
How to assemble modular origami. How to make simple modular origami. Making a triangular origami module

How to assemble modular origami.  How to make simple modular origami.  Making a triangular origami module

Modular origami- Very exciting activity, which gives great scope for creativity to everyone who has mastered the simple technique of making paper modules.

Before making origami modules, you need to prepare a thick material and a cutting tool.

You can use special paper sheets designed for making origami, but their cost is usually quite high, so at least at the learning stage it is better to use plain paper for a high-density printer – from 80 g/m3 and above (for example, Spectra Color).

Before making the modules, you will need to cut many identical rectangles out of paper. You can use regular scissors as a cutting tool. But cutting a large number of workpieces with them is tedious, so it is more convenient to use an office cutter with a self-leveling mat.

Take a sheet of A4 format. Depending on the size of the modules, the paper sheet will need to be divided into 16 or 32 fragments. If we need 16 parts, we fold the sheet horizontally twice, if we need 32, fold it three times. In the picture below, we folded the blank three times, if you need 16 blanks, then do not do the last fold.

Now we unfold the sheet and fold it in half vertically (the fold should remain on the left side). Then we bend it in half horizontally 2 times. Expand the sheet. On it we will see the fold lines along which we have to cut blanks for the modules.

The sheet to be divided into 16 parts looks like this.

And this is what a sheet looks like, which will be divided into 32 parts.

Cut the sheet along the fold lines. From each small rectangle we have to make an origami module, the assembly diagram of which is presented below. For beginners, it is better to start assembling modules from a 1/16 sheet of paper. Modules made from 1/32 are more miniature and elegant, but the process of assembling them requires some skill.

Module assembly diagram:

1- take a small rectangle;

2- fold it in half horizontally;

3- now fold it in half vertically;

4- unfold;

5- bend the “wings” on both sides;

6- turn over (the curved ends become longer);

7- bend the corners;

8- tuck the protruding part together with the corners;

9- bend the module, it takes the shape of a triangle.

10-expand the triangle and get a ready-made module with pockets that resembles an airplane.

11, 12 - fastening modules to each other using pockets.

We assemble chains of ready-made modules of 10 pieces. If there are more of them, the chain will not be strong - this will affect the quality of the craft.

Using modules as construction kit parts, you can use them to create the most bizarre volumetric ones that your imagination can suggest.

Origami– the ancient art of creating figures by folding paper. You can make both flat and three-dimensional things using the origami technique. Crafts made from triangular modules are interesting. Modules are identical elements that are made up of small pieces of paper. Then these modules, nested within each other, create beautiful three-dimensional shapes. We suggest you make crafts from triangular modules for beginners.

Paper crafts: triangular modules

Let's start by creating triangular modules. A sheet of A4 paper must be cut into 16 identical rectangles with sides 53x74 mm. Having folded the rectangle in half along its length, it is then folded in half again along its width and straightened out. After this, the edges of the paper are brought to the fold line. Then the module is turned over, and the corners at the lower edges are folded to the triangle. All that remains is to completely bend the bottom edge towards the triangle and fold the module in half. As a result, each module has two corners and two pockets with which they are attached to each other. Typically, the corners of one module are inserted into the pockets of another.

Crafts from triangular modules - vase

Makes 706 white, 150 red, 270 lilac and 90 yellow triangular modules. The craft will be assembled by putting the modules on top of each other.

So, it will be necessary to assemble the vase according to the given diagram.

Crafts from triangular modules: swan

The original and rainbow one is made from 500 triangular modules of different colors.

  1. We begin the assembly by creating the first two rows. To do this, insert the corners of two triangular modules into the pockets of the third.
  2. After this, we take another fifth module, attach it to the side of the second module, and secure the result with the fifth module.
  3. Next, we repeat the steps until there are 30 modules in each row. We close them in a ring.
  4. The next three rows are added on top of the second, only in a checkerboard pattern.
  5. Slowly and carefully turn the workpiece inside out. It should resemble a mug in shape.
  6. We assemble the 6th row of 30 modules.
  7. Then, at the base, we select a place for the swan’s head - two modules of the 6th row. To the left and right of them we line up 12 modules.
  8. This will be the 7th row on which we form the wings. Each subsequent row must be shortened by 2 modules.
  9. Each wing should have 12 rows.

