Personal life

The history of a woman's handbag. The history of bags. Bags need to be protected

The history of a woman's handbag.  The history of bags.  Bags need to be protected

Historians say that the history of women's bags began with a pocket. Pockets first appeared in the 17th century on the camisole of Louis XIV, later they were located on the vest, and then they appeared on trousers.

Before this happy time, coins were carried in bags. For men they hung on their belts, and for women - under their skirts (it is interesting that in our time women began to hide money in another secluded place). After the appearance of pockets, men began to be content with them, and women began to “develop” a bag line. They wore small handbags, designed for storing small items. Even then, these bags were made from various materials, had different shapes and decorations.

In the Middle Ages, money was placed in “goods pockets” (Gurteltasche), which were attached to the belt, and along with it a leather pouch for small money was also attached to the belt. In the XIV-XV centuries. These “pockets” were worn by both men and women. At the Burgundian court, they were part of the court toilet - they were called “omoniers”.

During the late Gothic period, entire collections of bags of various shapes and sizes were created. They were worn on a cord and at the belt, and walking was thus accompanied by the melody of a coin chime.
In the 17th century, women began to wear richly decorated with beads and bugles, embroidered, knitted, wicker pouch bags (reticules). Fashion has changed radically, and bags are no longer hidden in pockets and under skirts - they were sought to be shown to the whole world.
In the 18th century, handbags made of fabric or lace appeared; they were called “pompadour” in memory of the favorite of the French king Louis XV. Rich ladies competed in making elaborate handbags. At the same time, women's clothing began to have secret pockets sewn into the side seams of skirts.

1790 is considered the year birth of a bag to be carried in your hand. This is connected with the French Revolution and the new women's fashion. The innovation was a success, and just a few years later, from 1804, the rules of good manners were for men to keep their hands in their pockets, and for women to keep their pockets (that is, bags) in their hands. Thus, the androgenicity of the pocket, waist pouch and coin box was lost - and the woman learned to leave the house holding a small handbag.

In the Victorian era, mass, industrial production of bags began. The first companies appeared, such as Hermès and Louis Vuitton. However, homemade bags and, so to speak, one-off items remained more popular for a long time, because the middle class could not always afford a brocade or leather bag made from English or Spanish leather.
Locks on bags appeared in the 19th century, and zippers were invented in 1923. .
Classic bags with strict geometric shapes are still considered universal. And choosing them today is much easier than in the days of Grace Kelly: then the rules of decency required that the bag certainly match the color or at least the shade with the shoes, gloves, scarf and other accessories.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, the women's handbag was finally legalized along with trousers, short skirts and short haircuts, and the history of great bags began. It’s not for nothing that the UK has National Bag Day – October 4th.

And (yay!) the size of the bags began to increase rapidly. Fashionistas began to buy large handbags on a long strap or chain strap. And soon hard bags appeared, which are the prototype of our modern bags. Various materials were used: satin and silk, tapestries and leather, wood and glass, iron and plastic, straw.

The mesh is a string bag, one of the main symbols of the 50-80s. of the bygone century. The history of the string bag net dates back to the 30s.
In fact, the mesh string bag was quite convenient. It folds up and easily fits in your pocket - maybe it will come in handy. Hence the name.
The mesh string bag is very roomy. This is ideal for carrying watermelons.

The string bag was also called the shameless mesh for its complete transparency.

Bag museums

There is even a Handbag Museum in Tokyo, which contains more than 3,000 exhibits brought from all over the world. Visitors are presented with bags of various sizes and purposes - from tobacco pouches to handbags.

As men joke, a woman’s bag is the equivalent of a man’s garage (everything is there!). That is why women could not limit themselves to a small bag under their skirt; they preferred more spacious and practical bags, the abundance of which we see today.
(Sources: School of Life. Photos of bags - Vintage website)

From Crocheted Bags and Purses, 1917.

From Crocheted and Knitted Bags magazine, 1935.

