
DIY Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. The best ideas with photos. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden made of paper. DIY crafts Volumetric crafts of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

DIY Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.  The best ideas with photos.  Santa Claus and Snow Maiden made of paper.  DIY crafts Volumetric crafts of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

It’s very easy to make Father Frost and Snow Maiden for the New Year. The most important thing is that it is quite interesting.

What is a holiday without Father Frost, and what is Father Frost without the Snow Maiden?

In the understanding of everyone, this is a magnificent tandem, without which children will not even understand that the New Year has come.

Don't think that you can't do it. We even managed 4- summer child, so the main thing that is required of you is desire.

Unusual craft Santa Claus and Snow Maiden can easily decorate with your own hands christmas tree and will give pleasant emotions.

In addition, the option is absolutely economical, so you can spend money on expensive gifts!

DIY Santa Claus

All children believe in the existence of Santa Claus or Father Frost, so let's not deprive them of this faith and create this fairy tale for them.


I used the following materials:

  • plastic bottle;
  • PVA glue and super glue;
  • cotton wool;
  • colored paper;
  • empty pill packaging;
  • a piece of black plasticine.

Remember, nothing is irreplaceable, and if you suddenly don’t have something at home, replace it with the material you have.

For example, instead of colored paper, you can use fabric, and make eyes out of paper or even draw them.

It is better to take a thicker bottle, because Santa Claus with his own hands is usually well-fed.

How to make Santa Claus with your own hands

Everything is simple here. We take red paper, twist it slightly into a tube and put it in the bottle.

The paper will straighten itself along the contours; all you have to do is correct it closer to the neck. This can be done using a pencil or other long object.

Let's get started eyes for Santa Claus with your own hands. We take two recesses from the tablets and take out the contents. It is better to throw away the tablets immediately, because you can turn away for a second, and the children will already eat them.

Even if you don't have children, throw them away anyway, as storing them without packaging is not recommended.

It is better to choose larger packages so that the pupils can dangle. It looks funnier this way.

We take these packages and roll two balls of black plasticine.

Cut out two circles from a white landscape sheet to cover the hole of the tablets. We put the plasticine circles in the place where the tablet previously lay, then cover it with white paper. You can cover it with the remaining film on the package.

We take super glue and glue on the eyes of our future Santa Claus, made with our own hands.

Now let's do it hat for Santa Claus from colored paper.

We fold a piece of red paper into a cone shape and glue it with PVA. After this, we take a strip of cotton wool and paste over the bottom of the hat.

From a wad of cotton wool we make a boomboon at the end of Santa Claus's hat with our own hands.

Let's start with the beard. To do this we need to take cotton wool and make a mustache and then a beard. You can glue the cotton wool with super glue or PVA.

Don't forget about the mouth, which I cut out of colored paper.

Now give free rein to your imagination!

It will be interesting to make a belt for Santa Claus from black paper. Just cut out a strip and glue it onto the bottle.

Our Santa Claus is ready with his own hands. Send him under the Christmas tree to wait for your Snow Maiden!

DIY Snow Maiden

I decided to make my grandfather’s companion from similar materials, namely:

  • plastic bottle;
  • colored paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • cotton wool;
  • braids;
  • album sheet;
  • and a couple of markers.

If you want the Snow Maiden to sparkle with your own hands under New Year's garlands It's worth taking a few more sequins.

The bottle should not be large and thin. I took it from Pepsi, which seems to me to be the ideal base.

We need braid to make a braid. For some reason, it is accepted that the Snow Maiden is blonde, so I didn’t deviate from the established stereotypes and took light ribbons.

Using three ribbons, make a regular braid and tie with a ribbon of a different color.

How to make the Snow Maiden with your own hands

Take light blue or dark blue paper for the coat. Roll it into a cone and glue it together.

Cut off the top of the cone and put the coat on the bottle.

We take cotton wool and decorate the bottom of the coat. You can glue it with regular PVA glue.

Then we glue the cotton wool along the middle of the coat.

In the same way, we make a fluffy collar.

Making the Snow Maiden's head with our own hands

We cut out an oval from paper and draw a face on it with felt-tip pens, pencils or paints. Don't forget about red cheeks.

I cut out a triangle from blue colored paper - this will be the headdress.

We will decorate it with sequins in the shape of snowflakes. If you don’t have sequins at home, then just make snowflakes out of paper.

