
Notes about the nodes are the children of the whole world who are friends. Learning to be friends and create: how to make the “Festive Round Dance” applique in the preparatory group. Using different techniques

Notes about the nodes are the children of the whole world who are friends.  Learning to be friends and create: how to make the “Festive Round Dance” applique in the preparatory group.  Using different techniques

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Semyansky kindergarten No. 7 “Snow White”

Development of a long-term calendar plan on the topic: “Multicultural education. Children all over the Earth are friends.”

Group: school preparatory group

Educator: Barinova Ekaterina Vasilievna

Semyany village 2015

Development of a long-term calendar plan for the month of February for the spiritual and moral education of children on the topic: “Multicultural education. Children all over the Earth are friends.” Preparatory group for school.

  1. To form the foundations of national identity and love for the Motherland through mutual understanding, respect and friendship between people of different nationalities.
  2. Developing children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation, forming primary ideas that different people live in the world, with different races and nations.
  3. Master speech as a means of communication and culture, develop coherent and grammatically correct speech.
  4. Development of independent creative activity of children in the visual, constructive-model and musical areas of multicultural education.
  5. Gaining experience in motor activity through games.



a) Raise patriots who know and respect the traditions of their family, region and Motherland.

b) Cultivate tolerance towards people of different nationalities.

c) Cultivate a positive attitude towards yourself, friends, the desire and ability to forgive.

d) To foster in children feelings of love for both their own and the cultures of other peoples.


a) Develop speech, enrich children’s vocabulary.

b) Develop the ability to formulate and express one’s opinion, control oneself, and respect other people’s opinions.

c) Develop skills in artistic and creative activities.

d) Develop imagination and fantasy.


a) Introduce children to the traditions, customs and culture of different peoples.

b) Introducing children to the leading values ​​of world culture, understanding and respecting the values ​​of other cultures, worldviews, a person’s awareness of his involvement in the fate of humanity.

c) Help children understand why it is so important to respect others.

d) Explain to children why it is very important to be able to solve problems peacefully.

e) To form an idea of ​​the peoples inhabiting the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Day, month, year Title of work Tasks Means
February 2, 2015 Reading fiction. Russian folk tale "Vasilisa the Beautiful"


1. Introduce children to the Russian folk tale “Vasilisa the Beautiful.”

2. Explain to children why it is very important to study the creativity of one’s people.




1.Russian folk tale “Vasilisa the Beautiful”

2.Illustrations for fairy tales

the main general educational program of preschool education - From birth to school. Edited by N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. Publishing house Mosaic - Synthesis, 2014. References

February 3, 2015 Lesson “Children of the whole Earth are friends” - drawing


1. Identify children’s knowledge of their ethnicity, their attitude towards peers of different races and nationalities.

2. Introduce children to the cultures of the peoples of the world.


1.Develop skills and abilities in studying the cultures of the peoples of the world.

2.Develop speech and enrich vocabulary.

3.Develop imagination.


1. Cultivate love for people of other nationalities.


1. Landscape sheets according to the number of children, watercolor, circle stencil (for depicting the Earth). 2.Recording of the song “Childhood is me and you.”

3.Images of various pictures and drawings on this topic.

February 4, 2015 Event "Round Dance of Friendship". Getting to know Armenia.


1. Contribute to increasing the level of creative activity of the student.

2. Introducing children to the leading values ​​of world culture, understanding and respecting the values ​​of Armenian culture.


1.Develop the ability to form and express your opinion.


1. Fostering a sense of respect for each other, for the customs, traditions and culture of the Armenian peoples.



2.National costumes.

3.Armenian music

February 5, 2015 Lesson “Tolerance – the path to peace”


1. Help children understand why it is so important to respect others.

2. Explain to children why it is very important to be able to solve problems peacefully.


1.Develop speech, enrich vocabulary.

2. Develop the ability to form and express one’s opinions, control oneself, and respect other people’s opinions.


1. Cultivate a positive attitude towards yourself, friends, the desire and ability to forgive.


1. Handouts (cards).

2. Cards of different colors.

3.Magnetic board.

February 6, 2015 Conversation “National costume”



2.Develop hand motor skills and imagination of children.



1. Pictures depicting national costumes of the peoples of the world.

2. A sheet of white paper, a pencil, an eraser, paints, a brush, a jar for water - for each child.

February 9, 2015 Lesson travel: “Our planet is big, we are different, but we are together.”


1. Introduce children to how our planet is populated, talk about the people living on our planet and what nationality they are.

2. Explain to children why “we are different, but we are together.”

3. Encourage attempts to share impressions.


1.Develop speech, enrich vocabulary.

2. Develop the ability to form and express one’s opinion and respect other people’s opinions.

3. Develop musical abilities in children.


1. Cultivate love.

2. Cultivate respect for people of other nationalities.


1.World map, globe, Russian flag, coat of arms.

2.Illustrations from the series “My native country is wide.” 3. Pictures in national costumes, 4. Audio recording of the melody “In My Russia”.

5. Sheets of paper, colored pencils.

February 10, 2015 Game-exercise “Riddle, we will guess”, comparison of national costumes.


1.Introduce children to the national costumes of the world.

2. Explain to children why it is necessary, in addition to their own culture, to study the culture of other peoples and introduce them to national costumes.


1.Develop speech, enrich children’s vocabulary.

2.Develop attention and understanding.


1. Foster a positive attitude towards other cultures, their traditions, customs and values.


1. Cards with national costumes.

2. Magnetic board.

February 11, 2015 Reading fiction. Chuvash fairy tale “The Fox is a Dancer”


1. Introduce children to Chuvash culture and the fairy tale “The Fox is a Dancer.”

2. Explain to children why it is very important to study the creativity of other peoples


1.Develop speech, enrich vocabulary.

2. Develop the ability to form and express your opinion about the work you read, respect other people’s opinions.


1. Cultivate a love for oral folk art.

2. Foster a love for the literary works of other peoples.


1. Chuvash fairy tale “The Dancing Fox.”

February 12, 2015 Watching the cartoon “Northern Tale”


1.Introduce children to cartoons that reflect multicultural education.

2. Explain what culture children are introduced to in the cartoon “Northern Tale”.


2.Develop speech by asking questions after watching the cartoon “Northern Tale”.


Foster a positive attitude towards cartoons that reflect the culture of other peoples.


1.TV and DVD.

2.Cartoon “Northern Tale”.

February 13, 2015 Conversation “Traditions of our people”


1.Introduce children to the traditions of the peoples of the world.

2. Explain to children why it is necessary, in addition to their own culture, to study the culture of other peoples and introduce them to their traditions, customs and what values ​​are valued among this people.

3. Talk with children about the traditions of the Russian people.


1.Develop speech, enrich children’s vocabulary.