From the magazine "Mary Lamb Bags", 1940

Do you think bags have always existed? Alas and ah! At the very beginning of the heyday of fashion, our great-great-great and (dozens of “great”) grandmothers were unfamiliar with such an accessory. Most historians claim that the prototypes of bags were pockets that appeared during the time of the notorious Louis XIV in the 17th century. Initially, pockets were located on vests and only after some time they appeared on men's trousers...

Today on the Internet there are sites of bag stores with a huge assortment. Each of them offers women's bags of different designs, textures and materials. But in the distant Middle Ages, even before pockets on pants, people carried valuable coins in special bags. It was customary among men to hang pocket bags on their belts, while women hid pocket bags in the folds of their skirts.

A few decades later, ladies began to invent new models of handbags in which they stored small items. These bags were made from all kinds of materials, and the decorations were beautiful patterns made by handicraftsmen to order. Needless to say that each such handbag was exclusive?

Today, in the catalog of bags in the online store, many models are complemented by embroidery and original ornaments, as it was several centuries ago. A significant difference between modern accessories is their high quality, thanks to the use of advanced technologies. But, alas, it is no longer so simple.

In the late Gothic era, entire collections of pouch bags were created in many countries, not only small, but also large. They were mostly worn at the waist on a cord, and the coins jingled as they walked.

Women began decorating handbags with beads in the 17th century, and wicker and knitted accessories appeared in the same historical era. Fashion changed quickly and women no longer hid handbags under their long skirts, but tried to show them off. But it was impossible to buy a shoulder bag, which is sold in every online store today - it simply wasn’t available. Ladies preferred to carry bags on the crook of their elbow.

Leather bags were not yet in fashion, but in the 18th century the first fabric bags appeared, which were decorated with original lace patterns. They were called “pompadour” in honor of the favorite of the King of France. Rich and noble women of that time sought to show off to each other who had the more elaborate and elegant handbag.

Today we call such models extravagant, and many women consider it too vulgar to wear such accessories every day. But in fact, how you will look with a particular bag depends on the right wardrobe.

In 1790, it became fashionable to carry handbags in one's hand, which was associated with the emergence of new fashions during the French Revolution. This innovation was a stunning success that lasted for several years. However, starting in 1804, respectable men began to hide their bags in their pockets, while women began to hide them in their sleeves, which was a mandatory rule of etiquette. Yes, we can say that fashion, as often happens in our time, took a step back when women hid bucket bags under the hem of their skirts.

Today, an Italian bag made of genuine leather from well-known brands such as Cromia, Ripani, Roberta Gandolfi and others is worthy of being noticed by others. Therefore, real ladies of the 21st century, on the contrary, show their accessory.

The Victorian era saw the development of mass production. During this period, the first companies producing leather handbags appeared. Despite this, homemade handbags continued to be created as middle-class people could not afford the genuine leather handbags that were sold in stores of the era. The high price of a bag was an indicator of the prestige of a society lady.

Brocade was one of the most popular materials of that time, and expensive bags were made from it. Practical and convenient locks appeared only in the 19th century, and the first zipper for a handbag was invented in 1923. Sealed, strict shapes are classic options today, but in the previous era, more attention was paid not to the form, but to what the handbag is worn with. According to the rules of good manners, a lady's bag had to be the same color as the shoes, scarf, gloves and other accessories.

Leather bags began to gain popularity only at the beginning of the 20th century. And it was Italian designers who first began to make bags from leather. The material used was mainly calf or sheep leather - it was strong, durable and soft. Modern processing methods have given us Saffiano leather, from which Cromia models are created. This is the same genuine leather onto which a special pattern is applied using hot stamping. Then the material is treated with special wax to make the bag resistant to moisture and dirt. Unfortunately, such technologies were not available in the distant Middle Ages, and that is why leather bags have become popular relatively recently.

Today we are pleased to present you a variety of the most famous Italian brands.

Happy shopping!

A woman should always look at the highest level. To be amazingly beautiful, everything is taken into account: grooming, hairstyle, makeup, outfit, shoes, accessories.

