
Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third child: latest news. Son deleted Madonna from his social networks

Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third child: latest news.  Son deleted Madonna from his social networks

The question of whether the royal couple will stop at two children, or will follow the example of Elizabeth II and plan for at least four, has interested everyone for the last two years. The gossip that circulated in the press added spice to the intrigue. It was rumored that Kate wanted to give birth to another baby in order to tie her husband closer to her. And her husband, whose swan-like fidelity after a cheerful bachelor party in Switzerland is hard to believe, allegedly had no desire to expand the family. Apparently, Kate and William managed to find a compromise: Middleton is again in an interesting position. recalls the difficult path of Duchess Catherine to the much-desired third pregnancy and finds out which rumors about her turned out to be true and which were fabrications of anonymous “well-wishers.”

Information about Kate Middleton's possible third pregnancy has been discussed in the press for a long time, but no one was in a hurry to believe the ubiquitous anonymous people close to the royal family, because the figure of the duchess, who ignored the existence fashionable outfits oversize, remained girlishly slim. However, in the summer of 2018, even the most persistent skeptics doubted whether the tabloids were really wrong?!

Many found it strange that since July of this year, Prince William’s wife stopped appearing in public. At the end of August, the Australian online publication Women’s Day released interesting news: an insider told the portal that Katherine was hospitalized. The anonymous source did not name the reason for the hospitalization, but said that the very next day the Duchess of Cambridge was discharged from the clinic and she returned home safely. Then many fans of the British royal family remembered Kate’s two previous pregnancies: during them she felt unwell due to very severe toxicosis and sought help from doctors. Apparently, this time the scenario has not changed, because on September 4, the press service of Kensington Palace officially confirmed that the 35-year-old Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will become parents again.

“Catherine is expecting her third child. The Queen and members of both families are very happy about this news. As in her two previous pregnancies, the Duchess suffers from severe toxicosis. This is why Her Highness canceled her planned visit to child Center in London. The Duchess is now at Kensington Palace, where she is receiving the necessary assistance,” the statement says.

According to Western glossy publications, Kate Middleton is approximately two or three months pregnant. The baby is expected to be born in April or March 2018. The royal family has decided to no longer hide the interesting situation of the Duchess, since due to poor health she will not be able to perform her duties and will rarely appear in public. Most likely, Katherine will go on maternity leave early again.

Prince Harry, who recently returned to the UK from a romantic trip to Botswana with his beloved Meghan Markle, already knows about the good news. According to the uncle of Prince George and Princess Charlotte, he is very happy for his brother and daughter-in-law. “I hope Kate is okay,” Harry told reporters during a charity event on September 4.

By the way, the well-known Gary Goldsmith is also aware of his niece’s third pregnancy - it was the British millionaire who helped eldest daughter his sister to win the prince, paying for her education at a prestigious university, expensive clothes and vacations at luxury resorts.

“This is by far the best news this year. Being a mother suits her very well. I wonder if she will stop at three kids? Honestly, I don't think so. She and Will dote on children,” the businessman told The Daily Mail.

It is curious that not so long ago, Kate and William, according to rumors, were not eager to expand their family - the spouses were completely satisfied with the fact that they already had both a son and a daughter. recalls the gossip and myths that preceded Duchess Catherine's third pregnancy, and understands why she decided to give birth to another baby right now. At first glance, it seems that Prince William and Kate Middleton are happily married. However, one has only to take a closer look at the royal couple, as our psychologists did, and it turns out that not everything is ideal in their family. However, you don’t need to be an expert in the field of relationships to predict the Duchess’s reaction to her husband’s reckless behavior.

In March of this year, William and his friends went to Switzerland, where they spent several days at the Verbier ski resort. According to anonymous sources, during this trip the Duke of Cambridge behaved like a bachelor, flirted left and right, and did not limit himself to flirting...

Upon returning home, what awaited William was not a table set with bread and salt, but a completely cold welcome. Insiders claimed that Katherine refused to talk to her husband for several days.