1. Foster a positive attitude towards the culture of the Russian people.


1. Sheet of white paper

2.Blue handle

February 16, 2015 Didactic game “Whose pattern”, examining the elements of the pattern on the dishes.


1. Introduce children to the elements of patterns on dishes, teach them to distinguish these patterns.

2.Tell about the patterns of the peoples of the world.


1Develop attention and memory.

2.Develop speech, enrich vocabulary.

3. Develop the ability to form and express one’s opinion and respect other people’s.


1. Cultivate a love of didactic games, with an emphasis on studying other cultures.


1. Dishes with patterns.

2. Cards.

February 17, 2015 Modeling "Globe"


1. Introduce children to the concept of “globe”.

2.Tell how you can use plasticine to depict that our country is multinational.


1.Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

2.Develop children's fantasy and imagination.


1.Cultivate love for the country.


1.Card with a picture of a globe or a mock-up of a globe.

2.Plasticine, a knife and a board.

February 18, 2015 Listening to the song “Russia”


1.Introduce children to a piece of music.

2. Introduce children to world musical works.


1.Develop basic understanding of music.

2.Develop speech.


1. Foster a love of artistic and aesthetic creativity.


1. Music center.

2. Audio recording of the song “Russia”.

February 19, 2015 Watching the cartoon "Umka".


1.Introduce children to cartoons that reflect multicultural education and introduce children to another culture.

2. Explain to the children what culture they are introduced to in the cartoon “Umka”.


1.Develop attention and memory when watching a cartoon.

2.Develop speech by asking questions after watching the cartoon “Umka.”


1. Foster a positive attitude towards cartoons that reflect the culture of other peoples.


1.TV and DVD.

2. Cartoon “Umka”.

February 20, 2015 Chuvash game “Sparrows and cats”


1. Introduce children to the Chuvash culture and the culture of games.

2. Help children understand the meaning of the game “Sparrows and Cats”.


1.Develop children's understanding, attention and imagination.

2.Develop children's creative activity.


1.Cultivate interest in the games of other peoples.

2. Cultivate respect for other participants in the game.


2.You can prepare toes for sparrows and cats.

February 23, 2015 Lesson competition “Strength of our country”


1. Introduce children to the rules of the competition.

2. Help children prepare for them and help during competitions.


1.Develop sports skills in children.

2.Develop physical qualities such as coordination and flexibility.


1.Cultivate a positive attitude towards physical activity.


1. Sports equipment.

February 24, 2015 Lesson auction “What do I know about human races”


1. Explain to children what an auction is.

2.Introduce children to races.


2.Develop attention and memory, curiosity.


1. Cultivate respect for people of other races.


1.Cards depicting people of different races.

2.Everything necessary for the auction (items, things)

February 25, 2015 Construction “How I see our planet”


1. Introduce children to construction sets

2. Learn to create real models, according to a drawing, according to the teacher’s verbal instructions, according to your own ideas.


1.Develop imagination, attention, fantasy.

2. Develop children's creativity, design abilities,

the ability to manage one’s activities independently.


1. Cultivate the ability and desire to build and play together, together.




February 26, 2015 Quiz “Cuisine of my people”


1. Introduce children to what a quiz is.

2. Explain to children that every nation has its own cuisine.


1.Develop speech and enrich vocabulary.

2.Develop attention.

3. Develop the ability to form and express your opinion and listen to others.


1. Cultivate a love for the cuisine of your people.

2. Cultivate respect for representatives of other cultures and their cuisine.




3. Sheet of paper.

February 27, 2015 Artistic drawing “Decorative painting of shirts”


1. Learn to create a multifaceted composition using the entire surface of the sheet. 2.Continue to improve technical skills.


1.Develop an aesthetic sense of color, a sense of beauty. Create a desire to create a beautiful pattern.

2. Develop the ability to conceive the content of your drawing and bring the idea to completion.


1.Cultivate interest in artistic creativity.

2. Foster independence and confidence.


1.Album sheet


4.Water jar

Directions (educational areas) Contents of working with children (from PBL)

Methods and technologies

(methodical manuals)

Physical development

1. Event “Round Dance of Friendship”. Getting to know Armenia.

2. Lesson travel “Our planet is big, we are different, but we are together.” 3. Chuvash game “Sparrows and cats”.

4. Lesson competition “The Strength of Our Country”.


1. Accustom to assist adults in preparing and cleaning sports equipment.

2. Contribute to the proper formation of the body’s musculoskeletal system.

3. To consolidate knowledge of safety when playing games, the rules of safe movement indoors.


1.Develop physical qualities and enrich motor experience.

2.Develop qualities such as coordination and flexibility.

3.Develop balance, gross and fine motor skills of both hands.


1. Foster a desire to participate in sports and outdoor games.

School of physical education. Practical development of physical education lessons, gymnastic complexes, outdoor games. V.I. Kovalko. – M.: VAKO, 2005.- 208 p.

Game in the development of children's activity. R.M. Mironov. – Minsk: Nar. Asveta. 176s.

Cognitive development

2. Conversation “Traditions of our people.”

3. Game - exercises “Render a guess, we will guess”: comparison of national costumes.

4. Didactic game “Whose pattern”, examining the elements on the dishes.


1.Form primary

ideas about the culture of other peoples.

2. Form ideas about the values ​​of peoples.

3.Build analysis and planning skills.


1.Develop curiosity, imagination, creative activity.

2.Develop the ability to work collectively.


1. Cultivate a positive attitude towards your own and other cultures.

Familiarization of preschoolers with the environment and social reality. N.A. Aleshina. - M.: TsGL, 2005-246s.

Entertaining education for preschoolers: arguing in the kitchen. L.G. Brozauskas, A.N. Nuzhnaya. - St. Petersburg: Soyuz.

Hello world! The world around us for preschoolers. A.A. Vakhrushev, E.E. Kochemasova. 304 pp.

Development of cognitive abilities in children. L.F. Tikhomirov. Yaroslavl. Development Academy 240s.

Speech development

1. Conversation “National costume”.

2. Game - exercise “Riddle, we will guess”: comparison of national costumes.

3. Conversation “Traditions of our people.”

4.Event “Round Dance of Friendship. Getting to know Armenia."

5. Lesson auction “What do I know about the races of people.”

6. Quiz “Cuisine of my people.”

1. Mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture, enrichment of vocabulary.

2.Development of coherent, grammatically correct speech.

3. Development of speech creativity.

Development of logic and speech in children: games and exercises. N.V. Zavodnova. Rostov. Phoenix. 2005-240s.

Development of coherent speech. Konovalenko V.V. – M.: GNOMid Publishing House, 2003. – 64 p.

Formation of correct conversational speech in preschoolers. R.I. Lalaeva. Rostov. Phoenix. 2004.- 224 p.

A magical world of sounds and words. E.A. Pozhilenko. – M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS center.

