to color, what anyone likes. Food is known by taste, and holiness by experience. Without chewing, you won’t recognize the taste. The finished work makes for a delicious lunch. The food tastes better at work. Smooth, soft, but tastes disgusting. I don’t care about the taste, but it’s hot and it will be wet. It won't taste like that, but we'll be full. *The concept of beauty in the arts; a sense of grace, beauty, decency and pleasing to the eye. Damaged iconographic genus, type, style, school, distinctive properties of a work of art, as a general sign of a school or genus. Don't argue with taste. The house is decorated with taste. this artist has a lot of taste; he builds in Russian taste, in Moorish style. Delicious, pleasant to the taste, pleasing to the sense of taste, good-eating, southern. savory, folk, sweet. Deliciousness property, quality of delicious. Yummy. astrakh. kusnya, kusnya, scrambled eggs with slices of white bread with milk and butter. Taste, taste something, taste something, taste food or drink; eat, eat or drink. *Enjoy what; to take into oneself what is immaterial. Taste joy, life. He tasted death. -sya, to be tasted. Eating Wed. duration the meal will be over. valid by verb

What is relish

What's sour about lemon?

The power of heartfelt joy.

Joy can be different... A fleeting, momentary spark that illuminates the Heart; unbridled joy, which, strange as it may sound, weakens the Heart, like any other outburst of uncontrolled emotions; and, finally, true joy, which opens up enormous opportunities for spiritual growth for the Heart and Spirit. We will talk specifically about this joy, not smoldering with flashes of selfishness, but burning with the even Light of love for all that exists. How difficult it is to cultivate such joy in your Heart, daily, hourly, affirming it, affirming it, despite external circumstances, courageously and with determination. Such joy generates harmony of the Heart, for it opens the way to the manifestation of higher feelings - a feeling of understanding Beauty and Love. When the Heart flies on wings of joy, its flight is wonderful! From the height of this flight, everything vain and transitory diminishes, and the Highest becomes closer, more penetrating, and the Heart trembles from the proximity of the Highest Love embracing it. It absorbs Light and Love, pouring them, in turn, onto everything around it, creating around itself a unique atmosphere of softness and beauty. The hearts around you are involuntarily drawn to such a Heart, because they feel its steady warmth, a warmth that will warm not a single Heart!

And how the external, vain tries to destroy this harmony of the Heart, falling on it with all its weight! But if you resisted, did not allow this chaos in your Heart, retained a great feeling of joy in your Heart, then you won, won in the fiercest, invisible struggle, in the struggle against evil, for a joyful Heart is closed to evil.
You will go through everything with joy!

Sense of beauty.

How often do we repeat: “Beauty will save the World.” Let's think about this, such a capacious, phrase... Let's stop in the rush of the current day, look around sensitively and vigilantly. With what warmth Nature gives us this Beauty - the hope and joy of dawn, the compassion of rain, understanding in the light of the stars and inexhaustible love in the sun's rays. Let this Beauty into your Heart! And having accepted it with all your Heart, you will understand that you cannot continue to live by the same standards and rules by which you have lived until now. You will begin to sound on a wave united with this Beauty, you will begin to absorb the love that Nature gives you without reserve. Your Heart will open to reciprocal love, love for everything that exists. You will find the harmony of the One Life, which will raise your Heart to a new, more subtle level of perception. This requires great courage, for you will understand the full depth of the coming internal cleansing, all the power of the struggle that will begin in you, the fight against the evil that has taken root in your Heart. For the beautiful is beautiful because it is incompatible with evil.

Each Heart has its own measure of Beauty - according to the depth and purity of its perception. Everyone has their own sorrows and trials, their own key moments in life, which they must go through and resolve, gaining experience and new spiritual accumulations. But even in the most difficult moments of life, do not let your Heart be deprived by losing the sense of beauty! Strive for Beauty, for the beautiful! This raises and refines the vibrations of the Heart, making it possible for the Forces of Light to provide you with effective help, for your Heart is open at such a moment for this help. The Chain closes, and the Heart, which has contained Beauty, works in a single formation for the Good of the Common, accumulating the experience so necessary for the future, which at the destined hour will give a new impulse to the Heart and Spirit to achieve the highest Goal of Human Life.

Truly, Beauty will save the World!

Harmony of simplicity.

How much does the definition of simplicity contain? They say: “Everything simple is brilliant!” Isn’t it because everything simple is harmonious?! How can you define a Heart endowed with a sense of simplicity? This is a great achievement of the Heart, because there is nothing superficial, disturbing or unnecessary in it. The heart has achieved simplicity - harmony. It reached it not immediately, not suddenly, but in a difficult struggle with its personality, winning the Heart from selfhood step by step. Such a Heart is always courageous, because it knows the price of victory. It is always sensitive and compassionate, for it is open to the understanding of another Heart. Its love will never be selfish, for it knows the feeling of freedom. A heart that embraces simplicity is joyful, because it feeds on beauty. It is wise, and it has no need for ornate thoughts and words. Such a Heart feels the depth and potential of another Heart, because it does not look through the prism of its own self. It attracts to itself, because the warmth it radiates warms another Heart, giving it the joy of understanding and help. The entire spectrum of positive qualities is contained in the Heart, endowed with a sense of simplicity. But this does not mean that its development has stopped, no, because there is no limit to perfection, and the feeling of simplicity has, like all others, its own degrees of development. But a Heart that has embraced a sense of simplicity always deserves respect, for the Path of such a Heart is not easy, but its aspiration is great!

Yes, all the complexity is in simplicity, because it is difficult to contain it!

