
What benefits are available to large families? What monthly payments are due to large families? Targeted payments to large and low-income families

What benefits are available to large families?  What monthly payments are due to large families?  Targeted payments to large and low-income families

Moscow's budget for 2020 provides for social spending of 430 billion rubles: this is more than for any other area. Almost in all areas of social assistance large families in Moscow, the amount of benefits, payments and compensations has doubled compared to the previous year.

This step is due to the increasing cost of living and the desire of the authorities to support families with a large number of children. What kind of help can large families in Moscow expect in 2020?

Who can receive

Different regions of Russia have adopted different definitions of a large family: in some regions of the federation, this status is assigned after the birth of the fourth child.

  • under 16 years of age;
  • aged 16 to 18 years, if they are studying in a general education program;
  • who are relatives, adopted children, stepsons or stepdaughters.

To qualify for social assistance from the state, parents will need to obtain a special certificate, which will serve as the basis for the provision of benefits.

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Until recently, the status of a large family was determined by the eldest child, that is, if there were three children in a family, then such a family lost its status as a large family at the moment when the eldest child turned 18 years old.

Today, a large family in Moscow has the right to enjoy all the benefits due until the 18th birthday of the youngest child.

Among the requirements for applicants for a large family certificate:

  • presence of permanent or temporary registration in Moscow;
  • children must be registered with their parents;
  • the child taken into account when assigning status is fully supported by the state.

What benefits are available to large families in Moscow in 2020?

The amount of most benefits and payments to large families in Moscow has been doubled since January 1, 2018 compared to 2020 .

Due to the rise in cost of living, such families have the right to receive monthly cash payments in the amount of:

In addition, large Moscow families in 2020 are entitled to compensation for expenses associated with paying for housing and communal services in the amount of 1,044 rubles per month if there are 3 or 4 children in the family, or 2,088 rubles if there are more than 5 children in the family.

Such families can receive 250 rubles monthly to pay for a landline telephone, and 10,000 rubles annually to purchase a set of children’s clothing for the period of study.

In addition to payments, large families in Moscow have the opportunity to take advantage of a number of benefits, including:

  • free trips to public transport both for parents and for all children;
  • children under 18 years old - free medicines with a prescription, under 7 years old - free dairy products;
  • Registration for kindergarten without a queue;
  • free attendance at a preschool;
  • free parking within Moscow.

Within a month, such families can once freely visit a zoo, museum, exhibition or bathhouse, which is on the balance of the city.

For one certificate of a large family you can get two discounted tickets to the Bolshoi Theater if you make a preliminary application.

Tax benefits include an annual exemption from transport tax.

City authorities are considering the possibility of providing additional assistance to large families in 2020. The “Children's Housing Deduction” project, which provides for the state to repay part of the mortgage debt, is currently at the consideration stage. In this case, the state undertakes to pay 75% of the cost of housing.

How to apply

Before you begin processing payments or compensation, you should obtain a certificate for a large family, on the basis of which benefits will be provided.

Registration of the certificate

You can apply for a certificate for a large family through the MFC. To do this, you need to prepare a package of required documents and make an appointment at the multifunctional center.

You can make an appointment with an MFC specialist:

  • by phone;
  • through the official website of the MFC “My Documents”;
  • Having received an electronic coupon at the MFC office.

The department requires you to fill out a special application.

It should be said that by submitting documents to the MFC, the applicant saves time, because here you can use most of the services related to issuing a certificate or receiving benefits, for example, making photocopies, paying state fees, etc.

Registration of benefits

If a document confirming the status of a large family has been received, you can make a request for the benefits provided for this category of citizens.

In this case, depending on the type of benefit, you should contact one of the departments:

  • Russian Pension Fund;
  • Rosreestr;
  • social security service;
  • Housing Authority;
  • migration service;

Having decided on the authority responsible for providing a particular benefit, the applicant must:

  1. Contact the competent department or service for advice regarding the package of required documents and procedural measures.
  2. Prepare the necessary documentation.
  3. Submit an application for benefits, attaching a prepared package of documents.
  4. Within 10-15 days you will receive the result of your request consideration.
  5. If you receive a refusal, appeal the decision to a higher authority.