Moral. Culture. Modernity. V.S. Bibler. M.: Knowledge. – 62s.

From scientific teaching to the logic of culture. V.S. Beeuler. – M.: Politizdat, 413 p.

Social and communicative development

Lesson “Tolerance is the path to peace.”


1. Develop the ability to persuade and prove your point of view.

2. Form a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to society.

3.Form the foundations of safe behavior in society.


1.Develop coherent speech.


1. Cultivate love for others.

Pedagogy of multiculturalism and tolerance. L. Ilchenko. Preschool education. 2004.- No. 8. – P.20-28.
Artistic and aesthetic development

1.Reading fiction. Russian folk tale "Vasilisa the Beautiful."

Chuvash fairy tale “The Fox is a Dancer.”

2. Lesson “Children of the whole Earth are friends” - artistic drawing.

3. Watching the cartoons “Northern Tale”, “Umka”.

4.Modeling "Globe".

5. Listening to the song “Russia”.

6.Construction “How I see our planet.”

7. Artistic drawing “Decorative painting of shirts.”


1. Formation of elementary ideas about types of art, perception of music, fiction.

2. Strengthen the ability to position an image taking into account its proportions.

3.Reinforce the methods and techniques of drawing using various visual media.


1.Develop independent creative activity of children.

2.Develop the ability to share impressions about what you read.


1. Cultivate an emotional attitude towards literary works.

2. Foster a love of artistic creativity.

Decorative drawing with children 5-7 years old. Authors: V.V. Gavrilova, L.A. Artemyeva.

Artistic modeling and design. Author E.M. Kuznetsova. Edited by M.A. Vasilyeva.

Ancillary artistic crafts of Russia. V.A. Baradulin, V.T. Sidorenko.

Imagination and creativity in the culture of the peoples of the world. O.M. Dyachenko.

Bright patterns: for preschool age. – M.: Baby.

Russian culture. From ancient times to the present day. Author V. Solovyov. 760 pp.

Methodological development dedicated to the Day of National Unity.

Summary of the educational activity “Children of the whole earth are friends” V. - Guys, today I brought a globe for you. Tell me, what is a globe? Children's answers - The globe is a model
. W-What is it?
? Children's answers -
Earth is our planet
where we live. V. - Yes, guys.
– our common home for many people who live in different countries and on different continents. People have a lot in common and of course people differ from each other in many ways. Tell me what people have in common
the whole planet
? Children's answers - Body structure (legs, arms, head) - all people can speak Q - How do people differ? Children's answers - They speak different languages, they differ in skin color (there are dark-skinned and light-skinned, there are people with narrow eyes, and there are with wide ones, big and small, young and old. Q-Today I invite you to travel around the globe, to find new friends. And you and I will travel on a large ship, P.I. “Ship” (
produce it yourself)
Stretch your arms forward, our boat is sailing into the distance - Let's sit in it, friends, and you and I will sail! Let's hold hands together and smile at each other. The bird is singing cheerfully, our boat is sailing into the distance (Perform the movements according to the text) The deck began to rock, the leg was pressed to the floor, Press the leg tighter, and relax the other! (
got up from their chairs, swaying right and left) The wind is blowing across the sea (We swing our hands upward) (the sound of the wind sounds) And the boat is urging us on (Blowing) It runs in the waves, on swollen sails (Hands on the belt and easy running) Suddenly a strong start began storm (the sound of the wind) (We swing our arms strongly and make a circle) Thundered in the sky (the sound of thunder) (Clapping, thunder) Our boat swayed (Hands to the side, legs began to swing apart) First it rushed up with a wave, (Hands represent waves) A then he fell down (Sat down) Up (Standed up) Down (Sat down) Up (Standed up and swam farthest) On the screen, slide No. 1 (a girl from Japan) Q. - Guys, I wonder what country our ship sailed to? Children's answers - Japan. V. - Why do you think so? Children's answers - The girl is wearing a kimono, kimono is the national clothing of Japan. The eye shape is narrow, the hair is dark.
V. - That's right, guys - this is the country of Japan. It is also called the land of the rising sun. Slide No. 2 (Greeting) V. - How can we say hello to a girl from Japan, we don’t know the Japanese language, but we have sign language. In Japan, there is a custom to greet each other with a bow. Let us also greet each other in Japanese. (
get up from their chairs and greet each other). Slide No. 3 (Buddhist temple) V. - There are mountains in Japan. One of them is shown on the screen. What is it called? Children's answers - Fuji. Slide No. 5 B-More Japanese
They are very fond of various puzzles and rebuses. I suggest you play one of these games now. (
Children sit at tables
. “Geokont” is a game.) Q - What did you do? What geometric shapes (Approaches the children and asks what shape the child got). This game will remain in our group, and you will be able to play it, but it’s time for us to move on. P.I. “Boat” (fragment) Stretch your arms forward, our boat is sailing into the distance - Let’s sit in it, friends, you and I will sail! Let's hold hands together and smile at each other. The bird is singing cheerfully, our boat is sailing into the distance (Perform the movements according to the text) The deck began to rock, the leg was pressed to the floor, Press the leg tighter, and relax the other! (
got up from their chairs, swaying right and left) The wind is blowing across the sea (We swing our hands upward) (the sound of the wind sounds) And the boat is urging us on (Blowing) It runs in the waves, on swollen sails (Hands on the belt and easy running) Suddenly a strong start began storm (wind sound) (We swing our arms strongly and make a circle)
Thundered in the sky (the sound of thunder) (Clapping, thunder) Our boat swayed (Arms to the side, legs apart began to sway) Up with the wave at first, rushed off, (Hands imitate waves) And then it fell down (Sat down) Up (Standed up) Down (Sat down) Up (Standed up and swam farthest) Slide No. 6 (
Children of Africa
) Q- What country did you and I sail to? Children's answers - Africa Q - How did you guess? Children's answers -
Children are dark-skinned
, with big eyes and black curly hair. Slide No. 7 (Greeting) V. - But how can we greet them? After all, we don’t know the African language. Let's greet our African children by touching their nose as shown in the slide. Slide No. 8 (Jewelry) Q-People in Africa are very fond of various jewelry: beads, bracelets, earrings. Do you think they buy jewelry or make it themselves? Children's answers - They do it themselves. Lots of bright colors: yellow, green, orange. Slide No. 9 (National clothing) Q-This is the national clothing of Africans. Guys, describe her. Children's answers: Light and bright. Slide No. 10 (Houses of Africans) Q-These are the dwellings of Africans. What do they make them from? Children's answers - Bamboo, straw, clay, leaves. Slide No. 11 (African hunters) Q - What do people do in Africa? Children's answers -
, hunting, growing fruits. Slide No. 12 (African dance)
B - Most of all, both adults and
in Africa they love to dance. You and I also know one African dance. And now we will dance it for our African friends.
Children dancing dance
“Chunga - Chunga” Fragment of the cartoon “Boat” So we got acquainted with Africa, and now it’s time to move on. P. And “Boat” Fragment. Slide No. 13 (Northern peoples) Q - How cold it immediately became, where did we end up? Children's answers - This is the North of our planet. Q - Why do you think so? Children's answers - Warm clothes, because it is very cold, narrow eyes, a lot of snow and ice everywhere. Slide No. 13 (Greeting) V. - Let's greet each other and our northern friends. They greet each other by waving their palms. Slide No. 14 (Activities) Q. - What do people do in the north of our planet? Children's answers: They are engaged in reindeer herding and fishing. Slide No. 15 (Dwellings) Q-These guys are the houses of the northern inhabitants, what are they called? Children's answers - Igloo (made from pieces of snow and ice floes) and chum (made from tree branches and animal skins, mainly deer) Slide No. 16 (Teddy bear on an ice floe) Q-Guys, I hear someone asking for our help. Look, the little bear left alone, without his mother bear, and he was carried far, far away on the ice floe. You and I will help the little bear. We have small pieces of ice, we will build a road from them, and the bear cub will return to his mother. Playing with “Baby Bear” blocks The children are given diagrams and they lay out a path for the bear cub Slide No. 17 (Bear cub with mother bear) So we helped the bear cub. I remind you that you cannot leave home alone! P. And “Boat” Fragment. Slide No. 18 (
Children of our group
) Q - The magic boat sailed to our favorite kindergarten again. This