Feeling of gratitude.

The feeling of gratitude is living water for a grateful Heart. Precisely for the grateful, for it washes away the foundations of selfhood and sharpens the sensitivity of the Heart. The feeling of gratitude enhances all the best feelings that a grateful Heart possesses, giving impetus for the Heart to acquire new positive qualities, generating the highest feeling of devotion. A heart that has contained a feeling of gratitude is truly happy, because it has found help in a difficult situation, freed from the oppressive feeling of anxiety and worry. It gained some experience in resolving such a situation, it found another Heart that gave help at a difficult moment. The Heart has a good memory, and it is very important not to let consciousness overshadow this feeling in the Heart. After all, the feeling of gratitude presupposes mutual assistance - it is not for nothing that they say: “Debt is beautiful in payment,” the debt of the Heart. And if a grateful Heart rises to the height of devotion, then its gains are great. The Devoted Heart has been valued by humanity at all times. Such a Heart is a person’s wealth, and sometimes a great disaster if the object of devotion is not worthy of this great feeling. In the latter case, devotion becomes chains, and the Heart either blindly follows the object of gratitude, or, if it has not lost sensitivity, is torn between gratitude and an insatiable desire to break the chains that burden the Heart and Spirit. And God grant that he has enough strength and courage to break them, gain freedom and go his own, unique to him, dear Life.

Unfortunately, gratitude and devotion, in their best meaning, become a rare flower growing in the human Heart. And how such a Heart is valued at all levels of Existence! How great is its reliability and how strong are its structures! A feeling of the highest trust leads him along the upper Path. Let his tread be firm!

Fire of love.

Love!.. The highest feeling on Earth and in the Worlds! What a powerful effect it has on a loving Heart, revealing all its positive potential, exposing it to the object of love. How the life of a loving Heart changes, with what bright colors the outer life, but even more so, the hidden, inner life, is colored! A Loving Heart reaches out with all its feelings to the acquired magnet, endowing it with the entire spectrum of positive qualities. They say that love is blind, but who knows in what hidden depths of the Heart this wonderful feeling is born, and what attracts it so irresistibly to this particular magnet and to no other? What invisible threads connect two loving Hearts? And even if the love is not mutual, and it seems that your whole world, in which there is no loved one, is collapsing - still happy is the Heart that has experienced this great feeling at least once in its earthly life. For there is no feeling equal to it in terms of the power of influence on the Heart, in the power of the impulse that it gives to the entire potential of positive and accompanying feelings of love. And there are many such feelings - joy, devotion, delight, jealousy, and passion... And the spectrum of combinations of these feelings is limitless and multifaceted, like love itself, for there are no two identical Hearts, two identical Spirits, and from the Fire of the Spirit and culture The level of love depends on the heart of a lover - from the lowest to the highest. The Spirit ascends with love, rising above the flaws of personality, defeating it, growing up and gaining power in the rays of this great feeling. And how important it is not to let such a feeling as jealousy, which incredibly burdens both Hearts, dominate this holiday of love! What sensitivity the Heart must have in order to hear the beloved Heart! After all, the basis of true love always lies in the spiritual unity and co-creativity of loving Hearts. And so it is! At all times on earth, any creativity has been nourished by love, and everything beautiful and inspired was born in the fire of love. Truly, there is no more beautiful feeling on Earth and in the Worlds, for there everything is born with love, and each of us is a participant in this Universal Mystery of Love. And what your role in this Mystery will be depends only on you - on the height of your Spirit, on the purity and culture of the Heart, on nurturing an understanding of true love.

A heart that carries within itself the Fire of true love is the property of the entire Earth, for the energies of such a Heart are infinitely beneficial.

Teach, teach the Heart to love! A heart that contains true love is a beautiful and rare flower on the surface of the earth!

* * *

The palette of feelings of the human Heart is truly multifaceted! What an infinite number of combinations they give, slowing down or speeding up the Path. In what tension does the sensitive Heart work in order to free itself from everything unnecessary, superficial, that prevents us from seeing reality, both external and internal! Nothing comes right away, overnight. The Culture of the Heart is cultivated through painstaking and hard work, collecting its achievements in the Cup of experience. And this painstaking work, and the uncompromising struggle with oneself, with one’s self, brings wonderful results, refining the Heart, enriching the entire palette of its feelings and raising the Spirit to the Higher Spheres. A heart filled with the joy of struggle will always win victory over its selfishness, for this joy gives the Heart a sensitive understanding of the character that grows in the Heart of the feelings, gives strength and courage for this difficult struggle. A heart that does not know the joy of struggle will not win without this powerful ally, because a joyless Heart is covered with a veil of melancholy and indifference, a veil that rejects everything bright and beautiful. Great is the power of joy, which opens the path to the knowledge of Beauty. The human heart and nervous system feed on beauty. No medicine can replace this effect, the effect that ignites the Fire of creativity and love in a person. Great is this Fire, which lifts the Heart and Spirit to a new level of knowledge of the Truth. The Heart's readiness to accommodate the Truth presupposes its purity, for attraction follows consonance, and only a Heart pure of negativity will attract the Highest purity, giving freedom to the Spirit to ascend to the Higher Spheres.

The heart is a sensitive mediator between the Worlds. Learn to hear him and understand the essence of what was said! Protect your Heart from everything harmful that can extremely burden your Heart and interrupt its intimate connection with the Higher Worlds. Raise him in courage and purity, and a grateful Heart will become your guide and talisman in the earthly world.

Blessings and peace to every Heart - a seer and a great worker!