
How to draw beautiful arrows on the eyes with eyeliner. How to correctly draw arrows on the eyes with eyeliner and pencil: types and step-by-step instructions for beginners. How to use different types of eyeliners

How to draw beautiful arrows on the eyes with eyeliner.  How to correctly draw arrows on the eyes with eyeliner and pencil: types and step-by-step instructions for beginners.  How to use different types of eyeliners

For most girls, even and neat wings are an integral part of makeup, thanks to which the look becomes opening, and the eyes visually appear larger. Learning how to make arrows is not at all difficult, and you can see this for yourself!

How to draw arrows on the eyes - choice of cosmetics

You can draw arrows using different cosmetics; let’s take a closer look at the most popular ones.


One of the most convenient cosmetic products for those who have not yet learned how to masterfully draw arrows. Thanks to the thin tip of the product, as well as a stiff brush, you can quickly draw a neat arrow. In addition, such eyeliner will not be imprinted on the upper eyelid.

Gel or cream eyeliners

Great for girls who already have some idea of ​​how to draw arrows. The advantage of these products is that they dry for quite a long time, so it is easier to adjust the shape, and you can also shade the arrow.

Liquid eyeliner

A product that successfully combines the advantages of liner and gel eyeliner. Even those girls who have virtually no experience in this matter can draw arrows with this cosmetic product. In addition, this eyeliner is very durable and can last throughout the day.

Felt pen

One of the most suitable options"for beginners". The felt-tip pen dries quite quickly, guarantees clear and rich lines, and also does not imprint on the upper eyelid.


To draw arrows with shadows, you need to use a brush, which is usually used to shape eyebrows. With the help of shadows you can easily create a beautiful daytime or evening make-up, using a variety of colors that can also be shaded.


Very easy to use and allows you to mix different shades. For bright and wide lines, it is recommended to choose pencils with a soft texture, and for fine lines - with a hard one. When drawing perfect arrows, it is better to combine pencils.

False eyeliner is a very unusual and not yet very common cosmetic product. As a rule, they are made of thin velor and have a sticky layer on the back side, with which the arrow is fixed. More suitable for evening makeup.

How to choose the shape and color of eyeliner to suit your eyes

It is worth noting that makeup artists usually use different types of arrows for each eye shape.

Types of arrows

Arrows for eye shape and planting depth

  • Narrow eyes. You can use wide arrows to visually make your eyes wider. In order not to narrow the shape even further, they need to be drawn going beyond the border of the eye. It is also not recommended to line the lower eyelid with bright shadows, and it is advisable to leave 1/3 of the eye from the inner eyelid completely unlined.
  • Round eyes. If you want to visually lengthen your eyes, you can do this by using pencil eyeliner along the inner corner. It should not be thin and slightly shaded, clearly falling on the eyelash growth line.
  • Wide-set eyes. In this case, the arrows are designed to narrow the distance between the eyes, and to do this, it is worth drawing the eye along the entire length, extending the line to the bridge of the nose.
  • Close-set eyes. In this case, girls usually strive to visually increase the distance between the eyes. When drawing arrows, try to move 1/3 away from the inner corners of the eyes. By lining the lower eyelid in the same way, you will make your look more open.
  • Small eyes. In this case, it is not recommended to draw eyeliner on the lower eyelid, so as not to make the eyes appear smaller. Also, makeup artists do not recommend drawing black arrows. Perfect option for you - light arrows that will “open” your eyes.

Arrow color

The classic color of the hands, of course, is black, but when creating daytime makeup It’s better not to overdo it - the line should be visible, but not sketched. If you want to make a wide arrow, then it is better to decorate it with shadows of moderate tones in daytime makeup.

Light and natural shades will be able to open their eyes and make them more open. If you are trying to stick to a classic style, then pay attention to gray and brown shades.

Once you've made your choice of colored shades, choose eyeliner that matches your eye color to highlight it. For example, blue-eyed girls are recommended to use blue eyeliner, green-eyed girls should use green eyeliner, and so on.

How to learn to draw thin classic arrows step by step

If you cannot draw a thin classic arrow with one straight line, then we offer you this technique. So, you have to draw an arrow using a few strokes.

