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Beautiful drawings on hands with a felt-tip pen. How to draw henna on your hand correctly and beautifully? Why do they paint with henna on their hands? How to remove henna tattoo

Beautiful drawings on hands with a felt-tip pen.  How to draw henna on your hand correctly and beautifully?  Why do they paint with henna on their hands?  How to remove henna tattoo

The art of mehendi is the painting of the body with various patterns by applying henna paste and other natural dyes to the skin. This culture is most widespread in the countries of East and Central Asia. Many traditions and rituals of the peoples living in these territories are associated with drawings on the skin, which, according to beliefs, should scare away evil spirits and attract good luck.

Sometimes the designs turn out to be simply unimaginably beautiful and look very impressive, so mehendi did not go unnoticed by residents of large cities in Europe and America. Fashionistas liked to decorate their arms and body with temporary tattoos. Mehendi is done in many salons, but if you wish, you can apply the ornament to the skin yourself.

From our article you will learn how to learn how to draw mehendi at home, using only those available materials that every modern woman has at her disposal. You can make henna designs step by step using various techniques. Photos and videos on this page will help you understand all the intricacies of the creative process.

Before drawing mehendi at home, prepare the paste

Mehendi paste is a paste-like mass based on a natural dye - henna, so the designs are mostly brown. Indian shops sell ready-made mehendi compositions made from henna and citric acid. They come in different colors, as other natural dyes are added to them - basma, etc. The paste is sold in cone-shaped bags; you can apply it to the body directly from this bag, cutting off its tip to make something like a pastry bag for cream. You can make a paste for painting on the body yourself before drawing mehendi at home; for this you need to buy natural henna - artificial henna can have unpleasant consequences in the form of allergies, irritation and even burns. Buy henna in sealed packaging and not in bulk, as the dye loses its properties upon contact with air and the image will turn out pale. Keep in mind that henna for hair coloring is not suitable for the body - it has a coarser grind.

To make the paste, brew strong black tea by taking three heaping teaspoons of tea leaves per half liter of water. Boil the tea over low heat for 5-10 minutes and strain the tea leaves. Take about 40 grams of henna powder and gradually pour hot liquid into it, stirring continuously. If you are not sure about the quality of the powder, first sift it through a sieve. Then add a couple of spoons of lemon juice and a few drops of eucalyptus oil or mehendi oil to the mixture - this will help make the design brighter and more durable. The result should be a mixture that resembles the consistency of toothpaste. The mixture should sit for about four hours, preferably in the refrigerator. If stored in an airtight container, the paste can be stored in the refrigerator for about three weeks, or frozen for up to four months. There are other recipes for mehendi paste, for example, you can mix tea and lemon juice in a 1:1 ratio, and then add henna powder, or replace tea with coffee. Sugar is often added to the paste, which increases its viscosity and, accordingly, the durability of the pattern.

How to draw mehendi step by step

We usually draw mehendi in stages, since this method allows us to obtain clear and visually contoured images of the patterns. Before applying henna to the skin, it is worth performing preparatory procedures. It is not recommended to sunbathe in the sun or in a solarium a day before the upcoming body painting.

Be sure to do a sensitivity test - apply a little paste to the inner bend of your elbow and wait about half an hour. This must be done if you bought a ready-made composition - there is no guarantee that all its components are natural. If after half an hour you do not observe any redness or burning in the area treated with henna, you can safely start drawing the ornament.

Prepare your skin - wash with soap, preferably using a scrub. It would be a good idea to remove the hair to make the design easier to apply. Lubricate your skin with eucalyptus oil or special oil for body painting with henna.

We draw mehendi in stages - first the main lines, then smaller patterns. Squeeze the paste out of the bag so that its layer on the skin is at least 2 mm. If you accidentally make a mistake, remove excess paste from your skin using a cotton swab. When finished, leave the paste on the skin for an hour. If the humidity in the room is high and the paste layer is quite thick, it may take up to 12 hours for the henna to dry. If you want to speed up the drying process, cover your skin with film and go out into the sun. Using the blunt side of a knife blade or a plastic scraper, remove the dried paste and treat the design with a cotton pad soaked in lemon juice, then brush with eucalyptus oil. The design can be wetted after about 8 hours, so it is best to draw mehendi at night. If you did everything correctly, the ornament will last about two weeks. The less you wet the drawing, rub it with a washcloth, clothes or fingers, the longer it will delight you and impress others.

How to learn to draw mehendi with henna on the body - photos and videos

Before you learn how to draw mehendi, you should choose suitable patterns. There are several types of patterns that are used when painting the body with henna:

  • Arabic - floral patterns;
  • African - geometric shapes predominate;
  • Indian - lines and dots.

How to learn how to draw mehendi with henna on the body without causing damage to your appearance? It is best if you first draw a design on a piece of paper and then transfer it to the skin. You can use a ready-made sketch by printing it on a printer. If you find it difficult to draw a pattern, sketch it directly on the skin using a cosmetic pencil and apply paste directly along the lines. Once the paste has dried and the excess has been removed, removing marks from a soft pencil will not be difficult. If you are completely unsure of your artistic abilities, use stencils. Simply apply the stencil to the selected area of ​​the body, secure with tape and apply henna to the entire surface of the stencil where there are slits.

The photo of how to draw mehendi shows us that the patterns mainly cover the hands and feet; often the patterns reach the elbows on the arms and the knees on the legs. However, modern fashionistas decorate a wide variety of areas of the body with these biotattoos. This is not surprising - temporary tattoos are much more in demand among young people, moreover, it is safe, the skin is not damaged by needles, and the composition of the paste is entirely natural. Moreover, henna even has medicinal properties. If you don’t quite understand how to draw mehendi with henna, the video will answer your questions and show you how to correctly apply luxurious patterns:

Now you know how to draw mehendi on the body, and you can safely show off breathtaking images without harming your skin and impressing others with your unusual appearance.

