
How to unobtrusively invite a girl on a date. How to ask a girl out on a date. The best phrases to ask a girl out on a date

How to unobtrusively invite a girl on a date.  How to ask a girl out on a date.  The best phrases to ask a girl out on a date

Representatives of the stronger sex worry no less than girls before being invited on a date. Because of this, they hesitate to take the first step. How to act correctly?

How to ask a girl out for a walk or on a date without her refusing

Before a man invites a lady out, he must make sure that she is not in a relationship. Otherwise, a refusal may follow.

First you need to find out the interests of your interlocutor – this will help you plan a date. You can go to her page on social networks, see what groups she is subscribed to, what she has written about herself.

When the information has been received, they plan a date - invite you in advance (if the girl has other plans, she will not agree), and think about the meeting place.

A girl will not refuse if:

  • The guy will be a good conversationalist- not only talk, but also listen. Young ladies like it when a young man listens to the conversation and does not interrupt.
  • He will be funny– don’t laugh without reason, throw in jokes, but joke in moderation.
  • The companion will pay compliments. There is no need to invent or embellish. If you liked the girl’s appearance, you can praise her hairstyle and dress.

It’s good if on the first date the guy gives you some small surprise, gives you flowers or a cute bracelet. The chances of developing relationships will increase if the young man is confident and sincere.

Phone call: 6 rules of communication + several successful phrases

If a guy is afraid or embarrassed to ask you out on a date in person, then you can do it over the phone. It is important that during the call the girl feels that the young man is really interested in communication.

6 basic rules for talking on the phone:

  1. The voice should not be too loud and not too quiet. You need to speak naturally, just like you communicate in life.
  2. You need to speak specifically and clearly. If you mumble, stutter, or remain silent, the invitation will be ruined.
  3. The girl should hear a joyful mood. During a conversation, smile, even deliberately: the interlocutor will definitely feel it.
  4. When talking, do not delay the invitation. There is no need to discuss the weather outside for a long time or ask about your health.
  5. Address the girl by name. Any person is pleased to hear his name.
  6. Having invited you on a date and received consent, do not forget to euphorically specify the time and place of the meeting.

Example phrases:

  • “Hello, Yulia, I’m Anton. Remember, we met in the park yesterday. Shall we go there today?
  • “Hello, Sveta. You said you like to roller skate. I also want to learn. Will you help?
  • “Natasha, hello. A new film (title) has been released. Would you like to go to the cinema?
  • “Masha, this is Denis. What do you do on the weekends? I would like to take you on a date to a cafe.”

How to invite on social networks?

Most young people prefer to meet people through social networks.

The advantage of the method is that the girl does not see or hear the interlocutor; you can think through the text of the message so that it is convincing and interesting (during a meeting or on the phone, you can get nervous, start mumbling, etc.).

Tips on how to invite someone on a date through a social network:

  • address the girl by name, give a compliment, and then ask her out on a date;
  • you can use multimedia elements - emoticons, photos, videos;
  • It’s better not to use abbreviated words like “TPS”;
  • obscene statements should be avoided.

In the process of correspondence, they gradually learn about the plans of the interlocutor for the day on which the young man plans a date. The place is discussed together, taking into account the girl’s preferences.

The probability of failure is minimal: if a companion clarifies the details of a date, she is interested in the person. You shouldn’t delay virtual communication; you need to be brave and invite you to a meeting.

How to invite a girl to the cinema

The cinema is a good option for a date. The couple will experience what they saw and discuss the plot. How to invite a girl to the cinema? They start the conversation with greetings and questions about business. Unobtrusively, but confidently they move on to the invitation. If the guy is shy and cannot invite him personally, they invite him by message - on the phone, on social networks.

During communication, the young man should find out what genre of films the girl prefers. The conversation is conducted casually so that the offer to go to the cinema is unexpected. You can hint that a new film will be released soon. Looking at the reaction, they judge the interest of the chosen one.

Once the film is selected, the date and time are selected. The evening is suitable for romantic meetings. They will find out in advance if the girl has plans. You can invite them for a walk, hinting at a surprise.

You can invite him to the cinema in an original way. For example, a young man buys tickets, puts them in a beautiful package, and invites his friend to open them. Another way is to ask a friend to give them along with flowers - a favorable outcome is guaranteed.

