
How to take care of your face after sun tanning. After sun: how to care for your skin after sunbathing. Oil for an even tan in a solarium

How to take care of your face after sun tanning.  After sun: how to care for your skin after sunbathing.  Oil for an even tan in a solarium
Svetlana Rumyantseva

Why does skin tan in the sun? Under the influence of ultraviolet rays in the upper layer of the epidermis, the production of the natural pigment melanin is accelerated. If your time in the sun increases, your skin may become sunburned.

An even chocolate shade on the skin is the result of following the basic principles of body care before and after visiting the beach or solarium. Cosmetologists offer a wide range of drugs that can influence skin hydration after exposure to ultraviolet rays, to prevent the formation of age spots, freckles, and premature aging of the skin due to loss of fluid in the epidermis.

How to choose tanning cosmetics according to skin type

At the initial stage of choosing a cosmetic product, you need to decide how the tan will be obtained: naturally or in a solarium. Cosmetic preparations in both cases differ from each other in composition and action of active ingredients.

The second stage of choosing a cosmetic product involves determining your skin type. If you choose the wrong tanning cream, you can get an uneven shade, burns, and allergies.

"Ivory". White skin suffers from a decrease in the production of melanin, the natural pigment of the epidermis. Owners of porcelain skin are not recommended to stay in open sunlight for a long time. There is a risk of burns. If exposure to ultraviolet radiation is unavoidable, it is recommended to lubricate the skin with a cosmetic product with a protection level of “SPF – 40”.

Apricot skin tone. Owners of light brown hair most often have apricot skin color. Melanin in this case is produced moderately. It is recommended to choose cosmetics for the beach with an SPF - 30 filter.

Skin the color of ripe peach. Men and women have dark hair, and their skin quickly turns brown in the sun. Sunscreen should be selected with an SPF 20 filter.

Dark skin. Burning brunettes with brown irises rarely get sunburn, and their skin is less likely to suffer from redness and peeling. For your first visits to the beach, it is recommended to purchase sunscreen with an SPF 10 filter.

Types of cosmetics

Before the start of the beach season, stores are replete with a selection of tanning products. You can purchase a cosmetic product of any consistency. It is generally accepted that the epidermis with a high content of sebum should be treated with liquid products; dry, normal skin should be lubricated with a thick composition.

Oil based tanning product. Recommended for use on naturally dark skin or after several sun treatments. The oil does not have a high degree of UV protection.

Helium-based cosmetics. Not suitable for dry skin. Recommended for epidermis with a high content of sebaceous secretions. The gel removes shine, mattifies the skin, and spreads evenly on the surface of the body.

Skin protection milk. Suitable for all skin types. Cons: loses its effectiveness two hours after use.

Tanning cream and lotion. It has a lasting effect, provides the skin with maximum protection and an even shade. It is not recommended to use when the sebaceous glands are overworked.

How to protect your skin before tanning

There is a popular proverb: “Forewarned is forearmed.” To avoid sunburn, you need to learn how to protect your skin before sunbathing. For an even golden skin tone and to prevent burns, it is recommended to use special cosmetics.

How to choose the right sunscreen?

It is recommended to purchase cosmetics only in specialized departments.
Products for protection against ultraviolet rays must have a waterproof effect.
When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the date of manufacture. Do not use drugs that have expired.
When purchasing, pay attention to the level of protection. It is indicated by a digital coefficient. For example: for the first days on the beach, a cream with a protection level of 30 is suitable. The more the skin is exposed to the sun, the lower the coefficient (20, 10).
It is recommended to apply cosmetic products for protection in a small, even layer over all exposed areas of the body.

In order not to burn in the first days on the beach, fair-skinned ladies are recommended to sunbathe under a beach umbrella to avoid burns.

Tanning oil - cheap and safe

An expensive cosmetic product for an even tan does not mean it is effective. It often happens that a purchased product does not have the desired effect. For a beautiful skin tone, it is recommended to choose a product that not only provides the skin with a chocolate tone, but also carefully cares for the body while sunbathing.

To protect the epidermis on the beach, you can use natural oils. They do not contain harmful components, preservatives, fragrances, or fragrances. Dry and sensitive skin, under the influence of an oil base, achieves the desired result, retains its properties, and does not lose moisture.

Which oils to choose?