our group
, they are very kind, brave and smart. They can read and count.
Guys, here are magical examples, if you solve everything correctly and arrange the answers in order. If you put the numbers in order, then you will get a word that is important for all people.
solve examples using a number line and write the word at the end
. B-And now as a big sign
For all the people on the planet, you and I will make white doves and release them into the sky. Why do they say dove of peace? Children's answers - Symbol of purity, and
Children to the music
“Fly pigeons, fly” sit down at the table and make an appliqué. B - You guys are great, I know that your
friendship will last a long time
. And it doesn’t matter what color a person’s skin, hair or eye shape is. It's important to remember that
the most important word for all people on the planet.

Irina Skakodubova

Educational areas: cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development

Target: to form attitudes of tolerance in the mind children, cultivate goodwill, a desire to learn new things about the peoples inhabiting Earth.

Tasks: educational:

Form at children an idea of ​​the world around us, that there are many different countries in the world; about people living in different countries, their commonalities and differences

Consolidate knowledge of the names of continents, countries, and populations of these countries

Strengthen the ability to form words denoting the names of peoples using suffixes

Strengthen your skills with scissors, the ability to cut out parts in different ways



Communication skills children, memory, speech, attention, thinking, coordination of finger movements, fine motor skills


Bring up:

Respectful, friendly attitude towards people of different nations, nationalities, desire to live in peace and friendship with all the peoples of the world

Accuracy, hard work.


Surprise - the postman brought the parcel.

Verbal – reading a poem, asking questions, consolidating knowledge of appliqué techniques

Word search - storytelling

Gaming – didactic game "Who lives in which country"

Practical – finger gymnastics, physical education

Material: globe, ball, energy resources, song recording « Children on the planet are friends» , music Yu. Chichkova, lyrics. M. Plyatskovsky, a sheet of whatman paper, sheets of colored paper, scissors, glue stick, napkins.

There is a knock on the door - the postman is on the doorstep, handing over a parcel.

Educator: Guys, we have a package! From whom? (reads) From Znayka. I wonder what he sent us?

Educator (shows the globe to the children): guys, how many of you know what this is? That's right, this is a model of our planet Earth, where we and many other people live.

Like a roof over earth, blue skies.

And under the blue roof there are rivers, mountains and forests,

Oceans, steamships, and glades, and flowers.

All countries and all peoples, and, of course, me and you.

Our huge round house is circling in the blue sky.

We live under one common blue roof (V. Orlov)

Educator: There are five continents on our planet - Eurasia, Africa, America, Australia and Antarctica. There are many different countries on all continents except Antarctica.

Guys, what countries do you know? (statements children)

Maybe someone vacationed in another country with their parents? Tell us about it (the teacher shows slides of the corresponding country, asks questions:

What is the name of the country?

How did you come to this country?

What language do the people of this country speak?

What did you see that was unusual or interesting?

What did you like most)

Educator: There are many different countries in the world. There are people living in every country. People are of different nationalities, they speak different languages, they have different skin colors, but they are still very similar to each other. Let's play a game “Who lives in which country?” (ball game)

The teacher asks a question children answer, called the inhabitants of this countries:

Who lives in Russia? - Russians.

Who lives in America? - Americans.

Who lives in China? - Chinese.

Who lives in England? - The British.

Who lives in Egypt? - Egyptians.

The teacher puts on a slide that shows children of different races.

Look at these kids. How are they different? How are they similar? (statements children)

Everything in the world for everything Seems like: snake on a leather strap;

The moon has a huge round eye; crane - on a skinny crane;

The tabby cat is for pajamas, I am for you, and you are for mom.

Physical education minute:

I'm walking and you're walking - one, two, three (we walk in place,

I sing and you sing - one, two, three (claps your hands,

We walk and we sing - one, two, three (jumping in place,

Very we live together - once, two, three (we walk in place).

All people are different, but at the same time they are similar to each other. All children in all countries they love to play, have fun, love their parents and friends. Many of you are like this made friends that they come to visit each other, celebrate birthdays together, call each other in the evenings. No wonder they say - “If a friend is always nearby, no trouble is scary”.

Guys, let's make one general application, which will be called « Children from all over the world are friends» .

Finger gymnastics:

We bend our fingers together,

We clench our fists tightly.

One, two, three, four, five -

We begin to unbend.

(Stretch your arms forward, clench your fingers into fists as tightly as possible, and then relax and unclench.)

Practical part:

Next children are divided into groups, each of which performs certain details for the overall work, under the guidance of the teacher, they agree on what they will do, perform the work to the song « Children on the planet are friends» , music Yu. Chichkova, lyrics. M. Plyatskovsky.

Bottom line:

Educator: guys, look what we got! What kind of picture did we get? (statements children)

Looking at our work, you want to smile and your mood improves. Let's wish everyone the same mood.

Publications on the topic:

In order to improve the quality of implementation of the local history program, children from preparatory group No. 2 "Bell" of MBDOU No. 15 Children's.

The developmental potential of the group’s educational environment is most often realized through various didactic games. Today manufacturers.

Participants: A group of children from MBDOU kindergarten No. 8 “Zoryanochka” A group of children from MBDOU kindergarten No. 21 “Yolochka” from MBDOU kindergarten No. 10 “Ivushka”.

