
Hydrophilic soap. Why do you need hydrophilic oil? Antioxidants and essential oils

Hydrophilic soap.  Why do you need hydrophilic oil?  Antioxidants and essential oils

Reviews of hydrophilic oil for washing are quite rare. The reason for this is people’s ignorance that this product is suitable for absolutely any skin type. Thanks to its composition, the product provides gentle care for the epidermis, cleanses it, removes makeup and replaces various gels and foams for washing.

Today it is unique remedy produced by various companies. Some reviews and photos of hydrophilic oil for washing are presented in the article. If you don’t want to purchase a product, but want to try its effect, then this oil can easily be prepared at home. All Interesting Facts about oil and detailed instructions his preparations can be seen below.

Hydrophilic oil

The review of hydrophilic oil for washing, reviews of which are provided at the end of the article, should begin with an explanation of the purpose of this product. Fatty substances cannot mix with water - this is how nature intended it. They always separate into two separate phases, and when you shake the resulting mixture, you can observe how drops of oil are distributed throughout the water and an emulsion is formed. After some time, they separate from each other again, and this can be avoided by adding an emulsifier - polysorbate. This component will give the emulsion stability and give it hydrophilic properties.

As a result of this procedure, a natural hypoallergenic product is obtained. Following from this, we can conclude that hydrophilic oil is called universal remedy to cleanse the dermis, moisturize it, and remove decorative cosmetics. It differs from other drugs in its ability to interact with water while already on the skin. After cleaning, the hydrophilic oil must be thoroughly rinsed off.

The remedy was first proposed by Korean experimenters many years ago. But, despite this, the technology was patented by specialists from Japan only in the second half of the last century.


Reviews from cosmetologists about hydrophilic oil for washing are presented below, but for now you need to find out how it manifests itself as a cosmetic product. People who have used this oil more than once know the effect it gives. Similar substances dissolve each other, which helps push dust, dirt and grease out of the pores. When interaction with water occurs, an emulsion begins to form, absorbing contaminants, after which it is washed off. At the end of the session, you need to use another product to remove the oil film that has appeared. IN in this case It is recommended to use products from the same series.

As a rule, reviews of hydrophilic oil for washing are positive, as it can quickly break down fatty plugs and push them out. Thanks to this, the product is recommended to be used to cleanse oily, problematic and combination skin. After three or four applications, the following improvements will already be noticeable:

  • the face will be cleansed;
  • blackheads will disappear;
  • the pores will become narrower;
  • acne will be eliminated;
  • the greasy shine will disappear.

Makeup remover oil

Many people leave their positive reviews about hydrophilic oil for washing and removing makeup. First of all, this applies to those girls who find it quite difficult to wash off decorative cosmetics from their faces, which even gels and tonics do not help with. When you have to wash your face with all kinds of products and rub your skin hard, it gets injured and the hydrobalance is disrupted.

This procedure can be facilitated by hydrophilic oil, intended not only for regular washing, but also for removing remnants of cosmetics from the face. The product easily dissolves silicones, fats and heavy waxes, which are present in modern decorative cosmetics. With regular use of hydrophilic oil for washing (reviews of cosmetologists about it can be viewed below), you can easily remove makeup residues and other impurities without damaging the skin.

What is suitable for oily skin?

Those with oily skin types are advised to use not only store-bought products, but also home-made ones. Customer reviews of hydrophilic oil for washing and people who create it at home are radically different from each other. Handicraftswomen are not afraid to use a product made with their own hands, because they are sure that it does not contain any harmful components. But some buyers of store-bought products often doubt the effectiveness of the product. Therefore, every lady has to make a difficult choice.

If you are completely tired of oily skin, then hydrophilic oil should be used as an excellent means to improve its structure. It quickly gets rid of oily shine, tightens and cleanses pores, moisturizes the epidermis, eliminates acne and fine wrinkles, and evens out facial tone. If the composition contains exclusively natural ingredients, then the risk of an allergic reaction is reduced to zero, which means the product can be safely used every day.

How to make butter with your own hands?

A universal product suitable for any skin type can easily be found in a pharmacy or specialty store, but not everyone will be happy with its cost. For people who are accustomed to saving money and looking beautiful at the same time, it will not be difficult for them to prepare excellent hydrophilic oil at home. It is perfect for any skin and is guaranteed to give positive results.