To protect sensitive skin, oils from plants collected in the desert - the cactus family - are suitable. The degree of UV protection in this oil is quite high. Products based on aloe and prickly pear extract moisturize the skin and promote an even, “spot-free” tan.
Cosmetic preparations based on wheat oil, pine nuts, rose hips, and peanuts are effective.
Oil from chamomile, lavender, hyssop, and rose oil enhances sun protection.
To get a chocolate shade and not get sunburned on the beach, it is recommended to use cosmetics based on St. John's wort, sea buckthorn and walnut oils.
Wild carrot oil effectively softens the skin and gives the body a beautiful color.

How to use oils correctly

If you do not use the principles of applying oil to the skin, you may not achieve the desired result and end up with patchy tans instead of an even shade.

24 hours before applying a cosmetic product intended “before” tanning, it is recommended to exfoliate the body using folk remedies (salt, ground coffee beans, cane sugar).
Cosmetic preparations “before” and “after” sunbathing are recommended to be applied to moisturized skin. In order to moisturize the epidermis, you need to prepare an infusion of green tea. Pour the liquid into a container with a spray bottle and distribute the moisture over the entire surface of the body.
After applying tanning product to your skin, it is recommended to limit your sun exposure to fifteen minutes.
It is not recommended to use one drug for more than a month. After 4 weeks you need to change the tanning oil to a different composition.
Oil mixtures should be applied two hours before going to the beach. If the oil is not completely absorbed into the epidermis, there is a risk of getting an uneven tan.

Homemade oil mixtures before going to the beach

At home, you can prepare a mixture of oils, which in properties and effect is not inferior to purchased skin protection products.

Take one part nut butter and three parts. Pour the composition into a glass bottle with dark glass. Place in a cool, dark place for 72 hours.

Mix the first two ingredients (two parts pumpkin seed oil and one part nut mala). Add five drops of carrot oil to the mixture. Leave for 72 hours.

Composition No. 3

To prevent the appearance of pigment spots after tanning, it is recommended to add 1 ml to any oil base. You can measure 1 ml using a syringe.

Composition No. 4

Blue chamomile oil

Mix the first two components (1:1), add 10 drops of rose oil and chamomile oil. The product moisturizes the skin and gives the body an even golden hue.

Oil for an even tan in a solarium

You can sunbathe not only on the beach. Modern beauty salons offer women to purchase a chocolate shade in a special booth with a dosed supply of ultraviolet rays. “Artificial sun” has its advantages over natural tanning: it is almost impossible to get sunburn in a solarium, and the time spent under ultraviolet radiation is clearly controlled.

The skin needs protection before and after visiting the solarium. What can you do?

Peach has a beneficial effect on the skin before and after tanning in a solarium.
It is recommended to fix your tan after solarium.
Before getting a tan in a solarium, it is recommended to lubricate your body with chamomile, cypress or rose oil.
For maximum effect, you need to add vitamin “E” and retinol acetate (liquid vitamin “A”) to the oil. Carefully pierce the capsule with liquid contents with a needle and squeeze the vitamin into the oil. It is not recommended to use liquid vitamins more than one capsule per hundred milliliters of oil base.
The fatty base of the oil product can be diluted with herbal infusion and green tea in a 1:1 ratio. Pour the diluted mixture into a spray bottle and distribute over the body before and after tanning.
It is recommended to use tanning products a week before visiting the solarium.

How to protect your skin after sunbathing

The skin needs protection and restoration after a certain dose of ultraviolet radiation. The sun's rays dry out the skin, and the epidermis suffers from dehydration. There are cosmetics that can prevent the early appearance of wrinkles, age spots, freckles, and preserve a tan on the body longer. How to help your skin?

Coconut oil and aloe vera have proven to be the best skin restoratives for sunburn. Creams, milks, and lotions have been created based on these components. The main function of oils is to moisturize the skin, add shine, and restore water and electrolyte balance.
If the skin has received an excessive portion of ultraviolet radiation, or the body is sunburned, it is recommended to do a cold wrap.
Under the rays of the scorching sun, moisture loss in the epidermis increases. It is recommended to drink plain (mineral) water during and after sunbathing. Drinking alcoholic beverages is not recommended. Under the “degree”, the skin loses even more moisture. This is explained by vasodilation, increased sweating, when drinking beer, vodka, and wine.

Homemade oil to protect skin after sunburn

Making homemade butter is not difficult. After receiving a dose of ultraviolet radiation, you can use herbal ingredients to prevent drying of the skin, moisturize and nourish the epidermis.

Composition No. 1

– 10 ml
– 10 ml
Lavender oil – 1 ml
Jojoba oil – 50 ml

Mix the ingredients. Infuse the mixture for 48 hours in a cool, dark place.