“Music and sport are friends.” Musical and sports leisure for children of senior preschool age Children enter the hall. They stand up freely. Playback It was in the evening, There was nothing. Who was sitting on the chair, Who was looking out the window, Lera the doll.

Summary of the complex lesson “Trip to the Zoo” for children of primary preschool age Educational objective: - to provide knowledge about wild animals living in the zoo; - to activate children’s speech; - teach children to perform verbal.

Methodological development on the surrounding world for children of the senior group with ODD

“Children of the whole Earth are friends!”, intended for children of senior preschool age with general speech underdevelopment (5-6 years old) in a combined kindergarten.
Svetlana Vladimirovna Ryazanova, teacher at MBDOU Central Children's Educational Institution No. 5 – kindergarten “World of Childhood”, Tula, Tula region.
Lesson notes developed based on the preschool education program “From birth to school”, recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
The purpose of this lesson is the formation of ideas about friendship and unity of the peoples of Russia through the culture of communication, creativity and traditions.
During the learning process the following tasks are implemented:
- to cultivate the desire to live in peace and friendship, the ability to respect people regardless of race and nationality, to accept their culture, customs and morals, to be proud of their Motherland - the Great Country of Russia;
- develop a sense of patriotism and civic solidarity, self-confidence and one’s capabilities, communication skills;
- to form moral qualities: the ability to make friends, appreciate and cherish friendly relationships.
Relevance of the topic:
Since the beginning and formation of humanity, people, communicating with each other, established certain relationships with each other, adhering to some necessary rules, which made them feel comfortable and cozy together.
Friendship– selfless personal relationships between people, based on trust, sincerity, understanding, mutual sympathy, common interests and hobbies.
When working with preschool children, it is very important, without intrusiveness and without insisting on your point of view, to teach the child to be friends with his peers. Expand children's interests so that they involuntarily have a desire to help each other, come to the rescue, and experience together the joy and grief of victories. To reveal the meaning of the concept of “friendship”, to cultivate such moral qualities of character that true friends should have.
Description of material:
The lesson notes are intended for preschool children of the senior group of compensatory type. This material will be useful for teachers working in combined preschool educational institutions for working with students to develop positive personality traits and friendly relationships. Each child (pupil) in class gets the opportunity to express his opinion and thoughts, be active, and apply his knowledge and skills on this topic.
PC, multimedia presentation, globe, map of the Russian Federation, dolls in national costumes, Masha doll for acting out a game situation, whatman paper with a ready-made image of the planet Earth, colored pencils, audio recording of the song “I, you, he, she - together a whole country!” performed by the children's ensemble "Sun".
Preliminary work:
Learning poems about the Motherland, a conversation on the topic: “My best friend,” staging and learning the song and dance “I, you, he, she - together the whole country!”
Expected results:
Acquisition by preschoolers of certain rules and behavioral skills based on real situations and events: the ability to be more attentive to each other, guided not so much by their own motives as by established norms and rules of behavior.
In modern society, increasingly high demands are placed on a person, including a child - on the level of his development. A successful child is one who knows how to behave with dignity in a group of peers and in public places, knows the culture of his people and honors the place where he was born, grows and lives.
Progress of the lesson:
Organizational point:
In the morning the sun rises,
It's calling us to the street!
I walk merrily
Hello my Motherland!
Educator: Guys, let's greet this sunny day with our smiles. Let's smile at the warm sun, the clear blue sky above our heads, smile at each other and at me. Good morning guys.
Children: Good morning Svetlana Vladimirovna.
Educator: Today we will go on an unusual journey through the expanses of our Motherland. When going on a trip, people take necessary things with them. And I suggest you take your knowledge, diligence, observation and good relationships with you on the journey. And in order not to get too tired, you need to sit comfortably. Help me guys, how to sit down correctly and comfortably.
Children: the handles are on a shelf, the back is level, the chair is at the edge of the table, the fist should be placed between the stomach and the table.
Kremlin stars
They are burning above us,
Their light reaches everywhere!
The guys have a good homeland,
And there is no better homeland!
S. Mikhalkov.

Presentation (video clip) for the song “Where does the Motherland begin?” to the words of M. Matusovsky, music by V. Basner, performed by the children's ensemble “Solnyshko”.

Educator: Guys, have you ever thought about where the Motherland begins for each of you? Share your thoughts. (children's answers).
Educator: You see, guys, how many different opinions and answers we have heard, but they are all true and correct, since each person decides for himself, feels in his own way where, how and with what the Motherland begins for him. Thinking about the Motherland, we think about the beautiful and large country in which we were born and live. And each person is a small but very significant part of this big world. I invite you to remember poems about the Motherland. I will read the first lines, and if you remember, continue.
What do we call Motherland?
The house where you and I live.
And the birch trees along which,
We walk next to mom.
What do we call Motherland?
Field with a thin spikelet.
Our holidays and songs,
Warm evening outside the window,
What do we call Motherland?
Everything we cherish in our hearts
And above the blue, blue sky,
Russian flag over the Kremlin!
Educator: Guys, who can tell what country we live in?
Children: Russia.
Educator: Our Motherland, Russia, is wide and vast! The most beautiful, hospitable, generous, sincere and as close and beloved as a mother.
Russia is a friendly multinational family of equal peoples. Russians, Tatars, Bashkirs, Chuvashs, Buryats and many others live on its territory. Each nation is unique, has its own culture, customs, rituals, but contributes to the common cause - the development and prosperity of Russia. Therefore, it is important to strengthen the friendship and cooperation of the peoples of Russia, while at the same time respecting the national feelings of each of them.
Video clip: “I, you, he, she – together a whole country” to the words of R. Rozhdestvensky, music by D. Tukhmanov.
How do people of different nationalities differ? (children's answers)

Educator: That's right guys, they differ in their language, culture, appearance.
Knock on the door (surprise moment).
Educator: Guys, the doll Masha came to visit us and she was very upset about something. Let's find out what happened to her. The doll Masha tells her story about how two girls had a fight because of her in a game; they could not agree on who would play with her. And now these girls are sitting angry with each other.
Educator: Guys, let's help them. Let the doll Masha sit and listen to how to act correctly in such and other situations and what a true friend should be like. And then he will tell the girls about it.
I suggest you play.
Game:"Who is a friend?"
The teacher reads lines of poetry, and the children, if a true friend does this, clap their hands and say: “Yes!”, and if they should not do this, they stomp and say: “No!”
He is always with me in trouble
I am behind him like behind a mountain.
He will console you if I cry,
He will solve the problem with me.
Never eats on the sly -
Pears, plums, chocolates.
It's always dirtier than the night
He tramples the flowers in the flowerbed,
He won't get cocky
And teasing and calling names.
He took it from the kids,
A doll, a bear, a dump truck.
He doesn't start fights
And it doesn't hurt dogs.
He will help water the flowers,
And put away the toys too.
He values ​​our friendship
He is always in a hurry to help us.
Educator: The game continues, and I invite you all to gather in a circle on the island of “Friendship”
Game:(with ball)
“Get in a circle quickly and tell me who your friend is”
Guys, stand in a circle. The teacher starts the game. Passing the ball to the person standing next to him, he calls his friend and speaks about his good character qualities. For example, my friend Misha - he is kind, sympathetic, attentive.

