
How to organize a quest for a birthday from start to finish - guide-instructions for How to do a quest? Ideas. Organization. Creation How many participants can there be?

How to organize a quest for a birthday from start to finish - guide-instructions for  How to do a quest?  Ideas.  Organization.  Creation How many participants can there be?

Home quest - a way to give any gift in an original and fun way, turning it into an interesting, exciting game. Why this name? In general, a quest is a type of game with various codes and riddles that lead in a chain to the main prize.

Main idea: the surprise is hidden in a secluded place, and the player is given a certain message-riddle-instruction with a hint where to look for the next note. Solving all the riddles leads the player to the place where the gift is located. The simplest version of this entertainment is an indoor quest.

Ready-made scenarios for conducting quests. Detailed information can be viewed by clicking on the image of interest.

An original Happy Birthday greeting - an exciting adventure with finding a hidden gift using notes


So, your task is to ensure that the player finds the gift in the right place after solving a series of riddles or completing mini-tasks. To do this you need:

  1. Decide on a secluded place where you will hide the gift.
  2. Make a chain of objects in your house that will lead to a hidden gift (the final point in it is the place where the gift will be). Hints and tasks can be hidden in a variety of places - from the washing machine and oven to the mailbox in the entrance. The chain needs to be carefully thought out so that the items do not intersect along the way and do not lead to a gift ahead of time.
  3. Come up with and beautifully design messages-riddles-instructions.
  4. Put all the messages in their places. To avoid confusion, you can number them and create a layout diagram for yourself.

The optimal number of stages is from 6 to 10: a larger number can make the quest tedious, and a smaller number can make the quest too fleeting. But this, of course, is a general recommendation - perhaps you will get a wonderful quest consisting of 5 stages (if the tasks are complex) or, conversely, 15 stages.

The quest can be made even more enjoyable and exciting if there are several gifts along the way (let the tasks be accompanied, for example, by chocolates or small souvenirs).


Where can I get riddles? The easiest option is to find riddles on the Internet, but you can also compose them yourself, since they do not at all have to correspond to poetic canons. And if they contain humor or something individual, personal (for example, related to some funny incident), then this will certainly be very pleasant for the birthday boy! To make your task easier, we offer a selection of riddles to help you create an indoor quest:

Every day at six in the morning
I'm shouting: it's time to get up!

Who walks the night and walks the day,
Not knowing what laziness is?

Reveal your secrets
Ready for anyone
But you are from her
You won't hear a word!

There is a leaf, there is a spine,
Although not a bush or a flower.
He will lie on his mother's lap,
He'll tell you everything.

Not a bush, but with leaves,
Not a shirt, but sewn,
Not a person, but a storyteller.

She speaks silently
But it’s understandable and not boring.
You talk to her more often -
You will become four times smarter!

Near the wall, big and important,
The house is multi-story.
We're on the bottom floor
All residents have already been read.

There is a portrait in the room,
Similar to you in everything.
You will laugh - and in response
He will laugh too.

And it shines and shines,
It doesn't flatter anyone
And he will tell anyone the truth -
Everything will be shown to him as it is!

I silently look at everyone
And everyone looks at me.
The merry ones see laughter
I cry with the sad.

This eye is a special eye:
He will quickly look at you,
And will be born
The most accurate portrait of you!

What will this eye look at?
Everything will be transferred to the picture.

In this small thing
A warm wind settled in.

Two bellies, four ears.

She will fluff up her sides,
Its four corners,
And you, when night comes,
It will still attract you.

I'm comfortable, very soft,
It’s not difficult for you to guess -
People really like me
Sit and lie down.

There are hangers and shelves here,
It's like there are floors in a house,
Pants, blouses, T-shirts –
Everything is in order!

I really like to wander through carpets,
On soft sofas, in dark corners.
I always find delicious dust there
And I buzz loudly with pleasure.
(Vacuum cleaner)

Although he often inhales dust -
Doesn't get sick, doesn't sneeze.
(Vacuum cleaner)

If I see dust, I’ll grumble,
I'll finish it and swallow it!
(Vacuum cleaner)

I'm scurrying through matter,
I stick my sharp nose everywhere.
Oh, and I get angry and hiss.
I really don’t like wrinkled ones!

Strokes everything it touches
And if you touch it, it bites.

Lives without a tongue
Doesn't eat or drink
And he speaks and sings.
(Radio, TV)

What kind of miracle, what kind of box?
He himself is a singer and himself a storyteller,
And at the same time
Shows movies.

