
How to do an unedged manicure. Unedged manicure at home - Recommendations and step-by-step instructions for beginners. Technique for performing European unedged manicure at home

How to do an unedged manicure.  Unedged manicure at home - Recommendations and step-by-step instructions for beginners.  Technique for performing European unedged manicure at home

Every woman should understand the features and rules of unedged manicure. This technique also called European manicure. Today, this method of nail treatment is becoming more and more common. To understand the advantages and disadvantages of this popular technique, it is important to have a clear understanding of what an unedged manicure is and how the procedure is carried out. This will help you decide whether this option is right for you.

The essence of unedged manicure

Unedged (European) manicure is the most safe procedure of all the similar ones. In general, it is not much different from the edged one. The main feature is that the cuticle in this case is not cut, but is moved using a special stick after preliminary softening. This is precisely the advantage of such a manicure, and its disadvantage.

Otherwise, the European version of nail treatment has a standard set of operations, such as filing, grinding, and varnishing. Sometimes a hand bath is used, but you can do without it.

Benefits of European manicure

Unedged manicure is the safest. His procedure does not involve the use of forceps and other instruments that can injure the skin. This saves not only from discomfort, pain, bleeding, but also from the appearance of hangnails.

The procedure is absolutely painless. It is easy to carry out at home if you have a certain set of tools and cosmetics. If you skip the bath, you can achieve longer retention of nail polish.

safe and painless nail care method

Disadvantages of unedged manicure

The main disadvantage European manicure is that it sometimes takes several months to fully switch to it. Things are especially difficult in cases where there is a dense, hard cuticle. After the first procedures, hangnails may appear. But gradually the situation will return to normal and you will be able to easily and painlessly take care of your nails, quickly putting them in perfect order.

Who is suitable for unedged manicure?

Having found out what an unedged manicure is, it’s easy to understand who it is most suitable for. Of course, those whose skin is thin and delicate, with capillaries located close to the surface. In this case, careful, delicate care is required. Trimmed manicure is simply contraindicated here.

But even if your skin is not too thin, you can try this method of nail care for yourself. Just keep in mind that it will take some time to fully transition to a European manicure. To begin with, it is better to contact an experienced specialist, and gradually, if you wish, you can begin to carry out the procedures at home yourself.

allows you to have beautiful hands and perfect nails

European manicure at home

What will you need to process your nails?

Unedged manicure is a fairly simple procedure. Therefore, you can do it at home. To do this, you will definitely need the following tools and care products:

  • nailfile;
  • cuticle stick (wooden, metal or silicone);
  • cuticle softening gel;
  • oil or pencil to strengthen nails and slow down cuticle growth.

In addition to all of the above, you can optionally take decorative varnish and everything you need for a hand bath.

requires special tools such as orange sticks

This is done using special cuticle removers.


The first thing you need to do is prepare your hands for a manicure. Wash them with soap and remove nail polish. Then proceed directly to the procedure. It takes place in several stages:

  1. File your nails to give them the desired shape.
  2. Next you can make a bath. Choose your favorite composition, hold your hands in it for a few minutes, and then wipe with a towel.
  3. Apply a softening gel to the cuticle area. Follow the instructions on the package. As a rule, the product needs to be left for some time.
  4. Remove excess gel with a cotton pad and pick up a manicure stick. Use it to gently push back the softened cuticle while simultaneously removing the thin film at the base of the nail.
  5. The process is coming to an end. All that remains is to treat your nails with strengthening oil or a special pencil.
  6. If necessary, you can also sand the surface.
  7. If you need to coat your nails with colored varnish, degrease them first, otherwise the coating will not last long.

After the bath, apply a cuticle softener

dead skin is removed using a special stick

High-quality plastic tools can be used to remove cuticles

after complete removal of the cuticle, polishing and degreasing of the nails, a high-quality varnish is applied

Sometimes, at the very beginning of the transition from a trimmed to an unedged manicure, it becomes necessary to use cuticle tweezers. This is normal, but you should only remove the bare minimum necessary to keep your nails looking attractive. Gradually, the need for this will disappear, and you will be able to do a full manicure quickly and painlessly.

Each woman independently chooses how to care for her nails. Some go to an experienced master, others prefer to act independently. In this case, preference is given in different ways care Now you know what an unedged manicure is, and you can adopt it for yourself. This is a real salvation for those with delicate skin and weak, thin cuticles. However, European manicure is also popular among other women, because it allows you to quickly get your nails in order, avoiding discomfort and microtrauma.

