
How to improve trading in the market. Conspiracy for good trade and sales. What could be the consequences?

How to improve trading in the market.  Conspiracy for good trade and sales.  What could be the consequences?

Trade has always been considered one of the most widespread areas, and each of us is somehow involved in this area. Even if a person does not work directly behind the counter, the sale of personal belongings, a car, an apartment or some other property is common. Despite the various “hypostases” of traders, they are always united by one single desire - to sell. And I want to do this with maximum benefit for myself. In trading, as in many other areas, along with business qualities, experience and professionalism, there is luck and luck. A strong conspiracy to trade, as well as other rituals for good luck in this matter, are designed to increase trade turnover, increase profits and speed up all these processes as much as possible.

Prayers and conspiracies for trade, like other types of magic, have their own distinctive features and characteristics. In particular, this concerns the organization of the process of performing the ritual itself.

  • It is very important to consider the timing of the trading ritual.
  • It is best to make the most powerful trading spell during the daytime: at dawn, at noon or before sunset.
  • Spells and prayers for success and luck in the trading field should be performed during the waning month.
  • Like many others, strong rituals for getting rid of something (in this case, we are getting rid of a product) must be performed at a given time.
  • The spell for good trading should be read on Wednesday or Saturday if you are performing any specific ritual.
  • If this concerns a simple spell or reading a prayer, then it is advisable to do it immediately after a successful transaction.
  • There must be faith in the effectiveness of the ritual.
  • Whatever ritual you do, be it prayers for successful trading, rituals for money or rituals for a mirror, the success of the entire event directly depends on your belief in the effectiveness of magic.

As you can see, making successful trading spells is not so difficult. The rules and recommendations are quite simple, and following them will make the rituals not only effective, but also effective.

All that remains is to choose the right spell and conquer new customers.

Ritual for successful trading

A conspiracy for successful trading will help improve the workflow, increasing profits from sales and attracting new customers. It is very important to perform this ritual during the waning month: at other times the ritual may not work. To do this you will need an old rag.

During the daytime, dust off your work area with a cloth and say:

“Dashingly beggarly, dashingly unsaleable, don’t touch me, don’t touch my goods!
Away from me, away from here along the water, through the forest, through the swamp,
Don’t invite me with you, take the dead crayfish and lie under a snag.
So that I don’t experience poverty, so that my goods don’t stay stale,
I send away poverty and misery, I sweep away all misfortunes and failures with a rag!
Strength, water, language.

This ritual attracts good luck in trade transactions, and begins to take effect immediately after completion.

Ritual for money

This spell for good luck in trading should be performed directly in the hall where the goods are located. To do this, you will need a medium denomination coin, which should first be dipped in eucalyptus oil.

In the center of the hall, read the conspiracy to trade:

“I give tribute to trade roads.
As soon as you accept my money, you will send me good luck!
So that trade goes uphill, customers come in droves,
Yes, they bought everything, they didn’t spare money, they didn’t leave without shopping.

Just try to ensure that if someone picks up the coin, that person is a client. Do not remove it yourself.

Ritual of baptism of goods

If business is not going well and the product is not selling, spells for successful trading will help correct the situation. This ritual is very powerful and must be performed at dawn before the store opens. To do the ritual, you will need a small mirror. A handbag option is also perfect.

Holding the mirror in your right hand, cross each counter three times, repeating the words of the spell:

“I baptize the goods, I baptize them for sale!
So that you can see the reflection of your product like in a mirror,
It looked so good and the client liked it!
So that the first one to come buys, the second one buys,
I bought the last one too!
And no one left me without buying something!”

As a rule, this is enough to attract good luck and sell the product.

Conspiracy to trade in salt

It is advisable to do a conspiracy for good trading using salt in the first months after the start of trading activities.

At this time, you build the energy field of your business, attracting good luck and wealth. You need to perform this ritual for seven working days in a row.

When going to work, take a pinch of salt with you and, before reaching a few meters from the entrance, throw it over your left shoulder with the words:

“I read a spell for trade, I spell salt!
Where the salt falls, clients will come to me!
No one will leave without purchasing, everyone will leave happy!

When you throw away the salt and say the magic words, go to work without looking back. This conspiracy for trading begins to take effect almost immediately, and the first results will be noticeable within the next few days.

However, to consolidate, you need to repeat the ritual for six more working days in a row.

Rite of surrender

Sometimes it happens that the buyer leaves you the change. Naturally, these are not large sums, but small things. But if you read the correct and effective conspiracy for good trading on this little thing, then this money will attract new buyers, and, accordingly, new money.

If someone left change, do not use it at work, but take it home in the evening. At home, by candlelight, read the words of the spell for change:

“The month is full, the month is middle and young!
Give me a treasure out of a penny.
When my mother gave birth to me, she swaddled me in the first diaper,
So you, too, give me a great treasure!

You need to repeat the words of the prayer three times, after which the money should be put in your wallet and kept there as a talisman. This trading spell will help improve your financial situation, attract new buyers and good luck in business.

Conspiracies for successful trading are considered an effective and efficient method to attract good luck in this matter. It is best to perform such rituals and read prayers during the waning month. The choice of rituals for good trading is very wide: this includes the magic of a Siberian healer, spells on a mirror, and strong rituals for money.

It is very important to believe in the successful resolution of all problems and the high effectiveness of magical influence. Otherwise, magic may not only not work, but also cause harm in your affairs.

