
How to congratulate a girl on her 30th birthday in a cool way. Funny congratulations to a girl on defending her diploma

How to congratulate a girl on her 30th birthday in a cool way.  Funny congratulations to a girl on defending her diploma

"Heartfelt congratulations Happy 30th birthday"

Just thirty is not enough!
Thirty is already a lot!
You made the beginning
To business and life's paths!
But the main thing, my friend, is still
Waiting ahead. So be happy!
I know you can do anything in the world,
You know, I believe in your strength!

What is 30 years?
This is women's prime.
The mind is clear and the distance is bright,
And the soul is full of warmth.
Although sometimes there is anxiety in the eyes,
That so many days have passed,
You, dear, don’t be sad,
Believe that there is more to come.
Good luck light ahead
And so many clear years.
Let them give without difficulty
you next year
A gentle look, a cheerful laugh,
And good luck and success!

"Best congratulations Happy 30th birthday"

Thirty years is maturity for youth,
There are skills, knowledge, experience, style,
But your goals are still so passionate,
Be happy and take care of your youth!

You are young, you are only thirty.
The eyes are radiant and stunning.
But never return -
Not a year ago, not a day ago,
To kindergarten and school at this time
(You were a miracle! - they say...)
When everyone loved you
And adored in a row!
Thirty years is still a little bit:
A bright road awaits you in life!

"Happy birthday, happy anniversary to my husband for 30 years"

Thirty years are worthy of a toast -
The age of a true husband,
May you be ninety too,
And up to a hundred life was no worse,
So that your country well
There was a cognac fountain,
So that caviar grows on a branch,
Dollars were ripening in the garden,
To wait for you in the gazebo
Chocolate-colored maiden
So that fortune smiles,
So that your back doesn't bend,
So that everything you want
It worked for a two count.

We know that 30 is not so little,
But on the other hand, look -
Life hasn't tired you yet
And I still have no plans to grow old.
So let your beginnings
Only success and income will bring,
May all your wishes come true,
Let there be peace and comfort in the house!

"New 30th birthday greetings"

Your age is truly the best,
After all, thirty is just chic,
There is an ascent, there are no failures,
The moment is intoxicating with love and happiness!

Congratulations on your 30th birthday,
May luck always help you in business,
I wish you hope, love and goodness,
And may there be eternal spring in your heart!
I also wish you warmth in your soul,
Let your life be fabulous, like in a dream!
Let your heart be warmed with happiness,
Let eternal summer reign in fate!

There is a thirty-something - there is intelligence and experience,
And with them youth, enthusiasm,
The path of life is still very long,
Long talk with luck!

30 years seems like a long time!
It's just like three and zero.
And there is an opinion among the people,
That misfortune is a mole.
On your birthday we wish
A butterfly is a dream to catch.
Happy anniversary,
Let's hope you don't get bored!

Thirty is a glorious number
Anniversary too.
Three decades have passed
You live without bothering yourself.
Well, why should you bother?
I have experience and plenty of strength.
So it would continue: live and live,
And dance and run the show.
Ahead - years, years.
Life is a river at early dawn.
Time is swift water,
But suitable for swimming.
He who knows how, swims.
And I wish, by the way:
Let the flow carry you
Only where you want!

Old age has arrived!
After all, it’s already 30 years!
Remembering everything that happened
We send our friendly greetings!
Let's wish old age
Walked in silence
To sincere joy
I knocked on your house!
We wish you many grandchildren -
What a cunning devil isn't joking!
May your path be
Smooth as ice in winter!

April day is cloudless and warm,
The long-awaited spring is in full swing.
Here is a woman sitting by the window
And looks into the distance through pink glass.
Her face is thoughtful and stern.
She got out of bed just before dawn,
After all, she is exactly thirty years old today,
She thinks it's too much.
No, darling, don’t be sad,
Believe me, thirty is very little,
And you can even start all over again,
And the best, of course, is yet to come.
The stormy April water whispered to you: “Who is born in April,
He is softer in heart and kinder in soul.”
So be like spring, always:
Light, kind, beautiful, young,
And may the circle never thin out
Around you are your friends, girlfriends.

May this delightful date
Will give happiness, and goodness, and light.
May life be rich in miracles -
Will give you many wonderful, wonderful years!
May there be many achievements ahead,
And the road to life will be bright!

Let the pace of life be fast
The environment is comfortable,
Happiness, joy and luck
At 30 they sound like a chord!

There are many different anniversaries,
Well, this one is the best!
May you everywhere, always,
Success accompanies everything!
At thirty years old, in the prime of life,
Youth, beauty!
I wish you to be healthy
You were happy and loved!

Maria's 30th birthday.(the program is designed for 3 hours).

Meeting the hero of the occasion.

(planned in advance - agreement with guests).

Acting persons: 3 thieves, birthday girl, 3 girlfriends.

Thieves steal the birthday girl from her home (blindfolded, mouth taped, etc.), bring her to the cafe and put her in the car (made from a children's house - tent). The DJ turns on the "starting the engine" background. This creates the illusion of the car moving. Then a distant noise is heard, people talking and the DJ turns on the background “group Rukki-up “Ay-ay, girl.” The thieves pull the birthday girl out of the “car”, untie her hands, remove the blindfold and a dialogue occurs:
1 thief:"What's going on then!?"
2nd thief:"Where are we?"
1 thief:“Get on your feet, leave her here, she’ll get out on her own.”
(thieves run away)

Friends run up to the birthday girl.

1. Mash, where are you from in that outfit?
2. Where was it? We're all tired of waiting here already! What's at a flea market?
3. Let's go, we'll get you into a civilized state. Otherwise, your boyfriend is already tired of waiting, he’s fed up with questions!

(the girls take the birthday girl away and change clothes in accordance with the dress code of the evening).

(The birthday girl appears in the hall. The background is “the sound of a stopped DJ record”)

Leading: Hey! People, look around
Everyone's eyes were raised up
The birthday girl has arrived.
It's time to applaud.
Masha is a super person
We send her a big hello
Everyone's been waiting for you
It's time for everyone to sit down at the table.

(the birthday girl invites guests to the table)

1 table.

Leading: Respect everyone, or rather good evening
We were all waiting for this meeting.
We have a compelling reason, one that has long been familiar to all our guests.
I’m revealing a secret, our Maria is N-ten years old
I don't give numbers
The woman's age is hidden
Our Masha is good
Both figure and soul
We fill all the glasses
And we drink to Masha.

Toast: for the birthday girl.