You can use a ready-made sketch by printing it on a printer. If you find it difficult to draw a pattern, sketch it directly on the skin using a cosmetic pencil and apply paste directly along the lines. Once the paste has dried and the excess has been removed, removing marks from a soft pencil will not be difficult. If you are completely unsure of your artistic abilities, use stencils. Simply apply the stencil to the selected area of ​​the body, secure with tape and apply henna to the entire surface of the stencil where there are slits.

Since ancient times, women have painted their bodies with unique designs called mehendi. Unlike a tattoo, which adorns the body for a lifetime, this type of painting remains on the body for several weeks. Henna hand designs have recently gained popularity. Few people know what meaning lies in these mysterious drawings and how painting is done correctly.

Mehendi is a design made on the body with henna. This type of painting originated in Ancient Egypt. Only the highest levels of society could perform mehendi. Now both the purpose and the name have changed. Nowadays, body painting is often also called biotattoo.

The object of painting is often hands, and this is not without reason. For example, in India, during classical dance, the hands play a major role. That is why they are painted with henna patterns. Indian women paint their hands from the fingertips to the wrist, and sometimes even higher.

Painting is applied on both sides of the brush. The nail side is completely painted over, and the master applies painting on the inside, starting from his creative imagination.

What does a henna tattoo on a hand mean for girls?

As for girls, they choose henna designs on their delicate hands precisely to give them beauty and unusualness. If we talk about drawings, girls prefer plant themes. Beautiful flowers, small leaves or climbing vines add elegance to a woman's hand. The girls themselves note the fact that with such painting, their movements become more graceful.

Henna on hands in Islam

In Islam, tattoos are strictly prohibited, but not painting patterns on the body with natural dye, because henna affects only the upper part of the epithelium, without delving into the lower layers of the skin. Considering the religion of Islam and Sharia law, henna painting is a temporary and even useful tattoo. But as for the drawings themselves, there are some limitations.

In Islam, it is forbidden to draw images of people, animals, or apply texts from the Koran to the body.

It is also forbidden for strangers to see the painting.

The purpose of mehendi in Islam is to please your man, so unmarried women are prohibited from painting their bodies. Sharia law also prohibits mixing henna and graphite, which gives the design a darker color. This is considered a violation of the natural composition, which means it changes the body as Allah created it.

Henna designs on the hand for children

Not only women and men, but also children can paint their bodies and be in trend. Children's mahendi looks beautiful at a festive event and brings a lot of positive emotions.

Mehendi, henna tattoo for boys

Mehendi on the body or hand is a fashionable and colorful accessory for a boy who wants to be different from his peers. The most important thing is that henna should be applied to both girls and boys in its pure form, without any additives. The pattern applied to the child's body will have a brownish tint.

Henna designs on the hand in the form of cartoon characters or strange animals are very popular among boys.

Boys are often eager to apply a pattern in the form of their favorite heroes. If your child is into adventure, you can buy a special set of decals with pirates. It is possible to create mehendi for boys yourself, turning to your own talent and imagination for help.

Mehendi on hand for girls

With girls, the task of applying a henna design to the arm and body area becomes more complicated. After all, they love everything colorful, beautiful, delicate. A beautiful, curly flower is applied to the hand, which will emphasize tenderness and grace or a sketch of an animal. A beautiful image for a girl would be a mehendi in the form of a bracelet on her wrist. The pattern will look neat and beautiful.

For children, henna designs are not just body painting, but part of their games.

Henna tattoo on the arm for men - what to get for a guy

The technique of body painting has also gained popularity among the male half of the population. Modern men do not attach much importance to henna designs, unlike the times of glorifying God and the Olympic Games. At that time, patterns were applied only to the strongest. People learned from these paintings about his exploits and could praise the hero.

The hand is a very popular place for henna designs among men. Most often, painting is applied to the shoulder. The following drawings are suitable for it:

  • the dragon is a symbol of intelligence and strength. By applying a drawing of a dragon to his hand, in this case his shoulder, a man seeks to discover in himself the ability to go beyond the boundaries of the usual, to be noble and persistent;
  • cross - this symbolism is applied to Orthodox and Catholic men. Celtic crosses are often applied. These patterns are appropriate for both believers and atheists;
  • inscriptions are usually some meaningful phrases, statements that prompt others to think. A man can use any phrase to show his feelings for a loved one;
  • animals - the silhouette of a sleeping animal or the grinning mouth of a wild animal - all this speaks of the character, audacity, and cunning of the owner of the drawing.

There are a lot of options for painting on hands and it is not even immediately possible to determine the meaning of the applied pattern. Men cover not only their hands with various designs. They apply various images and symbols to the chest, legs, and neck.

White mehendi on the hand - white henna designs on the hands

Along with the already popular brown henna mehendi, white henna mehendi is gaining popularity. This painting resembles delicate lace patterns. This theme is very suitable for wedding ceremonies. When the bride makes designs on her hand with white henna, the pattern blends harmoniously with her outfit, which looks gentle and feminine.

But it is not clear how a white pattern is obtained from natural henna? After all, anyone who has come across the method of making a mixture of henna and covering the body with it should know that natural henna is finely ground dry herb. When this powder is diluted with water, it produces a dark green color. What is mysterious and unusual about applying white henna mehendi?

The white paste does not contain henna at all. The base is acrylic paint called glitter. Unlike the design with red henna, which is applied to the hand, the pattern drawn with white henna is not as durable.

