Life style

Complete the proverb: the tree holds on. “A tree is held together by its roots, and a person is held together by friends”: meaning of phraseology and interpretation. Does the phraseological unit stand the test of modernity?

Complete the proverb: the tree holds on.

It’s not for nothing that the song says:

The meaning of the proverb is:

The meaning of the proverb

The meaning of this saying is:


A tree is held together by its roots, and a person is held together by its friends. What is the meaning of the proverb?

In the proverb, a tree is held together by its roots, and a person is held together by friends, which conveys the meaning of the importance of friendly relations in society.

If you have a lot of friends, that means a lot of ideas, that means everything in life will be okay.

It’s not for nothing that the song says:

Because with the help of friends, you seem to grow in society, take root among people

I think the meaning of the proverb is that no matter how strong, big, mighty a tree is, without roots it will die, because they hold it, even an oak tree will not be able to stand without roots and there is no need for wind, it will fall without waiting for it. Likewise, a person, no matter how strong, healthy, or rich he is, without friends he will be lost and is supported by his friends, who in difficult times will always come to the rescue and help out. A person cannot overcome difficulties on his own, but with friends it is easy to survive even troubles. Therefore, friends should be valued, loved, respected and not quarreled with them.

The meaning of the proverb is:

Any tree rests on its roots, if the tree does not have roots, then it will simply fall and disappear, no matter how large and beautiful it is; This also means that a person without friends will not be strong. That is, friends for a person are like roots for a tree, they make him stable and help him overcome difficulties and stay afloat all the time, so to speak.

I think the meaning of the proverb is that a person needs another person, because friends are a reliable support, which, if anything happens, you can hold on to and not fall.

Personally, I do not agree with this proverb, although I do not rule out that friends play a very important role in the lives of many people. I rely solely on myself, my support is me and my family. I had friends before, at an immature age, but now I don’t feel much need for them.

The proverb is quite relevant in any sense. That is, it is clear that a tree without roots will not grow, much less withstand the pressure of the lightest breeze. But the fact that a person keeps friends can be understood in two ways. First of all, a person is a member of society and it is impossible for him to remain a proud loner in this society. He will simply have no one to talk to, no one to ask for advice and no where to get help if necessary. That is, a person’s friends, as well as his family, are his support in any storm of life. But the meaning of this proverb can be distorted to the concept of connection. That is, some useful contacts that help a person make a career or also get out of difficult situations. These connections have nothing to do with friendship, but they are quite effective. They say that the main thing is to have influential friends and not be afraid of anything.

This proverb speaks of the importance of human friendship. The proverb equates that friends are as important to a person as roots are to a tree. It is clear that a tree without roots will not grow and will die. So it is with a person. It is very difficult to survive without friends. Friends are our advisers and helpers. Friends support both in joy and in sorrow, where their support is especially needed.

In addition to this proverb, there are many more proverbs about friendship. And they all teach to value friendship, to be faithful in friendship, to respect friends and to be able to value them.

The root system is incredibly important to a tree. Without roots, a tree will not only not be able to live, but even just stand. Roots can save the weakest tree, giving it nutrients from the soil, and make a strong one even stronger.

So it is with a person, without friends, life will be very difficult and not fulfilling. Friends can increase happiness and reduce grief.

The meaning of the proverb A tree is held together by its roots, and a man is held together by friends., is that the tree grows and it is the roots that nourish it, thanks to them it holds tightly and exists.

The same can be said about a person. A person cannot survive on his own; without friends and family it will be very difficult for him, since it is in them that our strength lies. They are the ones who help us and support us in difficult times.

The meaning of this saying is:

Every object, every plant and every person has its own unique foundation, in the language of builders. This is the foundation that keeps a person afloat much more reliably than some random straw floating by.

For a tree, such a foundation can be called its root system. Thanks to her, it feeds and does not fall. It stands firmly in its place and does not fly away from it even in the event of severe winds.

Man has no roots in the literal botanical sense. But figuratively, there is. They are called friends. I can't help but agree. A good friend holds tighter than the thickest root.

Without friends, a person has a hard time in life: there is no help, he is lonely, etc.

Just as a tree without strong roots cannot grow, become big and strong, so a person without good friends cannot grow. Of course, there are also examples when people go over their heads, having neither friends nor relatives, and achieve great heights. But there is one nuance - as soon as they stumble, they will immediately be trampled, since there will not be a single person who can give them a hand and help them get up or get out.

A tree lives on water, a tree protects water too.

A tree is held together by its roots, and a person is held together by its friends.

A tree is known by its fruit, and a man by his deed.

You can't cut a straight arrow from a crooked tree.

