
What unusual and original gift can be given to a male teacher for his birthday from a student or from the class? DIY gift for teacher's birthday. Birthday gift for teacher. Gift ideas for a teacher What to give a teacher with

What unusual and original gift can be given to a male teacher for his birthday from a student or from the class?  DIY gift for teacher's birthday.  Birthday gift for teacher.  Gift ideas for a teacher What to give a teacher with

So, you are going to give some gift to the first teacher for the first time. Have you come up with anything? Bouquet? Floral? From toys? Or maybe their sweet and delicious candies? What ideas cannot be found in the modern world!

What gift to give for your teacher

The first of September... An exciting, touching holiday, for some the child will go to school for the first time, and for others it is already the second or third time... On this score, I would like to wish you all a successful school year. So that everything goes well, without serious and disturbing events, the children please you with good and valiant results. And on the eve of the next school year, we want to offer you some rather original thoughts and ideas about what you can give to your future teacher, or rather, not your own, but your child.

But maybe it’s not the first of September, but, for example, the eighth of March? Teacher's Day? New Year? Or a birthday? Name day... For each such event you can choose an amazing and useful gift. In this article we will try to help you in this difficult matter. Our task is to provide gift options, some original and new ideas for the holiday.

What gift can you give to a teacher? Let's break all teacher gifts into two categories: practical and original.

Practical gifts.

The first group will include those things that can be useful to a teacher in the teaching profession. You can safely and fearlessly give such gifts and worry that you may not like them at all.

Firstly, it may seem somewhat strange, but it could be an ordinary vase. Still, the teacher wants to create his own atmosphere around himself in order to feel great and, therefore, work fruitfully. The market offers a huge selection of vases and pots for every taste and style, color and size...

Secondly, a flash card. Such a thing is certainly useful in our computer and technological age. The computer is rapidly entering our lives and it is already difficult to live without it, especially at school. Therefore, you should not forget about the flash drive.

Thirdly, a thermos. As you know, a teacher talks a lot, a lot, but the vocal cords are not endless, and by the end of the school day the voice loses its strength, brightness and conviction. Therefore, it will not be bad if the teacher drinks good warm tea at any break.

Fourthly, since we started with a thermos and ended with aromatic tea, let’s choose some tea set that contains different types of tea. This gift will make the teacher very happy. But if you also do a great job, the teacher will be absolutely delighted.

At this stage we are done with so-called practical gifts. It's time to move on to the second group, to original gifts.

Original gifts.

Today it is customary to give gifts to the teacher from the class. We talked about practical gifts above. Now the time has come to talk about the original gifts.

First, a homemade diary. There is no better handmade gift. Well, or not your own - you can place an order at some company where the diary will be made in accordance with your requirements and desires. On the Internet you can find various sites providing this service.

Secondly, a watch with a photo. Such a gift allows you to insert the necessary and suitable photo. This could be a photo of the teacher or the entire class, on which you can also make a fun and original inscription. By the way, there are watches with many photo frames. In any case, the teacher will receive inner satisfaction.

In the third paragraph, you can continue the topic with a photo. You can give your teacher a wonderful video card. This is a rather interesting way to congratulate the teacher. This thing is a postcard of indescribable beauty that shows a video greeting when you open it.


So, we've looked at teacher gift ideas. In parting, I would like to wish you success in choosing a suitable present so that it pleases you and your teacher.

Teachers become second parents for children; they not only teach certain school subjects, but also provide moral support and advice on how to act correctly in different life situations.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

What gift can you give to your teacher?

Probably every student has his own favorite subjects and teachers. Very often, as a sign of gratitude, students give a collective gift to their favorite teacher. Representatives of education are usually given gifts on Teacher's Day or at graduation.

Teachers invest in us not only their knowledge and work, but also their soul. They remind us in many ways of our fathers and mothers, because they teach us how to become a worthy member of society and a person with a capital “P”. That is why their work should not be forgotten!

