
What is laser peeling? Benefits of laser facial peeling and contraindications to the procedure. Video: Carbon laser peeling

What is laser peeling?  Benefits of laser facial peeling and contraindications to the procedure.  Video: Carbon laser peeling

Laser peeling – a cosmetic procedure for removing outer layers of skin, based on the use of directed energy of optical radiation with a certain wavelength.

Principle of the method

When a laser beam is focused on the surface of the skin, the energy of the light pulse is absorbed by the intracellular fluid, which causes it to almost instantly boil and evaporate. The epidermal cells are destroyed. Removing the outer stratum corneum evens out the skin texture, causes it to lighten, and reduces the severity and depth of wrinkles. Concomitant tissue heating leads to coagulation of structural fibers, providing a tightening effect.

In addition, a cascade of regenerative reactions is launched - new molecules of elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid are synthesized, cell division is activated, local blood flow and metabolism are accelerated. As a result, the skin becomes smooth, shiny and looks noticeably younger and fresher.

By changing the degree of focusing of the laser beam, the duration of the pulses and the exposure time, the specialist can obtain different degrees of impact on the skin. Dosed damage can be adjusted from gentle removal of the outermost stratum corneum (superficial laser peeling) to burning out a significant thickness of tissue (deep laser peeling, or laser resurfacing). The gentle option is performed to correct initial skin changes; with the help of deep penetration of the beam, scars, moderate wrinkles, stretch marks and tattoos are removed.

Types of laser

In cosmetology, two types of laser are used for laser peeling.

Erbium laser is generated with the participation of the rare earth element erbium. A feature of this type of optical radiation is its high absorption by water, which causes an instant “micro-explosion” of keratinocytes from boiling of the internal fluid; in this case, adjacent areas of tissue are minimally affected.

Another valuable property of the erbium laser is its wide range of operating modes. The degree of beam penetration is easily adjusted with high precision (in steps of up to 5 micrometers). In this case, the level of impact can be from the most superficial (it is used much more often) to deep. In a gentle mode, it is permissible to treat such delicate areas as the periorbital and perioral zones (around the eyes and mouth).

Thanks to the ability to change the diameter of the light spot (from 1 to 9 mm) and its configuration (round or in the form of regular polygons), the laser is highly effective for removing superficial pigment abnormalities: nevi, xanthelasma, melasma. It is permissible to use the method for the treatment of some benign neoplasms (cysts) and malignant structures (basal cell carcinomas).

The procedure for treating skin with an erbium laser does not take much time, causes minor discomfort and can be performed under local anesthesia or even without it. The likelihood of side effects and complications is low, the recovery period is short (does not exceed 10 days).

Carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide) laser generates a high-energy beam that penetrates deep into the thickness of the skin and causes pronounced heating, including areas adjacent to the treatment area. With a certain source power, you can even achieve the effect of tissue dissection (this is used during surgical operations).

This type of laser, unlike erbium laser, is used to correct more pronounced cosmetic defects - eliminating wrinkles and stretch marks of medium depth, smoothing hypertrophic scars, removing unnecessary tattoos. Deep heating of tissues allows you to get a lifting effect and gives a start to regenerative (rejuvenating) physiological reactions.

The high power of the carbon dioxide laser forces it to be used with great caution, especially in areas with thin skin (eyelids, neck). The technique requires mandatory anesthesia (local or general). The recovery period lasts at least 2 weeks (residual effects in the form of pink skin color can persist for up to six months). The likelihood of complications occurring is relatively high: scarring of the treatment area, hyperpigmentation, infection.

There are devices for the combined use of two types of laser, which significantly increases their efficiency and flexibility while reducing the likelihood of complications.

Laser usage modes

Sources of optical radiation can be used in various modes to obtain certain effects.

Traditional and fractional peeling

Traditional processing method– placing a light spot of a sufficiently large area on the surface to be treated. Allows you to obtain a uniform and superficial effect on the skin, well suited for correcting minor and shallow changes.

