
How to color deep-set eyes. Sunken eyes: what makeup should be for deep-set eyes. Selecting and applying shadows

How to color deep-set eyes.  Sunken eyes: what makeup should be for deep-set eyes.  Selecting and applying shadows

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Deep-set eyes are by no means the worst flaw in a woman’s appearance. Many people with similar features turn out to be no less attractive, and in some cases even the opposite. The art of makeup provides all sorts of options and exists not only to emphasize beauty, but also to correct certain “moments.” In order to do successful makeup, it is not at all necessary to turn to a professional. The desired effect can be achieved at home, which will only require some skill and patience.

Selection of cosmetics and shades of the makeup palette

The main rule when choosing shadows for deep-set eyes is to use three light tones, which can vary depending on the color of the iris and the type of appearance. Adding dark shades is not prohibited in principle, but caution is required here. The color range is quite rich - from beige, golden and light brown to light green, blue and lilac. The purpose of makeup - day or evening, wardrobe, desired image and, of course, facial features will help you choose the right palette. It is recommended to avoid bright pink shades, which make the look tired and painful.

Makeup for deep-set eyes depending on the color type of appearance: nuances

Representatives of the “winter” color type have very fair skin and dark brown or black hair. The best technique to use here is smoky makeup in neutral tones. For lips, you can use transparent gloss or rich lipstick; it is advisable not to apply blush.

The “spring” color type with its characteristic honey skin tone and warm blonde Gray, walnut, blue, light green and peach shades are suitable. In this case, you can use pastel colors, but it is better to give preference to mother-of-pearl, which perfectly “opens” the eyes. Apply gloss or lipstick in a pale coral or natural shade to the lips. For girls with delicate features, red lipstick may be suitable, but pink tones should be avoided, including in blush.

The “summer” color type differs from “spring” in the predominance of cold tones: gray or blue eyes, ash-blond hair. The base for makeup can be light brown or flesh shades. Smoky makeup requires “airy” light shadows, otherwise the look will be too heavy. It is necessary to focus on the lips, while eye makeup involves their correction to a greater extent.

The “autumn” color type is characterized by a bronze skin tone and red or red hair of various tones. To a similar appearance warm will do range of shadows, excluding the reddish undertone. A refined option would be khaki, caramel, pale green, and marsh. For lips you can use beige, brown, Orange color, for cheekbones - peach. For those with an autumn type, smoky eye makeup is not recommended.

Makeup for deep-set eyes step by step

In addition to the successful choice of palette shades, it is necessary to perform the makeup technically correctly. To do this, you should follow the recommendations developed by experts in the field of makeup.

  1. The first step of any makeup is applying a base using a soft brush, which evens out the eyelid, prolongs the durability of the shadows and enhances the color.
  2. Apply the main shade of eye shadow that directly enhances the eye. It can be beige, ivory, white mother-of-pearl and other delicate tones. Shadows are applied to all eyelids from the inner corner of the eye to the outer.
  3. Apply a second, more saturated shade from the center of the eyelid to the outer edge. In this case, the border between the two tones must be well shaded.
  4. Apply the darkest shade along the lash line. A light brush stroke is made from the middle of the upper eyelid to the outer corner of the eye. In the same way, a small amount of shadow is applied to the lower eyelid.
  5. Use a soft gray or brown pencil to highlight the outer part of the upper lash line and the outer corner of the eye. You should try to keep the lines as thin as possible. For daytime makeup, it is better to apply eyeliner under eye shadow, which will allow the eyes to have a more natural look. Only the outer corner can be highlighted on top of the shadows. The lower eyelid is drawn starting from the middle and smoothly connects to the upper line. It is not recommended to use liquid eyeliner for deep-set eyes.
  6. Dust your eyelashes with translucent powder to make them look fuller, and apply mascara. To make your eyes appear expressive and your eyelashes thick, it is better to use creamy black mascara. It is not advisable to paint the lower eyelashes excessively, but you cannot leave them completely unpainted, otherwise the makeup will look inharmonious.
  7. Use a pencil to adjust the shape of the eyebrows. It is not necessary to apply light shadows under the eyebrow, since for those with deep-set eyes, this part already stands out enough.
  8. Use special tweezers to bend the upper eyelashes towards the outer corner of the eye.
  9. Emphasize your lips with gloss or lipstick, depending on the color type of appearance and the palette of shadows used.