Holidays such as Teacher's Day, September 1st, Birthday, March Eighth are designed so that students can express their recognition and gratitude to those who help them every day in solving not only academic problems, but also life situations!

On March 8th, teachers are also congratulated by presenting them with flowers, cards and other gifts. Both mother and female teacher will be pleased to receive something memorable, prepared by the hands of children.

Teachers are congratulated on September 1, on birthdays, and even on New Year. A male teacher can be presented with a souvenir from his students on Defender’s Day, showing him respect and gratitude for his protection.

The best and most interesting gifts are those that students prepared with their own hands and with love. You can find out how to quickly make a greeting card or craft, as well as how to arrange a gift from children on the Internet.

The most creative and cool ideas will be relevant in 2017 and 2018. Video lessons and recommendations with photos, as well as instructions and master classes will help you learn how to create real masterpieces step by step, which will always remind the teacher of his students.

Teacher's Day: DIY gifts

Teacher's Day is celebrated annually on October 5th. On this day, it is customary to congratulate your teachers and educators. Very often, small gifts are given as a sign of gratitude to the school director or coach, who is also a kind of mentor.

Starting from the first grade, children can practice making simple applications or drawings, which can be presented as a souvenir to the teacher on his professional holiday.

Postcards and small crafts created by children will become a pleasant and memorable gift for Teacher's Day. With your own hands you can prepare not only a surprise card, but also a mini-photo album with class photos.

An art teacher or parents can help you make a gift for the teacher with your own hands from paper and stationery. An art school teacher will teach you how to choose the appropriate design for a surprise for a colleague.

You can “curb”, for example, the scrapbooking technique. Primary school children can easily and with interest independently, but under the close supervision of a teacher, make beautiful greeting cards. For elementary school students, such a lesson will be a real adventure and an exciting game.

High school students can easily create an unusual and beautiful diary that will be useful to their mentor at work or at home. An interesting activity would be making three-dimensional compositions: for example, a topiary tree, a paper cake, an Oscar figurine, which can be presented to your favorite teacher.

For older children, you can come up with more complex and responsible tasks. This could be embroidery or knitting, modeling from plasticine or scrapbooking, making postcards using the quilling technique or any other creative activity!

A simple and original gift for Teacher's Day with your own hands can be crocheted or knitted, sewn from textiles, or embroidered on canvas. This could be a cross-stitched picture, a sewn decorative pillow.

The mentor will also appreciate a sweet gift from the class to the teacher. Children can make figures from sweets and chocolate bars with their own hands. Delicious surprises can be shared with everyone present. In addition, for the holiday you can order a cake from the pastry chef, which will undoubtedly appeal to both adults and children!

Relevant and useful gifts for teachers on September 1st

The first of September is the beginning of the school year, the time when everyone, teachers and students, gathers for celebrations and special events dedicated to the start of school.

In many schools, it is customary to give symbolic, small gifts to teachers. First of all, primary school teachers are congratulated. Very often, even high school students remember the times when they were little and present flowers and gifts to their first teacher.

Surprises are prepared for teachers of physics and history, computer science and music, chemistry and literature, mathematics and foreign languages, biology and physical education. The best gifts are practical things that are suitable for every profession.

For example, you can present a geography teacher with a small globe or a beautiful pocket map. A physical teacher will need a new whistle or timer, as well as sports equipment. A teacher of English or Russian can make a notebook for notes, buy a book or a thematic dictionary, which he will use every day.

You can present the mentor with a new CD with songs for various dances. You can also find a video tutorial that teaches how to perform dance steps. And the most creative gift will be a dance prepared by the students!

A DIY gift for a music teacher can be created in the form of a themed notebook, decorated with notes and other elements. A representative of a music school will be pleased to hear a song performed by children.

