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Governor's pension increase. Who is entitled to a social supplement to their pension - calculation of federal and regional pension supplements. Regions where the cost of living for a pensioner is higher than the federal one

Governor's pension increase.  Who is entitled to a social supplement to their pension - calculation of federal and regional pension supplements.  Regions where the cost of living for a pensioner is higher than the federal one

The Russian authorities are trying to support pensioners. Therefore, pension payments are regularly indexed. At the moment, the law on a one-time payment in 2018 in the amount of 10,000 rubles is being discussed.

But apparently, these are all rumors, which, by the way, are spreading at lightning speed on social networks or WhatsApp. The economic situation of the country has not yet improved, so there are not enough funds in the budget to make various allowances. But next year, the pension will be indexed by at least 4%.

Experts note that today the average pension is 13,655 rubles. If benefits are indexed next year, it will be 14,072 rubles.

This year, people of retirement age received a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles. However, there are many rumors on the Internet that in the coming year this increase will be 10,000 rubles. In this article we will try to deal with this issue.

Will pensioners be given 10 thousand rubles in 2018?

In 2017, pensioners received a lump sum payment, so they expect to receive it next year. It should be noted that in Russia there are 43,000,000 people receiving pension benefits, so it will be difficult to find 10,000 rubles for each pensioner.

To date, there is no reliable data on payment. However, the State Duma is considering several options:

  • One-time payment.
  • Supplement in three stages.
  • Indexation at 3.7%.
  • Increase in pension point to 81.49 rubles.

Nothing is known about the 10,000 ruble bonus, then perhaps the payment will be the same as this year - 5,000 rubles. Even if payments are made, working pensioners may not count on them. We just have to wait until next year to find out about the upcoming changes in the pension reform.

Which pensioners will be paid an additional 10 thousand rubles?

If the bill on a one-time payment is adopted in 2018, the following categories of persons can count on it:

  • Old age pensioners.
  • People who receive an insurance pension.
  • Disabled people.
  • People who have lost their breadwinner.

It is currently unknown whether military personnel and working pensioners will receive benefits. In general, the question is still relevant, so there is no exact data.

Will there be an additional indexation payment of 10,000 rubles for pensioners in 2018?

Next year there will be presidential elections, so pensioners can count on pleasant bonuses. However, information about an additional payment of 10,000 rubles has not been confirmed.

It is assumed that non-working pensioners will have their pensions indexed by 3.7% from January 1 next year. Thus, payments, on average, will be increased by 400 rubles. As a result, the average pension will be 14,045 rubles.

In April, payments to social pensioners will be indexed. It is planned to increase the pension by 4.1%.

Indexation is not provided for working pensioners. However, for them the pension point will be increased and will be 81.49 rubles.

Summing up we can say that there is no reliable information about the increase or payment of benefits in the amount of 10,000 rubles.

The Luzhkov pension supplement in Moscow is additional financial support from the capital authorities, intended for pensioners living in this city. There are special conditions for receiving it. Failure to comply with the established requirements will mean the inability to apply for a pension supplement, called the “Luzhkov pension”, or a reduction in its size.

What kind of payment is this?

Pensioners often lack the pension paid by the state. That is why various types of payments are provided for this category of the population. They are usually divided into federal and regional. The Luzhkov bonus is one of the local (regional) payments. Their differences are as follows:

  • Federal payments are sponsored from the federal budget and are intended for retirees living throughout the country. The nature of such allowances, their amount and composition are established by the Government.
  • Regional payments are valid within the region. The decision on their use is made by local governments, and they also set the size and rules for assignment. Funds are allocated by city or regional authorities.

Federal payments include pensions, insurance pension payments and various social benefits. Luzhkov's payment applies only to those pensioners who live in Moscow.

Payments to pensioners

Living in the capital, a pensioner can qualify for federal and regional payments. So, he can receive the following pension supplements:

  1. Additional payment for those over 80 years of age. Every month these pensioners receive an additional amount of funds; for 2018 it is 4,558 rubles 93 kopecks.
  2. Increasing pensions for working pensioners after termination of employment. As you know, pensions for such categories of citizens are not indexed. But they can receive the increase they are entitled to after dismissal. In this case, the total pension amount will be larger.
  3. Special benefits for people with group I disabilities.
  4. Additional funding if you have dependents. In this case, the pension amount increases by 1/3. Minors, incapacitated or partially capable persons may be considered dependents.

