
How to make an original ring? How to make a wire ring with your own hands? How to make a ring from scrap materials

How to make an original ring?  How to make a wire ring with your own hands?  How to make a ring from scrap materials

Every day, future spouses, couples in love and people preparing to celebrate their wedding anniversary come to the Zelenin&Yolkin jewelry workshop. The idea of ​​how to do it came to Russia not so long ago from Europe.

The desire to surprise a loved one, please him and give him something truly worthwhile drives each of us, and creating a ring with your own hands means giving a large part of yourself in a small piece of jewelry.

Of course, after all, a master class on creating wedding rings is a symbolic and touching event, both for a couple in love and for spouses, and the opportunity to create your own individual ring design attracts lovers of exclusive jewelry.

How to make wedding rings with your own hands - master class

Let's start with the positive aspects of the master class on creating rings:

New opportunities

Many people think that they cannot create, for example, a gold ring with a diamond, because jewelry requires perseverance, a keen eye and titanic patience. However, the jewelry workshop “Zelenin&Yolkin” daily witnesses how even the most timid apprentices create real masterpieces with their own hands. Master jewelry making skills in three to four hours? Easily!

This is so lovely!

In fact, this is how guests rate rings they have just made with their own hands. It is impossible not to appreciate such rings, and the story of the creation of the ring remains in the memory for a lifetime.

New life for old jewelry

Often young people come to us with their jewelry, which has lost its pristine beauty under the yoke of “millennia”. Heirloom jewelry inherited from grandmothers and their grandmothers sometimes needs a new life. This is exactly what their current owners think. Therefore, many come to make wedding rings from their gold. Giving life to an old piece of jewelry that will shine with new colors - isn’t this a miracle?

A test of strength or an opportunity to prove yourself

This is exactly what lovers think when they take on what at first seems like a difficult job. Step by step, coping with each stage of creating a ring, guests experience indescribable emotions: “I didn’t know that I could do this!”

Exclusive rings

The female half will probably like this more. Lovers of beautiful things that will belong to them alone - in stores you will have to pay a fortune for such decoration, but here you can create your sketch the most unique ring, which will definitely be made in one single copy.

Ideal gift

Often people come to the jewelry workshop who want to make a ring as a gift: to their mother, a loved one, their best friend, their child, etc. The ring is especially valuable because it is created by hand, and the best gift is one made by yourself. A commemorative inscription, date, etc. is usually placed on the back of the ring.

Save time

It would seem that 3-4 hours, during which a master class on creating wedding rings takes place, is not so little. However, Moscow residents know that searching for rings that both spouses will like will take much more time, and disputes over the texture and design of rings without a professional jeweler may lead to nothing at all.

Disadvantages of making wedding rings with your own hands

The downside to taking a DIY ring making class is that you will actually have to put in some effort to make the jewelry you want. Sometimes people simply don’t like to “bother”, and it’s easier for them to buy than to make it themselves. In this case, in our workshop, jewelers will make absolutely any wedding rings to order.

How is the master class going?

The master class on making wedding rings with your own hands in Moscow takes place in several stages:

  • Once the ring model and basic parameters have been selected, guests can begin creating rings.

  • The jeweler shows how to work with precious metal and gives guests the opportunity to create a ring themselves according to the best traditions of jewelry making.

  • The prepared precious metal is melted with a burner in a crucible and mixed with the alloy to obtain the required sample and color. The alloy is poured into a cast iron mold, which gives it the shape of an ingot.

  • The finished ingot is rolled through a rolling press. This allows the rectangular block to turn into a blank for the required product.

  • A long plate is bent into the shape of a ring, and its ends are soldered.

  • The end result is an almost finished ring, which just needs to be perfected.

  • The product is placed on the crossbar, and with the help of a textolite hammer it is given the ideal ring shape.

  • At the next stage, you can start setting the precious stones, engraving and creating the necessary texture. After all, all that remains is to polish the treasured ring and try it on. Even seemingly simple wedding rings play with different colors and radiate the creator’s energy, warmth and atmosphere.