Since ancient times, trade has been not only a source of income for many people, but also a special form of art. Every merchant once in his life experiences vague anxiety in a certain situation, when the product seems to be better than that of a competitor, and his clientele is his own, but still the line at someone else’s counter is longer, and everything is in great demand. What is the secret of successful trading? For example, many still believe in conspiracies for successful trading.

How to increase trade?

High sales depend on many factors: a good seller, a suitable product, the location of the store or boutique on the market. But you shouldn’t miss out on such a component as luck. So, to increase trade, you can resort to the help of white magic. We will tell you further about what conspiracies and prayers there are, when it is best to read them and how to properly tune in to the ritual.

What is the most powerful trade conspiracy?

Few sellers know what the most powerful conspiracy to trade is, and there is a special reason for this. A small secret for magic, but a huge secret for the one who creates it - silence. It should be remembered, when resorting to the help of higher powers, that silence is the basis of everything. The more we tell others about what we plan in life, the more luck we let go of our hands. This is how we waste magical energy, passing it through our fingers.

So, magic requires words from us first, and only then comes faith in one’s own strength and luck. The words we use every day can be a subtle instrument that shapes our destinies.

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Perhaps that is why, among the many conspiracies, the most powerful is the one that needs to be pronounced, observing a special ritual. Precision in his execution plays an even more important role than faith.

The first rule of a successful conspiracy is that it must be said in private. The time of day, whether early in the morning or late at night, varies for each type of conspiracy.

The most powerful conspiracy to trade- This is the christening ceremony of the store. This ritual must be performed exactly in all respects: time, words, objects and gestures. It is performed early in the morning, at dawn, using a small mirror.

Take the mirror with your right hand, turn it away from you and, walking around the store, baptize each counter, saying the spell in an even tone:

“I baptize the goods, I baptize them for sale!
So that you can see your product’s reflection like in a mirror, so that it becomes prettier and the client likes it!
So that the first one to come buys, the second one buys,
I bought the last one too!
And no one left me without buying something!”

These words should be read three times in front of each counter. Then, after the completed actions, leave the mirror in a visible place, facing the customers.

To be more likely to attract buyers with a spell, it can be repeated. However, do not overuse it - once a week will be enough for the ideal effect.

In addition to this general ritual, there are more multifunctional, variable conspiracies; everyone will find one that is closer to their spirit. If you feel that some object is asking you to take it into your hands, take it and use it, magic itself tells you what to do.

For sugar

The sugar trading spell is simple to implement and can be used in many areas of life. Vanga herself used it, thanks to which the “sugar” ritual received the name “Vanga’s conspiracy.” Some also call it a “Muslim conspiracy,” and this ritual remains very popular to this day, because sugar is a very specific product. Its grains have a crystal structure, which tends to reflect and enhance the magical effect. Like water, they accumulate and reflect all the words spoken by the caster, feel his emotions and mental messages.

There are several powerful conspiracies that involve sugar. Several of them will be discussed in detail below.

  • Sugar spell to increase sales and profits.

For the ritual, we will need the sugar itself (cubes, refined sugar), as well as any banknote, a bag and a small fire. It is not so important where the first part of the ceremony will take place, but it is important that it is carried out in privacy. It is important to get up early in the morning, wash with cold water and not say a word before the ritual. Then you need to throw a few pieces of sugar, as well as a banknote, into the fire, and while the fire is burning, cast the spell:

“Fire, fire, I see your flames, take my sweet gift and give me more money. Let people come, buy my good goods, and I will receive money for the sale and put it to work. My money is my luck. Amen, amen, amen."

It is extremely important that the fire is low and the sugar does not burn to the ground, but only melts, so it is better to use refined sugar. These melted, unburned pieces of sugar should be carefully removed from the fire, after extinguishing the fire, or using a spatula. Then, having put them in a fabric bag, they need to be brought to the store and placed where money from customers is kept - in the cash register or safe. Sugar will be the magical catalyst that grows your profits and attracts customers.

  • Every morning spell for a lump of sugar for good trading.

Another morning plot that works flawlessly: also get up at dawn, wash your face with cold water and don’t say a word until the store or counter opens. Just before opening, take a piece of sugar and say:

“Just as this sugar is sweet, so my speeches will be sweet, attract people, and sell successfully. Whoever passes by me will take my goods with them.

Let them walk around any rows, and stop at my place, make purchases, bring their relatives.

Let people think my product is sweeter than honey, tastier than sugar, so that they can’t take their eyes off it, they want to take it for themselves as soon as possible.

I dress in gold, put on my shoes in silver - I conjure you, sugar, so that I will be lucky in trade. I return from the road not empty-handed, but with full bins.

I will give alms to the poor and pour them spicy honey from the bottom of my heart. My trade is successful, my conspiracy is strong! So be it!”

Having finished, eat the sugar, savoring it with pleasure. Now the day will be especially lively and profitable. Get ready!

  • Sugar plot for financial stability.

In addition to the sugar spell for trading, there is also a sugar spell for financial success that will help you personally. If your financial situation leaves much to be desired, take your wallet, put in it a few bills, a few coins and at least one credit card with a small balance in the account. Pour some sugar into it, this time loose sugar, and, holding the wallet in front of you, look into it and say the following words:

“Bees are flying for honey, and money for sugar will come, I’m waiting for you right here, here and now.”