The first step is to apply shadow to the eyelid in any way you like. The easiest way is to apply beige shadows to the lower eyelid and lower eyelid and start creating. Draw an arrow, moving towards the middle of the eyelid from the inner corner of the eye. You need to stop here and move to the outer corner of the eye, making the tip of the arrow with a jerky movement. The two resulting strokes should be connected with another small line.

Even if this method is difficult for you, and you cannot make an even tip of the arrow, then use regular tape, loosely sticking a small piece of it near the outer corner of the eye and choosing the desired angle to direct the tip.

How to draw arrows correctly with a pencil

Using a pencil, you can draw both thin arrows and quite wide ones. If you want to draw a thin arrow, then choose a pencil that has a hard texture. Of course, you won’t be able to achieve light saturation with such a pencil, but you will most likely be pleased with its durability. If you decide to make thick arrows, use a soft pencil - you can use it to achieve wide lines bright color, but in terms of durability it is inferior to a hard pencil.

When you start drawing arrows with a pencil, it is recommended to draw a continuous line so that you don’t have to correct any irregularities later. You can start the line from the middle of the eyelid (in this place it is usually thickest); the arrow needs to be narrowed towards the inner and outer corners of the eye. If irregularities do arise, you can remove them cotton swab.

Using high-quality shadows of a suitable shade, you can add an interesting “zest” to your eye makeup. You can use both dry shadows and cream or gel shadows. In addition, you will need a thin, flat brush, which is often used to shape eyebrows.

If you are using dry shadows, the brush should be moistened with water and squeezed until it is only slightly damp. Then you need to put shadows on the brush and draw an arrow as you would with a regular eyeliner. IN evening version In makeup, such an arrow can be shaded with shadows of a similar shade, which will provide you with the famous languid look. When drawing an arrow, pay attention to the fact that there is no clean strip of skin between it and the eyelash growth line. In addition, the tip of the arrow should be higher than the lower eyelid.

How to draw arrows with eyeliner - master class for beginners

Drawing an arrow with eyeliner can be more difficult than with a pencil. Your movements must be careful and precise, so the result may not satisfy you the first time. Before you take on such eyeliner (gel, felt-tip pen or liquid), it is recommended to master the pencil application technique.

If this is your first time using such eyeliners, it is better to use a felt-tip pen, due to the softer brushes of gel or liquid eyeliner, which can make it difficult to apply the eyeliner.

Before you start drawing the arrow, the eyelid must be cleaned of any other cosmetics. After that, apply the shadows, and proceed to the arrow - draw a line from the inner corner of the eye, gradually widening it towards the middle of the eyelid, and then narrowing it towards the outer corner of the eye. As a result, the tail of the arrow should turn out sharp.

How to draw the perfect eyeliner to highlight your eyes

To make the eyes look more expressive, makeup artists use different types of arrows, and below you can look at some of them.

Short or long

For daytime makeup, relatively short arrows are more often used, which only emphasize the lash line, and in this case, it is usually enough to draw a thin line along their growth line with eyeliner. In evening makeup, long arrows are mainly used to make the eyes more expressive.

Straight arrows

If you want to draw an even arrow, it is recommended to use the stroke technique - this way you will reduce the likelihood of errors. Also a lot depends on the choice cosmetic product– Beginners are recommended to use a felt-tip pen or pencil.

Double arrows

This option is usually found in evening makeup, providing a truly stunning effect. The upper eyelid is lined with a classic arrow middle length and width, and the lower one repeats it at a short distance. Thanks to such arrows, the look becomes more open, and a special mystery appears in the image.

Thick or wide arrows on the eyes

Wide arrows look expressive and can transform any face. By the way, only the line on the upper eyelid is really wide: it starts at the inner corner of the eye and rapidly expands, with a beautiful stroke rising to the temple.

Drawing arrows using a spoon

Trying to achieve perfect arrows, girls came up with a lot of ways to make this desire come true, and now you will learn about one of the most interesting of them. So, we are talking about the method using a regular metal spoon! Of course, if you know how to draw arrows yourself, then this method is unlikely to make your task much easier - on the contrary, it may seem a little complicated. However, a spoon can still help those new to drawing eyelashes!

So, take your eyeliner and a clean, dry spoon. Let's start drawing the tip. Apply the handle to the outer corner of the eye, placing it diagonally (the end of the handle should be located towards the temple). Now lean the handle firmly, selecting the desired angle, and carefully draw the tip of the arrow along it.