Unfold the sheet quickly -
There you will see a lot of lines,
In the lines - news from the whole world
What kind of leaf is this?

Not a house, but not a street either.
High, but not scary.
(Balcony, loggia)

He is both at home and not at home,
Between heaven and earth.
Guess what, my friend,
What does the poem encrypt?

He props up the window
We put flowers on it.

We always walk together,
Similar as brothers.
We are at dinner - under the table,
And at night - under the bed.

I have legs, but I don’t walk,
I'm with my back, but I'm not lying,
You sit down - and I stand.

I look a little like a table
There are in the kitchen and hallway.
I'm rarely in the bedroom
And my name is...

Saves bread
Doesn't let you get stale.
For bread - a home,
He feels good in it.

On the stove is the boss of the pots.
Fat, long-nosed...

Iron mouth
Grabbed a sandwich
Browned the sides -
And bye!

They stuffed her mouth with meat,
And she chews it
He chews and chews and does not swallow -
Everything goes on a plate.
(Meat grinder)

And pancakes and omelet,
And potatoes for lunch
And the pancakes - wow!
It fries everything...

Fries meat, cooks soup,
Bakes pies.
She has it here and there
Very hot.

I have a big belly
It contains sausages, cheese, compote.
If you want to eat, don’t be shy,
Open your belly quickly!

He's beautiful and cold
You won't go hungry with him!
Where it snows even in summer,
Another hint awaits you!

Admire, look -
The North Pole is inside!
Snow and ice sparkle there,
Winter itself lives there.
Forever this winter for us
Brought from the store.

Where there are delicious dinners, where there are family conversations.
(Kitchen table)

A close relative of the broom,
It will sweep the corners of the house.
He's certainly not a slacker.
It will help to remove litter...

Do you want to find the answer quickly?
Look for clues where there is bright light!
(Chandelier, floor lamp, sconce, table lamp)

You will always find a hint
Where the water splashes noisily.

There is a box in the bathroom
He looks with a transparent and round eye.
It's interesting to look into the eye when
There is water bubbling in this box.
(Washing machine)

I am related to Moydodyr,
Turn me away
And cold water
I'll wash you quickly.
(Crane with a note hanging from it)

He has a lot of teeth, but he doesn't eat anything.

In our house under the window
There is a hot accordion:
Doesn't sing or play -
She heats the house.
(Heating battery)

I'll let you into anyone's house,
If you knock, I'm glad to knock.
But I won’t forgive one thing -
If you don't give me your hand!

There are both in the house and in the apartment,
Often more than four
And without them we cannot enter,
Always getting in the way!

Greets everyone with one hand,
With the other hand he sees you off.
Doesn't offend anyone
But everyone just pushes her...

On the squares of the board
The kings brought down the regiments.
Not for battle near regiments
No cartridges, no bayonets.

Look, the house is standing
Filled to the brim with water,
Without windows, but not gloomy,
Transparent on four sides
Residents in this house
All are skilled swimmers.

Round, smooth like a watermelon
Any color, for different tastes.
If you let me off the leash,
It will fly away beyond the clouds.

I'm lying in my school bag,
I'll tell you how you learn.

On New Year's Eve he came to the house
Such a ruddy fat man,
But every day he lost weight
And finally he disappeared completely.

If you turn it, it’s a wedge,
If you unfold it, damn it.

He reveals himself
He's covering you up.
Only the rain will pass -
It will do the opposite.

The house is made of tin, and the residents in it are to lead.

It hangs in a prominent place
He swallows news all year round.

Options for possible clues and places where they can be hidden, as well as interesting ideas on how to play with some objects