You need to repeat the spell five times in a row. It is extremely important that the calendar shows Thursday on this day.

On poppy

Poppy, like sugar, is one of the magical items. Trade rituals are also performed with the help of poppies.

One of the most powerful is produced right behind the counter - in a store or at the market; the timing of it plays an important role. It must be Thursday, there must be a waxing moon in the sky. You need to buy the poppy itself (about 300 grams) and a beautiful handkerchief from the market. The ritual performed the next day will remain effective for a whole month.

Spread a handkerchief on the counter, pour poppy seeds on it and recite the following incantation nine times:

“Just as there are immeasurable and countless poppies, there will be so many buyers for my good and attractive product. All those who step on the scattered seeds will definitely buy my product and will be grateful for it.”

After this, carefully, so as not to spill the poppy, tie the handkerchief in a knot and take it to a secluded place. Every morning of the next month, scatter about a teaspoon of poppy seeds from a handkerchief, saying the above words.

Trade conspiracies from Vanga’s book

The Great Vanga, like no one else, was a master of conspiracies, and the secret of her special conspiracies is simple. An important role is played by the pronunciation of the spell, vibrations with the help of which words penetrate the subtle structure of the universe, sending mental waves to your environment.

One of the most famous conspiracies for trade from Vanga’s book is the conspiracy for honey and holy water.

According to Vanga, it should be pronounced monthly, on the 3rd, and it is strongly recommended to repeat it without omissions - such a strong conspiracy requires extreme precision in execution.

Pour holy water into any container - a cut glass, a small jug, a bowl. Then you need to add honey to it, literally a teaspoon. Repeat these words while stirring until the honey dissolves:

“The bees were flying across the meadow, collecting honey for me. I put it in water. Just as people eat honey, let them look at my product and want to buy it. It’s profitable for me to trade, sell the goods quickly and buy new ones! I wash the threshold with sweet water, I protect the store from bad people. Amen!".

This conspiracy will not only attract success to your business, but will also protect you from damage, the evil eye and bad intentions.

All conspiracies, but especially Vanga’s conspiracies, require not only correct pronunciation, but also self-confidence and the success of the ritual. You need to believe in your desires, aspirations and abilities, and not allow any doubts.

For salt

A salt spell will help you attract buyers using white magic. The most powerful conspiracy and ritual for trading in salt is quite lengthy, but extremely effective. You will need salt and a white handkerchief.

It starts before sunrise. Standing facing the open door of a store or counter, pour a pinch of salt into your left palm and repeat seven times in a row:

“I sell goods, I give away goods. Everyone comes to me, buys, they don’t count the money, but I get rich. Amen".

Then turn your back to the store and pour the salt over your left shoulder with a strong wave, trying to get at least the slightest amount of salt onto the product and the cash register.

After this, you should wash your face with cold water, without wiping yourself, and again stand at the entrance to the store, with your back to it. And read the second plot, holding a handkerchief in your hands and not taking your eyes off it.

“I will drive away failures and adversity. I put my own protection on the product. Let people not walk by, let them definitely come in. For money - a commodity, for a commodity - money, and for me - success. Amen"

Dry your face with a handkerchief and hide it securely from prying eyes and hands in the place of trade.

On the water

Any water, not just holy water, is a magical element, and spells cast on it bring good luck in everything, including trade. The spell for water for trade is one of the most powerful, because the energy of water and money have the same structure.

For the ritual you will need a bowl of water, any ring, but better - a gold one taken from your hand. Pour water into the bowl and lower the ring. Place your index finger in the center of the ring and begin to move your finger along the bottom of the bowl, moving the ring.

Water listens perfectly and remembers your words. Say this spell kindly and tenderly, like to the warm sun:

“As the mill turned, the grain ground day and night,
so let both my money and my goods circulate day and night.
Let them not lie in a bag, but circle around the world,
other money meets me, other money brings me to me.
Like bees fly to honey - so everyone looks at my product,
like moths fly to the light - so money comes to me.
You can’t count the stars, you can’t hug the earth with your hands,
so no one can take away my strong word.
Everyone comes to me, they bring their money,
The goods are being sorted out, bread, salt and water are here.
Everyone come here to me, here is water for you.
Water for you, money for me. Amen. Amen. Amen."

These words, although long, are best learned. After they have been said, immediately put on the ring and wear it without taking it off for several days. Drain the water onto the ground under the tree.

When will the conspiracy start working?

A strong conspiracy for good and profitable trading begins to take effect immediately. Its duration is determined individually, depending on the plot itself, the items used and the lunar cycle.

As already mentioned, any conspiracy to sell goods in a store should be read abstracting from reality, negative thoughts and doubts. Self-confidence is fundamental to any magic, and this should not be forgotten.

What could be the consequences?

The most powerful conspiracy for successful trading in the market, in a store, behind the counter, can be read without consequences. The main thing is to make sure that you are doing everything correctly, using the right spells related to white magic. Then they will not have a negative impact on trade or any other area of ​​life. On the contrary, their influence on your activities can bring happiness in other areas: everyday life, family, love. In the actions of conspiracies aimed at good, only light forces are used, drawn from your own natural forces and thereby increasing them. And there is nothing wrong with that.

A lot in our world depends on ourselves, our energy, faith and attitude towards all living things. Be affectionate and open with the world, and the world will be affectionate and open to you!

