
Ks 1.6 everything flies to the head of the kfg. Setup cfg for headshots

Ks 1.6 everything flies to the head of the kfg.  Setup cfg for headshots

Brand new again for head shooting aim config, demolishing absolutely everyone in its path in CS 1.6. The flexible configuration made it possible to shoot the clip close up, while running several bullets at a time, with the expectation of a head hit result more than 80%. There is only one condition, you need to play at least at an average level, for example, you need to aim at the player’s skin, and not shoot anywhere, because we are not using a cheat. Speaking of the most powerful aim cfg, there are no scripts, and accordingly there are no prohibiting settings for public servers.

Positive aspects of the config:

  1. Will work on steam and non-steam of any version.
  2. Harmless on any server.
  3. Great headshot game.
  4. Fast and easy installation.

Installation instructions are simply elementary. You need to download our aim configuration, go to the folder Counter-Strike 1.6\cstrike, and transfer the contents with complete replacement. We go into the game, change the nickname and certain settings to suit your taste and color. We start dragging on any server. I want to say that it is better to play with such configs than to download useless and ineffective cheats, because this is a lost cause.

– this is, first of all, a team game; a lot depends on the personal skill of each player. If a person knows how to effectively shoot an enemy, he will be able to get away with it even against several incompetent opponents, but in order to achieve such results, you need to practice a lot.

The most effective shooting in the CS is a shot in the head, since this is the most vulnerable spot, which with some types of weapons can easily penetrate even through a helmet. If the player did not have enough money even for him, then in this case such a hit would be fatal for him in almost any case.

That is why, first of all, everyone wants to understand how to shoot in the head in CS 1.6 in different game situations . After all, aiming at the head seems quite simple, but when the target is in motion or at a great distance, the task becomes much more complicated.

What determines the effectiveness of shooting?

There are many subtleties that need to be taken into account when shooting in the CS. First of all, if you want to achieve truly better results, it is best to do not use various mods that change the sight or any other elements , which may affect shooting. You can always change some external effects, such as the type of weapon, gloves, models or something else, but it’s best not to touch the interface.

First of all, without cluttering the interface with unnecessary elements, you can achieve the maximum number of frames per second, and the comfort of firing directly depends on this parameter. It is quite enough to create a standard game with bots and enter the standard command in the console “ cl_showfps 1", which ideally should reach 100 fps. When the command is entered, it is enough to start actively purchasing smoke grenades and throwing them at your feet to understand how much this indicator drops in such situations and how much more difficult it becomes to conduct normal fire.

To disable this information, simply enter the command “cl_showfps 0”.

What shooting techniques are there?

Today, there are several of the most popular firing techniques, and given the age of the game and the shooters themselves in general, it is unlikely that anything new will be invented in the future, because over the long 15-year history, all aspects of the game have been studied and refined to the smallest detail. In particular, it is for this reason that it is much easier for beginners to understand the game, since they can always look up the necessary information on the Internet.

The first option is spot shooting , which is ideal for firing over long distances. The main point of the technique is that shooting is carried out with one bullet at a time, and the most important thing here is not to rush to make a shot, but to try to capture as clearly as possible the moment when the front sight is aimed clearly at the enemy’s head. It is worth noting that in order to conduct such fire, it is better to acquire in advance some good gaming mouse with high sensitivity, which correctly reacts to the player’s movements and allows you to always accurately aim at the target. Shooting one cartridge at a time is the most difficult, as it eliminates the possibility of making any mistakes, because the sight must be clearly in the area of ​​the target's head in order to instantly hit him with a successful headshot.

The next stage of this technique is shooting with two and three bullets . The need to master this method lies in the fact that not all types of weapons can penetrate the enemy’s helmet in order to instantly turn him off from the game, so in some situations you need to send several rounds to the head.

Using this method, in addition to inflicting critical damage with the first bullet, you additionally send a finishing shot, thanks to which you can kill the enemy quickly even with not the most effective types of weapons. The downside to this technique is that shooting two rounds at a time may not be as accurate, making it even more difficult to send both bullets to the head. But often it is enough for the second bullet to at least hit the body, and the target will go to wait for the next round. Some, playing for sure, shoot three rounds at once, sending fatal bursts one after another.

Another effective option is shooting in short bursts . Again, the main thing here is to aim clearly at the head, and also take into account the dispersion of the weapon you are using, since different types of rifles have different degrees of recoil, which means that the sight will jerk differently depending on your weapon. The advantage of this technique is that even if you fail to hit the head, the chances of hitting other parts of the body increase, which means you will still cause some damage even if you make a mistake.

It is worth noting that all these techniques should be used at medium or long distances, since otherwise they will be fatal for you. In close combat you need to shoot with a “clamp”, which must be constantly controlled .

How to control the clamp?

Clamp control is one of the most difficult parts of the gameplay, since first the player must fully understand the behavior of the weapon and learn how to handle it in the game. In this situation, again, you shouldn’t try to practice on servers with live players - it’s quite enough to launch some small map where you can shoot at the wall in order to clearly see the behavior of the weapon. To control the spray, you need to remember the movement of the rifle and make reverse movements with the mouse, compensating for the recoil and forcing the barrel to stay in one place.

Then you can launch the bots and see how well the chosen tactics work against them, and only then move on to shooting real opponents.