“Kate seriously believed that William’s parties and dubious friends were a thing of the past. She considers this situation very humiliating and is terribly angry with her husband, even if there is no talk of separation,” a Buckingham Palace insider told Vanity Fair.

However, a few weeks later the couple again smiled tenderly at each other in public. It is quite possible that meetings with family psychologist and a sexologist who helped them overcome the crisis situation.

Interestingly, one of the anonymous people then suggested that after the incident with the bachelor party in Switzerland, Kate would become pregnant with her third child. According to the source, Middleton, who suddenly realized that her husband might leave her, should have thought about a kind of “safety cushion” in the form of another baby. However, some fans of the British royal family are sure that this is not a matter of hypothetical betrayal. Kate was said to be desperate to get pregnant for the third time before Prince George went to prep school and she was forced out of a long-term pregnancy. maternity leave. Just from the beginning of this week, Catherine was supposed to plunge headlong into royal duties and appear at events more often, but instead she announced an interesting position.

Insiders have long been outraged that the Duchess of Cambridge is constantly shirking work. They say that Queen Elizabeth II is not at all happy about this either.

Recently, the wife of Prince William was even called the laziest representative of the British royal family: she rarely speaks in public and often cancels meetings at the last minute.

However, the young mother also has defenders who are sure that she needs to spend more time with her children while they are small. In addition, according to British media reports, Katherine is very worried when she has to make speeches in front of a large number of people - supposedly she has developed a real phobia that is poisoning her life. According to another version, Katherine decided on a third child without even consulting with husband. In July of this year, the American magazine Life & Style wrote that Prince William does not even want to think about another baby. The grandson of Queen Elizabeth II is glad that he has a son and a daughter. “He is sure that their family has already been formed. And Katherine dreams of a third, because she herself grew up in large family"- said the insider. According to the anonymous author, the heir to the British throne was not mentally prepared for the next addition to the family.

A few months ago, journalist Phil Dampier spoke with the duchess at one of the receptions. During this conversation, Kate jokingly admitted that if she gave birth to a third child, Will would have left, slamming the door.

Middleton herself did not even hide the fact that she really wanted to become a mother again. During a recent official visit to Poland, she was presented with toys for babies. The Duchess thanked her for the gift and, looking at her husband, said meaningfully: “Now we need another baby.” Last week, foreign media started talking about the fact that Pippa Middleton, the younger sister of the Duchess of Cambridge, is preparing to become a mother. And although there has been no official confirmation of information about Pippa’s pregnancy from her family or reputable magazines, fans are confident that this is about to happen.

“Kate and Pippa have long dreamed of one day being pregnant at the same time. Apparently, they will succeed. Catherine now lives in London because Prince George will go to school there. And Pippa’s apartment with her husband is located in the center. Just imagine how great it will be when the sisters go together to a children's store to buy clothes for future babies or go to yoga classes for pregnant women,” a family friend told Us Weekly. Well, we can easily do this! Another interesting, but, frankly speaking, somewhat dubious rumor was circulated in the media a couple of months ago. Insiders claimed that Kate does not want to have a child in the near future because of Prince Harry's girlfriend. According to anonymous reports, Middleton was annoyed that her brother-in-law’s chosen one was becoming more popular day by day.

Like, the Duchess of Cambridge thought with horror about what would happen if she became pregnant at the same time as Meghan Markle. Katherine likes to have all the attention on her, especially when she's in an interesting position.

If we are guided by the logic of insiders, we can assume that Prince William’s wife simply decided to hurry up and get pregnant before Megan. Overtaking Markle on all fronts is a matter of principle for Middleton.

Reports that Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third child appear in the media, especially those that publish materials about the social life of stars and celebrities, with enviable regularity, as soon as her daughter, Princess Charlotte, reached the age of six months.

Is Kate Middleton pregnant again?

Another news that Kate Middleton is pregnant for the third time appeared on the pages of the American tabloid Life & Style at the beginning of the new year 2016. Referring to messages from an insider (a person close and privy to the details of the royal family’s personal life), the publication reported that the Duchess of Cambridge announced her interesting position at the Christmas dinner.