Unique New Year's ideas for congratulations

When the New Year and Christmas holidays are approaching, everyone congratulates each other, including the students of their mentors. How can you surprise your favorite teachers if not with homemade gifts?

During labor and creativity or drawing lessons, children make souvenir and symbolic gifts on a winter theme. You can also prepare small surprises for those who work at school!

These can be symbolic toys for the Christmas tree, for example, papier-mâché balls, Christmas trees and snowflakes made of paper, shiny figurines of animals and Santa Clauses, or any other symbols of the New Year and Christmas. These little things would be nice to hang on your Christmas tree.

New Year's cards with congratulations will not go unnoticed. They can be presented to all teachers of the school as a sign of recognition, respect and gratitude for the knowledge they shared and the work they put into children.

DIY gift for teacher's birthday

The whole class gathers to congratulate their beloved mentor and teacher on his birthday. You can present the hero of the day with a delicious cake or sweets. Women are most often given bouquets of flowers.

Suitable for the composition are white, tea, pink or red roses, lilies and daisies, gerberas and irises, freesias and peonies. When choosing flowers for a bouquet, you need to give preference to discreet and not too bright types. The teacher will be pleased to receive an armful of wildflowers, the main thing is the attention that her students give her.

A small photo album or frame with a photo will be a memorable gift from the whole class. Such a surprise will always remind you of the children, even when they grow up and have their own families and enter an independent and adult life.

An original idea would be a certificate for a photo shoot. This will help create beautiful photos together and bring the teacher and his students closer together. Under the close guidance of the photographer, the entire class and its leader will be able to capture the brightest and most fun moments of study and relaxation.

If there are creative people in the class, you can make a large poster with drawings and wishes from everyone. You can also attach joint photos there. Each child can write something from himself personally. It will be very pleasant to reread children's wishes and words from year to year. Your teacher will, however, remember such a surprise for a very long time.

From the first day of school, the child is surrounded by the attention of the teacher. Over time, the number of teachers changes and becomes larger. The entire teaching staff controls the flow of knowledge received by the student. Children retain vivid memories of their first teacher, class teacher or teacher of their favorite subject. During school, teachers spend more time with children than parents. They give knowledge and correct behavior.

Teacher's Day

The work of teachers is highly valued. They have their own professional holiday, which is recognized throughout the world. Only in each country a special day is chosen for it. In Russia the holiday is celebrated on October 5th. On this day, schoolchildren thank their teachers for their chosen profession and the work they do. On the same day, government awards are presented to those worthy.

Each student tries to thank, say warm words and present a gift to their favorite teacher. Giving gifts to teachers on Teacher's Day is a long-standing and well-established tradition. During communication, children are usually already aware of the marital status of their teachers, they notice what they like, and the more attentive ones notice special preferences.

Bouquet with leaves

Teachers begin to think about the issue of a gift for the Day in advance, before the holiday. They think about what kind of gift will not leave you indifferent, will please you and will be remembered. Most teachers are women. Therefore, a good gift for Teacher's Day on this autumn day is a bouquet of flowers. The standard one can be improved and then it will become individual. This does not require knowledge of floristry or special aesthetic perception. All it takes is a little effort and a little imagination.

Take gerberas in yellow and bright orange. To dilute the color scheme, add decorative greenery. In advance, collect leaves of bright colors and different shapes from the nearest park. Prepare yellow or orange ribbons. Assemble a composition of gerberas and greenery. Decorate the edges of the bouquet with autumn leaves. To stabilize the shape, the leaves can be glued together with glue. Tie the bouquet with a ribbon. The colorful composition is ready.

Bouquet with balloons

For such a bouquet it is better to take large flowers. For example, hydrangeas or decorative sunflowers. They will emphasize the volume of the composition. The balloons need to be inflated no larger than a fist.

We collect three balls together, connecting the tails with wire. Insert a flower into the space formed between the balls. Then we add balls in a circle, alternating with flowers. To prevent the bouquet from falling apart, we use double-sided tape. We form a frame from sheets of colored paper (it’s better to fold the paper into a fan in advance), where we place the resulting bouquet. We tie it with ribbon.

