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Cosmetic essence. A sip of moisture: what a beauty essence is and how to use it. Essences against dryness

Cosmetic essence.  A sip of moisture: what a beauty essence is and how to use it.  Essences against dryness

Treatment essences(that is, “healing essences”) - can serve as an intermediate means between using a toner and applying. But we, knowing about the constant lack of time for multi-stage care, answer your question in advance - they do an excellent job alone and replace a tonic, restoring the PH balance after washing, and generously moisturize. They also saturate the skin cells with oxygen, making it elastic and smooth.

Moisturizing essence 5 Energy Roots "5 roots for energy"

Intensely moisturizes, restores water balance, saturates cells with oxygen and improves skin tone.

RUR 3,099 buy

Nourishing essence 8 Nourishing Beans "8 nutritious beans"

Nourishes and soothes the skin, tightens and increases its elasticity, reduces expression wrinkles, and promotes regeneration.

RUR 3,699 buy

Renewing essence 9 Essential Seeds "9 valuable seeds"

Works as an independent or additional moisturizer, enhancing the effect of the next step of care.

Promotes natural cell renewal and fills the skin with a healthy glow from the inside. Contains extracts of 9 seeds, including chia seeds,

fennel, quinoa, lotus, grapes and baobab. They reduce the appearance of blackheads and age spots, even out skin tone and texture.

Light as water, the consistency allows the essence to deeply moisturize the skin without overloading it. Suitable for all skin types.

Even those representatives of the fair half who have long practiced Korean multi-step skin care scratch their heads and get confused in the indications when it comes to some products of the Korean beauty industry, for example, essences and emulsions.

We invite you, together with MaskShop, to dive deeper into the rabbit hole of Korean skin care and once and for all set the accents on the purpose of these consonant, but different in action, products.

So what is the difference between an essence and an emulsion?



Many people believe that a moisturizer is enough for complete facial skin care. But Korean women know the secret of beautiful and healthy skin, and cream alone is not enough! To prevent moisture from evaporating from the skin, it is important to “seal” it, and this is where lotion or lotion comes to the rescue.

The consistency of the emulsion is more oily, viscous and viscous, in contrast to the essence. It is more like a very liquid cream. Its main tasks are to moisturize the skin as quickly and deeply as possible. The emulsion forms a thin film that retains moisture and is good remedy protection from adverse environmental influences. Apply the product in the following order: cleansing - toner - essence or ampoule - emulsion - cream.

Initially, emulsions were invented for those with dry and sensitive skin, therefore they contain only hypoallergenic and high-quality ingredients such as beeswax, lanolin, vegetable oils and many others.

According to their action, modern emulsions and lotions are divided into: moisturizing, soothing, nourishing, whitening and sunscreen. But the maximum effect from the emulsion, as well as from any Korean cosmetic product, can be achieved by following all the steps of the Korean ritual. Thanks to this, the skin of Korean women looks more well-groomed and glows with health.

South Korean cosmetics are becoming increasingly popular all over the world every day.
Here are the main advantages cosmetics from South Korea:

  1. Price quality. The optimal ratio of high quality cosmetics and affordable pricing policy.

  2. Natural ingredients. The use of the latest scientific developments allows you to get the maximum benefit from plant extracts and other natural ingredients that make up cosmetics.

  3. Result. An amazing result that will be noticed not only by you, but also by those around you!

Skin care ritual
If you decide to use South Korean cosmetics, then it is better to use it the Korean way. So try to take a step back from what you were doing before and follow the steps of the Korean facial skin care ritual.

The principle of care is simple:
good cleansing + good hydration + solution to individual problems.
If you need to reduce wrinkles, use specialanti- age facilities. If you want to get rid of pimples, use drugs with antibacterial and drying effects. If you have dry skin, use nutritious cream, and if you have oily or combination skin, choose an emulsion rather than a cream. Diversity cosmetic products produced in South Korea, will allow you to select perfect care for any skin.

Step 1

What are we doing?
Cleansing the skin.

What product do we use?
Cleansing foam (Cleansing Foam), soap (Soap), cleansing cream (Cleansing Cream), washing powder (Cleansing Powder) etc.

If you applied a night mask at night (Overnight Treatment/ Sleeping Mask), then just rinse your face with warm water.

Tip: Massage your face while washing.

