
How to store olive oil after opening the package. How, in what and where to store natural olive oil? Olive oil after

How to store olive oil after opening the package.  How, in what and where to store natural olive oil?  Olive oil after

It is quite difficult to replace olive oil with other products that are equally beneficial for the body. Today it is not difficult to find it, because it is sold in all stores.

To find healthy olive oil, you need to know what type it is, how it was made, and how long it can be stored. If all these steps have been completed, then the next question is: how to store olive oil after opening it. The taste of the oil, as well as the presence of useful elements in it, will depend on the conditions of storage.

Olive pomace contains oleic and linoleic acids, which cannot be replaced by any other products. In addition, it contains many vitamins that help heal wounds, treat certain diseases and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, which is why this dressing is so popular in various areas. While the product remains in the packaging, these substances can remain in it, and you need to choose a product that can be stored for no more than a year from the date of production, but after the container has been opened, the lifespan of this dressing is reduced to 30 days. We do not add this Provencal dressing to all dishes, and within 30 days it will not be completely used up. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to know some secrets, how to store olive oil, which will help preserve the product longer and not lose its beneficial properties.

Prestige Line Extra Virgin Olive Oil

      • Store olive oil in the refrigerator you can’t - there it loses all its unique qualities. But the refrigerator will help check the suitability of the product - if you leave olive oil there, then white flakes will form on it. These are hard fats that harden quickly in the cold, and they do not pose a health hazard. To get rid of them, you just need to put the oil in a warm room. But if cold only helps assess the suitability of a product, then all that remains is to find out can olive oil be stored in the refrigerator? Cold will not spoil the product if it is in the refrigerator for no longer than 14 days. Then all unfavorable processes start, and the beneficial characteristics of the product dry up. All of the above refers to the Extra Virgin type of oil, which is natural and made without chemical treatment. There is also a refined product that can be used for frying. After the first frying Can you store olive oil in the refrigerator?, but it cannot be fried a second time.
      • Regular sunflower oil is stored in a cool place, but if you don’t do this with olive oil, then where to store olive oil? This can be any closed and dry place that protects the product from light and air. You just need to make sure that the air temperature in such a cabinet does not exceed +25 degrees, otherwise the product will again lose its beneficial qualities.

      • Another important factor is the container in which the product is packaged. From the fact where to store olive oil, all its benefits will depend. When buying oil in plastic containers, you can forget about its beneficial properties. Such packaging does not retain all the necessary substances, and even on the contrary, does not save the product from the harmful effects of light. Therefore, the answer to the question is where to store extra virgin olive oil, unambiguous - only in a dark glass bottle. Manufacturers also produce other packaging for oil, for example, tin. They are inconvenient to use during cooking, but problems how to store olive oil in a tin does not arise - you just need to seal the container after use, or pour it into glass.

How to properly store olive oil?

Choosing where to store olive oil after opening the bottle, it’s worth finding a place further from the heat so that the goods do not spoil

It is better to hide it in a dark cabinet with a comfortable temperature

If you can’t find a dark glass bottle, then you should wrap the container in foil, or in other ways protect it from harmful effects

The product should not interact with oxygen, so it is better to fill the container to the top

This is the basis of How to properly store olive oil after opening. If you don’t follow the rules, the result can only be the product losing its non-standard taste, but this does not mean that the oil will become unsuitable for use. Many people find this dressing as a means to treat diseases, and then the advice how to store opened olive oil will contribute to obtaining health benefits from a properly selected and stored product.

I love olive oil. I use it almost everywhere! Want to know more about this very useful product? Read on for my full review of all things Italian Olive Oil!

Olive trees began to be cultivated several thousand years ago. They are especially widespread in the Mediterranean countries. Mediterranean people use olive oil in almost all dishes.

Quality vegetable oil is one of the most delicious things in the world, and one of the most important ingredients for sauces, salad dressings and mayonnaise. To get to know an oil better, it's worth experimenting with oils from different countries: oils from Greece, France, Spain and Italy not only have different tastes, but also different characters.

Facts about olive oil

Where did olive oil first appear?

  • Olive oil comes from Asia Minor and the Mediterranean. The olive was grown in Syria and Palestine as early as 3000 BC.