  • balloon with a message inside
  • soft toy with a note in its paws
  • instead of a riddle - a set of letters from which you need to make a word
  • drawing with a hint inside the candy
  • a plate of cake with an “Eat Me!” sign attached, with a note underneath the treat
  • text file or picture (photo) with a hint on a flash drive
  • SMS message or email indicating what to do next
  • a hint in the camera - a pre-taken photograph of the next item in your chain; the player needs to take the camera and view the photos
  • a hint in the newspaper - the required word is highlighted with a marker (circled with a pen) (or we highlight the letters in different articles from which the player needs to make a word)
  • At one stage, the player finds objects or pictures that play an important role in some work (fairy tale) - the player must guess what kind of work it is and find a book with it. The book contains the following hint.
  • In a riddle, the key word may not be the word “picture” itself, but what is depicted on it. For example, in the picture there is a waterfall. Then, having guessed the riddle, the birthday boy will think about what the word “waterfall” means: a faucet in the bathroom, a shower, or something else. Then he guesses about the picture.
  • Make up a crossword puzzle (preferably on some interesting and suitable topic), in which the highlighted letters are the key words of the place where the gift is hidden.
  • The player finds the message and sees the following: on the sheet there is a picture of a cell phone, from it there is an arrow to your pasted photo, from the photo of the shooter with the inscription “Code Word”, then again an arrow and some phrase (preferably it should be very funny). This hint asks you to call you on the phone and tell you your password - in response, you also say a phrase (for example, a rhyme or a proverb) in which the next hint is encrypted.
  • Take a photo of the room where you are going to hide the gift, then print the photo in A4 format. Next, put it in a transparent file and put a cross on this file in the place where the surprise will lie. Then cut the photo into several parts. These will be “puzzles” that the birthday boy needs to assemble. At the final point of the chain, place a blank A4 sheet, a glue stick and a transparent file with a cross - the birthday boy will need to glue the “puzzles” onto a sheet of paper, put it in the file and see where the “treasure” lies.

As you can see, there are a lot of options. When preparing a quest, you can use these examples or give free rein to your imagination and come up with something original. The main thing is to put love into the preparation, and the return will definitely please you!

Start of the game

A message with a description of the game and the first riddle can be:

  • Give to the birthday boy personally
  • Send as SMS message
  • Place it in a visible place or attach it to the wall
  • Deliver it through friends or neighbors, using a courier service - it all depends on your imagination and your capabilities

Approximate text of the message:

"Happy birthday! A gift has been prepared for you, but it is safely hidden. Complete all the tasks, and then you will find him. Good luck! »

And then you watch as the player enthusiastically solves your messages and finds a gift. Alternatively, you can invite friends to participate, and then the adventure will turn into a real holiday for everyone. In any case, such a surprise will definitely please the birthday boy, and the memory of this wonderful adventure will warm him for a long time!

An approximate scenario for conducting a quest game in an apartment for a husband (beloved man)

(let's say you decide to hide a gift in the microwave)

Morning. Your other half walks into the bathroom and sees a beautiful message pinned to the wall, wishing him a happy birthday.

Below it says:

P.S. Look inside the washing machine!

At this moment, you join your loved one and watch the search for a surprise.

The husband finds a message in the washing machine:

“I prepared a gift for you, but I won’t give it to you. I suggest you take part in the quest game and find my surprise yourself!

Kohl to all my riddles
Can you find the answer
Then you will receive a gift,
Or rather, you will find it yourself!”

It's written right there Riddle #1:

He's beautiful and cold
You won't go hungry with him!

Riddle No. 2

In the refrigerator there is a plate with a cake, to which is attached a sign “Eat me!”, and at the bottom of the plate, under the cake, there is an image of a flash drive.

Riddle No. 3

On the flash drive there is a pre-created text file called “Happy Birthday!”, and there is the following riddle clue:

With one hand he greets everyone,
With the other hand he sees you off.
Doesn't offend anyone
But everyone just pushes her...

Riddle No. 4

Hidden on one of the doors is a small note rolled into a tube:

The house is made of tin, and the residents in it are leaders.

Riddle No. 5

In the mailbox there is a “letter” - an envelope with a new riddle:

He is both at home and not at home,
Between heaven and earth.
Guess what, my friend,
What does the poem encrypt?

Riddle No. 6

On the balcony is the following note:

I have legs, but I don’t walk,
I'm with my back, but I'm not lying,
You sit down - and I stand.

Riddle No. 7

There is a sticker with a riddle stuck under the seat of the chair:

Unfold the sheet quickly -
There you will see a lot of lines,
In the lines - news from the whole world
What kind of leaf is this?

Riddle No. 8

A clue in the newspaper is a word highlighted with a marker (circled with a pen). TV (or highlight in different articles the letters from which you need to make this word)

Riddle No. 9

There is a sticker on the back of the TV with a riddle on it:

What will this eye look at?
Everything will be transferred to the picture.

This will be the last riddle. The birthday boy’s task is to guess what to do next. The fact is that he needs to look through the photographs and find among them an image of a microwave oven (you need to prepare in advance - take a close-up photograph of the oven). Your loved one will find your gift in it!

If you want to please the birthday boy with more interesting and intricate tasks, or you don’t have the time and opportunity to find good ideas and decorate everything beautifully, we bring to your attention. Based on the titles of the articles, you can find a suitable quest game scenario for any age.

A quest is a game consisting of several tasks (levels) united by one storyline. Each completed level provides a key (hint) to the next task or overall goal.