Composition No. 2

If there is excessive redness on the body, an olive oil-based composition with the addition of sandalwood and lavender oil will help soothe the skin.

Composition No. 3

Nut oil – 20 ml
Orange juice – 15 ml
Almond extract – 10 ml
Wheat oil – 3 drops

Place the mixture in the refrigerator for 2 days. Used to prevent the formation of dry skin folds, wrinkles, and freckles. Perfectly moisturizes the skin after sunbathing.

The correct composition of cosmetic preparations after sunbathing

Oil. Esters can moisturize the skin after sunbathing. However, some types of oils are harmful to the skin. Cosmetic products should not contain clove oil, lemon oil, caraway oil, or bergamot oil. Oils of this spectrum promote photoaging of the skin.

Vitamin complex. Vitamins in an after-sun product are essential for dry, tanned skin. When purchasing an industrial product, you need to carefully read the composition of the product. Vitamins “A”, “E”, “C” are able to penetrate deep into the skin, slow down the aging process, and maintain natural water and electrolyte balance.

D – Panthenol. It has a wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effect. A small content of d-panthenol in creams has a beneficial effect on tanned skin. The body acquires a velvety silkiness and an even chocolate shade.

How to properly apply cream after sunbathing

It is not recommended to take water procedures after coming home from the beach. You need to take off your clothes, take a horizontal position, and rest for five minutes. During this time, the skin will calm down. After resting, you can go to the shower.
To maintain a tan, do not expose your skin to sudden changes in water temperature. A contrast shower can be taken 2 days after tanning.
Do not rub your skin with scrubs and peels after the beach.
After showering, allow skin to dry naturally.
Apply the liquid green tea composition using a spray bottle.
Apply after sun cream to your skin. It is not recommended to use physical force; movements should be soft and smooth.

11 January 2014, 15:13

What does your skin need after sunbathing? To compensate for the lack of moisture caused by ultraviolet radiation. The review presents cosmetic products created to fill this deficiency. They stabilize the water balance, normalizing tone, and also take care of tanning. Regenerating components provide an even tone, and fixing components provide durability of an attractive dark shade.

Creme Nacree by Biotherm

200 ml for 1800 rub.

The melting cream-gel contains an extract from thermal plankton, which is the highlight of the French brand. The natural concentrate is rich in vitamins and mineral salts. They are able to restore lost hydrobalance, restore elasticity and freshness, and slow down age-related changes.

Creme Nacree has added a proprietary tanning complex. Shimmering particles, also present in the cream, give the skin a slight magical glow. When applying the product, a subtle marine aroma with fruity notes brings special pleasure.

Deep Hydrating Moisturizer by TannyMax

150 ml for 850 rub.

The deep moisturizing effect of the product from the German “sunny” brand is provided by aloe vera and four types of natural oils, the first of which is obtained from avocado pulp. The hydrating qualities of natural ingredients are complemented by restorative and antioxidant properties.

With regular use, even capricious, sensitive skin is transformed: it gets rid of sagging and fine wrinkles, becomes smooth and elastic.

Soothing Moisturizer from Lancaster

125 ml for 1500 rub.

Lancaster's solar range provides comprehensive skin care, and the After Sun product is no exception to the general trend. Its soft, velvety texture soothes, saturates with moisture, prevents photoaging and accelerates melanin production, enhancing the beauty of a natural tan.

The complex of active components of the gentle cream-lotion consists of vitamin E, dexpanthenol, caffeine and plant extracts, the list of which is headed by green tea, orange, and echinacea.

Tan Prolongator by Tan Master

150 ml for 440 rub.

Decent quality at a reasonable cost has become the basis for the success of the Russian company’s product. Tan Prolongator fights inflammation, rejuvenates and tones, carefully preserving and prolonging the tanning effect.

It’s nice that the product contains many ingredients of natural origin. Coconut oil and its derivatives, cognac mannan, hyaluronic acid, as well as aloe, cocoa and walnut butters are responsible for hydration and moisture retention. The work of beneficial substances is not limited to hydrating functions: they smooth and soften, improve barrier properties and resist fading.

Toasted Coconut & Marshmallow by Australian Gold

60 ml for 530 rub.

The formula for this next tanning fixer was developed by a well-known company that has been working in the market of professional tanning cosmetics for tanning in solariums and on the beach for three decades. Moisture deficiency and flaking are counteracted by coconut and hemp oils, marshmallow root and a proprietary moisturizing complex.