What does extra virgin mean?

  • This is the best quality olive oil, extra virgin oil. It is produced by a method in which the olives are lightly pressed to extract the highest quality olive oil. It has a delicate fruity flavor and ranges in color from pale yellow to green.

When is extra virgin olive oil used?

  • Mainly to add flavor and aroma to salad dressings. However, in Mediterranean countries it is also used instead of cream.

What is the best way to store olive oil?

  • In a cool, dark place, preferably out of the sun.

How do you know if the oil has gone bad?

  • It has a noticeable rancid odor. Olive oil can be stored in a cool, dark place for 2-3 years, but opened oil should be used within 1-2 months. It is better not to store walnut oil in the refrigerator, as it spoils faster.

If olive oil has been stored in the refrigerator, it may become cloudy or have sediment. It can be fixed?

  • Either leave the bottle in a warm room or hold it under warm running water - it will become clear again. This process does not affect the taste or quality of the oil.

Why are some oils darker or greener than others?

  • The color of the oil depends on the soil and climate of the area where the olives are grown. Green oil turns yellow as it ages.

Where is the most flavorful olive oil made?

  • In hot areas of the Mediterranean.

When is the best time to buy oil?

  • In Mediterranean countries it is produced from December to February. As a rule, oil bottles are not marked with a year, but some small manufacturers do put a date on the label.

How to choose a good olive oil?

  • Experimenting is the only way to discover different types of oil. As with wine, price and label names are a good indicator of quality. Cheap olive oil does not taste good, then use sunflower oil.

What olive oil should I use in salad dressings?

  • Extra virgin - buy it in large jars if you can, it's cheaper.

How to make flavored olive oil?

  • Herbs and spices can be added to the oil bottle to add their own flavor to the oil. Herbal bottles look very beautiful.

How to make garlic olive oil?

  • Add four to five cloves of garlic per 1 liter of oil.

When are sunflower, vegetable and nut oils used in dressings?

  • It's a matter of taste and price.

Why is olive oil so expensive?

  • One factor is the time it takes to harvest the olives. They are collected in winter and usually by hand. Each tree produces about 8 kg of olives, and 5 kg of olives are needed to produce 1 liter of oil.

How to choose the best olive oil?

  • When choosing olive oil, try to use something that has been made recently. Good olive oil must have a date of manufacture and its shelf life should not exceed 18 months.

How to store an open bottle of oil?

  • Keep purchased olive oil away from the stove and definitely not in the refrigerator. It should be stored in a dark place at a temperature of 10-15 degrees Celsius. For example, in a closet.

How to use olive oil?

  • Use it correctly: do not keep the bottle open for a long time, quickly pour the required amount of oil and close it with the lid again.

What color is the best olive oil?

  • Good oil comes in a variety of shades of yellow and green. However, it cannot be said that taste qualities in any way depend on the shade.

Which country makes the most delicious butter?

  • Olive oil is produced in Spain, Italy and Tunisia. All these countries have their own characteristics of its production. However, it cannot be said that oil in one country is better than in another. All manufacturers are worth a try.

Can you heat olive oil and cook with it?

  • Yes, you can. It is best to fry in refined oil; its combustion temperature is 240 degrees Celsius. Good unrefined oil can be heated to 170-180 degrees. It can be used for baking in the oven or in a slow cooker - in general, anywhere where you can specify the cooking temperature.

How to choose real olive oil?

  • To do this, you should get acquainted with a couple of signs of a good oil: it has a pleasant color, between yellow and green, and the smell also has the aroma of fruits and herbs. Olives are felt in the taste.

Why does sediment appear in olive oil?

  • This oil contains a small portion of solid fats, which are liquid at room temperature. However, when we cool the oil in the refrigerator, they turn into white flakes that are scary to some. If this happens, it means your oil is of high quality. Or at least the real one. So, to distinguish real oil from fake, put a jar of oil in the refrigerator and check if white flakes form. If formed, let the bottle stand at room temperature. The flakes will quickly dissolve and the mass of butter will become homogeneous again.

How to choose olive oil successfully?

The best olive oil is Extra Virgin. This designates oil that was created from mechanically pressed olives (no chemical additives or preservatives are used for its storage). This oil has a very high quality composition and is highly valued.

