
How to prolong youthful skin: six important steps. How to maintain youthful facial skin throughout life and into old age Aloe vera mask

How to prolong youthful skin: six important steps.  How to maintain youthful facial skin throughout life and into old age Aloe vera mask

Japanese scientists sowed panic among the female population of the planet, saying that we begin to age exactly one month after the 35th anniversary. We have found some simple ways to help you slow down the aging process.

Skin with a high level of moisture not only looks beautiful and radiant, but also stays firmer and younger for longer. Therefore, if you want to look always young and fresh, start moisturizing your skin from a young age. Drink plenty of water (coffee and coca-cola don't count), put a humidifier in your room, and use moisturizer regularly.

Your neck and décolleté require no less attention than the rest of your body. If they are rarely looked after, the skin will quickly fade and add a few years to you. Daily intensive care will avoid aging, tones the skin and strengthens its muscles.

Girls with highly developed facial expressions usually suffer from premature skin aging. This is due to the fact that the skin around the eyes is too thin and delicate, it ages faster than the rest of the face. To prolong youthfulness, make sure your eye cream contains firming agents. For example, retinol - it perfectly smoothes fine wrinkles.

In the evening, after a hard day at work, your skin is most in need of cleansing and restoration. And it is at night that all conditions are created for this: darkness, immobility, constant temperature. Therefore, you simply must pay attention to your skin before going to bed and apply a regenerating cream on it.

Dry, chapped lips can not only bring discomfort to your male, but also add a few years to you. Therefore, never forget to apply a moisturizing balm or special cream to the delicate skin of the lips, which will also serve as an excellent base for makeup. Compact cosmetic product

Every girl knows that good makeup can hide any imperfections, even a dull complexion and fine wrinkles. But many often make the same mistake, believing that absolutely everything can be hidden under a thick layer of foundation. We have found the best solution for you - a primer! The make-up base will make your skin smoother and more even, filling the pores and wrinkles.
Use a scrub every week! By getting rid of the layer of dead cells, you will ensure the smoothness of the skin, improve blood circulation and open access to oxygen. For normal, combination or oily skin, exfoliants containing alpha hydroxy acids (such as salicylic or glycolic) are suitable. Use them once or twice a week. If you have dry skin, choose gentle cream-based scrubs and use them once a week. Scrub for deep skin cleansing

To stimulate cellular processes, restore freshness and radiance to the skin, take a two-month course of treatment. To do this, use a special high concentration serum with peptides or a cream with retinol.


The basic rules of this beauty ritual.

Touch your face with clean hands only.

When starting to cleanse the skin, many girls make one serious mistake - they do not wash their hands before that. But in vain: microbes and bacteria have time to move to the face, which causes acne. Therefore, make it a rule to first thoroughly wash your hands, and only then clean your skin. Mascara, shadows and eyeliner must be removed with milk or oil before the eyes come into contact with water. The less you rub and stretch the area around the eyes, the better - after thirty she will be very grateful to you for this.

Wash with warm but not hot water
Hot washes can be pleasant for you, but very harmful for your skin: the high temperature of the water dissolves impurities and sebum very quickly, the face is cleansed “to a squeak”, but immediately begins to get oily. No need to stimulate the production of sebum - wash your face with warm water, and then rinse your face with cool water - this way you will narrow the pores and give the skin a fresher look.

Clear skin in two steps
Double cleansing or double cleansing is a technique that has long been used by supermodels and Hollywood stars. Those who practice it notice that their skin has become cleaner, smoother, the number of peeling and fine mimic wrinkles has decreased. The essence of the method is to clean the face of make-up with a special oil or soft emulsion - this is the first step, after which it is the second step to remove the remnants of contaminants with a gel or facial wash. It may take you a few minutes more, but the result is worth it.

Massage the skin for at least 60 seconds
This is necessary in order to give the cleaner time to work as indicated in its instructions. There is no need to rub your face hard - a minute of light massage in circular motions is enough to start the lymphatic system, increase blood circulation and saturate the skin with oxygen.

Don't forget the neck
In case you don't already know, we repeat: the neck also needs love and care. She will be the first to give out her age, because in daily care she is usually forgotten. However, this delicate area must be treated at every step, from cleansing to nutrition. Also make sure that your cleanser is in contact with the hairline and temples - these areas are also often overlooked, resulting in pimples and breakouts.

