Life style

Ramadan calendar nave. Suhoor and Iftar (morning and evening meals)

Ramadan calendar nave.  Suhoor and Iftar (morning and evening meals)

Muslims fast every year during Ramadan. This month falls on different dates every year. In this article you will learn when Ramadan 2019 will take place, as well as the rules of fasting.

The month of Ramadan is called holy and is a very important month for Muslims. At this time, fasting takes place, which is one of the five pillars of Islam.

The month of Ramadan lasts 29 or 30 days, depending on the lunar calendar. Fasting begins at dawn on the first day of Ramadan and ends at sunset on the last day.

Important: Ramadan falls in 2019 from May 6 to June 4. The fast lasts exactly 29 days and ends with the holiday of Uraza Bayram, which will take place in 2019 on June 4.

For Muslims, fasting is considered an honorable act. After all, by doing this, a fasting Muslim strengthens his faith in Allah, cleanses himself from earthly sins and draws upon himself the prosperity of Allah.

During this Holy month, Muslims consider it honorable to do good deeds and help those in need. After all, Allah sees them, and every good deed is rewarded by Allah.

It is during the Holy month of Ramadan that people stop quarreling, being offended, and envying. During this month, the hearts of believers unite in united prayer and love for Allah.

It is during this Holy month that both the soul and body of a Muslim believer are cleansed through fasting and prayer. The soul is filled with love and compassion for people.

The main condition is not to break the fasting schedule and not to miss prayers.

Ramadan or Ramazan: which is correct?

Important: Many people have a question about how to say it correctly - Ramadan or Ramadan? After all, both words are used in different sources. The answer to this question is clear: both pronunciations are correct.

In other words, Ramadan and Ramadan are one and the same. However, there is an explanation for this.

The letter dad exists only in Arabic. Therefore, Arabs pronounce this word as Ramadan. The Turkic peoples, in turn, say “Ramadan”, because such pronunciation is characteristic of their linguistics. Any pronunciation is not considered an error.

When do Muslims fast for Ramadan in 2019?

  • In 2019 Muslims will start fasting the 6th of May after the morning adhan - the call to prayer. The post ends June 4 after evening azan. June 4 the holiday of breaking the fast is coming - Eid al Adha.

The month of Ramadan is considered sacred because according to legend, in the month of Ramadan, the Prophet Muhammad received the first verses of the Koran.
During Ramadan, it is customary to pray with special zeal and renounce the evil of everyday life..

Fasting helps a believer to cleanse himself of sins, understand the true meaning of earthly life, pacifies souls, and teaches patience.

Ramadan, Eid al-Fitr 2019 calendar: schedule, date

Ramadan ends with a big holiday - Eid al Adha.

Important: Uraza Bayram is celebrated the day after the end of fasting. In 2019, the holiday of Uraza Bayram is June 4.

Preparation for Eid al-Adha

Preparation for this day begins in advance. It is customary to begin the holiday with general prayer.

  • Every Muslim must make a donation to the poor on this day; also on this day, Muslims go to cemeteries to visit deceased relatives, as well as visit each other.
  • It is forbidden to fast on this day and be sad.
  • The best dishes should be on the table, and clothes should be elegant.
  • In many countries this day is an official holiday.

Eid al-Fitr holiday

As you know, with hardship comes relief. This can be seen in the example of the fast of Ramadan and the holiday that follows it. It is difficult to observe fasting, but the joy after it is very great.

Intention for fasting Ramadan

A Muslim who intends to fast should not forget about his intention for fasting - niyat.

There are rules of intent, non-compliance with which leads to the fact that the post may not be counted. Consider these rules:

  1. Intent for fasting pronounced on the eve of each new day of the month of Ramadan. The intention is pronounced after the last meal of the night, but in the second half of the night.
  2. If a person makes an intention at dawn, then his fast on that day will not be counted.
  3. When a person has doubts about pronouncing an intention at dawn or at night, then fasting on that day is also not counted.
  4. It is not necessary to say the words of intention out loud, you can say it mentally.
    Before pronouncing an intention, a person must understand the essence of this action - the desire to renounce all sins that could break the fast.
  5. If a person pronounces an intention without understanding the essence of what is happening, such an intention is also not counted.