Then you will need a spoon directly - apply it to the middle of the eye, on the upper eyelid, near the eyelashes and draw a line to the tip of the arrow. Any inaccuracies can be erased with a cotton swab and micellar water.

Arrows on the eyes are the sexiest makeup. Properly selected and executed, they make a woman’s gaze expressive like a cat. Add to skill suitable cosmetics and learn how to create looks for any occasion.

How to draw arrows on the eyes

Eyeliner is a graphic makeup look that suits everyone. To draw arrows on your eyes correctly, fulfill the following important conditions:

  • maintain symmetry;
  • draw the upturned tip;
  • if the makeup is not stylized, the tip is always pointed.

Thin arrows

Suitable as makeup for every day. For convenience, place dots at the beginning and end of the arrow, and then connect them with one line.

Thick arrows

If you have little experience, first draw a line along the eyelashes and draw a regular tail from the outer corner of the eye. Then place marking points on the eyelids and connect. Paint the interior space. Do your makeup step by step and take your time.

Double arrows

Draw the first lower arrow of the desired thickness along the growth of the eyelashes. Then duplicate it on top with another line contrasting color. Beautiful arrows are obtained if the first line is neutral-dark, and the top line matches the shade of the iris.

Cat eye arrows

Expressive lines with a cat-like curve can be easily created with liquid eyeliner. Along the upper eyelid, the interciliary space is filled from the inner to the outer corner of the eye. Then the tail is drawn out with a thin line and the outer corner of the required thickness is formed. Afterwards, a line is drawn and aligned on the eyelid. The closer the arrow is to the inner corner, the thinner it becomes. Finally, draw a thin corner that frames the inner corner of the eye.

Shaded arrows

Eyeliners and shadows are suitable for this type of makeup. Pencils should be soft, and ideally harden over time. Any shadow will do. They require a flat, angled brush. The result is makeup with arrows and a slight smokey effect.

The product is applied in the required shape. Then it is shaded along the borders with a sponge, finger, or brush. To add intensity to the color of the pencil, you can make a stretch of shadows to match the tone, applying them on top.

Small arrows

This kind of makeup transforms the appearance, although modesty is present. The arrow is drawn only on the outer corner of the eye, stretching its width. Minimalistic lines help you quickly transform without special artistic skills.

Big arrows

They are used to draw attention to the eyes and also visually enlarge them. To make it look beautiful, you need to spend time correcting the lines and choosing thick makeup. Unevenly painted large elements cheapen the look.

Half eye arrows

Suitable for those with small eyes. They are not difficult to learn - the line starts from the middle of the pupil, if you look straight ahead, and ends where you see fit. The thickness increases from the beginning to the end of the arrow.

Eastern arrows

This can be either an elegant evening make-up with arrows or everyday make-up if you like to attract attention. The lines of the arrows of oriental beauties are thin at the inner corner, with a wide pointed tip at the outer corner. For greater expressiveness, you need to line the lower eyelid and mucous membrane. Be sure to paint the skin between the eyelashes.

Unusual arrows

Non-standard options are used during photo shoots with creative images. But daytime hands can be interesting. Experiment with the shape of the tip, making it rounded, dotted and intermittent, multi-colored. You can draw a fishtail shape, make an arrow from dots, or draw not two, but three lines on top of each other. There are a lot of options.

How to choose arrows for different eye shapes

Before you start drawing straight lines, paint the space between the eyelashes.

For narrow eyes

For girls with an Asian cut, arrows with a thicker tip are suitable. The color of the eyeliner to match the iris will make the eye visually larger.

For round eyes

For round eyes, arrows covering the entire eyelid, without drawing the lower contour, are contraindicated. But the arrows from the middle of the eye will visually make them elongated.

For small eyes

This type of eyeliner is suitable dark shades, but not black. Soft shaded arrows will visually add volume, especially if you darken the lower eyelid and paint over the eyelashes.

For big eyes

Girls with big eyes are lucky - they can afford any shape. The main thing is that the arrows are the same and have smooth contours. After all, there will be more attention, including the shortcomings.

For close-set eyes

This shape is suitable for arrows indented from the outer corner. You can draw from the middle, or at the tip. You need to make a smooth transition from a thin beginning to a voluminous, expressive tail.

For drooping eyes

With a looming eyelid, emphasis is placed on the tip of the arrow. Depending on the size of the eye, the arrow is drawn either from the middle or from the inner corner. But the arrow should end in volume.