A refusal, as a rule, can be received due to an incomplete package of documents or incorrect execution of any of the papers.

Required documents

To obtain a certificate for a large family, you must prepare a package of documents, including:

  • passport. You should prepare an original and a copy of the document. The passport must contain a registration mark;
  • birth certificates of all children who are being raised in a family claiming the status of a large family;
  • court order on adoption (if necessary);
  • a certificate issued by the house management or passport office confirming that all children are registered with their parents;
  • all certificates of marriages and divorces, as well as death certificates of previous spouses (if available);
  • a certificate from a general education institution where children over 16 years of age are studying;
  • photographs 30x40 mm, which will be pasted into the ID.

With the issued certificate, you can contact the competent services for benefits. If you need to receive compensation for expenses associated with paying for housing and communal services, you should contact the social service at your place of residence or a multifunctional center.

The package of documents in this case includes:

  • a correctly completed application, the form of which can be obtained from the social service or the MFC;
  • certificate of a large family as a basis for submitting a request;
  • a document confirming the identity of the applicant, for example, a general passport with a mark on Moscow registration;
  • a certificate confirming that the applicant does not receive this type of compensation. Such a certificate may be required if the request is not submitted at the place of permanent residence;
  • certificate 2-NDFL with information about the income of each family member. Such a certificate can be obtained from the tax service;
  • a certificate confirming the absence of arrears in payment of utility services. The benefit cannot be assigned until all utility debts have been repaid;
  • receipts for payment of housing and communal services.

If the applicant is unable to repay utility debts immediately, it is necessary to conclude a debt restructuring agreement with the utility service and attach this document to the submitted papers.

The level of social support for large families in Moscow and the Moscow region is the highest in Russia. The birth of a third child provides for the payment of 173 thousand rubles to the family.

The list of benefits for Moscow large families and the amount of benefits paid are constantly growing. This trend will continue in 2020.

The law signed by the President obliges Russian families in need to pay a monthly allowance upon the birth of their first child.

Payments will be made in addition to the main and. Financial support for the first-born child is also designed for the same period due to the adoption of the new law.

According to calculations, the program, designed for 3 years, will cost the budget approximately 144 billion rubles. In 2018, 21 billion rubles will be spent, in 2019 - 55, in 2020 - 68. The amounts may change during the implementation of the plan.

The amounts of payments correspond to the level of the child's subsistence level in the subject or region Russian Federation for the second quarter of last year. In 2018, they will be equal to the amount that was established in the 2nd quarter of 2017.

The average amount for all regions is:

  • 2018 - 10,523 rubles;
  • 2019 - 10,836 rubles;
  • 2020 - 11,143 rubles.

The amount of benefits is calculated targeted and individually depending on the region or subject of the country.

Presidential payments for a second child

They became monthly benefits from maternity capital in the amount of the subsistence minimum, which will be paid in cash for the second child up to 1.5 years old.
Terms of payment:

Monthly payments from maternity capital for up to 1.5 years are transferred to a bank account or card.

From there they can be withdrawn or spent. They can be used for any family need., and not just those provided by law.

Legal basis

This monthly financial assistance is provided Federal law No. 418-FZ of December 28, 2017 “On monthly payments to families with children.” It came into force on January 1, 2018. Payments began from the same month.

Who can apply?

Beginning in 2018, families can apply for:

  • the first child was born (or adopted) starting on January 1, 2018;
  • the newborn is a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • income per family member does not exceed the subsistence level for the working-age population by more than one and a half times, established for the 2nd quarter of the previous year.

Registration of payments to parents should be completed by contacting the social protection authorities at the place of residence.

The payment can be assigned not only to the mother, but also to the father or guardian.

IMPORTANT! Those who are deprived of parental rights or the parents of those children who are fully supported by the state cannot count on benefits.

What is the connection between income and receiving benefits?

In order to understand whether a family has the right to receive financial assistance, you should take total amount all family income for the last 12 months, and then divide it by 12. Then divide the resulting number by the number of family members, taking into account the first-born (or adopted).