Leading: Mash, so that we can start celebrating your birth in full force. You need to be prepared for this, namely, you need to read a prayer so that everything goes smoothly for us. Are you ready? (the birthday girl answers)
(the birthday girl reads a prayer)

Women's prayer before the anniversary:
“Lord, help me not to get drunk! wake up in YOUR bed in the morning. Help us not to lose our super-girl image! Don't hit the faces of guests! And don’t sit with your butt in the salad! Don't lose things (including yourself)! Help me not text anyone drunk at 2 a.m.! Don't call! And most importantly, do not confess your love to anyone! in any case, no more than 2 times! Help me come home with two, not four! And if I do something, Lord, erase my memory forever and ever! Amen.
Toast: for fulfilling wishes.

(guests drink. 5-minute feast)


There is no need to be modest today -
Respond in the hall Aries!

Well done and tomboys,
Where do our Taurus sit?

Where are the brave guys?
Gemini is the fastest!

The zodiac has many signs,
Now I want to see Cancers!

You will respond together,
Kings of animals, handsome Lions!

Let's all look right, left,
Where is Virgo's anniversary?

Lift up your noses
And show yourself to us, Libra!

Queue according to all laws
Get up and drink Scorpios!

All the signs here are great,
The luckiest of all are Sagittarius.

Don't be strict with the leader
And respond, Capricorns!

Let them raise their glasses soon
Feel free to Aquarius!

May the hero of the day smile
Gifted by affectionate Fishes!

Toast: for getting acquainted.

Today at the anniversary there is the closest and dearest person for the birthday girl - her mother! Dear guests! Let's greet ______________ with loud, friendly applause. After all, she is also a birthday girl today!
On September 11, 1983, angels descended from heaven and a great miracle happened: a charming baby was born, the first-born in the family, a girl - Masha!

Dear (Mother's name)!
Do you remember the day when you brought Masha from the hospital?
What was she like?
How do you see her now?

(Congratulations from mom).

Well, now, friends, the moment has come
Fill a glass for your parents!
Glory, praise and honor to the parents!
I know people will agree with me,
Why should we raise a toast to our parents?
I wish my mother health and happiness!

(guests drink. 5-minute feast)

Leading: At our table is Native sister our birthday girl! You grew up in the same family, two girls. Two closest friends. Surely you trusted each other with your most hidden secrets, shared secrets. Inna, maybe remember the most memorable, most unforgettable moment of childhood.

(congratulations from sister)
(guests drink. 5-minute feast)

Leading: Dear friends! There is such a good tradition of lighting a candle on all birthday holidays, since fire is a symbol of life, warmth, comfort, beauty and goodness. I suggest you, Maria, also light a candle in honor of such a significant event - your birthday. (a gift from the host of the holiday - a candle for the birthday girl)
May the flame of this light never go out, giving light and warmth to your loved ones, and may only your most beloved and dearest people gather for this light, just like today.

Toast: For the warm light emanating from the anniversary candle.

Leading: We have one boss here
Very important gentleman
His heart burns with love
And everyone knows about it
Well, I give my word to Maria’s husband.
I expect a creative toast from him.

(congratulations to husband Alexander)

Game “Goldfish”.
Leading: Friends! Each of us at least once in our lives dreamed of catching a goldfish so that it would fulfill three cherished wishes. And now I offer you this unique opportunity. (The presenter goes around the guests with a bag containing fish cut out of cardboard.) One of them is gold, and offers to choose any of them without looking into the bag. The owner of the “goldfish” has the right to voice his three wishes and choose them from the cards offered by the presenter. But, before that, he names any “performer” among the guests.)

Examples of wishes:

I want a toast to be made now in honor of the birthday girl, in which the three words “anniversary” would appear.
I want any item on the table to be presented to the birthday person as a memorable gift with meaning.
I want your neighbors on the right and left to recite a children's poem in chorus.
I want you to embrace the birthday girl in your arms, and then jump on one leg to your place.
I want you to sing the tune of a familiar song to the guests, and they guess its name.

(Rewarding the “fulfillers” of desires.)

Leading: Every little girl's dream is a magical trip. And I think Maria is no exception. Do you, dear guests, like to travel? (Guests answer) Now we will test your geographical knowledge...

Contest: Dance cruise.
1.Where is the Eiffel Tower? France.
2. In which country did the very first “DISNEYLAND” open? America.
3.Which country has the saltiest sea? Israel.
4.Where do the hottest horsemen live? Caucasus.
Those who gave the correct answers go to the dance floor.
Traveling alone is boring, so I suggest each of you find a couple. And here we have four Couples.
Friends, before you are traveling artists!!! They drove through different countries, and why, they will now show us IN DANCE!!!
From your faces I already understand that you want to start dancing. And I invite all guests to the dance floor

Dance block No. 1.

Leading: Oh nostalgia, in our memories we always return to our favorite events and places. So, dear guests, I want to invite you all to one of the most popular talk shows “guess the melody”. Your task is to guess the composition - a flip. The guest who gives the most correct answers will receive a super prize from the birthday girl (tape “musical special”)
Melodies: Roxette, Natalie - the wind was blowing from the sea, Shark - acid DJ, Doctor Alban - about life, disco accident - eggs, paints - don't touch me, hands up - I'm 18 already.

Leading: Today is an evening of surprises and miracles. And one very important person from the European stage came to our holiday. To your thunderous applause. Meet the group E-TYPE. (parody performance 1)

Leading: Unforgettable impressions from the performances of European stars. And the question immediately arises: Are we worse? Well, of course not! And we can verify this by going to the center of the hall.

Dance block No. 2.

Contest. The biggest bubble.
Contest: Fun rubber band.

Performance – parody group “Combination”

3 table.

Let the glasses be whole,
Let the mood soar
Let the music sound like fanfares,
And may success await Maria!

Toast: for our charming birthday girl.

(guests drink. 5-minute feast)

We've all been sitting with our hands folded for a long time,
And it’s like we’re all dying from boredom,
I want to stir you up
We will be holding a competition!

“According to the majority of people born and lived in the USSR, our country was ahead of the rest in such areas as space, ballet, sports and the army. This means that we, born in the USSR, are very well versed in these areas. Shall we check?

Game "Soviet Space: Discoverers".
It is better to choose men to participate. Eyeliner: “Do you want to feel like Soviet cosmonauts? Your task is to discover a new planet, plant the Soviet flag on it and populate it with Soviet people. But time is strictly limited. The astronaut who populates the most people will win.”
Participants are given air balloons(not inflated), thread and markers. The task for each player: inflate the balloon as quickly as possible, tie it with a thread, draw a hammer and sickle on the balloon with a marker, put your initials, and then finish drawing as many simple figures as possible, schematically depicting a person. There is not much time given at all: 5 minutes maximum. At the end, the presenter counts the number of “people” on each “planet”. Whoever has more receives the title “Honorary Gagarinets”.

Toast: for the discoverers and their discoveries.