Bouquet with pencils

Flowers for this solution are suitable in the calmest colors. For example, white asters, carnations or chrysanthemums. From colored pencils or wax crayons we form something like a vase.

We fix them together with glue or double-sided tape. We insert the bouquet into the resulting cylinder. You can also add pencils to the last one. To do this, it is better to choose options with colored erasers at the end. Insert into the bouquet with the elastic band facing up. To complete the picture, we tie everything together with a thin ribbon (you can add several different ones) of any color.

Purchased unusual items

You can look for original gifts for Teacher's Day in a souvenir store or specialized online stores. It can be:

  • classroom decorations or school-themed souvenirs;
  • a bright note board that can be placed in the classroom;
  • wall clock decorated to look like a school notebook;
  • good-quality and stylish organizer;
  • good table lamp.

Such things are useful, because the teacher spends quite a lot of time at his workplace. Caring for the needs of the class will please any teacher.

Traditional gifts

There are a number of standard gifts that will be appropriate. Gifts for teachers on Teacher's Day, which can be picked up in the nearest store: a diary, a pen from a well-known manufacturer, a tea set with sweets, a flash drive, a mouse pad, a figurine or figurine (in the form of a teacher, a student or the teacher's favorite pet). These kinds of standard gifts just need to be colorfully packaged. You can try it yourself or contact the specialists who are present in any company selling souvenirs.

This is not worth giving!

You just need to take into account a number of gifts that are inappropriate on this day. What gift should you not give on Teacher's Day? Money in a colorful envelope, cosmetics, household chemicals, alcohol and dishes. Most likely, a teacher who has worked at a school for more than one year will have more than one closet of souvenir mugs, candy bowls and vases of various sizes.

DIY collective gift

A friendly and active class can make a collective gift for Teacher's Day. It’s easy to prepare a photo collage, calendar or wall newspaper. This gift contains maximum positivity. You can agree to prepare a small congratulation for everyone and bring one bright flower (it’s good if the plants are diverse). Then, during the presentation, the teacher will receive a unique bouquet and a bunch of pleasant, good wishes. You can write your wishes on small cards and give them along with flowers.

Handmade gifts for Teacher's Day are charged with special warmth and energy. It’s good if the child has his own hobby and has already gained experience. Most likely, by the target date, gift ideas for Teacher's Day will be implemented in your favorite creativity.

But even when there is no developed hobby yet, there are plenty of options for what to try. Gifts for Teacher's Day, made with your own hands, help to understand the creator's diligence, effort and invested soul.


Paper is one of the most affordable materials for creativity. It is possible to choose the simplest directions for beginners. Cut-out paintings are one of them. You can come up with a plot yourself or find a suitable one. The simplest cutting technique is silhouette. We print the basis of the future picture on a white or black sheet of thick A4 paper. The tools you will need are a stationery knife and nail scissors with rounded tips. Carefully cut out all the through parts of the future picture. We place the cut out part on colored cardboard. The paintings will turn out multi-colored if you place pieces of cardboard under the base. Then they will need to be glued onto some thin base. The corners of the picture base and backing are secured with glue. We insert the finished product into a simple wooden frame and get a wonderful souvenir for a long memory.

Gift made using quilling technique

Quilling - three-dimensional paper crafts. This technique is also called paper rolling. A more time-consuming hobby, but very easy to implement.

Gifts for teachers on Teacher's Day using the quilling technique will be interesting not only for schoolchildren. It’s good if mom or dad helps at first. To work, you need strips of paper of the same width. You can use pure white or colored paper. Nowadays, ready-made strips of paper for quilling are sold in specialized stores for creativity. All the work consists of twisting the strips into spirals. We leave the finished ones in a natural round shape or use folds to give them an oval, teardrop-shaped or diamond-shaped silhouette. On a cardboard base we outline the outline of the future painting. The silhouette of the heart will be simple in execution and symbolic in content. We cover the outline of the heart over the entire surface with glue and begin to glue our spiral blanks, gradually filling the entire intended space. You can do this in stages. We select a square, round or oval frame.

