
How to celebrate Halloween with a girl. A bright and unforgettable Halloween at home. Original pumpkin decorations

How to celebrate Halloween with a girl.  A bright and unforgettable Halloween at home.  Original pumpkin decorations

Halloween began to be celebrated probably in the middle of the 16th century. Historians say that it replaced the ancient pagan festival - Samhain or Samhain.

Samhain marked the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, lasted a whole week, and culminated on October 31st. By this day, farmers and cattle breeders had to harvest all the crops and prepare stalls for animals. In honor of the change of season and the end of field work, noisy feasts were held.

Pagan traditions are primarily associated with nature. In autumn, trees fly away and fall asleep, it gets dark early and dawns late, the nights are increasingly cold. It is not surprising that the holiday at the border of two seasons has become a festival of death with a distinctive aesthetic. Therefore, on Samhain they not only harvested crops and slaughtered livestock, but also commemorated the dead.

Pagans believe that on the nights of Samhain, the gates between the worlds of the living and the dead open, so the spirits of deceased ancestors can visit their descendants. A meal and a place at the table are prepared for them, they are asked questions and recounted the events of the year. It is also believed that the living can easily get lost and end up in the world of spirits, which is hostile to people. Therefore, on the night of Samhain you need to be extremely careful and not wander alone, especially in unfamiliar areas.

How to celebrate Halloween in Russia

In our country, the attitude towards Halloween is clearly ambiguous. Orthodox activists argue that it is inappropriate to organize all sorts of demonic parades. Businessmen, meanwhile, do not miss the opportunity to earn more: they hold sales and costume parties, decorate windows with pumpkins, witches, bats and other paraphernalia.

You can celebrate Halloween in one of the nightclubs in your city, if, of course, you like a big, noisy company. The party will feature loud music, a lot of alcohol, and people in funny costumes from a specialty store for adults. It is possible that guests will be served snacks and drinks that imitate blood or severed body parts. Undoubtedly, this has its own charm.

If you are under 18 years old, or just don't like bars and nightclubs, you can throw a party at home.

  • Stock up on hibiscus, wine, pomegranate or tomato juice if you are going to “drink blood”.
  • For a snack, make something from pumpkin: pancakes, muffins or pie. If you want to eat heartily, you can enjoy hot dishes made from seasonal vegetables, such as stew or chowder.
  • Decorate your house with themed decor in the form of skulls, tombstones, cobwebs, bats. Such details will create a suitable ambiance.
  • If everything is serious for you, and goods from a joke store are not suitable for you, decorate your home with textiles and accessories in festive colors. Black, orange, burgundy, purple and dark green are the most matching colors for Halloween.
  • Get more candles! Such a holiday should not be held in the light of electric lamps.
  • Be sure to make your own or buy a pumpkin candle holder. Without Jack-O-Lantern, Halloween becomes just another party.
  • Think about it entertainment program and prepare everything you need to watch horror movies, scare friends, summon spirits or tell fortunes.
  • Finally, have a masquerade if your soul demands it. It's really funny, especially if you walk around the city in carnival costumes. Follow safety precautions: don’t get drunk, behave decently and under no circumstances ask the police for sweets or nasty things.

As you can see, Halloween can be celebrated not only in America, but also in Russia. There is nothing criminal, immoral or occult in this tradition. Therefore, go to the party with peace of mind if you want to have a lot of fun. Happy Halloween!

If you want to get to know a person, take a trip with him

Halloween for kids. How to organize a party at home?

When it's gloomy outside the window late fall with rain and slush, I really want to bring a little bright color and warmth. To do this, you can get together with your family over a cup of tea or cocoa, or you can arrange a real witches’ Sabbath or turn the house into the tomb of an ancient pharaoh, the lair of the vampire Dracula or a mystical castle of gargoyles. But it is best to do this on a certain day, or rather night. On the night when dark forces walk the earth, scaring passers-by, when nothing can stop them from causing mischief and mischief. We are talking about Halloween - the holiday on the eve of All Saints' Day.