Some categories of the population receive special benefits. For example, this includes Heroes of Russia, children of war, and WWII veterans. However, few can claim such bonuses. But there is a regional surcharge, which can be received by almost any pensioner living in Moscow. In this case we are talking about the Luzhkov bonus.

Who can get it?

Pensioners who want to receive a Luzhkov bonus are interested in who is entitled to such a payment and under what conditions it can be received. The requirements for capital citizens are the same:

  • reaching retirement age and receiving a pension;
  • lack of work (temporary or permanent);
  • residence in Moscow for 10 years at a time;
  • low level of income (should not exceed the social standard established in Moscow).

If all the specified conditions are applicable to the applicant for the supplement, then the size of his pension can be increased to the Moscow social standard. In 2018 it is 17,500 rubles. The last increase occurred on January 1, 2018. It was also called “Sobyanin’s surcharge.”

There is no single size of the allowance itself. It is determined based on the difference between the social standard and the available pension. For example, if a pensioner receives 12,548 rubles from the state, then he will be paid an additional 4,952 rubles.

The amount of the supplement is determined for each pensioner individually. To obtain such information, you must contact the Pension Fund in person. Indexation of due payments is made on January 1 of each year.

If a pensioner has lived in the capital for less than 10 years, he still has the opportunity to receive a Luzhkov bonus:

  • in full if he is a Hero of Russia, the USSR or a participant in the Second World War;
  • partially in other cases, subject to compliance with legal requirements.

If a pensioner is entitled to only a partial pension, then its size is the difference between the cost of living in Moscow and the existing pension. For the current year, the cost of living is set at 11,816 rubles. For example, if a person’s pension is 10,500 rubles, then the Luzhkov bonus will allow him to receive 1,316 rubles additionally every month.

Registration procedure

A pensioner may ask one more question: How to get Luzhkov's bonus? It is issued at the local branch of the Pension Fund of Russia. You need to have with you:

  1. application in the prescribed form;
  2. passport with a mark of registration in Moscow;
  3. SNILS;
  4. documents confirming that the pensioner has lived in the capital for a total of at least 10 years.

After submitting and evaluating all documents, the Pension Fund specialist makes a decision on the additional payment and sets the start date for its accrual.

The state began to pay social benefits for pensions in order to improve the standard of living of pensioners. Thus, they raise the total amount of income to the subsistence level of the region of residence or to the subsistence level for Russia as a whole (if the surcharge is federal).

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What is it

Social benefits for pensions began to be paid in 2010 in order to increase the social level of people of retirement age. This is money paid by the state to non-working pensioners.

The pensioner's income must be below the subsistence level established in the region where he lives. Social benefits can be federal or regional.

It is set to the minimum subsistence level. It is transferred by the Pension Fund from the federal budget along with the pension or by the Social Security Administration (if the additional payment is regional).

Conditions of appointment

Pensioners whose income is:

When calculating total income, the Pension Fund takes into account all cash receipts, except:

  • social assistance, which is accrued at a time;
  • legal compensations and payments accrued at a time;
  • money paid as compensation for harm caused to health and life;
  • targeted social assistance;
  • subsidies for housing and utilities.

Requirements for a pensioner:

  1. Residence in Russia.
  2. Receiving a pension should not contradict Russian legislation.
  3. Must be unemployed and have no additional income.
  4. The total amount of income should not exceed the subsistence level.

A regional social supplement to a pension is assigned to pensioners whose income is below the subsistence level fixed in the region of their residence, but above the subsistence level in Russia.

If the income does not reach the regional subsistence level, which is lower than throughout Russia, then a Federal surcharge is assigned.

If a pensioner gets a job or has additional income, he is obliged to inform the relevant authorities about this. Otherwise, the overpaid amount will be automatically deducted from the pension.

Who is entitled to

A social pension supplement is awarded to non-working pensioners with a total income not exceeding the subsistence level.

It is also prescribed to minor disabled children, children who have lost a breadwinner, and adult disabled children who are in full-time education.

Social benefits for minor children are received by a parent or legal representative.

Social supplement to pensions is not paid to working pensioners. It is suspended for the period while the pensioner is employed or receives other additional income.

Establishment time frame

For disabled minor children and children who have lost their breadwinner, as well as for disabled adult children who are studying full-time, social benefits are accrued from the date of registration of the pension.

Non-working pensioners who received a pension before 2010 are accrued automatically, and for those who have a pension established after 2010, accruals occur from the first day of the next month after application.

The additional payment is established for the same period as the pension. Payments are made for the current month.

During what period is it not paid?

The pension supplement ceases along with the pension. Federal and regional survivor benefits are not paid from the moment the child reaches adulthood.