Whatever present idea attracts the student, it is necessary to explain that, in addition to holidays, all other days are just as important. Gifts for teachers on Teacher's Day are given in honor of this celebration. An ordinary day can also be turned into a holiday by diligent behavior, carefully completed homework, and a well-prepared answer at the board. Everything that brings joy to the complex process of education.

Mothers Day

Don't forget about another holiday celebrated all over the world. On Mother's Day, mothers are thanked for their work. But the teacher also contributes to the formation of the child’s personality. Thanking him on such a holiday would be a good show of attention.

The best gift for a teacher on Mother's Day is a live plant in a pot. This is a kind of reminder of the hard work of nurturing future astronauts, actresses, musicians, poets and other specialists.

Gift made using decoupage technique

A pot decorated in decoupage style will make the gift individual and memorable. You will need a napkin with any design you like, PVA glue, acrylic paint, acrylic varnish (glossy or matte), a piece of sponge and a brush. Cut out or tear out a design from a napkin.

We dilute PVA glue with water 1:1. Apply a pattern to a clean and grease-free pot. Dip the brush into glue and run it along the napkin from the center to the edges. Use a brush to remove air bubbles. Leave until completely dry. Dip a piece of sponge into the paint and use tapping movements to paint those parts of the pot where there is no pattern. Very carefully paint around the design. Apply the paint in two or three layers. After complete drying, coat the work with varnish.

At this stage, you can add rhinestones, halves of beads, and beautiful stones to the surface. We also coat it with varnish in two or three layers. Leave it for a day. We plant a plant. You can safely give a living gift, made with your own hands.

Every year at the beginning of October, Teachers' Day is celebrated in Russia. This is an occasion to thank your favorite teacher for the work and knowledge that he helped to obtain, and to give him a gift. The simplest and most common gift for such occasions is a bouquet and sweets. This will not require material costs and a lot of time for searching.

If you don’t want to look banal by presenting your teacher with a standard set, you’ll have to use your imagination. It is not advisable for a teacher to give alcohol, money, jewelry, cosmetics, perfume or clothing. It is more appropriate to give a souvenir or something related to the profession. For example, a table lamp, a gift set of pens, a photo clock or a large vase. A globe is suitable for a geography teacher, a whistle or a ball for a physical education teacher, a pendulum souvenir for a physics teacher, and a houseplant for a biology teacher. The class teacher will be delighted with the calendar with photographs of the students.

Those who want to be original should make a gift themselves. The teacher will definitely appreciate such a gift, because in everything that a person does with his own hands, he puts a piece of his soul.

Teacher's Day card

The owl has long been considered a symbol of knowledge, wisdom and insight. These qualities are inherent in most teachers, so a postcard in the shape of a bird will be a good gift.

You will need:

  • colored paper;
  • scarp paper or any other decorative paper;
  • ribbon;
  • cardboard;
  • pencil, scissors and glue.


Cut out the owl template, transfer it to thick cardboard and scrap paper and cut out figures from them. Glue both parts wrong sides together.

Glue colored paper on the inside of the base, as well as on the outside. Cut the wings from the prepared template, attach them to scrub paper, trace and cut out. Glue the scrap paper wings onto the inside of the base.

Now cut off the head from the template using curly scissors. Transfer the shape to colored paper, cut it out and glue it to the inside of the template.

The card should look like the photo below.

All you should have left of the template is the body. Attach it to colored paper, circle and cut out, but not along the intended line, but about 1 cm closer to the middle. Your body should be slightly smaller than the template. It needs to be glued to the inside of the card base. Cut out and glue on the eyes and beak.