A manicure should not only be beautiful, but also safe! This was the main condition for the masters who invented the European unedged manicure! This technique is especially necessary for girls and women with delicate and delicate skin, which is easy to hurt.

For a long time classic version was considered a trim manicure, which involved cutting the cuticle with scissors. As a result, cuts and injuries appeared on the skin, as well as blood stains, which could become inflamed and cause pain. The risk of contracting infections was quite high. Most often, the skin was injured as a result of treatment at home, when girls tried to do a manicure on their own. Clients in the salons were worried about whether the instruments were well disinfected, whether it was possible to completely eliminate the transmission of infection from all previous visitors?

Now the majority of women in Europe prefer unedged manicure. Now it is successfully used in our country. Here it received a second name - European. What are its advantages?

This technique is very hygienic. It allows you to avoid contracting infections.

The main features of the technology include:

  • the cuticle is not cut off, it softens and moves away;
  • Chemicals are often used to remove cuticles. Cosmetical tools also slow down its growth;
  • cuticle treatment can be carried out with an orange stick, a special device with a rubber tip. This stage should not be carried out with iron instruments, which can injure the skin.

Pros and cons of unedged manicure

The benefits of the procedure are quite significant!

  • Untrimmed manicure is safe. The risk of infection is eliminated, since the technology does not use sharp cutting tools. The method is hygienic and bloodless.
  • It has a mild effect, therefore it is suitable for delicate and delicate skin with close blood vessels.

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  • The procedure is simple and you can do it yourself.
  • The technology ensures that the growth of the cuticle slows down significantly, and the nails retain a neat and well-groomed appearance for a longer period.

It is also necessary to know the disadvantages of technology.

  • European manicure is recommended for women with thin skin. If the cuticle is neglected, the skin has a dense structure, then the rough areas of the cuticle often have to be cut off with scissors.
  • It will take some time to switch from edged to unedged manicure. You will have to remove the hangnails that appear with special tweezers.
  • The first procedures may cause discomfort. Cuticle removers can cause irritation. In rare cases, an allergic reaction may occur.

Three types of European manicure

  • Unedged dry manicure. It is notable for the fact that neither water nor cuticle softeners are used to treat the cuticle. But it is recommended to be carried out only in cases where the nails are strong and healthy and do not have visible mechanical damage. Dry manicure does not require special preparations, so it can be done anywhere: at home, while traveling, or on the road. This method helps the polish on the nail plate last longer. The procedure does not include steaming the nails, there are no temperature changes, so the polish cracks less often.

  • Wet unedged manicure. The technology involves the use of hand baths. Products are added to the water to soften the skin. The cuticle becomes pliable and soft. It's easy to move away. Therefore, experts recommend that beginners perform a wet manicure at home.

  • Hot European manicure. If the nails are very brittle and weak, or the cuticle is injured, then the technique changes slightly. A bath is prepared with lotion heated to 50 degrees, into which the hands are lowered.

Read also: Manicure with mica - luxury and shine

In beauty salons, another option for unedged manicure is carried out - hardware. Cuticle processing is carried out using a special apparatus with rotating grinding attachments. The procedure can only be completed experienced craftsmen who knows all the secrets of technology.

What products do we need for an unedged manicure?

The set consists of a small number of items:

  • file for processing the edge of the nail;
  • cuticle remover and softener;
  • nutritious cream;
  • buff for surface polishing;
  • bath for soaking the cuticle (for wet or hot manicure);
  • napkins or cotton pads;
  • nail scissors for removing hangnails. In most cases, European manicure does not involve the use sharp objects. But if, as a result of insufficiently careful care of the cuticle, hangnails appear, then there is nothing left to do but carefully cut them off.
  • nourishing oil. Cosmetic stores have special means. But they can be replaced with peach or almond oil.

Now that you have learned the pros and cons of an unedged manicure, it’s easy to choose the method that suits you.

How to make an unedged manicure with your own hands?

Let's look at the technique of performing European manicure step by step.