Not only the sellers standing behind the counter can take advantage of the trade conspiracy. The magic of attracting profit is suitable for businessmen, hairdressers and manicurists, street musicians and those who sell their goods on Internet sites. Conspiracies and rituals help increase customer flow, attract new income, and sell a certain item. The magical effect of the sacraments is aimed at cleansing the money channel and providing protection from envious people.

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    Rules for reading conspiracies and performing rituals

    In order for rituals and conspiracies for successful trading to be effective, you must adhere to the following rules for their implementation:

    1. 1. The optimal days for trading conspiracies are Wednesday and Saturday. It is at this time that monetary energy is most active.
    2. 2. Conspiracies are most powerful among those people who do not resort to lies in everyday life. If a person is accustomed to making up things for the sake of a catchphrase or for some other reason, his words will have a very weak impact on reality.
    3. 3. As before other magical sacraments, before the trade ritual it is useful to remain silent for at least half an hour. If circumstances do not allow, a few minutes are enough.
    4. 4. The sacraments must be performed independently - there should be no people or animals nearby.
    5. 5. For successful trading, you need to monitor the state of your energy. It is not recommended to resort to witchcraft in a state of fatigue, depression, or illness.

    Rituals in different lunar phases

    Almost all money rituals are performed on the waxing moon. It is at this time that efforts aimed at increasing profits are most effective.

    But there are also rituals that are performed during the waning moon phase. They are aimed at driving out failure and poverty.

    To the waxing moon for coins

    During the waxing moon, you should go outside holding a handful of small coins in your hand. Opening their palms so that the moonlight falls on them, they pronounce the words of an ancient conspiracy:

    “As you, clear month, grow, so let my money grow. Go, coins and banknotes, to my hands every day, every minute. I leave the bad, but I take the dear for myself. Amen.”

    On the waning moon on wax

    With the help of this ritual, you can get rid of failures in trading and cleanse the money channel. For the sacrament you will need:

    • deep container with cold water;
    • candle or beeswax;
    • wax bowl.


    1. 1. Your photograph must be placed under a container of cold water. A transparent bowl is very suitable for the ritual.
    2. 2. Then the wax is melted in a water bath.
    3. 3. The bowl of wax should be slowly moved clockwise in a circle over the water. The wax should be poured into the water.
    4. 4. At the same time, the words of the conspiracy are pronounced three times: “I shed wax, I shed poverty from myself, I drive away the servant of the Lord (name). What interferes with my income, and takes away profit, all the clues and connections, failures and adversity, damage and love spells, and other worries - I remove everything with wax. Everything that even slightly blocks the money river, and drives away income from me, I cast it away, lock it in hard wax. As I said, so it is. The key, the lock, the tongue.”

    The ritual is carried out for three days in a row. Each time you use new wax. After the sacrament, the wax cannot be kept at home. It should be taken to a pedestrian (or better yet, a cemetery) intersection and buried exactly at midnight. At the crossroads you should leave a ransom - a few coins.

    Rituals and conspiracies using various objects

    Additional objects in ritual magic serve as intermediaries between subtle plane phenomena and the real world. Rituals using various paraphernalia make the conspiracy more effective and attract good luck in trading in the shortest possible time.

    On a rag

    They take a piece of old cloth and brush off the dust from the display cases.

    “Dashing one-eyed, unsaleable! Don’t touch me and my glorious goods. Get away from here through the swamps and fields, through meadows and forests. Don’t call me with an ominous squeak. Take the dead cat and lie under a river snag. So as not to know I want poverty and misery, and my glorious and red goods will not languish.

    The ceremony is carried out for three days in a row. After this, the rag is disposed of. It must be thrown into a dirty pond or puddle.

    On a holy holiday

    This ritual will bring success in trade. Only those who trade honestly and do not deceive customers can resort to the sacrament. Held on any major church holiday - Christmas, Candlemas, Easter.

    To perform the sacrament, you should wear yellow clothes.

    They take a little millet in their hands, and, pouring it from palm to palm, pronounce the words of the conspiracy:“Clear gold, make friends with me, like a wild animal with clear water, like a nightingale with red spring, like morning dew with grass. I am not a swindler or a deceiver, but an honest merchant is a fine fellow. I sell goods in good conscience, I hang them in abundance, I measure to the buyers with a measure and powder. So let there be peace and treasure in my barns, without poverty and ruin, every day and hour of my bazaar. "

    The millet is taken outside and fed to the birds.

    For salt

    They take a little salt in their right hand and stand with their back to the product. When performing a ritual on salt, you need to be alone in order to pronounce the magic words loudly and clearly:

    “Those on foot and on horseback, hurry here. Here you have shelter, food and water. For me, the coins are clear and the bills are crisp, and for you - a nice product. Amen.”

    Then the salt should be thrown with the right hand over the left shoulder.

    For a nickel

    On the first day of the waxing moon, a coin is placed in a box. Z Then the words are pronounced:

    “Give me a whole treasure from one coin. Just as my own mother gave birth to me and swaddled me in a clean diaper, so you give me a big income. Amen.”

    The coin must remain in the box until the full moon. The nickel is then placed in the pocket and not taken out during trading. If trading is brisk on this day, you should leave some change for divorce. It will bring good luck in the coming days.

    On a scarf

    Standing facing the shop windows, they wipe their face with a handkerchief before starting the day. At the same time, the words of the conspiracy are pronounced:“I pay tribute to the trading spirits. Accept my sweat, send me good luck. So that sales go uphill, and buyers crowd in crowds, and do not skimp on money. Amen.”