Tip: Don't forget to wash your ears too! This is also a part of your face and there are acupuncture points on them, which connect with meridians to all organs and systems of the body. Pull your earlobes up, down and to the side. This procedure will increase blood circulation, which in turn will improve your general state, will charge you with vigor and energy. To complete the procedure, walk over the entire ear with light pinching movements.

Step 2.
What are we doing?
We soften the upper layers of the skin for subsequent optimal absorption of moisturizing and healing ingredients.

What product do we use?
Toner (Toner/ Skin/ Water/ Mist)

How do we use it?
Option 1: Pour a little product into your palms and apply it to your face with your hands, continue to distribute the product over your face, gently pressing it into the skin with your fingertips.
Option 2: Toner mask. We moisten cotton pads with toner, place them on the face and leave for a few minutes.
Option 3: Moisten a cotton pad with toner and wipe your face with it. (This is the least popular option in Korea)

Tip: Whatever option we choose, be sure to follow the popular “Three Seconds” rule in Korea. This means that we literally only have three seconds to hydrate (any toner has a hydrating function) our skin after cleansing without significantly drying it out (we have 2 seconds to pat dry our face with a towel and 1 second to apply toner on the face. To save time, you need to prepare the toner for use before cleansing). After washing our face, our pores are open and our skin becomes vulnerable. After 3 seconds, the skin loses moisture by only a few percent, but after 30 seconds it will already lose 50% of moisture, and after a minute the hydration of our skin will drop to 41%. If we don't apply moisturizer within three seconds, our skin dries out and the aging process begins.

Step 3

What are we doing?
We fight specific skin problems in the deeper layers of the epidermis.

What product do we use?
Essence (essence), whey (serum), ampoules (ampoules)
These products consist of a high concentration of active ingredients and are designed to penetrate into the deeper layers of the epidermis. Their texture can be liquid, gel-like, emulsion or cream-like. Essences are more liquid than serums. The most concentrated of these products are ampoules, but they are more expensive than serums and essences.

How do we use it?
Apply to the face, focusing Special attention problem areas. Lightly tap in with your fingertips.

Step 4

What are we doing?
We lubricate the skin and “seal” hydration, thereby preventing moisture loss.

What product do we use?
Emulsion (emulsion)/lotion (lotion)/cream (cream)
We can use only one product (emulsion, lotion or cream), or we can combine them (in this case, first apply the emulsion or lotion, and then the cream).

If the skin is oily, as a rule, only an emulsion or lotion is used.
Koreans often use emulsion/lotion and cream together.
Creams are usually more expensive than emulsions, since they soften the skin more strongly and are more concentrated, which means they retain moisture more strongly.

How do we use it?

You need to warm the product a little in your hands before applying it to your face, this will make it easier for the product to be absorbed. We do not smear the product onto the skin, but rather press it with our palms, and then lightly pat it into the skin with our fingertips. Then we rub our hands so that they become hot and place them on the face, the warmth of the palms will increase absorption and, accordingly, the delivery of nutrients to the skin.

Step 5

What are we doing?
We get rid of specific problems.

What product do we use?
Wrinkle fillers, boosters, makeup bases, etc.

How do we use it?
Use according to instructions

Step 6

What are we doing?
Protect your skin from the sun.

What product do we use?
Sunscreen that suits your skin type

Koreans do not believe in the existence of a UV filter in powders and foundations, and therefore never skip this step.

How do we use it?
Apply to the face as an emulsion or cream.

Step 7

What are we doing?
Making a “porcelain face”

What product do we use?
BB cream, Foundation, powder, BB powder, etc.

How do we use it?
We use it in accordance with its intended purpose.


Evening skin care ritual is very important as the skin repairs itself during the night. Our task is to help her with this. After all, a well-executed evening skin care ritual will turn out wonderful for us. appearance in the morning!

Step 1

Very thorough cleansing of the skin, because dirt remaining in the pores causes inflammation and does not allow care products to work fully. Therefore, there are two stages in the evening classical Korean cleansing ritual:

Stage 1:
What are we doing?
We dissolve grease, dirt, makeup.

What product do we use?
Hydrophilic oil (Oil)

How do we use it?
Pour a little hydrophilic oil into your palm, distribute it into two palms and apply it to dry face(usually, hydrophilic oil do not apply to the area around the eyes, for this purpose they are used special means), add a little water and turn the oil into an emulsion, rub it thoroughly over the face with massage movements, and rinse with warm water.