How not to speak

The first date determines whether the relationship will continue or end. At the first meeting, they don’t talk about personal problems, don’t complain about life, don’t talk about exes, don’t brag. Topics of politics and religion are undesirable.

You can use your imagination in the question . Going to the cinema or a cafe are popular, but rather banal options. To choose a place for a first date, they take into account the chosen one’s hobbies and build on this.

If she loves animals, you can go to the zoo; if she has an active holiday, she can go to an amusement park, a skating rink, etc. If there are no options, they add a twist to popular entertainment.

If a guy plans to invite him to a cafe, you can come up with the following:

  1. Decorate the table in advance (candles, rose petals).
  2. Order a cake or other dessert with a nice inscription.
  3. Arrange with the waiter to bring a gift (flowers) and give it to the girl.

The young lady will be surprised and will not refuse further meetings.

An unusual option is an invitation to a party. Suitable for shy guys - the couple will not be left alone. For the first date, they do not invite you home for lunch (dinner), to the bathhouse, or to the swimming pool. This .

Where to invite a girl for a walk?

There are many interesting, unusual places where you can go with your partner. First option – informal cafes (themed, with live music).

If a girl prefers classics, she should avoid noisy, smoky places. Choose a place with soft sofas, comfortable armchairs, and calm music.

If the weather is good, they walk outside: in the square, park, on the embankments. You can take a tour of unusual places - ride a boat, show the panorama of the city from the mountain, look at the night area from the roof. If a girl is not afraid of active dates, they offer a bike ride.

The guy should have a backup plan if unforeseen circumstances arise or the weather changes.

What to do if you're shy?

Even if the young man is shy, the friend will be glad that they are paying attention to her. Even if she refused the first time, you need to try again, perhaps she really had things to do.

Girls love decisive guys, and they build relationships with them. You need to find the strength to take the first step, throwing away the feeling of uncertainty. If you are afraid that anxiety will ruin everything, you can rehearse your speech in front of a mirror.

Advice! There is no need to invite her on a date with friends: wait until you are alone with the girl.

Does appearance matter?

The first stage has been completed - the girl has been invited. You need to make a positive impression on her.

Not only good manners are important, but also appearance:

  • Girls love well-groomed, elegant men. When going on a date, a young man should wash his hair, cut his nails, and shave his stubble.
  • If the meeting is scheduled at a restaurant, wear trousers and a shirt. For a walk down the street, more modest things are suitable - jeans, a sweater. On a date, do not wear a tracksuit or shorts.
  • Shoes and clothes must be clean, trousers and shirts must be ironed. The colors chosen are dim.
  • It is recommended to maintain good hygiene. The smell from your mouth should be pleasant, you should use deodorant and cologne.

Asking someone out for the first time is always difficult. With experience will come an understanding of how to behave better and how to present yourself from the best side. Refusal should not cause panic or depression: one day the attempt will be crowned with success.

You like a girl, and you have been communicating with her for a long time, corresponding with her, then it’s time to start acting and find out how to invite a girl for a walk for the first time, since there is nothing more pleasant than a walk together under the moonlight or going to a concert, a museum, a restaurant, or maybe to the zoo or circus. There are incredibly many ideas for a date, and after reading the article, you will learn how to prepare for it, how to invite her to chat in real life or using the social network VK, as well as by phone.

What should you do before inviting a girl out?

Before you decide to get to know the girl you like better and ask her out on a date, you need to find out from her whether she is dating someone or not, otherwise you will not be able to avoid rejection. Is it worth the frustration of planning your first date in advance? It’s not worth it, so let’s move on to the question of how to invite a girl for a walk, or rather, how to invite a free girl on a date.

Find out what she likes and what she is interested in. If you have talked enough time and know a lot about her, then it will be much easier for you to decide on your meeting. You can get this information by asking her herself or her friends. Get the girl interested, because if you have common interests, then it will be easier to establish communication with her.

So, when the information has been received, it’s worth planning the date correctly, for this:

  • You must arrange your meeting with the girl in advance, as she may have her day planned, and you will hear a refusal;
  • Think about where your meeting will take place to intrigue the girl. It is better to leave the place of your meeting a secret, but if you have a negative attitude towards the surprise and are afraid that the girl will not like your plans, you should decide in advance where you will go.