    The scarf should be carried with you throughout the day.

    For flowers

    Beautiful flowers are placed in the retail space. Both fresh and in a pot with soil are suitable. In the morning before trading begins, cast a spell on them:

    “It’s for you to please the human eye and to bloom beautifully, but for me it’s good to conduct trade. Invite all honest people here - hurry from everywhere, there is beauty here. Here buyers will be kindly treated, rewarded with good goods. It’s a joy for honest people, and for me a good profit. Amen.” .

    When the bouquet fades, it should be changed and a new one should be made.

    On honey

    The ceremony is carried out at home. spoon of honeydissolve in water and read a spell on it:

    “Everyone likes honey, it is pleasant and sweet to everyone. Just as hardworking bees fly to honey, so the buyers are in a hurry to sort out my goods. Everyone needs my goods and they are good. Whoever comes to my window will not leave without buying a good one. Key, lock, language".

    Half the glass is drunk, and the rest should be quietly sprinkled near the product.

    To holy water

    In the morning, you should pour holy water into a glass glass and pronounce the words of the conspiracy three times:

    “Holy water, you bring health and goodness to everyone. Everyone drinks you, and in church they take them for various needs. So let the buyers come to me. I have to trade, I don’t know poverty, I do the works of God. Let young and old come to my doorstep , I am glad to every buyer. You have a product - profit for me."

    Water is drunk on an empty stomach.

    On the mirror (baptism of goods)

    If a product sells poorly, a ritual called product baptism will help. Held early in the morning, before the store opens. For the ritual you will need a small mirror. Cosmetic will do.

    The mirror is taken in the right hand and each of the counters is crossed three times. At the same time, the words of the conspiracy are pronounced:

    “I baptize my good goods for sale. The goods are reflected in the mirror, and everyone likes the buyers. The first one who approaches will buy, the second will buy, and the last buyer will not leave empty-handed. No sooner said than done. Amen.”

    The plot is read on each of the shop windows. Then the mirror is placed in a visible place.

    The ritual can be performed no more than once a week. Usually, the revival in trading begins after the first time.

    For a fountain pen

    The love spell ritual is performed with a pen that constantly has to be worked. Before reading the plot, you should put things in order in the work area: get rid of all the garbage and put the necessary things in their places. Then the words are spoken alone:

    “My pen serves faithfully, my hand is close friends with it. Together we can write important letters and decide matters. And how much ink it still has, so much strength I have for work. Let the clients bring money, and let the bosses care for me.” cherishes that he is his child. So that work is not boring, and money is handy. Once said, it’s done, signature and stamp.”

    Rituals from Vanga

    Money spells and recommendations from the famous Bulgarian clairvoyant have a powerful power to attract profits and buyers. In addition to reading conspiracies, Vanga advised asking for help in the Church of All Saints. If sales go up, you need to thank the Higher Powers by making a sacrifice to the temple or giving generous alms to a beggar.

    To organize the sale of goods, Vanga recommended not to let the first buyer go without purchasing, but to give him a good discount. Even if he pays an even amount, you should definitely give him change, calling it a special discount. This action will help increase cash flow.

    On the red ribbon for increasing income

    The ritual helps improve sales and increase profits. It is carried out with a silk red ribbon about 50 cm long.

    It goes like this:

    1. 1. On a moonlit night, a red ribbon is placed on the windowsill. In the morning, preferably at sunrise, you should take a ribbon and tie its ends.
    2. 2. The resulting circle is placed on the floor.
    3. 3. Then you should stand in the center of this circle, turning your face to the rising sun, and pronounce the spell:“My trade brings profit, my business is strong. Stand behind me, in front and on both sides, and I in the middle. Wherever I appear, my profit will not leave me. Amen.”
    4. 4. Ribbon is used to wrap a wallet, a chair or table leg in a retail space. Any item related to business will do.

    The amulet attracts income from the first day of use.

    For sugar against spoilage

    Sometimes you find salt under the counter that shouldn't be there. This may indicate that competitors made a witchcraft “sprinkle” to spoil trade. A magical ritual for sugar will help neutralize this negativity:

    1. 1. The floor is thoroughly swept and wiped. Both the garbage and the floor rag are thrown away.
    2. 2. Then they take a small amount of granulated sugar and pronounce the words on it: “Grains of sugar are scattered everywhere, and evil spells and slander are instantly broken. Buyers come to me in droves and take the goods with them. Money flows like a river, and poverty and witchcraft are gone. No sooner said than done. Amen.”
    3. 3. Sugar crumbles into the place where the salt was. There he must lie until the next day.

    On poppy

    1. 1. Purchase a poppy and a new scarf.
    2. 2. A scarf is spread on the table, and a handful of seeds is poured onto it.
    3. 3. The poppy is baptized with the right hand, while simultaneously pronouncing the words of the spell: “Whoever steps on even a grain of poppy will sell out all my goods. Amen.”
    4. 4. After this, you need to scatter the grains throughout the room.

    Spells for different needs

    The following conspiracies do not require additional attributes. They will be most effective if pronounced directly in the sales area. You can enhance the effect of magic words with the help of a lit candle, carefully placing it in the middle of the room.