If the income per family member is less than 1.5 times the cost of living in the region, then the family can receive a monthly allowance.

The cost of living was established in the 2nd quarter of the previous year.

Family income includes salaries, pensions, bonuses, scholarships, social benefits and various types of compensation.

Family income does not include financial assistance from the budget in case of emergencies or terrorist attacks.

When a family applies for monthly payments, it must submit all possible documents, confirming income.

Step-by-step instructions for receiving benefits

Necessary steps to receive financial assistance under the new law.

What documents are required to obtain?

The following package of documents must be provided:

  • Russian passports of the parents submitting the application;
  • birth certificate of children (one or more);
  • Marriage certificate;
  • documents regarding family income.

IMPORTANT! Other documents may be required, which applicants will be advised on individually depending on their family situation (for example, in the case of a single-parent family).

Where to apply for payment?

In Moscow and the Moscow region, the application is submitted to the “My Documents” unified public service centers.

In the regions, the application can be submitted to the Social Security authorities at the place of residence.

Payment terms

The application is considered for up to 30 days. When positive decision on the issue, the money will go to the citizen’s account in a Russian credit institution.

Can they refuse to receive it and what should they do if they refuse?

Receipt is denied when:

All cases, except the last one, are reflected in the laws of the Russian Federation. Violation of one of these rules makes it impossible to receive benefits.

In the latter case, it is possible to deliver the documents, or with the help of lawyers, prove their authenticity in court.

Features and nuances upon receipt

The parents are in a civil marriage. In what case can they claim benefits and will their joint income be considered?

In legal practice, the term “civil marriage” does not exist. Since a marriage certificate is required at the time of filing the application, new payments are not due to persons who have not officially legalized their relationship.

The child was born in 2017. Will I receive new payments from 2018?

According to the new law, it is clearly stated that families in which a child was born or adopted starting from January 1, 2018 can apply for new payments.

Thus, the introduced support amounts do not apply to children born or adopted before this date.

Termination of payments

You can apply for benefits at any time within 1.5 years from the date of birth (adoption) of your first child.

Payments last for 1 year. Upon expiration of the deadline, you must resubmit the application with a basic package of documents.

Payments stop:

New payments to large families in 2018

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To guarantee population growth, the Russian Federation adopted a state program for demographic development in 2006. It has proven itself to be very effective - many Russians already have three heirs or even more. By supporting such units of society, the state assists parents by providing opportunities for raising the younger generation. In 2018, families with many children can count on the benefits that were available before, but it is expected that the amount of payments will be increased.

Benefits provided

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 431 of May 5, 1992 noted that the meaning of the concept of “large family” can be established by each region separately. Most regions provide assistance to families with three or more children. Benefits are provided until the eldest becomes an adult - that is, he must turn 18. There are entities where benefits can be used until the eldest child reaches the age of 23, but only if he attends an educational institution, that is, is employed full-time training. Across the country as a whole, families with many children can qualify for the following types of benefits:

  • 30% discount on housing and communal services;
  • medicines for children under 6 years of age (free) with a prescription issued by a pediatrician;
  • priority when registering for kindergarten;
  • food subsidies;
  • free uniform for school and sports activities during training;
  • provision of tickets to concerts, theaters, etc. once a month (free);
  • use of transport in the city (except taxis) and the suburbs is free (for schoolchildren and an accompanied parent);
  • the possibility of additional unpaid leave for mother and father;
  • Mothers of many children are legally allowed to retire early. Women who have raised ten or more children have all the rights to financial assistance;
  • All periods will be included in the mother’s insurance period maternity leave, but not more than 4.5 years in total;
  • parents may be given another day off, but work time it must take at least 40 hours a week;
  • parents are given the opportunity to obtain an education or acquire another specialty for free, and assistance is provided in finding work (temporary and remote);
  • families wishing to create a private enterprise or become farmers will be provided with state support. These are discounts on land tax, registration fees, rent;
  • large families are provided with state assistance in accordance with Federal Law No. 81.