Dry your face with a clean towel
Better yet, use disposable paper napkins for this. Again - do not three face, but lightly blot it - if a little moisture remains on the skin - it's not scary, you can safely apply your favorite cream. N.B. Owners of problematic, breakout-prone skin should take this advice especially carefully and generally abandon cloth towels in favor of napkins.

Apply the care product no later than a minute after washing
As soon as you feel tightness, know that you are already a little late in applying the cream. Try to do this immediately after cleansing - so you can nourish the skin with useful substances as much as possible. Cleanse your skin in the morning and evening. Daily. With no exceptions. This advice is as old as the world, but we do not stop talking about it - you can’t go to bed with makeup on your face, just as you can’t skip washing your face in the morning. There is no excuse for not giving your face a few minutes, and there cannot be.

Removing makeup is far from all that our skin needs before bed, say cosmetologists Emma Hardy and Sarah Chapman, experts at British Psychologies. They are sure that youth can be extended with the help of a half-hour evening beauty ritual.

1. Proper cleansing

Just wiping your face with a cotton pad moistened with a make-up remover is not enough. Thus, it is not possible to completely remove all contaminants. That is why after removing makeup, you need to proceed to the next stage of cleansing. Take hydrophilic oil, which turns into a silky emulsion upon contact with water. As well as a cleansing cream, balm, gel or even foam - choose the product according to the mood, sensations and needs of the skin.

A tonic will help restore the optimal acid-base balance

“Rinse the product not just with water, but remove it with a soft towel,” advises Emma Hardy. - Start at the roots of the hair, move the towel to the chin and continue to the neck. Rinse the fabric in warm water and repeat as many times as needed. This will free your skin from toxins.

2. Use technology

Don't like the towel idea or want a deeper cleanse? Try mechanical toothbrushes from Clarisonic, Clinique, Braun and Philips. They will gently cleanse and exfoliate the skin without damaging it. Another option is the Foreo Luna silicone vibrating gadget. It is just as effective as brushes, but much more delicate, so it is suitable for very sensitive and thin (ageing) skin. Plus, a nice massage before bed.

3. Proper pH balance

The "gold standard" of the acid-base balance of the face is 5.5. If it is higher, then alkali prevails in pH, and the skin feels tight and dry. If it is lower, then acid dominates, and this leads to oiliness and acne.

Before applying the cream, do a three-minute massage

What upsets the pH balance? “Tap water,” Sarah Chapman replies. - Facial tonic will help restore the optimal acid-base balance. Every time after washing, wipe your face and neck with a cotton pad moistened with tonic of any cosmetic brand.

4. Healthy body - healthy skin

The condition of the skin directly depends on what happens in our body. A balanced diet with a minimum amount of fatty, sweet, salty and spicy foods will prevent irritation, inflammation and acne. And in order for the skin to shine without cosmetics with reflective particles, it is necessary that the liver be healthy.

Try drinking two tablespoons of aloe juice every night - this plant has antibacterial, soothing and detoxifying properties.

5. Massage the area around the eyes

Massage the area for three minutes before applying eye cream and serum.

“Lightly pinch the lower eyelid to stimulate circulation,” says Sarah Chapman. - Then press on the pulse points around the eyes. And finally, lightly pat your lower eyelid with your ring finger. It takes the puffiness out."

6. Forehead massage

The vertical wrinkle between the eyebrows is called a corrugator. Like a spring, it tenses and contracts, becoming deeper. Every evening for five minutes, massage the forehead and the space between the eyebrows.

“Imagine that you are doing a back massage,” advises Emma Hardy. - Pinch the skin between the index finger and thumb, "roll" it up. It will hurt, but only in this way will you relieve tension and be able to smooth out a stubborn wrinkle.

In the pursuit of youthful skin, women do strange things like sawdust masks and stationery glue, baking soda scrubs and tape under the hair that mimics the effect of a "facelift" (please don't do this).

In fact, the preservation of a young and blooming face can be achieved by following simple rules, which I will discuss below.