Payments are suspended if:

  • pension is suspended;
  • the pensioner works or receives additional income;
  • did not receive social benefits for six months;
  • the total income has reached the subsistence level.

Rules of circulation

When applying for social benefits, it is necessary to take into account that the rules for applying for federal assistance may differ from the regional rules.

Documents for federal social assistance are issued at the Pension Fund at the place of residence. A pensioner who is in a stationary social service institution applies to the Pension Fund at the location of this institution.

If the pensioner is in a correctional institution, then the documents are submitted through the administration of this institution at his location. A representative of an incapacitated pensioner applies to the Pension Fund at the pensioner’s place of residence.

You can submit documents yourself to the Pension Fund, through a legal representative or by mail. The required package of documents must also be included in the envelope.

The application must indicate:

  1. Last name, first name and patronymic.
  2. Pension insurance number.
  3. Details of the document confirming the identity of the pensioner.
  4. Residence address.
  5. If there is a representative, you must indicate all his details.
  6. Information that the pensioner does not work and does not have additional income.
  7. Location and name of the body that pays the pension.
  8. You must indicate through which organization the pension will be transferred.
    date of completion.

The application and documents are registered in a special journal with the date of submission or mailing of the application. After this, the pensioner is given a document that confirms the receipt of documents.

The Pension Fund makes a decision on the additional payment within 5 working days. The additional payment begins to be calculated on the first day of the next month after a positive decision is made.

If the decision is negative, then the Pension Fund sends the applicant a notification of refusal no later than five working days. The notice must indicate the reasons for the refusal and the procedure for appealing.

The applicant can appeal the decision to a higher body of the Pension Fund or in court.

The rules for applying for regional social benefits differ only in that documents are submitted not to the Pension Fund, but to the Social Security Administration.

What you need to know

All citizens with a pension issued before 2010 are automatically assigned an additional payment. Also, from the day the pension is assigned, an additional payment is automatically assigned to disabled children and minor children who have lost their breadwinner.

Therefore, their legal representatives do not need to submit an application.

In order to save time and effort, before submitting documents, a pensioner needs to make sure that he is entitled to social security benefits. To do this, you need to calculate your total income.

You can do this yourself or consult the relevant authorities on this issue.

The calculation goes like this:

The amount of the surcharge may decrease or increase if:

  • the pension increased or decreased;
  • there have been changes in the cost of social support;
  • the cost of living in Russia or in the region of residence of the pensioner has changed at the legislative level;
  • the pensioner's income has changed.

Social benefits are assigned from the first day after submitting documents to the territorial authority. If a pensioner is entitled to federal social assistance, then documents must be submitted to the Pension Fund.

If regional social assistance is paid, then the documents are submitted to the Social Security Administration.

Required documents

Package of documents for pensioners:

  • statement;
  • a document confirming the pensioner’s identity, the fact of his residence in Russia and his citizenship;
  • certificate of pension insurance;
  • work book (copy);
  • pension certificate;
  • certificate of cash payments.

Pensioners who receive a pension from the Ministry of Defense, the Internal Affairs Directorate, the FSB, etc. provide a document on the amount of material support.

A package of documents for minor disabled children and children who have lost their breadwinner, as well as adult disabled children who are in full-time education:

  • a document that confirms or lifelong maintenance;
  • with the ITU Bureau;
  • birth certificate or passport;
  • a document confirming your place of residence in Russia;
  • death certificate of the breadwinner;
  • , which indicates the period and form of education (for adult disabled children receiving full-time education).

A number of responsibilities to the recipient person

The pensioner is obliged to report circumstances as a result of which the right to receive social benefits is lost.

Among these circumstances:

  1. Getting a job.
  2. The emergence of additional income.
  3. Registration period ends.
  4. Change of residence.

In 2017, Moscow pensions were indexed by 20%. In addition to the fact that pension payments have now become larger, pensioners have the opportunity to apply for city additional payments, which raise the amount of the pension to the level of the capital’s social standard. These measures were taken due to the fact that food, non-production goods and public utility services are becoming more expensive in Moscow, and therefore pensions are not enough for a decent life. Let's take a closer look at how the Moscow pension supplement is calculated in 2020.

Who is paid the Moscow pension supplement?

In some constituent entities of the Russian Federation, Russian citizens are provided with special payments intended exclusively for special categories of persons - labor veterans, low-income families, home front workers, and so on. This type of financial assistance is a fixed amount paid monthly or only once.

Under what conditions is the Moscow pension supplement paid in 2020?