The size of payments for babies up to one and a half years depends on the mother’s salary and will be 40% of her average earnings. The law stipulates both the lower and upper limits of the amount. Since the end of winter 2018, family benefits have been indexed at a coefficient of 1.032, that is, they will increase by a little more than 3%. This is provided for by Federal Law No. 444 of December 19, 2016. In 2018, benefits for large families cannot be lower than 6,327 rubles. 57 kopecks and exceed RUB 26,116. 52 kopecks

About the changes in 2018

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 487 of October 18, 2017 established new option identification of subjects participating in the program to correct the demographic situation. The coefficient increased to 2 and the number of participants increased to 60.

Support for families with several children is organized in a number of entities, such as:

  • North Ossetia Alania;
  • Astrakhan, Omsk, Irkutsk, Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk regions;
  • Udmurtia;
  • Bashkiria;
  • Kalmykia;
  • Perm region.

2018 is interesting with the development of new options for helping large families. Now they have the opportunity to obtain mortgage loans at 6% per annum - at the state level the difference between the proposed interest rate and the real average rate on the market is compensated for 5 years after the birth of the 3rd and any subsequent child. In this case, funding is provided from the state budget. If the family has previously taken out a mortgage loan, it can be refinanced at a reduced rate.

When the grace period ends, the rate will increase again, but it can be a maximum of 2% higher than the Central Bank rate. In order to be able to use this program, a family can take out a mortgage loan of no more than 3 million rubles. (for Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as St. Petersburg and the region - no more than 8 million). The initial deposit must exceed 20%.

By law, the maternity capital program was extended until 2021. But now there are additional options for using the amount provided by the certificate. Low-income families with two or more babies born in 2018 will be able to receive some part of the capital in the form of cash. The established amount will be paid to parents monthly.

Such payments will become possible for a family where the income for each member is lower than one and a half times the subsistence level. Of course, due to the payment of funds, the maternity capital will decrease.

Maternity capital funds can be spent on:

If it is possible to register the baby (starting from 2 months) in a nursery, the mother can start working or studying. In 2018, the amount of maternity capital remains unchanged; indexation did not apply to it. Maternity capital in Russia is 453,026 rubles. A certificate can only be obtained if it has not been issued before.

What should large families expect in 2018? Russian regional authorities may talk about additional benefits when funds are available. In this regard, the capital is a very successful region, and therefore Muscovite families with many children can qualify for good help.

Children under seven years old are allowed baby food, for persons under 18 - medications, the receipt of which requires the decision of a pediatrician at a state institution. Schoolchildren can eat without paying in schools, twice a day. Also, attending school clubs will not require payment.

In Moscow, benefits are paid to families with many children every month. In 2018 they grew several times. Funds are paid for all children who have not yet reached the age of majority. The basic amount for a child is 10 thousand rubles, and for a child from 3 to 18 years old - 4 thousand rubles. If the family is assigned an increased benefit, 15 thousand and 6 thousand will be paid, respectively.

Due to inflation, large families are planned to be subsidized as prices for basic necessities rise. The amount will be 675 rubles per child under three years old. Citizens living in Moscow are entitled to a payment of 1044 rubles (if there are 3-4 children) and 2088 (5 or more). This will offset utility bills. In addition, parents are entitled to 250 rubles as compensation for their home telephone.

For each member of a large family who has not reached the age of majority, you can receive social payments - 1200 rubles. (3-4 children) or 1500 rub. (five, six or more). This should reduce the severity of inflation. Moscow schoolchildren can use city and suburban transport without paying for tickets.

When purchasing children's items, families can qualify for payments from the budget - 1,800 rubles monthly. If there are more than ten children, then an additional 1,500 thousand rubles will be provided.

Children from Moscow large families can visit cultural sites for free, have discounts on tickets to museums and entertainment centers, institutions subordinate to the government of the capital. Schoolchildren can attend such events for free every month.

The Vologda region also provides additional benefits for large families. Here, parents with low incomes have the right to receive 10,613 rubles. for the third and subsequent children. The state also provides one-time assistance, the amount of which will depend on the number of children. Mothers who raised ten or more children under three years old can receive 500 rubles. per month. In Cherepovets, the amount of benefits is larger, since they work there with a different coefficient.