This oil is usually used to add to prepared dishes (as a base for salad dressings, for example).

Extra virgin olive oil is the highest quality, natural oil with a light taste.

– Fine virgin olive oil – cold-pressed olive oil, made from the best olives, has a great taste, delicate aroma, and high acidity.

– Semi-fine virgin olive oil is a cold-pressed oil that also has a rich taste and pleasant aroma. The acidity is higher than in the extra variety.

Olive oil itself is also produced from two types of olives.

Olive oil from unripe olives is the most expensive and is produced in limited quantities from the best olive fruits.

Standard olive oil is made from the oil of the olive fruit.

Olio vergine is mechanically extracted from the olive fruit.

Olio di sansa di oliva is made from the leftover pulp and pits of olives, then mixed with the vergine variety. This oil is usually used for frying.

Refined olive oil – refined olive oil. The presence of olives in this oil is small.

Have you chosen the oil you want to buy? Now is the time to study the label of your chosen product.

If the word “mix” is present, you are not looking at pure olive oil, but a mixture of several. At the same time, there may not be enough olive oil there. Real olive oil should have labels like “Naturel” or “100% olive oil.”

Next, look at the type of oil. Extra Virgin is suitable for dressings, and refined oil is ideal for frying. If suddenly the acidity of the product is indicated on a jar or bottle of oil, prefer the variety with the lowest.

It is better to give preference to olive oil in glass containers. It is worth taking oil in a tin container only if you purchase 5 or more liters of oil, since in this case the container is treated in a special way.

But taking five liters is only appropriate if you have a salad bar. If you purchase oil exclusively for personal use, give preference to a liter or one and a half liter container, since over time the oil loses its beneficial substances, and you do not need a large volume.

Also on the label you can see the abbreviations IGP and DOP, for which there is no decoding. Let's find out what they mean. The first is “Indicazione Geografica Protetta”. This is what it is: it means that some part of the oil production process was carried out in a region that is carefully guarded and controlled. That is, let’s say, they collected and pressed the oil under the supervision of specialists. But they squeezed it out in a different place and under different conditions.

Let us now decipher the DOP ("Denominazione d" Origine Protetta"). This means that each operation to create the oil took place in the same region.

Also, the label of a good oil is equipped with contacts of the manufacturer and importer.

How did olive oil come about?

It is believed that it appeared more than 6 thousand years ago. People learned to process the fruits of olive trees in a special way and began to cultivate them.

By the way, “olives” and “olives” are the fruits of the same tree. The only difference between these two fruits is their degree of maturity. The appearance of these names is associated with the peculiarities of the Russian language. For example, in English there is no such division at all. There the fruits are divided into “black” and “green” olives.

According to researchers, the olive tree was originally distributed in Egypt and several other Asian countries. It is believed that olives were brought to Europe by the Phoenicians. And the “olive boom” began in Greece. There they quickly learned to press oil from small fruits, which became incredibly popular. At one time, oil was valued like gold and was used as currency. Now, of course, you can no longer use olive oil instead of money, but all its other properties still remain with it.

What else, besides the delicious taste, attracted ancient people to oil? We can say with confidence that the point is the amazing healing effects that the oil has on a person and his entire body.

Moreover, it brings its benefits even in small doses, which distinguishes it from all other products.

Olive oil has a truly amazing chemical composition. It is the most nutritious oil of all vegetable oils, contains many unsaturated healthy fatty acids, reduces cholesterol levels in the body, which has a direct effect on the state of the human cardiovascular system, helps prevent Alzheimer's disease, and produces omega-9 and omega-7 fatty acids. acids Olive oil is also rich in linoleic acid, which helps strengthen cell membranes and mucous membranes.

Olive oil contains vitamins A, B, C, D, E, F, K, helps the body fight free radicals, strengthens our bone and muscle tissue, and regulates the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

Olive oil is suitable for people with liver disease, as it removes excess bile from the body. Just as the inhabitants of Ancient Greece claimed, it has a positive effect on potency.

Where and how to use olive oil?

This question is worth considering. In fact, oil is useful not only in the kitchen, but also for beauty. I use it for self-medication and for beauty.