At the end, glue the ribbon.

Volumetric postcard

You will need:

  • album sheets;
  • glue;
  • cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • watercolor paints;
  • decorative paper.


From album sheets, cut out 3 squares with a side of 13.5 centimeters. Then randomly paint them with watercolors on both sides. Try to use traditional fall colors.

When the paint is dry, fold each square diagonally and then in a fine accordion pattern.

Unfold them. Visually divide the square into 3 parts and bend it to the side at one of the points. Do the same with the second square, just bend it in the other direction.

Collect a leaf from three squares and fasten it with glue. If necessary, glue the accordion folds together. Secure the gluing points with a clothespin and leave the leaf to dry.

To make a stand, draw a sheet of cardboard in A4 format as shown in the diagram. Cut off the shaded areas, bend them down along the dark lines and up along the red lines. You can decorate the blank to your liking with decorative paper.

Do-it-yourself voluminous postcard for Teacher's Day is ready.

Teachers Day Posters

In many schools, it is customary to make wall newspapers and posters for the holidays. Teachers' Day is no exception. The gift will enable teachers to feel the importance, love and respect of their students.

A wall newspaper for Teacher's Day can be made with your own hands in different ways. It can be drawn, made in the form of a collage, decorated with paper appliqués, dried flowers, beads and lace.

Decor made in . Leaves are ideal for decorating wall newspapers. They can be drawn or cut out of paper. There is a more interesting way to decorate with leaves - you need to take a real leaf, attach it to paper, and then spray paint around it. To decorate posters, you can use pencils, book sheets, notebooks and other items suitable for the topic.

You can make wall newspapers or posters for Teacher's Day with your own hands in an unusual way, for example, in the form of a school board.

You will need:

  • picture frame;
  • corrugated paper;
  • black paper to fit the frame;
  • packaging or colored paper in yellow, burgundy, red or orange shades;
  • pencils;
  • white marker;
  • artificial decorative stones.


Prepare the frame; the easiest way is to paint it with acrylic paint, but you can use self-adhesive film. Write a greeting on a black piece of paper with a marker and attach it to the frame.

Take care of the leaves. Cut out a 30 by 15 cm rectangle from plain paper. Fold it in half and cut out the shape shown in the photo below. Transfer the template to wrapping or colored paper and cut out 3 shapes of different shades.

Fold each shape like an accordion, starting from the widest edge. The width of the folds should be about 1 cm. Use a stapler to fasten them in the middle, bend the wide edges towards each other. Glue the edges together and straighten the paper, forming a leaf.

To make a rose, cut out 8 rectangles from corrugated paper, measuring 4 by 6 cm. The long side of the rectangles should be parallel to the folds of the paper. Wrap each rectangle around a pencil, squeezing it from the edges like a spring. Unfold each piece and stretch it across the folds, forming a petal.

Fold one petal so that it resembles a bud. Start gluing the remaining petals to the bottom edge.

Glue all the decorative elements to the “board”.

It's hard to imagine a teachers' holiday. You can make a bouquet for Teacher's Day with your own hands according to the same principle as a bouquet for the first of September. Let's consider a few more original options that are suitable for the holiday.

Original bouquet

You will need:

  • wax pencils;
  • plastic container or small flower pot;
  • floral sponge;
  • wooden skewers;
  • transparencies;
  • themed decor;
  • glue gun;
  • flowers and berries - in this case, spray roses, daisies, alstroemeria, orange chrysanthemums, currant leaves, rose hips and viburnum were used.


Cut the floral sponge to the size of the container and soak it in water. Using a gun, attach pencils to the container, tightly together. Place clear film and a damp sponge in the vase.

Start decorating with flowers. Stick the largest flowers into the sponge, then slightly smaller ones.

Stick in the smallest flowers, followed by leaves and twigs of berries. Finish the design with decorative elements.