Let's go deeper into history

The history of Halloween goes back several centuries. It began long before the spread of Christianity. Initially, Halloween was called Samhain or Saiman - a Celtic holiday when summer turns into winter, and the evil spirits of frost and darkness are released. To drive them away, people dressed up in animal skins, painted their faces, made jack-o'-lanterns and turnip lanterns, and scared each other with scary stories.

Time has passed, traditions have changed, and today children often dress up as magical creatures, movie heroes and princesses rather than as werewolves and vampires. They run from house to house begging for candy, and the teens scare each other by throwing themed parties and exploring haunted houses.

In Russia, Halloween appeared only a couple of decades ago, but it appealed to many people. And although the holiday is mainly celebrated in clubs and schools, many parents agree to scare and amuse their children by organizing a small celebration at home. A separate house is best suited for this, but an apartment simply decorated with bones and cobwebs will be no worse.

First thing

Before inviting guests, it is worth determining the main direction of the party. It is not necessary to use only foreign motifs - it can also be Russian folk tales with Kikimora Bolotnaya, Kashchei the Immortal and Baba Yaga. To make the evening not only fun, but also educational, you can ask guests to make a small presentation of the costume and tell everyone what kind of creature they are. It is not necessary to take only fairy tales: remember about brownies, witches and healers, goblin and sea maidens.

Older children may be a little spooked by the more traditional monsters: Frankenstein, mummies, zombies, vampires, ghosts, witches and werewolves. You can ask everyone to dress up as similar creatures or arrange a fun party. In the second case, it is better to arrange the room according to the wishes of the owner or hostess: if he or she is a vampire, the apartment can be turned into a castle or a cave with bats, and Frankenstein will like it in his own laboratory.

Letter with greetings

It is best to notify guests about the upcoming holiday a couple of weeks in advance, and invitations will help you with this. They should be made to match the main theme. For werewolves, wolves and a dark forest are suitable, against which silver lines will be clearly visible. Vampires will love bats and gothic bloody letters, while zombies will enjoy designs in the form of eyes and brains. If nothing special comes to mind, use a traditional Halloween theme: graveyard, pumpkins and skeletons.

Invitations can be printed in advance or made yourself, involving children in the work. Don’t forget to indicate the place and time, as well as the desired dress code: “Come frighteningly dressed and terrifyingly bloody.”

Meeting place can not be Changed

The decoration of the room will greatly depend on the age of the owners and guests, as well as general theme Events. Use black balls, cobwebs and garlands of pumpkins, ghosts and skeletons. Drape the windows with heavy dark fabric, torn in different places, plant several spiders or bats on it, place skulls, bones, “corpses” of rats and frogs everywhere. Don't forget about pumpkins with carved faces that guests can bring themselves, and funny signs that say “Beware of wild mosquitoes!” or “Attention, zone of increased sweetness!”

You can replace the usual light with burning candles or garlands hung everywhere. In the second case, it is better to use mysterious red, blue or green lights. If you decide to light the room with real fire, try to put the candles away and make sure that no one touches them.
If you want to turn your apartment into the lair of the Russian Baba Yaga, don’t forget about a large cauldron, dry herbs, fly agaric mushrooms in a flower pot and glass jars with dry insects, place a broom, an old soot-covered frying pan (you can take a cast iron one) and a samovar in the corner. Embroidered towels, tubs, barrels, wooden dishes, a garden scarecrow and other peasant household items will help complement the interior.

When choosing decorations for vampires, do not forget about cobwebs, heavy candlesticks, antique clocks, books and jewelry. Cover all the mirrors with cobwebs or stick a special sticker that imitates a crack; place portraits of ancestors in carved frames on the walls. You can put a skeleton butler in the corner with the guest list in his fingers.

In this way, you can choose a variety of decoration options for rooms or even the whole house. For a werewolf abode, stick glow-in-the-dark stars and a moon on the windows; a mad genius's laboratory would be incomplete without jars of greenish viscous liquid and alcoholized body parts. Stretched pictures of the latter can be found on the Internet: print them out, place them inside large cans and illuminate them from the inside for greater intimidation using portable flashlights or LEDs.

