
How beautifully to throw a stole over your shoulders. How to wear a stole: photo images with a coat and jacket. Using accessories

How beautifully to throw a stole over your shoulders.  How to wear a stole: photo images with a coat and jacket.  Using accessories

A selection of the most spectacular ways to tie and use a stole. An ordinary accessory in a woman's wardrobe "works real miracles."

A stole is a wide scarf of various colors and textures. An indispensable accessory in the wardrobe modern woman, it is worn at any time of the year. If it is a thin, light, flowing fabric, a stole is used in summer or spring, while wool and other dense materials will be appropriate in the autumn-winter period.

The versatility of this accessory lies in the variety of ways to tie it and use it. This non-standard wardrobe element can radically change a woman’s image. It is tied on the head, neck, or thrown over a dress, coat or jacket.

How to tie a stole in style? How to tie a stole on your head and neck? How else can you wear a stole? This collection of material contains answers to everything. exciting questions and a demonstration of the most popular uses for stoles. After familiarizing yourself with the secrets and recommendations outlined in the article, any woman will be able to look modern, fashionable and impressive.

Which stole to choose?

When choosing a stole, you should be guided by the main question: what will it be worn with? Decorate a coat or Evening Dress, a romantic blouse or a “rocker biker jacket” - there are a huge number of options. The main thing is to follow the basic rules of clothing combinations, taking into account the characteristics of the figure and face. Naturally, a stole with a similar floral print, and on a thin fabric a stole made of dense and hard material will look rough.

When choosing a stole, pay attention to it color scheme. The shade should “suit” the face and match the things you plan to wear it with. Options are also possible here: it can be an independent bright accent in a woman’s appearance or a finely selected elegant addition to clothing.

So, the more similar accessories a woman has in her wardrobe, the easier it is to create any stylish images in clothes.

How to tie a stole - methods

Let's look at the most common methods of tying a stole, ranging from simple to somewhat intricate.

How to tie a stole using the "loose ends" method

Throwing the stole around the neck, the loose ends are thrown forward, over the shoulders. Basically, the scarf is wrapped around the neck and the ends are left on the chest as decoration. The ends of the stole, depending on the length, can simply hang down, or you can tie them with a light knot.

How to tie a stole using the Long Tail method

Throw the scarf around your neck, throw one end behind your back, and decorate the front folds beautifully. For better fixation stole, you can secure it with a pin from the inside (on the shoulder).

In this simplest variation, both voluminous and narrow stole models look beautiful.

How to tie a stole using the “Loop” method

The stole is folded in half in width and draped over the neck. The ends of the scarf are threaded into the loop formed (when folded). The degree of tightening of the stole can be different: tight and clear or loose and airy.

Light summer scarves tied with a “Loop” can be additionally decorated with a brooch or a decorative flower (as in the photo).

How to tie a stole using the “Reverse Loop” method

Variation on the theme "Loop". Perform the same manipulations as described in the previous method (step No. 1), but first thread only one end of the stole into the loop (step No. 2), and thread the second into the other loop (step No. 3), pull the ends slightly (step No. 4).

How to tie a stole using the “Twist” method

Twist the stole slightly along the fabric, wrap it around the neck, crossing it in one place, and carefully tie it, hiding the ends under the bottom.

This method is great for wide and long scarves. A narrow stole after twisting will look too short. Great for women with thin and long necks.

How to tie a stole using the “Hood” method

The stole is twisted around the neck twice, crossing and tying a small knot at the back (following the principle of the previous method). One layer of stole is slightly pulled out and used as a hood or hood.

The method is convenient due to its versatility, turning a scarf into a headdress and vice versa. In this form, the stole resembles the well-known snood.

How to tie a “Volume Arc” stole

A simple method is to tie the ends of the stole, move the knot under the neck, and spread the scarf beautifully across the chest. You can also twist it slightly by adding voluminous folds.

How to tie a stole on your head?