Families in the Krasnodar Territory with many children also retain their benefits in 2018. When the third and subsequent children appear, their father and mother can have an amount of 9,665 rubles per month for 3 years. Any minor demands 4,552 rubles from the Krasnodar budget.

Bashkiria was not destined to remain on the sidelines, paying 300 rubles to families with many children. annually. This is a benefit for the third, fourth and subsequent children who are not yet 3 years old. Payments start when the baby turns one and a half years old. Families with four children expect 1.5 thousand rubles. monthly. Parents of five or more can claim 2 thousand rubles. State support in the region is not so pronounced, since there is already a good birth rate and an improvement in the demographic situation.

Tatarstan provides assistance to families with many children in the amount prescribed by federal legislation. Low-income families can receive 4,908 rubles for a child under 16 years of age. monthly. In addition, there is a payment of 600-750 rubles, and children under three years old are given baby food according to a prescription prescribed by a pediatrician.

The Perm region also offers benefits to low-income large families. Any student from 7 to 23 years old can apply for the amount of 321 rubles. Compensation in the amount of 246 rubles is also provided. 75 kop. to pay for utilities. Parents of three or more children receive benefits for each of them in the amount of 4,618 rubles 45 kopecks.

In the Middle Urals, the birth rate gives rise to optimism. The benefit for the 3rd and subsequent children is not a mandatory payment for this region, but, nevertheless, it is present. In Yekaterinburg and the region, a large family in 2018 can receive 10 thousand 207 rubles monthly. - until the baby turns three years old. Regional coefficients may be used in this entity.

Large families near Rostov claim 8,013 rubles monthly for the third, fourth and subsequent children. Low-income residents of the region (living in the Rostov region for at least 5 years) who have 8 or more children are provided with a minibus.

Residents of Samara with 3 or more children can count on benefits in paying for utilities (23%) and kindergarten (70%). After the third child is born, low-income fathers and mothers are provided with monthly financial assistance - 9,121 rubles.

If we talk about what is expected of large families in 2018, we cannot help but touch on the topic of land and real estate. In 2018, those who became parents of three or more children are provided with benefits related to obtaining housing. Those who plan to increase their own living space can register with the authorities. According to the Housing Code, low-income large families who do not have real estate or whose housing has a small area for a large family have the right to receive free housing. Each region offers its own standards per person. Those who live in dilapidated housing can also apply for square meters.

Those who are registered can expect housing under a social lease agreement, as well as certain free use. Parents can also apply for a subsidy for real estate or purchase it on credit, the term of which is from 30 to 35 years. Local authorities provide temporary housing to large families - an agreement is drawn up for every five years until the youngest family member reaches 16 years of age.

Families can also be allocated a plot of land and register it as their own. The algorithm for such allocation is determined by local authorities; the area of ​​the site can range from 6 to 15 acres. In some regions, instead of a free plot, a family can receive compensation in the form of cash.

In order for parents to be able to apply for state assistance, it is necessary to prepare a document on benefits. After the third child is born, you should contact your local Social Security Administration office. It is necessary to provide an application created in a certain form. Please note that all possible benefits are provided only after registration of a certificate for a large family. To do this you must present:

  • existing passports of family members;
  • 3x4 photo of mother and father;
  • all birth certificates;
  • documents establishing paternity, guardianship, etc.;
  • marriage certificate, divorce certificate;
  • certificate of full-time study (in a number of regions);
  • an extract from the house register with information about all family members living in the apartment;
  • an agreement determining the child’s place of residence (in a situation of parental divorce).

The set of documents is submitted to the “one-stop service”. It can be submitted by the mother, father, or legal representatives of the children. It will be reviewed within 2 weeks.

Moscow's large families have the right to a number of benefits and preferences from the state designed to ease the burden of financial support for minors. They concern almost all spheres of life - from education to medical services. To receive them, you must declare your right and corresponding status to the authorized bodies.