    Against competitors

    This ritual helps protect against the envy of unfriendly competitors, their intentional or involuntary evil eye. To protect your business from evil, you should say a conspiracy at the end of the day in the trading premises:

    “I’ll go to a wide and rich yard, I’ll look in all directions and ways. I see from heaven to earth a young month and clear stars. You, distant and confusing roads, will detain my competitors. Their unkind word, look, thought, damage and bury the evil eye in the ground. You, heavenly stars, darken your clear light. So that my enemies may not trade or move. So that they become deaf and dumb, they are not strong enough to cause me harm.”

    Morning ritual for a profitable day

    To prevent buyers from passing by shop windows without making a purchase, the following words should be said before starting trading:

    “I’m going to the market to trade, a good fellow and a beautiful maiden to meet. Well done and the maiden will come, they will take all my goods. Without loss, just one profit. Money comes to the doorstep, God himself helps me. Amen.”

    Conspiracy in a retail space on the flow of customers

    In the morning you need to stand in the center of the room and say the words of the conspiracy:

    “Gold, pour into my pocket like wheat into a bin! Stick to my hands like flies to honey. Pour into my pockets without counting, in generous handfuls and handfuls. Buyers come in a crowd, bringing me money. Goods are quickly taken apart, money is added . Amen."

    The conspiracy ensures excellent trading throughout the day.

    From checks and audits

    The following ritual will help protect against unexpected inspections by various authorities or make sure that the planned audit goes smoothly and without penalties. Before the start of the working day the following words are said:

    “In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! The clear stars in the sky are dressed up, reflected in the waters of the Jordan. How can a person not count all the stars in the sky, and not remove them from the firmament of heaven, so that my luck is not taken away, neither verbal nor written word is cursed . Amen."

    For a good deal

    Before concluding a commercial deal, you must whisper the words of the conspiracy into your palms: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” Then run your palms over your face three times and say: “Amen.”

    For particularly serious transactions, you can repeat the entire sequence seven times, and then go about your business.

    Ritual for selling things

    To sell a certain item, you should speak to it before starting the day:

    “At the market, bargaining is going on vigorously, the merchant buys, the seller sells. And furs, and silks, and various precious stones, and belongings. I’ll sell this belongings too. Here (the item is clearly called). The price of the belongings is (amount). “Whoever catches your eye will immediately want to buy it.”

    Slanders on buyers

    With the help of short slander, you can send a potential client an energetic impulse to buy. The conspiracy can also be used after the generous buyer has left the premises.

    For purchase

    Looking at the buyer, you should politely say:"Buy inexpensively!" Mentally it is said: “You will take what is mine, you will give what is yours. So be it.”

    If the client examines the item

    If the buyer picks up an item, you should mentally (or very quietly if the client is at a considerable distance) say: “Buy it right now. Take the evil eye off yourself.”

    Words are spoken before the buyer puts the item back.

    So that the client does not leave empty-handed

    To prevent the buyer from leaving without purchasing, the following words are spoken mentally or out loud:“Just as a person cannot eat food without salt, so you cannot live without (name of the product). Without (name) you came, with (name) leave. Products for you, income for me. Amen.”

    To the back of the buyer

    The words are spoken to the departing client’s back: “Go, go, and bring them with you. Amen.”

    Then you should spit three times over your left shoulder.

    Rituals with bills and coins

    Charmed money is the simplest means of attracting good luck in trading. Rituals with money can be repeated up to several times a week.

    Money amulet for change

    The change that buyers leave for change will serve as a very strong amulet for attracting luck in trading. The sacrament is performed alone. The ritual will be most effective if performed at work.

    First, any candle made of light wax is lit. The words of the conspiracy are pronounced on the coin three times:

    “Let a small coin turn into a great profit. A penny was lying around, but a whole treasure was born. For joy and happiness, and for the glory of God. Amen.”

    Then the charmed change is placed in the wallet separately from other coins. The amulet will help attract buyers and increase profits. It works almost instantly.

    Using first proceeds

    To make the whole day profitable, you should use the first paper money received from the buyer. After accepting money from the first client, banknotes should be placed around the entire product, saying the words:

    “The buyer came, took the goods. He brought some good money. All day long, buyers come to me, bringing benefits. Amen.”

    Banknotes are placed in a wallet or a place where all the daily earnings are added. The first banknote plays the role of a magnet to attract cash flow on this day.

    Ritual with coins to attract a large number of clients

    In the morning before trading begins, any valid coins should be scattered around the trading premises. They should lie like this for a day. Then all the coins are swept into the scoop. In this case, revenge follows in the direction from the front door to the counter. The words are spoken at the same time:

    “I sweep away the profit and invite clients. One will come and bring in income, the second will come and bring even more. The third will come and buy everything up. As I said, so be it. Amen.”

    Then the coins are swept into an inconspicuous corner and remain there.

    Money magnet made from change

    If the buyer did not take the small coins, they can be used to make an amulet - a money magnet.

    To do this, change the change is placed on the left palm and the spell is pronounced on them:

    “The full moon, the middle moon, the young moon! Let golden money come to me. Give me a rich treasure out of small change. I will gird myself not with a belt, but with a diamond cord. From circle to circle. Amen.”

    Coins are placed under the trading place. The spell can be repeated several times a week. A magnet made from small change will very quickly increase the flow of customers and profits.