We attach the braid to the head and mask the remaining part of the head with braid so that the Snow Maiden does not turn out bald with her own hands.

You can also decorate your coat with sequins or snowflakes. They adhere well to PVA, so you won’t have any problems with this.

You can decorate in completely different ways. Of course, it all depends on your imagination.

You can also use the blue cap as a headdress if you decorate it beautifully.

I didn’t use the lid, so I removed it and stuffed cotton wool into the neck of the bottle (by the way, you can make other original crafts from plastic bottles).

I attached the head to the bottle and disguised it from behind with cotton wool.

It seems to me that the Snow Maiden came out a little evil with her own hands, but apparently I have problems with artistic skills, so don’t judge harshly.

I hope my idea will bring joy to you and your children, and the New a year will pass fun and will bring good luck and happiness to your home!

It’s very easy to make Father Frost and Snow Maiden for the New Year. The most important thing is that it is quite interesting.

What is a holiday without Father Frost, and what is Father Frost without the Snow Maiden?

In the understanding of everyone, this is a magnificent tandem, without which children will not even understand that the New Year has come.

Don't think that you can't do it. We even managed to cope with a 4-year-old child, so the main thing that is required from you is desire.

This unusual DIY Santa Claus and Snow Maiden craft is easy and will give you pleasant emotions.

In addition, the option is absolutely economical, so you can spend the money on expensive gifts!

DIY Santa Claus

All children believe in the existence of Santa Claus or Father Frost, so let's not deprive them of this faith and create this fairy tale for them.


I used the following materials:

  • plastic bottle;
  • PVA glue and super glue;
  • cotton wool;
  • colored paper;
  • empty pill packaging;
  • a piece of black plasticine.

Remember, nothing is irreplaceable, and if you suddenly don’t have something at home, replace it with the material you have.

For example, instead of colored paper, you can use fabric and make or even draw eyes.

It is better to take a thicker bottle, because Santa Claus with his own hands is usually well-fed.

How to make Santa Claus with your own hands

Everything is simple here. We take red paper, twist it slightly into a tube and put it in the bottle.

The paper will straighten itself along the contours; all you have to do is correct it closer to the neck. This can be done using a pencil or other long object.

Let's get started eyes for Santa Claus with your own hands. We take two recesses from the tablets and take out the contents. It is better to throw away the tablets immediately, because you can turn away for a second, and the children will already eat them.

Even if you don't have children, throw them away anyway, as storing them without packaging is not recommended.

It is better to choose larger packages so that the pupils can dangle. It looks funnier this way.

We take these packages and roll two balls of black plasticine.

Cut out two circles from a white landscape sheet to cover the hole of the tablets. We put the plasticine circles in the place where the tablet previously lay, then cover it with white paper. You can cover it with the remaining film on the package.

We take super glue and glue on the eyes of our future Santa Claus, made with our own hands.

Now let's do it hat for Santa Claus from colored paper.

We fold a piece of red paper into a cone shape and glue it with PVA. After this, we take a strip of cotton wool and paste over the bottom of the hat.

From a wad of cotton wool we make a boomboon at the end of Santa Claus's hat with our own hands.

Let's start with the beard. To do this we need to take cotton wool and make a mustache and then a beard. You can glue the cotton wool with super glue or PVA.

Don't forget about the mouth, which I cut out of colored paper.

Now give free rein to your imagination!

It will be interesting to make a belt for Santa Claus from black paper. Just cut out a strip and glue it onto the bottle.

Our Santa Claus is ready with his own hands. Send him to wait for your Snow Maiden!

DIY Snow Maiden

I decided to make my grandfather’s companion from similar materials, namely:

  • plastic bottle;
  • colored paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • cotton wool;
  • braids;
  • album sheet;
  • and a couple of markers.

If you want the Snow Maiden to sparkle with your own hands, you should take a few more sequins.

The bottle should not be large and thin. I took it from Pepsi, which seems to me to be the ideal base.

We need braid to make a braid. For some reason, it is accepted that the Snow Maiden is blonde, so I didn’t deviate from the established stereotypes and took light ribbons.

Using three ribbons, make a regular braid and tie with a ribbon of a different color.

How to make the Snow Maiden with your own hands

Take light blue or dark blue paper for the coat. Roll it into a cone and glue it together.

Cut off the top of the cone and put the coat on the bottle.

We take cotton wool and decorate the bottom of the coat. You can glue it with regular PVA glue.