Large family federal level recognize a family with three or more children. Moreover, they can be born from both spouses, adopted, or be stepsons (stepdaughters).

A family is considered to have many children until the youngest is sixteen years old. This age increases to eighteen if the child is studying at a school, lyceum, or other general education institution.

A family is recognized as both a married couple raising children together and a single parent. In case of divorce, the right to preferential benefits is the mother or father with whom the children remain to live.

A child who is fully provided for by the state (located in an orphanage, shelter, or other institutions) will not be taken into account. Also, minors in respect of whom the mother or father are deprived of their rights or have their rights limited are not taken into account.

These rules apply to Russian citizens as well as foreigners. The main criterion for defining a family as large and receiving regional benefits is registration in Moscow.

The birth of a third child in a family does not in itself entail the assignment of official legal status to a family with many children.

To do this, you must obtain a certificate of the established form. To apply for it, you need to contact the local administration at the family’s registration address.

Parents' passports and documents for all children must be presented. After the certificate is issued, the family can expect to receive all types of assistance, compensation and privileges provided by law.

Low-income large families have a special status. These include those whose income per member is less than the amount established by the Moscow Government each year. This category of low-income people has the right to count on additional benefits.

List of benefits

At the state level, a general list of benefits that a large family should receive has been determined. In each region, this list is fixed and specified by local acts. Assistance is provided in in kind, payments, compensation, privileges.

The capital region is one of the most affluent subjects of Russia. This allows you to count on a wide range of benefits. Let us consider in detail what payments and compensations are due to large families in Moscow.

  1. Medical

In the field of treatment and medication, you can get the following free of charge:

  • baby food for a child under seven years old, subject to a medical certificate;
  • medications for all children under eighteen years of age.
  1. The sphere of education

When studying and receiving additional education, children from large families have the right to:

  • free two meals a day in schools, lyceums, and other general education institutions;
  • priority to obtain a place in Moscow preschool institutions(nurseries, kindergartens);
  • exemption from payment for a child’s attendance at state kindergartens;
  • free receipt of services in physical education, health and sports complexes related to city institutions of the Moscow Government;
  • annual payment for the purchase of school clothes (10,000 rubles).
  1. Utility benefits

One of the significant areas is the provision of benefits and subsidies in the housing and communal services sector. These include:

  • thirty percent discount on utility bills.
  • payment for the use of telephone communications (250 rubles);
  • monthly compensation for housing and communal services expenses (1,044 – 2,088 rubles);

Often, large families need improved living conditions. In this case, they can claim the following types benefits:

  • obtaining housing administered by the Moscow Government;
  • allocation of subsidies for the purchase of an apartment or construction of a house;
  • preemptive right to allocate a garden plot of land (currently their provision is suspended due to the lack of free plots).
  1. Tax benefits

One of the parents with many children (mother or father, at their own choice) has a number of tax benefits. These include:

  • tax exemption for one vehicle;
  • reduction of the tax base for property (land) in Moscow by 1,000,000 rubles;
  • income tax deduction in the amount of 1,000 rubles for each minor child (provided to both parents, it is possible to combine them and receive them only by one of them);
  • Benefits received in cash are not taxed.
  1. Parking

Compared to other Russian cities, parking in the capital is a huge problem. The Moscow Government granted large families the right to free travel and parking in specially designated areas.

This right is granted upon receipt of a special parking permit. It allows you to place one vehicle registered to one of the parents with many children. Its operation may be suspended if there are several unpaid fines for violating administrative regulations.