How to make a triangular module (diagram)

How to make a paper module (video)

What can be done from modules

Modular origami is a special manufacturing technique various volumetric figures from paper triangular modules. It was invented in China.

To make, for example, a swan, a snake or a Christmas tree using this technique, you need to prepare many paper triangular modules and then connect them to get the desired shape.

Triangular-shaped origami modules and how they are made from rectangular pieces of paper. These rectangles can be different sizes, for example 53x74mm or 37x53mm. To get the right size, you need an A4 sheet.

Prepare A4 paper (standard paper from a sketchbook, or paper for printing or copying).

1. Fold the paper in half, then again and again - if you unfold the paper, you will have 16 divisions.

* You can fold the paper one more time, then there will be 32 divisions, and they will be smaller.

2. Cut the paper into 16 or 32 rectangles.

* You can use either scissors or stationery knife, the latter will be faster.

3. Fold one of the resulting rectangles in half in width.

4. Now fold it in half lengthwise and return to its original position (go back to step 3). In the middle you now have a line with which you can fold the module evenly.

5. First fold one side of the rectangle towards the middle, then the other (similar to folding an airplane).

6. Now fold the edges of the pieces that protrude.

7. You need to bend the protruding sections upward.

8. Bend your structure in half (connect the 2 sides of the module).

You need to make as many such modules as needed to assemble the desired structure.

How to make a triangular module (diagram)

How to make a paper module (video)

Modular origami. How to make a module.

The main thing you need to have for modular origami is paper and a lot of patience. Due to the fact that the figures in modular origami are not very small, you need to prepare many modules for them, from several hundred to several thousand.

Each module has 2 pockets. With their help you can connect modules.

Typically, when folding modules, no glue is used, since the friction force prevents them from falling apart. But it happens that in some places the paper structure is not stable, then it is strengthened by gluing several modules PVA glue.

Can be used both pure white and colored paper. Office paper will do, but you can also use pages from magazines and even candy wrappers. Regular colored paper Quite thin and breaks at the folds. It can be used to create small modules (if you divide A4 paper into 32 parts).

To connect modules, simply insert them into each other. This can be done in several ways.

For example, like this:

What can be done from modules

And if you take up this type of art with passion, you will very soon be able to make, for example, the following models:

Triangular module

This module is used in most crafts modular origami

The A4 sheet is divided into equal rectangles, and choose the size yourself. The more rectangles, the smaller the module. I make modules based on this ratio.

1. Bend the rectangle in half lengthwise.

2. Bend it across, find the middle, and straighten it. Place at a bent corner

3.Fold the edges towards the middle.

4. Turn the product over

5.Fold the protruding edges up.

6. Place the corners behind the triangle.

7.Fold the bottom

8.Follow the resulting lines, lay the corners and lift

Bottom up

9. bend the module in half

10.triangular module is ready

assembly video

————————————————————————————————————————- Here is another origami module made of paper, although a running one first. The process of sheet alignment

The rectangles are narrower and fit almost the same way, but there are slight differences in module assembly.

———————————————————————————————————— for tangram models.

Tangram models are usually assembled from modules folded into a triangle, the so-called basic modules. The second type of modules - additional - due to their narrow long shape used to create leaves, heads and necks. The basis of both types of modules is a square. Folding the modules is a fairly simple process.

Origami modular assembly diagram:

Basic module from a square.

Let's start making paper origami -


1.First, place a sheet of paper on the table with one corner facing you. Then bend it diagonally upward to form a triangle. The long side is at the bottom.

2.In the second stage, attach the right corner to the upper, middle corner and make a fold.

3. Now the left corner is next. It also needs to be attached to the top corner. Now you have a square in front of you.

4. Turn the square over so that all corners remain up.

5. Bend the top sheet of the square down and make a fold.

6.Then fold the right square down.

7. Do the same with the left corner: bend it from top to bottom. If you did everything correctly, you will get another triangle.

8.Finally, fold the right half of the triangle to the left.

9.Basic module is ready for assembly modular origami from paper.

10.This is what the base module looks like from the side. Two slots for inserting other modules are clearly visible. From this perspective module stands on its long side, the double end (goal) points back.


Additional module.