Stage 2:
What are we doing?
We cleanse the skin of everything that has evacuated from the pores and dissolved hydrophilic oil

What product do we use?
Cleansing foam (Cleansing Foam), soap (Soap) , cleansing cream (Cleansing Cream), washing powder (Cleansing Powder) etc.

How do we use it?
We create foam, apply it to the face, wash and rinse with warm water.
Korean women love thick, lush foam, so they often use special sponges and meshes to create foam for washing.

Principle. Typically, makeup removers are oil-based and are applied first. Cream cleansers (if your skin is dry) or foam cleansers are used in the second step of cleansing.

Step 2. Exfoliation

What are we doing?
We cleanse the skin of dead skin particles.
Skin has a renewal cycle of 28 days, but dead skin flakes may remain longer if your metabolism is slow.

What product do we use?
There is a huge variety of exfoliation products: mechanical scrubs containing granules (not recommended for sensitive skin), chemical scrubs and peeling gels. The latter are very popular in South Korea.

How do we use it?
Exfoliation is carried out once every 7-10 days, depending on your skin type. You must use the selected product according to the instructions.

Step 3. Massage cream

What are we doing?
We activate the flow of healthy vital energy, stimulate nervous system, increase blood circulation, reduce wrinkles and prevent their appearance, restore and harmonize the condition of our skin, minimize age-related changes.

What product do we use?
Massage cream (Massage Cream)

How do we use it?
Take a little product in the palm of your hand, warm it up and apply the cream to your face according to massage lines. We do any facial massage available to us or use a special facial massager, there are creams that the facial massager is sold in pairs with, and the massager can also be purchased separately.
Remove any remaining massage cream with a napkin.

Step 4. Masks

What are we doing?
We solve a specific problem (nourish, moisturize, whiten, reduce pores, heal, etc.)

What product do we use?
Sheet masks are the most popular masks in Asian skin care. There are also gel, clay, exfoliating, etc. masks.

How do we use it?
Please note that before applying a sheet mask, your face needs to be treated with toner. We use the mask 1-2 times a week or when you urgently need to look very good. There is no need to wash off the fabric mask; we just continue with our usual facial skin care. All other masks must be used according to the instructions. Use a mask that suits your skin type.

Please note: if we use an exfoliating mask, it should be applied only after applying the emulsion. This is very important to protect the skin.

Clay-based masks for oily skin, exfoliating masks for tired, lifeless skin, wash-off masks for dehydrated skin, etc.

Don't confuse this step with overnight masks. It's not the same thing. Night masks are applied throughout the night.

Step 5: Skin Care

Follow your morning skincare regimen, starting with toner if you didn't have a sheet mask. If you used a sheet mask, then start with the product that you apply after the toner.

Also, instead of classic care, you can apply a night mask to your face (Overnight Treatment/ Sleeping Mask).
This mask has a creamy texture and is applied to the face after toner; there is no need to rinse it off! In the morning, wash your face with warm water without cleanser. You can use it as needed - 1-2 times a week or every night.

Tip: To improve the absorption and effectiveness of products, pat the cream into the skin with your fingers (like playing a piano) and also warm up the products by holding them between your palms a little before applying to your face. After this, rub your palms so that you feel warm and place them on your cheeks (activation of Qi energy). Repeat the same with the eye area and forehead. This step is especially important if you are applying eye cream. The heat stimulates blood circulation in the thin skin around the eyes and makes the cream more effective.

Of course, this is a basic skin care ritual. And every woman can adjust it according to her needs, the main thing is to do it with love and systematically!Be beautiful! =^_^=

Here's a great cheat sheet from the Internet:

Beauty essence has become new popular means for facial skin care in the cosmetic products market. We tell you what these mysterious essences are and how to use them correctly.

What is a beauty essence?

Beauty essence - still enough New Product originally from South Korea, which helps take care of facial skin. Essences are a clear liquid in a bottle with a dispenser, and many can no longer imagine their life without them!

The primary and most important function of facial essences is hydration, nutrition and moisture saturation. It is for this reason that they are rich in hyaluronic acid and glycerin, and do not contain unnecessary silicones or wax, which manufacturers like to fill jars of creams with. Thanks to this, essences gently moisturize the skin, but do not clog pores or create a greasy film on the face. They are absorbed faster and have a higher concentration of active ingredients than cream or serum.

But, nevertheless, you cannot completely abandon creams, especially in the summer, since not a single facial essence contains SPF protection, without which it is better not to go out into the bright daytime sun. Please note that high-quality beauty essence does not contain alcohol, which dries and tightens the skin. Let's consider a variant of such a tool using the Benton product as an example.