How to do daytime makeup for deep-set nude eyes

Natural, barely noticeable makeup makes the look of deep-set eyes more attractive and can be used for both daytime and evening - the only difference is its intensity. The selection of tones is carried out taking into account the color type of appearance and facial structure. For brunettes, matte nude or cream shadows are suitable, for blondes - light warm or cool shades, depending on the color of the eyes. However, this option is most suitable for brown-haired women, harmonizing with the overall color scheme and giving the eyes a unique charm.

Makeup for deep-set eyes in the “nude” style is done only after adjusting the tone of the face and the shape of the eyebrows. Brown or dark gray pencil The upper lash line from the middle of the eyelid to the outer corner of the eye is emphasized. In this case, the eyeliner should be level with the eyelashes, in no case higher. The lower eyelid can be very carefully highlighted using tiny black dots, which are placed with a hard brush at the base of each eyelash and between them.

Shadows of the base tone are applied to the upper eyelid, after which they are carefully shaded. The inner corners of the eyes are covered with a lighter shade of matte eyeshadow or pencil. The outer corner of the eye can be slightly darkened by using shadows a couple of shades deeper than the main shade. Mascara is applied in one layer only to the upper eyelashes, which must subsequently be combed. Lips are highlighted with transparent or tinted gloss; the use of blush and lipstick is excluded.

How to do evening makeup for deep-set smokey eyes

The peculiarity of evening smoky makeup for deep-set eyes is that it does not apply classic version with black shadows and does not line the lower eyelid. Makeup is preceded by evening out the complexion and powdering the upper eyelids. Next, the upper eyelash line is drawn using shadows or a cosmetic pencil, and in the outer corner the contour is raised towards the temples and thickened. The lower eyelashes are drawn barely noticeably from the middle of the eyelid, smoothly connecting with the upper line. The contour must be shaded, since “smoky” does not tolerate clearly defined boundaries.

It is advisable to select shadows from shades close to the color of the pencil, which will help create the effect of a smooth transition. The deepest tone is applied in a thick layer to the upper eyelid starting from the outer corner. At the same time, the contour of the eye socket is outlined and the arc of the eye socket is highlighted. Some makeup artists first apply an intermediate tone to the middle of the upper eyelid, then dark shade at the border of eyelash growth and under the fold, after which everything is thoroughly shaded. Deep-set eyes can also be lined after applying eye shadow. “Smoky Eyes” involves thick, brightly colored eyebrows, under which a small amount of light shadow is applied. This type of makeup involves the use of lipsticks, lip glosses in neutral tones and light blush.

Makeup for drooping eyelids

The technique is quite complex, since it is necessary to simultaneously hide the defect and make the look more expressive. Three shades of shadow are used, the lightest of which is applied to the upper eyelid and under the eyebrow. It should be noted that a surprisingly raised shape of a not too thick eyebrow will help to divert attention from the looming eyelid. The base of the eyebrow is highlighted, which can also be done above the outer tip.

A second, deeper tone is applied from the middle of the eyelid to the outer corner of the eye. The transition between shades is carefully shaded using a soft brush. The darkest layer of shadow is applied to the brow bone, gradually expanding towards the outer part of the eye. The same shade is applied to the lower eyelid, and when approaching the inner corner of the eye, the line is reduced to nothing. Again, everything is carefully shaded, after which arrows are drawn with a pencil, directed upward at a significant angle. The upper eyelashes are painted in several layers; on the lower eyelashes it is enough to apply mascara once. With this eye structure, it is necessary to emphasize the lips with bright lipstick or tinted gloss.

Selection of palette depending on eye color

An important nuance that should be taken into account when choosing shadows is the color of the iris, otherwise applying makeup, even if all the rules are followed, may not lead to the desired result. Eg, Brown eyes do not always go well with a silver shade:

It is quite difficult to match pale orange or yellowish to blue. Therefore, in order to avoid disappointments, you must be guided simple rule: For brown, amber and green eyes, most warm tones are suitable:

And cold ones go better with blue, gray, gray-green:

How to do makeup for deep-set brown eyes?

Shadows of light marsh, bronze, purple, peach or cream colors will look great on girls with deep-set brown eyes.

To perform makeup correctly, you need to use no more than three shades:
maximum, medium and low intensity, otherwise the image will seem overloaded. For daytime makeup, you need to choose a light base tone, for example, peach.

  • First, you need to draw a thin line along the upper eyelid using a cosmetic pencil or eyeliner. Brown, chocolate or rich gray shades are perfect for this.
  • Then, using a brush, you need to apply the base shadows. First you need to carefully cover the inner corners of the eyes, and then move up. In this case, the eyeliner or pencil will be almost invisible, and the look will soften.
  • Mascara will add brightness and expressiveness to your eyes, making eyelashes voluminous and thick. We paint only the upper eyelashes, and do not touch the lower ones. Alternatively, you can draw a thin line with dark shadows under the lower eyelashes, closer to the outer edge of the eyes. This kind of makeup will make a woman irresistible.