One of the main accessories that we simply cannot imagine ourselves without is a handbag.

Why do you need a bag?

During the day, lovely ladies may need countless things: from a comb to a wallet. And a woman puts this whole world in her purse, from which, if necessary, you can fish out a notebook, a brush or lipstick, a nail file, a hairpin or a tape measure. And, of course, the handbag completes the look: it balances the dress and shoes and gives the necessary accent.

This is an accessory that combines beauty with practicality.

History of bags

As an item for carrying necessary things, history of the bag goes back to ancient times. Initially, primitive people put their simple belongings into a well-dressed large skin, and, having tied such a bundle, they hung it on a stick to make it easier to carry. When they learned how to weave, they began to use canvas instead of skin, and this became the birth of the first knapsacks.

In ancient Greek myths, we find a story about Perseus, who, after a duel with Medusa the Gorgon, put her head in his bag.

In 1992, in the Austrian Alps, archaeologists discovered a human mummy with a leather “backpack” over his shoulders. Research has shown that the prehistoric traveler is 5,000 years old.

Initially, the bag was more like a sack, used to carry heavy things and was made of leather or canvas.

To carry money or any small items with them, in Ancient Greece they used small bags that were hidden in the folds of a toga or tied to a belt. And in Africa, amulets were kept in such bags, and the bag itself was considered magical.

In Europe, since the 11th century, men and women wore handbags on their belts - laumonier, a kind of coin holders for alms. And men stored tobacco in pouches, which had already become elements of the costume.

The history of the creation of a women's bag as an accessory begins in the 12th century, when mirrors, prayer books, smelling salts, dice, and card decks began to be carried in such bags. Then handbags began to be decorated with gold and silk embroidery, lace and tassels. Sometimes bells were attached to them, which created a melodic accompaniment to the gait.

The fashion for handbags was introduced by the famous Marquise Pompadour. The energetic favorite made an insipid craft bag, tied with a ribbon, into an expensive, stylish accessory that demonstrated the status of the hostess. Since then, it has been named after her - pompadour, although the ladies of the 18th century called it reticule - mesh.

The bags now contained everything: powder, a fan, perfume, a ball book, love letters, a lorgnette, and theater binoculars. Since that time, a rectangular handbag similar to an envelope has come into fashion. There could be pockets inside for various small items.

Active, energetic young ladies of the 18th century became the owners of travel bags - special suitcases (handbags, boxes) with many accessories for small items.

The 19th century brought fashion for chatelaines - miniature handbags attached to the belt with a special hook.

Now handbags could be of different sizes depending on their purpose: from tiny business card holders to bags with ballroom accessories. Now bags were made not only from leather or canvas, but also from satin, velvet, tapestry, and brocade. Often fabrics were made to order with genre designs. Bead embroidery was practiced.

If initially handbags were worn on the belt, then on the wrist, then from the 19th century they moved to the hand and to the shoulder. For travel, roomy suitcases are used. And already in 1896, the first collection from the fashion house Louis Vuitton appeared, which featured luggage bags.

What types of bags are there?

The twentieth century opens up to the world folder bags, briefcase bags, suitcase bags, bags for gas masks, designer bags, not to mention bags for work, walks, picnics, cocktails, the beach or funerals.

In the 21st century it becomes relevant psychologist bag. A set of 34 items, including a thermos with boiling water, an aroma lamp, tea, coffee, cognac, lemon, and a relaxation ball. Thanks to this kit, a specialist will be able to provide emergency psychological assistance.

A laptop bag has become a popular stylish accessory.

Global high fashion designers make bags in the shape of cars, airplanes, soccer balls, animals, and musical instruments.

The manufacturer's brand begins to play a big role. Bag museums are appearing in Tokyo, Great Britain, and France. There is even National Bag Day, which was introduced in England in 2010.

Nowadays it has become an axiom that you can never have too many bags. The bag must correspond to its purpose: we cannot go to the theater with a sports bag, or to a restaurant with a backpack. And a self-respecting girl must have a work bag, an evening bag and a travel bag. It is advisable to have them in several colors to match any outfit.