Often a stole is tied not only around the neck, but is also used instead of a headdress. It will be appropriate in the hot summer heat, instead of a hat or Panama hat, and during cool, windy weather. A warm soft stole for your head in winter will become an unusual decoration and protection from frost. By preferring a stole to a trivial hat, it will be easier for a woman to maintain her hairstyle, its volume and shape, even in the winter cold.

There are also plenty of options for tying a stole scarf on your head: with a scarf, a turban, traditionally draped over your head and throwing the loose ends over your shoulders, or tying it around your neck. Everyone chooses according to their taste and clothing style. So, how else can you wear a stole?

How to tie a stole on your head - method 1

The stole is thrown over the head and tied under the chin in a knot (like a regular scarf). The loose ends of the scarf remain in front or are thrown behind the back.

How to tie a stole on your head - method 2

A variation of the first method, when the ends of the stole are not tied, but simply thrown over the shoulders (or over one shoulder).

How to tie a stole on your head - method 3

The stole is thrown over the head, the ends are aligned (lengthwise), and a knot is tied at the back, at the back of the head (like a scarf). If the length of the stole allows, you can (before making a knot) wrap the ends of the scarf around your neck again.

How to tie a stole on your head - method 4

The stole is thrown over the head, the ends are aligned (in length), tied at the back of the head (optional) and the stole is twisted into a tight rope, which is wrapped around the head. To secure the scarf, make a decorative knot or bow on the front or side.

How to tie a stole on your head - method 5

Fold the stole lengthwise, wrap it around your head, with the ends towards the back of your head. Gathering the ends into soft folds, tie a tight, voluminous knot. The loose ends can be left on the back or wrapped around the neck. A braid or a bun of hair wrapped in a stole will look fashionable and stylish.

How to tie a stole on your head - method 6

Fold the stole lengthwise, wrap it around your head, with the ends towards the back of your head. Wrap your head around your forehead, forming a “turban”. The ends of the scarf are tied on the forehead or pulled back, fixing it at the back of the head.

The photo shows several options for forming a “turban” from a stole.

By the way, such a universal way of tying a stole on your head is convenient not only in summer, but also in winter. You just need to choose a warm and soft scarf.

How to tie a stole around your neck?

Most often, a stole is tied around the neck. There are a huge variety of design variations and the number of decorative knots.

Below, the photo shows several ways to beautifully tie a stole.

How to tie a stole around your neck - method 1

The edges of the stole are twisted at the back, forming a voluminous loop at the front. First, one free end is tied to the side (on the shoulder) in a knot, hiding the tip. Then the same manipulation is carried out with the second end. The stole is carefully straightened across the chest.

How to tie a stole around your neck - method 2

Make a voluminous arc of stole on the chest. Twist the edges at the back and bring them to the front. Tie the loose ends around the neck and hide the ends nicely under the stole. Straighten the scarf.

How to tie a stole around your neck - method 3

Place the stole around your neck and tie one knot at each end. Arrange the nodes asymmetrically, one above the other. Tie the loose ends and twist the scarf back. Hide the peeking ends under the stole, in the loop of one of the knots. Form pleats beautifully.

How to tie a stole around your neck - method 4

Place the stole around your neck and align the edges. Tie the ends of the scarf into a knot. Twist the stole and insert the head into the hole formed. Depending on the length of the fabric, the scarf can fit tightly around the neck or fall slightly in two tiers onto the chest.

How to tie a stole around your neck - method 5

Wrap the stole around your neck as shown in the photo. Tie up loose, hanging ends. Hide the knot under the first tier of the scarf, straighten the ends.

How to tie a stole around your neck - method 6

Wrap the stole around your neck, leaving the ends hanging over your chest. At one end, make a light, loose knot into which to thread the second free edge of the stole. The asymmetry of the location of the node looks beautiful and impressive in any image.

How to wear a stole with a coat?