Makeup for deep-set green eyes: subtleties of implementation

Deep-set green eyes can be shaded with light shades of sand, beige, orange, lilac, chocolate or olive.

With swamp eye color, green shadows of a delicate shade will look very impressive. In this case, the eyelids look light, and the eyes are expressive and bright.

They look harmonious with this makeup smooth, narrow eyebrows. It is better to get rid of sharp kinks using tweezers. Massive eyebrows will seem to hang over the eyes, so you need to pluck them from below, thereby lifting them.

To make the eyes look wide open, add a small stroke under the outer edge of the eyebrow with contrasting shadows.

Cover the upper eyelid with shadows and lightly tint the lower eyelid. Then, with a pencil, you need to draw a smooth line from the middle of the moving eyelid to the outer edge. It needs to be carefully shaded. Eyelashes need to be curled with special curlers. The mascara used is thick and applied in two layers. This makeup will give green eyes radiance, and clarity and expressiveness to the eye.

Makeup for deep-set blue eyes: nuances

For the deep-set blue eyes best to choose shades of purple, peach, blue or lilac.

The eyes will not seem tired if you draw a thin line along the lower eyelid, where they adjoin the mucous membrane, using a pencil white. This will give your look vigor and freshness.

You need to choose three shades of shadows. The base tone is used to cover the upper eyelid, touching the inner corners of the eyes, and the growth line of the lower eyelashes. Then shadows of a sufficiently dark shade are used to draw a thin line above the upper eyelashes.

A smooth line is drawn on top of the shadows with eyeliner or pencil, from the middle of the eyelid to the outer edge of the eye. It should be very thin and neat. You can use a teaspoon as a ruler to draw an even line. You can make your eyes very small and even deeper if you outline them.

We paint the upper eyelashes dark brown mascara in two layers. Apply the first layer of mascara to all eyelashes and let it dry. Apply the second layer of paint so as to avoid eyelashes in the inner corners of the eyes, while placing all the emphasis on the outer corners of the eyes. Only in this case will the look look radiant.

The eyebrow line should suit your face type, be clear and properly formed. The tone of the pencil is selected in accordance with their natural color. The eyebrows are drawn along the contour and then combed with a special brush. Using a light tone, I draw a thin line along the contour above the eyebrow.

In order not to make your eyes smaller and deeper than they really are, you need to forget about dark and too saturated shades of shadows.

The tone, which is the base, is applied to the moving part of the eyelid, in the inner corners of the eyes and slightly along the growth line of the lower eyelashes. From the middle of the eyes to the outer corners, apply a thin strip of eye shadow of the darkest shade with a brush. In this case, the border must be carefully shaded. They also emphasize the outer corners of the eyes. This makeup will hide imperfections and your eyes will not look deep-set.

Chocolate, brown or dark gray eyeliner or a pencil should be replaced by the same black cosmetics. The line needs to be drawn quite thin. When applying daytime makeup, you need to draw it under the shadows. If the line is drawn on the shadows, then the arrows should be drawn from the middle of the eyelid to the outer edge of the eye. Only the upper eyelashes need to be coated with mascara; this makes the look quite open.

How to avoid mistakes when applying such makeup? Final tips

  1. Pink shades of eyeshadow should be avoided, otherwise the look will look sickly. But there are exceptions to this rule. There are women for whom this color suits very well; this can be determined through experiment.
  2. Too bright or dark shadows will make your eyes appear even deeper-set.
    If mascara is applied to the lower eyelashes, the eyes will take on a sad expression and the woman will look tired.
  3. Heavily painted eyebrows look vulgar, and the look will appear gloomy.
  4. If shadows are applied to the area under the eyebrows, this will only emphasize the flaw. Only a thin contrasting stroke at the outer edge of the eyebrows will highlight them.
  5. If you have wrinkles and defects, it is better to avoid pearlescent shadows; they will only emphasize them. In this case, it is better to use matte shadows.
  6. You need to give up eyeliner or a pencil of a rich black color. Their use will visually make the eyes even smaller and deeper set.
  7. Classic horizontal makeup, when light tones are used at the lash line, turning higher into dark ones, will further emphasize the deep setting of the eyes.
  8. Apply mascara to the inner corners of the eyes less intensely.