Important: Words of intention sound like this “I intend to fast the day of Ramadan in accordance with faith and sincerely for the sake of Allah Almighty.” .

How to keep Ramadan, how to fast?

Ramadan fasting requires eating and drinking only at night. During the day, a person should completely refuse food.

In the first days it can be very difficult to adapt to this diet. But prayers also help other people who are subject to the same goal. After all, together it is easier to experience all the inconveniences.
After a few days, the body gets used to the routine and fasting proceeds easily. Therefore, tune in to this and remember Allah will reward you for the right actions.

In addition, sexual relations during the day are prohibited. At night you can make love.

Who is exempt from fasting in the month of Ramadan?

  1. Aged people. If people, due to health reasons, cannot fast or make up for the fast afterward, they must pay fidya-sadaqa - a donation to feed one poor person per day. You can feed 30 poor people at once or feed one poor person for 30 days. If a person is old, but his health allows him to fast, he should fast.
  2. Pregnant or nursing mothers. Also, a woman who is breastfeeding someone else’s child may miss the post. In this case, you can skip the post if there is a real threat to the baby’s health, the risk of milk loss or the risk of miscarriage. In the future, such a woman will have to make up for the days of fasting; there is no need to pay a donation for fasting.
  3. Women who have started menstruating. On menstrual days, women should skip fasting, but then make up for these days. The fast of such a woman will not be counted, but out of respect for Ramadan she should not eat during the day.
  4. Hopelessly ill people. If a patient begins to fast and his health deteriorates, he must break the fast. If a person subsequently recovers, he will have to make up the missed days of fasting, and his fidyah sadaqah will be counted as a donation.
  5. Travelers and those who are at war are also exempt from fasting. However, they are subsequently required to make up these days.

Video: Month of Ramadan

What breaks fasting in the month of Ramadan?

  • Critical days or postpartum discharge;
  • Taking medications by swallowing;
  • Smoking, mindful intake of food and water;
  • Conscious intimacy
  • Getting water into your mouth when swimming
  • Inducing vomiting

If a person consciously commits sexual intercourse during fasting, he is obliged to atone for sin - fast for 60 days in a row.

Other violations require compensation for the day of fasting on which the violation occurred.

What does not break the Ramadan fast?

  • If a person ate and drank water, forgetting about fasting. If a fasting person suddenly drank water or ate, but immediately remembered and continued the fast, this is not considered a violation;
  • Involuntary vomiting;
  • You can taste food with the tip of your tongue without swallowing it;
  • Rinse your mouth or rinse your nose if water is not swallowed;
  • You can put medicines in your eyes and give injections (not vitamins or nutritional supplements);
  • Anointing and inhaling incense, bathing.

Muslim prayer

Ramadan: what can you eat?

Important: At night during the month of Ramadan you can eat whatever you want. However, it must not be conveyed. It is enough to eat exactly the amount of food that is enough to renew your strength and satiate.

After sunset, you can put either one dish or several on the table. Breaking the fast begins with dates. At night you can eat whatever you like - soups, vegetables, meat, baked goods, dried fruits and fruits, cereals, fish, salads, etc.

Food during Ramadan fasting

Why do people eat only at night during Ramadan?

Important: The Almighty said: “Eat and drink until you can distinguish a white thread from a black thread at dawn, and then fast until night.” These words became the basis for the Ramadan fast.

The effects of Ramadan fasting on health

Studies have been conducted that have found that fasting Ramadan does not harm the body. Blood was taken from the volunteers at the beginning of the fast, during and after the end.

  • Laboratory studies have established the positive effect of fasting on many systems of the body, such as the immune, genitourinary, circulatory, and nervous systems.
  • Most fasters were able to lose excess weight.
  • Basic blood counts remained normal.
  • Those indicators that deviated from the norm recovered a few days after leaving the fast.

The main advantage of fasting Ramadan from a medical point of view is receiving all the necessary nutrients, albeit at night.

Video: Fasting Ramadan from a medical point of view

Congratulations on the beginning of the month of Ramadan

For Muslim believers, the onset of fasting is a joyful event. People congratulate each other, wish them patience, strength, wisdom, as well as joy and health. Below in the picture see the best selection of congratulations and poems dedicated to the holiday of Ramadan.