They also talked about the reaction of members of the royal family to this good news. According to the same source, Queen Elizabeth II took this news with her usual restraint, and the most violently joyful reaction was shown by the uncle of the children of Kate and Prince William -.

Also, as evidence that Kate Middleton is pregnant again, photographs taken by the paparazzi during the duchess's shopping trip shortly before the New Year were cited. According to the publication, Kate looked pale and exhausted, which is very typical for her while expecting a child, because during her previous two pregnancies she was greatly tormented.

Finally, the publication called the last argument that the royal family, although it did not confirm, did not deny the news that Princess Kate Middleton is pregnant again.

Refutation that Kate Middleton is pregnant for the 3rd time

Rumors about Kate Middleton's third pregnancy were not officially refuted, but their dubiousness was suddenly highlighted by other tabloids, especially English ones.

The fact is that Life & Style is published with similar headlines with enviable regularity. Thus, a pregnancy with a second child was reported approximately 15 months before Princess Charlotte was born, and a third pregnancy was also reported twice. Moreover, each time issues with such news are accompanied by a large photograph of the Duchess of Cambridge on the cover, as well as a loud, flashy headline. It is not surprising that the issue with such an announcement sold like hot cakes, and the unofficially unconfirmed rumors were picked up by other newspapers and magazines that closely follow the lives of celebrities. So regular reports about Kate Middleton’s pregnancy look like a desire by the magazine’s editors to earn more money by selling issues with high-profile, albeit dubious, news.

This time again there was a public outcry, but it was not supported at all by the English media. According to many journalists, if such news were reported at the Christmas dinner, then by the beginning of January there should have been an official announcement about it. In addition, an additional argument against the fact that Kate Middleton is pregnant for the third time was an analysis of the officially published schedule of visits that Kate and William will make during 2016 as representatives of the royal family. It's quite dense and busy that it would be strange if Kate was going to be a mother again.

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If we take into account the not very successful photographs of the paparazzi, which Life & Style considers to be confirmation of toxicosis, then it is worth remembering the fact that Kate Middleton and Prince William have two small children, the youngest daughter was barely 7 months old, and Prince George just went to school. kindergarten. That is, Kate, who spends a lot of time with her children, may well look tired.

No sooner had the Duchess of Cambridge become a mother for the second time than Western tabloids doubled their vigilance and began tracking both the frequency of her appearances in public and the slightest changes in her figure. The question of whether the royal couple will stop at two children, or will follow the example of Elizabeth II and plan for at least four, has interested everyone for the last two years. The gossip that circulated in the press added spice to the intrigue. It was rumored that Kate wanted to give birth to another baby in order to tie her husband closer to her. And her husband, whose swan-like fidelity after a cheerful bachelor party in Switzerland is hard to believe, allegedly had no desire to expand the family. Apparently, Kate and William managed to find a compromise: Middleton is again in an interesting position. the site recalls the difficult path of Duchess Catherine to the much-desired third pregnancy and finds out which rumors about her turned out to be true and which were fabrications of anonymous “well-wishers.”

Information about Kate Middleton's possible third pregnancy has been discussed in the press for a long time, but no one was in a hurry to believe the ubiquitous anonymous people close to the royal family, because the figure of the duchess, who ignored the existence of fashionable oversize outfits, remained girlishly slender. However, in the summer of 2017, even the most persistent skeptics began to doubt whether the tabloids were really wrong?!

Many found it strange that since July of this year, Prince William’s wife stopped appearing in public. At the end of August, the Australian online publication Women’s Day released interesting news: an insider told the portal that Katherine was hospitalized. The anonymous source did not name the reason for the hospitalization, but said that the very next day the Duchess of Cambridge was discharged from the clinic and she returned home safely. Then many fans of the British royal family remembered Kate’s two previous pregnancies: during them she felt unwell due to very severe toxicosis and sought help from doctors. Apparently, this time the scenario has not changed, because on September 4, the press service of Kensington Palace officially confirmed that the 35-year-old Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will become parents again.