So, if you are serious and have not changed your mind, and also took into account our tips on preparing for your meeting, it’s time to find out how to invite a girl for a walk for the first time on VK. This applies mainly to those who have never communicated with a girl in real life. Or to those who still feel a little uncomfortable and are afraid to hear a refusal in person or on the phone. Each method has positive and negative points. Invitations via the VK social network include:

  • The emotional background is both a plus and a minus. For a girl, this is a minus, since she will not feel the emotions that you feel for her and want to convey. But a plus for you, because if you worry, she won’t know about it;
  • Another plus is the simplicity of the invitation. You can double-check the written text several times and think for a long time about what exactly to write;
  • You can also invite a girl by writing an unusual message that you would not say in person or on the phone, and this gives you the opportunity to surprise or amuse her.

We provide several examples of invitations to VK for your choice:

  • “I don’t have the strength to wait any longer and admire you only from the screen, I’m waiting for you tomorrow on the pavement at six o’clock in the evening =)”;
  • “You know, you and I have been corresponding for a long time, maybe it’s time for us to meet)?”;
  • “I love active sports, so I want to invite you on a date. This trip will be with horses if you have never ridden. I will teach you";
  • “Where should I meet you? =)”

Choose your communication style: be funny, romantic or serious. Don't be shy, be yourself.

After the question: “How to invite girls for a walk for the first time” has been removed, you need to decide on the place of the date so that she retains the most pleasant memories of your first meeting, and it does not become your last.

It doesn't matter how your meeting was scheduled - by phone, text or in person, but remember - the main thing is not to be rude, indifferent or vulgar, and if you say a phrase like: “Hey, baby, today you'll be mine,” good luck It won't bring you this. This will show you in a bad way and you will get rejected. Be a gentleman on your first date.

If your excitement does not stop, you should invite the girl to watch a movie or to a concert, where communication will be minimized as much as possible. After watching a movie, concert or other entertainment program, you will have something to talk about. If your interests coincide, it will be easier for you to get a second date with her. You can also ask her for advice on what you should do so that she remembers this date for the rest of her life.

Animal lovers can be impressed by the exhibition of cats, dogs, and horses. You can invite a girl to a zoo, circus, or aquarium. And if it’s hot summer outside, you can invite her to swim with dolphins.

Is your beloved one captivated by sports? So it’s good, rent bicycles, roller skates in the park, go to the skating rink, play tennis or golf. This way you can have fun and socialize. And she will also understand that you are not indifferent to her interests.

If you haven’t learned anything about your chosen one, then you should choose quieter places for communication in order to get to know her better - for example, a restaurant, a museum, an art exhibition, a walk in the park.

The most important thing at any meeting is not to be late, but it is better to arrive a little early so that it doesn’t turn out that a girl is waiting for you. And if suddenly she is late, you should not criticize her. This is permissible for women. And don’t forget to surprise her, give her flowers or sweets, a soft toy, a long-awaited book, if you knew in advance what the girl dreamed of and wanted to receive.

When communicating with a girl, you should be yourself. By pretending to be someone you are not, you may push her away. Don’t worry, enjoy communicating with the opposite sex, have unforgettable dates, not only to surprise the girl you like, but also to have fun yourself. Do not do anything through force, if your interests and views do not coincide - this is not your girl. And don’t forget to monitor your emotions so that your companion understands that you care about her and you want to continue communicating with her.

Discussion: 11 comments

    How to invite a girl out for the first time? The main thing is not to be afraid. At one time I thought that the girl I was in love with did not pay attention to me and she was indifferent to me. Out of fear of rejection, I never invited her out. It was a long time ago, but all this time I remembered her. We met recently, and it turned out that she, too, was once afraid to confess to me.

    I didn’t think for very long about how to invite a girl for a walk. I told her everything, but now I understand that it was nonsense. I read the article, the author says really important things. Well, I’ve already taken note of a few tips for the future.

    I once invited a girl to go for a walk, simply by writing her a message on VKontakte. She did not refuse, but somehow agreed without much joy. Then she told me that she would like me to invite her at least by phone. Guys, take note, girls love attention.

    I really like funny guys with a great sense of humor. But I hate it when a person doesn’t have a sense of humor, but starts inventing some funny invitation messages or trying to joke somehow. If you are serious, then I treat you that way too. I'm ready for the fact that there won't be a lot of laughter, why not invite a girl in a way that is comfortable for you?