Of course, in summer light or bright prints are used, in winter they often lean towards dark options.

Those who want to know what types of bags are there, photos The article will answer all questions.

Character of a woman based on her bag is recognized

Determine tastes, preferences, woman's mood by bag not difficult. You just need to know which girl chose , and psychology, the science of the soul, will help you understand the character of a lady.

It is believed that on average a handbag can hold about 30 items.

A pedantic and punctual person, as a rule, has all her things in exemplary order, each in its place in the appropriate compartment. Such girls are very disciplined and organized, reliable employees and colleagues. They are active and reliable.

If all the objects are in disarray and it takes a long time to find them, then we are dealing with a creative, dreamy person. A young lady with chaos in her purse will always find a new way to solve the problem.

A thoughtful, calculating person has a minimum of items in her luggage, but they help her out in all unforeseen situations.

A huge number of things speak of an insecure nature, which tries to provide for all life’s moments. With the accumulation of experience, the contents of the bag will decrease.

Unnecessary items (buttons, coupons, used tickets, several notebooks and pens, broken hairpins and old keys) are kept by romantic but careless young ladies. It is unlikely that they will need a candy wrapper from a candy eaten two months ago. As a rule, they behave the same way around the house: leaving unwashed dishes in the sink for 2-3 days is not a problem.

A practical, economical, broad-minded lady, she has in her collection a durable stylish psyche bag, made from environmentally friendly jute fiber.

Notice how the girl carries her bag.

Discreet conservative ladies carry their handbag by the handle. They have an excellent upbringing and a developed sense of responsibility.

A thrifty, sensible woman will most likely put her handbag on the crook of her elbow, and a shy and insecure woman - on her shoulder.

An independent and self-confident lady will carry her purse by the corner, and for an active person it is convenient to throw the strap over her head in the “postman” style.

A reserved, responsible young lady will clutch her purse under her arm, while an energetic, inquisitive nature will rest behind her back.

Of course, when determining a girl’s character, one must take into account that over time, experience accumulates and mood changes. Therefore, the preference for certain models and colors, as well as the manner of wearing bags, may change.

Bags need to be protected

Along with clothes and shoes, the bag should look impeccable. If you want to extend the life of your favorite accessory, you should handle it carefully. Now, taken from grandmothers' chests, carefully preserved handbags become almost museum exhibits. They pay a lot of money for this vintage. And maybe in fifty years your granddaughter will be sporting your favorite handbags. Therefore, it is worth maintaining their shiny appearance. You will learn how to properly care for your handbag at home from.

How to wash a bag?

We don't always know Is it possible to wash a leather bag and how to clean it.

And to add shine, wipe with a sponge with glycerin or castor oil. To renew the leather of the bag, you can apply a nourishing cream to the surface and after 20 - 30 minutes, gently wipe it off with a flannel cloth. An orange peel or a cut of fresh onion will also add freshness to the skin.

A Is it possible to wash a suede bag and how to clean it?

If the suede is heavily soiled, wash it in a warm soapy solution. Usually it is enough to wipe off the dust with a cloth and wipe from time to time with a crust of black bread or a large soft eraser.

However, it is best to purchase a ready-made product for cleaning the product of the required type and use it according to the instructions. Then you can safely say: “ My favorite bag All right!"

There are special sprays for patent leather handbags that maintain shine and do not stain clothes. Lacquered leather can only withstand a temperature range of -15 - +25 degrees. In severe frost or heat it cracks.

It is better to clean exotic leather carefully with a dry cloth. Do not get wet under any circumstances!

How and where to store bags at home correctly?

To allow natural leather to breathe, you need to store such a bag in a fabric bag or box.

You need to put crumpled newspapers inside to maintain its shape.

To prevent skin from burning, it is better to protect it from light.

To prevent stretching of leather products, do not carry heavy items in them. It is believed that a bag should not weigh more than 2 kilograms: this is harmful both for the accessory and for the female body.