Needlewomen should remember that there is no way to prepare this product yourself without polysorbate. It is an integral element, although you can try using its analogue, olivderm, as a replacement.

The components necessary for preparing hydrophilic oil are difficult to find at home, so you will still have to spend some money. They can be easily ordered for home delivery in pharmacies, specialty stores or on the Internet. In any case, the costs home remedy will be much less than purchased.

Product with polysorbate

You can prepare hydrophilic oil yourself from the following components:

  • a base for which one or more (no more than three) oils should be used;
  • 10-15 drops of essential components;
  • polysorbates "TWIN 80" and "TWIN 20";
  • about 2 ml of vitamins E and A.

The emulsifier must be mixed with the base in a ratio of 1:9. is used for basic components, and “TWIN 20” is used for esters. At the same time, it is recommended to select the basic components not only based on your own preferences, but also taking into account your skin type. Thanks to the addition of vitamin E, they increase beneficial features, deep wrinkles are smoothed out and elastin production is stimulated.

Having combined all the ingredients, you need to send the mass to a cold and dark place. The product should be used every day before bed. Improvement in skin condition will become noticeable after just 3-4 uses.

Oil using Olivderm

Particular attention should be paid to the oil recipe, where polysorbate is replaced by olivderm. It requires:

  • 30 ml of the herbal component jojoba;
  • 15 ml olivderm;
  • 5 ml and essential rose oil.

The resulting hydrophilic oil should be used in the same way as the previous option. But at the same time, the first results will be clearly visible a little later - in about a couple of weeks.

For those with combination skin

Any skin type needs proper care, thanks to which you have a chance to prolong your youth and beauty. Hydrophilic oil for washing has proven itself well here. Reviews of cosmetics of this type are presented at the end of the article, but first you should figure out whether it is suitable for combination skin.

Since the cost of hydrophilic oil is not suitable for everyone, you can use a homemade recipe. Especially for combination skin types, both store-bought and homemade products are perfect. For the procedure you will need to stock up on the following components:

  • vitamin E;
  • base oils (mango and olive);
  • polysorbate 80;
  • ethers tea tree, tangerine and grapefruit.

When combining ingredients, the following ratio must be observed: 90% basic components, about 15-20% polysorbate, no more than 1 mg of vitamin E, 10 drops of essential plant substances. The amount of polysorbate should be determined by skin type - the oilier it is, the more component you need to take. All elements must be combined in a clean and dry container, mixing thoroughly. The resulting mass should be used daily before bedtime. The first results will be noticeable within a couple of weeks - the skin will cleanse, blackheads will disappear, and the complexion will become smoother.

For dry skin

To do effective remedy for dry skin type, you need to take:

  • almond oil - 80 ml;
  • rosehip oil - 10 ml;
  • "TWIN-80" - 10 ml;
  • tocopherol - a couple of drops.

All components must be thoroughly mixed and the finished mixture immediately placed in the refrigerator. The oil must be shaken before each use. You need to apply it to dry skin, and then, turning it into an emulsion, rinse your face thoroughly with warm water.

For oily skin types

In the case of oily skin, the recipe for preparing the product is very simple. It will require the following ingredients:

  • 90 ml grape seed oil;
  • 10 g polysorbate 80;
  • 10 drops each of rosemary, tea tree and clove esters.

The first step is to mix polysorbate with grape seed oil, and then add esters to this mixture. It is recommended to use the product in the evening.

Rules of application

There is nothing complicated about using hydrophilic oil. This applies to both purchased and homemade products. The first thing you need to do is take a little oil and apply it to your face, taking into account one important point- hands and face should be dry. Then massage your face with your fingertips, evenly distributing the oil over the skin. Next, you need to wet your hands and massage them a little more so that the substance turns into milk and can eliminate impurities. After this, you should remove the product from your face along with the dirt.

Oil cost

In pharmacies and stores in different cities, the cost of hydrophilic oil can vary dramatically. Pricing directly depends on the location of the manufacturer, the quality of the components used, as well as the size of the markup. Based on this, oil can be purchased for both 300 and 2500 rubles. But you still need to know the average cost - from 800 to 1500 rubles.

Proper skin care starts with proper cleansing.

An effective and high-quality cleanser has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and can solve many of its problems.