Leading: As I already said, in addition to space, our country was the very first in sports. Everyone knows the achievements of our figure skaters, gymnasts, etc. Now is the time to remember the past.

Game "Soviet sport: sprinters".
Summary: “You will have to cover a short distance as quickly as possible. Before you begin, remember the Soviet slogan that all world records should be ours. Don’t let your Motherland down – the most sporting nation!”
Number of participants (both men and women can play) limited only by the amount of inventory. Equipment for one participant: a beer bottle with a long ribbon or rope tied to one end. Length – the longer the better (maybe five meters or more).
Participants stand on one line, holding bottles in their hands. The presenter and his assistant stretch the ribbons, fixed at one end to the bottles, along the room to the opposite end (forming a kind of treadmill for each participant). At the “Start” command, participants begin to wind the tape onto the bottle. Whoever does it faster wins, receiving the title “Soviet record holder”.

Leading: What kind of holiday is there without dancing?
Probably there are simply no such people,
Let's make it blush
So that the light comes on in your eyes!
And so that Masha’s birthday
Everyone will remember it for many years!

Dance block No. 3.

Contest: Rubik's Cube.

The performance is a parody of Alla Pugacheva.


Guests form 2 circles (small and large) around the birthday girl.

Leading: Let your life be bright,
May your life be wonderful
Let there be a lot of warmth in her,
And let love rule in her!
Let your husband be your king
And you will be his queen,
So that everything is as you want,
So that all your wishes come true,
So that all your cherished dreams,
We were looking for excuses in life!

We do not say goodbye to you, dear guests, but simply say “until we meet again!”

Background sounds: remix of the crocodile Gena’s song “Let them run clumsily”

May you be thirty years old today,
But three dozen is extremely little!
Live a fun life, no problems, no troubles,
And so that you don’t feel it for years!
Stay beautiful as you are now
Be loved, healthy and rich!
Catch the attention of admiring eyes,
Any men - single and married!

Date 30 - caught up...
I didn't want to, but I waited.
Even though it's small,
But it's important for sure.

Youth, youth - and now
Suddenly respectability - a raid,
New status, the style is different,
Thirty years - and the demand is different!

And throw away your worries!
These are just feelings.
Everything will remain as it is
This is the truth, not flattery.

Look at yourself in the dressing table:
You are still quite young!
Look into your soul too,
You're quite a girl there!

No longer a girl, not yet an old woman,
You, my golden one, are 30 years old
And such an age, dear friend,
Just for achievements and big victories.
I wish you success in your career,
I’ll also add success in love here.
I also wish you hope and faith,
Live your life happily and joyfully!

Beloved and desired - you are 30 today -
My wife and mother of my children.
Let me bow low
Have a wonderful anniversary to you.
I bow to you for being beautiful
I bow to you for being smart
Because this miracle happened -
And among everyone you chose me.

At thirty, we wish you a lot
Wonderful plans and dashing victories!
Let the road be easy!
Let there be no more evil and troubles in life!

May your hopes be fulfilled on this anniversary,
May all your tender dreams come true!
May everything be more beautiful than before
May you become the best in the world!

And may the Lord help you in everything,
Let him guide you with his hand!
Let him be able to guide you everywhere
And may it give peace to the soul!

You are thirty today - you are beautiful,
Fresh as a rose, experienced, smart,
Your clear gaze is mysterious and bright...
You were brought into our world for a reason!

So let your angel help you,
And protects from various misfortunes!
Let your heart go away your love is burning,
Well, the soul sings with joy!

What is 30 years?
This is women's prime.
The mind is clear and the distance is bright,
And the soul is full of warmth.
Although sometimes there is anxiety in the eyes,
That so many days have passed,
You, dear, don’t be sad,
Believe that there is more to come.
Good luck light ahead
And so many clear years.
Let them give without difficulty
you next year
A gentle look, a cheerful laugh,
And good luck and success.

30 years is a great age,
The most vital flowering!
We simply wish you
Fantastic victories!

To be caressed by fate
And it’s easy and beautiful to live.
Let go of sadness with longing,
Only giving joy to the heart!

What does a woman need to be happy?
So that everyone in the family lives together,
So that her children don’t get sick,
So that mom and dad don't grow old,
So that my husband always meets me from work,
And so that you can go home willingly.
So let it be, dear, at thirty,
What is said above will come true!

My beloved, happy birthday,
I wish you strength and inspiration.
Let the fire of passions burn within you,
May you be filled with a world of sweets.
Burn for me, for friends and loved ones,
Never stoop low to anything.
Hold your nose up, smile wider,
After all, you are the only one in this world.

You are beautiful, darling
Like a rose at dawn.
I congratulate you today
Happy anniversary, like everyone else.

After all, today you are thirty,
You've gotten older, grown up.
Let the champagne sparkle
Pour it into a glass.

I only wish you joy
And also great love -
Let them be without edge.
Live brightly and cheerfully!

Happy 30th birthday greetings to a girl

You bloomed like a May rose
In drops of fresh morning dew.
30 years is the age of maturity,
Women's wisdom and beauty.
30 years - this sweet fairy tale,
What drives men so crazy.
At 30 you are especially beautiful
At 30 you are still young!
Let the glasses sparkle with champagne,
Let the ballads sound until the morning,
Stay as beautiful as you are.
Happiness, light, smiles, kindness...

My beloved beauty,
Congratulations on your 30th birthday!
Heartfelt warmth
And I wish you happiness now!

And millions of beautiful roses
From now on your whole life will be surrounded by
And the most important question in life
May success and luck always decide!

30 is a wonderful age for a woman.
Your beauty is dangerous for a man
You have good life experience,
You know a lot and can do a lot,
You are responsible for your own actions,
You already understand what you want from life.
I saw you and immediately disappeared.
After all, you are my happiness, you are my ideal!

The anniversary took you by surprise.
Only this day is not bad at all,
It’s okay that you’re 30 today.
Today we will sit together,
And we'll pour some wine into your glass,
Let love chirp to us like a bird.
We will store up happiness with you for future use,
We will unravel the lesson of fate,
Congratulations, there will be a lot of gifts!
It's good to sit alone with you
On this holiday given to us by fate,
Very fragile, as if made of porcelain.
I will read your congratulations out loud,
And we won’t be able to open our hands,
What will fate leave us as a legacy?
And there will be no sadness and longing,
We will defy all doubts
Joyful and happy, like in childhood.

The years go by, but you keep getting better!
I believe: in life you will manage to do everything!
And today we are again and again
Let's congratulate you on your thirtieth birthday!

To wish you great success!
May all earthly milestones be a joy!
So that you have enough money to live luxuriously!
So that everything in business is elementary!

May you be incredibly proud of yourself!
May you be both modest and exemplary!
So that there are many chances, more passion!
Let everything be in your power alone!