But whatever you choose, a couple of small tricks will always come in handy: take a piece of tulle or other translucent fabric with jagged edges and tear the hem slightly. Inflate white balloons with helium and cover the top light fabric and draw a face on the resulting ghost. You can paint the balls with a layer of glowing paint to add mystery to the ghosts.

An interesting and unusual decorative element will be a spreading fog, which can be easily prepared from dry ice. Take large containers (buckets, basins, large-capacity cans), fill them about halfway with water and add dry ice. You will need one part ice to two parts water. Throwing ice into warm water will produce a thick fog; cold water will produce a slight haze, suitable for vampires and werewolves.

Be careful not to let children touch the ice, as it can cause severe burns. It is better to put the water away, hiding it behind other interior items.

Greeted by clothes

It’s hardly worth talking in detail about children’s outfits, since their choice is limited only by the amount and imagination of the children. It’s worth dwelling on just a few points: agree in advance with your adult partner on who will dress up your child and how. If the majority is against serious spending, the minority should support it, otherwise the children will feel insecure.

In this case, it is better to make something on the spot. Prepare face painting paints, fake blood, voluminous bone decorations, cobwebs and dirty bandages. From all this you can easily make a costume for a zombie, forest witch or tramp. If there is an artist among those present, he will be able to decorate the children, or they will do their own makeup. Carnival wigs, horns, animal ears and tails, all kinds of masks and other inexpensive accessories will also come to the rescue.

Self-assembled tablecloth

No matter who your guests are, you should think about the food in advance. You can read about how to turn a simple cupcake into something creepy and bloody in the article “ It's scary to even try", but here we will give only a few general tips. Give preference to a buffet so that children do not sit in one place, but play, run and calmly communicate with each other.

Place a table near the wall, cover it with a piece of black cloth, place stacks of plates and glasses (you can use paper ones so that guests don’t break anything) and place dishes with snacks. For hot dishes, pizza with cheese ghosts, unsweetened cookies in the shape of severed fingers, and snakes and insects made from vegetables are suitable. Dessert can be very diverse: from store-bought sweets and chewing marmalade in the shape of vampire teeth to pumpkin cake or a scary castle.

If the holiday is taking place in an apartment, and you communicate well with your neighbors, you can persuade them to play along with you a little: let them dress up in a costume and prepare a small treat. It will need to be distributed to children. If the holiday is taking place in a separate house and there is an opportunity to go outside, why not light a fire? You can bake potatoes and fry marmalade on it, and at the same time tell a couple of horror stories.

Welcome or...

With a little imagination, you can start having fun right away. With the consent of the neighbors (if the party is not taking place in a private home), hang arrows made of bones or signs drawn in blood on the stairs, place several pumpkins with candles, pull cobwebs or small obstacles.

One of the adults must meet the guests: a dead butler, a scary clown or a real maniac with an ax and a knife. Rehearse a creepy howl and creaky laugh in advance, learn a few suitable lines to immerse those who come in a mysterious and frightening atmosphere. But don't overdo it: the youngest kids can be too impressionable. It is also worth finding out in advance about children’s fears and not using these images.

But older guests will happily respond to attempts to scare them properly. You can agree with some in advance and put on a small performance. Glow-in-the-dark lenses and makeup paint, jokes from joke shops, carnival and theater props, for example, blood capsules will help you with this: put them in your mouth and bite them at the right moment.

After the meeting, give guests the opportunity to explore the house, socialize, and grab a bite to eat. If possible, you can send them under the supervision of an adult to collect candy. At this point, it is better to take the parents into a separate room so that they do not disturb the children, and treat them to cocktails and pumpkin pie. You may want to entertain them - the article " A little adult horror».

After about two hours, when guests start to get bored, it’s time to take a short break and have a minute of games.

Shall we play?

You can arrange standard games, adapting them for the holiday. Such games include “catch a ghost” (blind man’s buff), “pin the tail of a black cat blindfolded”, “find a vampire in the room” (hide and seek).

A good variation of the traditional game would be to play vampires and their victims. Divide the guests into two teams and distribute headbands - black for the “vampires” and white for their “victims”. When the host announces "day", the "vampires" must sleep in a certain place, and the "victims" can walk around peacefully. But as soon as “night” comes, the “vampires” must catch the fleeing “victim” and drag her to their lair.