Then we glue the cotton wool along the middle of the coat.

In the same way, we make a fluffy collar.

Making the Snow Maiden's head with our own hands

We cut out an oval from paper and draw a face on it with felt-tip pens, pencils or paints. Don't forget about red cheeks.

I cut out a triangle from blue colored paper - this will be the headdress.

We will decorate it with sequins in the shape of snowflakes. If you don’t have sequins at home, then just make snowflakes out of paper.

We attach the braid to the head and mask the remaining part of the head with braid so that the Snow Maiden does not turn out bald with her own hands.

You can also decorate your coat with sequins or snowflakes. They adhere well to PVA, so you won’t have any problems with this.

You can decorate in completely different ways. Of course, it all depends on your imagination.

You can also use the blue cap as a headdress if you decorate it beautifully.

I didn’t use the lid, so I removed it and stuffed cotton wool into the neck of the bottle (by the way, you can make other original ones).

I attached the head to the bottle and disguised it from behind with cotton wool.

It seems to me that the Snow Maiden came out a little evil with her own hands, but apparently I have problems with artistic skills, so don’t judge harshly.

I hope my idea will bring joy to you and your children, and the New Year will be fun and bring good luck and happiness to your home!

We always prepare for the New Year in advance, and this year was no exception. Having chosen a suitable day, we went to shopping mall for New Year's paraphernalia. We bought the essentials: tinsel, rain. Of the Christmas tree decorations, our little Andryusha really liked the wooden snowflake, and our daughter Sonya liked the pink bird.

It's time to go home. And suddenly the question: “Mom, will we have Father Frost and Snow Maiden?” “Of course,” was all I could answer. We didn’t plan to buy figurines, since the prices for these characters, frankly, are “fabulous.” And I decided to make Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden with my own hands (which made my daughter indescribably delighted). For production fairy-tale heroes it took us a whole week because we were making Father Frost and the Snow Maiden while Andryusha was sleeping. Let's share our experience.

To work you will need:

  • plastic bottle (for example, from fabric softener) - 2 pcs.
  • scissors, cotton wool
  • glue, brushes, paints (preferably gouache)
  • black marker
  • scotch tape transparent
  • decorations, rhinestones
  • a piece of bright fabric (for making a bag)
  • knitting threads (beige or yellow)
  1. We paint plastic bottles red, blue, light blue or white - to suit your taste. It is necessary to leave unpainted space for the faces of future heroes. Let the bottles dry (about a day).
  1. Now let's start decorating. At the base of the bottle and on the rim of the lid we glue cotton wool (imitation of a hat and fur coat), we also glue cotton wool on the front part of the bottle - 2 small pieces (imitation of fur cuffs of the sleeves of a fur coat). Santa Claus should have a “fluffy beard” made of cotton wool!
  2. Let's do the face. To draw it, use a black marker. We glued a red bead to Santa Claus instead of a nose; we bought eyes for both characters.
  3. We decorated the fur coats of the Snow Maiden and Father Frost with sparkles and snowflakes and did not forget about the mittens - we glued them under the cotton wool edge.
  4. We wove the pigtails for the Snow Maiden from beige knitting threads. The bangs were glued to the tape, and the braids were placed under the lid and simply twisted. The Snow Maiden's hat and braids were decorated with stars.

Now Father Frost and the Snow Maiden are comfortably seated on the shelf, waiting for the magical holiday- New Year!


Grandfather has an evil expression on his face, and Snow Maiden too, in general, no better... but the idea is good.

They turned out scary. And it’s nice to make them, I know from myself. Probably a smile on the Snow Maiden’s face would have improved the impression a little.

Comment on the article "DIY Santa Claus and Snow Maiden: crafts for the Christmas tree"

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Section: - gatherings (Crafts for the New Year: Father Frost and Snow Maiden). There were such Santa Clauses, Snow Maidens... maybe it was cotton wool with glue, I don’t know, then it was painted. About 7 years ago I bought some Soviet toys on some similar Internet-follower 12/19/2012 18:30:22...

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DIY Santa Claus and Snow Maiden: crafts for the Christmas tree. And I decided to make Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden with my own hands (which made my daughter indescribably delighted). It took us a whole week to make fairy-tale characters, since we were making Grandfather...