Today is your holiday -
Exactly thirty! Anniversary!
Expect congratulations today,
And gifts from guests!

Wait for big bouquets of flowers,
Wait for phone calls
Many people wish
To be with you this day!

I wish you happiness
Life is difficult without him,
And, of course, success,
And everything to you, everything!

You're thirty today, but it doesn't matter,
You always become more beautiful every year.
You bloom in the rays like a rose and give love to everyone.
And the frosts are not scary - you will warm you with warmth.

Beautiful and brave - let it always be so.
You are dexterous, skillful - and this is forever.
You will always be the first to step forward towards your dream.
And you’re probably not afraid of all the bad weather.

Let the sea of ​​happiness and joy cover your head,
Your family will surround you with care and kindness.
Let the children listen to you, and let your husband adore you,
May he always hold your hand on the street!

I've known for a long time now:
You are the best sister in the world!
Be happy, my dear,
May life be kind to you!
Let him give the stars happiness,
Beautiful flowers of love,
And your cheerful, bright holiday
Will fulfill all your dreams!

Congratulations on the round date,
I love you, dear.
And already slightly succumbing,
I hug you tenderly.

Be always blooming, tender,
With a bright light look!
I am both during the day and in pitch darkness,
I'll always be there!

Happy 30th birthday greetings to a girl

Thirty years is a golden time,
Best age for a woman it’s a fact
Beautiful and smart and very young,
And any business is resolved in the hands!
I wish you happiness and health,
And boundless love, so that there is fire in the blood,
Happy Anniversary from the bottom of my heart, from the bottom of my heart, congratulations,
Have fun and joyfully, live to be a hundred years old!

You are thirty years old today,
But this age is only formal.
There is no better you, beauty,
Your image is simply perfect.

I wish you on your anniversary,
Darling, good luck and happiness.
Make your dreams come true as soon as possible,
So that misfortunes pass by.

30 years is a great start
For important accomplishments and ideas!
30 means a lot has been done,
This means the path is open to your dream!
Let your plans come true,
Every day will be warmed with happiness,
To enjoy a bright life,
Feeling the sweet taste of victory!

Sweet aroma of bouquets,
Bright cards of wishes,
And elegant boxes of secrets
They will bring a wave of warm recognition.
Divine manicure on fingers
A snow-white smile from under a strand,
It’s hard to take your eyes off the blush,
Everyone on this day is ready to do anything for you.
Don't be shy to be yourself, liberated,
Thirty years both paint and promise you
To continue to be young and in love,
So fly through life like angels soar!

A beautiful girl turns 30 today -
This is an excellent reason to generously congratulate.
We wish you happiness on this special day,
Never cry or be discouraged.

30 is experience, wise and reasonable,
30 is the mind, which is far from feelings.
Let the youth of madness pass,
But thus the sorrows of separation passed.

May there be advancements in your career,
Let happiness and prosperity shine like the sun.
Every moment of life sparkles like a rainbow,
And there will be no reason to turn back.

At thirty, a woman knows what she wants,
She blossoms like a rose.
This age only prophesies happiness
And love and spring are in full swing.

We wish you, dear,
May your dreams come true,
Well, whatever you want today,
Be beautiful and happy!

Bloom like a tea rose!
At thirty, a woman is like a flower.
May all your dreams come true,
Your breath of life will be sweet.

Visit all the warm countries,
You talk about them with delight...
Chat about everything with the ocean...
And, of course, fly to Paris.

Bouquet of smiles, positivity
We bring you our congratulations,
Always be so gentle, sweet,
We wish you a happy birthday!
Stay healthy, be beautiful,
And let life be interesting,
And 30 years is your wealth,
You only become more wonderful
May the anniversary fulfill your dreams,
Will give strength, prosperity,
Live a fun life full
She will make all your wishes come true!

Let a miracle happen to you today,
Your anniversary is today, exactly thirty!
To you, beautiful, the best in the world,
Let the stars shine, let the sun smile wider.
Kind, smart and so beautiful by nature,
May the years have no power over you,
May there be achievements in your career,
Let there be happiness in life! Happy Birthday!

» Funny short congratulations on the girl's 30th birthday

Happy 30th birthday greetings to a girl (funny short)

Thirty is the first serious milestone,
Many new victories are ahead.
May fate smile on you
Boldly explore the expanse of life! I wish you thirty years
Daring aspirations and passionate accomplishments,
And let the rays of fortune shine brightly
Leads you to a land of beautiful wonders! Congratulations on turning 30 today! And this means that you are in full bloom, and your life is in full swing! Enjoy it! Happy birthday! The best age is thirty years old,
There is strength and experience is attached.
Let the house be warmed with love,
And good friends meet! It's your birthday! The best age
Quite worthy - thirty years!
Whatever you expect from life, you will get it -
Success, joy, victories! You're thirty and that's great! Only part of the plan has been completed and comprehensive horizons of possibilities are open ahead. Take advantage of them all! From the age of thirty, life will be kind to you!
On my birthday I want to say from the bottom of my heart,
That you can have millions of money
And deeds will be within your reach! 30 years under your belt - not much!
This is just the beginning of the road!
Congratulations! Let from optimism
Charisma is charged with happiness! I wish you at 30
Happy to win a ticket,
To say goodbye forever with anxiety,
Meet your dream in life! 30 years is youth, maturity,
We are already doing as we wanted!
I wish only faith in my strength,
To overcome all barriers! Salad with unusual ingredients
Prepare for yourself for thirty years:
Mix the most fantastic desires,
Spice it up with health and add love! Not just your birthday,
And the anniversary, albeit small,
After all, 30 years is the time to blossom,
It's spring in the soul, and summer in life!
I want to congratulate you lovingly,
I send wishes for you:
Warmth, kindness, smiles, laughter,
Enthusiasm, joy, success! I wish you a little more calm moments of light thoughtfulness amid the seething stream of events. Turning 30 is a milestone! This is the beginning of unknown discoveries, self-discovery and understanding, enjoy it. Let it come true in fate
Everything you dream about.
Congratulations on the anniversary,
Joyful 30. Congratulations on your anniversary,
Luck at 30
Let him become a fellow traveler
On the road to happiness. Congratulations on the anniversary,
30 years is not a long time at all,
It's just a change
Tomorrow a new lesson awaits. 30 years is a wonderful age,
I congratulate you.
May they be close throughout life
Only true friends. Happy thirtieth birthday to you!
May your affairs go well.
Harmony reigns in everything,
And God bless you! 30 years - anniversary,
Round three tens,
Let it triple
Life is your wealth. I greet you
The club is over 30.
Everything you dream about
Let it happen again. Congratulations on your thirtieth birthday from the bottom of our hearts,
Let the secret be fulfilled sooner,
Enjoy life, be happy, breathe,
And let all the people around you smile! Happy anniversary!
I wish you the best.
You are already 30 years old.
May you be lucky in your destiny.
Farta, money and goodness
I wish for you. Happy anniversary! 30 years.
Let there be no troubles in life.
Happiness, money and success,
Fewer life mistakes
I wish for you.
May you always be lucky. Congratulations on your anniversary
Let it happen in life
Happiness, tenderness and love
At the fabulous thirty. Life is amazing at thirty years old