Useful tips

The most wonderful spring holiday is just around the corner, and I want to prepare for my beloved women something special. Why not make a gift for March 8th with your own hands? We offer you ideas for creating original jewelry that will delight your loved ones.

DIY bracelets

Elegant bracelet– a wonderful decoration that is loved by women all over the world. It turns out that making an original bracelet with your own hands is not so difficult. Materials for these fun little things can be purchased at specialized stores, including online stores that offer accessories for DIY jewelry.

What you may need for a double bracelet:

-- Leather lace 1.5 millimeters thick and 1-1.5 meters long

Yellow copper ball chain or rhinestone braid 30-40 centimeters long (about enough to wrap around your wrist twice)

Waxed lace or any thick thread 1.5-1.8 meters long

Hex nut made of yellow copper with a diameter of 0.6 centimeters

-- Scissors

The braid with rhinestones looks something like this. It can be found in any jewelry supply store.

Let's get started:

1) Fold the leather cord in half to make a loop. This loop will serve as a clasp and into it the nut should fit. Tie a loop with colored waxed thread and wrap it around the base 5-6 times so that the thread does not subsequently loosen or come undone.

2) Place a ball chain in the center of the leather cord and begin tying it with colored thread, grabbing each bead one at a time.

3) Continue tying the leather cord with the ball chain until you have product of the desired length to wrap your wrist twice.

4) When the desired length is reached and the ball chain ends, tie the leather lace with colored thread several times and tie the end of the leather cord with a knot.

5) Place a nut on top and make another knot to secure it.

6) Cut off the unnecessary lace at the end with scissors, wrap it around your wrist and secure the “lock”. The bracelet is ready!

The length and quantity of materials are indicated for a double bracelet, but you can make single or triple bracelets. The threads can be any color of your choice.

DIY pin bracelet

Bracelets made of pins and beads- a beautiful and very simple decoration that can be made in several versions, it all depends on your imagination and available materials.

What you will need:

-- Pins


-- Elastic stretch cord

Let's get started:

1) Do many blanks from beads and pins. Combine colors as your imagination wishes: you can make single-color rows, or multi-colored ones. Beads of different sizes and textures also look good side by side.

2) Prepare 2 long pieces of elastic cord and string pins on them.

3) Pin the ends of the laces together when the bracelet reaches the desired length. As you work, place the bracelet on your wrist to check its length. Don't make it too tight that it restricts the blood flow, or too loose that it flops around.

DIY leather bracelet

Leather rope bracelet in the form of a pigtail, wrapped several times around the hand, it looks quite cute, despite the rather rough material. Making it yourself is very simple.

What you will need:

-- Leather or suede lace (1)

Scissors (2)

Pliers (3)

Clasp (4)

Two rings (5)

Two jewelry clips (6)

-- Wrench (7)

Let's get started:

1) Cut a piece of leather cord long enough to be wrapped around your wrist 4 times without being too tight.

2) Cut 2 more pieces of cord of the same length.

3) Hold the ends of all three laces and secure them with a clip.

4) Using a wrench, secure the laces to the edge of the table to make the product easier to work with. Next, braid the cords.

5) Cut off the excess edge and place a second clamp on the other end of the cords, pressing it firmly.

6) Attach a clasp to the ends of the bracelet using rings. The decoration is ready.

Very interesting bracelets are made when macrame technique is combined with beads. These bracelets are called Shambhala bracelets. Learning how to make these bracelets is not difficult. The main thing is to understand the principle.

DIY Shambhala bracelet (video)

How to make a ring with your own hands

Do you think that it is impossible to make an original ring at home? You are wrong! It turns out that in your home you can find a lot of unnecessary things, which may be useful to you in your work. Let's take, for example, old forks, spoons, knives that you haven't used for a long time, but you feel sorry to throw them away.

We offer an idea on how in a couple of minutes you can make from old iron utensils with elegant handles original ring.

What you will need:

-- Any old forks, knives, spoons with beautifully decorated handles. This is the basis of your product. It's better if it's silver

-- Metal cutter or hacksaw



Sheet of loose paper

-- Pen

Let's get started:

1) First, decide for yourself, what kind of rings do you want to get?. You can choose the one that seems to wrap around your finger - type 1 (Fig. 1), or one of its ends will be hidden and will not be visible - type 2 (Fig. 2). The length of the workpiece depends on this.