As we already know, Counter-Strike 1.6 is a team-based tactical shooter, and as in any other similar game, in CS 1.6 it is important to be able to shoot well, but not just shoot, shoot and hit the head. Why in the head? The fact is that the head is the most vulnerable place. If a player for various reasons does not buy a helmet, then one accurate hit to the head is enough and victory is yours. How to shoot CS correctly, read further on our website

What affects shooting efficiency?

Many points are important to consider in cs. To achieve the best results, we recommend using pure and, which you can download from our website. Contras with default models of players and weapons is one of the important points for high fps (frames per second), and the higher this indicator, the more comfortable the shooting. You can check this in a simple way. Launch CS, create a game with bots and write “cl_showfps 1” in the console, ideally it should be 100fps. Now start buying smoke grenades and throwing them at your feet, pay attention to the fps value and how much it sags. We've sorted out the fps, let's move on and consider shooting methods.

Variety of shooting methods

There are several methods, or rather shooting tactics, and you can hardly come up with anything new. Over the course of 15 years, everything has been perfected and detailed down to the smallest detail. Therefore, it is much easier for beginners to start playing cs well. The first shooting option is shooting with one bullet. Here it is very important not to rush to fire a shot, but to aim accurately. But I would like to say right away that for this you will need a good gaming mouse, for example, something from Razer. There can be no mistakes when shooting at one cartridge; you need to train your hand so that with one movement of the mouse the sight is exactly in the area of ​​the enemy’s head. One shot and a headshot is guaranteed..

The next effective shooting method is to shoot two bullets at a time. But even with this technique, you should try to aim only at the head. If your opponent bought a protective helmet at the beginning of the round, then you won’t be able to kill him with one bullet. The first hit will cause maximum damage, and the second shot will finish off the enemy. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to fire two cartridges exactly at the head.

Therefore, shooting three bullets at a time is the most common tactic. The first bullet will hit the head and cause maximum damage, but the second two, if they hit the body, will bring you victory. It is worth noting that this tactic should be used when the enemy is at a distance. If you start shooting three bullets at an enemy who is within arm's length of you, you will have no chance of surviving. At close ranges, you need to use “clamp” shooting, even with an AK-47, which has a large spread. But you only need to aim the Kalash at the chest area, controlling the spread.

How to control bullet spread?

To learn how to control bullet spread, the first thing you need to do is understand how a particular weapon behaves when fired with a clip. It’s clear that you won’t get much practice on an online server. And here the website comes to the rescue, which you can download from our website. Create a new game, specifying $16,000 in the parameters, which is enough for you to buy weapons. There is no point in describing each machine; it is enough to take one and carry out operations with the rest by analogy. When approaching the wall, hold down the mouse button and watch in which direction the crosshair goes. Remember this movement. Now try to do the same (here you will need to use the gaming mouse), but just move the crosshair in the opposite direction. Notice how all the bullets are already trying to fly closer to the center.

Having learned to aim correctly and control the spread, you will become an indispensable player in your team, which will only have success and victories in any tournament or championship, and even just in amateur matches on servers on the Internet. Good luck in the game!

12/06/2014 © All materials belong to the site site

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[u] rtj

Tired of constantly dying in the game? When you just start playing any online shooter, it always seems that each of your opponents plays better than you and to some extent this is true, because they have already developed some experience, and you have not yet developed enough for an ideal game . However, the gameplay can be greatly simplified by downloading Aim Kfg for CS 1.6. With this fireless config, it will be much easier for you to hit your opponents, because even if they play better than you, it will be really difficult to resist your bullets.

Once you install this powerful config, you will immediately understand that in CS 1.6 killing enemies with a precise headshot is much easier than it seems. And for this you don’t even need the toughest cheats for cs 1.6, which will kill all the professionals in the world! All you need is an optimized cfg, low ping, high FPS and, of course, straight hands.

But first, let's figure out what Aim.Cfg is? This is a config that is absolutely legal (can be used on Steam and Non-Steam) and provides the player with the opportunity to improve the game settings, due to which the shooting itself is improved, while removing spread and recoil. But nevertheless, we are not talking about automatic shooting here, which would do everything for you. The config will contribute to your personal skills, or rather, it will increase the percentage of headshots, which will still depend only on you!

Useful binds in the config

  • "F" key- show damage done (/me)
  • "E" key- silent bomb demining
  • Z key- account reset (/rs)
  • F3 key- purchase of a Flash grenade
  • F4 key- purchase of HE grenades
  • F5 key- purchase of a sapper kit
  • F6 key- purchase of AWP
  • F8 key- take a screenshot (saved in the game folder)

Config installation

  1. Unpack the archive to any location
  2. Move .cfg files to folder cstrike (most often: config.cfg / userconfig.cfg)
  3. Ready. You can join the server!
  4. If the config is not activated automatically, write in the console: exec config.cfg

Dear friends, we present to your attention a new, powerful config for headshot CS 1.6, using which you will significantly increase the number of enemy kills. This config is an automatic aiming of the sight at the enemy's head. That is, this is a full-fledged aim, just not a cheat program, but a config that is completely allowed. Cfg for headshot It’s not attacked by any anti-cheat, since it’s just a config, a regular set of commands.

We think that this config will be perfect for many, since currently many players still do not know how to play CS 1.6 professionally. This config will solve your problem with shooting and now you will be the most professional. Download and install headshot cfg and go! Have a good game.

Setup cfg for headshots

1) Download the config from our website.
2) Transfer the files from the cstrike folder to the cstrike folder of your CS 1.6, confirming the replacement of the files.