Educator: Guys, I see that your friends have such good qualities as kindness, honesty, responsiveness, and a willingness to always help. But it is very important that you also have these qualities. And then you will have many good, loyal and devoted friends.
Let's remember the important rules of friendship, from which friendship grows stronger and becomes indestructible.
- does not quarrel;
- help a friend when he needs help;
- stop your friend if he is doing something wrong, acting badly;
- don’t be arrogant;
- know how to ask and accept help from a friend;
- know how to ask for forgiveness if you have offended or made a mistake;
- be able to negotiate with words;
- give in to your friend.
Educator: Guys, you are all friendly, but what do you think, people of different nationalities should be friends and why? (children's answers).
I invite you all to draw one emblem of peace and friendship together. And the symbol will be the planet earth.
The guys go and sit at tables where watercolors, pencils and whatman paper with a globe are prepared. Children trace their palms around the Earth, connecting them into a single whole. Children's faces are drawn in the center of the palms, coloring the skin and hair color as desired.

Fedosova Elena Alexandrovna
MKDOU No. 77, Kursk city
teacher 1st category



“The children of the whole earth are friends”

in a recreational group for children from 5 to 6 years old

Target: To form in children the concept of friendship and mutual respect between people of different nationalities.



  • cultivate respect for the customs and culture of other peoples inhabiting our planet;
  • to cultivate a sense of patriotism, love and respect for the Motherland: its nature, customs, traditions;
    • to cultivate feelings of community, friendship and unity with people of different nationalities living on Earth, in Russia, in the region;
    • promote the spiritual and moral development of children; the development of goodwill, understanding, mutual assistance;
    • cultivate a polite attitude towards peers;
    • cultivate social tolerance, interest and respect for people of other nationalities;
    • to cultivate a sense of pride for our Motherland - the Great Country of Russia;
    • to cultivate the desire to live in peace and friendship with all peoples of the world, to treat people of different nationalities with respect.


  • continue to introduce children to the different peoples inhabiting the planet;
  • introduce the culture of these peoples
  • show the differences and similarities between people of different races;
  • arouse interest and curiosity in the culture, language, activities, and life of other peoples;
  • introduce children to the culture and customs of the nationalities of their immediate environment;
  • to develop a feeling of sympathy for different national cultures, customs, traditions, games;
  • developing in preschool children a sense of tolerance, interest and respect for other national cultures;
    to form the idea that there are many countries and different peoples on Earth;
  • to form an idea of ​​​​their native country of Russia and the unity of the whole world, that all the people of the world live on one “round” globe;
  • consolidate knowledge that people of different nationalities have their own culture, customs, national traditions, have differences in appearance and general similarities in lifestyle.

Correctional and educational:

  • 1.Enrich and clarify children’s active vocabulary on the topic “Friendship of Peoples.”
  • 2.Improving the grammatical structure of speech:
  • -learn to select related words for the words “fish”, “hunting”; select words that are close in meaning to the word “funny”,
  • - didactic game “Say it in one word”,
  • - consolidate the ability to correctly use prepositional-case constructions in speech.
  • 3.Reinforce the pronunciation of the given sounds in coherent speech.


  • continue to work to expand children’s horizons, as well as their understanding of the world;
  • develop the ability to participate in joint play with other children;
  • develop the skill of playful communication; describe the appearance of people, enrich the vocabulary, consolidating new words; select related words with the same root, practice selecting synonyms, composing complex adjectives consisting of simple adjectives and nouns;
  • develop intonation expressiveness of speech, practice changing the strength of the voice, improve the articulatory apparatus, develop speech breathing;
  • develop memory, creative imagination, logical thinking, coordination of speech with movement;
  • expand national identity; consolidate the ability to conduct a dialogue, answer questions, participate in a general conversation;
  • continue work on enriching and activating the vocabulary;
  • develop interest in various forms of studying and consolidating new material;
  • develop artistic taste.


  • develop correct posture, cultural and hygienic skills;
  • strengthen the respiratory muscles, teach children to breathe through the nose;
  • maintain and strengthen mental and physical health;
  • create conditions that ensure the emotional well-being of every child.

Integration of educational areas :

1. “Socio-communicative development”

2. “Cognitive development”

3. “Speech development”

4. “Artistic and aesthetic development”

5. “Physical development”


  • the game is a journey.


  • visual, verbal, practical, playful.


  • creation of a problem situation, play, choral and individual responses of children, use of TSO tools.

Types of children's activities:

  • gaming, musical and artistic, communicative, perception of fiction.

Preliminary work:

  • studying the world map for children, globe;
  • conversation with children on the topic: “What nationalities do people live in our country?”, examination of illustrative material on the topic;
  • watching the cartoon “Katerok”, “Chunga-Changa”;
  • reading poems, proverbs, sayings about friendship;
  • telling riddles about friendship;
  • learning poems about friendship by heart;
  • production of attributes: cardboard dolls of different races;
  • game "Tangram";
  • dance "Chunga-Changa";
  • conversations on the topic: “What does it mean to be friends?”, “Proverbs and sayings about friendship”, reading Russian folk tales, fairy tales of the peoples of the world;
  • listening to music about friendship;
  • examination of thematic albums about nationalities (Tatars, Bashkirs, Chuvashs, Dagestanis, etc.)

Basic concepts:

  • Motherland, country, Russia, countries of the world, planet, children, people of different nationalities, friendship of the peoples of the world, love for the Motherland, pride in one’s country

Pedagogical technologies used:

1. Technology of developmental training.
2. Personality-oriented approach.
3. Information and communication technology.

GCD has a practical purpose: children can look and show their country on the globe.


  • tape recorder, audio recordings “Fly, pigeons, fly...”, “Children of the whole earth are friends”, “So let’s have a big round dance”, “What our world is made of”, “Song about bears”;
  • pointer;
  • cardboard dolls of different races;
  • game "Tangram";
  • multi-colored flags: yellow, white, brown, tricolor.
  • multimedia screen with images of peoples of different countries, their homes, etc.,
  • 10 small ice floes and 2 large ice floes for the outdoor game “Polar Bears”, paper pigeons

Progress of leisure activities:

1.Organizing moment:

To the song "What does our world consist of"(music by B. Savelyev, lyrics by M. Tanich) children enter the center of the hall, forming a circle.

  • Hello, golden sun,
    Hello, the sky is blue,
    Hello, little oak tree,
    Hello, free breeze,
    Hello morning, hello day
    We are not too lazy to say hello. (Children greet guests)
  • Let's hold hands and pass on a piece of our warmth to each other.