For eyes with eyelash extensions

With fluffy fan eyelashes, any arrows look good. Add sharp lines under the lower eyelid, for contrast. Oriental curves will be more seductive with thick eyelashes.

How to draw arrows for the eyes

For beginners, it is useful to do dot markings on the eyelid until the hand gets stronger. Arrows are drawn on top of the shadows.

Liquid eyeliner

Allows you to draw clear lines. Considered the most difficult material to draw perfect arrows without experience. It lasts a long time and is available in a wide range of colors.

Eyeliner-felt pen

Using a felt tip is easy to draw clear lines. The leash holds for a long time and does not crack. It is easy to adjust to achieve ideal shapes.

Gel eyeliner

Unlike regular liquid eyeliner, the silicones in its composition prevent the eyeliner from cracking and crumbling. It moisturizes the skin of the eyelids and is easily washed off with micellar water or soap.


Allows you to make both smokey and sharp clear arrows. In order for the pencil to last all day, it must be applied to the base and dusted with shadows or transparent powder on top.


The shadows have the richest color palette, but making clear arrows with them is quite difficult. You need a special brush for application and a makeup base for the result to last all day.


The product has a wide angled brush that allows you to apply a clear and even line. It's easy for them to draw beautiful arrows quickly.


These arrows will last about a week. Choose a hypoallergenic product for yourself that comes with step-by-step instruction. Or go to a salon where a master will create the perfect beauty for you.

What devices are there for drawing arrows?

Try all the methods to find the perfect one.


A quick method, but you need to get used to it. A stencil is a film with a shape cut out inside, by painting over which you can get an even arrow. With one hand you hold the stencil near your eye and paint over the free space. It is convenient to draw wide arrows with a brush or sponge.


For a beautiful arrow, you need an angled flat brush with dense bristles. It allows you to draw a straight, long line. You can vary the thickness of the liner both when working with loose shadows and with liquid gel products.

How to draw arrows using a spoon

This way, even a beginner will get straight arrows. To draw a ponytail, place the spoon with the convex side up on the outer corner of the eye so that, by tracing the outline, you get the shape you need. Duplicate the bottom line of the arrow in the same way. For straight arrows, use the back of a spoon to draw the arrows as if using a ruler.

How to draw identical arrows

To make the arrows symmetrical the first time, you need experience. But if it is not there, use any convenient method:

  1. Make dotted or dotted markings.
  2. Use a stencil.
  3. Draw lines using a spoon.
  4. Apply tape.

How long does it take to learn how to draw arrows?

To get quick results, practice every day. Different type shooter demands different levels dexterity.

Arrows for every day

If you draw lines on your eyes every day, then in a week they will become smooth and clear, like a ruler. Everyday makeup is more relaxed than evening makeup. Defects can be easily corrected with shadows, or by shifting the emphasis from the eyes to the lips. Like any skill, drawing is strengthened by frequent repetition.

Arrows for evening makeup

The image for going out requires impeccable execution. By drawing arrows every day, doing evening makeup will not be difficult for you. But if you don’t have confidence in your abilities, then visit a makeup artist. The result will meet your expectations, and you can relax and not worry about whether everything is okay with your makeup.

Who doesn't have arrows on their eyes?

Arrows suit everyone, but not everyone suits the same shape and color. On girls with blond hair and with the eyes, dark colored arrows look much more expressive than classic black ones. Any shade suits brown eyes.

If you find it difficult to choose, visit a makeup shop for yourself. A professional will help you find suitable form, will explain all the nuances and subtleties of creating this simple but sophisticated makeup.

Some people draw arrows every day and cannot imagine themselves in any other image. But for some it seems like an incomprehensible art. Experiment with shapes and materials until you find the perfect wings.

The liner makeup industry is constantly evolving. Currently, arrows are at the peak of fashion, because they perfectly correct and hide imperfections. How to correctly draw arrows on the eyes for beginners and those who want to give their eyes an attractive look?


Types of eyeliners

For beginners, it is advisable to use an eyeliner with a soft, non-scratching texture. To apply winged eye shadow, you will need a clean applicator with a small sponge or thin brush. Eyeliner is suitable for more experienced girls who have basic makeup skills.