Congratulations on Ramadan in verse

Congratulations on Ramadan in prose

What should you do during Ramadan?

During Lent, it is imperative to pray fervently, develop spiritually, think about good deeds and perform them.

  • This time is necessary to remind a person of his real mission in this life.
  • Ramadan is not a time for fun, it is a time for reading the Koran, good thoughts and deeds.
  • Ramadan is a time to help other people, the poor, the needy.
  • During this month, alms are given out, people ask for forgiveness, and do good deeds.
  • During this month, strictly follow all the rules of fasting.

What should you not do during the month of Ramadan?

During Ramadan (Ramadan) you cannot lie, use foul language, talk idle talk, behave dissolutely, or quarrel.

  • It is advisable at this time to give up having fun and judging other people.
  • You can’t be angry with your loved ones, swear, or plot bad things. Fasting teaches humility and patience.
  • If a person provokes a fasting person and calls for a quarrel, the fasting person should not engage in abuse, altercation, or fight.
  • He must remind himself that he honors and observes fasting.

Namaz in the month of Ramadan

During Ramadan, believers must pray fervently and also read a prayer - tarawih prayer. This prayer is best performed in a mosque, but can also be performed at home with your family.

Important: Tarawih prayer is a special prayer during Ramadan, which lasts until dawn.

Namaz in the month of Ramadan

Video: Prayer before meals in the month of Ramadan

Women, like men, must fast during Ramadan.

  • If a woman begins her period, she must break her fast. And later continue it;
  • A woman should not approve of her husband’s weakness if he desires intimacy during the day during Ramadan;
  • At night, there is no need to deny your husband intimate intimacy;
  • When a woman prepares food, you can taste the salt without swallowing the food;
  • It is not advisable to while away the days of fasting by shopping and spending money;
  • A woman should not neglect prayer because of household chores.

Is it possible to drink kvass during Ramadan?

Muslims are allowed to drink alcoholic drinks if the proportion of alcohol in them is insignificant and does not lead to intoxication. Factory-made kvass, as a rule, is not capable of intoxication, so you can drink it.

Is it possible to swallow saliva during Ramadan?

  • The saliva that collects in the mouth can be swallowed. This is not considered a violation of the fast.
  • But if the saliva has already left the mouth, for example, touched the lip, then swallowed saliva will be a violation.
  • If blood from the gums gets into the saliva, this will also be a violation. This kind of saliva needs to be spat out.

Is it possible to brush your teeth during Ramadan?

It is better to brush your teeth at night. If you have to brush your teeth during the day, you need to be careful not to swallow toothpaste and saliva at the same time. When rinsing your mouth, you should spit out the water and not swallow it.

Important: It is better for Muslims to brush their teeth with a siwak stick. This will not break the fast.

Is it possible to marry or steal a girl during the month of Ramadan?

Fasting is not an obstacle to nikah (wedding). However, you cannot have feasts and celebrations during the day.

From a religious point of view, stealing a girl is a sin. Islam strongly discourages stealing anything and causing violence to a person. Therefore, girls should not be kidnapped during Ramadan.

Video: Fasting in Ramadan

One of the months of the Islamic calendar is called Ramadan, which is translated from Arabic as “hot”. This is true, because it is at this time that the sun is at its zenith. But not only the location of the daylight predetermined the name of Ramadan - during this month all Muslims adhere to strict fasting, which bears the same name as the ninth calendar month.

When does Ramadan start in 2017?

Due to differences in calendars, the start of the sacred period changes annually. In 2017 Ramadan falls between May 27 and June 25. Fasting begins at first dawn and ends after the appearance of the first evening star.

First of all, Ramadan 2017 (or Ramadan) is a fast in the holy 9th month, which is considered obligatory for all Muslims and is of a special nature. It refers to the five sacred pillars of the Islamic faith:

Shahada is a declaration of faith. The promise of a Muslim to recognize only his faith and honor the laws of his people.
Namaz – five daily obligatory prayers.
Eid is the name of fasting during the holy month of Ramadan.
Zakat is an obligatory charity that should be given to those in need.
Hajj is a pilgrimage to Mecca.