How to use oil for medicinal purposes?

Compress with olive oil. This remedy is a surefire way to get rid of leg cramps. Make a tincture of jasmine flowers (available at pharmacies) in a glass of olive oil. You will need 100 g of dried jasmine flowers. The mixture needs to steep for two weeks. As a result, you will get an excellent ointment for massaging the whole body, and for the leg area in particular.

A mixture of jasmine and olive oil copes well with muscle pain of any nature.

Massage oil. Olive oil massage is an ancient remedy. The oil moisturizes and nourishes the skin, gives it tone, normalizes the secretion of sweat glands, and helps the body better remove harmful substances through the skin.

Olive oil is an ideal base for mixing with essential oils. Thanks to the versatility and multifunctionality of the oil, you can create many options for mixtures: tonic, stimulating, soothing, simply aromatic.

Olive oil in cosmetology. Many hair and skin care products contain this oil. Of course, you can always make a homemade equivalent.

For example, a mask of grated cucumber, olive oil and mashed soft banana will soothe the skin, remove redness, and make it soft and moisturized.

Olive oil is also suitable for fighting wrinkles. Make a mask of lemon juice and oil (1:1). Your skin will only thank you for this!

Simply applying olive oil to your skin during pregnancy will help prevent stretch marks from appearing.

The oil can also be used instead of powder for the delicate skin of babies.

A tablespoon of olive oil taken on an empty stomach before a party will protect you from a hangover in the morning.

Of course, the versatility of olive oil is difficult to overestimate. But it shows itself best in cooking.

Using olive oil you can fry, bake, marinate, preserve dishes, and season salads. Olive oil is good with fish, poultry, meat, and seafood.

Boil the pasta, heat the oil and mix it with the herbs and garlic, then pour this mixture over the pasta. The taste will be close to divine!

Try making this popular salad dressing. In a glass container, whisk 2 large tablespoons of lemon juice, ¼ teaspoon of salt and fine black pepper. When the salt has completely dissolved in the juice, whisk the mixture further and slowly begin pouring in the olive oil. 3-4 tablespoons is enough. You need unrefined oil. Store the created dip in a well-sealed, airtight container.

You can optionally add a little garlic to this classic dressing - this will change the taste and make it more piquant. You can add basil.

In general, additives are up to your taste. This dressing is good with any salads, pasta, rice. You can even pour it over a piece of red fish.

Olive oil is highly valued among the Mediterranean people and is highly praised by doctors and scientists. The taste of olive oil is delicious. It is worth having a bottle of olive oil in your home and using it more often. Olive oil is a source of health and vitality.

Quality vegetable oil is one of the most delicious things in the world, and one of the most important ingredients for sauces, salad dressings and mayonnaise. To get to know an oil better, it's worth experimenting with oils from different countries: oils from Greece, France, Spain and Italy not only have different tastes, but also different characters.

Where did olive oil first appear? Olive oil comes from Asia Minor and the Mediterranean. The olive was grown in Syria and Palestine as early as 3000 BC.

What does extra virgin mean? This is the best quality olive oil, extra virgin oil. It is produced by a method in which the olives are lightly pressed to extract the highest quality olive oil. It has a delicate fruity flavor and ranges in color from pale yellow to green.

When is extra virgin olive oil used? Mainly to add flavor and aroma to salad dressings. However, in Mediterranean countries it is also used instead of cream.

What is the best way to store olive oil? In a cool, dark place, preferably out of the sun.

How do you know if the oil has gone bad? It has a noticeable rancid odor. Olive oil can be stored in a cool, dark place for 2-3 years, but opened oil should be used within 1-2 months. It is better to store walnut oil in the refrigerator as it spoils faster.

If olive oil has been stored in the refrigerator, it may become cloudy or have sediment. It can be fixed? Either leave the bottle in a warm room or hold it under warm running water - it will become clear again. This process does not affect the taste or quality of the oil.

Why are some oils darker or greener than others? The color of the oil depends on the soil and climate of the area where the olives are grown. Green oil turns yellow as it ages.

Where is the most flavorful olive oil made? In hot areas of the Mediterranean.