As a rule, there can be 7 - 10 such levels, but there may be fewer, or there may be more, depending on their complexity and the age of the players. The main thing is that the quest does not get boring for its participants, so its duration usually takes no more than 1.5 - 2 hours.

Advantages of the quest at home:

1) Easily accessible props - you can use everything you have in the house.

2) Minimum costs

3) You don't need to go anywhere.

4) One person or several teams can play if the size of the room allows.

Step-by-step instructions "How to make a quest at home?"

Step 1. Come up with a plot for the quest at home: script and game mechanism

You can play around the holiday itself, as well as your favorite films or cartoons. Thus, you can congratulate the birthday person, make an offer, surprise and entertain guests, and conduct a ransom.

Particular attention should be paid to the spectacular finale. Possible options for ending the scenario:

Find a gift or ring;

Solve a crime, find a treasure, save a princess from a terrible dragon - any plot of your favorite fairy tales.

Open the room with the bride;

Save the birthday cake from being captured by monsters;

Sometimes the desired ending can lead to a plot idea.

Step 2. Create assignments

For example, tasks could be:

Decipher messages and codes;

Apply props in a special way;

Solve puzzles, rebuses, riddles;

Remember some joyful moments in life.

For example, the easiest way to play the game is to place small notes with hints around the apartment. In each note you need to guess the place where to look for the next note, and at the end - the final super prize (gift, key, magic sword, etc., depending on the plot).

Below you can watch a video review of the clue for finding the cache from the quest "Fairyland".

Participants need to hold the card over the candle so that the black paint disappears, revealing the name of the place where the magic potion ingredient is hidden.

Step 3. Prepare the necessary props

Following the script, you need to prepare in advance everything you need to carry it out, put the clues in their places, and hide the surprise for the ending.

You can send themed invitations to players in advance to not only invite them, but also set them up for the upcoming adventure.

In order not to get confused and miss anything, it is better to lay out the clues in the order in which they are mentioned in the script. It is best to write down this sequence, as well as the correct answers.

Ready-made sets and scenarios

You can purchase ready-made quests with the necessary tasks, materials and detailed instructions on our website. All that remains is to carefully hide everything and enjoy the game.

My memories from childhood + imagination were enough for exactly one quest: a dozen tasks that are not duplicated.
But the children liked the fun, they asked for more quests and had to go online.
This article will not describe the script, legends, or design. But there will be 13 ciphers to encode the tasks for the quest.

Code number 1. Picture

A drawing or photo that directly indicates the place where the next clue is hidden, or a hint at it: broom + socket = vacuum cleaner
Complication: make a puzzle by cutting the photo into several parts.

Code 2. Leapfrog.

Swap the letters in the word: SOFA = NIDAV

Cipher 3. Greek alphabet.

Encode the message using the letters of the Greek alphabet, and give the children the key:

Code 4. Vice versa.

Write the assignment backwards:

  • every word:
    Etishchi dalk extra Jonsos
  • or an entire sentence, or even a paragraph:
    Etsem morkom momas v - akzaksdop yaaschuudelS. itup monrev an yv

Code 5. Mirror.

(when I did the quest for my children, at the very beginning I gave them a “magic bag”: there was a key to the “Greek alphabet”, a mirror, “windows”, pens and sheets of paper, and all sorts of unnecessary things for confusion. Finding the next riddle , they had to figure out for themselves what from the bag would help them find the answer)

Code 6. Rebus.

The word is encoded in pictures:

Cipher 7. Next letter.

We write a word, replacing all the letters in it with the following ones in alphabetical order (then I is replaced by A, in a circle). Or the previous ones, or the next ones after 5 letters :).


Code 8. Classics to the rescue.

I took a poem (and told the children which one) and a code of 2 numbers: line number number of letters in the line.


Pushkin "Winter Evening"

The storm covers the sky with darkness,
Whirling snow whirlwinds;
Then, like a beast, she will howl,
Then he will cry like a child,
Then on the dilapidated roof
Suddenly the straw will rustle,
The way a belated traveler
There will be a knock on our window.

21 44 36 32 82 82 44 33 12 23 82 28

Did you read it, where is the hint? :)

Code 9. Dungeon.

Write the letters in a 3x3 grid:

Then the word WINDOW is encrypted like this:

Code 10. Labyrinth.

My children liked this code; it is unlike the others, because it is not so much for the brain as for attention.