But it will be more interesting and exciting to arrange several group competitions, at the end of which the participants will receive sweet prizes. And don’t forget to choose a strict but fair jury.

To warm up the participants, have them make a real Halloween pumpkin. For this you will need orange balloons, ribbons and markers. Each team must blow up a balloon and draw a funny or scary face on it. If desired, you can diversify the competition and decorate the “pumpkin” with stickers, ribbons and bows that can be attached to adhesive tape. For little ones, the task can be changed: let them draw or make a “pumpkin” from scrap materials.

The next game will help you develop your speed. Divide the participants and give them several rolls of toilet paper. The task of each team is to make a mummy from one of the participants. To make it more interesting and complicated, one of the tall adults can become the “mummy”.

For fearless heroes and princesses, prepare horror bags: fill small opaque bags with wet dish sponges, cold cooked pasta, chopped juicy fruit, gummies and other unpleasant things. Make a wish for some thing (the brain of a frog, the insides of insects) and ask to find them without looking inside. Or you can put everything in one pile, hand it to the children one by one and ask them to identify the selected item.

You can’t do without the ubiquitous ghosts. Prepare long black pieces of fabric in advance and distribute them to the participants. One person will be a ghost hunter, and the rest will be quiet and silent victims. It is best to play in complete darkness in an empty place so that children do not fall and get hurt. But catching a ghost is not enough: the “hunter” must say its name without seeing its face.

Girls can have a competition for the title of the most creepy beauty or the most nightmarish fashionista, and boys can compete in howling or screaming. The last competition must be carried out carefully: the howl should not be the loudest, but the most terrifying.

You can unite teams with the help of a cooking show. Prepare a list of ingredients for each dish in advance and scatter the necessary parts around the room. The menu may consist of baby soup, cockroach stew, Romanian chop, sushi with old man's ears, a bloody sandwich, a sweaty hamburger with worms, brain jelly, a drowned man's fingernail pie and other horrors.

Each dish, in turn, is divided into several more parts. For example, for soup with a baby, you will need the baby's legs and arm (dolls), a few eyeballs (small painted balls or marmalade), a couple of cockroaches (olives with toothpick legs) and a handful of baby teeth (seeds dipped on one side in red paint) . The guests' task is to find as many ingredients as possible and prepare a real lunch.

If children are smart and quick-witted, they can prepare dishes on their own. Place labeled ingredients on the table and give complete freedom. But at the same time, the presenter must gently correct their actions: ask whether dried mice are suitable for pumpkin soup or is it better to take a fresh frog? Did the cooks really make the sandwich healthy or did they forget something important, very healthy and nutritious? You can remind that the customer is a werewolf, and therefore is unlikely to want to eat pumpkin, and his companion is allergic to brains. At the end, the team must fully describe the resulting result and justify it.

Downloading our brains

When your guests are tired, offer them some mind games. Games “question and answer”, “guess the animal or magical creature”, “damaged phone”, “riddles of the Sphinx” and various quizzes on the knowledge of the life of monsters will be a good break between the fun. You can spend a few minutes talking about the history of Halloween or interesting facts about the life of monsters.

Traditions cannot be broken

But the most interesting thing will be to have fun as is customary in America and Europe. There are several traditional children's games that no All Hallows' Eve is complete without.

First of all, this is carving scary faces out of pumpkins. This game is suitable for older children or adult-child pairs. You will need several sharp knives and softer pumpkins, it is better if they are cleaned in advance. Each participant must cut out the creepiest face from a pumpkin and place a lit candle inside. You can prepare your work at home in advance and simply bring it to the competition, as well as use false strands, paints and other accessories if you decide to hold a competition for the most smiling and beautiful pumpkin girl.

Second no less popular game is catching apples. In general, apples are considered one of the main fruits of autumn, and therefore they can most often be seen in Halloween themed games. Hang a few softer apples on strong strings and encourage the children to catch them and eat them without using their hands. For convenience, you can hang them at different heights. Or fill a wide container with warm water and add a few apples. They also need to be caught with your teeth. And finally, the relay race with an apple in the mouth: participants hold their hands behind their backs and carry the fruit to the finish line, passing it to each other.