2. Introductory part:


  • In order to determine the topic of our conversation today, I suggest you listen to the song.
    (Phonogram of the song “I, you, he, she - together a friendly country”)
  • Guys, what is this song about? What are we going to talk about? (about us, about friendship, about our planet, about the Motherland)
    What do you think the word Motherland means? (the place where you were born, where you grow up, where your relatives and friends live - your family. Homeland means dear).


  • There are a lot of people living on earth. And they are all completely different, not similar to each other.


Big and small, sad and happy,

Thin and fat, dark and white.


They all live in different cities, in different countries, speak different languages, wear different clothes.

Each country has its own culture, its own traditions, its own national costumes.

There are many countries on earth, but no matter what country a person lives in, he dreams of peace, happiness for himself and for his children.

It doesn't matter what nationality a person is. The main thing is that he is kind and sympathetic, and then there will be real friends next to him.

Guys, look, here I have a magic globe, this is a model of our Earth, all the countries that are on our planet are indicated here.

What countries do you know? (Ukraine, Italy, France, America...)

  • - Now let’s play the game “Who lives where?” (with a ball).
  • - I name the country, and you name the people who live there.

America -...

Japan - ...

China - ...

England - ...

France - ...

Italy - ...


  • Guys, would you like us to go on a trip to different countries today? Then I invite you on an exciting journey to find out who lives in which countries. Well, are you ready?

Come on, spin the globe, the journey begins!

attaching a yellow flag with the name Japan on the globe)

3. Travel around the globe.

The screen turns on:

Guys, look - the magic screen has “woke up”! (An illustration of a Japanese girl appears on the screen.)

  • What country do you think this girl might be from? (From Japan.)
  • How did you guess? (Eye shape, national hairstyle and cloth.)
  • That's right, this girl is from the Land of the Rising Sun - Japan.
  • Guys, look here, the country of Japan is located on the map.

(Music sounds and a Japanese woman in national costume enters)


v In Japan, people greet each other with a bow. (Demonstrates to the children, and the children repeat.)

v What do you know about my country?

The Japanese national dress is called - kimono (both male and female). It is sewn from a whole piece of fabric and secured at the waist with a special belt called - obi, and they put wooden shoes on their feet, and they are called - geta.

v Maybe any of you are familiar with Japanese cuisine?

The people of this country grow tea. The Japanese love to eat fresh, raw foods. They eat little boiled food; They eat mainly rice and seafood: shrimp, squid, oysters and special spicy seasonings. The Japanese take food not with forks and spoons, but with special chopsticks.

v What is the name of a traditional Japanese home?

The traditional Japanese home is one-story and is called - minka. It was built of wood and the roof was covered with tiles. In Japan there are also unusual multi-story (multi-tiered) temples, with an unusual roof shape (illustration showing - Buddhist temple) and high beautiful mountains (showing illustration Fujiyama). One of the symbols of Japan is a branch of cherry blossoms.

v What do the Japanese like to do?

They love making dolls from wood, paper, weaving baskets and fans.

(An illustration of Japanese children appears on the screen.)

v Japanese children could tell you a lot about their country, but how will you understand them? (Children's answers are listened to.)

We could understand each other through the language of our faces (facial expressions) and hands


v Would you like to make friends with these children?

v What do all the children on the big planet like to do? (Play.)

v Japan is very fond of various puzzles, including the game “Tangram” - laying out geometric shapes. Do you want to play this game now?

Take each one an envelope and sit on the carpet so as not to disturb each other.


v — Open the envelope. Each of you is offered a set of ten figures. You must fold all the figures so that you get the picture that is shown on the envelope. (Sounds oriental music.)

(Children perform the task on the carpet, near the easel, and then look at what happened.)

v Guys, did you like this game? (Yes)

Well done guys! Everyone completed the task. Now put your parts in an envelope. As a souvenir of our meeting, I will leave you a Japanese doll. and another interesting game “TANGRAM”, which you can play in your spare time.

(I spin the globe and stop it, attaching a brown flag with the name Africa on the globe)

With this flag we will mark the country we will end up in.

The screen turns on:

Look, our words woke up the screen again. And now he shows us a girl with dark skin color. How to call it in one word? (Black)

  • How many of you know where a dark-skinned girl lives?

Children:- A girl with this skin color lives in Africa.

  • Guys, look, here on the globe is Africa.

(Music sounds and an African man in national costume enters)


Guys, a representative of this country came to us today! He wants to say hello to you.

We do not know the language of these peoples, and therefore we will say hello without words. And now he will show us how to say hello correctly.

v In all countries of the world, when people meet, they wish each other well. But outwardly it looks different.

v A very beautiful greeting ritual in the Nordic countries Africa. When they greet, they bring their right hand first to their forehead, then to their chest and to their lips.


v Now you yourself say hello to each other, in African

v What do you know about Africa?


There are many countries in Africa, it is very hot there, that’s why Africans wear light clothes.

They are partial to beads and bracelets (both men and women), and residents of various African tribes prefer clothing in red, orange, brown and green.

v Do you know what the home of the indigenous people of Africa looks like?

The dwelling of Africans is called - rondavel. It is single-chamber, round, square or rectangular, with a cone-shaped roof. The building materials are clay, stone, shrubs, grass, wood, branches, straw, palm wood, bamboo, banana and ficus leaves.

v What do they do?

They are engaged in agriculture: they grow wheat and coffee, legumes; they breed camels, large and small cattle, and horses. The main food is porridge, flatbread, sour milk, spit-roasted meat, fish, tea, coffee.

v What do you guys think African children like to do most?


- African children love most dance.

v One of the important traditions among African peoples is ritual dancing. There are warrior dances, fertility dances and others. Every year in Kenya a musical carnival is held, which attracts representatives of all tribes. They walk through the city in a colorful procession, play musical instruments, then they begin riding on national boats - dhow and donkey racing.

v Then, what do you think would be the easiest way to make friends with them?

(This is to dance like an African.)

Dance "Chunga-Changa".

v Well, guys, you have found new friends in hot countries.
In memory of them, you still have this dance and an African doll.

- Come on, spin the globe, the journey is over!

(I spin the globe and stop it, attaching a flag to the far North on the globe)

With this flag we will mark the place where we will end up.

The magic screen turns on:


  • Look at the screen.
    • Where do you think this girl might be from? (From the North.)
    • How did you guess? (Narrow eyes, warm fur clothes.)
    • That's right, this girl is from the North.
    • Guys, look here, the North is located on the globe.
  • We do not know the language of these peoples, and therefore again we will say hello without words. And a real representative of the northern peoples will show us how to say hello correctly. (Music sounds and an Eskimo enters)
    • And the northern peoples greet by waving their hands or hitting a friend on the shoulder and head; This is how they check how prepared a person is for severe frosts and harsh living conditions. Now you can say hello to each other.

v Do you know what the people living in the North are called? (Nenets, Eskimos, Yakuts, Chukchi.)

v Guys, what do you know about these peoples?