On a long thread/rope you attach the letters in order, as they appear in the word. Then you stretch the rope, twist it and entangle it in every possible way between the supports (trees, legs, etc.). Having walked along the thread, as if through a maze, from the first letter to the last, the children will recognize the clue word.

Imagine if you wrap one of the adult guests in this way!
Children read - The next clue is on Uncle Vasya.
And they run to feel Uncle Vasya. Eh, if he is also afraid of tickles, then everyone will have fun!

Code 11. Invisible ink.

Use a wax candle to write the word. If you paint over the sheet with watercolors, you can read it.
(there are other invisible inks... milk, lemon, something else... But I only had a candle in my house :))

Code 12. Rubbish.

The vowels remain unchanged, but the consonants change according to the key.
For example:
reads as - VERY COLD, if you know the key:

Code 13. Windows.

The kids loved it incredibly! They then used these windows to encrypt messages to each other all day long.
So: on one sheet of paper we cut out windows, as many as there are letters in the word. This is a stencil, we apply it to a blank sheet of paper and write a clue word in the windows. Then we remove the stencil and write many different unnecessary letters on the remaining blank space of the sheet. You can read the code if you attach a stencil with windows.
The children were at first stupefied when they found a sheet covered with letters. Then they twisted the stencil back and forth, but you still need to put it on the right side!

Code 14. Map, Billy!

Draw a map and mark (X) the location with the treasure.
When I did the quest for mine for the first time, I decided that the map was very simple for them, so I needed to make it more mysterious (then it turned out that just a map would be enough for the children to get confused and run in the opposite direction)...

This is the map of our street. Hints here are house numbers (to understand that this is actually our street) and huskies. This dog lives with a neighbor across the street.
The children did not immediately recognize the area and asked me leading questions..
Then 14 children took part in the quest, so I united them into 3 teams. They had 3 versions of this map and each one had its place marked. As a result, each team found one word:
This was the next task :). He left behind some hilarious photos!
For my son’s 9th birthday, I didn’t have time to invent a quest, so I bought it on the MasterFuns website.. At my own peril and risk, because the description there is not very good.
But my children and I liked it because:
  1. inexpensive (similar to about 4 dollars per set)
  2. quickly (paid - downloaded, printed - everything took 15-20 minutes)
  3. There are a lot of tasks, with plenty to spare. And although I didn’t like all the riddles, there was plenty to choose from, and you could enter your own task
  4. everything is decorated in the same monster style and this gives the holiday effect. In addition to the quest tasks themselves, the kit includes: a postcard, flags, table decorations, and invitations to guests. And it's all about monsters! :)
  5. In addition to the 9-year-old birthday boy and his friends, I also have a 5-year-old daughter. The tasks were beyond her, but she and her friend also found entertainment - 2 games with monsters, which were also in the set. Phew, in the end - everyone is happy!

Gift quest- a way to give any gift in an original and fun way, turning it into an interesting, exciting adventure. Why this name? In general, a quest is a type of game with various codes and riddles that lead in a chain to the main prize.

Main idea: Instead of a gift, which is hidden in advance in a secluded place, the person is given a certain message-riddle-instruction with a hint where to look for the next note. One clue after another, and the person finds a surprise. You can see ideas for conducting an indoor quest

Ready-made scenarios for conducting quests. Detailed information can be viewed by clicking on the image of interest.

Quest transformer - a ready-made original kit (the idea and its implementation belongs exclusively to the site), consisting of a set of tasks with which you can use it in an interesting and original way to present a gift to your loved ones, family or friends.

All tasks are completely ready - you just need to select the most suitable ones based on keywords, print them out and arrange them in accordance with a well-thought-out search chain immediately before starting the game.

About the kit

  • A wide variety of universal places in an apartment or cottage where you can hide riddles and the surprise itself.
  • There is no imposed search chain, you can arrange tasks in any order and complete any number of stages (maximum 15 stages).
  • Multifunctional, suitable for any occasion: This kit can be useful to you more than once: with its help you can organize a quest and play out the presentation of a gift for a variety of holidays, as well as simply make a surprise.
  • Amusing: The tasks are interesting, fun and varied. They are based on word games (including anagram words with letters rearranged, puzzles, phraseological units encrypted with pictures). The riddles are not very complex, but not primitive either; they are more designed for ingenuity and intelligence than for any specific knowledge. There are a lot of tasks, so you can definitely create a search chain to suit your taste!
  • The kit is suitable for printing on a black and white printer.
  • The recommended age of players is adults and teenagers over 14 years old.