If you have small pumpkins, you can use them as balls: throw them to each other, play field hockey, or try to hit the target. And, of course, no horror festival would be complete without an obstacle course that must be completed blindfolded. Stretch the ropes, place assistants on the sides who will make noise, entangle the passage in a web of wool threads. Sudden noise and rumble can be very frightening, and therefore it is best, after successfully passing the test, to initiate the daredevil into the crowned evil spirits of the evening.

Escorted according to the mind

Don't forget to have a good laugh with your guests before leaving, and also hand out gifts: sweet baskets, witches' hats, small brooms, horns, fake fangs and skulls. Take more photos and give them as souvenirs to all the guests of the holiday.

And let evil forces not disturb you in the coming winter!

All Hallows' Eve is the perfect excuse to throw a party. If you have children, they will be happy: kids love masquerades and will be happy to help you prepare a “terrible” holiday. It is also sometimes useful for an adult group to fall into childhood and play pranks. Organizing a memorable Halloween for your friends is not so difficult, the main thing is to choose a couple good ideas and take care of the festive mood of the company.

Determine the topic

There are a huge number of horrors in the world, choose your favorite subtype. How about a vampire evening? Exquisitely set table, tomato juice in glasses. False fangs, pale skin and bloody lips are welcome. At the zombie festival, you will need to organize a competition for the best zombie gait. This is where old, tattered things that you haven’t thrown out yet for some reason will come in handy. You can dedicate the party to some of your favorite thrillers, bloody computer games, or TV series. Got all my friends hooked on Supernatural, The Vampire Diaries, the walking Dead" or "Dexter"? Celebrate it!

Decorating the house

It is important to create a suitable environment. Take black paper and scissors, cut out the silhouettes bat or cats. If you don't know how to draw, find drawings on the Internet with suitable silhouettes and print them out. Glue the resulting scary pictures to the windows using transparent tape or attach them to the walls with thumbtacks. Here are other topics that are relevant on All Hallows' Eve: tombstones, skeletons, spiders and cobwebs, trees with bare branches, crows, ghosts, witches.

Buy a pumpkin, cut off the top and scoop out the contents. Cut out the eyes and the sinister smile, put a candle inside. The main Halloween attribute is ready!

Find and print out old photographs of countesses or simply elderly people on the Internet. Give free rein to your imagination: take a pencil and turn them into witches and vampires. Sign and place creepy “portraits of relatives” around the rooms. If you make the portraits large enough, they can be used to create a Halloween “art gallery” on the wall, like the old horror movie castles.

Unusual lighting will add mystery to the atmosphere: turn off the overhead lights, place table lamps on the floor, and candles on the tables.

What to wear

Think about the costumes. Various masks, ears, vampire teeth, black cloaks and bat wings are sold in abundance in carnival costume stores (there are also plenty of online stores). If you don’t have the opportunity or desire to buy a suit, change into what you have at home. Here are some of the simplest “recipes”. Do you have an old white sheet? Make little holes in it and you've got a ghost, wild but cute, as Carlson used to say. If you find a large piece of black fabric, make a cloak out of it and you will become Countess Dracula. Found white robe? This is luck, all you have to do is put something red on it (red lipstick, for example), and you have a killer doctor costume. Keep in mind that tomato juice and tomato paste are not suitable for “bloody streaks” on clothes: when they dry, they acquire an orange tint. Didn't find anything at all? Take a bandage or toilet paper and transparent tape: you have to be a mummy.

An imperfectly designed costume can be compensated for with impressive makeup and accessories. Whiten your face and get creative: you can depict black sunken eye sockets, like a zombie, or draw fatal arrows and scarlet lips, suitable for a vampire. If you are an esthete, make a beautiful abstract drawing or body art on your cheekbone.

Evil in the lens

Have a “scary” photo shoot. Come up with stories you like in advance and prepare what you need.

The most mystical and “scary” holiday of the year is coming - All Saints' Day, otherwise known as Halloween. Recently, this holiday has become increasingly popular in our country. On the pages of “Dream House” we have already talked about decorating the house for this holiday. In this same article, we will tell you how to celebrate Halloween at home by organizing a great home party for this occasion, even if there is very little time left until October 31st, as in our case.