In the world of makeup, there are no laws that cannot be successfully broken. Each representative of the fair sex has unique facial features, which expands the boundaries for new experiments.

And in conclusion, a little secret.

When choosing makeup for deep-set eyes, it is important to take into account the features of the face, as well as the color and quality of decorative cosmetics. If you do not adhere to the basic rules, you can upset the proportions and lose your natural attractiveness.

Stylists and makeup artists share the secrets of creating a flawless look. Let's use them, but before that, let's find out which eyes are considered deep-set? Look at your profile. If the eyelid narrows towards the inner corner of the eye, then you are the owner of exactly this type. Also, the upper eyelid should look small and short due to the fact that the eyeball is located deep in the sockets. Therefore, it visually looks as if the eyebrow line hangs over the eyelids so that they become invisible.

Choosing an eyeshadow palette based on eye color

The eyes are considered the mirror of the soul. With just one glance, we can let another person understand our thoughts and make them fall in love with us, or, conversely, push them away. Therefore, it is very important to be able to correctly emphasize the dignity of the shade. Let's consider which eyeshadow palette is most suitable for deep-set eyes of different colors.

  • Girls with blue eyes Light pink and peach shades of eyeshadow are suitable.
  • For those with green eyes Makeup artists recommend paying attention to cosmetics in nude natural shades.
  • Light eyes need to be highlighted using bluish or purple shadows. Pearlescent texture combined with rich eyeliner is the ideal solution.
  • Blue and grey eyes harmonizes perfectly with blue, green, brown and even peach shades shadows

Please note that follow fashion trends when choosing shadows it is stupid and illogical. If a shade doesn't suit you, it will look awkward, even if it's on trend. The compatibility of eye color with decorative cosmetics plays a decisive role.

Advice! Apply pink and purple eyeshadow carefully. They can create the effect of sore eyes. Replace them with pastel-colored cosmetics.

Consider your color type

To hide the imperfections of deep-set eyes, it is not enough to choose the right eyeshadow color. You need to take into account your color type of appearance. Let's look at the main recommendations.

  • Girls with winter color type differ dark color hair (black or dark chestnut) and fair skin. In this case, the smokey eye technique in neutral shades is appropriate. It is better to avoid blush. But the lips can be highlighted with either rich, bright lipstick or transparent gloss.

  • Spring appearance characterized by honey-colored skin and light hair. Combine your natural features with shades of light grey, soft blue, soft peach, light green and fashionable walnut. Mother-of-pearl will help to visually enlarge your eyes. Enhance your lips with natural-colored makeup. If you have thin and graceful features, you can use red lipstick, but pink shades in makeup are taboo.
  • For girls summer color type Cold shades of hair and eyes predominate. Light pastel shadows are suitable for creating a smoky look. To make your face look expressive, focus on your lips.

  • For autumn type of appearance characterized by red and ginger shades of hair and bronze skin. Use a warm range of shadows without a reddish tint. Pale green, caramel, khaki and marsh are great. Highlight your cheekbones with peach blush, and brown, beige and orange tones are preferred for lips. In this case, stylists do not recommend the smokey eye technique.

As we can see, the color type of appearance plays a decisive role in the choice of decorative cosmetics. If the shades of makeup are harmoniously combined not only with each other, but also with the skin, you can create an incredible look.

Advice! When doing daytime makeup, you should not line your eyes with thick lines. It is enough to focus on the outer corner.

Makeup technique for deep-set eyes

So, we have decided which palette to choose to create flawless makeup for deep-set eyes. Now let's learn how to perform it technically correctly. We suggest you follow step by step instructions to avoid making ridiculous mistakes.

  • To prolong the durability of the shadows and enhance the color, you need to apply a base correction layer. Makeup is easy to apply and lasts a long time. Plus the surface of the skin is evened out.
  • Treat all eyelids with the main shade of eyeshadow, preferably gray or beige, which helps to visually enlarge the eyes. Direct the movements of the brush from the inner corner to the outer. Any soft tones are also suitable, for example, beige, pastel tones, ivory or mother-of-pearl.

  • From the center of the eyelid towards the outer corner, evenly distribute the dark shade. Make sure that all boundaries are carefully shaded, otherwise the makeup will look stupid and unnatural.
  • Apply the darkest shade along the upper lash line. To make it look harmonious, point the brush from the middle of the upper eyelid to the outer corner.
  • Line the outer upper lash line as well as the outer corner with a brown or gray pencil. Choose a soft rod and try to make as thin a line as possible. To make your eyes look natural during the day, apply eyeliner under your eye shadow. Select the outer corner from above. When processing the lower eyelid, draw a line from the middle so as to smoothly connect it with the upper line. Do not use liquid eyeliner. Makeup artists do not recommend using it for deep-set eyes.