And not every tree is suitable for a spoon.

A tree is planted soon, but not soon its fruits are eaten.

Mahogany is rare, the red word is apt.

It takes a second to break a tree, but it takes years to grow it.

It’s all the same – whether it’s a tree or a log.

Bend the tree while it bends, teach the child while it obeys.

A tree without a leaf is like a calf without a tail.

One tree is not a forest, one person is not a people.

Cut the tree by yourself.

A bad tree grows in a branch.

Wood before finishing is always crooked.

The tree became crooked when it was young.

If you don’t take care of the undergrowth, you won’t even see a tree.

Don't judge a tree by its bark.

The tree and the teacher are known by their fruit.

A peasant without land is like a tree without fire.

An established willow tree: it grows from a poke.

Like the tree, like the wedge; like the father, like the son.

The tree is crooked, but the apples are sweet.

I couldn't see the forest for the trees.

One tree is not a dark forest.

A creaky tree stands for a long time.

There is no tree on which a bird would not sit.

A small ax destroys a big tree.

When a tree is felled, everyone rushes to it with their ax.

Wherever the tree leaned, it fell.

Dry branches falling from trees in calm weather mean rain.

One leaf fell from the tree - wait for autumn.

Old wood burns better.

A lot of frost hangs on the trees - there will be a lot of honey.

A tree cut down in severe frosts soon splits.

A thunderstorm hits a tall tree.

Yellow leaves appear on trees untimely - by early autumn.

Straw and wood are not friends with fire.

An icon and a shovel are made from the same tree.

Finish the proverbs please (Pleas) urgently needed

Not the friend who indulges, but...

A tree is held together by its roots...
He who talks a lot is...
In words and this and that, and...
Get lost yourself, and...

  • Not the friend who indulges, but the one who instructs.
    A tree is held together by its roots, and a man is held together by friends.
    He who talks a lot does little.

    In words this way and that, but in reality nothing. Get lost yourself, but help out your comrade.

  • Not That Friend, Who indulges, A That, who instructs the mind.

    A tree is held together by its roots, and a man is held together by friends. He who talks a lot does little In words this way and that, but in reality nothing Get lost yourself and help your friend

Man and society have historically developed contradictory relationships, but so far one cannot be imagined without the other. One of the criteria for the success of a man or woman today is how much they are in demand by other people. Let's talk about the proverb “A tree is held together by its roots, but a person is held together by friends.”


People in Russia lived communally for quite a long time. The peasants were given their freedom only in 1861. Of course, if you read history carefully, you will find out: individualism existed in Rus', but it was the lot of a few. The majority, in fact, as now, thought collectively. ON THE. Berdyaev, comparing the Russian soul and the European one, says that our soul is fundamentally collectivist, while that of Europeans is individualistic. It follows from this that we are very sincere people. But this is only because throughout history a collective was almost forcibly imposed on us - we eventually had to adapt.

Yes, the reader probably begins to lose patience and thinks: “What does the proverb “A tree is held together by its roots, and a person by its friends” have to do with it?” We try to show that praising friendship in stable terms does not grow out of nowhere. This is all due to long coexistence with others like themselves. We have such weather and social conditions that one person could not cultivate the land to feed his family, so we had to solve the problem together. Without mutual assistance, many people would not survive. It follows that friendship is a great power.

However, let’s move on to the meaning of the stable phrase “A tree is held together by its roots, and a person is held together by friends.” It, as one might already guess, insists that the most important thing for a person is friends. It is the latter, together, of course, with the family that form the social basis of a person.

Synonym of phraseological unit - “Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends”

This proverb, of course, is also about friendship. Later, in our time, it was subjected to cynical vulgarization. If you have two or even four friends, then they are unlikely to have 25 rubles each at once, and if your army of friends numbers 100 units, then a ruble is not money. But, of course, no one really thinks like that. The main value of friendship is that a person helps freely, that is, for nothing, in difficult times.

The meaning of the synonym for the expression “A tree is held together by its roots, and a person by its friends” is this: money will not save you in difficult times, but friends will always help. Apparently, since the Russian people were not overly idealistic, people believed: if you have 100 friends, then at least someone will respond.

Does the phraseological unit stand the test of modernity?

Great question. Even when reading classics, you want to know how relevant they are. It’s the same story with phraseological units. Everyone is interested in the question: does folk wisdom rust? Can we now say that a tree is held together by its roots, and a person is held together by its friends? True friends are rare. If someone can boast of such a relationship, then that’s good. Usually we have as many friends as we want, but only one or two friends. If a person lives a fairly monotonous and prosperous life, then he may have many friends. If existence is shaken by cataclysms, then there are few friends. But trials are not as terrible as, for example, separation, interruption in communication, differences in points of view or differences in development. As for selfless friendship, when one will do everything for the other, it is rare. This is not happening at all because people have become worse, it’s just that our high-speed life, as a rule, does not leave time for exploits, but, of course, all these are just excuses.