  1. First, place the square with one facing you. Then fold it diagonally and open it again. Now you see a vertical fold.
  2. Fold the right side towards the center fold so that the narrow corner is at the top.
  3. Then fold the left side in the direction as shown in the picture. A narrow corner is formed from below.
  4. 5.Fold the right and left sides towards the middle again to form a diamond shape.

6. Fold both sides of the diamond together along the middle crease

7. Finally, fold the triangle again - up - and the additional module is ready.

This is how the modules are assembled.

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Decor, DIY

Regina Lipnyagova

Photo © Regina Lipnyagova

Modular origami is incredibly popular today. Beautiful three-dimensional figures from triangular paper origami modules look luxurious. This type of needlework is also called 3D origami; it is believed that this art originated in China. Another name for it is Chinese modular origami. You can make almost anything from small triangular modules. Once you understand the intricacies, you can make origami vases from modules, origami swan from modules, Easter Egg origami from modules, origami flowers from modules, origami peacock from modules, modular origami dragon and much more.

In this instruction we will show you the basics - how to properly make an origami module. The scheme is quite simple, the main thing is to try to make all the pieces of paper as identical as possible.

We will need:

  • scissors


  • paper

Step-by-step instructions on how to make an origami module:

To make an origami module, we need paper and scissors.

Cut the sheet into 16 equal parts. You need to try to do this as carefully as possible, all parts must be the same. Some people prefer to fold a sheet of paper in half and cut it until they get a piece of paper of the required size, while others use a ruler to mark the sheet and cut several sheets together at once.

Fold the paper in half lengthwise.

Fold in half crosswise.

After making the fold, unfold the rectangle back.

We bend the right side to the fold line at a right angle.

We bend the left side in the same way.

We turn the module over.

Fold the base of the triangle up.

Turn the workpiece over.

We cut off the remaining ends with scissors.

We bend the workpiece in half. It turns out that making an origami module is very simple. He's ready!

To connect the modules to each other, you need to put the module on the tips of two elements.

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Modular origami is a very exciting activity that gives a lot of scope for creativity to everyone who has mastered the simple technique of making paper modules.

You can use special paper sheets designed for making origami, but their cost is usually quite high, so at least at the learning stage it is better to use regular high-density printer paper - from 80 g/m3 and higher (for example, Spectra Color).

Take a sheet of A4 format. Depending on the size of the modules, the paper sheet will need to be divided into 16 or 32 fragments. If we need 16 parts, fold the sheet horizontally twice, if 32 - three times. In the picture below, we folded the blank three times, if you need 16 blanks, then do not do the last fold.

Now we unfold the sheet and fold it in half vertically (the fold should remain on the left side). Then we bend it in half horizontally 2 times. Expand the sheet. On it we will see the fold lines along which we have to cut blanks for the modules.

The sheet to be divided into 16 parts looks like this.

And this is what a sheet looks like, which will be divided into 32 parts.

Cut the sheet along the fold lines. From each small rectangle we have to make an origami module, the assembly diagram of which is presented below. For beginners, it is better to start assembling modules from a 1/16 sheet of paper. Modules made from 1/32 are more miniature and elegant, but the process of assembling them requires some skill.

1- take a small rectangle;

3- now fold it in half vertically;

5- bend the “wings” on both sides;

7- bend the corners;

9- bend the module, it takes the shape of a triangle.

11, 12 - fastening modules to each other using pockets.

Using modules as parts of a construction set, you can use them to create the most bizarre three-dimensional figures that your imagination can suggest.

Necessary materials:

Origami modules - step-by-step instructions

By threading the corners of some modules into the pockets of others, we can create voluminous paper crafts of all shapes and sizes.

For those who have seriously decided to comprehend the ancient Japanese art of origami, I suggest starting with simple figures. This technique does not use any glue at all. And this makes working with paper very easy, making it possible to create beautiful and neat products. The modular technique of this art allows you to give the figures volume and an interesting texture. Let's see how to make modular origami.

Origami from modules for beginners

Our acquaintance will begin with the production of blanks for modules. Modules are paper folded into triangles. There is a paper folding technique for this:

First we take A4 sheets, scissors, a ruler and a pencil. Carefully mark the workpiece on the sheet. Exactly 16 base rectangles with dimensions of 5.3x7.4 cm fit on one sheet.