    I read where the author suggests going on a date with a girl. I will say that after asking her out for the first time, I wanted to get to know her better. That’s why I will never invite her to exhibitions, circuses or even movies. Why? Everything is distracting there, it’s impossible to talk. Ideal - park, cafe, zoo.

    It seems to me that the first thing you need to do is find out what exactly the girl is interested in, and only then think about how and where to invite her for a walk. It’s strange if she’s into sports and she’s invited to the amphitheater. Both of you will simply not be interested in each other. Find common interests.

    He always invited the girls to just walk around the park or the city. This way you can talk a lot, laugh, get to know each other. In more crowded places it is impossible to concentrate, but you also should not allow anyone to be near you. This will stress out any girl.

    It doesn’t matter how or where to call, the main thing is punctuality! How many times has it happened that I arrived on a date early, and the guy was late. It creates a very unpleasant feeling. Moreover, he can also say “What’s wrong?!” You can’t wait 5 minutes, how long I’ve been waiting for you!” Never do this, you are men, not some street urchins.

    I think the most important thing is to know if a girl likes you. How to invite her and where is a secondary matter. Surely, if you like her, then you yourself know about her interests and tastes, so it won’t be difficult to find a suitable place.

    For some reason, it seems that the author described quite primitive and simple options for how and where to invite a girl. Where has the romance gone? Especially if this is your first date, and even at school age. You can throw a note to the girl you like in her backpack with an invitation. And yes, don’t forget to bring flowers to your date. For some reason it’s such a small thing, but everyone ignores it.

    Very good and informative article.

Romantic walks under the moon, trips to the cinema or cafe, timid hugs and kisses - these are things that over time are remembered with rapture by many loving couples. Probably all young people remember very well the exciting feeling experienced before inviting a girl on a date. Our simple tips will help you take the first step towards getting closer in an original way without getting rejected.

How not to get rejected: beautiful ways to invite you on a date

It's normal to be shy before asking a girl out on a first date. And if you feel awkward before starting a relationship with the opposite sex, do not reproach yourself. Not all ladies like self-confident gentlemen. Following popular recommendations, your proposal for a meeting will not go unnoticed:

  1. Choose the right moment to talk. Observe the behavior of the girl you like. Is she upset about anything? All people have daily routines, worries, problems at work, etc., so planning a nice evening together in the middle of the week is not a good idea. To make it difficult to refuse, schedule an appointment at the end of the work week or on the weekend.
  2. Consider your phrases before asking a girl out on a date. You should not give an official tone to the invitation. Some representatives of the fair sex may be confused by the seriousness of your intentions if they do not yet consider you as a partner. A non-binding walk will be regarded differently.
  3. Make eye contact with the girl. Your look should be friendly and soft. Maintain your distance without violating the girl’s personal space. Observe how she reacts to your direct gaze. If he smiles shyly or tries to look away, this means you have a chance.
  4. A confident, quiet voice will give you courage. You can practice in front of a mirror at home and choose the optimal intonation.
  5. It is best to voice the invitation in a calm, relaxed atmosphere in private, so that no one disturbs you. Otherwise it might confuse both of you.

“How to ask a girl out on a date without her being able to refuse? What words should I choose? – a question that is relevant for many young people.

Brave guys who want to develop relationships should not forget that all girls love surprises. That is, the invitation should be played up and behave in an original way. If you already know each other a little, then try to predict what exactly will make her happy. Consider the girl's interests. Intrigue her with your proposal, let her be interested in what you have in mind.

Thus, in order to beautifully invite a girl for a walk, you will have to use your imagination. If you find it difficult to do this, you can use the following example phrases:

  1. “I want to invite you to watch the sunset in the most beautiful place on earth. I really love going there and I want you to see it.”
  2. “Hey, I have a great offer. A skating rink is being filled at the stadium. Maybe we can go for a walk and at the same time try to learn how to ride?”
  3. “I know one very beautiful place that an attractive girl like you should definitely visit. Agree, it will be interesting.”
  4. “Hey, I have a great idea for how to spend the weekend. I'm going to learn to ride horses. Maybe we can try it together?”
  5. “Hi (girl’s name), today (group name) will perform, I have two tickets, maybe you can join me?”
  6. “I know a great way to relax. A new interesting film has been released in the cinema, I have heard a lot of good reviews about it. Maybe we can watch it together?”