    Rite for a nickel from the envy of competitors

    If there is a suspicion that competitors have jinxed good trade or are jealous, the following ritual will help:

    1. 1. When you arrive at a retail space, you should cross yourself and your workplace.
    2. 2. Then a nickel is taken in the hand and the words are pronounced:“The Apostle Peter walked along the road, and carried with him a gilded wallet. On the way, a snake lay across it. The one who approaches the snake and counts its scales will only hinder my trade. Amen.”

    The nickel is used as a talisman for good luck in business and to ward off the evil eye and envy of competitors.

    Magic of nature

    You can also attract profit and increase the flow of customers using natural forces. Such rituals are performed without special preparation. After reading the plot, you should thank the natural force for future prosperity.

    Ritual with forest ants

    If any product does not sell for a very long time, you can use this ritual:

    1. 1. Go to the forest, taking with you a bun or loaf of fresh bread.
    2. 2. Find a large anthill in the forest.
    3. 3. In your own words, ask Leshy if it is possible to collect ants for good trading.
    4. 4. If a sign is given - a tree creaks, or a bird chirps - a few ants are collected in a bag.
    5. 5. A bun is left near the anthill as a ransom for Leshem.
    6. 6. Having carefully brought the ants to the trading place, they are poured onto the stale goods. At the same time, the words of the conspiracy are pronounced: “As if the anthill is full of ants, so many buyers would come to my yard. Amen.”

    To the snow

    The ceremony is held on the day when the first snow falls. At this moment, you should go outside or onto the office balcony and say the words of the conspiracy three times:

    “Snow falls from the sky and covers Mother Earth. So let clients come to our store (name of the store or company), people of money and trade, respectable merchants, all of them are not misers. They generously bring us money and goods They take the glorious one. They cover the earth with profit. Amen.”

    Spell for rain

    In the rain the words are spoken:

    “As you sprinkle drops richly, so I will have many rich buyers. Amen.”

    Strong Orthodox prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

    You can resort to Orthodox prayer only if you are honest in your trading. The holy saint will help only those who deeply believe in the power of the Lord and also engage in business with full dedication. The prayer to the Wonderworker is read as follows:

    “Our great and sensitive mentor, the holy servant of God Nicholas! Be merciful to us, the sinful inhabitants of the earthly vale. We ask you, hear our humble prayer, and look upon our efforts. Pray to the Lord to protect us from all evil and the wiles of the evil one, to preserve from many temptations and wickedness. May we be rewarded for our labors, diligence and humility. With all our souls, we trust in your intercession, God’s servant, help us not to drown in the abyss of sin, pray to the Lord for the salvation of our souls.”

    Consequences of conspiracies on trade

    Rituals for good trade are one of the safest types of white magic. They have virtually no negative consequences. If the ritual is performed incorrectly, there may be no result or slight physical discomfort.

    After pronouncing any conspiracy or prayer, you should thank the Higher Powers for their assistance. It is undesirable to take a shower after the ceremony - this way you can “wash off” the entire result of the magical effect. It is also worth remembering that alcohol consumption is prohibited three days before and three days after the sacrament.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure; problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

    But who can help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passing you by? It’s hard to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 thousand for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I couldn’t even imagine that it was possible to earn so much money that some trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

    It all started when I ordered my personal...

Trade is not only one of the oldest crafts, it is an entire art in which both talent and luck are equally important. Most people whose activities are directly related to the supply and demand market believe in the power of magic and often use strong magic in their work, which has the most favorable effect on their business.

Successful trading conspiracy- a magical ritual aimed at increasing trade turnover and increasing sales profits. A correctly performed ritual attracts commercial success, develops the performer’s business and contributes to his prosperity.

The correct operation of trade magic is ensured by certain recommendations that the performer must adhere to during the ritual. The keys to the effectiveness of the trading ritual are compliance with the following conditions:

  • time of day - before sunset. Any plot must be read before the sun disappears below the horizon, so it is preferable to do this at dawn, in the morning, at noon or in the early evening;
  • day of the week - Wednesday or Saturday. Trade is directly related to finance, and these days have a special monetary energy. Although there is one nuance here: Saturday and Wednesday are suitable for performing full-fledged rituals, including both a certain set of actions and a spell. If the conspiracy is not accompanied by any ritual, it is not forbidden to pronounce it on any day of the week;
  • the phase of the moon depends on the specific focus of the ritual. If the goal is to quickly sell the goods, then such rituals should be carried out in the waning month. If the ritual is aimed at increasing profits from sales and attracting buyers, it is better to perform the ritual on the waxing moon;
  • belief in the power of witchcraft. If a person is skeptical about magic, not a single ritual performed will lead to the desired result.

When used correctly, trading magic is a fairly effective tool. However, when turning to it, the performer must not forget about elementary conscientiousness in his work.

First of all, this concerns the appropriate attitude towards its customers and the quality of the goods sold. Of course, a conspiracy will help sell even low-quality goods, but at the same time the seller will certainly have to face significant losses in other places - no one has canceled the magical law of karma.

Powerful and proven methods

To the prosphora

The words are read on a prosphora, which must be purchased in the church for the holy holiday. The performer, when he is getting ready to trade, should take the prosphora in his left hand, cross himself with his right hand, then say 12 times:

“Lord God, help.”

After this, you need to stand facing the red corner, bow to it and say:

“King Herod had 12 daughters. And it is true that there were twelve of them, and not thirteen, and it is true that I will sell my goods.”

You should eat the prosphora and calmly go to your place of work.