During one of the most difficult months of the year (Ramadan is the hottest month), Muslims adhere to a very strict fast, which, as they say, helps to pacify worldly desires, become more spiritual and closer to God - Allah.

How to properly observe Muslim fasting


Throughout the month, Muslims eat twice a day: morning and evening. The morning meal is called suhur. It must be finished before dawn. Suhoor consists of fruits or dairy products. After eating there is a mandatory morning prayer - fajra. The second meal is taken after the evening Maghrib prayer. It is believed that during this period it is best to eat dates.

Physical restrictions

During fasting, it is prohibited to have sexual intercourse, eat or drink outside the designated time, smoke, including hookah, drink alcohol and take drugs, and induce vomiting.

Moral prohibitions

Ramadan involves cleansing the soul and body. Therefore, a number of prohibitions also affected the moral side of the life of every Muslim. During Ramadan, it is forbidden to lie, slander, swear, harbor grudges, or use foul language. You cannot skip prayer time and not give alms.

Who is exempt from Ramadan fasting?

The only people who do not fast are those who, for physical reasons, cannot bear it: pregnant and lactating women, small children, old people suffering from serious illnesses, mentally ill people and travelers. If Ramadan was not observed on time, it should be held in another month when health conditions allow it.

Ramadan (aka Uraza, Uruza, Orozo) is the ninth month of the Muslim calendar. Its start and end dates vary from year to year based on the Gregorian calendar. The essence of the month of Ramadan lies in the obligatory fasting (saum) for all Islamists, in the spiritual and physical purification of believers, in pacification, humility and forgiveness of all sins. By refusing food, water and other pleasures, the Muslim people demonstrate the triumph of the spirit over the desires of the flesh. Every adult Muslim would consider ignorance of the basic principles of fasting to be a great sin and a shame. In what month does the test begin? What can't you do and what can you eat? What date is the beginning and end of Ramadan 2017? The “children of Allah” will know the answers to all these questions long before time “X”. To prepare in advance mentally and physically, set up home life, study the schedule for Moscow and other centers.

Ramadan 2017: beginning and end of Muslim fasting

Every Islamic believer is interested in an annual topical topic: Ramadan 2017 - the beginning and end of the Muslim fast. After all, the hot ninth month of the calendar is considered the most important in their lives, a great period of doing good deeds and self-improvement. During the fast of Ramadan, Muslims test their faith, increase their strength of spirit, strengthen their will, and rethink their priorities and life values. During this period, Islamists purify themselves both spiritually and physically. It is extremely important to observe not only hygiene measures, but also to abandon foul language, swearing and other harmful habits.

When does Ramadan begin and end in the following years?

The beginning and end of the Muslim fast of Ramadan in 2017 and subsequent periods fall on the following dates:

  • 2017 — May 26-June 25
  • 2018 — May 17-June 16
  • 2019 — May 6-June 5
  • 2020 — April 23-May 22
  • 2021 - April 13-May 12
  • 2022 - April 2-May 1

Schedule for Ramadan 2017 for the city of Moscow

During the strict fasting period of Ramadan, all Muslims allow themselves only two meals: morning and evening. While there are even more prayers.

  • Suhur - pre-dawn breakfast, after which niyat is performed;
  • Fajra is the first obligatory morning prayer;
  • Zuhr - obligatory lunch prayer;
  • Asr - Muslim afternoon prayer;
  • Maghrib - obligatory evening prayer;
  • Iftar is a permitted evening meal;
  • Isha is an obligatory night prayer for Muslims;
  • Tarawih and Witr are desirable pre-dawn prayers performed before the first dawn;

All these elements of the daily life of Islamists during Ramadan have weight, but the most significant are Fajr and Maghrib - morning and evening prayers. Using the example of May 26, consider the schedule for Ramadan 2017 for the city of Moscow and others:

  1. Astana - Fajr (3.30), Maghrib (21.30)
  2. Ashgabat - Fajr (4.12), Maghrib (20.28)
  3. Baku – Fajr (4.20), Maghrib (21.10)
  4. Grozny - Fajr (3.10), Maghrib (20.41)
  5. Dushanbe - Fajr (3.01), Maghrib (19.55)
  6. Kazan - Fajr (1.56), Maghrib (21.21)
  7. Moscow - Fajr (2.07), Maghrib (21.07)
  8. Simferopol - Fajr (3.26), Maghrib (20.39)
  9. Tashkent - Fajr (3.23), Maghrib (20.00)
  10. Ufa - Farj (4.26), Maghrib (22.46)