“Catherine is expecting her third child. The Queen and members of both families are very happy about this news. As in her two previous pregnancies, the Duchess suffers from severe toxicosis. That is why Her Highness canceled a planned visit to a children's center in London. The Duchess is now at Kensington Palace, where she is receiving the necessary assistance,” the statement says.

According to Western glossy publications, Kate Middleton is approximately two or three months pregnant. The baby is expected to be born in April or March 2018. The royal family has decided to no longer hide the interesting situation of the Duchess, since due to poor health she will not be able to perform her duties and will rarely appear in public. Most likely, Katherine will go on maternity leave early again.

Prince Harry, who recently returned to the UK from a romantic trip to Botswana with his beloved Meghan Markle, already knows about the good news. According to the uncle of Prince George and Princess Charlotte, he is very happy for his brother and daughter-in-law. “I hope Kate is okay,” Harry told reporters during a charity event on September 4.

By the way, the well-known Gary Goldsmith is also aware of his niece’s third pregnancy - it was the British millionaire who helped his sister’s eldest daughter win the prince, paying for her education at a prestigious university, expensive clothes and vacations at luxury resorts.

“This is by far the best news this year. Being a mother suits her very well. I wonder if she will stop at three kids? Honestly, I don't think so. She and Will dote on children,” the businessman told The Daily Mail.

It is curious that not so long ago, Kate and William, according to rumors, were not eager to expand their family - the spouses were completely satisfied with the fact that they already had both a son and a daughter. the site recalls the gossip and myths that preceded Duchess Catherine's third pregnancy, and understands why she decided to give birth to another baby now.

Give birth to save a marriage

At first glance, it seems that Prince William and Kate Middleton are happily married. However, one has only to take a closer look at the royal couple, as our psychologists did, and it turns out that not everything is ideal in their family. However, you don’t need to be an expert in the field of relationships to predict the Duchess’s reaction to her husband’s reckless behavior.

In March of this year, William and his friends went to Switzerland, where they spent several days at the Verbier ski resort. According to anonymous sources, during this trip the Duke of Cambridge behaved like a bachelor, flirted left and right and did not limit himself to flirting...

Upon returning home, what awaited William was not a table set with bread and salt, but a completely cold welcome. Insiders claimed that Katherine refused to talk to her husband for several days.

“Kate seriously believed that William’s parties and dubious friends were a thing of the past. She considers this situation very humiliating and is terribly angry with her husband, even if there is no talk of separation,” a Buckingham Palace insider told Vanity Fair.

However, a few weeks later the couple again smiled tenderly at each other in public. It is quite possible that meetings with a family psychologist and sexologist, who helped them overcome the crisis situation, had a beneficial effect on the couple.

Interestingly, one of the anonymous people then suggested that after the incident with the bachelor party in Switzerland, Kate would become pregnant with her third child. According to the source, Middleton, who suddenly realized that her husband might leave her, had to think about a kind of “safety cushion” in the form of another baby.

"Lazy Katie"

However, some fans of the British royal family are confident that this is not a matter of hypothetical treason. Kate was said to be desperate to get pregnant for a third time before Prince George went to prep school and she was forced to return from her extended maternity leave. Just from the beginning of this week, Catherine was supposed to plunge headlong into royal duties and appear at events more often, but instead she announced an interesting position.

Insiders have long been outraged that the Duchess of Cambridge is constantly shirking work. They say that Queen Elizabeth II is not at all happy about this either.

Recently, the wife of Prince William was even called the laziest representative of the British royal family: she rarely speaks in public and often cancels meetings at the last minute.

However, the young mother also has defenders who are sure that she needs to spend more time with her children while they are small. In addition, according to British media, Katherine is very worried when she has to make speeches in front of a large number of people - allegedly she has developed a real phobia that is poisoning her life.