The application process takes about 15 minutes, but it all depends on the complexity of the pattern. Very complex patterns can take 2 hours to apply. A white henna design can remain on the body for 2 hours or even 2 days. But only if you don’t rub your body too much while taking water procedures.

After all, the composition contains chemical elements and oxidizing agents, which, when applied to the skin, can cause an allergic reaction and leave a burn.

Black henna on hand

To apply mehendi to your hand or other part of the body with black henna, you should know that black color does not always work. It can be brown in color, and sometimes even burgundy. All these disadvantages apply to store-bought products. But it is still possible to make black mehendi. It is necessary to add a special chemical composition to henna - PFDA (para-phenyldiamine).

As for the time it takes for black henna patterns to appear on the body, they appear quickly. Additional time will only add clarity and durability to the drawing. Many people admire the beauty that comes from applying black henna. After all, it is this henna that makes it possible to obtain the most believable tattoo.

It is worth noting the disadvantages of applying black henna. When adding the PFDA component to henna to give blackness, you need to be aware of the consequences that occur after application to the skin. The skin develops redness or, in the worst case, a chemical burn.

Doctors prohibit applying henna with PFDA to a child’s skin. A beautiful pattern can result in serious skin diseases for him: eczema, dermatitis, itchy skin.

When applying a pattern to the body, you need to make sure what the product is made of. The safest are mehendi made from natural ingredients.

Mehendi on the hand

Hand painting among women has gained considerable popularity. Drawing can become part of modern styles. There are several main areas on the hand for drawing:

  • henna designs on the back of the hand;
  • patterns on the wrist;
  • painting on the shoulder;
  • painting on the forearm.

When painting on the hand, it should be taken into account that each of the patterns carries its own meaning and can even change the inner world of the owner.

Mehendi henna bracelet on hand

Mehendi in the form of a bracelet is made on the wrist. The bracelet symbolizes success in love affairs, also serves as protection against diseases, gives energy and strength, and helps in love life. Mehendi in the form of a bracelet is applied during the celebration of family holidays or at a wedding.

The bracelet pattern is suitable for both women and men and is a beautiful stylish decoration. Women choose a bracelet pattern in the form of flowers, plants, figures, ribbons and lace. The stronger sex paints the wrist with strict geometric patterns.

Mehendi bracelets in the form of various hieroglyphs, love vows and inscriptions are becoming popular.

Mehendi on fingers

If painting with henna on the hands has become a common thing, then the patterns on the fingers and toes attract special attention. The craftsmen try to decorate this part in a particularly interesting way. On the fingers you can usually see painting in the form of small, neat images.

The main advantages of mehendi on fingers:

  • patterns can fully reveal the owner’s state of mind;
  • small size, not very noticeable;
  • easily removable;
  • the patterns are light and can be applied independently;
  • the pattern lasts 2-4 weeks and can be easily changed to another pattern if desired;
  • the painting emphasizes the elegance of a woman’s hands or feet.

Mehendi on hand up to elbow

Mehendi on the arm up to the elbow looks very festive. In this case, the master’s imagination knows no bounds. There are some interesting ideas for painting henna on the arm up to the elbow:

  • feather - lightness, spirituality, creativity;
  • peacock - symbolizes eternal life, holiday;
  • dragon - power, strength, magic;
  • owl – wisdom, intuition, intelligence.

Also, for painting the arm up to the elbow, all kinds of inscriptions that carry meaning are suitable.

How much does a henna tattoo on a hand cost?

Henna mehendi can be done at home. But if you have doubts about the skill, you can contact special salons for applying drawings of various sizes and complexity. The master will provide all the necessary sketches. It will only be a matter of choice. Henna mehendi price average:

  • small drawing - 350 rub.;
  • drawing on the palm - from 550 rubles. up to 750 rub.;
  • painting from fingertips to elbow - from 900 rubles. up to 1500 rub.;
  • painting on the foot from toes to ankle - from 600 rubles. up to 800 rub.;
  • painting on the leg from toes to knee - from 1000 rubles. up to 1500 rub.;
  • drawings on the back (depending on size) – from 1500 rubles. up to 3500 rub.

What kind of henna is needed for mehendi

Crushed henna is used for patterns on the body. There are natural and synthetic henna. Synthetic henna can cause skin allergies and burns, so it is recommended to use natural henna. It is safe, although not as black as synthetic ones.

The brown tint that is obtained from natural henna can be diluted with basma. Natural henna is even sold by weight. But you can buy ready-made compositions of different colors for application to the body.

Henna for mehendi – where to buy, how much it costs

For body painting, you must use natural and high-quality henna. But where can you get one? Henna for mehendi can be purchased in online stores. There, for the finished composition in a tube or in a special cone with a volume of 25 g, the price offered is from 35 to 39 rubles. Henna is even bought in beauty salons.

Another place where henna is purchased for coloring skin is specialized shops with Indian products.

Along with the ready-made composition for body painting, you can purchase entire body painting kits “Mehendi School”. The price for such a set will be about 1600 rubles. There are many different oils for fixing the design. The price of such oil will depend on the volume of the container and the manufacturer.

For example, eucalyptus mehendi oil for temporary tattoos 6 ml will cost 120 rubles, and NEHA mehendi oil 6 ml will cost 99 rubles.

They decide on their own what kind of henna to paint their body, where and at what price to buy it.