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Pan-As - crafts. DIY crafts, do-it-yourself [link-18] 69. DIY symbol of winter and New Year: a snowman made of socks, felt, pine cones and a DIY snowman for the New Year: textile doll. DIY Santa Claus and Snow Maiden: crafts for the Christmas tree.

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Everyone good day, today we will surprise you with new ideas for New Year’s crafts in the form of Santa Claus. There will be a lot of non-standard New Year's resolutions- Santa Claus will appear before us in the most different images. We will see that New Year's Santa Claus is not only a paper craft, we will make him from wood, from fabric, from boxes. You'll definitely find a craft here that will inspire your creativity and make you want to make it yourself.

New Year's Santa Claus


Children in all countries know that the main supplier of sweets in New Year Holidays- This is Santa Claus. We always expect a sweet treat from him. And that means doing a craft with Santa Claus only on New Year’s Eve, when it smells like chocolate or tangerines.

Here's an idea for a sweet New Year's craft with Santa Claus. Santa Claus's belly is a sheet folded in half and in the front half of the fold we will cut a hole - an inspection hole where our candy will protrude.

The shape and design of the tummy can be different - triangular (as in the photo above) or round (as in the photo below). The main thing is general principle— bend the sheet in half and draw an oval in the front part for the hole.
The two edges of the bent part are fixed along the upper edge with a stapler or tape or glue. And then New Year's Santa Claus receives a face, hat, beard, arms and legs.

Your craft with Santa Claus can hide treats in another way. Here is another version of the craft with a pocket for sweets FLAT New Year's Santa Claus, made of cardboard.

Or here are options with a convex box, where you can pour a good handful of sweets into Santa Claus. These Santa Clauses are a great craft for kindergarten- it’s very simple. We have a diagram of this craft and a master class on our website - here in this article

You can simply lean it against a flat craft with Santa Claus cut tea or biscuit box- cover it with a colored appliqué that imitates a brick pipe.

New Year's Santa Claus


That's beautiful and very simple craft for children at school or in kindergarten. We take red as a basis plastic cup. We cut out a face, a brood and a hat from paper. Glue this to the top of the glass. You can use a stand behind Santa Claus's head, a prop - which is glued to the bottom of the glass and leans against the back of Grandfather's head.

If you have white disposable cups and foam balls, you can make a beautiful ANGEL craft. But if you don't have foam balls, you can make them a SUBSTITUTE - roll a larger ball out of plasticine. We tear the white napkin into pieces. We coat the plasticine ball with PVA glue and place a napkin on it, layer by layer... until all the plasticine is hidden and the ball turns white. Here you have the angel's head - simply and quickly enough. We wait for the napkin layer to dry and draw eyes on it or glue them from colored paper.

New Year's Santa Claus

in a pyramid box.

A triangular gift box can be designed in the shape of Santa Claus. Such a box opens at its lower part - at the bottom. Or the box can open like a tulip bud - the triangular walls fall apart and we see a gift.

New Year's Santa Claus


From used toilet paper What remains is a cardboard roll - a sleeve. You can make beautiful New Year's crafts from such bushings. Santa Clauses grow a cotton beard, they are covered with sparkles, or they are wrapped in felt clothes. You can make friends for them, also from bushings.

The bushings can be painted or covered with colored paper. Decorate with rhinestones, buttons, and wrap with elegant ribbons or ropes.

If the sleeve is shortened by half, cut it in half. Then a short piece of roll can become a New Year's pendant with Santa Claus to decorate the Christmas tree.

Children's crafts


with New Year's Santa Claus.

If you need a beautiful bright craft for an exhibition in a kindergarten, or competition work to school - something you can do quickly and easily New Year's wreath with Santa Claus made of a cardboard ring.
We take a large piece of cardboard - a pizza lid, for example - put a round plate on it, trace it with a pencil. Cut out the resulting circle. We put a small plate on this circle - trace it and cut it out - we get a circle with a hole in the center - that is, a CARDBOARD RING.
We cover it with colored paper (to hide the letters from the pizza) and decorate it New Year's applique— Santa Claus and flowers. You will find templates for this craft in the article.

Suitable for kindergarten simple craft from plates — New Year's Santa Claus with treats. The cookies and gingerbread on the plate may not be real, but cut out of cardboard or felt, or better yet, made from salt dough.