Become a mother to spite your husband

According to another version, Katherine decided on a third child without even consulting her husband. In July of this year, the American magazine Life & Style wrote that Prince William does not even want to think about another baby. The grandson of Queen Elizabeth II is glad that he has a son and a daughter. “He is sure that their family has already been formed. And Katherine dreams of a third, because she herself grew up in a large family,” the insider said. According to the anonymous author, the heir to the British throne was not mentally prepared for the next addition to the family.

A few months ago, journalist Phil Dampier spoke with the duchess at one of the receptions. During this conversation, Kate jokingly admitted that if she gave birth to a third child, Will would have left, slamming the door.

Middleton herself did not even hide the fact that she really wanted to become a mother again. During a recent official visit to Poland, she was presented with toys for babies. The Duchess thanked him for the gift and, looking at her husband, said meaningfully: “Now we need another baby.”

One day with my sister

Last week, foreign media started talking about the fact that Pippa Middleton, the younger sister of the Duchess of Cambridge, is preparing to become a mother. And although there has been no official confirmation of information about Pippa’s pregnancy from her family or reputable magazines, fans are confident that this is about to happen.

“Kate and Pippa have long dreamed of one day being pregnant at the same time. Apparently, they will succeed. Catherine now lives in London because Prince George will go to school there. And Pippa’s apartment with her husband is located in the center. Just imagine how great it will be when the sisters go together to a children's store to buy clothes for future babies or go to yoga classes for pregnant women,” a family friend told Us Weekly. Well, we can do it with ease!

Make it before Megan

Another interesting, but, frankly speaking, somewhat dubious rumor was circulated in the media a couple of months ago. Insiders claimed that Kate does not want to have a child in the near future because of Prince Harry's girlfriend. According to anonymous reports, Middleton was annoyed that her brother-in-law’s chosen one was becoming more popular day by day.

Like, the Duchess of Cambridge thought with horror about what would happen if she became pregnant at the same time as Meghan Markle. Katherine likes to have all the attention on her, especially when she's in an interesting position.

If we are guided by the logic of insiders, we can assume that Prince William’s wife simply decided to hurry up and get pregnant before Megan. Overtaking Markle on all fronts is a matter of principle for Middleton.

The attention paid to William Arthur Philip Louis, Duke of Cambridge, Prince William, and his wife Catherine Elizabeth Mountbatten-Windsor, Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, is no coincidence, because most likely they will become the next crowned heads of Great Britain.

Therefore, news from their personal lives is not just private facts, but an event that concerns the whole nation. The latest such news, confirmed by the official page of the royal dynasty (Twitter), was the news that Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third child.

Rumors about this began to appear when Kate was hospitalized for one day. Before this, the ubiquitous press, which literally follows every public move of the couple, noted that Middleton had clearly lost weight. Journalists made the assumption that this was due to the interesting position of the prince’s wife. The reason was that the duchess’s two previous pregnancies were accompanied by rather severe toxicosis in the first three months.

As was later confirmed, their version turned out to be correct. Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third child in 2017, and is experiencing certain health difficulties. That is why some previously scheduled official meetings were cancelled.

In January, on the 9th, Kate celebrated her 35th birthday. She was 29 years old when, on April 29, 2011, one of the most grandiose events in the life of the royal dynasty took place. The second heir after his father, Prince Charles, Prince William married Kate Middleton. The ceremony was not only broadcast all over the world, but also became one of the grandest events in scope. About 2,000 people were invited to the wedding at Westminster Abbey alone, including many high-level aristocrats, famous people. People from all over the world came to watch the ceremony itself.

This wedding is notable for the fact that Catherine herself received the title of Duchess of Cambridge from Elizabeth 2 only after the wedding; before that, she did not belong to the aristocracy. If you look at the history of the dynasty, the last time this happened was in the second half of the 16th century (in 1660). King James II of York took as his wife a lady-in-waiting without titles, Anne Hythe, who was loved by the common people. Therefore, this event is in some way significant.