How to use facial essence

You should apply the essence after cleanser and toner, and after it you can use serum and cream. Thus, the product normalizes the water balance and prepares the skin for the active and effective reception of further products. In addition, essences can reduce the appearance of wrinkles, soothe irritations, combat skin imperfections and give it a natural glow.

Essence (also known as emulsion or cosmetic water) is a new category of facial skin care products for the European market, originally from Asia, it looks like a tonic, costs like a serum and still raises many questions even among advanced users.

Korean Charlotte Cho (founder of the online store of Asian cosmetics and author of the fashion bestseller about the phenomenon of youth in Asian women “The Little Book of Skin Care: Korean Beauty Secrets for Healthy, Glowing Skin”) confidently calls the essence the most important stage of skin care facial skin. Her opinion is confirmed by the authoritative American dermatologist Renella Hirsch: “Some essences contain anti-aging components in even higher concentrations than serums.” What else should (and, conversely, should not) essences contain and how to use them correctly?

  1. The primary task of the essence is hydration, so their composition is distinguished by a high level of glycerin and hyaluronic acid (sodium hyaluronate). Unlike the usual moisturizing cream, essences do not contain emollients that are absolutely unnecessary for the skin (these are, for example, silicones and waxes, which usually occupy most of the volume of a jar of cream and, when applied, create effects on the surface of the skin that consumers love such as softness and smoothness). As a result, essences do not leave a greasy film and do not clog pores. However, you should not neglect aftercare, since not a single essence contains SPF protection.
  2. If you find ethanol (ethyl alcohol) in the product, this is not an essence! It is because of the presence of ethanol, which tightens the skin, that many people do not use toners. Most essences either contain no alcohol at all or contain denatured alcohol (denat), which is last in the list of ingredients used.
  3. Today's trendiest and most advanced Asian essences contain fermented ingredients - yeast, ginger and rice. The main advantage of the fermentation process is that it protects natural ingredients from decomposition, which means there is no need to use preservatives in products (for example, all cosmetics of the famous Japanese brand SK-II are produced in this way).
  4. It is easy to layer the essences with further care products - serum and cream (the essence itself is applied after all stages of cleansing and toning lotion). In the English-speaking world, they are often called PreCare for their ability to intensify work and increase the effectiveness of subsequent products - this is explained by the fact that with the correct water balance, skin cells better absorb any active substances.
  5. Proper application is the key to the product's effectiveness. Do not use cotton pads (they absorb a lot of product) and do not even think about rubbing the essence on your face. in a circular motion(this will only break her formula). Instead, gently press it into dry skin. Charlotte Cho claims that Korean women dip their fingertips into the essence and pat their faces until the product is completely absorbed; for them, this is not so much an application process as a pleasant, thoughtful ritual. But if you are limited in time, choose an essence in spray form.

In addition to moisturizing, essences can reduce the severity of wrinkles, give the skin radiance, and fight irritations and skin imperfections. We have collected the best essences from brands that are widely known and available in Russia.

Essences against dryness

Moisturizing essences should contain hyaluronic acid, sodium pyrrolidone carbonate (or sodium PCA - a humectant derived from vegetables, sugar or starch) or glycerin and do not contain alcohol.

Turnaround Revitalizing Lotion RUB 2,050, Clinique.

Hydra Beauty Essence Mist, RUB 4,185, Chanel.

Life Plankton Essence, 4,410 rub., Biotherm.

Anti-wrinkle essences

A fine network of wrinkles, especially in the eye area, often appears as a result of dehydration, so feel free to apply the essence under your eye moisturizer, and look for peptides in its composition that stimulate collagen production in the skin.

The Lotion B.A, 6,900 rub., Pola.

Whitening essences

Time-tested vitamin C, licorice root extract and exfoliating AHA and BHA acids (salicylic, glycolic, lactic) will help here.

Iris Extract Activating Treatment Essence, 3,300 rub., Kiehl's.

Anti-acne essences

These essences contain ingredients that reduce sebum production, such as nut or willow bark extract (contains natural salicylic acid).

Hydrating Toner, RUB 3,354, Murad(despite the name, this is an essence, not a toner).

Essences against irritation and redness

Soothing essences usually contain anti-inflammatory ingredients such as vitamin E and niacinamide (vitamin B3).

Hydra Zen Beauty Essence, RUB 2,860, Lancôme.

Text: Tatyana Koroleva

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