And it is not surprising that such products are produced in wide range in a wide variety of forms: gel, foam, milk, soap, micellar water or cleansing oils.

Hydrophilic oil occupies a special place, gained popularity thanks to gentle cleansing and caring properties.

Composition and properties

Hydrophilic oil - cleansing product based on vegetable oils and emulsifier(polysorbate), which has the property of turning into a whitish emulsion with a delicate texture after the slightest contact with water.

It contains safe and natural components, does not contain aggressive chemicals and is suitable for use in the care of any type of dermis.

The risk of allergic reactions is minimized since the product is hypoallergenic.

Hydrophilic oil is a universal product, but its main purpose is to remove makeup. It has a light texture and does not leave a greasy film or sticky feeling.

Main components included:

  1. Base oil base, constituting 85-90% of the total volume of the product. These can be various oils: mineral, almond, jojoba, grape seed, shea and others.
  2. Emulsifier– is a key component in the composition, thanks to which the oil dissolves in water and deeply cleanses the pores and dermis. It makes up 5-15% of the total volume of the product.
  3. Any hydrophilic oil contains additional caring components, which include:
  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin E;
  • extracts of essential oils (tea tree, neroli, lemon, rosemary);
  • fruit acids (citric, malic).

Regular use of hydrophilic oil guarantees the effect of healthy and radiant skin. It has not only a cleansing, but also a caring effect.

Let's consider beneficial features hydrophilic oil:

  1. Effectively removes the most stubborn makeup.
  2. Gently cleanses the dermis of dust and impurities.
  3. Penetrates deeply into pores and removes contents.
  4. Tightens enlarged pores.
  5. Moisturizes and nourishes.
  6. Supports the natural lipid barrier.
  7. Softens the aggressive effects of hard water.
  8. Prevents the formation of wrinkles.
  9. Does not dry, injure or tighten the skin.

What is CC facial cream and how to use it? find out right now.


The undoubted advantage of hydrophilic oil is that it is suitable for owners of any skin type and has virtually no contraindications.

  • for oily skin;
  • For problem skin with peeling or;
  • if you have acne, blackheads or pimples;
  • For sensitive skin prone to dryness or allergies;
  • in the presence of rosacea, when gentle cleansing is required;
  • For aging skin with pronounced signs of aging.

It is worth noting that hydrophilic oil can be used for body care, hair washing and can be used as a massage product.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, you should pay special attention to the creams you use. A frightening figure - 97% of creams from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of natural creams, where first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Terms of use

How to use it correctly?

The process of cleansing the skin using hydrophilic oil takes place in 3 stages and has some features.

The main rule is to apply the product only to a dry face.

There is no need to first remove makeup or wash with water or oil. applied over decorative cosmetics.

Once on the skin, it breaks down and binds fats contained in foundations, powders, concealers and other waterproof cosmetics. Suitable for cleansing eyes, lips and neck.

  1. A few drops (3-4) are applied to dry facial skin and distributed with massage movements. In this case, your hands should also be dry, since the slightest contact with water will immediately turn the oil into an emulsion and the cleansing process will not be effective. Particular attention is paid to problem areas with comedones and enlarged pores.
  2. After applying the product, you should wait 1-2 minutes until it penetrates deep into the pores and dissolves impurities.

  3. The second stage is the transformation of the oil texture into a light emulsion using warm water. Simply wet your hands in water and massage your face, after which the oil will immediately turn into a whitish emulsion. Carefully, without strong mechanical impact, remove any remaining product.
  4. Complete the process by applying light cleansing foam to remove residual oil.

Frequency of use and contraindications

Hydrophilic oil is a natural and hypoallergenic product, has no contraindications for use.

Some may be put off by its texture as the oils can clog pores.

Mineral oil is of particular concern, known for its comedic properties. But you should not be afraid of such a problem arising after using hydrophilic oil.

It is completely removed from the skin during makeup removal and does not clog pores. The main thing is thoroughly rinse off any remaining product from the face, completing the wash using foam.

But if you have a problematic skin type and your pores tend to clog quickly, you should not choose a product with mineral oil in its composition. High-quality hydrophilic oils, as a rule, do not contain such a component at all.

The frequency of use of the product has no restrictions; it can be used regularly.