Last 10 days in Ramadan 2017 schedule

It is during the last ten days of Ramadan that Muslims observe the rules with the greatest zeal, donate alms and perform worship. During this period, it is recommended to visit mosques as often as possible and retire to the temple (perhaps even for all 10 days) following the example of Muhammad. Before solitude, it is necessary to pronounce an intention like: “I intend to remain in itikaf in this mosque in order to get closer to Allah.” In the last days, Muslims anxiously await the night of al-Qadr - the night of predestination.

Holy Ramadan: what you can eat during fasting

Since Ramadan is a very important and strict holy fast for Muslim believers, it is important to know what you can and cannot eat. Islamists admitted to fasting have only two meals during the day: morning - Suhur and evening - Iftar.

Suhur carried out early in the morning before the first rays of sunlight appear. It gives the body energy for the whole day, so it should be satisfying, but moderate. The optimal food for such a breakfast is cereal dishes, bread products, vegetable salads, bananas, nuts, dried fruits. Coffee, protein meat, fish, fried and smoked foods are not recommended for Suhoor.

Iftar It is held after the last prayer of the day (after sunset) before the night prayer. It is not recommended to postpone evening meals until later, as this is harmful to the body. The best food for Iftar is meat and vegetable dishes, cereal porridges, sweets, dried fruits, bananas and various drinks (tea, juice, compote, fruit juice). Sausages and sausages, instant food from bags, too fatty and salty dishes are prohibited for dinner during Ramadan.

Who can eat during the holy fast of Ramadan?

For thousands of Muslims, the holy Ramadan is an incredibly difficult test: we have already told you what you can eat during fasting. It remains to find out who and why is freed from the heavy burden of deprivation and restrictions. So, strict fasting may not be observed by:

  • sick people taking maintenance medications;
  • mentally ill people who are not aware of themselves;
  • the elderly and infirm;
  • wanderers and travelers traveling long distances;
  • people who have not reached the age of majority according to the Koran;
  • pregnant and lactating women for the period of validity of the reason for exemption;

The first 4 categories of Muslims have the right to refuse to fast, but are obliged to compensate for their sinful act by giving alms to the poor. And pregnant women and nursing mothers must serve the number of missed days on a strict fast immediately after the disappearance of the root cause.

What not to do during the Muslim fast of Ramadan

The following processes performed during the fasting days of Ramadan are a gross violation and cannot be done:

  1. Not expressing the intention to fast;
  2. Intentional consumption of food and water during the day;
  3. Alcohol and nicotine consumption;
  4. Sexual intimacy (even without ejaculation);
  5. Use of rectal and vaginal medications;
  6. Intentional vomiting;
  7. Swallowing toothpaste, phlegm, saliva of a partner during a kiss;

For missing a fast for a valid reason, any Muslim is obliged to fast for 1 selected day or pay a needy brother a sum of money equal to 1 grain. Intimacy is punishable by 60 days of fasting, and accidental eating due to forgetfulness is not punished at all.

What to do during the Muslim fast of Ramadan

There are many conditions about what you cannot do during the Muslim fast of Ramadan. But even with some effort, you can find only a few mandatory rules, and if they refuse to comply with them, Islamists commit a sin. And we are not talking about the conditions of food, rest, reading prayers, etc. The most important obligatory task is considered to be niyat - daily confirmation of the intention to fast.

The intention (niyat) is pronounced with the heart and is confirmed in any language understandable to a Muslim. An example text of the promise is as follows: “I intend to fast tomorrow (today) for the month of Ramadan, for the sake of Allah.” The best time for niyat is the period between night and morning prayers. Exclusively in the Maliki madhhab, the intention expressed at the very beginning of Ramadan for all days is considered valid.

Now you know when the beginning and end of Ramadan 2017 are. In our publication you found short information about what you can eat and what you cannot do during the month of Ramadan, as well as an approximate prayer schedule for Moscow. All that remains is to study the information in detail and wait for the big 30-day test.