Tools for drawing arrows on the eyes

There are several types of eyeliners:

Eye makeup pencil. The product is easy to use, with a varied line of shades, ranging from colored mother-of-pearl to classic matte tones. Regardless of color, each pencil varying degrees hardness To adjust lines, it is better to take a pencil with a soft texture, and for drawing thin arrows, use a hard texture. Soft pencils have a less durable composition than hard pencils.

Eye pomade . The product has a soft, creamy texture and is often sold in glass containers, less often in tubes. To apply fondant, a special beveled brush is used. As for the color palette, it is often presented in several colors. The lipstick cream fits perfectly on the eyelid, but does not last long. To extend the “life” of the eyeliner, transparent or pearlescent shadows are applied to the eyeliner.

Liquid eyeliner for eyes . It is as popular as a regular pencil, and the color palette is also varied. Liquid eyeliner is sold in the form of a felt-tip pen, or in a tube resembling mascara. The product is easy to apply as it is already sold with a contour brush. Often the brush has the shape of an application handle, which is very convenient for beginners. Eyeliners made with this eyeliner last a long time.

Eyeshadow. When baked eye shadows appeared on the cosmetics market, they began to be used as eyeliner. Thanks to their moist, creamy texture, they are applied in just a few strokes. In addition to eyelid makeup, arrows are drawn with them. The results are clear, colorful contours. It is better to apply baked eyeshadow with a damp brush. Color palette products leaves plenty of room for imagination and drawing.

Baked eyeshadow

Concerning any eyeliner colors , then classic black has always been a winner. Colored arrows have an interesting effect if they are combined with eye color or pearl eye shadow. Common shades: dark green, blue, brown and purple. White eyeliners hide traces of a sleepless night and refresh the look.

Arrow drawn with white, light blue and blue eyeliner

How to draw arrows on the eyes correctly?

Important question - What to apply first, eye shadow or liner? First, the eyelids are painted with eye shadow, then the outline of the arrows is drawn. Sit comfortably on a chair or chair, resting your hands on a hard surface. Choose a mirror with a stand, lay out your makeup products, and get to work.

Visually draw a tangent line on the lower eyelid, drawing it to the outer corner of the eye. She will set the direction of the arrow. For convenience, you can use a pencil, leaning it against the visual centers. Then visually you need to draw a tangent line that will pass at the edge of the iris.

You don't have to close your eyes to draw arrows. First, paint half of the eyelid. If erroneous strokes appear, they can be easily removed with an applicator moistened with makeup remover. Beginners are advised to put dots and then connect them with a solid line. Make sure the eyeliner looks the same on both eyelids.

Second drawing option. Take a thick pencil or eyeliner, place the tip at the outer corner of your eye, and blink. The arrow turns out clear and neat. If necessary, draw it to the middle of the century.

A convenient way to draw arrows is using a spoon. You need to take a tablespoon, carefully apply it to the outer edge of the corner of the eye, and draw an arrow along the contour. If desired, it can be designed to the middle or inner corner of the eye.

What types of arrows should I draw for the eyes?

An arrow across the entire eyelid. These arrows are best for the eyes almond-shaped. The tip of the line should rise slightly towards the eyelid.

Arrows from the middle of the century. This option is ideal for girls who want to enlarge their eyes. The line should extend beyond the outer edge of the eyelid.

An arrow in the inner corner of the eye. To achieve this option, the line of the inner corner of the eye should fall slightly to the lower eyelid, towards the nose. The most important thing is that the makeup does not look too vulgar!

If you don’t want to constantly spend time drawing arrows, or don’t like to part with them, we recommend trying eye tattooing. Experienced craftsmen They know exactly how to quickly draw beautiful lines!

How to correctly draw arrows on the eyes, video:

In order to aim the arrows, you need to train your hand and be patient. Although this task is not complicated, it is quite painstaking and requires concentration.

How to draw

You can draw an arrow using various means, each of which has its own nuances of application. For those who are just starting to master the technique of winged eyeliner, it is recommended to use a pencil. It makes it easier to draw a line and remove imperfections. Pencils with a greasy consistency do not cause injury delicate skin centuries, form smooth connections.

The following tools are used to draw arrows.


  • represents ;
  • applied with a long thin soft brush;
  • has a longer service life;
  • not used in techniques that include shading;
  • requires more long time for drying.

  • has a hard tip;
  • easy to use;
  • not used with shading;
  • service life is short (dries quickly).