2) At the second stage, you need to choose a suitable cutlery, which will soon turn into a ring.

3) Take a strip of paper and wrap it around your finger, on which you will wear the ring. Mark with a pen where the strip meets the other end. If you choose ring type 2, add approximately 6 millimeters and put a bold mark. If you chose a type 1 ring, then there is no need to add extra millimeters.

4) Using the resulting paper measurement, you can make a blank for the ring by cutting off the fork handle in the right place using metal cutter or hacksaw.

5) Sand the cut edge of the fork so it's not sharp and you won't get hurt when the ring is finished.

6) In the last step you need to carefully use pliers bend the resulting tip of the fork into a ring. If the fork is made of silver, you can bend it without problems.

7) The result should be something like this:

DIY ring with stone

Another very stylish and original ring can be made from a simple pebble that you find on the street, wire and paint. In the example we will show how to easily and quickly make a ring with a “piece of gold”.

What you will need:

-- Pebble of your favorite shape

Golden wire 15-20 centimeters long

Blank for dimensionless ring

Superglue for jewelry

-- Spray can with gold paint

Let's get started:

1) First you need to paint the stone from spray paint. To do this, place a pebble on a sheet of paper and direct a stream of paint at it. Once dry, turn the stone over and work on the other side.

2) Using superglue, glue the ring to the stone. The ring should be made of solid wire or metal and it is better if it is heavy enough. It is also important that you can adjust ring size.

3) Wrap the wire around the stone together with the ring several times. This will help attach the stone more tightly to the ring, and will also be part of the original design.

4) Wrap the remaining wire around the ring.

5) As a result, you will get a very stylish decoration. You can use any paint you like.

Homemade button ring

In the jewelry making materials store you can purchase ring base, to which you can attach any details: buttons, beads and other materials. An original ring can be made from old bright buttons and a piece of fabric.

What you will need:

-- A round piece of thin black felt about 5 centimeters in diameter (1)

Decorative buttons in desired colors (2)

Superglue, but an electric glue gun is better (3)

Ring with base (4)

-- Jewelry pliers (5)

Let's get started:

1) Remove the sewing loops from the buttons using pliers.

2) Glue the buttons to a piece of felt from the center in a circle close to each other to make a round shape. Let the glue dry thoroughly.

3) Cut off the excess felt from the sides. The edges can be left a little uneven.

4) Lubricate the base of the ring well with glue.

5) Glue the ring to the button part you received earlier. Let dry.

DIY necklaces

Necklace– a wonderful decoration that always catches the eye. If you love large, bright necklaces, we suggest you try making one using embellished pistachio shells.

What you will need:

-- Single pistachio shells (1)

A small piece of thick cardboard (2)

Glue gun or superglue (3)

Nail polish or acrylic paint (4)

Brush (5)

Chain (6)

2 rings and clasp (7)

Needle nose pliers (8)

-- Scissors (9)

Let's get started:

1) Cut out a semicircular pattern from cardboard that will become the base of your necklace. Its size is up to you.

2) Attach rings and a chain to the edges of the pattern using needle-nose pliers.

3) Prepare shells for pistachios, having previously painted them in the desired colors.

4) Using glue, glue the shells to the base, starting from the edge. Advice: Before gluing, attach the shells to the cardboard and think about how you will lay them out.

DIY beaded necklace

To make this decoration you need to select beads of the desired color. The size of the necklace largely depends on the size of the individual beads, so if you want a thicker piece, choose larger beads. It's hard to say how many beads you might need, but it's better to have extra.

What you will need:

-- Beads of the same or different colors (1)

Chain (2)

Scissors (3)

Needle nose pliers (4)

Adjustable rings – 2 pieces (5)

Clasp (6)

Calottes - special clips for attaching beads to a chain and masking knots (7)

-- Fishing line or thick thread (8)

Let's get started:

1) Cut 6 pieces thread or fishing line approximately 25 centimeters, on each of which string beads approximately 15 centimeters.