Set design

This is what part of the tasks in the proposed kit looks like:

Description of tasks

(key places where you can hide hints and surprises are indicated in brackets)

  1. Hint “TV show reversals” (TV). An interesting and fun task that will especially appeal to fans of the game “shifters”. Example from the tooltip: Caucasian chebureks (Ural dumplings).
  2. Hint “Catchphrases from movies”(newspaper). To find out where to move next, you need to remember phrases from famous Soviet films.
  3. Hint “Pseudo-scientific nonsense”(lamp). A very exciting task for a sense of humor and imaginative thinking. The task contains well-known proverbs and sayings in which all words are replaced with scientific (or almost scientific) definitions. The result was some pseudoscientific nonsense. Example from the tooltip: A person who has ingested ethyl alcohol in an amount exceeding a certain dose is prone to an inadequate idea of ​​the depth of certain types of large bodies of water (Answer: The drunken sea is knee-deep).
  4. Hint "Fairytale Ads"(computer). A nice, fun task of ingenuity. You need to guess which of the famous fairy-tale characters is the author of the comic advertisements. Example from the tooltip: I offer services for conducting fire and pyrotechnic shows. An irreplaceable worker! By inviting me, you will appreciate the saying: “One head is good, but several are better!” (Answer: Zmey Gorynych).
  5. Hint “Proverb squared”(sofa). A difficult task for quick thinking: you need to cut out 9 squares with letters and fold them into one large square so that you can read the proverb.
  6. Hint "In the Animal World"(mirror). A fun task for ingenuity: you need to guess which of the representatives of the animal world is most suitable for sayings as mottos. Example from the tooltip: “The grave will correct the hunchback!” (camel).
  7. Prompt "Family Ties" (plate). It is necessary to restore the confused words denoting the names of various family relationships.
  8. "Encrypted text" tooltip (closet). There are 4 encrypted phrase options to choose from.
  9. Hint "Dance" (fridge). Interesting dance quiz.
  10. Hint "Edible anagrams" (curtain). An entertaining task with anagrams. Example from the tooltip: rent + nickname = nectarine.
  11. Hint “Encrypted phraseological units”(chair). A good task for imaginative thinking.
  12. Hint "Riddles with a trick" (pillow). Comic riddles.
  13. Hint "Common letters" (mug). Intelligence challenge.
  14. Hint "Encrypted saying" (bag). Tricky cipher. We need to find a way to read the famous saying.
  15. Hint "Multiplication tables" (drawer in the kitchen). An interesting logic task.

Please note: tips 1-9 are made on A4 sheet; and tips 10-15 are on half the sheet.

  • recommendations for preparing and conducting a quest + a sign for creating a search chain + an approximate scenario for conducting a quest in an apartment
  • tasks and answers (each task is immediately followed by an answer, and for convenience and clarity, all answers are formatted in the same way as the tasks themselves)

Attention! The kit is offered in electronic form - you will need to print everything you need on a printer yourself (sheet format when printing A4).

Set format: tasks and answers - 27 pages, recommendations - 3 pages (pdf files)

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Quest tasks are a very interesting and popular entertainment. Players are given various riddles and clues, with the help of which they move from one point of a given route to the next, receiving pleasant surprises for this.

Questions asked to participants are often united by one topic that the quest is dedicated to. The main requirement for their composition is diversity and unusualness. The degree of fun of the game depends on how difficult they are. But when coming up with clues, it is also important not to go too far and not make them overly complex.

Main classification

The simplest tasks for quests in terms of level of preparation are questions in notes. They are encrypted on pieces of paper that participants need to find or earn at each stage of the competition. There are many varieties of them.

    1. The name of the next point of movement is cut into separate letters, which, when put together correctly, participants will know where to go next.
    2. Use of puzzles and charades. They can combine pictures, numbers, letters, which, if interpreted correctly, give clues about the further route of movement.
    3. Riddles in logical series. For example: “Heat comes from the oven, but where does the cold come from?”
    4. An option in the best spy traditions is tips written on paper using melted wax. To find out the answer, you need to color the leaf with colored pencils.
    5. Placement of signs along the entire route. But these do not necessarily have to be ordinary arrows. You can use flowers of a certain type or traces of an animal. Tasks are often done in this form for For example, you can tell them: “Follow in the footsteps of the lion cub and you will find a pleasant surprise.”
    6. The phrase that makes up the clue may contain mixed words. Players need to place them in the correct order. This is the only way they will know what to do next.
    7. The assignment is written backwards and must be read correctly.
    8. The hint is applied to paper using lemon juice or milk. Along with the leaf, participants are given a candle and a lighter, thanks to the heat from the fire of which the words should appear and direct the players to the next point.
    9. Digital encryption of words is used. For example, instead of each letter its serial number in the alphabet is written. The key to the puzzle must be guessed or won at one of the previous stages.
    10. As a task for an indoor quest, you can use an object located in the room in several copies, one of which contains hidden instructions regarding further actions. This could be a book, a box, a nightstand and the like.
    11. Another interesting option is to use hints written in the form. Deciphering them is not an easy task, but it is very exciting and interesting.
    12. Riddles can be encrypted using pictures, each of which symbolizes part of the name of the next destination.
    13. Messages are also placed with magnets on the refrigerator door.
    14. Notes are hidden inside cookies, candies and other products.