  • easy to use;
  • easy application technique;
  • easy to sharpen;
  • needs adjustment during the day due to the low strength of the coating;
  • Available in a wide range of colors and hardness levels.

Dry eyeliner

  • has a shadow structure;
  • applied with a damp thin brush;
  • considered a professional remedy;
  • difficult application technique.


  • have a liquid structure;
  • create a smoky effect, allowing you to use eyeliner for daytime makeup;
  • applied with a thin long bone;
  • The waterproof base makes the coating durable and stable.

How to draw an arrow

The only difficulty in drawing the arrow is the positioning of the hand. The first time, most likely, you won’t get the expected result, and that’s okay. When trying to draw a line, you need to rest the elbow of your leading hand on a hard object. This will give you confidence. There is no need to create a thick layer right away.

The eyeliner should be elegant and run along the eyelash line. The main emphasis is on symmetry. You should not open your eyes wide or close them at all. A half-open eyelid will create the necessary conditions for controlling the formed arrow.

Eyeliner technique:

  1. clean your face of cosmetics;
  2. straighten the skin of the eyelids with transparent powder or soft shadows to match the skin color;
  3. remove defects, if any, using concealer and blend the eye area again with a soft brush;
  4. highlight the eye contour with shadows of rich shades;
  5. Apply pearlescent shadows under the eyebrow to highlight the natural curve;
  6. blend the points between the eyelashes with a pencil or liquid eyeliner;
  7. mark the end point of the arrow;
  8. slightly pulling out the outer corner of the eyes, draw a thin line from the middle of the eyelid;
  9. draw a thin arrow from the inner corner to the middle, carefully connecting it into one whole;
  10. if thickening of any zone is planned, do it in stages;
  11. decorate the contour of the lower eyelid with contrasting shadows;
  12. lightly shade the edge of the arrow with transparent shadows to secure it.

How to make them perfectly even

To ensure that the arrow line is straight, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • control the position of the eyes, do not open them wide;
  • the elbow of the working hand must be rested on a solid place, this will reduce trembling and increase confidence;
  • You need to apply eyeliner only after applying mascara;
  • check points made in advance will help maintain symmetry;
  • moistened cotton swabs will help remove unevenness;
  • those who cannot make a perfect line need to use a hard pencil.

Types of arrows

Eyeliner is carried out in different forms, which makes it possible for each woman to choose the most successful option for her appearance.

Among the popular ones are the following:

  • Graceful and emotional form " cat eye» . Thin lines start from the middle of the upper and lower eyelids, thickening towards the corner. In the corner the lines do not connect; the gap between them is painted over with light shadows.
  • Classic shape emphasizes with a thin line the entire eyelid or only a part of it, which enhances the appearance.
  • "Sharp Arrows" are applied in a thin line over the entire eyelid, most often with a pencil. It is necessary to lighten the eyelids with light shadows in advance.
  • "Double arrows-color block" applied with eyeliners different colors. More often than not, the thick main line is drawn in black or dark brown. And the other, thin one, is raspberry, blue and other bright shades.
  • "Arrows in the smoky eye style" They focus all the attention on the eyes, so no more bright cosmetics are used in makeup.

For those who often use eyeliner in their makeup, there is a way to apply an arrow using tattooing. The effect remains for 4-10 years with the necessary adjustments every 2-3 years. Permanent makeup is long-lasting, which allows women to free themselves from daily drawing of arrows for a long time.

How to choose a form

The arrows differ in shape, line thickness, length, and this allows you to correct any eye shape. When choosing the type of arrow, you should take into account the anatomical features in order to emphasize the natural beauty and disguise imperfections. And even if the cut has ideal parameters, an easy transformation will allow you to feel yourself in a new image.

When choosing a makeup option, you should consider nuances that will help you avoid mistakes:

  • Round eye shape A dense line of a dark shade will help visually stretch it. To lengthen the incision, the lateral corners of the lower and upper eyelids should be connected and lengthened, pointing the tail upward. It would also be appropriate classic type arrows on the upper eyelid with a rise in the outer corner.
  • Little eyes fine lines will do dark color along the upper eyelid. It is better to decorate the lower eyelid with silver or gold eyeliner. Dark color will make the shape even smaller.
  • Wide-set eyes eyeliner required dark color only the upper eyelid. The inner corners are drawn well, and on the sides the line rises sharply with a short tail, with the start of the rise a little before the corner.
  • When the eyes are close together the line needs to start from the middle of the century. Reaching the outer corner, it should be compacted and given a raised shape.
  • Narrow eye shape will correct multi-level eyeliner. The first thin line is drawn along the upper eyelid without accentuating the inner corners, and the second thick line is applied only to the middle of the upper eyelid. The lower part is shaded with dark shadows.