The dense, coffee-colored texture has a light caramel aroma. It does not give a mask effect or stickiness when absorbed, but has a prolonged effect. Soothing and refreshing, the product also smoothes the microrelief, which is facilitated by special leveling particles in the cream.

Free of psychoactive substances and parabens.

Cream soufflé from “Kora”

150 ml for 330 rub.

Russian pharmaceutical cosmetics products contain three classes of active substances: extracts from medicinal herbs, natural oils and moisturizers. The latter are betaine, allantoin and panthenol, which not only prevent dehydration, but also heal damage and promote cellular renewal. The peculiarities of the action of the beneficial trio of agents are supported by the help of chamomile and marigold extracts, olive oils, coconut and other components. They make it possible to claim the regenerating and antioxidant properties of the soufflé cream.

The gentle product copes with all the tasks indicated by the manufacturer: relieves dryness, redness and discomfort, softens and tones the skin, evens out the tone.

Super moisturizing after sun from Green Planet

150 ml for 180 rub.

The effect of the domestic brand cream-gel is due to the healing properties of aloe vera, aloysia trifoliate and lemon balm. The antiseptic and stimulating properties of plant extracts support the work of naturally occurring humectant ingredients: carbamide and mannan. Both components quickly minimize water loss by making changes in the composition of skin cells. They participate in recovery processes, improve tissue metabolism, and strengthen the protective barrier.

Delicate texture with a fresh herbal aroma brings coolness and relaxation after a hot day. By maintaining a tan, it protects the skin from damage and signs of aging.

No artificial colors.

Tanning enhancer Ambre Solaire from Garnier

200 ml for 490 rub.

The mass market representative has become a reliable summer travel companion for many consumers. Hydrating agents are glycerin and vitamin E. The first of them captures and holds water molecules on the surface of the epidermis, the second supports this process, and also improves blood flow and metabolism, protects cells from the aggression of free radicals.

The product’s decent care qualities are combined with the effect of enhancing a dark complexion: the cream contains a considerable amount of self-tanning. The skin, shining with a bronze tint, is protected from drying out, roughening and other adverse effects of excessive insolation.

When using the product, you need to take into account the characteristics of the composition and distribute the amplifier like an auto-bronzant. Small portions of the cream are rubbed in with fairly intense massaging movements.

Now, when the vacation period is not over yet, many of us have already visited hot countries, rested and, of course, tanned. Many manufacturers of modern “solar” products have made sure that we, vacationers, can get an even, beautiful and healthy tan. Tanning in the sun is not difficult, it is more difficult to maintain a tan - this beautiful golden shade of our skin for a long time.

In this article I will try to answer the question that interests many of us after a vacation, namely: how to maintain a tan longer and what kind of skin care is needed after tanning?

How long does a tan last?

The time that a tan will stay on the skin largely depends on where and how it was obtained. For example, it is believed that a “southern” tan fades faster than one acquired, say, in some holiday village. And this is true if we are talking about tanning not in the shade, but under the sun's rays. Unaccustomed to the aggressive sun of hot countries, the skin suffers greatly from its rays, even if you sunbathe according to all the rules - only in the morning and evening hours and using sunscreen. The skin gets a slight sunburn. Trying to recover as quickly as possible, it intensively exfoliates the “burnt” cells, renews itself, and the tan quickly disappears.

But a tan obtained in the shade lasts a long time and does not harm the skin. It doesn’t matter at all in what part of the world you sunbathed. True, this will take much more time. The durability of a tan also depends on the individual properties of the skin. Therefore, you shouldn’t be surprised if your tan faded after just a week, but your friend’s, with whom you spent the same amount of time on the same beach, lasted a whole month. It doesn’t matter whether you sunbathed in the shade or in the sun, whether your skin holds a tan well or poorly, you need to take measures to preserve your charming dark complexion as soon as you have completed sunbathing this season.

How to properly cleanse your skin

We start with cleansing. When taking a bath, be sure to avoid too hot water, as its action destroys the protective layer of our skin, which can cause peeling and irritation of the skin. The best solution is a warm or cold shower for 5-10 minutes. You can alternate warm water with cold water - contrasting procedures are very beneficial for the skin and health in general. Do not use shower cosmetics indiscriminately - after sunbathing, the skin needs to be thoroughly moisturized, so choose oil-based cleansers.