  1. Other types of benefits

There is also a wide list of other privileges that a large family registered in Moscow has the right to count on. These include:

  • Children under sixteen years of age (if studying at school - up to eighteen) use free travel on all types of Moscow transport (except for taxis, regular and route), as well as commuter trains.
  • Issuing a free pass on public transport to one of the parents.
  • Free visit to the zoo, once a month to museums and stadiums.
  • Visits at reduced prices to cultural and recreational institutions (museums, exhibitions, parks, stadiums, entertainment activities And so on).
  • Free service in city baths under the jurisdiction of the Moscow Government.
  • Monthly payment for the purchase of goods for children, of whom there are at least five in the family (1,800 rubles).
  • Monthly payment for each child under three years of age due to the rise in food prices (675 rubles).
  • Monthly payment in connection with the increase in the cost of living (1,200 - 1,500 rubles).
  • Annual payment to families with at least ten children on Family Day (20,000 rubles).
  • An annual payment to families with at least ten children for Knowledge Day (30,000 rubles).
  • Monthly supplement to the old-age pension for a mother who has given birth to ten children (20,000 rubles).
  • Payment for the simultaneous birth or adoption of three children (50,000 rubles).
  1. State benefits

In addition to regional benefits, a large family also has the right to state benefits. This includes paying benefits, providing children with food and educational literature, providing vouchers to camps and sanatoriums, and so on. It is especially important to note the procedure for obtaining a mortgage introduced in 2018.

If a married couple has a third child, the parents have the right to take out a mortgage at 6%. This rate will be valid for five years. This will allow a large family to solve their housing problems at the lowest cost.

To clarify the exact list of benefits that you can count on, you must contact the social security authorities at your place of residence. Their list and sizes may vary. The amounts shown above are as of 2018. How much exactly should be paid in a case where two values ​​are specified depends on the number of children in the family (more or less than five).

Registration of privileges

In order to receive the benefits and allowances provided by law, you must have certificates of a large family. This issue is dealt with by the social protection authorities. You will need to contact your registered address.

To register, you need to submit an application and attach Required documents. The specific list may differ depending on the type of benefit. But, as a rule, you need to provide the following:

  • parents' passports:
  • certificate of large families;
  • documents for children;
  • a certificate of the quantitative composition of the family living in the common living space;
  • certificates from kindergarten, schools.

A set of documents can be submitted in person to the social protection authority, multifunctional center or on the website via the Internet.

For a number of benefits, applications are accepted only electronically.

In some cases, it is necessary to contact someone other than the social security department. For example, to receive medications you must submit an application to the head of the clinic, and to receive free meals - to the director of the school.

A wide range of benefits provided to parents with many children in the capital is aimed at supporting such families, and in addition to increasing the birth rate and improving the demographic situation in the country. Confirmation of rights to benefits and compensation is an appropriate certificate. Privileges relate to different areas of life - education, treatment, payment of utilities, obtaining housing and land, and organizing leisure time. To apply, you must submit an application to the social protection department or another institution (clinic, school, etc.). This can be done in person, through multifunctional centers or electronically.

At the federal level, people with many children are provided with a number of privileges: child care payments, child benefit, benefits at birth or adoption, family capital. Subjects of the Russian Federation have the right to establish additional support measures for such families.

Citizens raising more than one child carefully plan their budget and their expenses. It is useful for them to receive information about what payments are due to large families. Timely provision of benefits and benefits will provide tangible financial assistance to such citizens.

At the federal level, one of the fundamental regulations on state-guaranteed privileges for citizens with many children is Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 431 of May 5, 1992.

The following important documents in the field of benefits for large families are:

  • Federal Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006 “On additional measures of state support for families with children”;
  • Federal Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995 “On state benefits for citizens with children.”

Attention!Regions have the right to independently adopt regulations in the field of supporting citizens with many children. Privileges can be provided both in the form of benefits and in the form of monetary compensation, subsidies and other amounts.

Payments and benefits to large families at the federal level: types and sizes

Payment of benefits and assignment of benefits to citizens with many children occurs upon their application when they confirm their status of having many children.

Children's payments for those going to first grade and students

Article 16 of Federal Law No. 81-FZ establishes the right of citizens to receive child benefits at least once a quarter. Its size, terms of transfer and the circle of persons entitled to it are determined by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Also, for the purpose of this type of assistance, the criterion of need is important. Help will be assigned if the family is recognized as low-income.

The amount of support varies by region. For example, it depends on the age of the student and the composition of the family (full parent or single parent) and ranges from 558 rubles to 6,476 rubles.