  • To make your eyelashes look lush and thick, treat them with translucent powder before applying mascara. Buy black and creamy mascara. Don't overdo the lower lashes. Go over them with a brush no more than once.

  • Correct the shape of your eyebrows with a pencil. You don’t have to apply light shades of shadow under the eyebrow, since with a deep planting this area already stands out well.
  • Curl your upper eyelashes towards the outer corner to make them appear thick and natural.
  • When choosing gloss or lipstick, take into account the color type of appearance and the palette of shadows that you used.
  • Your flawless makeup ready.

A step-by-step description of the technique of applying makeup for deep-set eyes helps to correct their position the way professional makeup artists do it. If you do everything correctly, you will not need to visit expensive beauty salons.

Advice! Don't dye your lower lashes. Please pay attention more attention top row, closer to the outer corner of the eye.

Do you have drooping eyelids? We'll fix it

Deep-set eyes need correction. Drooping eyelids aggravate the situation so that the charm of the look disappears. Therefore, it is important to learn this technique. To hide imperfections, use eyeshadow three shades lighter. Apply the lightest shadow under the eyebrow and on the upper eyelid.

Please note that a not too thick raised eyebrow distracts from the looming eyelid. To the outer corner of the eye you need to apply a deeper shade of shadow, starting from the middle of the eyelid. Be sure to blend the color transitions with a soft brush. Place the darkest layer under the eyebrow so that it gradually widens at the outer part of the eye. Use this tone to also work on the bottom of the eyelid. Make sure that closer to the inner corner the line remains invisible. Then use a pencil to point the arrows upward at an angle of 30–40 degrees. Apply 2-3 layers of mascara to the upper lash line. It is enough to process the bottom one once.

Accentuate your seductive lips with gloss or bright lipstick, and your makeup will look amazing not only in photos, but also in real life.

Advice!Carefully shade all lines. Sharp transitions make the look rough and less attractive.

Daytime makeup lessons

Everyday makeup is somewhat different from evening makeup in that it should be discreet, but at the same time attractive. Let's learn how to apply daytime makeup step by step.

  • Thoroughly cleanse your skin with toner so that the shadows do not clump and are easy to blend.
  • Moisturize your skin and spread a thin layer of foundation over it. After this, lightly powder your face.
  • Pull the upper eyelid a little to the side and draw a neat beautiful arrow from one corner to another. To make your eyes more expressive, blend your eyeliner line.

It is impossible not to notice that day makeup for deep-set eyes it differs little from the evening one. Just replace the shadows of calm pastel shades with rich ones and add a little eyeliner.

Correcting narrow, deep-set eyes with makeup

For little ones and narrow eyes, which are also deeply set, make-up artists recommend doing makeup in the Chicago style. It will attract attention with its grace and beauty, and will hide flaws. Let's find out step by step how to make it yourself.

  • Apply light powder to the surface of the eyelid. On top of it, distribute the shadows of the main shade so that they protrude beyond the fold.
  • In the area of ​​the moving crease, from the outer to the inner corner of the eye, treat the eyelid with a medium shade of shadow. This way, the eyes will come forward a little and become more expressive.
  • Carefully blend the shadow from the inner corner to the middle of the eyelid.
  • Apply classic black mascara to your eyelashes.

This type of makeup is perfect for attending stylized parties. Choose the image of a girl from a prison tango, and you will definitely not be left without the attention of the opposite sex.

Advice! Apply just a few light strokes under the eyebrow. A thick layer of shadows will visually make the eyes even deeper, and this should be avoided.

Naturalness and lightness of nude makeup

In 2017 in fashion natural makeup, which emphasizes the dignity of the face. Pastel shades are suitable for this type of makeup the best way. By the way, they perfectly correct deep-set eyes. Let's consider lessons on applying cosmetics in natural shades:

  • Distribute pastel shades on the eyelids;
  • trace along the contour of the eyelashes with a gray or light brown pencil;
  • Apply a medium tone on top of the base layer of shadows, while slightly highlighting the inner and outer contours of the eyes;
  • carefully but gently blend all the boundaries of the transition of shadows;
  • Apply voluminous or curling mascara to your eyelashes.

As a result, you get a gentle natural makeup that masks facial imperfections, visually the setting of the eyes looks smaller, and the eyelids are better visible. Women's lightness and tenderness always attracts others.