2) You should succeed 6 strands of beads, from which you need to make 3 pairs, connecting the ends of two threads and securing them at the edges with calottes. Make sure the knot is tied as close to the beads as possible so they don't dangle. Cut off the excess thread.

3) Connect 3 pairs of threads to the chain using a ring, and then do the same with the other ends.

Advice: Before connecting the other ends of the beads to the chain, braid them to create a weave effect.

4) The chain must first be divided into 2 parts depending on the desired length and connect both ends with the clasp.

5) As a result, you should end up with a necklace like this:

DIY neck decoration

An original neck decoration can be made from a simple champagne corks with a little imagination.

What you will need:

-- Cutting board

Sharp knife

Champagne cork

Super glue

Leather or suede cord about 1 meter long

A beautiful button or earring with a stone for the centerpiece

Nuts: 1 regular hex and 2 cap nuts

-- Pin

Let's get started:

1) Using a knife, cut about one-third of the length of the cork. Make two holes in the larger half using a drill, and then use a pin to thread the two ends of the lace through both holes.

2) Thread the ends of the laces through the nut and secure it to the bottom of the plug. To the ends of the laces glue the cap nuts. Attach an earring or button to the center of the cork on the convex side.

As a result, you will get an original decoration, the length of which can be adjusted.

DIY hairpins

Hair clip can be made using a piece of lace beads and feathers. This original vintage style hairpin is suitable not only for bridesmaid dresses, but also for other festive outfits.

What you will need:

-- Lace ribbon 2-2.5 centimeters thick and 45 centimeters long

A piece of white felt


Glue gun

Threads with a needle

Bead or decorative button

-- Base for hairpins

Let's get started:

1) Sew a white lace ribbon with thread so that, after tightening the thread, you can roll up a flower. You can sew by hand or use a sewing machine.

2) Cut a circle from felt with a diameter of approximately 5 centimeters. Glue the lace to the felt using a glue gun.

3) Glue a couple of feathers and a hairpin to the felt on the back side. Let the glue dry.

4) Glue or sew a bead or decorative button in the central part.

DIY feather hair clip

Hair clips with feathers look very impressive. If these are bright and colorful feathers, then the decoration is suitable for festive outfits; if the feathers are of natural colors, such hairpins can be worn with everyday outfits.

What you will need:

-- Regular base for hairpins

A piece of felt material

A glass or any round measure to cut out an even circle

Beads or decorative buttons


--Glue gun or superglue

Let's get started:

1) Using a glass or other device, cut out two circles with the diameter about 5 centimeters or more depending on the size of the base clip.

2) After making the slits, insert the base into one circle of felt.

3) Glue two circles of fabric together with glue to strengthen the base clip.

4) Glue the first bottom layer of feathers on the back side, then the top one.

5) Glue a bead or decorative button to the center.

6) The hairpin is ready.

DIY earrings

Interesting update option hoop earrings You can make your own by adding hanging laces to them. If you're tired of your regular hoop earrings, updating them couldn't be easier. Moreover, laces They are as easy to remove as they are to attach, so you can return your earrings to their original look at any time.

What you will need:

-- Any hoop earrings, in the example - with a detail inside the ring

Thin laces of any color

-- Scissors

Let's get started:

1) Prepare the desired number of laces of the required length depending on the size of the ring. Please note that the lace will be folded in half.

2) Fold the lace in half and pass the ends through the loop, grabbing the ring as shown in the photo. Do the same with all the laces.

3) In the end you will have a product like this with “fringe”. You can also trim the ends of the laces with scissors.

DIY feather earrings

Jewelry that is used as details looks very original. bird feathers. Feathers can be purchased at a jewelry supply store, or found elsewhere. In stores there are feathers not only of natural colors, but also artificially colored ones.

5) Attach a hook to the ring.

6) As a result, you get an earring like this. Make the second earring in the same way.