The oil is designed to deeply cleanse the skin of makeup, so It is not advisable to use it during the morning wash, when superficial cleaning with a light film is sufficient. In such cases, its use is pointless.

Manufacturing companies

Hydrophilic oil is an Asian product. Therefore the most a wide range of Such products can be found in stores selling Korean and Japanese cosmetics.

Let's consider the most effective hydrophilic oils of 3 categories:

  • Asian;
  • luxury class;
  • mass market.

Hydrophilic oils Asian production:

Hydrophilic oils luxury class:

About what is different Foundation from BB face cream, you can find out from ours.

Hydrophilic oils mass market:

  1. Hydrophilic oil The magic of Morocco from Belita-Vitex. Effectively removes makeup, cleanses large pores, tones and moisturizes. The active ingredients in the composition are sesame and grape seed oil. Average cost: 250 rubles.
  2. Hydrophilic oil Argan from Spivak. Gently cleanses and nourishes the skin. Can also be used to remove eye makeup. Maintains hydrolipid balance and does not dry out the skin. The active ingredients in the composition are argan oil, almond oil and rapeseed oil. Average cost: 180 rubles.
  3. Hydrophilic oil (BIO oil) Delicate cleansing from the company Black Pearl. Contains grape seed, macadamia and almond oils. Does not damage the skin, effectively removes the most persistent makeup. Maintains natural water balance. Average cost: 220 rubles.

Hydrophilic oil is the most popular product for removing decorative cosmetics, dust and dirt. It has no contraindications, does not injure, does not dry or tighten the skin.

Penetrating deep into the pores pushes out all contaminants and removes them effectively. The main thing is to choose quality oil, then the cleansing procedure will become a pleasant process for you.

You can learn how to properly use hydrophilic facial oil from the video:

Proper and daily cleansing of facial skin is the key to its attractive and healthy appearance. Among the many famous ones, special attention deserves hydrophilic oil.

Let's take a closer look at what makes this product special.

What is the oil used for?

Hydrophilic oil is a unique cleanser and makeup remover; it contains mineral oils, vitamins and emulsifiers.

Hydrophilic oil is unique and makes-up remover. It contains mineral oils, vitamins and emulsifiers.

Why is this product unique? Regardless of what this liquid is called and is an oil, it is water soluble. This means that when diluted with water, it turns into a substance similar to milk or emulsion.

This cosmetic substance, just like , is intended for gentle and gentle treatment, without damaging the skin and its own lipid layer.

Surprisingly, washing with hydrophilic oil prevents skin aging, as it does not dry it out and is an excellent antiseptic. Moreover, it is suitable for anyone. Don’t be afraid to use it for, because hydrophilic oil has the property of absorbing subcutaneous sebum, thereby eliminating it.

The magical effect of hydrophilic oil has attracted the attention of cosmetic product manufacturers. Due to its properties, complete removal with hydrophilic oil is possible, and no clogged pores are formed.

Perhaps this composition is one of a kind, because... Even theatrical makeup is completely washed off. In addition, this emulsion promotes the regeneration of epidermal cells and drying. In addition, due to its use in various ingredients, the skin is nourished with vitamins and minerals.

The birthplace of this delicious remedy is Japan. In this country, hydrophilic oil has been used since the middle of the last century, while Europe and America discovered this wonderful product relatively recently.

Composition of the product

The main substance of hydrophilic oil is polysorbate, with its help the oil, when combined with water, turns into foam and helps cleanse the skin surface of makeup, dirt, dust and sweat

The most common components included in the hydrophilic cleanser are oils: grape seed, coconut, cranberry, camellia, as well as extracts of various plants and flowers.

The main substance is polysorbate, with the help of which oil, when combined with water, turns into a delicate foam and perfectly helps to cleanse the surface of the skin not only from makeup, but also from dirt, dust and sweat.

The oil may also contain various ingredients (ylang-ylang, tea tree, grapefruit, etc.), as well as vitamin E, which is an antioxidant in this essence.

Benefits of use

In the photo: an assortment of hydrophilic oils

In addition to high-quality makeup removal and BB cream, hydrophilic oils have other useful qualities:
- improve skin texture;
- dry out inflammation and;
- promote deep cleaning and narrowing of pores (acts on the principle: “fat dissolves with fat”);
- perform skin regeneration;
- intensively nourish skin due to the oils included in the emulsion.