Disclaimer: Our experiences and opinions may differ - this is normal.

What information will you learn:

Gentle cleansing without drying

Cleansing is the first whale on which all skin care is built. However, with the wrong approach, a whale can become a shark.

Forget squeaky-cleaning products, save them for dishwashing, or give them to your worst enemy. Aggressive cleansers destroy the lipid layer on the surface of the skin and cause dehydration, which is expressed by a feeling of tightness and a fine network of wrinkles in those areas where the skin is especially thin.

If you are used to cleansing your skin with water, use products with a balanced level of pH (my favorites are Korean brands Cosrx and Heimish and CeraVe pharmacy), and for makeup remover, pay attention to hydrophilic oils and balms.

Regular skin hydration

And here is the second whale: moisturizing the skin. The reason is the same: regular and high-quality moisturizing will save you from wrinkles caused by a lack of moisture in the upper layers of the epidermis.

Moisturizers come in textures of different densities, from light gels and fluids to thick rich creams, so try and choose the most comfortable for you.


The layer of dead cells on the surface of the skin provokes a dull, grayish complexion and prevents new cells that grow in the deep layers of the skin from coming to the surface. Regular exfoliation will get rid of surface impurities, dead skin flakes and spur the growth of young cells.

Exfoliation at home can be mechanical (abrasive scrubs, brushes) and chemical (acid and enzyme peels/serums). In my opinion, it is chemical exfoliation that works more efficiently, since the active components of such products dissolve the intercellular "cement" and free the skin from old cells without injuring it.

Use of active ingredients with proven effectiveness

Many people choose an anti-aging cream based on the age on the package (“30+”, “40+”, etc.). However, sometimes manufacturers sin by putting approximately the same contents in jars with different inscriptions, which, at best, will simply moisturize and nourish the skin.

Look for cleaner products with active anti-aging ingredients, such as retinol and acids that help renew the skin, antioxidants (vitamins C, E, coenzyme Q10) or DMAE, which has a tightening effect.

Try to choose a product that fights a specific problem (hyperpigmentation, loss of elasticity), and do not shoot sparrows with a cannon, especially if the cannon is not loaded at all.

Sun protection

To my great regret, it is this point that most of our compatriots neglect.

Relatively recently, the Internet blew up a photo of a 69-year-old trucker, half of whose face was constantly under the sun at the window, and the other half in the shade. In my opinion, a more illustrative example simply could not be imagined.

Make these simple rules a part of your daily skin care routine and your skin will look radiant for a long time. And try to smile more often: relaxed eyebrows, an open look at the world and raised corners of your mouth will instantly reset you for several years, look in the mirror and see!

The skin of the body at this age is usually combination. On the chest and back it is oily, on the buttocks and thighs it is normal or dry. At 23-26 years old, many girls already notice a tendency to dry skin. It can lose elasticity under the influence of various medications and diets, excessive exposure to the sun and solarium.

home care

1 When taking a shower, make sure that the water temperature is no more than 36-37 degrees. And when choosing soap and shower gels, pay attention to the fact that they include softening and moisturizing ingredients.

2 Rub the body with a shaggy mitten or a hard washcloth in circular motions - this stimulates metabolic processes, exfoliates dead skin cells. Use body scrubs once a week if the skin of the body is dry, and 2-3 times if the skin is combination.

3 After water procedures, be sure to apply moisturizing (if the skin is oily) and nourishing (if the skin is dry) lotions, oils or creams to restore the pH balance of the skin. If the skin is of normal type, then apply a moisturizer in the morning, and a nourishing one at night.

Salon procedures

The set of suitable salon procedures is individual and depends on the presence of problems (stretch marks, cellulite, etc.). The combination of massage, exfoliation and wraps with products based on seaweed, essential oils will cleanse the body of toxins and improve blood circulation. Until the age of 30, avoid intensive procedures aimed at enhancing regeneration.

Keep an eye on the set of products on the table. For youth and longevity, and therefore for the beauty of the skin, it is necessary to regularly detoxify the body. Exclude from the diet fried meat and fatty meat products, margarine, spicy and salty, preservatives.