Where will Fatih Sibagatullin hold his “avyz achu”, how much will the Ramadan tent in the Yardem mosque hold and to whom Muslim fasting is contraindicated

Today at sunset, in Kazan it is 20:08, the Muslim holy month of Ramadan begins, which will end at sunset on June 24, after which Eid al-Adha will be celebrated all over the world. About why the place and time of the republican iftar changed several times, who Gusman Iskhakov and his family will remember on the first night of Ramadan, as well as what the official size of the sadak is this year, read in the BUSINESS Online material.


Today, in all mosques of Tatarstan, Muslims will gather for the first tarawih, that is, night prayer, which is performed only during Ramadan. The holy month will begin today at sunset, in Kazan it is 20 hours 08 minutes. Let us remember that, according to the Muslim calendar, a new day begins not at midnight, as according to the Gregorian calendar, but at sunset. Tomorrow, at 01:15, Muslims need to complete their morning meal - suhur, after which it is possible to break the fast only at 20:09. The period of abstinence during daylight hours from food, drink, and intimacy in Ramadan 2017 will be up to 19.5 hours!

This year, the duration of Ramadan is 29 days, it will end on June 24 at sunset, and on the 25th, Muslims of Tatarstan will gather for the festive prayer of Eid al-Adha. In mid-May, at the plenum of the Muslim Spiritual Board of the Republic of Tatarstan, the amounts of sadaka, or alms, that are customary to be given during the holy month were announced. They are calculated according to a special scheme. So, this year the amount of compensation for each missed day of fasting will be 200 rubles. That is, if a Muslim who, for a good reason, did not keep up, for example, was sick, can pay this amount daily. The expiatory one-time sadaka-fitr, which can be given throughout the month, but it is advisable to do this immediately before Eid al-Adha, will amount to 100 rubles for ordinary Muslims and 600 rubles for rich ones. The last to be recognized this year are those who have nisab, that is, the minimum income or property from which it is necessary to pay zakat - an annual tax in favor of those in need. This year the amount of nisab is 198 thousand rubles.

Meanwhile, the 5th Republican Iftar this year was initially supposed to take place on the first day of Ramadan. Due to the upcoming Confederations Cup games, the mass breaking of the fast could not be held at the traditional venue - Kazan Arena, so they first chose the Central Stadium, where they planned to invite not 10 thousand people, as last year, but one and a half times more. We even managed to print out and partially distribute invitation cards indicating the location - Central Stadium. But this week it was officially announced that a different time and place had been chosen for the grandiose “Avyz Achu”. A super meal will be held on June 15 at the Kazan Tennis Academy.

According to one of the organizers of the event, the president of the Russian Muslim Association Aidara Shagimardanova, there are several reasons for the next transfer. For example, the Central Stadium during a football tournament will serve as a training ground for participating teams, but the main thing is time pressure: “Not all guests had time to receive an answer about their participation in iftar. This will become known closer to June 15th. At the Tennis Academy, sunset prayer will be performed on the football court, and tables will be set in the interior of the sports facility.” The only drawback of the Tennis Academy is that it is unlikely to accommodate 15 thousand people there, as planned. As the President of the APM was informed by the Muslim Spiritual Directorate of the Republic of Tajikistan, the academy can accommodate 10 thousand fasting people, but a maximum of two to three thousand places can somehow be found.


Eid is one of the five pillars of Islam; fasting during the month of Ramadan is the duty of every Muslim. But with a caveat - a healthy Muslim, says Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ravil Valeev. The head of the department of phthisiology and pulmonology of KSMA believes that before fasting, you need to consult your doctor.

— We must proceed from the fact that, according to the Koran, sick people traveling have the right not to fast. This is due to the fact that since the advent of Islam, the range of known diseases has seriously expanded. For example, we are talking about diabetes. With this disease, there is a mandatory requirement - fractional meals. This year, the holiday falls in the summer, and a person who abstains for a long time not only from eating, but also from drinking, especially a person with diabetes, disrupts the water-salt balance of the body, because the person must work, especially if he is engaged in physical labor, and will be in the heat sweat, therefore, accordingly, it must replenish the water-salt balance. He's with p O Tom loses fluid, salts, and vitamins. This loss may come back to him with some kind of disease.