The most important condition is that the use of oils is not recommended for frequent use, because oil dries out the skin. Therefore, if you are faced with a choice: oil or cream, then a cream selected according to your skin type and age will, of course, be better than oil.

Don't forget that the cream, in addition to the oils and water it contains, also contains active components necessary for the skin. - these are some components, while the components are completely different, and the oil does not contain such active components.

Before using hydrophilic oil, you should consult a dermatologist, and when choosing an oil, it is important to pay attention to its purpose a certain type skin.

How to use hydrophilic oil

There is nothing easier to use! Washing with hydrophilic oil follows a certain procedure:
1. Oil should be applied only to dry skin and with dry hands, carefully and slowly. This is very important, because before the emulsification process, the oil must work well with your skin!
2. For persistent makeup, or when removing BB cream with hydrophilic oil, you should thoroughly massage the skin with the product for about 2-3 minutes. It is at this time that the oil affects subcutaneous fats or existing inflammatory processes on the skin of the face.
3. It is worth wet your hands with water and massage the skin a little again. Thus, the hydrophilic oil becomes an emulsion and is perfectly washed off the face along with all the dirt accumulated during the day and cosmetics.
4. The emulsion is washed off with warm water.
5. Next, you should wash your face with regular or gel cleanser to consolidate the effect and remove remnants of cosmetics broken down by hydrophilic oil.
6. Dry your face with a towel made from natural fabrics or dry with a paper towel.

As a result of regular use of hydrophilic oil, the pores on the facial skin narrow, cell regeneration improves and the number of rashes decreases, because the pores are completely cleaned all the time.

Another advantage of this product is its accessibility, because you can prepare it yourself at home. There is nothing complicated about it.

DIY hydrophilic oil

Hydrophilic oil is intended only for removing makeup. To cleanse your facial skin you should use foam, milk, gel or mousse.

The cosmetic product can be used for any skin type.

Here is a recipe for hydrophilic oil that is suitable for oily skin faces:
1. Find an empty bottle or other container with a lid.
2. Take approximately 75% of the oil on the grape peels and add little by little walnut, hazelnut, jojoba, and sesame oil until approximately 88%
3. Pour in approximately 10% polysorbate 80, it is an emulsifier
4. For scent, add essential oil, such as lavender. It should be added just before use.
5. And don’t forget about vitamin E. A couple of drops will be enough.
6. Mix everything

Hydrophilic oil for washing is ready!

Hydrophilic oil is a unique makeup remover. This excellent emulsion can heal and cleanse even the most stubborn cosmetics.


Yana, 25 years old
Tell me, does hydrophilic oil cleanse the skin?

Expert's answer
Hello, Yana. Hydrophilic oil is intended only for removing makeup. To cleanse your facial skin, you should additionally use foam, milk, gel or mousse, which you use regularly.

Marina, 25 years old
Tell me, won’t my hydrophilic oil make it even more oily?

Expert's answer
Good afternoon, Marina. Do not be afraid that the result of using oil will lead to increased fat content. Although it is an oil, after using it there is no feeling of a film on the face. This product is recommended for use by owners of both oily and oily skin. But on one condition: after removing makeup with hydrophilic oil, your face needs to be cleansed with products designed specifically for your face type.

Hydrophilic oil for washing the face appeared about 50 years ago. But it became especially popular in last years, due to the increase in the range of long-lasting cosmetics, which are not always removed with conventional makeup removers.

Hydrophilic oil is a mixture of oils with an emulsifier used in cosmetology for washing the face and removing makeup. Literally translated as “water soluble.”

High-quality cleansing is the basis for the beauty and youth of the face. Particles of pollution and cosmetics lead to the appearance of acne, make the skin heavier, and contribute to the disruption of water and lipid balance.

Hydrophilic oil manages to penetrate deep into the pores and cleanse them of the accumulation of sebum and other impurities. It is an order of magnitude more effective than any wash, tonic or lotion.

Depending on the composition, it can be selected for any skin type.

What it is?

Cleansing oil consists of a base oil (or a mixture of them), essential oils and an emulsifier. The fatty part is used to dissolve contaminants, and the water part helps to wash them off with ease.

Soap or cleanser dries the skin, but hydrophilic oil, on the contrary, additionally moisturizes and nourishes.