Over the years, Kate Middleton and Prince William have made the royal court and the nation happy twice. In 2013 (July 22), Prince George was born, who became the third heir after his grandfather and father. Literally two years later, Princess Charlotte was born into the royal dynasty, whom Kate gave birth to in 2015 (May 2). And so last news Kate Middleton is reportedly pregnant with her third child.

This is a truly important event, because the preservation and expansion of the English dynasty is a symbol of the sustainability of stability and prosperity of the monarchy. Although the economic situation in the country is led by the Prime Minister (at this moment Theresa May) along with a bicameral parliament, the Queen has enormous influence not only in the UK, but throughout the world. That is why, to be received by Elizabeth 2 is an honor that few receive.

The prestige of the dynasty is extremely important question. And the fact that for ordinary families there are just vicissitudes of life, such as divorce, betrayal, for dynastic families, damage to reputation. That's why Prince Charles' break with Princess Diana and his marriage to Sarah Parker were so painful.

But, of course, the tragic death of the mother of Princes William and Harry, Diana, was a tragedy for everyone. She earned worldwide love thanks to her charm, kindness, and charitable activities. Rumors “something is wrong in the Kingdom of England” spread like a cobweb. Elizabeth herself was painfully worried about all these events. The prince's wedding and the birth of two heirs helped restore his reputation.

The married couple of Prince William and Kate Middleton are considered exemplary in terms of behavior, etiquette, human and family relationships. They are a really beautiful couple, athletic, tall, always smiling and friendly. They present themselves with dignity as ambassadors from the dynasty on all official visits and trips. Kate Middleton's merit in this is no less than that of her prince's wife.

The news that Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third child only strengthened this reputation.

Katherine's path to the top

If anyone thinks that Kate's story is a fairy tale about Cinderella, then this is far from the case. From a story perspective, maybe, but the road to this point wasn't easy.

Katherine was born into the family of a pilot, formerly an air traffic controller, Michael Francis Middleton, and a flight attendant, Carol Elizabeth. Maternal ancestors were ordinary people who worked in the Durham mines. My father comes from a middle class background. One of the brightest moments in the biography of our ancestors is the distant relative of Thomas Davis, who went down in English history as the author of religious hymns. In addition, Middleton is an eighth-generation relative of George Washington, who was the first president of the United States.

The family has two more younger children, sister Philippa, brother James. Sister Pippa recently married a millionaire. There are many photos of this event in the press, especially focusing on the photo where Catherine carefully straightens the bride's train. An interesting coincidence, while Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third child, there are rumors that her sister is also in an interesting position.

Katherine's parents would later start their own business (1987). They are organizing a company that will send out “Party Pieces” parcels and sell souvenirs. Things will go quite successfully, this will allow parents to give their children a decent education and ensure a high standard of living.

Since childhood, Kate has been distinguished by her persistent character. She studied well and strived for leadership. This compares favorably with younger sister. At first there was a school in the town of St. Andrews. Then Marlborough College. There she studied under the Duke of Edinburgh's program, the highest level, passing the exams with excellent marks.

A remarkable detail. Katherine attended a theater group during her studies. In one of the performances, she was assigned to the role of a girl whom the prince fell in love with. And what a coincidence, he was tall, blond, and his name was William.

Maybe now, when Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third child from a real prince, she recalls this fateful moment from her biography.

When his college studies are over, Middleton takes a year-long break from his studies, deciding on his choice of educational institution. Traveling around Italy, he studied in Florence (3 months at the Florence British Institute), studying art history and linguistics. Goes on an expedition to Chile, according to an international volunteer program. And here’s another remarkable coincidence: a year earlier, Prince William took part in the same expedition.

After a year's break, Kate decided on her choice of university; she entered the University of St. Andrews (Scotland, Fife), majoring in art history. She will graduate with second class honors.

Katherine was actively involved in sports during her studies, and different types: tennis, rowing, athletics (high jump). In college and university, she played on the women's hockey team and at one time was the captain. In the photo, even now, when Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third child, we see her toned, slender figure.