  • Using a file and scissors, give the edge of the nail the desired shape. It is better to file your nails in one direction. Hold the file at an angle of 90 degrees. Polish the surface with buff.
  • Soften the cuticle with special products. Excellent results can be achieved with creams based on fruit and lactic acids. As an alternative, you can use lemon juice, which is an excellent skin softener. Another reliable way is to hold your hands for 5-10 minutes in soapy or soda solution This will soften the skin and clean the subungual space from dust and dirt. When performing a dry European manicure, this step does not have to be performed.
  • After the bath, apply a fortified cuticle remover cream or gel to your fingers. Exposure time is 2-3 minutes. Remove any remaining substance with a napkin.
  • Use a wooden stick to push back the cuticle. No need to cut it! Clean the side bolsters.
  • Apply to the skin around the nail cosmetic oil, which prevents the appearance of hangnails and makes the skin even more elastic. The product will relieve irritation and soothe the treated areas. Apply moisturizer to your fingers and hands and give a light massage.
  • Now you can start coating your nails with varnish. Don't forget to degrease the surface with acetone or alcohol, otherwise the design will not be strong enough and will not last long!

An unedged manicure is a great, gentle way to get your nails in order. If, of course, you know how to do it correctly. In this article I will tell you how to do an unedged manicure step by step, what products are needed for this and what stages of the procedure exist at home. Find out the secrets of self-care here with!

What is an unedged manicure and who is it for?

An unedged manicure (or, as it is also called, a European manicure) differs from a trimmed manicure in that during its implementation the cuticle around the nail is not cut off. You can get rid of it with special products containing acids, fruit or lactic.

The advantages of unedged are that it suits the owners thin skin on the hands, in cases of vessels close to the surface. And also for people suffering from more severe diseases, when even a minor wound after a manicure can be dangerous.

Methods for unedged manicure

There are three most famous methods of unedged manicure: dry, wet and hot.

At dry unedged manicure the skin of the hands and cuticles are treated without prior softening in water. Unfortunately, after such a manicure there is a high probability of allergies.

At wet unedged manicure, which is most common in beauty salons, hands must first be steamed in warm water. This makes it easier to work with rough cuticles.

At hot unedged manicure the cuticle softens the most.

Trimmed and untrimmed manicure: what are the advantages of the second option?

  • 1. Special products for removing cuticles for unedged manicure include special ingredients that not only help soften and push back the skin, but also slow down its growth.

By the way, you can make such a product yourself. In I talk about a wonderful wax for cuticles, as well as dry ends of hair and even elbows, which I made myself. The recipe for making wax is also in the article.

  • 2. When trimming a manicure, the root of the nail is very often injured, which over time can result in grooves and.
  • 3. The undoubted advantage of an unedged manicure is that during its implementation there are no unpleasant and painful sensations associated with mechanical cutting of the cuticle.
  • 4. An unedged manicure minimizes the risk of infection entering the blood.
  • 5. Such unpleasant phenomena as hangnails accompany trimmed manicure.

Who might not like an unedged manicure?

If you have rough and very dry cuticles, then you might want to try a mixed technique first. In this case, it may not work the first time. But gradually (perhaps a month or two) you will accustom your nails and cuticles to more gentle manicure techniques than trimming.

How to do an unedged manicure step by step?

To make a beautiful and correct European unedged manicure at home, you will need the following accessories:

  • cuticle remover;
  • cotton pads;
  • a nail file (I prefer a glass one, you can also take a ceramic or paper one with a mineral coating, which are the least likely to injure the nail);
  • orange stick;
  • cuticle care oil;
  • bath with warm soapy water;

If you are wondering what kind of nail bath I use, read on. I add not only sea salt to the water (as many do), and therefore my nails are strong and do not flake.

  • paper towels;
  • nourishing hand cream.

Technique for performing unedged European manicure

1. Use a nail file to renew them and give them the desired shape. , move slowly, in one direction, from the center to the periphery. By the way, I don’t use nail scissors at all.

2. Soak your hands in a pre-prepared bath of warm water for about 15-20 minutes. Afterwards, rinse your hands with clean warm water and wipe dry with a paper (or regular terry) towel.

3. Apply cuticle remover to the base of each nail. Hold for 5 minutes (or as long as the manufacturer recommends), then additionally massage the skin with the pads of the finger of the opposite hand (to make the product work even more effectively). Use a cotton pad to remove any remaining product from the skin.