Shall we move on to the photo report? ;)

The workshop is located at the developing Crystal plant. Since it was already getting dark, it was raining and I was late, I didn’t take pictures of him. But it is very atmospheric, so I illustrate the story with a photo from the Internet:

The plant is located near Yauza, across the river from Winzavod and Artplay. Now, when I was looking for a photo, I saw that the plant will be reconstructed: they plan to create a pleasant public space with cafes, shops, creative offices and more. Already last summer there were fairs and festivals there, many people visited the new place. The concept and appearance are reminiscent of the Bottle design factory, isn't it? Competition! :)

But about the plant another time, I want to return there when the weather is better to explore a new party place;) And now let’s return to the master class, which took place in the creative workshop. It is combined with a small but nice photography studio, so there are a lot of cameras of varying degrees of vintage, paintings and paint-splattered easels. Atmospheric place!

This is what a jeweler's workplace looks like - nothing luxurious, but not only silver, but also gold and precious stones are processed here. At the bottom there is a pedal for the sanding machine.

First we took a small amount of silver and melted it.

After this, the molten mass was poured into a mold, where it froze, but not tightly. In general, silver is a fairly malleable metal and can be worked with for some time without further melting.

Having cooled the resulting “sausage” in cold water, we moved on to running-in. It occurs in two stages: first you need to set the width of the ring (the right side of the machine), and then the thickness (the left side). You insert the sausage into the opening, turn the handle and it crawls through the hole. The running-in takes place gradually, with approximately 30 spins at each stage. That is, you cannot immediately take and flatten the metal in one scroll - then it will crack and you will have to start over.

During the last scroll, it was possible to imprint some pattern on the metal (it's still soft, remember?). They offered me a piece of lace, something else - I chose a leaf, because just recently I got a ring in the form of a twig, and I decided to make this ring for the phalanx. It turned out to be such an eco-theme :)

After that, using a thread, I measured the circumference of my finger and cut off the required amount. This was difficult, because the jigsaw needs to be held strictly vertically and ensure that it does not “move” to the side. Here they helped me, since this is an important stage - the cuts must be perfectly even in order to be joined later.

Then a ring is formed from the strip around a cone-shaped stick using a soft hammer. I'm very focused and tense :)

Now it's time to bleach the silver in acid to return the original color - it darkens after remelting.

Next stage: sanding in several ways. First, the side edges of the ring are sanded using sandpaper.

Then the outer and inner sides are sanded with sandpaper rolled into a drill. The ring must be held tightly, otherwise it may fly out into the eye. And this is not so simple, because it vibrates strongly under the influence of the drill - it flew away a couple of times, so I preferred to photograph this stage :)

After this, the ring goes through the final stage of grinding on a machine with a rapidly spinning rubber “wheel”. Due to rapid friction, the ring instantly heats up and after each touch to the “wheel” it must be immersed in cold water.

That's it, the ring is ready! All that remains is to clean it in an ultrasonic bath - leave it there for 10 minutes. You can rest and wipe the sweat of zeal from your forehead :)

And here is the result!

An indescribable feeling when you make something yourself: now I wear this ring without taking it off - here it is, the power of handmade. So I advise you to go to the master class, it is not at all expensive. Or an option for guys: buy a certificate for MK and give it as a gift on February 14 or March 8;)

Thanks to my jewelry mentors who helped me create the photo report!

Dear visitors to the “Handmade and Creative” website, I welcome you and would like to introduce you to an interesting master class on creating an attractive, and at the same time very simple to create, ring. In order to make a ring with my own hands, I tried to describe in detail each stage of the work. The master class also contains illustrations, so you can easily navigate during the process of creating a product.

Required materials and tools:

  • several beads (amethyst beads were used in this master class);
  • wire, the size must match the size of the bead hole. In this case, two types of wire d-22 and d-18 were used;
  • pliers with a thin nose;
  • wire cutters;
  • round nose pliers;
  • a special metal mold to create the correct shape of the ring; if one is missing, you can use any round metal object, for example, a thin pipe or a stool leg.

Ring shape

To create the shape of the ring, we will use wire with a diameter of d-18. Using wire cutters, cut a wire about 3 lengths around the circumference of your finger. We begin to wrap the wire around the round base of the ring, in this case it is an ordinary wooden object.