Sport played an important role here. William and Catherine still lead an active lifestyle, rowing, playing tennis, and love cycling and skiing. They like to travel freely, although now they manage to do so less often. Now they are the personification of the royal dynasty, public activities take up a lot of time.

Love story

While studying at the university, Katherine is actively involved in various charity events. At one of these events, a fateful meeting between Prince William and Kate Middleton took place. It was a charity fashion show organized at the university. Katherine acted as a model. Ulyam studied at the University of St. Andrews and attended the show as a spectator. Kate walked the runway in a sheer veil dress with a crop top and shorts underneath.

Beautiful girl with perfect fit figure impressed the prince, although he attended the show with his girlfriend. We can say that from this moment this romance begins, which will last almost ten years. This is how long Middleton will have to wait until William officially proposes to her. The love affair developed gradually. The prince was quite amorous, for obvious reasons and thanks to his visual attractiveness, he was popular with women.

At first, their relationship looked like friendship. It is believed that Catherine managed to convince the prince not to quit studying at the university. But gradually the friendship grew into a closer relationship; in the second year of study they were already renting housing together. It was a house in which a group of students lived. Kate's public recognition as Prince William's girlfriend would only occur in 2004, when they were vacationing together at a ski resort.

Since 2005, they will already be shown together on various events. Journalists had previously paid attention to the private life of the loving prince, but from now on Kate is under their constant attention. In fact, the paparazzi accompany her everywhere, all for 6 long years until the wedding. And it should be noted that the girl passed the test with honor. She was never taken by surprise, she always looked good, behaved with dignity and naturalness.

True, she filed a lawsuit once when the intrusiveness of the paparazzi began to cross all acceptable limits. All these years the couple dated, only in 2007 there was a break for two months. It's hard to say what caused it. The official version says that William wanted to concentrate on the military profession. This is the tradition of the dynasty; a contender for the throne must obtain a military specialty and become an officer.

All these long years Not only the feelings of the lovers were tested, there were secret reviews on the part of the royal family. Believe me, one wrong move or rash act could have ruined everything, especially since Middolton is not from a titled family. Katherine understood this perfectly; one might say that she prepared herself for this mission.

Her recognition was that she received invitations to official ceremonies of the royal dynasty, for example, the wedding of William's half-sister. Before deciding on the wedding, Middleton had a personal audience with Queen Elizabeth 2, the girl passed the test and earned approval.

When he got engaged to Kate, the prince presented her with the same ring that Charles gave to Princess Diana. She touches the memory of her husband’s mother. They say that she had a conflict with Camila Parker when she spoke unflatteringly about Diana.

Interesting fact, a transparent dress, in which Prince Kate saw, was sold at auction for 115 thousand dollars. Does she remember it now, her seductive outfit, which, in part, paved the way for her to the prince’s heart when Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third child,

The fact that the feelings of the spouses are strong, contrary to rumors, is evidenced by the last trip to India, Bhutan. They visited the Taj Mahal Temple of Love, where they took pictures on a bench overlooking the majestic structure.

Kate Middleton is preparing for divorce

I gave it to him best years of his life, and he!

The news that the Duchess of Cambridge could not bear the public insult inflicted on her by her frivolous husband and began preparations for divorce proceedings, we put it first. Without a doubt, Prince William's trip to Switzerland with friends, followed by drinking beer, chatting with a topless model and wild dancing in a bar, provided food for the wildest journalistic fantasies. However, not everything is so bad in the British kingdom. And most importantly, Kate is not at all so stupid as to voluntarily deprive herself of status and privileges and jeopardize the well-being of her children because of her husband’s rash act. During their acquaintance, Kate forgave William and much more. And, as we already wrote, the Duchess of Cambridge even benefits from Prince William’s trick.

Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third

Well... Again toxicosis, chubby cheeks, belly... And I just ordered a new dress from Karl K.