With the help of prayer to Seraphim of Sarov

This is a very strong conspiracy, therefore it is read in conjunction with the Orthodox. First, the performer must contact Father Seraphim with the words:

After reading the prayer, the conspiracy itself is pronounced:

“The works of the Lord, His pure lips will pray for me. Lord my God, Lord God, help my soul with faith, multiply all my business in trade - in buying and exchanging, in what a merchant lives. My bargaining is in the name of Your Holy Name. And Your protection will be there. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

On the salt of the growing month

During the growing month, poured into a bag made of red fabric (the bag must be prepared in advance). Conspiracy text:

“Across high mountains, across green plains, along blue seas, a merchant walked with good goods. He surprised everyone he met along the way with the wealth of choice. He sold his goods kindly and without deception. That merchant spent his whole life on the road and had a rich profit. The Salt Wizard was his reliable protection on the way. To me, God's servant (God's servant) (his name), the merchant left magic salt as an inheritance. The merchant transferred his success and luck into my hands. I’ll scatter the magic salt in front of the counter and with this I’ll attract buyers, I’ll sell all the goods and make a profit. Amen".

A pinch of charmed salt should be scattered daily at the workplace, and the red bag should always be carried with you. When all the salt has been used up, the ritual should be repeated.

For product

It is necessary to baptize the exposed one, accompanying your actions by pronouncing the following conspiracy:

“The moon is bright, the sun is red. The skies are clear and trade is excellent. Here I stand, servant of God (servant of God) (your name), not in vain. Whoever comes to me will leave with my goods. Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Since the plot involves the quick sale of goods, it should be read during the period of waning night light.

Short weekly spells

The short spells listed below can be used every week. You can choose any of them and use it for the benefit of your business.

Possible consequences of conspiracies for trade

A person who has used a magical ritual for trading at least once was probably worried about the possible consequences of the ritual. We can talk about negative results from using trade magic only if the performer turns to black witchcraft. The above conspiracies relate to white magic, therefore they are not capable of harm. The merchant who uses them only strengthens his own energy with the help of the light forces contained in these rituals. There's nothing wrong with that.

However, we must remember that the forces of good help only people who live according to their conscience. If a person is obsessed with hatred, anger and envy towards others, and is accustomed to making money at the expense of others, no magic will help him.

Watch another powerful ritual for a successful business in this video:

Do not forget about the preliminary reading of the Lord’s Prayer - read 3 times and cross yourself 6 times.

Signs for selling a car, house, housing

To successfully sell a car, you can hide coins in the interior so that no one can see them.

Free online interpretation of dreams - to get results, enter the dream and click on the search button with a magnifying glass

The car must be sold after thorough washing and cleaning.

There is no need to feel sorry for the car, otherwise you won’t be able to sell the car.

At midnight you need to open a window or window, turn off all the lights and light a church candle from a match.

Taking a hair from yourself, burn it in the flame of a candle with the words:

“As my hair burns, so you, servant of God, (name), for me, servant of God, (name) will decay.

So that he only grieves for me, does not know a single woman,

He would only want me, alone, think only about me, and only suffer for me.

Just as this hair won’t grow back, so be it

no one will interrupt mine. Key, lock, tongue. Amen!"

— Love spell with hair

When selling an apartment or house, you don’t need to tell everyone about the upcoming event.

Customers who come should be invited to sit down, but as if by chance (to drink tea), but the owners must stand.

Definition of magical abilities

Choose the description that suits you best and find out what your hidden magical abilities are.

Pronounced telepathy - you can read and transmit thoughts at a distance, but it takes a lot of work to achieve your goal and believe in your hidden capabilities.

Remember that the lack of a mentor and control of abilities will turn good into harm, and no one knows how destructive the consequences of the devil's influence can be.

All signs of clairvoyance. With some effort and the support of higher powers, you can develop the gift of recognizing the future and seeing the past.

If the forces are not controlled by a mentor who can help cope with them, ruptures in temporary space are possible and evil will begin to seep into our world, gradually absorbing it with dark energy.

Be careful with your gift.

By all indications, he is a medium. It's about being able to connect with spirits and even control the passage of time, but it takes years of practice and the right mentor.

If the balance of power is upset, then darkness will begin to absorb the remnants of good and power that could serve for good, I will move to another hypostasis and darkness will reign.

By all accounts, it’s witchcraft. You can study and cast damage, the evil eye, you can do love spells and divination will not be an overwhelming task.

But everything must be used exclusively for the good and done so that others do not suffer, in their innocence, from your superpowers given from above.

Developing inner strength requires at least 5 years of practice and the right mentor.

What is most characteristic of you is telekinesis. With the right concentration and effort, which can be compressed into a spherical force, you will be able to move small and, over time, larger objects with the power of thought.

By choosing a mentor who has more power, you have a bright future, which can be darkened by a transition to the dark side if you are not strong enough to keep yourself from the temptations of Satan.

You are a healer. Practical magic, incantations, spells and everything connected with it are not just words, but your life choice and power, which is given by the higher mind and this is not just like that, but for a sacred purpose that you will soon learn.

It will be like a vision, like a prophetic dream that you can never forget.

Remember that this power must be used only for good, otherwise you will be swallowed up by darkness and this will be the beginning of the end.

Only the owner should be present in the apartment; pets and elderly people may interfere.

In the corner of the kitchen you can place a broom or mop with the handle down.