Advice! Replace black eyeliner with chocolate, gray or light brown.

Smoky makeup for deep-set eyes

The classic version of the popular smokey eye makeup is not suitable for girls with this type of eye. However, you should not completely abandon makeup. If you use his application technique in combination with light shadows, you will get a superb natural look. Let's remember together how smoky makeup is done.

  • Using a light brown or gray pencil, draw a wide line in the hair growth area.
  • Using an angled brush, spread the pencil texture over the entire surface of the eyelid up to the crease.
  • Apply a light shade of eyeshadow, such as gray, onto the upper eyelid with a light tapping motion to secure the pencil line.
  • Apply pearlescent shadows to the inner corner of the eye, as well as the arch of the eyebrows. Apply texture using patting movements.
  • Using a regular eyeshadow brush, blend out all the edges using the silver color.

Many women have deep-set eyes. It’s easy to disguise such a flaw in appearance; it’s enough to do makeup correctly. Thanks to the proper application of cosmetics, you can visually widen your eyes, make them expressive, and give an openness to your gaze. Makeup for deep-set eyes involves the use of light shadows, and it is best to use pearlescent ones. The shape of the eyebrows and other features are also important.

Secrets of choosing and applying shadows

To do makeup correctly, you should choose shadows of 3-4 shades that combine well with each other. At the same time, dark solutions - black, charcoal or blue - are contraindicated.

IN in this case It is important to adhere to the rule of three tones. It consists in the fact that one shade should be light, the second should have medium saturation, and the third should have maximum saturation. To choose a color scheme, you should take into account the color type of your own appearance. The purpose of the makeup is of no small importance - whether it is evening or everyday.

So, in order to highlight your eyes, you should follow these steps:

  1. Cover the entire eyelid with the base product. In this case, it is recommended to move from the bottom up and from the corner in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose towards the outer part.
  2. Also carefully coat the inside and folds with the base product. An even lighter tone would be suitable for this purpose. Pearlescent shadows would be an excellent option, especially if the skin is in good condition. If there are wrinkles or other imperfections, it is still better to use matte textures.
  3. The moving area of ​​the eyelid from the middle towards the outer edge is treated with shadows of a rich shade. In this case, all transitions should be well shaded. This will allow you to get a more natural result.
  4. Highlight the outer area with shadows of the most saturated color. This product can also be used to accentuate the lash line. They should also highlight the lower eyelid.

Makeup for deep-set eyes - video

Secrets of applying eyeliner and mascara

To make your eyes more expressive, you need to carefully make a thin line near the very roots of the eyelashes. It should be directed from the inside of the eye to the outside, rising slightly towards the eyebrows.

To determine the sequence of applying cosmetics, you should remember the purpose of makeup:

Finally, it is recommended to apply mascara to your eyelashes. For those with deep-set eyes, it is better to use a thick product that has a creamy texture and helps add volume. This will make your eyelashes appear thicker and your eyes open.

As for the color scheme, the mascara should have a dark shade - black or brown. Colored options in this situation will look out of place.

To do makeup for eyes with drooping eyelids, you should not use shadows. Makeup artists advise carefully applying the contour using eyeliner or pencil. In such a situation, gray or brown options are perfect.

Features of eyebrow makeup

When implementing any make-up option, you need to pay attention to the eyebrows. This is especially important for deep-set eyes. In this case, it is necessary to choose the right eyebrow shape and provide them with quality care.

The choice of shades depending on the color type of appearance

Of course, the choice of colors has special meaning to perform harmonious makeup. Conventionally, all girls can be divided into several types: autumn, winter, spring, summer. However, in reality there are much more of these species, because there are also mixed varieties. In any case, there are key rules that must be followed when choosing shades:

Spectacular types of makeup

Whatever type of makeup you choose, before you begin, you must wash your face and degrease your skin. This will ensure the most even application of cosmetics. To make a beautiful daytime makeup, you should follow these steps:

If you want, you can bring the line all the way to the bridge of your nose. In this case, you will get a rich oriental makeup. This technique of applying cosmetics is great for round and slanted eyes. If you apply shadows bright color, you can get a rich evening look.

For those with narrow, deep-set eyes, Chicago-style makeup will suit you. To do this, it is recommended to do the following:

If you do make-up completely in light color scheme, you will be able to get a wedding or holiday composition.

Another spectacular and simple makeup which is easy to implement yourself is nude. In this case, a minimum number of shades is used. Most often, makeup artists use only beige and brown tones, which resemble skin tones without makeup. The technology for performing such makeup step by step:

This type of makeup is great for everyday look. You can also use it to create a delicate wedding composition. However, in this case it is still recommended to use glitter and pearlescent shadows.