I wish you victory in everything
And congratulations on your bright anniversary! Congratulations on your anniversary,
And we don’t regret smiles,
After all, you are thirty today -
There is a reason to have fun.
Sing, dance, don't be sad,
Walk in step with joy! Anniversary thirty
Filled with joy
I wish that fate
Fulfilled all my dreams. Your anniversary is a happy date,
And there is no need to doubt it,
And may fate smile on you,
All long, happy years. I want to wish you on your anniversary,
May life be even more fun
May fate give you many years to come,
And love and kindness live in the heart. May your anniversary be with friends
It will lift your spirits.
Don't regret the past at thirty
Good luck, happiness, happy birthday! Three dozen anniversary
Write it down in your personal experience,
May fate support you
Happiness in life and courage.

Short congratulations on the 30th anniversary - to a girl, a man

You are 30 years old today,
Congratulations on the date.
Let life be for friends
Devotees are rich.

30 years is a wonderful age,
I congratulate you.
May they be close throughout life
Only true friends.

Happy 30th birthday. May life be clear, sunny and warm, may you be lucky in everything you do, may fate give you great happiness and true love.

Let it come true in fate
Everything you dream about.
Congratulations on the anniversary,
Happy 30.

At 30 years anniversary
Happily, open the door soon,
Let it come into your home
To stay in it forever.

What you have in mind, let it be in fate
To be embodied brightly.
Congratulations on the anniversary,
It's already 30.

Happiness, health, faith, love,
Good luck, be brave, friends on the way
Let fate help you in everything,
We wish you with all our hearts when you turn 30.

On your anniversary - thirty years
Make yourself a holy vow
That you should prosper
Never lose heart.

Life is amazing at thirty years old
Her maturity has its own charm,
I wish you victory in everything
And congratulations on your bright anniversary!

Happy thirtieth birthday to you!
May your affairs go well.
Harmony reigns in everything,
And God bless you!

I greet you
The club is over 30.
Everything you dream about
Let it happen again.

Congratulations on turning thirty,
Let your star shine.
I wish you wind
Definitely set sail.

Congratulations on your 30th anniversary,
We would like to celebrate our centenary,
So that life is full of goodness,
Joy, peace, happiness, warmth.

Congratulations on the anniversary,
30 years is not a long time at all,
It's just a change
Tomorrow a new lesson awaits.

Congratulations on your anniversary,
30 years is the time of luck,
Let it be remembered for a long time
The best birthday ever!

Congratulations on your 30th anniversary,
Please accept our wishes as soon as possible,
Be cheerful, healthy, happy,
Always successful, cheerful, full of strength,
So that your wealth increases,
And any wish was immediately fulfilled.

Happy anniversary, happy anniversary!
At thirty, live more boldly,
Enjoy life, take risks,
Savor the taste of your victories!

May your anniversary - thirty years -
You will be warmed by the warmth of your friends.
May your life be filled with love
And he will fulfill all his wishes!

Happy anniversary, you are 30 today,
The holiday is eagerly knocking on your door.
With it comes success, love and joy.
Let your dreams come true!

Congratulations on your anniversary
Let it happen in life
Happiness, tenderness and love
At the fabulous thirty.

Three dozen anniversary
Write it down in your personal experience,
May fate support you
Happiness in life and courage.

SMS congratulations on a woman’s 30th birthday

At 10 years old you were just a sprout,
At 20, you were a bud.
At the age of 30 she blossomed like a flower,
It blossomed with unearthly beauty.
I wish you a long, long time
Do not fade, but only bloom.
And friends, and good luck, and happiness
To gain a lot in your life.

4 SMS - 232 characters

30 years is a wonderful anniversary.
The best age, without a doubt.
We wish you bright days,
In life only vivid impressions.
Happiness without boundaries, mutual love,
Live without sorrows and worries,
Time to devote to yourself, your loved one,
Get younger every year.

4 SMS - 247 characters

Thirty years is the beginning of life,
Only success lies ahead.
You are smart, slim, beautiful,
You will outshine everyone with your beauty.
We wish you on your anniversary
Develop and grow
Always strive for the best
And go with a smile!

3 SMS - 197 characters

Some thirty
For a woman - laughter!
I dream of erotica,
The fur is bristling,
Full lighter
Shines in the dark
The mermaid is bored
In the green bushes,
And the cat strives
Break free from chains.
For a woman thirty -
Funny anniversary!

4 SMS - 217 characters

What, lady, have you waited for the day?
As sad as it is, the anniversary...
You're thirty today, period.
At least pour some vodka into the fire.
Yes, twenty-nine was paradise
Almost like youth and now -
Thirty years old, congratulations!
The thirty-first year is looming!

4 SMS - 233 characters

On your anniversary, on your birthday,
Please accept simple congratulations!
At just thirty years old,
We wish that she does not know troubles.
To grow younger and bloom,
She was always friendly.
And so that with its beauty,
You deprived men of peace.

4 SMS - 217 characters

I wish you in these thirty
Glow brightly with joy,
Let the soul sing with happiness,
After all, you are as beautiful as a rose!
At home, family and at work
Do not know sadness and care,
May all your dreams come true,
After all, you deserve it!

4 SMS - 210 characters

Congratulations to a magnificent woman on her 30th birthday and with all my heart I want to wish 30 happy events and the fulfillment of 30 cherished desires, 30 funny stories and 30 great journeys, 30 grand ideas and 30 greatest victories for this year of a happy life.

4 SMS - 248 characters

Happy 30th birthday to an inimitable and wonderful woman. I want to wish you great victories and eternal beauty, wonderful mood and luxury of life, exquisite taste and sincere love, bright hope and incredible happiness.

4 SMS - 222 characters

I sincerely congratulate a wonderful woman on her 30th birthday. I wish you a bright and colorful streak in life, a wonderful mood and high aspirations, undoubted good luck and beautiful ideas, loud victories and the most sincere love.

Happy Anniversary Congratulations to a Woman for 30 Years

You deserve a million roses
Enjoy the breeze of the oceans
Dedications of poetry and prose,
Volcanoes could be named after you.