Fashionable stoles are indispensable when paired with outerwear: coats, fur coats, jackets. Sometimes, it’s enough to simply and chaotically throw a scarf over your shoulders or throw one edge slightly behind your back, and the image will be fashionable and creative. Sometimes fashionistas twist the scarf tightly around their necks or secure the dangling hair with a belt. long ends stole.

A stole is a wide, rectangular cape designed to protect against the cold in the winter. As a successful addition to the wardrobe, stoles are also used in the summer. Modern stoles are sewn from a wide variety of fabrics, the standard width is 50-70 cm, the length of the product is from 180 to 200 cm. If you learn how to tie a stole correctly, it can become part of the everyday style of a modern city dweller and city woman.

As a versatile accessory, a stole can be worn with outerwear, draped beautifully over a dress, or used as a headdress. The wardrobe of a modern fashionista should have several stoles made of different fabrics, for all occasions. When choosing a stole for a coat or evening dress, you should take into account the principle of compatibility.

Color compatibility

A properly selected stole will harmonize with clothing, regardless of whether it is a separate accessory or part of an outfit. The stole should stand out in color against the background of clothing. For bright image You should choose a stole that contrasts in color with the clothing. An image in neutral colors should be diluted with a bright shawl. A multi-color look can be complemented with a stole in calm tones.

Texture compatibility

The stole must match the style of clothing. It is very important to choose a cape so that it matches the image. Fabric is important when choosing a cape. Soft fabrics allow you to make beautiful draperies. Choosing a stole to wear in winter time over a coat, preference should be given to products made of heavy textured material. Acting as a decorative detail, warm cape made of fur or wool will become a means of additional heating in the winter cold. Silk lace stoles look great on bare shoulders in cocktail looks.

Decor compatibility

Stoles that are fashionable this season are decorated with laconic decor. Capes with expressive prints will be the highlight of the costume. Extravagance fashionable look will add stylish stoles with voluminous decor in the form of pompoms and flounces, characteristic of knitted patterns. Stoles, decorated with beads, fringed, lush tassels and bugles, will be a wonderful addition to an evening dress. A product decorated with embroidery will add a unique charm to your look.

Stole with outerwear

Along with a classic-style coat, mink or fox fur coats, you can try on and wear a plain stole made of thin cashmere. IN in this case You should give preference to a cape with fur decor. You can throw a stole over your shoulders, the product will add much extravagance to the image.

Narrow stoles, more like knitted scarves, are suitable for a down jacket. You can tie a cape on a down jacket as follows. You need to fold the stole in half in the form of a scarf and tie a loose knot on one side. The second end of the cape needs to be threaded through this knot and adjusted in height.

A stole can be freely combined with an office wardrobe if you follow certain rules. Plain capes made of silk and cashmere are suitable for business style. These stoles look great paired with formal blouses and classic-style dresses. It is very important to choose the right color of the cape. So a bright fuchsia stole will add a little charm to a black dress.

The stole can be worn not only on the shoulders, but also on the waist. A double folded cape can be tied over trousers or a shirt. This option completes the appearance of a business woman.

Stole for a special occasion

A correctly selected stole can completely transform an evening dress. When choosing a cape for a special occasion, preference should be given to products made of fur and silk fabrics. Color is of no small importance. The festive stole should be in harmony in color with the evening dress. It is acceptable if the stole matches the color of the elegant dress.

For special occasions, there is no need to tie complex combinations using a cape. In this case, it is enough to simply throw it over your shoulders.

The stole serves as a complement to the evening dress, so it should not attract attention.

How to tie a cape

A modern woman's wardrobe should have several stoles of various colors and textures. Not everyone knows how to tie a cape so that it stays on the shoulders. Some people simply drape it over their arms. Meanwhile, there are many different ways to tie a stole. It is enough to master a few of them to make your image more sophisticated and elegant.