Color selection

The shade of the eyeliner can match the shape of the cut, but blend in with the color of the eyes.

Therefore, there are rules that, if followed, will help make the right choice:

  • Green or nutty the color of the iris gives a beautiful amber tint, which can be emphasized by a purple, burgundy or plum arrow.
  • Brown the color of the iris itself is expressive and warm. You can emphasize it with the help of cool shades: blue, plum, greenish. And coral or golden eyeliner will help make your look arrogant and mysterious.
  • Blue and gray irises look good with a bronze or copper arrow. Purple and brown colors are also suitable.
  • Dark Almost all eyeliner colors will suit your eyes. Violet or plum shades will help highlight your eyes.

Common mistakes

When applying eyeliner, you should avoid the following mistakes:

  • Using black or dark brown eyeliner to decorate the lower eyelid of small eyes is unacceptable. The visual effect further reduces the size.
  • It is not recommended to use a thick line to design the lower and upper eyelids with narrow eye shapes.
  • When drawing arrows, you need to stand straight in front of the mirror, and not at an angle or tilt. Then it will be easier to control the trajectory of the line.
  • Drawing a line with abrupt movements will not give a good result. It is recommended to hold the arrow without breaking until it ends. Small errors can be corrected with a moistened cotton swab.
  • Not worth it everyday makeup use the smoky eye technique. This method intended for evening time. In daylight, the effect of dense tinting is the opposite. A playful image develops into vulgarity and tastelessness.
  • You should not experiment with types of arrows. You should choose an option based on your individual eye shape. Otherwise narrow eyes visually you can narrow it even more, and widely placed ones can be emphasized and strengthen the negative effect.

Application secrets, various “tricks”

In order to get beautiful and even arrows, you can use the following life hacks:

  • A pre-made mark at the site of the tail will help to form a beautiful arrow line.
  • You shouldn't move your eyelids right away. The paint needs to be given time to dry (30-60 seconds).
  • To obtain a beautiful, uniform line, you must first shade the spaces between the eyelashes with eyeliner.
  • Before drawing the arrow, you need to prepare the area around the eyes, it should be perfectly smooth. To do this, you can use a corrector, concealer, or transparent powder.
  • A beautiful tail of the eyeliner line can be drawn using a stencil made from strips of tape. Then all awkward movements will remain on film.
  • Before using eyeliner, it is recommended to line the eyelids with skin-colored shadows or colorless powder. And it is better to fix the top of the dried line using the same transparent powder. This way your makeup will last longer.
  • If you want to emphasize the color of your own eyes, you need to make a double arrow. Draw the first thin line with dark eyeliner along the lash borders. And the second, also thin, draw the area a little higher, using a pencil in the color of the iris.

Bright makeup always attracts the attention of others. It is important to observe moderation and use emphasis on one part of the face to prevent creating a flashy image. A beautifully executed eyeliner will add grace and individuality to any woman.

The simplest and most convenient “tool” for drawing clear arrows is liquid eyeliner. It is easier for beginners to use a liner with an applicator (the thinner its tip, the more graceful the arrow will be). To draw an arrow with liquid eyeliner and a brush, you will need to practice a lot. But by adjusting the pressure and angle of the brush of such a liner, you can achieve different line thicknesses. Los Angeles makeup artist Jenn Streicher favorite Emily Blunt and many other Hollywood stars, believes that for those who do not like to spend a lot of time on makeup, a liquid marker liner is most convenient. You can draw clear, thin arrows with them (almost the same ones that stars show on the red carpet) very quickly. “The main thing to remember is to store it vertically, tip down, to avoid the liner drying out prematurely,” advises Jenn.

With an eye pencil, no matter how sharp it is, you won’t be able to draw the same clear and thin arrow as with a liner. However, you can use a trick and “pull out” its tip with an beveled brush. As for cream and gel eyeliners, so beloved by many makeup artists, they are usually the most long-lasting (you can even swim with some) and are ideal if you need to shade your eyeliner. However, such eyeliner will require a good brush, and often an eyeliner thinner: cream and gel eyeliners in jars dry out quite quickly, especially if they are marked waterproof.