Stringing beads

We draw the ends in the center of the ring and string a bead on each end. A master class on how to make a ring with your own hands is at the equator, hold on tight;)

Let's continue

Now we turn each wire through the bottom of the ring and take them out in directions opposite to each other. Using pliers, we again pass the pieces of wire through the center of the ring and fix them.

We use a different wire

Now we will use the second piece of wire, the diameter of which is d-22. In this case, we will use this wire to make the side spirals of the ring as a pattern. We decide what size the spirals will be, and turn the wire crosswise through the base of each bead, thereby bringing out the ends of the wire asymmetrically to each other. In the photo, the length of each end of the wire is about 2.5 cm (1 inch), so the spirals will not be particularly large.

Spiral ring as a pattern

Once we have prepared the wire for the spirals, use needle nose pliers to grab the end of the wire and roll it towards the base of the ring. We try to make the spiral tight, so press the wire as hard as possible. We repeat the same action with the second piece of wire. As a result, we will have two side spirals.

All girls love jewelry, and the more, the better. But you must admit, sometimes stores don’t have what we want - everything is boring and monotonous. Do you want something unusual and original, for example, a ring? Then you have come to the right place for help. In this article we will tell you how to make a ring at home. Such jewelry, made with your own hands, is much more pleasant to wear, since your soul was invested in it. Every home has a lot of unnecessary things that can be useful in work. We will consider each method in detail. Stay with us and you will learn how to make a ring with your own hands from long-forgotten materials. So, let's begin!

What can rings be made from?

If you decide to do something extraordinary, then use the most unpredictable materials; they are the ones that make creative and unique jewelry. Check out a few ideas:

  • Revisit your box of long-forgotten buttons. With a little digging, you can find original buttons of interesting shape and design.
  • Almost everyone has wire at home. This is a great helper in creating the base for a ring. Any wire is suitable for the job, regardless of thickness and color.
  • Every girl has beads and beads. Take a close look at the jewelry box. Every girl probably has her favorite beads or bracelet that were once torn. Using them as intended, you will get a bright ring.
  • Never throw away old broken rings. They will serve as an excellent basis for a new DIY ring.
  • You can make a stylish ring from old coins, and more.
  • A satin ribbon will help create a feminine and delicate look.

We have listed the main materials for making a ring with your own hands, and believe me, this is not the whole list. To create a ring, you can use almost anything you like, you just have to use your imagination to make something exclusive.

How to make a beautiful ring? — Getting ready for creative work

How to make a ring with your own hands at home, using only available materials? Yes Easy!

Before you start working with the selected materials:

  • First, decide what kind of ring you want.
  • Now we need to determine the size of the future ring. To do this, you need to take a strip of paper and wrap it around the finger on which you plan to wear the ring.

Important! If you already have a ring for this finger, then use its size to make a new ring - this is the easiest way.

  • Now, using a pen or pencil, make a mark where one edge intersects the other.
  • We cut off the excess paper and get the desired size for the ring.

Important! You can simply measure the strip - this will be the size of the new ring. The same strip can be used as a template for measuring prepared materials.

wire ring

Next we will tell you how to make a ring with your own hands using wire. Wire is the most common material in making rings with your own hands. Remember how, as children, we twisted wire roses and wore them as the most expensive decoration? Copper wire is quite affordable and durable, and at the same time multifunctional. It can be used for any type of weaving: braid, heart and many other shapes.

Important! If you do not have experience in weaving wire rings, then first practice on simple elements, and then you can start creating a complex composition.

This is one of the simplest methods that any needlewoman can handle. To make a wire ring you will need the following materials and tools:

  • An interesting button or natural stone.
  • Soft wire.
  • Wire cutters.
  • Round nose pliers.
  • A piece of tube in the shape of a cone.

The procedure for making a ring from wire:

  • First you need to secure the stone to the wire. If you are using a bead, then simply thread the wire through it.

Important! The stone can be painted using a can of spray paint. To do this, you need to place a pebble on a sheet of paper and point the sprayer at it. After complete drying, turn the stone over and process it on the other side in the same way.