But I am unable to carry out this plan -
Our powers are lacking.
We can only give you a talisman,
To protect both day and night

Your filigree nature,
And come to your thirtieth birthday,
For the blues, give you a potion -
These creative poems!

I tried for a long time, I chose the words,
Congratulations on your thirtieth birthday
I dreamed of you somehow creatively,
So that you remember until the century.

But I couldn't think of anything better
How to confess love in rhymes.
After all, I don’t need anyone in the world,
I love only you. C'est la vie!

Although it is accepted for coquettes
Carefully hide your age,
You don't fit at thirty years old
Keep this a secret.

Beautiful, like you're from the cover
Waking up, I slowly went down,
Like an independent cat
Like a bright moon at midnight.

Let men admire
But there will only be one nearby -
Your most faithful and beloved,
The fulfiller of wishes is the genie!

I would like to wish you life
Bright, rich, colorful.
So that you can make your own schedule
Firmly, confidently, festively.

Let your dreams get in line
For implementation in reality.
Dreams often come true at thirty
Dreamy childhood!

Cool congratulations on your 30th anniversary

Oh, my God, you're already thirty -
Serious, important anniversary!
There is a reason to get completely drunk
In a circle of trusted friends.
I wish madly
Chase your daring dream.
Let the soul, as well as the body
They bathe in love big.
Lady Luck will help
Live with an eternally fat wallet.
And so that in life it’s clear
From now on everything was in vain!

What to do next? How to live?
You scratch your ear, nose and heel.
How quickly youth circles...
Bam! On the fourth ten.
Wave to your fantasies “Bye!”
Leaving childish naivety behind.
It's time to leave the clouds
After all, thirty is the age of clear rules.
I wish you clarity in love,
So that “from” to “to” - everything is excellent!
Now live like an adult.
And certainly in personal happiness!

Congratulations on turning thirty and from the bottom of my heart I wish you a curly and chic life, more money in your wallet, the emergence of incredible ideas in your head, awesome opportunities and amazing happiness.

Thirty years - that's cool!
Anniversary? Can't be!
So every minute
It needs to be put to good use!
Beer, vodka, cola, whiskey...
And forget the word “no”!
Shish kebab, bowls with salad -
The banquet continues!
And we're not drunk yet,
We sit in the corner
Composing a unique
Anniversary congratulations!

Now old age has arrived...
After all, it’s already 30 years!
Remembering everything that happened
We send our friendly greetings!
30 years is not old at all!
Don't be bored in silence.
Let sincere joy
He will knock on your house!
We wish you many grandchildren -
Why isn't the cunning devil joking?
May your path be
Smooth as ice in winter!

30 years seems so little,
Almost every tooth is intact
And the hormone wanders through the muscles,
And it leads to the night club.
There is gunpowder in the flask,
But maybe on this day
There's a reason to settle down
And look into your shadow.
Wisdom is somewhere on the way,
And the advice is ready for anything.
30 - even in fashion now -
Actually, not for many years.

30 years - the prime of a career,
You are a gift for the family!
We would like to note from the bottom of our hearts
Your youthful years.
I don’t care, it says that the passport,
After all, he has no trust.
You are getting younger at heart.
How old is she? 15 years?
So enjoy your life
Everything is still ahead.
Congratulations on your anniversary.
Eternal happiness on your journey!

At 30 years old we want to say,
That we want to be like this
So that everyone around can go crazy,
To be stared at
There was everything in your life
What is given to the chosen ones:
Fame, money, sex and whiskey
Your name is on every list
May you be as healthy as a bull
And I believed in this verse!

You are 30 today!
And maturity is knocking on the door,
On your holiday - birthday,
We are all full of fun.
I congratulate you on your date,
I wish to live richly
Be proud of your successes
And achieve a lot.
Do not remember insults and evil,
Fill your life with love.
May all your dreams come true
And the plans work out.

You are 30 years old today.
You look very fashionable.
We congratulate you,
Pour some wine quickly!
To have a great life,
Don't let yourself fall into a stupor,
Have fun and laugh
Stay forever young!
And love you with all my heart,
And it’s always cool to be a pepper,
Just to get a kick out of life,
Fill the entire mattress with money!

It's not a cat, it's not a fish,
This is not a gray sparrow.
This is the best card!
Exactly thirty! Anniversary!
Presents are being collected
Like mushrooms in a box.
And also from the president
Congratulations have been delivered!
He wishes you fun
Away from various troubles!
What a morning without a hangover,
Whatever harms the cake!
What would guests do without a gift?
They didn’t show up at the door!
And what about your foreign car?
No one could overtake!

SMS congratulations on your 30th birthday to your friend

Happy birthday to my friend
I hasten to congratulate you.
Today is the anniversary,
Dear, with you.
Turned thirty
But this is nonsense.
After all, you look 20,
My beauty.
Bloom and smile
Let the whole world be happy.
We don't play like children,
Let's have a big feast.

4 SMS - 239 characters

Candy girl,
The girl of a dream.
Let the "thirty-year-old"
But it’s good!
Birthday note
Joy has come.
Dear friend,
Always be like this:
Positively bright
With a sparkling light,
Simply real!

4 SMS - 220 characters

You are exactly thirty today,
You are so successful, good!
You should glow with happiness
So that the soul sings joyfully!
Let the smile never leave your face,
Beauty will drive everyone crazy!
Let everything happen in life like this,
How did you imagine it yourself!

4 SMS - 224 characters

You, friend, don’t sigh,
Happy anniversary, dear,
So beautiful.
After thirty all life
Just beginning:
And love, and charm, and experience -
Everything shows up here.
Live to the fullest
Wonderful girlfriend.

4 SMS - 226 characters

Eh, girlfriend, anniversary
30 years - what a date.
Of course, don't be shy
You need a ponytail with a pistol!
Younger every year
Since things went like this,
Smile and go crazy
And live easily and boldly!

3 SMS - 176 characters

My girlfriend is 30 years old
It's coming true today!
May fate protect you from troubles
And all dreams come true!
Let life take a new turn
It will come overnight
Let him wait around the corner
Love, and happiness is nearby!

3 SMS - 193 characters

Congratulations, friend,
Happy anniversary today.
At 30 you are your own boss,
You act more boldly.
I wish to bloom
Just make yourself look better
I wish you a man -
Definitely worth it.
Of debilitating passions
And bright emotions,
Fur coats, gold, diamonds
Receive as a gift.

4 SMS - 248 characters

30 years - anniversary,
Youth is in full swing
Spend your life, friend
I wish you a couple.
With joy, good luck
I wish to live as a couple,
A worthy man
I wish to love.
So that your love
Was a couple
Fate dear happiness,
To guide you.