Fallback: dark shadows that can be used as an eyeliner if applied with a damp brush.

2. Follow the correct makeup sequence

Like shadows, a liner or pencil will stay on your eyelids longer and will lie smoother if you apply a base first (if your skin is oily, this is an indispensable condition for long-lasting eye makeup!). “Draw eyelashes after you apply eyeshadow, but before applying mascara,” advises a leading makeup artist Nars Cosmetics James Boehmer. By the way, if you curl your eyelashes, this should also be done after you have drawn the arrows.

Elizabeth Banks

3. Don't rush...

...Not when you are drawing arrows, nor when they are already finished. Even the most durable and fast-drying liner takes 20-30 seconds to dry on the skin, so lower your eyelids or even close them to prevent the liner from smearing and imprinting on the upper eyelid.

4. If you can’t draw straight arrows, cheat

For example, use a pencil or cream eyeliner for the arrows and blend them so that the unevenness of the line does not catch your eye (it is most convenient to use a soft brush with an angled tip or a pencil applicator for blending). If it is difficult to draw a long line, you can draw an arrow with intermittent strokes. “Simply hold the applicator or brush as close to your lash line as possible and make small strokes,” explains James Boehmer. And if you can’t draw wide arrows that are even and symmetrical, you should first draw their outline and then paint over it. By the way, many makeup artists resort to this technique for speed. If things are really bad with drawing, and you can’t get a beautiful arrow - the famous British makeup artist Pat McGrath advises beginners to first draw an arrow with a pencil, and then repeat the line using liquid eyeliner. Or, if we are talking about wide arrows, also draw an outline with a pencil - and then paint over it with eyeliner. And finally, to make it less likely that your hand will tremble at the most crucial moment, place your elbow on the table. This way it will be easier to draw an even arrow.

Eyeliner LUXE, Avon, shade Black Luxury. Glitter Fizz Eyeliner, Bourjois, shade 32 Nuit Etoilee. Gel eyeliner, MAC, shade Local Wares. Eyeliner Professionale, Collistar, shade 16 Pavone. Liquid Eye Liner, Jane Iredale, shade Copper

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5. Don't get hung up on black arrows

They always attract attention, so any uneven lines or the slightest asymmetry immediately catches the eye. In addition, black eyeliner may not be very appropriate in everyday makeup, especially if you are a delicate blonde. But brown or graphite-gray eyeliner is what you need! “Chocolate brown eyeliner never looks harsh and suits everyone, regardless of skin tone or eye color,” says another celebrity makeup artist from the Hollywood Hills, Kate Lee collaborating with Chanel and constantly working with Keira Knightley, Sienna Miller, Kate Bosworth and other stars.

In the summer you want bright and rich colors not only in clothes, but also in makeup. So don't be afraid to experiment with color. Moreover, this is not the first season that the trend of bright shades in eye makeup has continued.

Don't be afraid of bright experiments. The ONE Dual Drama double-sided eyeliners will help with this

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6. When choosing the shape of the arrows, focus primarily on your external data

Super fashionable wide “cat wings” for half a century, which became a hit after the shows of Lanvin, Anna Sui, Moschino, are primarily suitable for girls with large and wide-set eyes. If your eyes are small, it is better to choose a colored eyeliner (black can visually make your eyes even smaller) and draw the tips of the arrows as far as possible. With close-set eyes, “cat-like arrows” should be started not from the inner corners of the eyes, but slightly retreating from them. Molly Stern bringing beauty to faces Reese Witherspoon, Kate Beckinsale, Mandy Moore, In this case, she also advises highlighting the inner corners of the eyes with a light pencil (peach, champagne or cream) to visually increase the distance between the eyes.

7. Don’t draw arrows on closed eyelids

In this case, there is a high probability that when you open them, the arrow will have an irregular shape, and its tip, instead of aiming upward, will be directed downward. As a result, the face will take on a dull expression, and the outer corners of the eyes will visually droop. If you are not a super pro at eyeliners, draw them only with your eyes open (as a last resort, you can close your eyelids slightly, but only slightly). Another option is to outline the outline of the arrow, keeping your eyes open, and then, closing your eyelid, draw the outline more carefully.