How to draw henna tattoos on hands - drawing: rules

In order for the henna design, in this case on the hand, to turn out beautiful, you must follow the rules for applying the pattern:

  1. Initially, the desired sketch is selected.
  2. Then you need to prepare the paint. The finished composition is poured into a container, water at room temperature and lemon juice are added. Mix everything well to form a porridge-like mass. To saturate the shade and consolidate the pattern, add a solution of strong black tea, coffee, or even red wine to the mixture.
  3. The main rule of mehendi is a properly prepared application site. You should wipe it with eucalyptus oil. As a result, the paint will adhere better, last longer, and the shade itself will become brighter.
  4. For inexperienced artists, a stencil will come to the rescue.
  5. Painting begins from the far side so as not to smudge the drawing as you paint. If the line was drawn incorrectly, it can be removed by soaking a cotton pad in sunflower oil. Although you need to take into account that a trace may remain. To avoid this type of incident, it is necessary to squeeze out the paint slowly so that it does not spread.
  6. At the end of the procedure, you must wait until the paint has completely dried. This will take from 40 to 60 minutes. Dried henna should be shaken off using a soft cloth. Another way to fix the design is to apply olive oil, lemon juice, garlic or sugar.

Before the procedure, it is always necessary to check for the absence of an allergic reaction. It should be remembered that applying henna patterns to the same area of ​​skin is not recommended. This may damage the skin.

How long to keep henna on your hand - how long does it take for henna to dry

After applying a henna design to the arm or other part of the body, you must wait for the henna to dry completely. To do this, it is best to stay warm. The sun's rays can come to the rescue, but if this is not possible, then you can use a hairdryer.

The drawing dries in 60 minutes, but if you spend a little more time on this process, the drawing will be richer and last longer. It is best to leave the drawing to dry overnight. It is necessary to carefully wrap the required drying area with cling film and secure. To do this, use hairspray, but only without alcohol. They wait until the varnish dries, then apply another layer of varnish and go to bed.

How to make a bio henna tattoo on your arm at home

If you make a henna tattoo at home, you must purchase special materials and tools. They will be needed for preparing the paste itself and for applying it.

For the paste you will need:

  • 20 g henna powder;
  • 1 tsp. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp. aromatic oil;
  • juice from 2 lemons.

To apply the drawing itself you need:

  • applicator (you can take a medical syringe, but without a needle);
  • wide plastic stick;
  • hairspray (alcohol-free).

Mehendi on the hand for beginners - step by step with photos

To make a henna design, you need to follow some steps and rules:

  • Before painting, an allergy test is carried out. Apply a little mixture to the bend of your elbow and wait 30 minutes. The absence of an allergic reaction means that the area of ​​skin on which the design will be applied can be prepared;
  • Using soap, the skin is cleansed and unnecessary hair is removed;
  • after some time, after the skin has dried, apply a special oil for painting or eucalyptus oil;
  • The dye for painting is made in advance, approximately 24 hours before application. Because the pasta should “ripen”.
  • the drawing must begin with the main outline, which is then filled with small details;
  • mehendi paste is applied from a bag or using brushes and sticks;
  • the paste is applied in a layer of at least 2 mm;
  • if an incorrect line is drawn, it can be removed using a cotton swab or napkin;
  • Having completed the pattern, the composition is left on the skin for 60 minutes;
  • after drying, remove the paste with a scraper, a plastic card or the blunt side of a knife;
  • The applied pattern cannot be wetted for 8 hours, so it is better to apply it before bed.

How many days does henna last on hand mehendi

The time for mehendi to be on the hand is individual for each person. If we count on average, then a pattern made from natural henna without additives will be noticeable for 10-14 days. If you exclude contact with water, then you can wear mehendi even for 21 days.

How to erase and wash henna off your hands

To remove mehendi from the skin of your hands, you need to:

  • Steam the skin well and rub it with a pumice stone without strong pressure. It is not recommended to repeat this process, otherwise scratches will appear on the skin.
  • Heat vegetable oil and apply to skin. After 30 min. wash off with warm water and soap.
  • The scrub is applied after 3-4 hours. The procedure should be performed until the pattern is completely removed.
  • You can remove mehendi using sea salt. Large salt crystals are crushed in a coffee grinder and applied to pre-moistened skin. Gently rub the area of ​​the pattern, adding water occasionally until the salt is completely dissolved.

What can you draw with henna on your hand - what designs, patterns

Paintings applied to the hand can be either in the form of drawings or in the form of various inscriptions. This is a stylish and fashionable option for temporary tattoos.

Henna inscriptions on hand

Many people prefer Latin inscriptions, but inscriptions in the form of hieroglyphs in English are no less popular.

An inscription in Russian is rarely done, because phrases in Russian are not as mysterious and enigmatic as, for example, in Latin.

What small, simple henna designs to make on your hand?

Hand painting is applied both in the form of complex drawings, but this requires certain skill and knowledge, and in the form of simple drawings. You can even do simple painting yourself at home.

An example of a simple design could be a feather, flowers, or a bracelet. You can apply simple inscriptions.

Mehendi on hand: meaning

As for the meaning of the drawing, even in Ancient India, mehendi was endowed with magical properties. Today there are also mehendi that have a special meaning.


This type of pattern is suitable for the female gender. Flowers represent their beauty, passion, joy and success. You should also take into account what kind of flower is applied to the body.

If it is a daisy, then it means innocence, if it is a sunflower, it means charm, and a lily speaks of the modesty and mystery of a woman. The rose, in turn, makes one know about the virginity of the body on which this flower is applied.


Represents the purity and purity of the hostess. Lotus is applied by people who want to regain their purity or have it. Often lotus is applied to pregnant women or brides.

People who want to spiritually cleanse themselves and find meaning in life also apply lotus mehendi.


The symbol has a dual meaning. The owl is a symbol of wisdom, and the eagle owl is a symbol of darkness, misfortune and death.

But today they use the symbol of an owl, without remembering the dark and unfortunate owl.

dream Catcher

It is a talisman against all evil spirits.

The image of a feather tied to a talisman carries the meaning of air and breath, without which life is unthinkable.