Common Mistakes

Owners of deep-set eyes often make various mistakes that only aggravate this feature of their appearance. Common mistakes when doing makeup include the following.

Beauty standards have changed many times over the centuries. Each woman has a unique face with its own specific features, including such as widely spaced cheekbones, a long nose or thin lips. This also includes “deep” eyes. Many of their owners are dissatisfied with their appearance, and in vain: nowadays there is a large assortment decorative cosmetics, with the help of which deep-set eyes can become bottomless and the gaze bewitching. You just need to follow simple rules when applying makeup.

What is possible and what is not?

And the techniques for applying it are not an easy task, especially when it comes to deep-set eyes. To achieve success, you will have to try a considerable number of products for eyebrows, eyelashes, eyelids, determine which shades best suit the color of your pupils, find out which arrows will beautifully emphasize the shape of your eyes. All these actions require a lot of time and patience, but the result is worth it.

As already mentioned, every woman has a unique appearance. However, for those with deep-set eyes, when choosing suitable shades You should follow a few simple rules. * Light shadows are yours best friend. With their help, you can visually widen your eyes, increase the distance between them, and make your gaze open. Pastel shades will make your makeup look natural. * Use shadows with mother-of-pearl if they are appropriate in a particular situation. Glitter also helps make your eyes look bigger. * Choose three shades of eyeshadow - light, medium and rich. They can be combined depending on the application technique. Even the most Beautiful face can be ruined if you choose the wrong colors or apply them incorrectly decorative cosmetics or overdo it. What is contraindicated for owners of deep-set eyes? * Black or dark blue shadows, a thick arrow applied with black eyeliner - all this visually makes the eyes smaller. However, many girls with deep-set eyes are suitable for colors such as brown and dark gray. *Various shades of pink and purple should be used with caution. If you choose the wrong tone or overdo it with such shadows, the look can become painful. * Do not apply shadow to the area under the eyebrow or to the entire eyelid. * Makeup artists do not advise girls with “deep” eyes to apply eyeliner to the lower eyelid and highlight the lower eyelashes too intensely.

Makeup for deep-set eyes: application technique

Many Hollywood stars have “deep” eyes, but this does not prevent them from being real icons of beauty and style. Professional makeup artists work on their images, who know that the secret of attractiveness lies not only in the choice of suitable cosmetics, but also in... Not every girl can afford constant trips to a beauty salon to see a professional, but you can learn how to properly apply eye shadow, mascara, and eyeliner at home. Shadows Like other parts of the face, the eyelids require preparation before applying makeup. Most the best option– use a makeup base intended for the eyelids, but you can also use powder. As a base tone, you should take the lightest shades - white, cream, light pink. Light or pearlescent shadows must be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the upper eyelid. Dark colors should be used very carefully and in small quantities, for example to line the outer corner of the eye or the lower eyelid. Use a brush to create soft transitions between shades. Mascara and eyeliner The line created with eyeliner or eyeliner should be thin. Try to place it close to the lash line. Highlighting the outer corner of the eye will help to effectively highlight deep-set eyes and make them brighter. Before applying mascara, makeup artists advise preparing your eyelashes and using a special foundation, but you can do without it. The emphasis should be on the upper eyelashes, applying mascara to them in 1-2 layers. It is advisable to choose a product that gives extra volume to your eyelashes. Brows Even the most careful and thoughtful makeup may not bring the desired effect if it is not complemented by beautifully designed eyebrows. In most cases, owners of “deep” eyes are suitable thick eyebrows, but their shape is still worth experimenting with. A professional will help you figure out which eyebrow design will look most impressive; it’s better to contact him the first time, and then you can simply maintain the shape with correction.

Many owners of deep-set eyes are very unhappy with this, because they consider this fact a big drawback. However, there is no harm in this arrangement of the eyes, and any distressing nuances will be corrected high quality makeup. The main thing is to approach the matter seriously and creatively. Read this article for everything you need to know about makeup for deep-set eyes! Here you will find stunning photo examples for your collection. Go for it!

Makeup tips for deep-set eyes

Deep-set eyes are a fairly common appearance feature. Women who consider this trait a terrible flaw and envy the impeccable appearance of the stars do not even suspect that many of them also have deep-set eyes. It’s just that skillful makeup reliably hides it from the uninitiated.