When is the best time to buy oil? In Mediterranean countries it is produced from December to February. As a rule, oil bottles are not marked with a year, but some small manufacturers do put a date on the label.

How to choose good olive oil? Experimenting is the only way to discover different types of oil. As with wine, price and label names are a good indicator of quality. Cheap olive oil does not taste good, then use sunflower oil.

What olive oil should I use in salad dressings? Extra virgin - buy it in large jars if you can, it's cheaper.

How to make flavored olive oil? Herbs and spices can be added to the oil bottle to add their own flavor to the oil. Herbal bottles look very beautiful.

How to make garlic olive oil? Add four to five cloves of garlic per 1 liter of oil.

When are sunflower, vegetable and nut oils used in dressings? It's a matter of taste and price.

Why is olive oil so expensive? One factor is the time it takes to harvest the olives. They are collected in winter and usually by hand. Each tree produces about 8 kg of olives, and 5 kg of olives are needed to produce 1 liter of oil.

Olive oil is highly valued in everyday life for its delicate taste and great nutritional value. Liquid gold, as the ancient Greeks called it, found worthy use in cooking, home medicine, and cosmetology. Today, buying real olive oil is easier than ever – it is sold in almost all supermarkets and specialty stores. It is much more difficult to preserve the beneficial properties of oil at home. To do this, you need to know how to store it correctly.


A dark glass bottle or tin can is best as a container for olive oil. Dark glass protects the oil from light and protects against foreign odors. A tin can is slightly inferior in its functions to a glass bottle, however, if you bought vegetable fat in such a container, you can leave it in this form with a clear conscience. The main rules regarding containers for olive oil are the presence of a tightly closing lid and a small volume of the container itself. Compliance with these simple conditions will prevent oxidation and spoilage of the product.

Keep in mind that real high-end olive oil is never sold in plastic bottles. If you see such a product, know that the manufacturer is cunning, and inside there is a mixture of olive oil with sunflower or corn oil.


Many housewives prefer to store olive oil on the refrigerator door, but this approach is fundamentally wrong. The fact is that low temperatures will certainly lead to the appearance of a white precipitate of solid fats. Such changes negatively affect the taste, aroma and quality of the product.

It is not entirely correct to leave oil near the stove, citing the fact that it is convenient to keep it on hand at the right time. High temperature and exposure to light negatively affect the beneficial properties of liquid gold.

The ideal place to store olive oil is in a kitchen cabinet with opaque doors. The oil will feel great there both in a closed package and after opening it. The optimal temperature is no more than +25 °C (preferably within +12 ... +16 °C). If the product is stored in a light glass bottle, wrap the container tightly with foil or pour it into a dark container.


In a closed opaque glass bottle, olive oil can be stored without harming its quality for up to 2 years. After opening it, it is advisable to use the product within 1 month. In a tin container it retains its properties for about a year.

If liquid gold has expired by at least a day, it is better not to use it for any purpose.

Storing olive oil at home will not be a problem if all the required conditions are met. This way you will be able to preserve all the beneficial properties of this amazing product. Far from bright light and relative coolness - and the oil will not spoil ahead of time.

Not everyone loves the healthiest olive oil - it has a peculiar taste, a slight bitterness... But fans of the Provençal delicacy are willing to regularly pay a lot of money for it. All the more relevant is the question of how to store olive oil so that it does not lose its many valuable properties or taste?

As with any expensive product, less than conscientious producers may try to take advantage of olive products.

Olive oil is adulterated by adding to it:

  • rapeseed oil;
  • sunflower;
  • soy;
  • chlorophyll.

Don't buy an expensive product for an occasion or from a store that looks like a cheap diner. It can be purchased at a pharmacy, supermarket or specialty store.

Varieties and their use

  • The best option is when the bottle is made of dark glass, which protects premium oil from light rays.
  • Tin containers are acceptable, although the product that is poured into it is usually of lower quality. It is not recommended to store oil in an iron can after opening it. Tin, in contact with air, begins to oxidize, which affects the taste and quality of the product. It is better to immediately pour it into a glass container.
  • No self-respecting manufacturer will bottle an expensive product into cheap plastic bottles. Usually a mixture of oils is stored in plastic. The contents may taste quite good, but their beneficial properties will be very doubtful.