So, we looked at the phraseological unit “A tree is held together by its roots, and a person is held together by friends.” Its meaning, we hope, is now clear to the reader.

Essay by a student at Nizhny Novgorod State University. N.I. Lobachevsky N.V.Zotov

There is a proverb: “a tree is held together by its roots, but a person is held together by its family.” And it’s true - our families, their history, traditions, life experiences - all these are our roots with which we cling to life, and which do not allow us to be swept away and carried into oblivion by cruel storms of problems and adversity. Just as a tree receives beneficial juices from the earth through its roots, so we gain invaluable experience through the life history of our ancestors, who, having lived their lives, absorbed from it the wisdom that now nourishes us, their descendants. What will happen to even the most powerful and mighty tree if it loses its roots? It will quickly dry out and wither away if even the most pitiful breeze does not blow it over first. The same thing will happen to a person if he suddenly forgets about his family, his ancestors and their lives.

I always remember my roots, my grandparents, and I really regret that they left us very early, and I, being of a conscious age, had little time to talk to them about and learn more about their lives.

My grandfather, Nikolai Fedorovich Zotov, dreamed of becoming a mathematics teacher since childhood; in his time it was an honorable and respected profession. But the war prevented his dream from coming true. Grandfather was drafted into the army in 1943; when he took the military oath, he was not yet eighteen years old. He served in the 861st anti-aircraft artillery regiment, which defended the approaches to Minsk. He ended the war with the rank of corporal - commander of the radio-technical department of an anti-aircraft installation. At the front, my grandfather was wounded twice by shrapnel - in the head, arm, shoulder and leg.

In general, my grandfather told me very little about the war, almost nothing. Apparently, these were very difficult memories for him, and he wanted to forget everything and start life from scratch. I remember my grandfather telling me that during the war they, young guys, dreamed of how to stay warm, eat and sleep - sometimes they had to sleep on bare logs and not eat for several days. But he did not consider military work - conscientious, selfless, selfless and honest - a feat. For this work, he was awarded the Medal “For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945” and many other medals and orders. My grandfather was especially proud of the Order of the Patriotic War, which he received for bravery, fortitude and courage in commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. My mother and I carefully keep all the medals and orders for posterity. I remember when we were going to the veterans’ parade every spring, he would put on his jacket with orders and medals. This made a huge impression on me, his grandson, and everyone around him.

Grandfather loved to talk about how he was awarded a week’s leave for his faithful service, and what adventures he, still just a boy, had to get home to his mother. He loved war songs, listened to them and even sang them to me himself when he put me to bed - like lullabies. I remember he often took me for a walk - to the park, to the anti-aircraft gun, and told me how he shot at fascist planes. My grandfather read a lot since childhood, and until old age he was interested in the history and politics of the state. His favorite hero was Marshal Zhukov.

Grandfather often recalled how everyone rejoiced at the news of the end of the war. He was a participant in the Victory Parade in Minsk, and on the evening of May 9, 1945, his anti-aircraft gun fired into the peaceful sky - there was a Victory salute. All of them, soldiers who went through the war, wanted to quickly return home - to a peaceful, quiet life. But his service was not over yet - to ensure the military security of the country, their regiment was not disbanded until 1950, and my grandfather served in the army for another 5 years.

In the post-war period, my grandfather also worked honestly and selflessly. To help his family, he got a job at the Gorky Automobile Plant as a distribution foreman. At the same time as working, he had to study at the Gorky Polytechnic Institute. Zhdanov as a mechanical engineering technologist. It was very difficult for him - his wounded head hurt, but he successfully studied and worked, and still managed to go to the movies and read fiction. One day he showed me an impressive list of books he had read, films he had watched, and a collection of quotes from his favorite works. We carefully store all this in the family archive.

Grandfather worked at the plant for 37 years - he worked as a breeze engineer, senior process engineer and head of the technological department of the Truck Axles Plant. Grandfather was very proud of the title of the best technologist and innovator of the association. For one of his many (more than 100) innovation proposals, he received an author's certificate for the invention.

Many directors, their deputies, chief engineers and technologists, heads of technical bureaus of ZMGA - A. A. Kiselev, A. A. Kryukov, Yu. A. Tsvetkov. Travin V.S., Yashina L.K., Artemyeva L.K., Savrasov. A.V., Kalacheva N.I. began working in his bureau. They remember him with gratitude and respect as their mentor and teacher. My mother remembers that students from the Automotive Mechanical College often came to our house; my grandfather supervised their industrial practice at the plant, helping to draw up drawings and reports.