Never place a wet bag on a radiator or any other heating device; leave it to dry at room temperature.

A bag is not only a practical and fashionable accessory. This is a kind of business card of a woman that completes the image and makes it unique. Therefore, your handbag deserves to always be at its best in appearance and condition.

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Modern women cannot imagine their life without handbags, which contain everything they need for the day and even more. But the history of this ladies' accessory goes back less than three centuries. Under what circumstances did this detail of a woman’s wardrobe appear - later in the review.

In the Middle Ages, bags as we know them today did not exist. Men wore a bag of money on their belts, and women hid the necessary little things in the folds of their dresses. In the XV-XVI centuries. pouches began to appear in women as well. Pious ladies put prayer books there. Over time, this accessory began to be decorated with embroidery and differ in size and shape.

In the 17th century, clothes with pockets appeared, and men no longer needed to carry bags. And women continued to decorate their accessory. Only now he was not hiding under the folds of the dress, but was on display as an addition to the outfit.

In the next century, pompadour handbags, named after the favorite of the French King Louis XV, Madame de Pompadour, came into fashion. These were lace pieces of fabric that were tied with a cord into a bag with a round bottom.

The bag in its familiar form appeared only in the first half of the 19th century. During the reign of Queen Victoria, entire factories for their production began operating. It was then that this accessory ceased to be a piece of goods. Aristocrats, of course, wanted to receive exclusive models, and the cost of a custom-made product was much higher.

Over time, laces on bags replaced clasps. Lightning appeared already in the twentieth century. Today, bag manufacturers offer women countless models of different colors, textures, sizes and prices.

There is even one in Amsterdam. Any fashionista simply must visit it.

Ladies handbag, how the ladies are accustomed to this constant attribute! History of a woman's handbag for every young lady it begins almost from infancy. First, the mother puts the baby's belongings there. Then comes the time for kindergarten, school, college, work, and between them regular trips to the market. What about birthdays, going on dates, going to the theater? The female half of humanity has for every occasion.

The first women's handbags

Initially, women used bags made of skins to store and carry food and household utensils. Then the bags changed size, becoming smaller. They now have straps and become more comfortable. Each nationality decorated the bags in accordance with their concepts of beauty.

Then, for a long time, women's bags served as bags for storing money. Men's and women's bags differed only in that men wore them attached to their belts, and women wore them on laces. Then they began to put personal items in the bags - mirrors, snuff boxes, smelling salts. Under Louis XIV, pockets appeared and men's hands were freed. The pouch remains the prerogative of women, but is modified. That is, it becomes an inseparable and distinctive part of a woman’s wardrobe.

The favorite of Louis XV, Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, known to us as Madame de Pompadour, introduced fashion reticule(translated as “funny”). It was a ball-like bag made of lace - a bag with a bottom, tightened at the top with a beautiful long cord, which at the same time served as a handle. Over time, the reticule has undergone changes, but remains small, only for the most necessary little things. It is usually worn for special occasions.

And in Russia, during the time of Elizabeth I, they began to produce silk bags, stitched with gold threads. Of course, they were expensive - only wealthy ladies could wear them. The handbag became a distinctive sign of the classes.

Modern bags for women are an integral part of the wardrobe

Now the money has migrated to wallets. But the essence of the bitch has not changed over the centuries. Still, handbags are a warehouse for all sorts of little things - a wallet, cosmetics bag, paper tissues, wet wipes, a mobile phone, a comb, medicines and much more. How men joke - woman bag looks like a garage. You can find the most incredible things in it, and sometimes the lady herself gets lost in her purse, not knowing what lies there.

A handbag, large or small, has become the calling card of any young lady, which reflects the individuality of the owner. A lady can be dressed “haute couture”, with an excellent hairstyle, a beautiful manicure, but, for example, a shabby handbag will negate her efforts to look her best. A handbag immediately shows financial capabilities and status in society.

From a small piece of fabric that was always hidden in the folds of a skirt, the bag was transformed into a work of art and not a single designer show is complete without it.