Here's another quick craft where New Year's Santa Claus is made from a cone. To make the craft tall and large-scale, we take four sheets of paper and glue them along the edges together (with tape or a glue stick). From such an enlarged sheet we fold a cul-cone - we straighten it and cut off its lower edge. From the front of the cone at the top we glue the silhouette of the face of Santa Claus, a pompom on the hat, and hands with cuffs. We draw buttons and snowflakes on the fur coat.

You can make a FLAT cardboard craft with Santa Claus and have it stand VERTICALLY at the exhibition. Let's make a selection for it, a cardboard pyramid with a slot. The diagram below shows the principle of gluing such a support from a strip of cardboard.

Here in the photo below we see a whole team of New Year's Santa Clauses on just such collection legs, made according to the diagram above.

New Year's Santa Claus


Very beautiful and strong crafts for the New Year are made from wood. New Year's Santa Claus made of wood is a durable and elegant craft that will serve you, your children and your grandchildren. If you have boards and know how to saw and sand, then this is your craft. Let your New Year's Santa Claus be wooden, warm and pleasant to the touch. A tree always retains the living force of nature.

You can also cut out silhouettes of fir trees, the silhouette of a snow-covered house and other elements of a winter landscape from wood.

You can cut out Santa Claus, who is holding a sign with a New Year's wish in his hands.

You decide for yourself what the shape of Santa Claus will be - elongated and tall, or plump and short.

With a wooden Santa Claus you can make up New Year's compositions, adding other wooden characters to it.

You can buy ready-made wooden figures of Santa Claus and decorate them into New Year's compositions. Just create a piece New Year's decorations- from spruce branches, artificial snow.

For such compositions, you can make Christmas trees from cones cut from a carton of eggs.

You can fold Christmas trees out of paper as in the photo below for this purpose in our section New Year there is also a great article about Paper Christmas trees with your own hands.

New Year's Santa Claus.

from bottles.

If you cover wine bottles with red spray paint, you will get an excellent preparation for a New Year's Santa Claus craft. Note: choose a color marked GLOSS because matte will look dull and will require varnishing the craft.

If you are fond of crafts made from thermomosaics, then you can make a craft for a Christmas tree from mosaic bobbles.

Here is a beautiful panel in the form of Santa Claus. This elegant New Year's craft is made from a special decorative ribbon, which is gathered into wavy ruffle ties. But we can make a similar craft without ribbon - simply using the very idea of ​​​​a round design and fluffy decor. You can make an imitation of beard curls from ordinary office paper, yarn, or cotton wool. If you don't do a craft big size- and a small one about the size of a plate, then it’s good to make a beard out of round cotton pads.

New Year's Santa Claus

ON PACKAGES for gifts.

You can make your own gift wrappings from thick felt or flexible plastic.

Below, I have drawn a figurative diagram of this New Year's box with Santa Claus - so you see that everything is simple. There is a bottom (narrow rectangular) - there are rounded walls and sides, with areas for gluing them to the front and back sides of the box bag.

You can use this principle to create your own designs for boxes with Santa Claus. The scheme is the same, but the styles are different. In the photo below is the SAME SCHEME... but here is the front and back wall already have a ready-made silhouette of Santa Claus. The diagram in the picture below is cropped - you need to continue it down (mirroring from the top) and to the sides (extending the sides).

But first, you will learn how to make simple rectangular boxes with straight walls and simply decorate them with an applique of New Year's Santa Claus.

Here's another beautiful craft, where New Year's Santa Claus is made of lace paper napkin, on which cakes are placed. The face of Santa Claus is cut out of white paper, tinted in beige color. This applique can also decorate your New Year's gift box.

But here are examples and diagrams of SQUARE BOXES with Santa Claus - New Year's designs can be very different.

New Year's Santa Claus

from threads and wool.

Crocheted Santa Clauses look beautiful. Here you can fantasize as you please. Make them long, tall or round and thick. You yourself give the shape to a figurine made of red yarn - and then attach a face and beard to it and it becomes a typical Santa Claus.

You can felt New Year's Santa Claus from felt - combed wool. Felting is like modeling from plasticine, only with constant backcombing of your figures. we scratch with a needle until the lump thickens under our hands.

Like these ones beautiful ideas with New Year's Santa Claus you can implement in this New Year. I wish you creative insights, happy coincidences, flexible working material and dexterous hands. May you succeed both with crafts and with life in this new year.
Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site ""
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Happy New Year to the author of this article, Olga Klishevskaya.