Celebrating Halloween at home: room decoration

To create the appropriate Halloween atmosphere, you need to decorate the room where the fun party will take place - the whole house or a separate room or hall. A large candle with a lit candle inside is considered a mandatory attribute of Halloween. You can carve your own jack-o'-lantern or purchase a pre-made one from the store.

Throughout the house you can place small candles in themed candle holders: turtles, small pumpkins, etc. It would be good to hang silhouettes of black cats, witches or bats on the walls. Homemade portraits of all kinds of evil spirits, hung in frames in a room where there will be a celebration All Saints' Day.

How to throw Halloween at home - room decoration

The main colors of Halloween are black and orange. Try to play up these shades as best as possible. Lay an orange tablecloth on the festive table and place it on dishes black color. You can do exactly the opposite: choose a black tablecloth and orange cutlery.

You should not spare effort and money: remember, creating a festive ambience already half ensures the success of the party.

Halloween dishes and decorations

Undoubtedly, festive feast should reinforce the impression made by the decoration of your home. You can prepare Halloween dishes that you and your guests are familiar with and love, just don’t forget to decorate them in a certain way.

Since the main emotion of this holiday is fear, your table treats should in every possible way support a similar mood of all those gathered.

You can buy small toy spiders, flies, snakes and worms at any toy store. These “cute” creatures will decorate any dish.

Treats with “human eyes” look impressive. Making the eyes is quite simple: take white table tennis balls and draw pupils on them with a marker. For a greater visual effect, you can dip the finished eyes in ketchup or other tomato sauce.

Your guests will not forget your party for a long time if one of the Halloween dishes is decorated with “hands”. Just take rubber gloves, fill them with water and put them in the freezer for a few hours. If desired, the finished “brushes” can be painted.

In addition to scary Halloween dishes, your holiday table must have a dish containing pumpkin - the symbol of this holiday. It could be pumpkin pie, scones, pumpkin pies, pumpkin pot roast, or even a delicious creamy soup.

Halloween party at home: festive dress code

Needless to say, all those invited to Halloween must come in costumes appropriate to the spirit of the holiday. The most popular images for All Saints' Day are vampires, witches, ghosts, skeletons, mummies, blood brides and famous movie maniacs (for example, Freddy Krueger). You can make your own Halloween costume, or it’s better and easier to rent one. And here scary makeup Or you can try to do makeup yourself, taking ideas from master classes.

How to have fun celebrating Halloween at home: entertainment program

How to entertain fun company for Halloween at home? You can hold several fun competitions for the best costume, making best postcard for All Saints' Day, composing the best quatrain on the theme of Halloween, etc.

Or you can all get together, taste your “scary” dishes and go out into the street to embody the long-standing Halloween tradition of demanding sweets and delicacies from passers-by. However, be careful that the fun holiday does not turn into collective gatherings at the local police department.

How to celebrate Halloween at home - festive table

Now that all the preparations have been made, it’s time to start inviting guests. We wish you an interesting, fun and unforgettable Halloween party at home!

On the night from October 31 to November 1, all sorts of evil appears on the streets of cities and villages in many countries of the world. These are creepy ghouls and ghouls, terrible zombies and the evil dead, mysterious vampires and werewolves, charming witches, funny imps and charming devils. Where did so much evil spirit come from that night? It's Halloween and all these dark, otherworldly forces are just people dressed up in costumes.

Halloween - what kind of holiday is it?

Halloween is fun party, which is celebrated on October 31 on the eve of All Saints' Day. It is believed that Halloween is the only day of the year when the spirits of dead people return to earth. Traditionally, Halloween is considered a holiday for residents of America, Great Britain and other English-speaking countries, but it is also celebrated in other parts of our world.

And this joyful holiday reached Russia. Young people celebrate Halloween with pleasure and celebrate it in nightclubs, at parties, dressing up in costumes of ghouls, witches, vampires, werewolves.