4 SMS - 226 characters

Here's another milestone
Somewhere behind...
And you'll think why
Didn't happen to us?
We are either in water or in fire,
Rich in friendship
Well, is it really worth suffering?
Because of this date?
Let the years go by
thirty? It's not 200!
The rest is nonsense
We will decide everything together!

4 SMS - 240 characters

Thirty years is a wonderful date,
I am glad to congratulate you on her!
Let everything in life be as it should be:
Home, work, friends and family!
May it be easy for you,
Everything you planned to do
May luck always smile,
Making all your dreams come true!

Congratulations on the topic

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Congratulations on your anniversary - happy thirtieth birthday! I wish you to forever preserve the naivety of youth, charm and charm, the enchanting sparkle of your eyes, and the ability for miraculous changes. I wish you a cozy, bright home, a joyful family, and reliable friends. Be happy!


Happy anniversary, dear!
30 years is already a different page.
And we want to open it,
To step into a happy fairy tale.

Forget all the bad things that happened
So that the heart lets luck in,
May all your hopes and dreams come true.
So that you are simply happy!


You are thirty years old today,
For women, time is blossoming.
And you are beautiful as always
Or maybe even better than it was.

Be sweeter and more beautiful every day,
And let life be brighter, sweeter.
Be happy always, always!
Once again: “Happy birthday to you!”


Get everything you want
Happiness and love
We wanted to wish
At thirty years old yours.

It's a joy to make your eyes shine
On this anniversary.
And hit everyone on the spot
With its beauty!

Be welcome, have fun
And don't know trouble.
We wish you to come true
All your dreams.

In your personal life let
Success awaits you
And avoid all problems.
Be the happiest!


A charming girl celebrates her 30th birthday today. I sincerely congratulate you and wish you to greet the new day with joy and delight, filling your heart with love and your life with happiness. May all ideas and plans turn into reality, may your loved ones always be there, may luck and success always accompany you in business.

Beautiful congratulations on the 30th birthday of a girl


You are thirty years old today,
And you are full of blossom now!
Bouquet of joyful emotions
Let him give you a birthday!

I wish you sincere love,
Only true friends, lots of laughter!
May your dreams come true
I wish you happiness and success!


Congratulations on the anniversary,
Smile soon
You are thirty years old today,
The age is bright, incomparable.

May luck be near you
Darling warms with his gaze,
Feeds you breakfast in bed
Every day, seven times a week.


30 is a young age,
But smart enough.
Your beauty has been revealed
Hardness appeared in his gaze.

And we, of course, wish
Always be successful in everything,
To be beautiful, mischievous,
Live in harmony with yourself!


Spring has now come to your life,
Today is your anniversary.
You are already both a mother and a wife,
You don't regret anything in life.

Never think about the years -
Youth is not measured by hours,
Let love always knock at your temples,
Be blessed by heaven.

You know neither sorrow nor tears,
Do not know troubles, bad mood.
Let your life be illuminated by hundreds of stars.
Dear friend, happy birthday!


30 years is a great anniversary!
The beginning of a new, mature, full life.
In fate you have passed many paths,
But there will be many more to come!

And so many uncharted roads
You still have to overcome
And therefore I wish to always be
Be confident in yourself, and let everything work out!

I wish you sincere love,
There is prosperity in the family, care from relatives.
May happiness grow every day
And you become more beautiful every year!

Funny happy birthday greetings to a girl - 30 years old


At thirty you are a miracle
At thirty years old - like a twig.
Happy Birthday,
Girlfriend, candy!

I wish you in the sky
Shine like a bright star.
Compliments and attention
Receive gentlemen.

Be successful and in business.
Relax on the islands.
Drink & laquo; Martini & raquo; there is " Sharmeli & raquo;
Sleep on silk, in lace.

Know how to be lucky,
Attract success to yourself.
Be simple and fun.
The very best, the best!


Thirty - best anniversary,
Young, handsome,
And of all the others, it seems
He is the happiest.

Thirty is a new horizon,
Thirty - new dreams.
Adventure round dance,
Where are you the most beautiful of all?

Always be charming
Be younger than your age
Not one is happy yet
Let him get a ticket.


At thirty years old, please accept congratulations,
Happiness, joy, light, warmth and love.
Wishes for the best, amazing meetings,
In life, it is better to keep it securely in the future,
Let bright people always surround you,
May they bring goodness and success to you,
And let your career only go uphill,
And may everything beautiful always await you.


On your wonderful anniversary,
Gather your guests quickly
Invite to yourself: good luck,
Happiness with joy to boot!

Lots of positivity,
Lots of laughter, perspective,
A few dozen friends
May life be more fun for everyone!

Be the happiest you
Make your dreams come true
Swim in the sea of ​​money,
Enjoy your heavenly life!


Are you 30 years old?! This is impossible!
The calendar is lying shamelessly,
After all, you are like a goddess, beautiful.
You're 18 at most!

Always remain like this.
Take good luck, smile.
Be the most successful in doing so,
You are flowers in winter and summer!

Beautiful poems for a girl on her 30th birthday


Romantic and mysterious
I washed it boldly
A sea of ​​charm, charisma,
Magnetism and heat.

With a royal gait
You walk slowly.
Happy Birthday Beauty!
Life is good at 30!

Don't look meaningfully
Enchanting, meaningful,
Live with pleasure.


Happy 30th birthday to a charming and unique girl. I sincerely wish you to dream sweetly and strive for your goals, believe in yourself and achieve great success, sincerely love and give joy to loved ones, decorate this world with wondrous beauty and good deeds.


Bouquet of smiles, positivity
We bring you our congratulations,
Always be so gentle, sweet,
We wish you a happy birthday!
Take care of your health, be beautiful,
And let life be interesting,
And 30 years is your wealth,
You only become more wonderful
May the anniversary fulfill your dreams,
Will give strength, prosperity,
Live a fun life full
She will make everything come true!


You are our beauty
How good are you!
Let the years wave quietly
They walk slowly.

And on a bright anniversary
It has its own secret,
Let happiness warm your soul,
Invading your dawn.

After all, 30 is a fairy tale
And belief in miracles,
May everything always come true
Happy birthday to you!


Thirty years is a wonderful date,
Rich in beauty and experience,
Full of joy, charm,
And male attention from all sides!

I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary,
I wish you prosperity and joy,
To capture and cause envy,
Never, ever lose heart!

Bring joy and understanding to the world,
Kindness and wisdom combined,
To be happy, to love sincerely,
And, of course, to be loved by him!

Heartfelt congratulations on the girl’s 30th birthday


You're thirty, you're so beautiful
May all your dreams come true!
Let the ray of luck shine clearly
May you always live happily!

Let all sorrows go away,
Let your heart sing with joy!
So that your eyes shine brightly,
Let the smile live on your face!