In 2017, the cost of living in Moscow was increased to 14,500 rubles for pensioners who have lived in the capital for at least 10 years.

Now that the city's subsistence minimum has been significantly increased, even a working pensioner can qualify for an additional payment to his pension, since the pension together with wages sometimes does not reach 14 thousand rubles.

Those pension recipients who have lived in Moscow for less than 10 years are entitled to a smaller additional payment, since the cost of living for them is 11,428 rubles.

How much is the Moscow pension supplement paid?

The size of the Moscow supplement to the pension payment directly depends on how long the pensioner lives in Moscow, while having permanent registration in the capital or its annexed areas - if the pension recipient lives here for less than 10 years, the supplement is calculated based on the subsistence minimum equal to 11 428 rubles, and if the time spent in the capital exceeds 10 years, the maximum allowance is paid up to the subsistence level (social standard) of 14,500 rubles.

How is the Moscow pension supplement calculated in 2020?

The Moscow supplement to pension payments is designed to increase it to the regional subsistence level (social standard), and therefore it can be calculated using the formula:


where RMN is the size of the Moscow allowance,

VLM – the cost of living (depending on the time of residence in Moscow),

VP is the amount of monthly pension.

An example of calculating the Moscow pension supplement

Ivan Fedorovich receives an old-age pension of 8,900 rubles. The pensioner moved to Moscow 15 years ago and registered in the capital. In addition, he was given a subsidy of 500 rubles to pay for heating.

Lev Nikolaevich registered in Moscow 5 years ago, at the moment he is a pensioner and receives an early preferential pension in the amount of 9,350 rubles, since he worked in hazardous work all his life.

For Ivan Fedorovich, the Moscow allowance will be calculated on the basis of a subsistence minimum of 14,500 rubles, and the full amount of material support for the month will be taken into account, including benefits assigned by the state:

14500 – 8900 – 500 = 5100 rubles - this will be the regional social supplement to the pension.

For Lev Nikolaevich, the capital’s allowance will be calculated based on the subsistence level of 11,428 rubles:

11,428 – 9,350 = 2,078 rubles – a pensioner will receive such a social supplement to their pension.

How the Moscow pension supplement is processed in 2020

The Moscow pension supplement in 2017 is added to the amount of the basic pension automatically, and there is no need to contact the Pension Fund separately.

It happens that employees of authorized bodies do not timely classify a pensioner into one or another category of pension holder, and therefore the pensioner may notice that he has the right to a social supplement to his monthly payments, but for some reason does not receive them. In such a situation, it is better to collect a certain set of documents and “remind yourself” to government agencies.

What documents are needed to apply for an allowance?

So, to apply for an additional payment to your pension, you will need to collect the following set of papers:


Where to get it

Russian Federation passport (original and photocopy) with a stamp confirming registration in Moscow or nearby territories

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
Child's birth certificate (if the pension recipient is a minor under 14 years of age)

Civil registry offices

Certificate of family composition

Housing department, passport office
Certificate of pension insurance

Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

Work book

From last place of work

Documents confirming your rights to the benefit:

Certificate of a parent with many children (for those who receive a pension for having many children)

Death certificate of a person whose pension recipient was a dependent (those who lost their only breadwinner)

Civil registry offices

Conclusion of a medical and social examination on the assignment of a disabled group (to those who receive a disability pension)

ITU Bureau
Court decision to declare a citizen missing (those who receive a survivor's pension)

At the court clerk

Work record book with a record of employment from hazardous work (for those who receive a preferential pension for hazardous working conditions)

From last place of work
Work record book with a record of employment in the Far North (for those receiving a preferential pension)

From last place of work

Where to apply for a Moscow allowance

If a misunderstanding arises, you should rightfully receive a Moscow pension supplement, but you do not receive it, you need to contact the regional branch of the Russian Pension Fund. An employee of the institution will ask you to write an application in free form or according to a sample and provide documents confirming your identity and right to additional payment.

When will an application for additional payment to a pension be considered?

Pension Fund employees will study your application and submitted documents for a maximum of 10 days. If any data requires clarification, it will take 30 days to review the issue, but this rarely happens.

If a positive decision is made to accrue an additional payment to the applicant’s pension, the increased pension payment will be credited to the pensioner’s account as early as the next month (documents must be submitted before the 20th of the month).

Legislative acts on the topic

Common mistakes

Error: A citizen has the right to receive a Moscow pension supplement. After he submitted documents to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, an unfounded decision was made to refuse. He continues to receive his pension without additional payment.