In order for participants to successfully complete all stages of the competition and get the maximum amount of pleasure from it, the tips must be interesting and original. For victory in each individual stage and the game as a whole, you need to prepare prizes.

Since the tasks for quests directly depend on the chosen topic of the competition, we will consider the most popular options for conducting it.

You can get confused even within four walls

You don't have to go outside to play this game. The indoor quest tasks are no less exciting than the outdoor ones. There are several varieties of this type of game.

  1. Escape from the room. Just by the name itself it is clear where this competition is held. Its essence is that participants are locked in an entire apartment or a separate room, and with the help of clues they must find the key to get out of it. This is a very unusual and interesting way to entertain guests who come, for example, to celebrate a birthday.
  2. Tasks for quests in the office Great for surprising your boss. If the company is small, each employee can come up with one puzzle for the boss and thoroughly enjoy watching him rush around the building in search of a solution and his gift. The office is an ideal place to hide a lot of clues, solving which will be an unforgettable entertainment.
  3. Interesting examples of tasks for a quest in a shopping center. And if it is also large, you can organize a truly unforgettable game in it. After all, in large shopping complexes you can often get lost, even just while shopping, and what can we say about looking for clues and solving puzzles! For example, you could give participants a photo of a dress and they would have to find out its price. But first you need to find a boutique that sells this particular model of clothing item. Also, as an option, hide the piece of paper with the next task in some jacket, which you will also need to find from the photo. But in the case of this task, you will need to warn the store staff in advance so that no one accidentally sells this item to anyone.

We turn on our brains to the fullest

Who said that intellectuals can only be measured by their knowledge? They can be no less nimble and active than others. If you have a few of these bookworms among your friends, get them out of their textbook-strewn rooms and into the fresh air.

Arrange for them a quest in the style of the TV shows “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”, “The Smartest” and “What? Where? When?" Prepare encrypted hint messages for knowledge of various facts from history, geography, physics, biology and any other sciences. Make sure that the answer to each question serves as a clue to your next destination.

You can also organize a similar challenge for your significant other on the anniversary of your relationship or on any other occasion. Only in this case, questions must be tied to dates, places and events from life together.

If your "victim" loves the TV series "The Big Bang Theory", involve its main character Sheldon Cooper in the case. The confusing notes, written in an abstruse style in the style of this eccentric physicist, will greatly amuse any connoisseur of intellectual humor and will make him rack his brains thoroughly over the clues.

For the little ones

Children's tasks for a quest game can be no less exciting and interesting than adults. To organize such a competition for your child and his friends, use your favorite cartoon or computer game characters. Write your questions on pieces of paper with a picture of a particular character. You can use images from one cartoon, organizing the entire quest in its style, or from several at once.

The computer game “Klondike” can serve as an excellent source of inspiration. Quests and tasks invented on its basis consist of searching for various artifacts related to the theme of the Wild West. For greater realism, children can be dressed up or fully dressed up in the best traditions of Westerns.

Participants can go in search of treasure, following the directions of the map. On it you will depict several streets closest to the house, designing it in the style of the Klondike game. Quests and tasks of this type involve searching for treasure, opening hiding places, asking friends for help, etc. This adventure will bring kids a lot of joy and pleasant gifts. Any holiday with such a game will become an unforgettable event in the life of every child.

“Klondike,” the quests and tasks in which are very exciting and varied, is far from the only option for an interesting game. A moving quiz in the style of the movie “Pirates of the Caribbean” would also be great. At the final destination of the journey, a man dressed as Jack Sparrow will be waiting for them, who will present the treasure to the winner.

Hiding the answers away

You can come up with a wide variety of interesting tasks for the quest. For example, use your old suitcase and hide the grand prize in it. And let the participants collect the code that will help open it, one by one, throughout the game.