Eskimos live in the farthest north of our country, where it is very cold.

That's why they dress so warmly. They have unusual clothes. It's called - Kukhlyanka. This is a fur coat with a hood. They put fur pants and boots on their feet, which are called - high boots. Eskimos sew clothes and shoes from the skins of animals caught by hunting. Waterproof shoes are made from tanned seal skins without wool.

v Do you know what the home of the indigenous people of the North looks like?

Eskimos have very unusual houses. Their home is called an igloo. Since there is snow in their homeland most of the year, the Eskimos learned to build their home out of snow and

from large ground pieces of ice. The snow house is called igloo.

This house is made of snow blocks in the shape of a half ball. The entrance to the igloo is below floor level. Fur skins are laid out in it and a bowl of fat is lit to keep warm. The severe frost outside will not allow the thick layers of snow to melt, and the blizzard is not terrible.

v What do Eskimos do?

Eskimos also engage in reindeer herding and love to hunt and fish.

v Guys, let’s find related words for the word “fish.”( Children's answers: fish, fisherman, fisherman, little fish, fisherman, fisherman, fish.)

v And now let’s select related words for the word “hunting.” ( Children's answers: hunter, hunt, hunting, hunting.)

(Image of Eskimo children appears on the screen)

v Now tell me what the children look like?

They have narrow eyes and yellow skin color.

v Guys, how can you say in one word that a person has narrow eyes and dark hair? (Narrow-eyed, dark-haired). How can you tell in one word if a person has red cheeks? (Red-cheeked)

v What are the children’s mood? (They are cheerful)

v You said that children are funny. How else can you tell what they are? Match the word funny words close in meaning ( joyful, cheerful, satisfied, lively).

v Well done, guys.

Do you want to make friends with Eskimo children? Then let's play the favorite game of Eskimo children, “Polar Bears.”

Outdoor game "Polar bears".(Held to the music “Song about Bears”)

Move games.

Children are divided into two friendly teams. Each player (bear) has two ice floes. At the signal, the first bears begin to move from ice floe to ice floe, trying not to stumble. You need to get to a large ice floe and wait there for the others. When all the bears reach the large ice floe, we must try to stay together so that no one ends up in the icy water.

v Well done, you showed real strong friendship in this
easy fight against ice floes, and we can really say about you,
What do you have, as in the proverb: “A strong friendship cannot be cut with an ax.”

v Guys, which ones do you know? proverbs about friendship .

1 child: An old friend, better than the new two.

2nd child: If you don't look for a friend, but if you find one, take care.

3rd child: A friend in need is a friend indeed.

4th child: Friendship is strong with care and help!

5th child: One for all - all for one.

6th child: Where friendship is strong, things go well.

7th child: If you lose something good, you will gain it again,

If you lose a friend, you will never get him back.

8 child: A man without friends is like a tree without roots.

v Well, in cold countries you also found friends who were not like you. And the memory of them remains with this active game and the Eskimo doll.

- Come on, spin the globe, the journey is over!

(I spin the globe and stop it, attaching a tricolor flag with the name Russia on the globe)

With this flag we will mark the country we will end up in.

  • You and I were born and live in one of the largest and most beautiful countries on planet Earth.
  • What is the name of our country? ( Russia) What a beautiful and sonorous name our Motherland has.
  • You and I live in Russia, which means we....( Russians),
  • What state language do Russian citizens speak? ( Russian)
  • Russians are people of what nationality? (Russian).
  • More than 100 nationalities live on the territory of Russia, think about what you can call our country? ( multinational).

Child: (multimedia display)

Different peoples have lived in Russia for a long time,

Some people like the taiga - others like the expanse of the steppe,

Each people has its own language and dress,

One wears a Circassian coat, the other puts on a robe,

One is a fisherman from birth, the other is a reindeer herder,

One cooks kumiss, the other pumps honey,

Autumn is dearer to some, spring is dearer to others,

And we all have one Motherland, Russia!


1. - We live with you in Russia. We are Russians, we are Russians. Our Motherland is famous for its wide fields, dense forests, deep rivers and hardworking, friendly and hospitable people. Is Russia a huge country where representatives of different nationalities live? Yes, Kazakhs, Tatars, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Armenians, and Russians live here. And how wonderful it is that they all live in peace and harmony.

2.- There are a lot of cities in Russia, one of them is our city. We live in Kursk, it is very beautiful and ancient. Our city of Kursk is located on the Kur River. And it stands on high hills. One of them is Red Square. People of different nationalities also live in our city. Russians, Ukrainians, Georgians, Mordovians, Tatars, Germans, and Africans live here.

Children read poetry:

How lucky you and I are!
We were born in such a country
Where people are all one family,
Everywhere you look, there are friends all around!

Let's be friends with each other
Like a bird with the sky, like grass with a meadow,
Like the wind with the sea, fields with rain,
How friendly the sun is with all of us!

(They sing the song: “The children of the whole earth are friends”)

(Russian music sounds and a teacher comes out in Russian costume.)

Guys, do you know how they say hello in Rus'? ( shaking hands, bowing your head, lifting your headdress, waving your hand, and simply saying “Hello”). Show us how we greet you in Russian.

Guys, I suggest you write a story “I am proud of my country!” »

I will tell you the beginning of the sentence, and you take turns continuing it.

I am proud of my country because...... (continues Lena K.)

I am proud of my country because...... (continues Masha M.)

I was born and live here

Very beautiful nature, many forests, fields and rivers,

We are the strongest, bravest and bravest,

She has a rich history

I speak Russian

Our country is the largest and strongest,

We have the most interesting fairy tales,

We are invincible.


  • And now, as a sign of the great friendship of all people on the planet, I suggest you make the application “The children of the whole earth are friends.” Guys, why do you think they say “Dove of Peace”?

Because the dove is a symbol of purity and friendship.

(let’s stretch our hands before work)

Finger gymnastics “We feel good”

We live on a huge planet, (arms to the sides)

Here everyone has their own home, (hands with a house)

There is work and friends (fist on fist)

Mom, dad yes (clap our hands) and I! (hug ourselves).

(Children, to the music “Fly doves, fly...” make an applique of trees, houses, clouds on the planet.)

  • Guys, I know that your friendship will remain for a long time, but what could we wish for the people of the whole Earth? ( children's answers).

We may wish to live in peace and harmony,

Take care and do not harm animals and birds,

Work hard for the good and prosperity of your country,

Be friends with each other.

Educator: Well done guys. What new did we learn in class? What was interesting today? What was difficult? What tasks did you perform?