- So, the holiday is only for healthy people?

— It is generally accepted that if a person dies during the fast, he immediately goes to heaven. Let's talk from a common sense point of view. If a person dies from a disease that progresses during the uraza, then, probably, the Almighty will not welcome it. This is one of the great sins - suicide. Intentional injury to health.

— On ordinary days, each person should drink two to three liters of water... But what should a fasting Muslim do?

- If you drink two or three liters at once early in the morning, then this is an extremely large load on the cardiovascular system, because this liquid enters through the gastrointestinal tract, the heart must distill these three liters, the kidneys, seeing such a large amount of water, say: we don't need that much liquid. And all this will go away with urine, and such excessive use will lead to nothing but harm. We must proceed from the rule that the military had before the campaign: people were given black bread with herring so that they could drink water, or tea and salt, which, on the one hand, retained water, preventing them from sweating too much. And this can be used, but in moderation. It is advisable that a person drinks at least half a liter in the morning.

—What do you think about the fact that some people fast exclusively on water?

— If a person is not overweight, then this will lead to elementary dystrophy, which now affects teenage girls who want to be like a Barbie doll. I had to treat such people. After all, after elementary dystrophy, tuberculosis occurs, and its severe form. One of them was barely saved, she was treated for two years...


As reported in the Spiritual Directorate of Muslims of the Republic of Tatarstan, as last year, daily iftars will be held in 30 mosques in Kazan, and in 20 mosques the Koran will be read in full during Tarawih prayer. By the way, after a year-long break associated with the aggravation in relations between Russia and Turkey, 38 Turkish Koran-hafiz, that is, people who know the Holy Book by heart, should come to the republic to conduct Tarawih prayer. As for the “avyz achu” meal, it is expected that the number of people breaking their fast will increase. So, according to the imam of the Yardem mosque Ildara Bayazitova, they are expecting some changes in their Ramadan tent this year.

“This year we are opening one more tent. Now we will hold iftar for 1200 people. We will put up last year’s tent, designed for 1000 people, and another new one for 200 people. This was done due to the large influx of people wishing to break their fast. We decided to do as much as we can. There will be a daily cultural program, we will specially invite the popular toastmaster Gamil Nur, he will be in one tent, our hazrats will lead in the other. The menu is traditional - first course, second course, pies, fruits and vegetables. There will also be a suhur - a morning meal, and anyone can come there,” says Bayazitov.

Iftars are most often organized by private individuals; this does not necessarily happen in mosques. “I host iftar at my home every year. According to our tradition, although there is only one Islam, every nation has its own tradition. I consider our religion to be traditional Tatar Islam, where, unlike Arabic, the role of the mullah is high. Before the meal begins, I reconcile the different parties and provide the opportunity for informal communication. Once there was a misunderstanding between the imams of the Al-Marjani mosques, Mansur Hazrat, and “Khater” Kharis Hazrat, who this year became the laureate of the Tukaev Prize. So I sat them down in front of each other, and they made peace,” a State Duma deputy told BUSINESS Online Fatih Sibagatullin.

And here is a businessman, general director of KZhK Logistics LLC Iskander Zigangaraev, as in previous years, plans to invite Muslims to . “I am planning to host a vegetarian iftar again. But I don’t know the exact time yet. I myself very rarely eat meat during the fast. Maybe once or twice a week, and then fish or chicken. During Suhur, I generally only drink water, I can also eat fruit...” Zigangaraev told our newspaper.

Keeping a Muslim fast is not an easy test. Although, according to the ex-mufti of Tatarstan Gusman Iskhakov, who celebrated his 60th birthday the day before, “everything depends on fear of God and sincerity; if the love for Allah is strong, then no hunger or thirst is felt.” For many years, the ex-leader of the republic’s Muslims had a tradition - for the first iftar, all the Iskhakovs gathered at their mother’s, the famous Rashid abystai, who passed away a year ago. Tomorrow, Hazrat Gusman invites his family and friends to a tent at the mosque in the village of Petrovsky, where his sister’s husband served as imam Suleiman Zaripov, who disappeared without a trace in February last year. “We, along with all the relatives and friends who came to iftar, will pray to Allah for Hazrat Suleiman to return home,” says the former mufti of Tatarstan.