Mehendi applied in the form of a crown carries the meaning of power and authority.

A crown is also applied to emphasize the powerful principle.


Symbol of rebirth. It used to be believed that the feather somehow helped negotiate with higher powers. This pattern was applied by healers and shamans.

The Egyptians, on the contrary, considered the feather a symbol of justice. If you need to bring lightness of spirit into your life today, it is recommended to apply a hawk or eagle feather.

The Dragon

This painting carries the meaning of fertility and water.

The main meanings of the design in the form of a dragon are:

  • honor;
  • perseverance;
  • force;
  • magic;
  • hidden spiritual qualities.

a lion

This sign also carries a double meaning. On the one hand, it symbolizes justice, power, perseverance, courage, but on the other hand, cruelty and ferocity.

Nowadays, mehendi in the form of a lion is applied to challenge society and emphasize the steadfastness of character.

Mehendi on hand for good luck

Henna hand designs are often made in the form of curved lines to attract good luck in life. These are lines of overcoming difficulties or a talisman for good luck.

You can use this painting if you want to achieve career success or find a groom.

Henna tattoo on hand for women: photo

Beautiful stencils for henna on the hand: pictures

Easy, simple drawings, henna patterns on the hand (mehendi) for beginners: sketches

Mehendi (henna tattoo) on hand: photo

Henna designs on the hand: video selection

The first video provides instructions for applying a henna tattoo on your hand at home:

The second video shows an example of a simple henna design on a hand (owl) for beginners:

It is best to start experimenting with the application of selected henna designs with the simplest patterns, complicating the image as you gain professional experience.

The art of mehendi, which was originally one of the ways to decorate your body in the east, has now gained popularity all over the world. The rich red-brown color combined with exquisite ornaments involuntarily attracts admiring and interested glances to the owner of such an unusual piece of jewelry.

What is mehendi and how did this art appear?

Mehendi is henna designs. They are applied to various parts of the body: arms, shoulders, legs, back and stomach. The tradition of decorating oneself with elegant ornaments appeared in India and the Middle East. At first, masters and self-taught amateurs painted women’s legs with henna, and then they began to apply designs to other parts of the body. Moreover, mehendi was prohibited for unmarried girls. At the same time, in India, the wedding ceremony was closely intertwined with the tradition of decorating the bride with henna designs. Before the wedding, the groom gave his future wife a gift - a box of henna. And on the eve of the celebration, the female half of the family painted intricate designs on the bride’s hands and feet, which carried secret messages to the future spouse and were considered sacred. An Indian wedding was celebrated as long as the mehendi was kept on the bride's body.

Often, Indian and Arabic patterns appear similar, but upon closer inspection, differences can be seen. Arabic designs are dominated by floral motifs that cover the entire hand. Indian masters love to depict animals, and most often these are either stylized elephants, symbols of well-being, or peacocks, symbols of beauty.

The meaning of symbols in mehendi designs

The art of drawing henna on the body has roots in the distant past and is closely related to the beliefs of eastern peoples. Geometric patterns, floral patterns, and images of animals applied to the body served as a kind of amulets. Therefore, it is not surprising that the elements of mehendi are deeply symbolic and can contain secret messages that are understandable to those who know how to “read” them.

Here's what the most popular symbols in mehendi mean:

  • Peacock - beauty;
  • Swan - success;
  • The bird is a messenger between heaven and earth;
  • Butterfly - upcoming changes;
  • The parrot is the messenger of love;
  • Dragonfly - renewal, rebirth;
  • Fish - women's eyes;
  • Scorpio – love and romance;
  • Elephant - greatness, prosperity;
  • Flower - joy and happiness;
  • Leaves and vines - longevity, devotion, vitality;
  • Turtle – protection and fertility;
  • Snake – enlightenment;
  • Ivy – financial well-being;
  • Blooming lotus - beauty, grace, sensuality, purity, femininity;
  • Sun, moon and stars - long-lasting deep feelings between two devoted partners;
  • Cucumber – wealth and luck;
  • Bud, bud - the beginning of a new life (usually after the wedding);
  • Ripples are water that purifies and brings new life;
  • Square – healing from diseases;
  • Triangle – protection of body and spirit;
  • Circle – stability in life;

Advantages of mehendi over regular tattoos

Traditional tattoos and henna designs are one of the types of decoration of the human body, but mehendi has a number of undeniable advantages compared to tattoos:

  • If you want to get a tattoo, but are unsure about which design to choose, you can do mehendi with henna for two to three weeks. During this time, you will understand whether you even want to have a design on your body, and whether you like the one you have chosen.
  • People with a low pain threshold, who also dream of getting a tattoo, but are terrified of pain, can apply a henna design. It doesn't hurt at all and is even pleasant.
  • Those who are afraid of infection when applying a traditional tattoo can also try this alternative option.
  • Parents whose teenage children ask permission to get a tattoo can offer their child mehendi first. After all, the henna design will disappear after a certain time, and with a tattoo, especially a bad one, you will have to live with it.

Types of henna for drawing mehendi

There are two types of henna for tattooing: store-bought and home-made.

The finished artificial mixture contains synthetic dyes, which often cause allergic reactions on the skin of the hands and feet. Therefore, before applying a design to the body, you should check how the skin will react to the composition of the paint. Apply a small amount of henna to the palm or back of your hand and observe how your skin behaves. If the area where henna was applied itches or “burns,” you should immediately remove the composition and treat the irritated area with a soothing cream.

In this case, we can advise you to prepare the mixture for applying mehendi yourself. The paint will turn out natural and will not cause any unpleasant sensations in the tattoo area.