Do exercises, ride a bike, rollerblade in the summer or snowboard and ski in the winter, dance in front of the mirror! This stimulates blood flow in the capillaries, as a result, the skin receives more nutrition, and the muscles - the load they need.

Keep your skin constantly hydrated, drink at least 2 liters of water a day, protect your body from the sun and forget about the tanning bed! Recommends CosmoBeauty.

Age-related changes in the skin at 30-35 years old become noticeable if a woman does not pay enough attention to her body. Cellulite appears stronger, the skin loses firmness and elasticity, looks flabby. However, this is still easy to fix.

home care
After cleansing in the morning and evening, you need to use special creams, milk, balms that will fight the first signs of aging. Plus, anti-cellulite gels and creams, as well as products that prevent the appearance of stretch marks or get rid of them, are suitable for daily body skin care.

Salon procedures
It's time to connect hardware techniques: myostimulation, microcurrents, radiofrequency lifting. One of the most popular methods of hardware body modeling is LPG (vacuum roller massage). To achieve the best modeling effect, LPG is combined with mesotherapy.

2 For the treatment of cellulite and the correction of stretch marks, try ozone therapy. The ozone-oxygen mixture stimulates tissue metabolism, enhances lymphatic drainage and fluid removal from tissues, promotes volume loss and weight loss. Fractional photothermolysis is suitable for grinding the resulting stretch marks.

Maintaining a healthy weight and getting the most of the nutrients you need from food is on the agenda. The main rules are variety, a large number of vegetables and fruits.
If you are still worried about pimples, then check the stomach and intestines and eliminate the excess of sweets, sugars, products obtained as a result of fermentation processes - cheeses, yeast dough, beer.

Work out regularly in a fitness club, on simulators, swim in the pool or go to dances. Consult with an experienced trainer: he will tell you what type of physical activity is best for you, how to develop certain muscle groups and tighten your figure.

Follow the measure in everything: do not abuse alcohol, fatty foods, night parties and always get enough sleep, CosmoBeauty advises.

The state of the skin of the body is affected by the activity of all internal organs and systems, especially the endocrine, nervous, digestive. But the most important cause of skin aging is prolonged exposure to the sun, wind, frost, and temperature changes.

home care
To slow down the aging process of the skin, antioxidants and hyaluronic acid must be included in home care products.

Salon procedures
It is necessary to pay attention to stimulating (restoring mineral balance and increasing firmness and elasticity of the skin) and alginate (based on algae, promote weight loss and increase elasticity, have a drainage effect) wraps, mesotherapy. Of the hardware techniques, microcurrent therapy, myostimulation, and lifting programs are the most effective.

The regime of the day and rest is important, as well as food, especially plant products containing phytoestrogens. They are found in soybeans, broccoli, walnuts.

For women over 40, sport is a necessary part of life. Exercises on vacuum simulators give a good effect - in addition to aerobic exercise, a pulsating vacuum acts on problem areas of the body, blood circulation is stimulated, the level and quality of metabolic processes in the body, skin firmness and elasticity increase. Also suitable for swimming.

In connection with changes in the hormonal background, muscle and bone mass decreases, and body fat increases. The skin loses elasticity, becomes drier and more sensitive.

home care
A special role is played by daily gentle cleansing, the use of lipid-replenishing creams. Suitable creams and balms, enriched with antioxidants and hyaluronic acid, marked anti-age.

Salon procedures
Complex figure modeling programs involve the use of the entire spectrum of modern hardware techniques (thermolifting, ultrasonic cavitation, radio frequency exposure, etc.). They can significantly increase the elasticity and turgor of the skin, slow down aging.

At this age, it is preferable to cook meat, vegetables on the grill, in a double boiler, in the oven.

We must try to maintain a constant weight, monitor calories. And engage in gentle sports - yoga, stretching and walking. Morning exercise.

It is impossible to get all the necessary nutrients from food alone. It is useful to take nutritional supplements and vitamins, CosmoBeauty advises.

TEXT: Daria Gvozdeva
Thank you for your help in preparing the material for the body specialist of the salon "EpilCity" Larisa Ilyuk,
cosmetologist Natalya Kolenko and nutritionist Vital Beauty Laboratory Natalya Grigorieva

Each representative of the beautiful half of humanity wants to preserve the youthfulness of the skin of the face. Not only women think about this, but also young girls. Modern life leaves its mark, constant stress and anxiety, junk food and dirty air contribute to premature aging of the skin. Not everyone can afford expensive procedures in the salon, so consider the important aspects of proper care.