The following tips will help you ask a girl out correctly:

  • be tactful and gallant;
  • smile;
  • let the lady know that you are interested in her;
  • Prepare witty responses in case of possible refusal.

By showing ingenuity and resourcefulness, you will definitely achieve the favor of the person you like.

Inviting you on a date by phone or on social media

If it’s not possible to invite a girl on a date in person or you’re just shy, then you can do it over the phone in a beautiful and original way. . Moreover, by the voice of the chosen one it is easy to determine her reaction to the invitation and her mood towards you. When talking, consider the following subtleties:

  1. Speak confidently and without unnecessary pathos, so that the girl does not regard your call as a joke.
  2. Pronounce your words clearly, don't beat around the bush. Just feel free to invite her.
  3. Do not make long pauses in the conversation so that the awkward silence does not drag on.
  4. Do not use slang and jargon, these words sound unpleasant in speech.

Be friendly and unobtrusive so that your dialogue becomes light and relaxed.

During a conversation, think less about how to properly invite a girl for a walk, just show ingenuity and resourcefulness. For example, ask her about her tastes: “Do you like ice cream? I know a wonderful place where they decorate it so beautifully. I only tried something like this when I was a child.”

Offerings to look at the stars together or walk around the city at night will help add romance to your image, if, of course, she doesn’t mind.

You can also invite a girl on a date via SMS. If you do this immediately after a personal meeting, such a sentence will look very touching: “After I saw you, all the words disappeared in my head. I want to invite you for a walk, I really hope that you will agree.” Or please her with a nice picture with an unambiguous caption “Let's go somewhere?” She will definitely be very pleased.

In addition, it has now become popular to invite girls on a date through social networks such as VKontakte or Odnoklassniki. During a virtual conversation, the girl will not notice your excitement, but at the same time she will hide her embarrassment about this. Try to behave with maximum correctness when corresponding, so that your chosen one does not consider you unceremonious. Start a conversation from afar. Be sure to ask about her plans at the beginning of the dialogue. This way you can understand whether the interlocutor will have free time today. Chat on abstract topics, and then ask a direct question: “It’s very fun to chat with you, maybe we can talk in real life? Let's go somewhere together, I want to get to know you better. No matter where, I’m sure it will be interesting everywhere with you.”

Try to make the invitation unobtrusive and at the same time unexpected. For example, on a weekend morning, write her a message: “Good morning, (girl’s name). Did you wake up yet? To make the day go well, I suggest you cheer up and try a cup of aromatic coffee. What do you think about that?".

If your passion is not easy to rise to, show moderate persistence: “Stop sitting at home, then I invite you to dinner. I know a great restaurant that serves amazing (insert dish).”

Most likely, the girl will be flattered by your attention and will definitely agree to go for a walk.

If you really like a girl, don’t delay correspondence with her, move on to action. Long virtual communication can be regarded as a reluctance on the part of the young man to move to the next stage of the relationship.

Your originality will definitely be appreciated. By using simple recommendations on how to beautifully ask a girl out on a date, you will definitely achieve her favor and a positive response. Good luck!

A classmate, a friend, a friend of a friend, a sister’s friend, just a girl I know... and, it seems, why not, but it’s somehow scary. What if he refuses? How can I look her in the eye then? And where should I invite her? No, I’d better call her tomorrow...

If you met a girl at a party, on a stream, or just on the street with whom you had a good conversation, flirted and wanted to continue your communication, then you should ask such a girl out on a date. Don’t make excuses, don’t look for a chance meeting, don’t send her messages through friends and don’t look for her on VKontakte, but take your phone, dial her number and...

But stop for now. Before you call, you need to be prepared. There’s nothing worse than muttering into her phone, “Well, let’s go somewhere... where do you want to go?” When is it convenient for you?” A man must set the rules of the game from the very beginning, and a woman expects this from him. Therefore, the first step when setting a date is preparation.

Step one. Think of at least 2 places where you would like to go with this girl. This could be a cafe, an exhibition, a walk in the park, or going to an event. Of course, it’s better if it’s something interesting and not a banal cafe, but if you can’t think of such a place, a cafe will do. Remember that it is the company that paints the place.