Today is your anniversary,
Thirty years is a gift for a girl,
You have become older and wiser,
But, by no means, not Old at all.


Congratulations on the anniversary,
Thirty years is not a long time at all,
May this holiday give
An island of bright colors!

I only want laughter
In the heart, so that flowers bloom,
Endless success
You are the most beautiful today!


You are 30 years old, congratulations,
And on this holiday I wish,
So that you smile, as always,
To laugh loudly and boldly.
To let them beckon you,
But the difficulties did not frighten me.
So that there is hope with you,
She would whisper to you tenderly,
That your life is only at the beginning,
Fight and forget about sadness,
You have to have strong faith in yourself,
Don't measure life by mistakes,
And love this whole world,
And then you will receive happiness.


Walk forward with a straight back
And don’t notice the difficulties.
Let's have a day off
Let's set the table and drink tea.

Congratulations to a girl on her 30th birthday


Happy anniversary!
30 years is a big date.
We wish you a lot of joy,
And a decent salary.

New bright impressions,
Also all kinds of discoveries,
So that every day is ordinary
It was full of joyful events.

And mutual, pure love,
Like in a movie, or in a novel.
To outshine all the beauties,
What flashes on the screen.


You are a beauty, you are a queen,
Happy anniversary.
You are thirty years old today,
I wish you to bloom like a rose.

You radiate goodness and joy,
Like the bright sun of the world.
Let there be happiness and love,
On your rainbow path!


Charming and sweet, charming and beautiful girl, on your 30th birthday I sincerely wish you bouquets of joy and fun, unexpected, but pleasant surprises from loved ones, kind and generous gifts from the favor of fate. Let every centimeter of your body feel tenderness and love, let every moment for your soul be filled with inspiration and happiness.


You are thirty years old today,
You shine with beauty and tenderness.
You radiate heavenly light
And you capture everyone around you.

I congratulate you on your birthday,
I wish you immense joy and happiness,
So that problems never bother you
And they avoided all bad weather.


Happy anniversary dear, my girl,
I have the most beautiful one in the world.
I wish you happiness and health,
May everything you wish come true in destiny.
Your birthday will give you cherished dreams,
Life begins at 30 - love, flowers, live.

Poems for a girl's 30th birthday


Anniversary - thirty,
I congratulate you
The girl is a mystery
Nobody will figure it out.

Mona Lisa Smile
And there is a secret in the look,
will invite you
Let love go on a date.

I wish the secrets
You revealed yours
Doors to the anniversary
For happiness, to open it.

For love to burst in
A white-winged bird,
To find a solution
And you became happy.


Happy anniversary princess, you are only 30!
Life is at its peak, at its zenith, in the heat of struggle!
I wish you to enjoy this date,
Drink drop by drop, like a wonderful drink of fate!

Let everything make you happy: morning stars, sunsets,
Fresh wind invigorating and sunny circle,
And the roads, beckoning somewhere,
And good ones good people around!


A third of life is over and everything is fine
Day after day goes by according to schedule,
Work - home, movies on weekends,
And evenings with loved ones and family!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday,
I wish you a cheerful life, joy,
Successes and successes completely beyond measure,
And a dizzying career!

Love, attention and hearts sinking,
Love from bosses, money and attention,
So that your generous home is full,
And happiness nestled in him forever!


Beautiful and smart -
Not only on the anniversary!
You will succeed -
Knock on any door.

All wishes will come true -
Dream and be brave.
Let them be heels for the fashionista,
Perfume and all that.

Capricious red lips.
Gentle laughter excites
Let them fall in stacks
But mil is one of them all!


Three decades of your life are left behind,
We wish that in the New, what awaits you ahead,
Only joy and luck came in the company of you,
So that sadness, melancholy, and confusion are bypassed.

We wish you interesting, wonderful ideas,
More bright, bright, kind, carefree, easy days.
Conquer with the beauty and charm of your surroundings.
And, of course, receive recognition for all your merits.

Cool wishes for a 30th birthday girl


I waited for the anniversary with apprehension,
This is a difficult age.
There is strength, wisdom, a fairy tale in it,
Thirty beckons with its sharpness.

I want to enjoy
This beautiful border
To love life and believe in happiness
Of course, ardently, passionately.


What does a girl at thirty need?
Family, work and friendship!
May God grant you this
And it will protect you from all failures!

I know for sure that you can do it easily
Make all your dreams come true!
Be cheerful, bright, beautiful
And always madly happy!


Happy anniversary, dear!
30 years are already behind me.
Let's wish to live without knowing
Not a single problem!

Always be beautiful, stylish,
Take a dip in the river of love.
Let's wish you to be happy
Always live in abundance.

Today everything is here for you,
Family and friends gathered.
Our most important testament is
Be healthy until you are a hundred years old!


Thirty years is the time for gold,
The best age for a woman is a fact
Beautiful and smart and very young,
And any business is argued in the hands!

I wish you happiness and health,
And boundless love, so that there is fire in the blood,
Happy Anniversary from the bottom of my heart, from the bottom of my heart, congratulations,
Have fun and joyfully, live to be a hundred years old!


May you be thirty years old today,
But three dozen is extremely little!
Live a fun life, no problems, no troubles
And so that you won’t feel it for years!

Stay beautiful as you are now.
Be loved, healthy and rich!
Catch the attention of admiring eyes
Single and married men!


Your age is so wonderful
It's time for love and blossoming.
I congratulate you
Beautiful, happy birthday!

Dreams, love and passion
There is no end and edge
Luckily for you today
Only thirty years!


We congratulate you in chorus,
This age is the most color:
Not sixteen, and not forty,
And only thirty years.

Glasses of wine will splash,
Thirty years is not nonsense,
How much has been done in life
Until these thirty years!

Something didn't work out - don't worry,
We will tell you now:
Something that didn't come true once
It will come true, believe me.


Thirty years - you have changed.
A sparkle appeared in the eyes.
New status, different style,
You choose another world.

What is thirty years?
This is women's prime.
Blooms like a rose
Graceful as a birch.

But if you look into your soul,
Look deep into your eyes.
There you are still just a girl,
Mischievous, like a boy.

Although the date was thirty,
But she is important to you.
You've come a long way,
But there is still freedom ahead.


On the thirtieth year of life
Wisdom comes to us
Many important changes
Happens to everyone.

Already have relatives
The closest circle
And also family, neighbors,
And, of course, best friend.

At this age all doors
They open wide
And cherished dreams
Executed smoothly!


My dear, you are so young and also amazingly beautiful. Allow me, dear, to bestow Best wishes on your thirtieth birthday! I promise, in our 80 years, I will still & nbsp; carry you in my arms, bring breakfast to & nbsp; your bed, and & nbsp; admire your beauty. My little one, happy holiday!