From a school physics course we know that oil and water do not mix if you pour them into one bottle. You can see a clear delineation of substances.

Even if you shake the bottle, the resulting emulsion will again divide into 2 layers after a few minutes of rest: hydrophobic oil and water.

But if you add an emulsifier to them, a homogeneous liquid is formed, the texture reminiscent of milk.

It works like this:

  1. Once on the skin, the oil penetrates the pores and dissolves sebum and the remnants of waterproof cosmetics.
  2. When water gets on your face, the impurities bind more firmly to the particles of the product and are easily washed off.

Therefore, you can use it to remove even waterproof makeup, BB cream and makeup.

Beneficial features

Simultaneously with the cleanser, the product has a caring effect on the skin. It does not wash away the natural lipid layer and helps retain moisture inside the cells.

Essential oils in the composition help solve actual problems- soothe irritations or regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

5 reasons to buy hydrophilic oil:

  1. Deeply cleanses the skin and helps get rid of blackheads.
  2. Replaces several products at once: cleanser, makeup remover, toner.
  3. Convenient on the road and traveling, at home - in any conditions.
  4. Suitable for any skin.
  5. Gives a feeling of comfort, cares, evens out the complexion.

Additionally, the product helps neutralize the negative effects of hard water on the skin. Cosmetologists especially recommend using it for problematic skin, sensitive and prone to irritation.

The effect is noticeable after 2 weeks daily use: pores become clean and less noticeable, the surface of the face is evened out, smooth and pleasant.

The skin color is also evened out - it literally glows with health.

Harm of hydrophilic oil

In the short term, hydrophilic oil may not cause much harm.

But with regular and long-term use of it for washing, no matter how strange it may sound, the oil dries out the skin.

In large quantities, it literally dilutes the skin's own fats (epidermal lipids).

Hydrophilic oil also forms a film on the surface of the skin, which blocks normal cellular respiration and moisture evaporation. Because of this, the skin's metabolism slows down, causing it to become dehydrated and dry. And for oily types, oil also gets into the pores and causes them to clog.

Therefore, you should replace this product with other cleansers from time to time to eliminate the risk of unwanted effects.

Micellar water or hydrophilic oil?

Micellar water cleanses and dissolves impurities and makeup, but it has a significant drawback: it does not penetrate deep into the pores.

Therefore, if we are talking about comprehensive cleansing of makeup, excess skin secretions and dust, it is better to choose hydrophilic oil.

Another disadvantage of micellar is that it is not always washed off, so associated dirt particles remain on the face. After using the oil, the skin remains perfectly clean.

But it also has its downside: Not suitable for removing stubborn eye makeup.

If you often use waterproof mascara, eyeliner or shadows, you will still need micellar water or eye make-up remover cosmetics.

Garnier micellar water " Clean skin» suitable for washing the face instead of hydrophilic oil

Hydrophilic oil is needed for comprehensive care behind the body:

  • Effectively cleanses, reduces the appearance of cellulite, improves the condition of oily skin on the shoulders and back.
  • It is applied for intimate hygiene– gently cleanses, does not cause irritation, may contain antibacterial and essential oils, which have a beneficial effect on the level of female hormones.
  • Used for hair and scalp - dissolves residues of styling products, helps get rid of dandruff, replaces oil masks.

There is an important nuance: a separate means is used for each purpose. Facial oil is not suitable for hair, etc. Each area of ​​the body uses its own composition of oils.

How to use for washing?

It is applied in a small amount to dry skin - no need to wet your face with water or foam.

After rinsing, there is no need to use gel or foam - only in rare cases when the skin is very oily, or the manufacturer himself recommends this.

In this case, an additional cleanser is produced that removes the oil film and additionally tones the epidermis.

Scheme for washing the face with hydrophilic oil - image

2 ways to properly wash your face with hydrophilic oil:

  1. Apply the product to dry skin.
  2. Mix with a little water and use as milk.

The simplest and most common way to wash your face:

  1. Apply a few drops of oil to dry skin and massage lightly with dry palms.
  2. Hands are moistened with water and a light massage is continued. A light milk or hydrophilic gel forms on the face.
  3. Wash off with warm water.

The photo shows the result of the product

List of ready oils

This product was initially widely used in oriental cosmetics.