Some ladies use a variety of serums and creams, but all of them are ineffective. Age spots and dark circles have not gone away, wrinkles under the eyes accumulate at lightning speed. It's all about the wrong diet.

  1. Review your daily menu, eat more fruits. Give preference to pears, apricots, peaches, melons, watermelons, apples. From vegetables, eat spinach, bell peppers, cucumbers, asparagus, cabbage and carrots daily.
  2. Replace unhealthy white bread with black bread with cumin. If this option is not suitable, buy products containing seeds, nuts and other cereals. Vegetable fibers contain fiber, which increases the elasticity and tone of the skin. In addition, toxins are removed from the body, and the activity of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized.
  3. Eat more seafood, they are rich in Omega-3 vitamin and promote the production of elastin. Buy salmon, tuna, salmon, shrimp and sea cocktail in your own juice. Eat 1 citrus several times a day. Oranges, lemons, kiwi, grapefruits are responsible for the formation of collagen.
  4. Replace black tea with green tea, make mint decoctions and drink 150 ml each. daily. Give up sugary carbonated drinks, give preference to homemade compote or still mineral water. If you often drink coffee, dilute it with heavy cream, limit consumption to 1 time per day.
  5. Drink about 3 liters of liquid per day, of which 2 liters of water, 1 liter - tea, compote, juice, etc. Do not abuse alcohol, if you really want to, drink red or white dry wine.
  6. Reduce consumption of spicy, salty and starchy foods. Instead of sweet cakes, eat dried fruits, raisins, dried apricots. Keep in mind that heavily spiced food contributes to the formation of blackheads and expands the pores.


  1. If you have enough willpower, quit smoking. Otherwise, reduce your consumption of cigarettes to 10 pieces per day. Addiction not only contributes to skin aging, it gives the epidermis a yellow tint and, moreover, causes lung cancer.
  2. Take care of healthy sleep, it is advisable to rest while lying on your back. Lack of sleep provokes the appearance of hated dark circles under the eyes.
  3. Ladies who spend a lot of time in the sun are advised to cover their faces with a hat / cap. Always apply a cream with the maximum degree of protection to the skin. If you are afraid that the body will tan and the face will remain white, choose safe hours for sunbathing (from 09.00 to 11.00, from 16.00 to 18.00).

Cosmetic care

  1. Never leave makeup on overnight. At this time of day, the skin needs to breathe and regenerate.
  2. Morning and evening, use a moisturizer designed specifically for your skin type.
  3. When you wipe your face with lotion or tonic, do not forget about the neck and décolleté.
  4. Do not use pharmaceutical preparations against acne in large quantities, they dry the epidermis. Do stretching and moisturizing masks, gradually the water balance will return to normal and the production of sebum will decrease.
  5. The face cream is like a shampoo, it needs to be changed every three months. Otherwise, the skin gets used, as a result of which care becomes minimal.
  6. Not everyone knows about such a miracle remedy as thermal water. You can apply it not only on clean skin, but also on makeup. The option is suitable for ladies who work in a stuffy room. Spray your face with thermal water, then wipe off the excess with a cotton cloth. Also, the tool is an indispensable assistant on hot summer days.
  7. Do not abuse scrubs and peels, cosmetologists advise to carry out the procedure no more than 1 time per week.

Folk remedies are not much inferior to professional cosmetic procedures, so their regular use will relieve the skin of a lack of moisture, smooth out wrinkles, remove freckles and bags under the eyes. Try to use the composition at least 4 times a week.

Kiwi mask

  • cottage cheese with a fat content of 20% - 70 gr.
  • kiwi - 2 pcs.
  • banana - 1 pc.
  • milk - 80 ml.
    oat bran - 30 gr.

Peel off the skin of the kiwi, cut into pieces and put in a blender. Do the same with the banana, then mix in the fruit. Pour the bran with milk, add cottage cheese, combine all the components into a homogeneous composition. Cover your face with the mixture, wait 50 minutes.