For me, my grandfather was the most important teacher in my life. From early childhood, I tried to imitate him in everything - getting up early, doing exercises, when he wrote something, I sat down next to him, took a piece of paper and began to write incomprehensible scribbles on it. Later, I learned from my grandfather to fulfill my duties conscientiously, not to deceive, to do everything on time, to always keep my promises and not to waste words. Grandfather knew how to do literally everything - being already in his old age, in order to help his family, he went shopping, carried heavy bags, washed and swept the floors, washed clothes, cooked, and repaired all broken things. Just before his death, he and I (I was 10 years old at the time) repaired a saucepan whose handle had broken off. Of course, this was not the most important thing, and it could have simply been thrown away, but grandfather tried until the very end to be useful to us, his family, to help at least with this. And this was very important for me, I realized that a real man should be able to do everything himself, and now, like my grandfather in his time, I try to do all the men’s housework without resorting to the help of craftsmen.

The life story of my grandmother, Lidia Dmitrievna Zotova (nee Khizhenkova), is no less interesting. She grew up in a large family - she had five brothers and one sister. Their family was very friendly, the older children helped the younger ones with their studies, and their parents with housework. In addition, the older brothers worked with their father at the factory from the age of fourteen. According to the grandmother’s recollections, all five brothers were jacks of all trades - in their free time they cut out toy furniture for their sisters for dolls, and some of the things were exact miniature copies of real ones. They even wrote about their family in the newspaper (that her mother was recognized as a mother-heroine), but, unfortunately, time did not spare the thin sheet of newspaper, which she carefully kept until her death.

At the beginning of the war, my grandmother graduated from the Gorky Pharmaceutical School. During her studies, she and her fellow students went to dig trenches in the region to protect the city of Gorky in case of an attack by fascist invaders. From 1941 to 1943, the city of Gorky was subjected to massive air strikes. Young people were on duty on the roofs of houses, throwing incendiary bombs with sand at the risk of their lives. During one of these bombings, on June 22, 1943, the head of the family, grandmother’s father, Dmitry Stepanovich Khizhenkov, was mortally wounded in the entrance of his house. A shrapnel hit him in the stomach, and the doctors could not save him - he died on the operating table.

The eldest of his grandmother's brothers, Alexander, served as an artilleryman from the very beginning of the war. Being seriously wounded in 1941, he was treated in Gorky, but without completing his recovery, he volunteered to go to the front again and died in 1943 near Kursk. Another brother, Vasily, served as a pilot on a heavy bomber, did not return from the mission - he went missing. After the war, my grandmother tried to find out at least something about where and how he died, but all her searches were unsuccessful. The middle brother, Konstantin, rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel of the NKVD, fought against espionage in Moscow. The fourth son, Ivan, was also a participant in the war and remained alive. The fifth son, Vyacheslav, connected his entire life with the automobile plant, working as a foreman in a foundry, in the most difficult production. The elder sister Antonina built a military airfield in the city of Gorky.

Four sons were at the front, daughters worked far from home in the rear, the husband died - and grandmother’s mother Praskovya Vasilievna Khizhenkova remained in Gorky with her youngest son Vyacheslav, who, in order to support his mother and feed himself, at the age of 15 got a job at a bakery.

In 1943, when my grandmother was not yet 19 years old, she was sent to the Far East, to the port city of Vanino, and was appointed head of a pharmacy. My grandmother recalled that the horrors of war were all around, people were dying, they lived from hand to mouth, but they still somehow found the strength to live, fight, work, help each other, even despite the death of their relatives and friends. They believed that victory would soon come, that all these horrors would end, they dreamed of a peaceful, calm life.

My grandmother celebrated her victory in the Far East with the rank of lieutenant in the reserve medical service. She returned to Gorky only in 1949, and worked in a pharmacy all her life.

Of course, all this information is very scattered and incomplete - my grandmother, like my grandfather, almost never told us about the war. Apparently, both of them did not want to frighten us with all the horrors that they experienced. Despite this, we try to find out as much as possible about their lives, carefully storing photographs, documents and letters from the front. Until their death, my grandparents were our advisers and assistants, our support and support; now they are no longer with us, but we remember them, their courage, honesty and perseverance. In difficult times, I always remember my grandfather and grandmother, and I think that my problems cannot be compared with those that they had to endure - he at the front, and she at the rear. In the future, I am going to systematize all the documents and write the history of our family in order to pass it on to my children, so that they do not forget about their roots.