Japanese and Korean oil is considered one of the best in the world. Its formula helps protect the skin from wrinkles and removes free radicals.

Korean cosmetics is one of the main suppliers of such products. There are many of them in stock. But you can often buy them only in specialized stores and on the Internet.

Products Holika Holika, Korea

In recent years, hydrophilic oils have appeared Russian production. They cost a little less. And the production is carried out by brands of environmentally friendly cosmetics.

  1. HolikaHolika(Korea) is one of the popular brands; the line has several options for hydrophilic oils. Also contains a complex of antioxidants. The cost is about 1200 rubles per bottle.
  2. Shiseido(Japan) cosmetologists recommend for skin prone to rashes and irritations. Costs approximately 3000 rubles.
  3. Lancome– luxury hydrophilic oil that deeply cleanses pores, contains vitamin E, and preserves the youth of every cell. The corresponding cost is 3000 rubles.
  4. Vichy– perfectly dissolves cosmetics, makes the face soft and velvety. Price – about 2000 rubles.
  5. Dior (Dior)– very delicate, suitable for sensitive, inflamed skin. Costs about 2000 rubles.
  6. Clinic produces completely odorless products. Universally applicable, especially suitable for sensitive and irritated skin. Price – 2000 rub. for 200 ml.
  7. L'Oreal– an option in the middle price category. Does a good job of cleaning. But on fat face leaves an oily film and requires rinsing off.
  8. Tasha (Tasha) Suitable for any skin over 16 years old, contains the necessary complex of oils and antioxidants. Easily removes BB cream and waterproof makeup. Cost – about 950 rubles.
  9. MiKo– a natural product containing plant extracts.

Where can I buy?

The product can be bought almost everywhere:

  • In online cosmetics stores.
  • On Aliexpress.
  • In luxury cosmetics stores, for example. Rive Gauche.
  • In regular and chain cosmetic stores, for example. "Girlfriend" etc.

The best option is to buy hydrophilic oils at the pharmacy. Here you will find a 100% high-quality and certified product.

The mass market has both high-quality branded and cheap brands.

If the product is too cheap, hydrosynthetic and mineral oils were included in the composition to reduce the cost:

  • There is no benefit from them, but there can be harm: they dry out dry skin and form an oily film, making it difficult for oily skin to breathe.
  • The result is irritation, acne, clogged pores.

A good product is made from natural ingredients and is not cheap (however, its consumption is small - 3 drops per wash).

How to make hydrophilic oil with your own hands?

Ready-made oil is expensive: from several hundred to several thousand rubles per bottle. But you can make budget hydrophilic oil with your own hands.

A homemade product is even preferable: knowing your skin type, you can choose the most individual composition.

The table shows oils suitable for each skin type:

Skin typeFatCombinedNormalDry, age
Recommended oilMacadamiaApricotAlmondAvocado
Grape seedsJojobaPeachOlive
WalnutHempEvening primroseSunflower
Rice germtamanuApricot kernelsArgan
Cumin oil

Formula and composition

The hydrophilic oil contains about 80-90% base oils, 10-20% emulsifier and a few drops of essential oil.

The percentage of emulsifier depends on the degree of oiliness of the epidermis: the more actively the sebaceous glands work, the more polysorbate will be needed.

Many people are interested in: is it possible to prepare a cleansing oil without polysorbate and how to replace this component?

Alas, without an emulsifier it will be just an oil that will be difficult to wash off from the skin.

Polysorbate (tween) is a component made from olive oil, completely natural, so don’t be afraid of it. If you couldn’t buy it, you can take an analogue – Olivderm.

Many people choose the latter option because polysorbate has a specific, rich odor, which many people do not like. But the smell does not remain on the face and is easily overwhelmed by essential aromas.

Cooking recipes

  • For oily skin: grape seed oil - 75 ml, - jojoba - 10 ml, polysorbate - 15 ml. As a supplement, lavender, lemon, and tea tree esters are good (especially for problematic ones).
  • You can add other suitable oils to the base mixture, but make sure there are no more than 5 of them. Otherwise, the properties will not be able to fully develop.

    It's better to choose unrefined oils cold pressed - they contain more useful components. This inexpensive and very effective product will replace any store-bought washes and even homemade masks and will give your skin freshness and beauty.