Aloe Vera Mask

  • freshly squeezed aloe juice - 50 ml.
  • aloe stalks - 2 pcs.
  • corn oil - 35 ml.
  • quail yolk - 1 pc.
  • potato starch - 10 gr.

Grate the stems on a fine grater, combine the gruel with aloe pharmacy juice. Pour in the oil, add the yolk and starch. Mix thoroughly, if the mixture turned out to be liquid, squeeze it out with gauze. Apply the mass on the face, lie down to rest for 3 hours.

Brewer's yeast mask

  • brewer's yeast - 20 gr.
  • kefir - 40 ml.
  • honey - 30 gr.
  • olive oil - 20 ml.

Fill the yeast with kefir and wait for it to swell. Melt the honey in the microwave, pour in the oil, then mix the ingredients into a homogeneous mass. Cover the face with the composition, paying due attention to the skin under the eyes, nasolabial folds and wrinkles on the forehead. Wait 1 hour, rinse with cold water and wipe your face with a mild lotion.

Mask of zucchini caviar

  • gelatin - 25 gr.
  • squash caviar - 40 gr.
  • mineral water with gas - 50 ml.
  • burdock oil - 20 ml.

Heat water in the microwave, pour gelatin over it, wait 10 minutes. Add caviar and oil to the mixture. Mix thoroughly, apply on the skin and wait half an hour. The mixture may drip, so cover your shoulders, neck and décolleté with a towel. You can replace squash caviar with granular salmon caviar, but the ingredients will be more expensive.

Clay mask

  • blue clay - 30 gr.
  • white clay - 35 gr.
  • green clay - 25 gr.
  • pink clay - 30 gr.
  • sea ​​salt - 20 gr.
  • lemon juice - 40 ml.
  • sour cream with a fat content of 15% - 50 gr.
  • honey - 30 gr.

Pour clay 200 ml. warm water, add lemon juice and sour cream. Put honey in the microwave for 30 seconds, combine with the rest of the ingredients and infuse the composition for 15 minutes. Cover the face with the mass, put a cling film on the forehead, chin and cheeks (capturing the area under the eyes). Lie down to rest for 40 minutes.

Dill mask

  • fresh dill - 40 gr.
  • parsley - 25 gr.
  • oatmeal - 30 gr.
  • almond oil - 30 ml.
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.

Chop the dill and parsley, beat the yolk and add it to the greens. Brew oatmeal in 40 ml of boiling water, pour in the oil. Mix the ingredients, whisking them with a fork, apply to the skin. Hold 45 minutes.

Green tea mask

  • tea with lemon balm or jasmine - 30 gr.
  • green apple - 0.5 pcs.
  • olive oil - 40 ml.
  • rye bran - 40 gr.
  • honey - 25 gr.

Grate the apple on a fine grater along with the peel. Brew tea in 70 ml. hot water, immediately add honey, wait 40 minutes. After the time has elapsed, pour in the oil and bran, heat the mixture in the microwave. Cover the skin with the composition and hold for 50 minutes.

orange mask

  • lemon juice - 20 ml.
  • chicken yolk - 1 pc.
  • sour cream - 40 gr.
  • orange - 1 pc.
  • almond oil - 20 ml.

Squeeze the juice from the orange, you don't need it. Grind the zest on a grater and mix with lemon juice. Add butter, sour cream and yolk, beat the mass with a mixer. Apply the mixture and lie down to rest for 1 hour.

beeswax mask

  • natural beeswax - 40 gr.
  • honey - 30 gr.
  • onion - 1 pc. small size
  • grape seed oil - 30 gr.

Grind the onion in a blender so that the juice comes out. Add honey and oil to it. Melt the wax in a water bath. Combine the ingredients, cover the face with the composition and wait 35 minutes. After the procedure, gently remove the mask with a tissue, wash with cold water and wipe the skin with ice cubes.

To maintain youthful facial skin, it is not necessary to visit a beautician twice a month. It is enough to give up bad habits, drink more fluids and eat healthy food. Make masks from folk recipes regularly, after a month and a half the skin will become radiant and toned. Take care of yourself and be irresistible!

Video: how to keep youth and look at 50 like at 30