  • There is a fairly simple way to secure a stole. You need to throw the cape over your shoulders and throw one end over your shoulder. To prevent the stole from moving off the shoulder, it can be secured with a beautiful brooch.
  • The option looks interesting when the cape is tied with a loose loop. To do this, the stole needs to be folded in half in width and draped over the front of the neck. Then you should twist the ends from behind and pull them forward so that they hang freely over the chest.
  • For official style A “fake tie” knot works great. Scarves and shawls are tied using this method. To do this, you need to throw a stole folded in half width over the back of your neck, after which you should tie a light knot at one end. The free end must be pulled through it, raised to the desired height and straightened.
  • The knot with double broach looks interesting. To do this, you need to fold the knot along its length to form a loop. Next, you should throw the folded cape over the back of your neck so that the loose ends and the loop lie on your chest. Then you need to pull one end into the loop, twist it and pull the second end of the stole through it.

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The wardrobe of modern fashionistas cannot do without stole - a rectangular cape, many people prefer to use it as a scarf or scarf. Such a seemingly unpretentious and simple accessory can make any look even more stylish and give it a special charm.

In this article, we will share ideas on how to wear a stole with a dress to look fashionable and modern!

Fashion dictates its own rules, and the collections of leading fashion houses are replenished with more and more new models of stoles. A huge number of colors, textures and finishing variations - all this allows any fashionista to choose a model to suit her taste. However, when choosing this universal item, you need to adhere to some basic rules.

The stole can be made of wool, silk, knitwear, cotton, fleece etc.

For summer and warm spring in an ideal way models made from thin fabrics are suitable, and for winter or autumn, you should give preference to models that are made of warm material.

Important! Special attention It is worth paying attention to the choice of shade of the product. Be guided by your color type. For example, blue-eyed and fair-haired girls should give preference to pastel shades, and brunettes can rely on models bright colors which will make the image even more attractive.

How to beautifully tie a stole on a dress?

Due to the peculiarities of the shape of the stole, there are a large number of ways to tie it around the neck or head in an original way. Let's consider the most interesting options:

Method 1 “Classic”

The stole needs to be folded in half and then draped over the back of the neck.

One of the free ends, which will be located in your front, needs to be thrown behind your back and the loop slightly loosened; it will be located in the neck area.

This option suitable not only for a dress, but also will be an excellent addition to a suit, coat, etc.

Method 2 “Reverse side”

This method is similar to the previous one. Only a stole folded in half, you need Throw it around the neck in front, and also throw the remaining ends forward.

If desired, the resulting loop can be loosened a little.

Method 3 “Knot”

If the stole is too wide, then fold it in half and then drape it over the back of your neck.

The wedding ends, which should be located on your chest, need to be thrown over each other in such a way so that they form a light knot.

At your discretion, you can tighten it or, conversely, loosen it a little.

Method 4 "Loop"

Fold the stole in half lengthwise, and then in half again, but this time in width, and place it around the back of your neck. Both ends should be on the same side - to your left or right.
Pull them forward, and then pass them through the loop, which is located on the opposite side.

This method is especially suitable for wearing with dresses large knit or popular models - oversized.

Method 5 “Cozy”

Another common and very popular example of how you can wear a stole with a dress. Suitable for any occasion, but especially ideal for cool autumn evenings.

The stole does not need to be folded in half; drape it over your shoulders from behind, and then throw one of the free ends behind your back.

Advice! This method, according to many designers, is an excellent option for girls who want to hide broad shoulders or big breasts. This option is also suitable for full ladies who want to visually make their figure slimmer!

Method 6 “Butterfly”

This option of wearing a stole is ideal for girls who want to make their look even more cozy and charming.

Many women, to create perfect and laconic images for different life situations, use scarves, capes, shawls, and many other important accessories in their wardrobe. To make clothing ensembles look professionally thought out, you need to figure out what to wear with a stole.

What is a stole?