The amount of assistance for future first-grade students is also not specified at the federal level. It is the right of regional authorities to determine it. For example, a special annual compensation is provided. Currently, its size is 10,000 rubles. And if there are 10 or more children in a family, then by September 1 she will receive 30,000 rubles. Citizens with many children will receive 1,500 rubles for a child.

As support measures for students from large families, free meals and travel on public transport are provided.

For the poor

Many types of assistance are provided only to those families that are recognized as low-income. Or they are paid at an increased rate. For example, if we take the amount of assistance for a child under three years old in Moscow, then a simply low-income large family will receive 10,000 rubles per month. If a child of the same age is raised by a single mother or a low-income father, then the amount of assistance increases to 15,000 rubles.

Attention!A family is considered low-income if the average income per member is below the subsistence level established in the region where it resides.

Payable monthly

The following types of state benefits differ in monthly payments:

  • for a child under 16 years of age (up to 18 – for those continuing to study full-time);
  • child care (paid until the child reaches one and a half years or three - for special categories);
  • for a military child undergoing conscription service.

Attention!The first type of subsidy is legally determined to be paid at least once a quarter.

One-time amounts

Some compensations are paid once per lifetime. Such amounts are accrued at a time in the event of:

  • awarding the Order of “Parental Glory” for raising seven or more children with cash payment in the amount of 100,000 rubles;
  • incentives with a similar title at the level of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (for example, in Moscow - “Parental Glory of the City of Moscow” involves financial assistance in the amount of 125,000 rubles).

A one-time payment can be established both at the federal level and at the regional level. For persons awarded the state Order of Parental Glory, a subject of the Russian Federation has the right to establish additional incentives. For example, in the Murmansk region, for a person awarded this distinction, annually International Day families are entitled to an amount of 1,000 rubles.

Social benefits

The following can be considered as nationwide social preferences for Russian large families:

  1. maternity benefits;
  2. payment upon the birth or adoption of a child;
  3. compensation for a military child undergoing military service;
  4. benefits for the pregnant wife of a conscript;
  5. child care amounts;
  6. allowance for transferring a child to a family for upbringing.

Support measures at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation are:

  • amounts for telephone payment;
  • compensation aimed at improving living standards;
  • amounts for child care up to three years;
  • subsidies for housing and communal services and others.

The amount of assistance does not depend on the place of residence of citizens (village, town or city), but is determined by local regulations and budget funds allocated for these purposes.

Additional payments

Additional privileges for citizens with many children include amounts dedicated to certain events. For example, in Noyabrsk in 2017, on Mother’s Day, 1,000 rubles for each child were paid to women raising five or more children.

Also in a number of regions there is assistance to citizens with many children in difficult life situations. For example, according to the Decree of the Government of the Yaroslavl Region No. 265-p dated March 16, 2016 “On approval of the regional target program “Family and Children of Yaroslavia” for 2016-2020”, if difficult conditions arise, you can count on financial assistance in the amount of 10,000 to 200,000 rubles.

Registration procedure

The accrual of assistance and benefits for large families in 2018 is of a declarative nature. Citizens will not be granted the status of having many children benefits provided automatically. First you need to collect the required package of documents. Then apply for a preference or benefit.

What documents to submit

The package of documents provided to obtain the benefit is as follows:

  • certificate of a large family;
  • applicant's passport;
  • birth certificates for all children;
  • certificates of total family income;
  • certificate from educational institution;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • SNILS of the applicant;
  • bank details for transfer;
  • statement.

For various types benefits and due payments has its own list of materials. However, the above list is universal and is used for most benefits.

Where to contact and how

The appointment of most types of payments and benefits to large families is in charge of social protection of the population. Citizens in need can contact this institution directly or through the MFC. A number of benefits and benefits can be obtained on the State Services portal (for example, privileges when paying for housing and communal services).

The applicant can also choose a convenient method of application: in person, by mail, online or through a representative.

About the service " Social support for large families" at the MFC in the following video:

What to do if help is refused

For a number of reasons, an applicant may be denied a payment or benefit:

  • failure to provide necessary documents;
  • there are no grounds for payment;
  • content in documents of contradictory or unreliable information, etc.
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