Other options for this bouquet:

Bouquet of sweets

An original gift for Teacher's Day with your own hands - a bouquet of sweets.

You will need:

  • round chocolates;
  • golden threads;
  • wire;
  • corrugated paper in green and pink or red;
  • golden paper.


Cut out squares from golden paper, wrap them around the candies and secure with thread. Cut out 2 squares from pink corrugated paper, about 8 centimeters in size. Round the top part.

Stretch the blanks from the bottom and in the center, forming something like a petal. Place the 2 pieces together, wrap them around the candies and secure with thread. Spread the edges of the petals so that a beautiful bud emerges. Cut a square equal in size to the previous ones from green paper.

Trim one edge of the square so that there are 5 teeth. Wrap it around the bud and secure with glue. Roll the green paper into a “roll” and cut a strip about 1 cm wide from it. Cut the “tail” of the rose diagonally.

Insert a piece of wire of the required length into the base of the rose. For reliable fixation, its end can be coated with glue. Secure the end of the prepared strip to the base of the bud with glue, and then wrap the bud and the wire.

If desired, you can glue a transparent ribbon folded in half to the stem of the flower, this will make it easier for you to create an elegant bouquet.

Flowers can be pinned together and decorated with wrapping paper and decorations. You can place a piece of foam plastic of a suitable size at the bottom of the basket and stick flowers into it.

Another school symbol is the bell. The recently fashionable tree can also be made in the form of it. This craft for Teacher's Day will serve as a memorable gift.

You will need:

  • foam base in the shape of a bell;
  • sackcloth;
  • thick wire;
  • leg-split;
  • golden braid and threads;
  • small metal bell;
  • cinnamon sticks;
  • Styrofoam;
  • coffee beans;
  • a small container - it will act as a pot for the tree.


Make a depression at the top of the bell. We will glue the barrel into it. Cover with brown paint - gouache, acrylic paint or spray paint will do. To make it more convenient for you to work, insert a wooden skewer into the hole made in the top of the workpiece.

After the paint has dried, proceed to. It is better to do this with a glue gun, from top to bottom. Apply a little glue to the grain, press it tightly to the surface of the workpiece, stick the next one next to it, etc. Try to place them tightly in a random pattern or in one direction. So you need to cover the entire bell with coffee, leaving a small hole at the top and a stripe at the bottom.

Wrap the edge of the bell with twine, remembering to secure it with glue.

Place the metal bell on a golden thread and tie its ends into a knot to form a small loop. Use a skewer to make a small hole in the middle of the base of the bell. Apply a little glue to the knot and use the same skewer to insert it into the hole.

Glue a row of grains onto the twine that was wrapped around the edge of the bell.

Make a barrel. Bend the wire so that it is shaped like a question mark and wrap it with twine and secure the ends with glue. Apply glue to the top edge of the barrel and insert it into the hole left for it in the bell.

You can make a pot for a tree. Take your chosen container - it could be a cup, a plastic flower pot or a plastic glass. Trim the container to the desired height, place it in the middle of a piece of burlap, lift the edges of the fabric and tuck them inside, securing with glue. Fill the pot with polyurethane foam, gypsum diluted with water, alabaster and insert the barrel.

When the filling in the pot is dry, place a piece of burlap on top. Secure the fabric with glue and randomly stick several grains onto it. Finally, decorate the tree and pot as you wish. In this case, golden ribbon, threads and cinnamon sticks were used for decoration.

DIY organizer

A useful gift for a teacher would be a stand for pens and pencils or an organizer.

You will need:

  • cardboard tube left over from paper towels;
  • scrap paper - can be replaced with wallpaper or colored paper;
  • thick cardboard;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • decorations: flowers, sisal, lace, leaves.


Cut a square out of cardboard with a side of 9 cm. Cover it and the tube with scrap paper using double-sided tape. Prepare strong instant coffee without sugar, moisten a sponge with it and tint the edges of the preparations. Immerse the lace in the remaining drink, leave it for a while, and then dry it with an iron. When the coffee dries, glue the pieces together.