Every legitimate Muslim awaits with excitement and trepidation the beginning of the Ninth month in the Islamic calendar - Ramadan. And the whole point is that this is a special period in the life of believers - a time of trials, hardships, strengthening of willpower, spiritual growth, humility and beneficence. It is in Ramadan 2017, the beginning and end of which changes every year, that Muslims have the opportunity to get closer to Allah, repeat the path of the great Prophet Muhammad and overcome their shortcomings. These goals are achieved through very strict fasting, prayers and good deeds. There is a whole set of rules governing what you can and cannot do/eat/drink during the Holy Month of Ramadan. In addition, special attention is paid to maintaining a special prayer schedule. What date Ramadan 2017 begins in Moscow and Russia, as well as prohibitions for Muslims during this month, will be discussed further.

Ramadan 2017 - the beginning and end of the Holy month for Muslims

The most exciting information for all legitimate Muslims regarding Ramadan 2017 is the beginning and end of the Holy month. The fact is that the Islamic synodic calendar is shorter than the Gregorian calendar, and therefore, every year the beginning of fasting is postponed by 10-11 days. The duration of Ramadan also varies from year to year from 29 to 30 days depending on the lunar calendar. So, Ramadan 2017, the beginning and end of the Holy month for Muslims are already known, this year it will last 30 days.

When is the beginning and end of the month of Ramadan 2017 for Muslims in Moscow and Russia

As for the exact dates of the beginning and end of the Holy month, in 2017 in most Muslim countries, Ramadan will begin on May 26. The end of the Muslim fast will fall on June 25. Following the last day of fasting, one of the most important Islamic holidays will come - Eid al-Adha, which in 2017 is celebrated by Muslims around the world on June 26.

What Muslims absolutely cannot do during Ramadan 2017

There are many restrictions associated with the Ninth month of the synodic calendar - these are not just restraints on the physical level, but also spiritual fasting. In particular, there is a whole list of things that Muslims absolutely cannot do during Ramadan. It specifies rules regarding daily routine, food, prayers, charitable activities, etc. This set of restrictions also regulates personal relationships, including intimacy between husband and wife.

List of things Muslims absolutely cannot do during Ramadan

If we highlight the main prohibitions that apply during Ramadan, then Muslims at this time are strictly prohibited from:

  • eat food and drink water during daylight hours
  • smoke, drink alcohol
  • kissing, having intimate relationships until sunset
  • spend time idly in entertainment
  • skip obligatory prayers
  • swear

Holy month of Ramadan: what Muslims can eat during fasting

The set of rules for the Holy month of Ramadan regulates not only the number of meals, but also what foods Muslims can eat during fasting. First of all, it is worth noting that throughout the month of Ramadan, believers can eat twice a day: early in the morning before dawn (before morning prayer) and after sunset (after evening prayer). During daylight hours, only pregnant and lactating women, children, the elderly and the sick are allowed to eat food. Everyone else must abstain even from drinking water, which is especially difficult in hot Arab countries.

What are Muslims allowed to eat during the holy month of Ramadan?

The list of foods allowed during the Holy month of Ramadan, namely what Muslims can eat during fasting, is quite simple. Preference should be given to foods that are easy to digest and at the same time high in calories: porridge, cottage cheese, yogurt, cereal cakes, fruits and vegetables. Coffee and tea are also available in limited quantities.

How Ramadan 2017 will take place: exact prayer schedule for Moscow

The question of how Ramadan 2017 will take place in Russia is closely related to the exact schedule of prayers for Muslims in Moscow. Depending on the geographical location of the country in which Muslims live, prayer times vary.

Prayer schedule during Ramadan 2017 for Moscow

An example of how Ramadan 2017 will take place with the exact schedule of prayers in Moscow can be found in the table below.

Now you know when Ramadan 2017 begins (beginning and end of fasting), which means you can timely congratulate Muslim friends on an important period in their lives. We hope that the list of what you can and cannot do/eat during Ramadan, as well as the exact schedule of prayers for each date in Moscow, will help believers fast correctly.