To come up with tasks for quests in the apartment, use a deck of cards. Scratch directions for the next step on the end of it and give it a good shuffle. To make out the message, players will have to put the cards in the right order. Give them a hint that says something like “Hearts, clubs, spades and diamonds will reveal to you the secrets of the future.” This will let players know what cards they should be looking for and what order they should put them in.

We present gifts in an original way

To give an unusual gift to the birthday boy, you can also use a quest. Birthday tasks can be very different. For example, you can arrange a whole trip around the city in search of a present. The end point will be a dressing room with a bunch of boxes, in one of which the treasured souvenir will be hidden, and to find it, you will have to open them all.

You can also arrange an exciting quest around the city, the tasks of which will lead the birthday boy to a place where a surprise congratulatory party awaits him. Here's how you can start your journey. Leave a piece of cake in your friend’s room the night before with a note containing something like this: “Well, your birthday has come. Today everything will be for you, but to get the treats prepared, you will have to work hard. After all, nothing in this life comes easy. And even your holiday is no exception. To start, dress comfortably, eat some cake, and recharge your energy with some coffee. You’ll soon find out what to do next.”

If you are going to give the birthday boy some clothes or jewelry, you can leave the following message in the coffee can: “I hope you liked the cake and you finally woke up completely. If yes - well done! Now take something stylish with you and go in search of your happiness.” Even if there is no surprise among the things, you can simply hide a note in the closet with further instructions.

If you want to give a mobile phone as a birthday present in an unusual way, let the participant receive one number at each stage of the game. They will consist of a phone number, by calling which, in the end the birthday person will find his gift.

We fight the insidious numbers

Interesting quest tasks can be created using numbers in a variety of ways. These can be either the most basic tasks like counting the number of steps in a house, or sophisticated puzzles. You can encrypt the code in a magazine or book. Participants will first have to guess the name of the required publication, and then use the given page, line and word numbers to find a clue to the next action.

Quest tasks also often consist of unraveling the phone number of the person who received the key to the next step by email. To guess the treasured numbers, you need to find information on the Internet as quickly as possible about the height, age of stars or dates of famous and not so famous events. Such a puzzle might look like this.

A good example

“Are you finally here? I can’t even believe that I finally made it! I am sure that you will not go further, because this task is clearly not up to you. The fact is that the necessary code was sent to one person, whose name I will not say. You can only contact him by phone, but you won’t get his number either. Whether you like it or not, you will have to guess it. So the first number is Arnold Schwarzenegger's weight in grams, you need the second number. Next is the fourth number from the year of birth of Leonardo DiCaprio. Then - the second growth figure of his Wolf of Wall Street co-star. Renee Zellweger's birthday month. Then - the second half of Penelope Cruz's foot size. And the last number is the date when Jason Statham's girlfriend was born. May the great star expert Google help you!

Examples of tasks for a quest of this type can be encrypted as your heart desires, and use any wording that comes to your mind. Since completing this task requires the help of an Internet search engine, you can ask questions of any complexity. It is also not forbidden to mention stars in whose biographies your friend-player is not very strong. But to make it even more interesting for him to look for answers, you can ask for information about his idols.

Hollywood to the rescue!

Tasks for quests in the office and on the street can be organized in the style of any films and TV series of the group of people for whom the game is being played. You can come up with a myriad of riddle options.

For example, you can use the “Men in Black” theme in a very interesting way by starting the competition with the following note: “Greetings, Earthling! We, Agent K and Agent J, need your help. We have detected it coming but have not yet identified the planet from which it was sent. This could be a warning to people about an alien invasion of Earth, so they need to act very quickly. The message is encrypted. The best of our agents are struggling to decipher it, but they can’t do it without you. We have parts of the message, but without help we cannot reconstruct all its contents. Start searching the entire text immediately! You will be Agent M and will receive all the necessary data from Agent B. Don’t forget that the fate of the planet is in your hands! See you later!

A sea of ​​topics

An interesting hunt for monsters can be organized during a quest in the style of the TV series “Supernatural”. For lovers of royal intrigue, the ideal option is the Game of Thrones competition. And for fans of The Walking Dead, an unforgettable surprise will be meeting the zombie apocalypse on the city streets.

“The Lord of the Rings”, “Harry Potter”, “Transformers”, “Fast and the Furious”, “Batman”... This list can be continued indefinitely, because any popular film is simply a storehouse of facts that can be used to write riddles. The same can be said about online entertainment. For example, the game “Klondike” is perfect for this purpose; its quests and tasks will make the holiday unforgettable.