Nourish and moisturize skin after sunbathing

Tanned skin, as a rule, is very dehydrated, so it is very important to provide it with intense hydration - you are unlikely to be happy with tanned, but dull, dry skin. Every day after a shower or bath for 1-2 months it is necessary to use active moisturizers for the face and body. Usually the name of such creams contains the prefix “super” or “ultra”. Don't forget to inquire about the presence of antioxidants in your moisturizer. The sun increases the production of free radicals in the skin, which accelerate its aging, and antioxidants neutralize them.

You can kill two birds with one stone at once: you can moisturize your skin and help it maintain a tan with the help of after-sun products. They are usually used immediately after sunbathing to moisturize the skin and seal the tan. But you can use these products instead of moisturizer when the beach season is over. It’s even better to alternate: pamper your skin with a moisturizer one day, and an after-sun product the other day.

Nutrition and hydration are a very important stage of skin care after sunbathing. Baby oil or a special after-sun cream-balm are perfect for this. These products will soothe the skin, help maintain a tan and eliminate flaking.

The sun causes dehydration of the epidermis. Your tan will last longer if your skin is constantly moisturized. To do this, use cosmetics that retain moisture in the skin. Use a moisturizer morning and evening; it is better if the cream contains vitamin E, hyaluronic acid and thermal water. These substances prevent the skin from drying out. Avocado oil, glycerin and grape seed oil are very useful for tanned skin. Cosmetics based on moisturizing urea are perfect for dry skin. Urea helps maintain a tan and softens the skin.

Facial and décolleté care

The skin of the face and décolleté is very delicate and vulnerable. These areas of the body are exposed to the sun throughout the year. Therefore, care for them should be special. You won't be able to limit yourself to just one moisturizer. We also need a special regenerating cream with UV filters, which perform a very important function, namely, protect our skin from harmful ultraviolet rays. The composition of such a cream should include vitamins and nutrients. It is very good if you purchase a regenerating cream based on rice extract enriched with peptides. Peptides promote skin cell renewal. Regenerating creams heal the skin of the face and décolleté, and also provide elasticity. This cream should be applied in the evening.

Masks are an integral part of after-sun skin care. Masks need to be done 2-3 times a week. Special regenerating masks with vitamin E prevent the appearance of wrinkles. The masks are applied to the facial skin for 10-15 minutes (until the mask is completely dry) and then washed off with slightly warm water.

Peeling for skin after sunburn

Over time, the tan darkens, and after a couple of weeks your skin may take on a faded grayish color. How to avoid this? How to keep your skin tan beautiful? Peeling comes to the rescue, thanks to which dead skin cells are removed. As a result of peeling, the tan will refresh and become even and attractive again.

Among the majority of facial peels, enzyme peeling is distinguished. A sugar scrub is suitable for the body. Apply the product to the skin, massage with light movements for 1-2 minutes and rinse with warm water. This procedure makes the skin smooth and elastic and is applied at least once a week.

After peeling, while the skin is still smooth and attractive, apply a moisturizing balm to it, which will refresh the skin, highlight the tan and give the skin a pleasant shade. A couple of weeks after sunbathing, use balms with a light self-tanning effect. This will enhance the tan color, make it more even, and get rid of the light spots that appear as the tan fades. Use the same self-tanning product for your body and face so that your skin color does not differ and is even. After a few weeks, when the tan begins to noticeably subside, use self-tanning balms more often, 3 times a week.

When your skin is tanned (immediately after resting), do not visit the solarium, this will further dry out your skin. Also, do not get carried away by the sun's rays, a dark tan makes you look older, and excessive exposure to the sun is very harmful to the skin and contributes to premature aging. A few minutes a day is enough to tan and soak up the sun.

Secrets of success

To maintain your tan longer, you should keep in mind that any whitening procedures or products are contraindicated for tanned skin. Under their influence, it will fade and may become uneven. Therefore, before using a cosmetic product, take a look at the packaging and become familiar with its properties.

Be careful: some decorative cosmetics also have a whitening effect. Forget about face masks that contain lemon or cucumber. It is better to use pure sea salt or various vegetable oils as bath additives during this period. St. John's wort decoction may cause pigment spots to appear on the skin; milk has a whitening effect.

If a tanned skin tone is important to you, to maintain your tan, wait a month or two before visiting the sauna and bathhouse. When steaming, metabolism in the skin tissue increases, it is deeply cleansed and the tan noticeably fades. In addition, under the influence of high temperatures, a large amount of moisture is removed from the body, including from the skin. But tanned skin does not need this at all - it is already severely dehydrated.