Next, you should look at the expiration date indicated on the label. The numbers will tell you when the product is made and how long it can be used. It is advisable not to buy olive oil if it was pressed more than six months ago, but to look for something “younger”.

Tip of the day

Look for oils made and bottled in the same country.

Best storage conditions

But then you brought your purchase home, and the question arose: where to store olive oil?

Place the unopened bottle or jar in a cool, dark place:

  • in private homes you can use a cellar;
  • in modern apartments there is a cabinet with doors without glass, remote from the central heating radiators.

The best conditions are darkness and temperatures around 12-18 °C.

How to properly store olive oil once the bottle is already open:

  • It is advisable to prepare a smaller container, for example, a ceramic or porcelain jug. And pour portions there that can be used 1-2 times. There are narrow-necked jugs with a stopper in which you can store olive oil after opening it. This is ideal.
  • A small glass jar with a lid or similar container will also work. If the glass is light, the dishes can be wrapped in foil or a dark cloth.

The remaining contents in the bottle should be capped as tightly as possible and returned to the cabinet.

Suitable container for storing olive oil

Is a refrigerator suitable?

Storing olive oil requires compliance with some nuances. Housewives perceive the refrigerator as the most reliable place where any food can be kept for a long time. But this does not apply to olive seasoning - it needs different conditions.

It is not recommended to store olive oil in the refrigerator. Once in the refrigeration chamber, that is, where the temperature is less than 12 ° C, the product begins to thicken before our eyes, light flakes appear in it, reminiscent of cold fat. This metamorphosis is not good for him. And after lying in the cold for more than 2-3 weeks, it will lose the lion’s share of its beneficial properties. So olive oil lasts even less in the refrigerator than in the kitchen cabinet.

Moreover, you cannot put the bottle in the freezer. If it thaws, it will then thaw, but the product will lose its unique taste.

We answer the question: How can you tell if olive oil has gone bad?

The most reliable way is by smell:

  • The oil may ferment, causing it to have a musty, musty odor.
  • The fermentation process may begin in the product, and then you will smell a winey smell.
  • Prolonged contact with a metal surface causes the oil to acquire a metallic taste.
  • And when exposed to light, it can turn rancid, and you will smell the smell of old walnuts.

In all these cases, you should not take risks and eat the product. Even taste it. The only exception is sediment - this is a sign of naturalness.

Shelf life

Remember a few simple rules that determine the shelf life of olive oil:

  • Closed containers are stored for about 2 years. The taste of the product does not change. But after 9 months the beneficial properties begin to gradually disappear.
  • Once the container is opened, its contents are stored for about a month. After this period, it can be used as regular sunflower oil. True, in this case there is no longer any need to expect a therapeutic effect on the body.
  • It is advisable not to keep the Provencal delicacy in the refrigerator for more than 2 weeks.
  • Never leave olive oil on the windowsill or kitchen counter. Even darkened glass will not be able to save the product from oxidation, then not just a piquant bitterness will appear, but an unpleasant rancid taste.
  • If there is something left in the frying pan, you will have to part with it, no matter how sorry it is. Frying something again in oil that has already undergone heat treatment is harmful. Carcinogens are formed - substances that cause cancer.
  • Many housewives who use olive seasoning for preparing salads strive to “ennoble” it. Various ingredients are added to it: herbs, pine nuts. It is better to make such mixtures in small quantities - for 5-6 refills, and store for no more than 2 weeks, following the general rules. The bottle should be placed in a dark and cool place.

What should you protect a valuable product from?

But what about the homeland of olives - Greece or Italy? There they consume a lot of olive products; each family uses tens of liters per year. This amount has to be stored in bulk containers - barrels or large bottles. When sealed, they are placed in the cellar.

Do you know that…

The Italians discovered the preservative properties of olive oil. To keep olives from the new harvest longer, they are placed in the same barrels and topped with oil.

If force majeure occurs

What to do if the olive oil expires, but there is still a fair amount of product left. Several options are possible:

  • Use it as you would a regular vegetable. You can fry eggs or potatoes on it.
  • Chop the greens, place in ice cube trays, add olive oil and place in the freezer. In winter, you can gradually take out this wealth and add it to various salads.
  • And finally, look for cosmetic recipes. You can make masks for the face, body and hair using olive oil, or add it to homemade creams.