You can distinguish natural henna by color: all dyes that have a shade other than orange or brown are artificial. Such compositions are not used for applying mehendi to pregnant women and children under 14 years of age..

How to prepare mehendi dye at home

You can prepare the mixture for body paintings yourself. To do this you will need the following ingredients:

  • 500 ml water;
  • 2 tsp. natural ground coffee;
  • 2 tbsp. l. black leaf tea;
  • 100 gr. natural henna, which is sold in pharmacies or from mehendi artists;
  • 2 tsp. lemon juice
  • 1 tsp. granulated sugar, which can be replaced with fructose or powdered sugar. They will give the mixture thickness and it will be easy to apply to the skin;
  • 5 drops of any essential oil. It could be clove, eucalyptus, lavender or tea tree. You can use only one oil, or you can use 2-3 in combination with each other.

It should be noted that special henna is used for drawing, so store-bought henna for hair coloring is not for mehendi.

Metal utensils are not suitable for preparing the mixture, because... the mixture will simply color them. It is better to take a glass bowl for kneading, and a plastic spoon for stirring.


  • Place tea and coffee in a saucepan with water and cook for 1 hour.
  • Strain the resulting broth. Place the grounds in a mixing bowl.
  • Add henna, butter and sugar to the thickener, mix everything thoroughly.
  • Distribute the mehendi paint among cones prepared in advance from foil. The mixture is stored in the refrigerator for 4 months.

How to properly hold a henna cone while drawing

For those who are just starting to master all the intricacies of applying designs to the body, it is very important to learn how to hold the henna cone correctly. If your hand is uncomfortable, it will quickly get tired and the lines will turn out uneven.

  • Before working, you need to cut off the tip of the henna cone, from which the paint will flow out during the work. If the tip of the cone is dirty and henna is difficult to come out of it, you need to clean it with a paper napkin.
  • You need to rest your entire hand or the edge of your palm on the table when painting your hands or on your body when painting your stomach or back.
  • The paint cone should be placed between the thumb and index finger, at a distance of 4 cm from the tip of the cone. The thumb holds the cone in your hand, and it also regulates the intensity of paint extrusion. You cannot press hard and sharply on the tube of henna, otherwise it will pour out of the cone unevenly, which will ruin the whole job.
  • The rest of the hand is relaxed to freely control the drawing process.
  • The tip of the cone rests on the middle finger of the hand, and the index finger presses the cone on top. To make the drawing easier, you can additionally lean on your free little finger.
  • You should not clamp the tube of paint in your fist, because in this case the hand becomes too tense and the drawing comes out blurry.
  • When drawing, the cone should be perpendicular to the surface of the drawing. This is how all the elements of mehendi are performed.
  • By holding the cone at an oblique angle, you can only outline the future drawing or draw thin straight or wavy lines.
  • When applying mehendi, the cone should be kept at a short distance from the surface of the skin so that the henna flows freely from it and lies in an even layer. If you move the cone, pressing it against the surface, the pattern will be smeared and the skin will be scratched.

What you need to make a henna design

Before applying mehendi, you should prepare the necessary tools and accessories:

  • cone with paint;
  • cotton pads and sticks;
  • paper napkins;
  • sketch of a drawing or stencil for mehendi;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Stages of applying mehendi

The process of drawing henna on the body consists of several stages:

  1. Preparing the skin for drawing. First you need to clean the area of ​​​​the future image and moisturize it with any essential oil. Then apply lemon juice to a cotton pad and wipe the surface to make the design more vibrant.
  2. The first mehendi is easiest to draw using special stencils. They can be purchased at the store or made yourself from self-adhesive film. After the skin is prepared for painting, you need to paste the stencil. If drawing is done according to a previously prepared sketch, you can outline the image with thin lines, which are applied at an oblique angle of a cone to the surface of the skin.
  3. The next stage is the actual drawing itself. Using the correct position of the cone in the hand, a henna design is made in a thick layer without scratching the skin. If a mistake is made while drawing, the paint can be removed with a cotton swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide.
  4. After completing the work, the stencil is removed and the mehendi is left until the paint dries completely. After just 15-20 minutes, the henna begins to dry and crumble, leaving an imprinted pattern on the skin. Crusts can be easily removed with a paper napkin. Under no circumstances should they be washed off with soapy water. This will cause the drawing to become discolored. At this time, you can apply a mixture of lemon juice and sugar to the tattoo, it will moisturize and become even darker. Although you can reapply a layer of paint, for the same purpose - to make the drawing brighter.
  5. After the paint has completely dried and the remaining henna has been removed, the design is moistened again with oil or cream, because dried henna tightens the skin.
  6. The color of mehendi appears within 24-72 hours after it is applied to the body.

How to remove henna tattoo

The red-brown color of mehendi, depending on the quality of the henna, remains on the body for 1-3 weeks. At this time, the drawing can be wetted, but do not rub it with a scrub or sponge too much.

Over time, the mehendi will fade, and most likely you will want to remove it. This can be done in the following ways:

  • erase the remaining drawings with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol or hydrogen peroxide;
  • wash your hands thoroughly with a sponge and soap;
  • apply toothpaste to the mehendi and rub thoroughly, then rinse the paste with water;
  • Mix baking soda with lemon juice, apply the mixture to the drawing and leave until completely dry. Then wash your hands with warm water.

After removalIt is advisable to treat the skin with a moisturizing cream or essential oil for henna drawings, because all waysremovalMehendi dries the skin.

Each mehendi artist has his own secrets for preparing the mixture for drawings on the skin, the technique of applying the image and how to care for it. Here are just a few of them:

  • The intensity of mehendi color varies on different parts of the body. The patterns on the palms are always very dark, even black, but on the back, on the contrary, they are lighter. Henna also gives a less intense color on the forearms and legs.