How is Halloween celebrated around the world? The halloween attribute is the pumpkin. Lamps are made from it, in which candles are placed and lit, and living quarters are decorated with pumpkins. They also organize family feasts and prepare all kinds of culinary dishes from pumpkin.

Various rituals are performed to appease the souls of the dead. Multi-colored fireworks are launched into the night sky, torchlight processions are held, blood-curdling horror films are watched, and heartbreaking horror stories are told.

And the children, dressed up as charming devils and witches, are having fun, playing pranks, singing songs, running from house to house and begging for sweets.

Traditions and symbols of Halloween

The main symbol of Halloween is the Jack-O-Lantern, which is made from a pumpkin. According to Irish legend, a man named Jack managed to outwit the Devil twice, for which the Devil promised him not to destroy his soul. But Jack led a life full of sins and after death was not allowed into Paradise. And now he is forced to wander the earth in anticipation of the Day of Judgment, lighting his path with a lamp made from a pumpkin.

To prepare the lamp, use a large pumpkin, cut off the top and remove the pulp. An evil face with a terrible grin is drawn on the pumpkin and holes for the eyes and mouth are cut out, and a lit candle is placed inside the pumpkin. It is believed that a jack-o'-lantern left near a house on Halloween protects the house and wards off evil spirits and dark forces.

Costumes of evil spirits, monsters and masks are another symbol of Halloween. Whatever supernatural characters appear on Halloween - all of them are present here. devilry, undead, fairy-tale heroes and monsters from horror films.

One of the traditions is begging for sweets, fruits or money. Costumed children and youth knock on doors and ask the owner a question - “treats or tricks?” If the owner is greedy and does not treat him with sweets, it is customary to play petty tricks on him. And if the owner brings out treats, they will thank him, sing a song or recite a poem, and leave a funny postcard with an image of evil spirits as a souvenir.

Also observing traditions, they organize family feasts. On the table there are always sweets made from apples, pumpkins, nuts, as well as candies in the shape of pumpkins and corn. But the main dish of Halloween is a pie, in which various small objects are added to the dough to predict what awaits the person who gets a piece of the pie with a surprise. A ring - there will be a wedding soon, a coin - you will get rich, a piece of fabric - you will be poor.

Young girls call Bloody Mary and wonder what she will predict for them. To do this, at night they climb the dark stairs backwards and sit with a burning candle in front of the mirror. The face of the future husband should appear in the mirror, but if a skull appears instead of a face, it means that the girl will die without getting married.

Also following the traditions of Halloween, residents of American and other cities visit various attractions - “Castles of Fear”, “Haunted Houses”, where they are frightened by all kinds of ghosts and monsters, creepy moans and creaks, and the howls of werewolves.

How and where to celebrate Halloween

Celebrating Halloween in a nightclub

If you decide to celebrate Halloween in a nightclub, you should prepare yourself in advance fancy dress. If you know how to use a sewing machine and are a needlewoman, you can make any costume with your own hands, or you can buy it in a store. Before Halloween, all kinds of monster costumes go on sale, various masks and other attributes of the holiday. Who to become - an elegant Count Dracula, a funny imp or an evil monster depends on your imagination. If you decide to celebrate Halloween in a nightclub, then you don’t have to fool around with the Halloween scenario. In the nightclub everything is ready for the celebration of evil spirits.

How to Celebrate Halloween with Friends

If you want to celebrate the holiday with friends, here you and your friends need to think in advance about how you will spend Halloween. First you need to find a suitable room - this could be a vacant apartment or cottage. You need to prepare a script for the holiday (scenarios can be found on the Internet, or even better, come up with it yourself), decide on a theme, choose costumes, decorate the room in the style in which you dream of celebrating Halloween (if you want to become vampires on this night, then the attributes should also be pick up a vampire one). Prepare snacks, drinks, set the table, select appropriate music, find fun competitions and games, you can arrange fortune telling.

You can also celebrate Halloween in nature, ideally on a mountain, dressed up in costumes of witches and vampires, sorcerers and fairies by the light of a fire or torches, and have a disco under the night sky.