4. Take an orange stick and gently push back the cuticle to the root of each nail.

If you are just mastering unedged manicure, you may need tweezers. They will help remove technique flaws and put your nails in order. But I don’t recommend getting used to such an emergency method, otherwise you will switch to the cutting method.

5. Apply a care product, or, to the skin around the nails, which will soften the cuticle and moisturize the nail plate itself.

Unedged manicure is ready!

What manicure technique do you prefer and why?

This article will give you answers to the following questions:

What is an unedged manicure and how does it differ from an edged one?

European, classic and unedged manicure: what is the difference?

Who is suitable and who is contraindicated for unedged manicure?

What is the technique for performing European manicure?

What tools and means will you need to do an unedged manicure at home?

A non-edged manicure at home protects the cuticle, which does not require intensive treatment and allows you to significantly save your budget; it is not superfluous to have such a skill. Let's get started without further ado!

Features of unedged manicure

Painting your nails is not a manicure. A real, proper manicure includes several stages: removing the cuticle and shaping the nail plate.

But not edged or European manicure - the most gentle procedure, in no way inferior to the classical method. Perfect for doing at home. A non-trimmed manicure is performed without cutting the cuticle. For removal, not tools are used, but special means. In this case, the risk of infection through micro.

This procedure is suitable for owners. After a European manicure, the growing cuticle has a rather aesthetic appearance. However, there is a small drawback: you cannot tidy up badly neglected nails; you will need at least a hardware manicure.

Technique for cutting manicure

In order to perform a non-edged manicure yourself at home, you must:

  • Bowl for hand bath;
  • Cotton pads;
  • Softening hand cream;
  • Clean towel;
  • Cuticle remover;
  • Polishing file;
  • A product that slows down cuticle growth;
  • A stick for pushing back cuticles.

To choose the right tools for the procedure, read the advice of experts:

  • . Give preference to tools made of ceramic, glass or mineral-coated paper.
  • Add nutrients such as essential oils to your hand bath.
  • Choose a plastic or silicone stick. You can treat such an instrument before each procedure to avoid infection.

The main tools you will need for an unedged manicure at home are glass or ceramic files for treating nails and the skin around them, as well as products for softening and removing cuticles. This manicure can be done once every 5-7 days: your hands will look perfect in the intervals between manicures in a beauty salon, and in some cases, a salon manicure may not be needed at all!

Having given your nails a shape, process the rough areas of the skin of the nail folds using a special file or pumice, filing it in different directions (if there are burrs, it is better to carefully cut them off first). Try to move the side ridges away from the nail plate as much as possible so as not to touch your nails.

After scrubbing the driest, roughest areas of your skin (you can also use a scrub, preferably an oil-based one), apply a little hand cream or oil to the skin around your nails to soften it.

The next stage of unedged manicure is the use of a product to care for the cuticle and soften it. Apply it to the cuticle itself and the skin around the nails; some products can also be applied to the nails themselves (it is best to do this with massage movements, as if polishing nail plates).

After the time specified according to the instructions, carefully push back the cuticle with a wooden stick; if necessary, wash your hands. Apply a drop of nourishing oil to each nail, rub it into the nail plates, cuticle area and the skin around it. After a few minutes, you can remove any remaining oil with a dry cloth. And if you make it a rule to use oil daily, your nails will grow better and become stronger.

To complete an unedged manicure, you can use a white nail pencil, whitening the tip of the nail with it. inside: you get the effect of a natural French jacket.

Cuticle oil "Intensive nutrition" Botanical Cuticle Treatment Oil Restructuring and softening cuticle peeling gel Push Cuticle Exfoliator + Softener, Christina Fitzgerald.

Hand and body lotion Scentsations “Chamomile and Violet” Wildflower & Chamomile Lotion, СND with chamomile extract.

Exfoliating treatment for nails and cuticles Couleurs Nature Atelier Manucure, Yves Rocher with almond milk.

Moisturizing lotion for hands and feet Italian Mandarin, Orly with shea butter, cocoa and olive oils and citrus essential oils.

Nutritious cream for dry hands "Shea, aloe and beeswax", Le Petit Marseillais with shea butter and aloe extract.

"Precious oil of beauty", Garnier with almond, argan, macadamia oils and essential oil roses.

Fast absorbing hand cream Neutrogena "Norwegian Formula" with glycerin.

Body Scrub Planet Spa “Exotic Bali”, Avon with exotic plant extracts, glycerin and coconut oil.