  • Afterwards, using wire cutters, bend the wire back and attach it to the conical tube.
  • We wrap the wire around the entire conical tube several times.
  • Next, we tightly squeeze all the turns of the wire, and bend its ends up and down.
  • We remove the finished workpiece with the tube and the ends of the wire, fix the turns on the sides of the central stone or bead.
  • We wrap the ends of the wire around the entire ring, about 3-5 times.

Important! Make sure that the turns fit snugly against each other.

  • When finished, trim off the excess wire using pliers and secure all connected turns to create a flat shape.

Important! Remember that aluminum breaks quickly, so if you took exactly this kind of wire, when creating turns of different shapes, you need to be extremely careful and attentive.

Ring of pins

Don't believe that you can make a ring with your own hands from pins? You are very mistaken. This material can be beneficially used in such an interesting activity. How? We'll tell you everything later.

To work we will need:

  • Pins.
  • Beads.
  • Elastic thin elastic band.
  • Chain with small links.

So, let's start creating an 80s style ring using pins:

  1. To begin, take a pin and string beads onto it. The number of beads is at your discretion.
  2. We thread two thin elastic bands through both ends of the pin.
  3. Now we take the next pin and use the same method to put it on the elastic band, only its head should point in the opposite direction.
  4. Performing the same manipulations, we alternate the pins one by one until the desired circle is obtained.
  5. At the end of the work, tighten the elastic band and secure it, hiding all the knots.

Satin ribbon ring

Before starting work, you must prepare the following materials and tools:

  • Medium width satin ribbon.
  • Thick wire for the base of the ring.
  • Pliers.
  • Scissors.
  • Wire cutters.
  • Needle with thread.
  • Glue gun.
  • Glue.

Below is a step-by-step process for making a ribbon ring:

  • First of all, measure the required length of wire, and cut off the excess with wire cutters.

Important! In order for the future ring to be strong enough, we recommend making several turns with the tape. You can multiply the circumference of your finger by 3 and get the required piece of satin ribbon.

  • Now we simply wrap the finger with wire using pliers. Thus, we get the basis of the future ring.

Important! In this case, you can take a dimensional cone, as it is much faster and more convenient.

  • We take a satin ribbon and, using a glue gun, invisibly attach it to the edges of the wire. We begin to wrap the tape around the entire ring.

Important! It is necessary to ensure that the tape fits tightly enough to the wire when wrapping the circle.

  • When the tape is wound around the ring, we cut off the excess material, and then secure the end with glue.
  • Next, cut off a piece of tape, about 10-15 cm, and burn the ends with fire.

Important! To prevent the edges of the tape from fraying, you can heat the scissors with fire before cutting.

  • We form a bow from the ribbon and secure the middle with stitches.
  • Glue the bow to the base (where the end of the ribbon is glued).

Coin ring

It is possible to make a ring from a coin, but it is a rather complicated and time-consuming process. You can ask for help from a person who has the skills to work with metal products.

In order to start making a ring with your own hands using a coin, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • Drill.
  • Fine grit sandpaper.
  • Coin.
  • A small piece of metal.
  • Hammer.
  • Soft fabric.
  • Steel spoon.
  • Emery roller.
  • Polishing wheel.
  • Clip for decoration.

Now let's get started:

  • At the first stage, we take a coin, place it on its edge and place it on a metal base.
  • Press the base with a teaspoon.
  • Then we do the painstaking work. Take a hammer and hit the teaspoon until the coin becomes flat.

Important! Constantly monitor the process of flattening the teaspoon. Try to hit the coin with the same force every time for the smoothest edge possible.

  • Then use a drill to make a hole in the very center of the coin. Once drilled through, the coin will be securely attached.
  • Now we sand the edge of the coin with sandpaper until the surface is shiny.
  • Next, use a drill to enlarge the hole in the circle. We constantly change the drill to a larger one until we get the required circle for the future product.

Important! When choosing the size of your jewelry, try it on constantly so that the ring doesn’t end up being too big.

  • Use an emery roller to polish the inside of the ring.

Important! If desired, you can engrave the ring, but for this you need to contact a specialist.