Natural henna powder has a distinct herbal odor and green color, and the coloring mixture it produces is brown or orange. Under no circumstances should it be black.

  • Before you start drawing mehendi on the skin, you should practice performing individual elements of the patterns and determine the correct position of the henna cone in your hand. It's best to practice on a piece of paper first. Don’t skimp on henna, buy one tube of henna specifically for training and use it right away to “put your hand on it.” When you begin to get more or less neat lines on paper, you can try drawing on any glass surface. The more you practice, the steadier your hand, the sharper your lines, and the neater your patterns.
  • You should start mastering the art of mehendi with the simplest images, consisting of straight and wavy lines, polka dots and geometric shapes. Over time, having become skilled at simple patterns, you can take on more advanced designs.
  • If you are not allergic to a store-bought mehendi mixture, you can safely use it for drawing. Moreover, artificial henna has a huge number of colors: black, blue, green, cherry, etc. However, keep in mind that designs made with natural paint, prepared independently, retain their brightness longer.
  • If you apply a drawing to yourself, for example, on your hand, then you should move from the farthest point towards yourself, i.e. from fingers to wrist. Likewise, if you are drawing on another person's body, work your way towards applying the mehendi from the furthest edge towards you. If it is a hand, then from the wrist to the fingertips.
  • Drawings made with henna-based paint dry completely after a few hours. It all depends on the composition of the painting mixture. To make your tattoo brighter and last longer, give the henna 6-8 hours to dry. You can do mehendi in the evening and leave it overnight. This will make the drawing more saturated. Again, in the first few hours the tattoo will not come into contact with water, which is also good for mehendi.
  • The duration of wearing a henna design depends on many factors: the quality of the mixture for drawing, and the drying time of the mehendi and its care. As for skin type, in this case girls with dry skin are lucky, because their henna tattoo lasts much longer. The location of the pattern also matters: on the arms and legs, mehendi retains its brightness longer, because these parts of the body are warm and slightly damp. As for the climate, this decoration loves warmth.

Useful videos on the topic

How to draw mehendi at home

How to make your own mehendi cone

If you dream of getting a tattoo but are afraid to get one, try making a temporary tattoo with a pen. Applying a tattoo to the body with a pen will not harm the skin and will wash off on its own over time. Such variants of body art are used so that a person understands how a symbol or design applied to the body affects him, and makes a final decision for himself whether it is worth getting a permanent tattoo or putting this procedure of decorating his body on hold.

How to draw a tattoo with a pen

Before you start creating a tattoo with a pen, carefully consider what exactly you would like to see on your body. Since the applied design will last for several days, you should like it first of all.

  1. Before you start drawing directly on the body, try sketching it on any rough draft. This will allow you to correct the drawing and, if you cannot complete it accurately, change the sketch in time or choose another simpler option
  2. To create a tattoo, in addition to a pen, you will also need a piece of paper on which you need to place a sketch of the future tattoo, a piece of fabric, and warm water. The sketch must also be carefully colored so that the ink does not run.
  3. You can get a tattoo anywhere, so decide in advance on the location for the tattoo. If you have chosen an area of ​​the body that you cannot reach on your own, ask someone to help you.
  4. Soak a piece of cloth in warm water. Place the paper with the pattern down and attach it to the selected location. Place a piece of wet cloth on top and hold for 35 seconds.
  5. Without removing the fabric, carefully peel off the edge of the paper and make sure that the design is completely transferred to the body. If this does not happen, hold the wet cloth for a few more seconds. Next, remove the paper and fabric.
  6. Wait for the tattoo to dry and spray some hairspray on it. This will keep the tattoo looking attractive for several days.

How to draw a tattoo on your hand, in detail

If you are going to get your first tattoo, and your artistic abilities are far from ideal, try to choose a simple and simple design, then draw it on a piece of paper several times and only then start applying it to your body. Once the design has been selected, degrease the area of ​​skin on which you plan to apply it.
Step by step, draw the contours of the future drawing. Do not draw everything at once, but element by element. Next, color the fragment.

Then draw the contours of the next fragment and sketch it in the same way. Wait for the ink to dry.

How to draw a tattoo step by step

If you want a multi-colored tattoo, then prepare several colored pens at once.

Gel pen tattoos

With blue and black gel pens you can draw a tattoo that at first glance is not easy to distinguish from a real one. There are 2 ways to apply a tattoo yourself with a gel pen: with shallow punctures with a needle and without them. The latter will last only a few days. If you make a temporary tattoo with punctures, it can last for several months. Drawings with gel pens are applied either through a stencil or drawn by hand, giving preference to clear fragments.

Method without puncture:

  • prepare the skin for a temporary tattoo by disinfecting it;
  • draw a sketch on tracing paper with a pencil;
  • shade the sketch with a gel pen without going beyond the boundaries;
  • attach the tracing paper to the skin with the pattern down, apply a wet sponge on top for 3 minutes;
  • remove the tracing paper;
  • draw the tattoo with a gel pen directly on the skin.

Puncture method.

This option is painful and involves maintaining sterility.

  1. Draw the outline of the design using eyeliner or tracing paper onto the body.
  2. When making shallow punctures with a needle on the skin, immediately apply a gel line, leading it directly behind the needle. Draw the drawing several times in this way.
  3. After 2 minutes, remove excess gel paste with alcohol.
  4. Disinfect the tattoo site additionally with alcohol.

How to draw a tattoo with a pen - simple drawings

Simple drawings are those where there is no need to detail the fragments, carefully drawing them. These can be geometric fragments, flowers, leaves, birds, insects, etc. Below we will show how to make simple drawings using the example of a cardiogram.