Now you need to decorate the stand. Glue lace to the top and bottom of the base and attach beads on top. Make a composition from leaves and flowers, and then glue it to the bottom of the stand.

An original gift for Teacher's Day is one that is made with soul and with your own hands. In addition, try to surprise the teacher with something you made yourself.

Is it your favorite teacher's birthday soon, a professional holiday - Teacher's Day, or perhaps you decided to give a memorable gift when saying goodbye to school at your graduation party?

The simplest solution is the following - go to the nearest supermarket and buy a box of delicious chocolates or a souvenir. But it would be much better to make a gift for the teacher with your own hands. Moreover, there are a huge number of ideas.

DIY card for teacher

Before you start creating a postcard for the teacher with your own hands, you need to remember what subject that same teacher teaches. Well, what did you remember? Then you can start creating.

To create a postcard you will need a thick sheet of cardboard, glue, scissors, scraps of fabric, buttons, braid, ribbons, markers and crayons... In general, everything will come in handy.

Cut out a rectangle of the required size from thick cardboard and fold it in half. Cardboard can be wrapped in decorative paper, foil, or covered with fabric.

And now we turn on all our imagination and skill in creating the application.

Biology teacher - flowers, butterflies...

Chemistry teacher - complex formulas, cones with flowers...

For an English teacher - a beautifully written alphabet, a collage of English sights...

For a computer science teacher - glued keyboard buttons, fragments of CDs...

In a word, each teacher can have his own unusual design for a holiday card. And be sure to remember to write your warmest words and wishes.

Original DIY card for teachers made from flowers and paper

DIY bouquet for teacher

What would a holiday be without flowers, without luxurious bouquets?

Unfortunately, bouquets of fresh flowers cannot please for very long, as they begin to fade very soon.

The news portal "site" invites you to make a bouquet of flowers that will never wither and will delight your teacher.

Bouquet of flowers made from pencils

To make it, you will need any jar (preferably tin or plastic), glue, multi-colored pencils, a piece of foam plastic, an elastic band, decorative braid and artificial flowers.

First you need to cut a piece of foam so that it fits snugly inside your jar. We coat the bottom of the jar with glue and place foam inside.

Now we will decorate the jar itself. We put a thick rubber band on the jar and place evenly colored pencils behind it. To hide the elastic, glue decorative tape onto it. And now you can safely plant flowers. To do this, we stick the stems of artificial flowers into the foam that is inside the jar.

And now the original bouquet of flowers is ready.

If there are no artificial flowers, then you can easily make them yourself. To make them you will need: pencils or pens, multi-colored thick paper, double-sided tape. We cut out flowers from colored paper and glue them to the pencils with double-sided tape. Place the resulting “pencil flowers” ​​in a jar.

The most original bouquet of flowers can be a bouquet of photographs of students from the entire class. Just glue the cut out photographs to the paper flowers - and an amazing souvenir for a long memory is ready.

DIY chocolate maker

DIY candy pen

It’s hard to imagine a teacher without pens and pencils. You can, of course, give a good set of stationery as a gift, but it’s better to be original and make an edible chocolate pen with your own hands.

To make it you will need: a sheet of thick paper, double-sided tape, decorative paper or foil and, of course, the most delicious sweets.

The first step is to make a paper tube. Then cover it with decorative paper or foil. Separately make a paper tip, cover it with decorative paper and glue it to a paper tube.

Now, using double-sided tape, we cover the paper blank with candies.

To make the candy pen look more impressive, you can make a gift case for it.

DIY candy bell

To make a candy bell, you will need a plastic bottle, a stationery knife, polystyrene foam, glue or double-sided tape, corrugated paper, wooden shafts whose diameter matches the diameter of the neck of the plastic bottle.