Button ring

If you do not have a suitable base for the ring, then you can buy it at a jewelry making store. You can attach different materials to such a base: button, stone, plastic, shell and other materials. In this case, we will tell you how to make an original ring from long-forgotten buttons and a piece of fabric.

For work we will need the following materials and tools:

  • A round piece of black felt (diameter 5 cm).
  • Bright buttons.
  • Superglue or glue gun.
  • Base for the ring.
  • Jewelry pliers.
  • Scissors.

Let's get started:

  • If there are loops on the button, remove them using pliers.
  • Next, glue the buttons onto a piece of felt according to the pattern: from the center to the edge of the circle.

Important! The buttons must be darkly attached to the felt so that the end result is a round shape.

  • After the glue has completely dried, cut off the excess felt from the sides in a straight or zigzag line.
  • Coat the base well with glue.
  • Glue the previously made fabric with buttons onto the base.
  • We are waiting for the finished ring to dry completely and rejoice at the new thing.

DIY ring ready at home!

Beaded ring

You probably made different bead rings as a child? Its large assortment gives you the opportunity to show your imagination. It all depends on your desire and work experience. Beads can be taken in various designs: glued, strung on a fishing line or sewn on. Of course, the jewelry will not look presentable, but with the help of beads and beads you can create a rather beautiful ring.

To get started we will need:

  • Thin wire.
  • Beads (at your discretion).
  • Beads.
  • Glue.
  • Wire cutters.
  • Pliers.

Let's start making a ring from beads and beads:

  • First you need to measure the size of the future ring. To do this, multiply the girth of the finger by 3 or 4 and add 2 cm.
  • We cut the resulting length from the copper wire.
  • Next we string beads onto the wire.

Important! Please note that there should be 1 cm left at each end of the wire. The edges of the wire must be sealed with glue so that the beads do not fall off.

  • Wrap wire with beads around your finger or use a dimensional cone. We bend the remaining ends - we will need them later to secure the ring.
  • Now we begin making the ring. Take the wire and cut three pieces 2-3 cm long.
  • We string two beads onto each piece. We bend the ends of the wire so that the beads do not roll down.
  • After this, we bend all three parts in half so that a depression is formed in the center, arrange the beads at the ends of the wire.
  • We place the previously prepared base in the recess, threading parts of the wire through it.

Important! Do not forget that the bent edges of the wire should only be located near the ring.

  • Now we bend the pieces of wire so that the beads are located tightly to each other.
  • We twist all the ends of the wire so that the beads are on top.
  • With the ends that were previously bent, we finally secure the ring.

Important! When making a ring from beads, you can use various design options: weaving in one or several rows, or combining beads with other materials. Don't be afraid to experiment and you will succeed!

Leather ring

Agree, not every girl wears a leather ring, but this does not mean that you need to give up such an interesting idea. We will tell you the simplest and most affordable option.

List of materials needed to create a leather ring:

  • Leather lace of any color.
  • Wire.
  • Pliers.
  • Base for the ring.

Important! The base can be of different thicknesses, since after the entire manufacturing process it will be possible to adjust the size by simply moving the wire spiral.

Let's take a closer look at all the stages:

  1. First, we wind the wire onto the base, make several turns, stretching out the irregularities.
  2. Afterwards, we cut off the ends of the wire, and to prevent them from pricking, we bend them into loops.
  3. Now we take a leather cord and begin to weave it in a spiral along the entire base of the ring, passing the end of the leather either from above the wire or from below, constantly alternating. We repeat this procedure in the opposite direction.
  4. We continue to weave until the entire base of the ring is wrapped with leather cord.
  5. After all the procedures, cut the lace and hide the tip under the loop.

Chain ring

What can you make a finger ring from? Have you ever thought about a chain? But in vain. You can make a beautiful and delicate ring from the chain. Almost everyone has a broken chain that cannot be repaired and would be a shame to throw away.

In order to get started, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • Pliers or tweezers.
  • Chain.
  • Now you know how to make a ring with your own hands from scrap materials. Agree, it's not that difficult. Having familiarized yourself with the basic methods of creating a ring, you can easily make a stylish and original ring. Use your creativity in the right direction and you will definitely succeed!