Step two. Come up with a place and time for the meeting. To get to the exhibition, it is better to meet at the nearest metro station or in the square near a famous monument. Say to yourself a description of the landmarks: how you will explain to the girl exactly where and what time you are meeting.

Step three. Sell ​​your meeting with her. Say out loud a phrase for 30 seconds that will interest her and help you get her consent to a date. Say this phrase several times about each of these two places, soon you will be saying the same thing to her.

Now feel free to call her and offer to meet. The sooner you do this, the higher the likelihood that she will agree. Talk to her for a minute, see how she's doing. Then feel free to offer your first prepared option (place 1, time 1). If she is not comfortable or not interested, you have a backup option (place 2, time 2). If this doesn’t work, say goodbye and call her in a week.

She may even refuse you, citing her boyfriend, husband or son. But without such refusals there won’t be those memorable nights that you want to remember again and again.

That's all. This is a short guide on how to ask a girl out on a date, which, if you do it right, should work in most cases. For more detailed instructions, as always, you can contact us personally. Good luck!

Surely, if you are asking the question “How to invite a girl to,” it means that at least one beauty is within your reach, and you are clearly not indifferent to her. Perhaps she is just your acquaintance, or recently you or in another place. And now the moment has come when you need to invite the girl for a walk.

What you should know before asking a girl out on a date

  • In general, such questions are asked only by guys who have little experience. When you have enough girls, you won’t even understand what the problem is. He took it and invited me.
  • If you are very young, you will most likely ask yourself what a girl will think of you if she refuses to meet you. Well, what kind of nonsense is this? If instead of showing interest in a guy, that would be embarrassing, but you’re a normal heterosexual guy, so what’s the matter? These are stupid attitudes in your head that need to be quickly eradicated.
  • In addition, a negative aspect for you is the lack of importance towards the girl, imposed by society. For some reason, society has decided that for it a woman has more value than a man. This is a total deception, an illusion that the vast majority of men accept on faith. I don't want to say that a woman is something to disparage, but she is certainly no more valuable to you than you are to her, and it is very important for you to form such a belief. You are the one who makes the choice and spends time with whoever you want. Just make a choice more often, and then even if one or more refuse, the other or others will definitely agree. Invite three girls on a date, and one of them will definitely go.
  • Don't be dependent on the result. Whether a girl agrees to a date or not is not important at all, especially if you have a list of 3-10 contacts. Your task is not to force the girl to go on a date, but by inviting her to find out whether it’s worth wasting your time on this sweet lady or switching to another beauty as quickly as possible.
  • It's best if you've already done it when you met. In this case, problems at the time of invitation to a meeting will not arise at all.

How to ask a girl out on a date

How to invite: by calling the phone, sending SMS or messaging on social media. networks? If you are not a ten-year-old boy, but a normal guy, of course you should call. You assume that the first meeting can end in intimacy or at least a strong one, and at the same time you are afraid to call the girl...

If the girl did not answer the call, then you can send a text message using instant messenger so that she will let you know when she will be in touch.

  1. Say hello (“Katya, hello”).
  2. Chat with her about nothing (“How are you? What are you doing? How are you studying? What did you buy at the store? Did the taxi driver bother you? By the way, what is your zodiac sign?”).
    This stage is very important. If the acquaintance was not long enough, or the girl did not receive a sufficient amount of emotions from you, then for her you are just a stranger who has her number. Therefore, talk to her and win her over.
  3. Only introduce yourself if the girl asks who is calling her. But first you can say “How, who!? This is the most interesting interlocutor in your life.”
    And, yes. It wasn’t you who met her, but you met her there and then, it seems.
  4. Invite the girl to meet (“Katya, let’s see you tomorrow at 7 o’clock in the evening in the center, let’s take a walk” or “Tomorrow I’m going to take a walk in the evening, keep me company, we’ll drink coffee”).
  5. Tell her that you will call again tomorrow afternoon.
  6. Tell her “Bye.”

This is a simple and working scheme, it has everything you need. Never use the word “may”. Not “maybe we’ll see you (we’ll meet),” but “let’s see you (we’ll meet).”

Don't suggest meeting someday or someday. The exact time and place that you decide before you call. If the girl can’t meet on the day you suggested, find out when it will be possible and call back. If a girl says that she doesn’t know when she will succeed, there is most likely no point in calling back.