There is no doubt that Santa Claus is the main character of New Year's celebrations. It is his miracles and gifts that children wait for, they send letters, postcards, and under the tree for the fairy-tale wizard the answer is often hidden. children's giftNew Year's craft. Santa Claus himself often becomes a character embodied in various types creativity.

DIY origami

A person who is interested in origami will have no questions about how to make small paper figurines in the form of Santa Claus. Having chosen the simplest and most understandable option among the proposed schemes, make New Year figurine even a person inexperienced in this type of creativity can make from paper. Santa Claus, created with your own hands from a small piece of colored paper, will be an excellent addition to the main gift or card, and will also be a wonderful sign of attention.

Felt crafts

Felt is a very practical and convenient material for creativity. Felt toys are not only colorful and pleasant to the touch: due to the fact that the pattern pieces can not only be sewn, but also glued to each other using hot glue or an adhesive stick, the creation is also suitable for children.

In order to make a felt Santa Claus with your own hands, you will need:

  • red felt:
  • flesh-colored felt;
  • white felt;
  • white floss;
  • needle;
  • padding polyester or cotton wool;
  • pencil;
  • scissors.

Work progress (step by step):

  • Print or redraw the product pattern on paper, cut out the details.
  • Bend the red felt in half, use a pencil to transfer the largest part of the pattern (in the form of a drop) onto it and cut it out. Sew both parts of the part together, leaving a centimeter section unstitched. Through the resulting hole, fill the product with padding polyester or cotton wool (for convenience, you can use a pencil), and then sew up the hole.
  • From flesh-colored felt, cut out 1 piece in the form of an oval. This is the face of the future figure. Having placed the part in the desired place, place white felt parts on top of it: the beard and the frill of the hat. The frill should be sewn around the entire perimeter, and the beard should be sewn only at the point of contact with the figure’s face.
  • Cut out the remaining parts from white felt: mustache and pompom of the hat (2 pcs.). Sew the mustache over the beard, stitching the piece only along the top edge.
  • Cut a small circle (nose) from flesh felt and sew it on top of the mustache.
  • Place the end of the Santa Claus hat between two pompom pieces and sew them together.
  • Embroider or draw eyes. Fasten the thread in the form of a loop.

Various decorative elements decorate and diversify the craft. Santa Claus can be made not only in the traditional red and white color scheme, but also have a blue or green suit.

Bottle decoration

It's no secret that the most universal New Year's gift for people not in a close social circle is champagne (or other alcohol) and chocolate (or candy). The original Santa Claus, hand-sewn from colorful materials, will make the gift unique and memorable.

Making crafts from bottles is also suitable for junior groups kindergarten: to do this, just fill transparent bottles with red paper, glue a beard made of cotton wool and plastic eyes on top and complete the image of the main New Year's wizard using a red sock or paper cap that imitates the character’s hat.

Crafts made from cotton pads

Cotton pads and cotton wool are the easiest materials to use in kindergarten. Children can glue cotton pads (or balls) onto templates prepared in advance by adults or make a craft entirely with their own hands, first painting it and then decorating it with cotton wool parts. These can be snowflakes cut out with a figured hole punch, the cotton beard of Santa Claus, as well as details of his costume.

Identical templates, decorated with details from cotton pads and cotton wool in accordance with the tastes and skills of each child, will become wonderful and different gifts that children can take home and give to their loved ones.

For creativity in older groups of kindergarten, more painstaking and complex work is suitable - creating crafts from cotton swabs. Sticks attached with glue will be a good building material for creating fabulous winter landscapes.

Santa Claus made of plasticine

For children of older groups of kindergarten, as well as younger schoolchildren Modeling from plasticine will be easy. Depending on the child’s skills, you can choose step by step instructions products varying degrees complexity: from the simplest to figures with a lot of small details.

Santa Claus made of plasticine will become the main character of fabulous winter scenes and New Year's stories.

Figures made from threads

Creation fairy tale character from wool threads- a labor-intensive process that requires not so much special handicraft skills as it takes a lot of time with painstaking work. However, the resulting figurines have a very “homey” appearance, evoking a feeling of coziness and warmth.

Santa Claus made of paper

Paper crafts are extremely diverse not only in type, but also in the types of techniques used in the process of their creation. Paper of only two colors (green and red), rolled and fixed in the form of cones and complemented by small details (a face with a beard, Christmas balls) will become the basis for creating a beautiful