And let the most useful product given by nature only benefit you.

Store correctly and be healthy!

The first to taste olive oil were the ancient Egyptians. Later, the product was appreciated and began to be produced in Asia Minor, Greece, Italy, and Spain. Today there are olive plantations even in America. And everywhere the oil is different: in color, thickness, aroma, shade of taste. But each brings benefits.

If you are just about to discover a product such as olive oil, it will be important to find out the answers to the following questions: where to store olive oil, at what temperature it is stored, can it be stored directly in an iron can, how to store an open package of olive oil and how much Can it be stored after opening without compromising quality?

Composition and benefits

Olive juice consists of 99.8% fats, of which only 14.4% are saturated, and the rest are polyunsaturated (Omega-3 and Omega-6) and monounsaturated (Omega-9), that is, those that bring us exclusively benefit. There are no harmful trans fats at all. It also contains vitamins (A, D, E, K, group B) and antioxidants. The table describes in more detail the role of olive oil components.

Table - Composition and benefits of olive oil

Omega-6 (mainly linoleic acid)- Anti-inflammatory effect;
- lowering cholesterol;
- strengthening of blood vessels;
- normalization of blood sugar;
- strengthening cartilage tissue;
- slowing down tissue aging processes;
- improvement of brain activity;
- reducing the risk of developing cancer
Omega-9 (mainly oleic acid)- Improving the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
- maintaining blood glucose levels;
- strengthening the immune system;
- lowering cholesterol;
- reducing the risk of developing cancer
Antioxidants (polyphenols)- Normalization of blood pressure;
- maintaining normal heart function;
- protection against free radicals;

- improving the regenerative ability of cells
Vitamin A- Strengthening the immune system;
- antioxidant effect;
- participation in protein synthesis;
- normalization of metabolic processes;
- strengthening cell membranes;
- protection of bone tissue from destruction
Vitamin E- Reduced blood sugar;
- antioxidant effect;
- prevention of Alzheimer's disease;
- reducing the risk of developing cancer;
- normalization of hormonal levels;
- improvement of skin turgor;
- strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
- maintaining immune functions
Vitamin D- Improving calcium absorption;
- stimulation of cell growth and regeneration;
- protection of nerve fibers;
- synthesis of immune cells;
- normalization of blood glucose levels
Vitamin K- Growth and strengthening of bone tissue;
- maintaining liver function;
- increased blood clotting;
- neutralization of poisons and toxins
Choline (vitamin B4)- Strengthening cell membranes;
- normalization of fat metabolism;
- protection of nerve fibers;
- stimulation of cell regeneration;
- maintaining liver and kidney functions;
- prevention of atherosclerosis;
- normalization of blood sugar levels;
- improvement of brain activity

Olive oil has a choleretic effect. If gallstone disease and other gastrointestinal pathologies are in the acute stage, consult your doctor. You may be better off stopping using the product.

Main varieties

Don't rush to buy a product that has a lower price tag. Read the label carefully. Depending on the degree of purification, three main varieties can be distinguished.

  1. Extra Virgin and Virgin. This is an unfiltered premium oil produced by cold pressing. That is, by simply pressing the fruit. A kind of fresh olive juice. It has a rich aroma and tart taste with a mild bitterness. The best use is in salads and sauces. Frying on it is wasteful and unhealthy, because it quickly begins to “burn” and release carcinogens.
  2. Refined. Refined oil. After filtration, the product loses its pronounced aroma and taste, as well as some of the fat. But when frying it does not smoke and is cheaper. But keep in mind: it is not recommended to fry it again; it is better to pour out the remaining oil immediately after cooking.
  3. Pomace. This oil is extracted from the pressings left over from the production of Virgin Oil. This is where heat treatment of the cake and various reagents come into play. Accordingly, such a product does not have the nutritional value that we expect from “liquid gold”. You can fry it (you can’t heat it twice!), but it’s not suitable for salads and dressings at all: no taste, no aroma, no benefits. Plus - low price.