Vitamin A will help the skin recover faster and maintain its tan. Therefore, during the “post-beach” period, it is recommended to take it in the form of an oil solution or as part of some vitamin complex. The dosage and duration of use should be determined by a physician. If expensive vitamin complexes are beyond your means, include simple carrots in your diet, but only with vegetable oil, otherwise vitamin A will not be absorbed by the body. And finally, about the most effective way to maintain a summer tan - solarium.

Take proper care of your skin. Be beautiful and healthy!

Proper skin care will help not only prolong its youth and beauty, but also make the tan more durable.

With the onset of warmer days, more and more people are striving to achieve a beautiful dark skin tone by spending a lot of time in the sun. This often leads to many unpleasant consequences: skin dehydration, peeling and sunburn. Proper skin care before, during and after sunbathing will help protect it from damage and also improve tan smoother and more durable.

In the desire to get an intense tan as quickly as possible, many people spend a lot of time in the sun. However, it is necessary to take breaks between tanning sessions to allow the skin to rest and recover.

Skin care for a beautiful tan

Before going to the beach, it is recommended to do peeling to get rid of dead cells and get a more even tan. However, it is worth remembering that the main rule of a beautiful and healthy tan is the use sunscreen, without which it is strictly not recommended to go out in the sun. In addition, you should drink plenty of water during and after sunbathing: this will help protect your body and skin from dehydration.

Cleansing skin after sunbathing

After being on the beach, you should take a shower, but doing this immediately after sunbathing is not recommended; it is better to wait 30-40 minutes to give your skin a little rest. The heat from the shower will open your pores and allow your skin to receive the oxygen it needs to activate your tan.

After water procedures, you should apply caring cosmetics to your skin to help make it more beautiful and your tan even.

Skin care after sunbathing

Prolonged exposure to the sun- This is stress for the skin, which often leads to dehydration, dryness, and peeling. To avoid this, you need to use moisturizing and soothing products. They help restore the natural water balance of the skin, disturbed by exposure to the sun, giving it softness and silkiness, relieving the feeling of tightness and dryness. In addition, such products neutralize free radicals and prepare the skin for further sunbathing. These preparations usually contain various soothing ingredients, plant extracts, thermal water, antioxidants, as well as various oils and vitamins.

Options: After Sun Rescue with Aloe after-sun balm with aloe from Clinique (estimated cost - 1,150 rubles); soothing after-sun spray Brume Apaisante from Uriage (estimated cost - 1000 rubles); moisturizing after-sun milk Solar Expertise from L'Oreal (estimated cost - 550 rubles).

Tanning activators

There are also special cosmetics that prolong and intensify tanning. They contain toning components that enhance the natural tan, making it more even and rich, and skin- smooth and attractive. They often contain golden-pearl particles to create the effect of a slight shine. This cosmetics should be applied to cleansed, dry skin.

Options: moisturizing milk for tan prolongation for face and body Reconfort from Lancome Sôleil (estimated cost - 2500 rubles); tan-prolonging spray Terracotta Eau Sous Le Vent from Guerlain (estimated cost - 1,500 rubles); tanning activator for face and body Tan Maximizer After Sun from Lancaster (estimated cost - 2800 rubles).

Treatment of sunburn

Despite the use of sunscreen, no one is immune from burns. First of all, the skin needs to be cooled and soothed by taking a cool shower, and then dry it with gentle blotting movements. In this case, you can use folk recipes, for example, aloe juice, raw potato, sour cream, but it is better to stock up in advance on anti-inflammatory drugs that promote tissue regeneration. The active components included in their composition have a complex antiseptic, wound-healing, antioxidant and moisturizing effect. They relieve redness, relieve pain, prevent flaking of the skin, and also nourish and moisturize it.

Options: anti-burn spray Panthenol (estimated cost - 300 rubles); Posthelios after-sun restoration cream for face and body from La Roche Posay (estimated cost - 800 rubles); anti-sunburn balm SOS from Garnier Ambre Solaire (estimated cost - 380 rubles).

Elena Kobozeva, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist:“A tan gives you a healthy look, makes your body slimmer, and hides some skin imperfections, so it’s not surprising that most people strive to tan faster in the summer. To ensure a beautiful tan and for your skin to withstand intense ultraviolet radiation well, you need to remember to take care of your skin not only before tanning, but also after it. After sunbathing, the skin needs deep hydration, so do not forget to use special moisturizers labeled “after sunbathing.” Drinking carrot juice also helps you get an even tan quickly. Remember that many cosmetic procedures - chemical peelings, photorejuvenation, laser resurfacing, etc. - are incompatible with tanning and it is better to postpone them until the fall.”

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