The name of the cape, correctly called “stole” in our language, was created as a result of the translation of this word from French, in which it is designated as “palantine” and reflects the very essence of this product, meaning a women’s cape like a huge scarf, made of fur or trimmed with fur. The shape in this case remains rectangular, while the length may vary greatly from different models, the cape can be proportional to the collar of the clothing, sometimes reaching the dimensions of a large scarf.

This component began to be included in the wardrobe of French women in 1676, when the habit of famous female personalities began to include wearing a moderate-sized bedspread in order to protect themselves from the cold. The first to be introduced were stoles made from sable skins. This trend spread to Russia; after 1724, the fashion for such capes began.

knitted green

Stole today

Gone is the time of the dominance of minimalism with a touch of thoughtfulness, completeness and the predominance of the most modern motifs, which permeated all fashion collections produced in huge volumes. Today's changed situation shows the high popularity of aged items; fashionistas include a variety of hats, stoles, brooches, scarves, and collars in their wardrobes. Some items resemble items taken from grandma's chest. By using such original details in an outfit, ordinary fashionable ladies turn into ultra-stylish beauties with a unique image. It turns out that by adding certain details you can create perfect ensembles that fully meet modern fashion requirements.

A stole is a good addition to almost any set of clothes, which is why these rectangular capes are actively bought in large quantities. Some people wear capes to warm their bodies. And some use them exclusively for decorative purposes - for decoration.

If you study all the ways to wear a stole, you will find that there are countless of them and in order to have time to use them all, it will take a lot of time and many changes of outfits. For those who have purchased a stole and do not know exactly how to handle it and how to supplement it, it is necessary to master the basic rules so that this thing does not seem useless.

autumn colorful

What is a stole worn with?

In order not to equate a stole with a comfortable home blanket, it is necessary to clarify that this item is completely intended for being in society. This look is suitable for both everyday use and special occasions.

There are many options for combining this product with other items of clothing, so each woman decides for herself what to wear with a stole.

  • A good idea is to add a cape to an understated office outfit. It’s better if it’s black trousers and a cozy turtleneck or shirt. When throwing a stole over your shoulders, it creates good image, while the body warms up perfectly, the figure looks interesting, its flaws are invisible. This is how women successfully hide unsightly looking sides of the body, an overly protruding belly, fatty deposits in the thighs, and at the same time, due to the presence of a long stole, they can safely wear their favorite clothes.
  • If the weather outside is unfavorable, but you need to ensure complete safety of your hair on your head, a cape also helps out. By carefully covering herself with a stole, a woman does not spoil her hair and takes care of her health. You just need to place the cape on your head so that on one side the end is twice as long. Having made the lapel outward, you need to throw the long part over the opposite shoulder to get an interesting hood.
  • For fans of a strict style of clothing, the following option for wearing a stole will be acceptable. Having thrown a cape over your neck, you need to take one end and tie it into a loose knot; the remaining tip can be threaded into the resulting loop. The stole can be replaced with a silk scarf.
  • This cape is so versatile that it can be successfully combined with an evening dress. If you choose a plain stole, made of airy, translucent material, then it can become perfect couple for a dress. By throwing a stole over your shoulders, you can experiment in any direction, opening and covering your shoulders or one of them. Worth a try different ways connect the cape with a brooch. When combining this wardrobe detail with an evening dress, you will have to think about not only the best way to tie it, but also the color of the cape; with the right combination of these things, a beautiful look will be ensured.
  • An excellent option for the off-season is a stole placed on top of clothing. Thus, provided that the collar is not voluminous, you can make being on the street as comfortable as possible and make the lady’s look attractive.


summer cotton


knitted with flowers





wearing ways


If you understand the subtleties modern fashion and understand what to wear with a stole, you can quickly turn into a feminine and elegant person. Exist hand knitted capes and fur. And for those who want to warm up intensely, wool products are suitable. In any case, this item will be pleasant to wear, especially if you choose a stole made of cotton, linen or delicate knitwear.