After all the blanks are cut, we begin to make modules. Try to do the work as carefully as possible, because each module is like a puzzle in a mosaic; it must be even so that the other parts can seamlessly connect with it.

When creating origami crafts from modules for beginners: diagrams are very useful in order not to get confused in the sequence of connecting elements.


In the first few steps, try your hand at assembling a simple tulip according to the following diagram:

This diagram shows that you should start working with 15 yellow corners.

In total, the flower should consist of 7 rows closed in a circle.

You can also see that after 3 rows the workpiece is divided into 3 wedges - the future petals of the flower.

As a result, we should get a flower like this:

Watch the video for more details:

Origami from modules for beginners Snake

You can hone your skills in connecting parts by assembling a simple model of a snake. The diagram of this figure is very simple:

And as a result, we will get this harmless bright snake:

In total, we need 121 modules to work. You should start from the head of the figure:

Following the instructions in the diagram, we increase the body of the snake in row 5 to 5 modules.

And we make snake eyes.

We perform all other actions strictly adhering to the scheme:

In places where the figure bends we pay Special attention connection of modules of the following series:

We continue connecting the parts until we reach the tail of the snake:

The final touch to the work will be gluing the tongue:

Be sure to watch the video lessons below.

Watermelon slice

Another simple origami pattern made from triangular modules for beginners is a delicious watermelon slice:

There is nothing complicated about this figure, and it is perfect for children's creativity.

In total we will need 213 modules different colors: 114 red, 66 green, 17 white and 16 black triangles.

We begin to create our slice with a green peel. In the first row we will have 15 green modules. They need to be placed with the short base of the triangle facing up.

Then in the second row we add 14 green elements, but now the long side should be at the top.

The third row of peels again consists of 15 modules. In the fourth row we again reduce the number by 1 = 14 elements.

Starting from the 5th row, we begin to add new colors. First, we make a white layer between the peel and pulp of the watermelon. We arrange the modules according to the scheme: 2 green, 13 white and again 2 green.

Now we have moved on to the pulp itself, the future of a ripe watermelon. In the 6th row we will have 3 colors. We arrange the modules in the following sequence: 1 green, 1 white, 12 red, 1 white and again 1 green.

Row 7 will consist of 15 modules: 1 white, 13 red, again 1 white.

In the 8th row we begin to add watermelon seeds. We arrange the modules one by one, starting and ending the row with red elements. There will be 14 modules in total.

To give the watermelon slice a triangular shape, in subsequent rows we will reduce the number of modules.

The entire ninth row will consist of only 13 red elements.

In the 10th and 12th rows we again place the triangles in the red-black sequence, similar to the 8th row.

In the 11th row we will only have red modules. And from rows 13 to 21 we reduce the number of elements by 1. All our modules will be red.

In the 21st row we should have 1 triangle left.

For those who want to clearly understand how to make origami from modules for beginners, I also attach a video:

Our watermelon slice is ready. She looks very appetizing:

Try to use paper in bright, saturated colors in your work. It will help give your figures even more realism.

Now you know how to make modular origami for beginners, and this piece of watermelon will be truly delicious.

In this lesson, we will look at step by step creation modules for modular origami. So let's go
First, take an ordinary A4 sheet and fold it in half each time, cut the sheet into 16 or 32 pieces. If you ask how many pieces to cut into - 16 or 32, then it all depends on what size modules you want to get.
Here are the cut lines for 16 and 32 pieces.

If this step is not clear to you, go to the bottom of the page to the video
Once you have cut the pieces, start assembling.

1. Fold the rectangle in half

2. Next, bend and straighten the sheet. This is necessary in order to mark the middle. Turn the mountain towards you

3. Bend the edges of the workpiece towards the middle of the sheet

4. Turn your future module over to the other side

5. Lift the edges of the sheet up

6. Next, you need to bend the corners of the craft, bending them over a large triangle

7. Now bend it back

8. Now fold the small triangles again along the already outlined lines and lift the edges of the craft up

9. Now fold the sheet in half

Hooray! Now we have a module with two corners and two pockets

How to connect modules together

After you have created two or more modules according to the above diagram, they can be connected to each other different ways. You can connect them one by one, as shown in the figure.

This is just one option for connecting modules, it all depends on the specific model.

If you still don't understand how to assemble modules for 3D origami, watch this video