Wipe the area to be tattooed with hydrogen peroxide, then apply the outline of the future design.

Draw the outlines. The tattoo is ready.

  1. If you have chosen the method of applying a tattoo using paper or tracing paper, but you have dark skin, then you need to keep the wet cloth or moistened sponge longer, spying on the transfer process from time to time.
  2. You need to remove the tracing paper or paper slowly and carefully so as not to smear the drawing.
  3. If you decide to choose an inscription as a tattoo and translate it using paper, then write it first with a pencil, then turn the sheet over and point it with a pen. This way your inscription will be read correctly.
  4. If you drew a sketch incorrectly, missed words, or something went wrong, moisten a cotton pad with alcohol and wipe off the excess.

Pen tattoo sketches, photo

Tattoos appeared many centuries ago and are still popular. Ancient tribes applied intricate patterns and symbols with specific meanings. They believed that the image of gods on the body would bring them prosperity and happiness. Now this is a popular way of self-expression, which has an informative side and has an important reminder, for example: Fac fideli sis fidelis - “Be faithful to those who are faithful to you.” There is also progress in this area. In addition to permanent tattoos, there are temporary ones, which are also done in a salon or at home. In this article we will tell you how to use a pen on your hand step by step.

Stage 1 - tools

We choose all kinds of gel or regular pens. For a beautiful image, it is better to use different colors to emphasize the idea and make the contours more expressive. You will also need a design stencil and warm water. And, naturally, the main tool is both your hands. On one you will skillfully apply a pattern, and on the other you will admire the finished masterpiece. Decide right away which part of your arm you want to tattoo on. There are many options: scapula, hand or wrist. And then we will learn how to draw a tattoo on your hand with a pen.

Stage 2 - choosing a pattern

So you like tattoos, but you're hesitant to get a permanent one just yet. Feel free to do a trial and see if you need it or not. First you should choose a drawing, picture or inscription. This can be an invented image or taken from the Internet or literature. Nowadays, inscriptions are relevant as a call to action or a reminder of an important truth. And you can easily make any tattoo you like. For a more accurate and beautiful design, it is better to use a stencil. Take the prepared drawing and carefully cut along the lines. We'll need it soon. Of course, anyone who has the ability to draw can do without a blank.

Stage 3 - allergy test

The skin on the hand is very soft and sensitive. Therefore, if you still decide to draw with a pen, use products from a trusted manufacturer. Penetration of low-quality material into the epidermis layer can lead to irritation or the body may not accept certain substances and cause an immediate reaction of redness in the area of ​​the skin where the paste was applied. You can determine this with a simple allergy test. Draw a small line on your hand with a pen and wait 3 minutes. If there are no side effects, feel free to get down to business. We will learn how to draw a tattoo on your hand with a pen in the next step.

Stage 4 - execution technology

Actually, we have reached the main stage, where we have to cope with the task. Apply the finished stencil, securing it with adhesive tape so that it does not slip. And clearly outline the image along the lines. And for those who decide to do without a stencil, there will be an auxiliary algorithm. How to draw a tattoo on your hand with a pen without preparations? Very simple!

  1. First, make a light sketch, do not limit yourself to boundaries, for a real artist there are no boundaries.
  2. Now make a clear outline of the main details. Bad or crooked lines can be erased with warm water.
  3. Start drawing small details and make them expressive.
  4. Finish the sketches of the main parts and do not forget to trace the main contours of the sketch.
  5. Now we draw additional details to make the picture richer.
  6. Then we outline all the imperfections, unfinished lines and contours.
  7. We draw the main outline of the image and decorate individual parts with different pens.
  8. We wait for the paste to dry and enjoy the result.

Stage 5 - consolidation of the result

To prevent the tattoo from smearing, secure it with hairspray. Thus, it will last longer and acquire a pleasant shine and shade. In any case, if you don't like the work done, you can erase it with warm water and paint a new one. Mastery comes with experience and many attempts to achieve perfection. So you have learned how to draw a tattoo on your arm with a pen.

A little about the history of tattoos

It is known that the first tattoos were recorded in ancient Egypt, but the term appeared in everyday use only in 1773. The navigator Cook first used this word in his report on the images on the bodies of the inhabitants of Oceania. But the tattoo was officially documented only in 1856 - in a medical dictionary. Of course, then people did not know how to draw a tattoo on their hand with a pen, but used natural materials and made special mixtures. Currently, the term is quite popular and has a counterpart in all foreign languages.

Interesting offers from modern salons

Decorating the body with a tattoo occurs by penetrating special paint into the upper layers of the epidermis. Professional craftsmen will help make your dream come true. Let's consider the classification of tattoos:

  • By time

Temporary is a design that is applied without a needle or special paint. And the ornament is made with a brush or stick. Most often, henna is used as the main dye; it is a harmless dark brown herb. This kind of tattoo disappears after a month, so you can experiment every month and create new and unique designs.

Permanent tattoos are applied using a special machine with needles and tattoo ink. Deep penetration of paint into the layers of the skin ensures a tattoo for almost a lifetime.

  • Type

Ordinary - certain symbols, signs, ornaments that emphasize individuality and self-expression.

Cosmetic - applying permanent makeup or tattooing to save time and cosmetics. This type of tattoo lasts from 2 to 5 years, depending on the professionalism of the artist.

  • By style

Pop art - well-known, fashionable symbols related to a certain area, such as nautical, vintage or music symbols.

Natural - the use of environmental objects, plants, flowers or animals in tattoos.

Japanese is a complex type of tattoo, applying Japanese symbols and hieroglyphs.

So, you have learned a lot of new and interesting things about the history and fashionable offers of salons. But the main thing is that now you know how to draw a tattoo on your hand with a pen.