There are also various mixtures of these varieties. In this case, the bottle will be marked Mix or the name will contain the words: Pure Olive Oil (unrefined plus purified), Olive Oil (unrefined plus purified, but more filtered), Olive-pomace Oil (refined plus pomace oil).

As for choosing a variety, it is important to understand how exactly you plan to use the oil. If you heat-treat food in a frying pan, there is no point in buying expensive Extra Virgin - you won’t get much benefit, but it can be harmful to your health. In this case, it is better to opt for refined options. There are four more nuances that are worth paying attention to.

  1. Country of manufacture and bottling. The best quality product is one that is produced and bottled in one country (look for the DOP mark on the label). If the oil was spilled not in the country where the raw material is grown, then the label will contain the inscription - IGP. The faster the oil was packaged, the less contact it had with the external environment and the more “benefits” were preserved.
  2. Tara. Olive oil deteriorates in light, so look for the product in dark glass. Another acceptable packaging option is a tin can. A manufacturer that respects itself and you will not spoil good oil with a transparent plastic bottle.
  3. The date of bottling . The closer it is to the date of purchase, the better. The ideal option is when the purchase occurs within six months after packaging. The longer the oil “travels” to the counter, the more properties it loses.
  4. Best before date . On average it is one year. But some manufacturers indicate two years on the label. In fact, if stored properly, the packaged oil will not deteriorate during this time, but little of the subtle taste, aroma and benefits will remain in it. Therefore, the rule is again relevant: the fresher, the better.

Pay attention to how the bottle stands on the counter: whether direct rays of light fall on the oil. If yes, then it is better to take a copy from the far row at the back of the shelf.

Storage rules after opening the bottle

And so the “liquid gold” was purchased and delivered to the kitchen. Now its “usefulness” needs to be preserved as carefully as possible - improper handling can ruin the product in a few days.


Even professional chefs argue about this. Some argue that after two to three weeks of use, the oil begins to rapidly lose its taste and benefits. In their opinion, the product can only be stored in glass for four weeks. Further use is, at a minimum, useless, and at a maximum can be harmful to health.

Others claim that even after a month of use, a high-quality product does not lose its organoleptic and other properties. And if the composition begins to deteriorate, it means you bought a fake.


Olive oil loves cool temperatures and should preferably be stored at a temperature of about 15°C. The maximum value is 25°C. Heat has a detrimental effect on the product. Hence the conclusion: you cannot place the bottle near the stove, as we are used to doing with the same sunflower oil. Otherwise, its contents will turn into useless liquid.


Storing the product in the light, and even more so in the sun, means voluntarily spoiling the composition in a short time. Find a dark and cool place for it. This could be a cupboard with opaque doors, located away from the stove. Or a shelf in the pantry. You can organize a place in the cellar.

There is also controversy regarding storing olive oil in the refrigerator.

  • Behind. Some people believe that you can not only store the composition in the refrigerator, but also freeze it. And even if the oil has thickened and sediment has formed, everything can be fixed. After a few hours at room temperature, it acquires its original appearance and consistency. The argument is this: the refrigerator is the best way to preserve food. And at the same time, their nutritional value does not change. This means that the composition of olive oil will not be affected.
  • Against. According to other experts, low temperatures are just as harmful as high ones. The cold causes the oil to thicken, become cloudy, and a precipitate may even form in the form of white flakes. In addition, irreversible chemical processes occur, as a result of which vitamins break down and some healthy fats are lost.


Oxygen is destructive to “liquid gold”, like high temperatures or light. Fats quickly oxidize and as a result, instead of a noble bitterness, we get a rancid taste and an unpleasant odor.

If you bought olive oil in a glass bottle, then simply seal the neck tightly after each use. And this needs to be done as soon as possible. It’s better to pour small portions into separate containers. It is important that the neck is narrow, so you minimize the area of ​​​​contact with oxygen. For these purposes, stores even sell special small ceramic jugs.

If you bought a product in a tin, it is better not to store it in its original container. Pour completely into another container: ceramic or glass. Ideally, the glass will be dark. If not, just wrap the bottle in foil.

If, despite all precautions, the oil has lost its organoleptic properties, do not rush to throw away the bottle. Remains can be used in masks for skin and hair.