The main task of a makeup artist performing makeup for a person whose eyes are deep-set is to visually smooth out this difference in depth, widen the eyes, give them expressiveness and openness to the look, raise the eyebrows, adjusting their shape if necessary. The main requirement for applying makeup in such a situation is to use light shadows so that the eyes do not “sink” even deeper. And shadows with mother-of-pearl will help make them more expressive.

Which eyes are considered deep set?

Deep-set eyes are those when, if you look at the face in profile, part of the eyelid can be seen at the outer corner of the eye, and it narrows towards the inner corner.

These eyes are located deep in the eye sockets and appear as if they are pressed into the eye sockets, causing the upper eyelid to appear short and small. At the same time, the strongly developed eyebrow arch seems to hang over the eyes and the eyelids are not visible.

How to properly paint deep-set eyes

  • Everyone's appearance is unique, and after learning the tricks of makeup, girls with deep-set eyes can look no less impressive than those with beautiful, large eyes and a standard eye placement.
  • Use only light shadows. Cosmetics in pastel shades are best suited. This increases the distance between the upper eyelid and the eyebrow, and the look becomes more open.
  • Shadows for deep-set eyes can be pearlescent. A girl with this type of eyes can add glitter.

What to avoid in makeup for deep-set eyes

  • Dark blue and black shades in makeup for deep-set eyes are contraindicated. It doesn’t matter whether you use eyeliner or pencil – gray and brown shades look softer and more delicate.
  • Owners of deep-set eyes should beware of purple or purple eyeshadow when wearing makeup. Pink colour– the look will seem tired and painful.
  • Do not line the lower eyelid with dark eyeliner and over-color the lower eyelashes.
  • Do not darken the movable fold of the upper eyelid.

Shadow application technique

So, we have already found out that the main shade of the shadows should be light (it is advisable to select the color in accordance with your color type). Before you start directly applying shadows, you need to wash your face and degrease your skin well to avoid uneven distribution of shadows. Apply moisturizer to your eyelids Foundation, blend well and sprinkle with powder (later this small preparatory stage will visually increase the volume of the eyelashes).

Now you can apply the base tone, the application area of ​​which extends to the upper and lower eyelids, the area under the eyebrows and the part of the bridge of the nose closest to the corner of the eye. Next, on the moving eyelid, starting from its middle to the outer corner of the eye, you should apply a shade slightly darker than the base one, carefully blending the border between the two types of shadows, the base one and the darker one. And the finishing touch is to apply shadows of the darkest shade in the selected color scheme. This shade can also be used to highlight the corner of the eye by drawing a thin line along the eyelashes.


Remember that even perfectly applied shadows will not give the expected effect if the eyebrows are unkempt and are not formed into a clear and correct line that suits your face type. Determine yourself correct form Not everyone can have eyebrows, so it’s better to entrust this important task to a professional, and then just maintain their shape.

You need to choose an eyebrow pencil based on their natural color, as a rule, these are hard pencils of brown, black and gray shades. First, you need to draw your eyebrows along the contour with a pencil, emphasizing their shape, and then carefully comb them with a special eyebrow brush.

Eyeliner and mascara

Despite the fact that dark colors are not recommended for deep-set eyes, and eyeliner is usually black, there is no need to abandon them. Just avoid those that are too dark or very bright colors. The eyeliner itself should be applied in a very thin line, clearly along the eyelash growth line.

When doing makeup for deep-set eyes for daylight hours (possible options can be viewed in the video), it is advisable to apply eyeliner under the shadows - this gives the look a softness and naturalness. You can apply eyeliner over shadows, but in this way only paint the outer corner of the eye, drawing small arrows. Applying eyeliner requires strict adherence to the above rules, otherwise, by visually adjusting the shape of the eyes, you can achieve the completely opposite effect - an overhanging eyelid.

You also need to approach the choice of mascara responsibly, because the final result of corrective makeup depends no less on it. It is better if it is a thick mascara designed to give extra volume to the eyelashes. Makeup artists advise curling your eyelashes first and only then applying mascara to them - thanks to this little trick, the eyelashes will rise a little, which will visually enlarge your eyes. In this case, you can completely ignore the eyelashes on the lower eyelid and apply mascara only to the eyelashes on the upper eyelid - thanks to this trick, the look will seem more open.

Finishing touches

Of course, you know that any makeup is not just about applying eye shadow - don’t forget about blush and lipstick. By the way, make-up artists advise girls with deep-set eyes to choose a lipstick of a bright, rich color. Like these ones simple rules will help you hide your shortcomings and even turn them into advantages. But do not forget that it is not only cosmetics that make a person beautiful - smile more often and the admiring glances of others are guaranteed to you.