Until the sensational news of the impending divorce broke, this headline was our absolute favorite. Since Princess Charlotte was born, information about Kate's third pregnancy has appeared at least 6 times. And the older Charlotte gets, the more closely the press peers into Catherine’s belly, looking for secret messages and hints about the next royal offspring in the duchess’s hands folded on it. News about a third pregnancy is always replete with sweet details, recorded “according to insiders.” It is even told in what circumstances Kate informs her royal relatives about her pregnancy, and even how “red-haired Uncle Harry” reacts to this. What does Prince Harry have to do with this, you ask? It's simple: the Queen, by law, has the right to veto the marriage of the first five “in line” for the throne. The third child of William and Kate will push Harry to that safe distance when he no longer has to coordinate the bride's candidacy with his grandmother. However, judging by the Duchess of Cambridge's busy work schedule in 2017, she has no plans to become pregnant. Unless by accident. So, Harry will have to come to terms with this for now.

Elizabeth II abdicates in favor of William

Grandma, maybe it’s not necessary? I haven't walked around yet...

The relevance of this news, of course, was greatly spoiled by the grandson’s prank in mid-March. But not long before, the press practically crowned William in advance, declaring that Charles would never become king due to his unpopularity. But here we can reassure you: they are working hard on Charles’ popularity. Especially in recent months. We previously talked in detail about why William and Kate cannot become the next king and queen.

Elizabeth II is unhappy

Come on!

After the verb “dissatisfied” there is usually an explanation of what exactly it is. As a rule, Elizabeth is “dissatisfied” with Kate’s shoes, the length of her skirts, her outfits in general, her long hair, her behavior and so on. At times, Elizabeth is “dissatisfied” with one of her grandchildren. Less often - Prince Charles. In the winter, she was unhappy with Theresa May, who could not explain to the Queen what Brexit was. But she is always dissatisfied with Camilla. This is how he lives. Always dissatisfied with something. Of course, sacred information becomes available to the press thanks to the ubiquitous “insiders”. News feeds would be boring without these people.

Prince William cheating on Kate Middleton


Everything is very confusing here. Until last year, the prince cheated on the duchess, mainly with his ex-girlfriend Jecca Craig. However, Jekka got married last March and has been in South Africa ever since. They say she is raising her and William’s child there. Having been bored for a year, William, as we know, found another hobby in the person of a barmaid who is trying herself as a fashion model, literally paving the way to fame with her breasts. Our favorite is the “news” that Sophie Taylor “gave an interview” where she “talked about her relationship with Prince William.” The girl’s entire “speech” consisted of one phrase, from which it followed that she was hanging around the prince precisely in order to be noticed. In principle, the girl has indeed achieved popularity and hopes for a quick “reboot” of her not yet very successful career. But there was no adultery. And I would like to wish my colleagues to finally learn the difference between an “interview” and a “comment.”

Prince Harry is not Prince Charles' son

Damn, it’s somehow inconvenient: I called him “dad” for so many years..

August 31, 2017 marks exactly 20 years since the death of Princess Diana. And, of course, there is no more worthy way to remember the “queen of hearts” than to once again raise the question of who she walked red-haired Harry with. For some reason, even those who are not delighted with Charles are very concerned about the lack of at least some similarity between father and son. Fortunately for Harry, the Queen made it clear long ago that she was not going to put her beloved (yes, that’s right) grandson through a humiliating procedure. Perhaps because Harry reminds her very much of young Philip, with whom she fell in love at first sight. That younger son Diana is indeed strikingly similar to his paternal grandfather, we also told and showed him not so long ago.

Elizabeth II died

Can't wait...

The Queen is at an age when such news can no longer come as a “surprise”. However, this winter the press (especially the Russian one) managed to produce a sensation. They say it's all the hackers' fault. The message that Elizabeth II died quietly in her sleep at her residence allegedly did not last long on the mobile version of the official website of Buckingham Palace, after which it disappeared without a trace, but “screenshots remain.” They became the main evidence of this “event of the century.” True, in the end, our compatriots became the main characters of this sensation. The news that “the Russians killed the Queen” headlined all British media for a couple of days.