How to Celebrate Halloween at Home with Kids

If you want to please your children and give them another unforgettable holiday– celebrate Halloween. To do this, decorate your home or a separate room in which you plan to organize a Halloween-themed party. Hang painted pictures depicting evil fairy-tale characters on the walls, build a ghost out of a sheet, and vampires out of cardboard, draw and cut out black spiders, bats and attach them to the chandelier.

Be sure to make a pumpkin lamp with your children and tell them that the lamp is a talisman against evil spirits. Also tell the legend about a girl who got lost in the forest, and it was on this night when all the ghosts come to earth, but she knew that ghosts are afraid of light and lit a candle. However, evil forces sent a wind that extinguished the candle light, and the girl had a pumpkin with her and she made a lamp out of the pumpkin, carving out a terrible face and all the ghosts that came across the girl’s path ran away from fear.

The main colors of Halloween are black and orange. Cover the table with an orange tablecloth, put black napkins, place black dishes or black candles on the table, or vice versa. Prepare holiday treats - sweets, fruits, nuts, you can cook porridge directly in a pumpkin or casserole in the oven. Which menu to use for the holiday depends on your taste.

To make the children have fun, arrange funny Games, all kinds of competitions, for example: who will make the most beautiful postcard for Halloween or carve the scariest face on a jack-o'-lantern. Organize a viewing of cartoons about ghosts or watch a fairy tale together with evil characters- Baba Yaga, witch, Koshchei the immortal.

And most importantly, be sure to make or buy a fancy dress costume for your children, consult with your child in advance about the role of which supernatural creature he wants to play on this fabulous evening.

Halloween Costumes

Halloween costumes can be made with your own hands, you don’t have to sew anything, just buy a monster mask, or apply appropriate makeup on your face. Costumes are easy to find in stores and markets; they are readily sold before Halloween, or can be rented.

Vampire costume

Will help you create an elegant vampire look classic suit: black pants, White shirt, black or red vest. You can tie a red scarf, a butterfly or a lace frill around your neck, or you can hang a massive metal cross. A cloak can be made from black fabric, and the lining is made of red material. Do appropriate makeup and hairstyle.

Another option is black leather tight pants, a black leather vest, high boots and a cape in the shape of bat wings.

For a vampire costume, a long one is more suitable black dress with red inserts gothic style, or maybe a mini dress - black or red. A cape in the shape of bat wings will help you create a unique look, as well as long gloves, leather belt and high black or red boots. To complete the image of a vampire, you need to paint your lips with bright red lipstick, your nails with red or black varnish, mark your eyes with black arrows, apply dark shadows around the eyes, and make your face pale with light-colored powder.

Witch costume

To create the image of a witch you will need a dress that can be long or short, the color depends on your taste, high boots, if the dress is mini tights of any color or in a fishnet. You need a cape-cloak (can be made from any fabric) and a hat - a cap, which can be made from cardboard and painted with black or purple paint, or you can cover the cardboard with fabric on top, you can also stick foil stars or other images on the hat. If you wish, instead of a hat, wear a blue, silver or Green colour, and put the metal hoop on your head. Apply makeup that you think matches the image of a witch.

Devil costume

To become a devil you need horns and a tail, which you can make yourself or buy ready-made, you can sew them from red or black fabric, or you can cut them out of cardboard. It is also advisable to choose clothes in black and red colors.

Mummy costume

For the mummy costume you will need white clothes - a turtleneck, tights or trousers. Sew ribbons of white fabric onto clothes or wrap them with bandages. For a scary look, you can paint bleeding wounds with red paint.

Ghost costume

It's easy to make your own ghost costume. For this, an old white sheet is suitable in which you need to cut holes for the eyes and use a black felt-tip pen to draw eyeliner around the holes, you can also draw a mouth.

Freddy Krueger costume

To create the image of Freddy Krueger you will need a striped sweater, preferably red and black, black trousers, a hat, an old leather glove, the claws for the glove can be cut out of cardboard and painted with gray paint, or they can be made from wire and wrapped with tape and painted in the same way. A glove with claws can be purchased, as well as a mask. If there is no mask, apply makeup to your face.

Halloween is undoubtedly a fun holiday and how you celebrate it will depend on your imagination.
Happy Halloween and unforgettable memories!