A stole is a universal thing that will save you from the cold wind in cool weather and give you a feeling of coolness in the summer heat. It is a wide, long rectangular scarf. The fashion for it was set by a relative of Louis XIV back in the 17th century, who wrapped herself in a long scarf to protect herself from the piercing wind.

It is worn as an additional accessory and as an independent item of clothing. For example, a thin silk stole can be thrown over the shoulders over an evening dress, and a product made of thick, warm fabric or fur can serve as an alternative to an autumn coat.

The stole goes well with various outfits, be it an evening dress or jeans with a shirt, a fur coat or coat. Let's look at a few fashionable ideas.

  • With a belt over one shoulder - an ultra-fashionable way, creates the image of a modern, confident woman. We throw it over one shoulder so that ends of equal length hang down in front and behind. It created folds on the shoulder, and one end hung freely, forming a sleeve.
  • Under the strap over both shoulders. Ideal for wide models made of thick fabric. Drape it over your shoulders, letting the ends hang down freely. Straighten the width and lower the edges onto the shoulders. We secure it at the waist with a belt.
  • Around the neck is an option for a conservative look. To do this, we wrap it around the neck and chest so that one end hangs from the back, the other from the front. We spread it across the width, covering the chest. You can secure everything with a brooch.
  • Tuck the ends into your trousers or skirt. We make one free turn around the neck, casually tucking the hem into the trousers or skirt. This method goes well with casual clothes.

How to tie a warm stole on your shoulders in different ways

A warm stole is indispensable in cool weather. It is used both as a scarf and as outerwear. You can just wrap yourself in it or use it different ways tying:

  • Wrap it around the neck several times, creating volume and drapery, tie the ends together and hide them. This option can be used in an everyday look.


voluminous stoles look better on slender girls; ladies with large figures should opt for tighter options.

  • Used at the same time as a headdress. We throw the stole over the head and wrap it around the neck, while the tails hang forward and back. An ideal combination with a classic cut coat.
  • Wrap it around your neck and wrap the ends around the resulting loop several times.
  • Throwing it back over the neck, the ends hang freely at the sides. A great option to pair with a jacket and skinny trousers.
  • Fur products are simply thrown over the shoulders without fixing them. Large girls should wear short-pile furs so as not to visually add overweight. Tall, slender girls can afford voluminous fur capes, while petite girls are better off choosing narrower capes.

How to tie a summer stole beautifully

Summer is not a reason to give up a stole; just choose a model made of thin and light material. Let's look at several ways to tie it elegantly:

  • Fold it in half along the long side, drape it over your shoulders so that the loop remains on your chest, and thread the loose ends through it. This method is ideal for summer and evening dresses.
  • Throw it over your shoulders, leaving one end hanging freely down, and pin the other end to the stole at chest level with a brooch or pin. In this case, you should choose models of medium width and length.
  • By tying it with a soft loop on the shoulder, we get the image of a romantic nature.
  • Fold it 4 times along the long side and tie it around your neck like a tie. This technique goes well with business style- a blouse, shirt or jacket.
  • A chiffon stole is used as a pareo, for this you can tie it around the neck, chest or hips.

What jewelry to use to tie a stole on the shoulders

Accessories will add extra zest and help secure unruly ends. Brooches, rings, clips make it possible to create your own various options tying a stole.

Ring. Both ends of the product are inserted into it and the height is adjusted. When choosing such an accessory, you need to take into account the thickness of the material so that the ring fits tightly and does not slip on the fabric.

Ring with clip. A brooch is attached to the ring. Both ends of the stole are inserted into the ring, but the clip allows you to fix the brooch at the desired height and prevents it from slipping off. Perfect option for thin fabrics.

Brooch with pin or needle- attached to the product using a needle or pin. Suitable for stoles made of thick material; punctures are left on thin fabrics.

The stole can be worn at any time of the year. In most cases, it looks gentle and feminine. But you can add a touch of sass by simply tying it differently.