Fractional peeling(synonyms: drilling, DOT therapy, fractional remodeling, laser microperforation etc.) – manipulation of the beam by applying many point “injections”, which in total occupy no more than 25% of the treatment area. At the same time, a thin and deep column of tissue is burned at the site where the beam hits, as a result of which active healing processes begin due to the division of cells in neighboring areas and the synthesis of structural molecules, which leads to remodeling and rejuvenation of the skin.

Cold and hot laser peeling

Cold peeling (non-ablative fractional photothermolysis) is a gentle version of the technique in which the laser beam is focused in such a way that the surface layers of cells are damaged while the main part of the epidermis layer is preserved. The area of ​​destroyed tissue remains covered with keratinocytes. This option almost completely eliminates the possibility of infection, but does not allow for a pronounced lifting effect.

Hot peeling (ablative fractional photothermolysis) – burning and heating of tissue in the treatment area to a significant depth with evaporation of the stratum corneum. Provides skin contraction (lifting), but at the same time the formation of a large number of open lesions increases the likelihood of infectious complications and increases the duration of the recovery period.

Laser resurfacing

Laser resurfacing is a variant of deep peeling, in which the beam penetrates to a depth of up to 150 micrometers, destroying the basement membrane and part of the dermis. This option is used to correct deep wrinkles, scars and tattoos.

Read more about laser resurfacing.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method


  • Highly effective in most cases in correcting superficial and moderate skin defects.
  • Wide possibility of changing the depth and area of ​​treatment, significant dosing accuracy of the applied energy.
  • Obtaining a fairly lasting result (lasting up to several years).


  • The need to use high-tech and expensive equipment.
  • High requirements for the qualifications and experience of the doctor performing the procedure.
  • The need for anesthesia in cases of deep exposure.
  • Extensive list of contraindications.
  • The presence of a sufficiently long recovery period.
  • There is a high probability of complications, especially in cases of deep exposure.
  • The positive effect does not develop immediately, but gradually increases over several months.
  • The technique is ineffective in cases of severe tissue sagging and the consequences of extensive skin damage.
  • High cost of procedures.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for laser peeling:

  • Signs of aging and skin withering.
  • The presence of wrinkles and scars of superficial and medium depth and severity.
  • Striae (stretch marks).
  • Unevenness of the relief.
  • Various types of hyperpigmentation.
  • Dull skin color.
  • Acne and its consequences (acne and post-acne).
  • Enlarged pores.
  • Flabbiness of the skin.
  • Tattoos to be removed.


  • The presence of unhealed skin lesions in the area of ​​intended treatment (wounds, scratches, abrasions, burns).
  • Local purulent-inflammatory processes (furunculosis, sycosis, impetigo).
  • Active phase of herpes.
  • The patient's tendency to form hypertrophic and keloid scars.
  • Exacerbation of chronic skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis).
  • Papillomas, nevi and molluscum contagiosum in the affected area (in such situations, consultation with a dermatologist is required to decide whether peeling is permissible).
  • The presence of tattoos that the patient does not want to get rid of.
  • Severe internal pathologies.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Mental disorders.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Pathologies of the blood coagulation system.
  • Oncological processes (except for superficial skin formations subject to laser correction; the issue is resolved after a mandatory consultation with an oncologist).
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Feverish conditions of any nature.
  • Systemic pathologies of connective tissue (scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, etc.).
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • History of stroke.
  • IV – VI according to Fitzpatrick (in such dark-skinned and dark-skinned patients, the admissibility of the procedure is determined by the cosmetologist).
  • The presence of any fillers (fillers) under the skin at the site of exposure.
  • Installed pacemaker.
  • Intolerance to local anesthetics (novocaine, lidocaine).
  • Recently performed (less than 2 weeks).
  • Use of retinoids (current or stopped less than six months ago) and oral contraceptives.

Preliminary preparation, procedure technology, post-peeling care

Before laser peeling, it is not recommended to sunbathe, visit a solarium, abuse decorative cosmetics, drink alcohol or perform any cosmetic procedures for several days. A doctor may prescribe antibiotics, antihistamines and antiviral drugs for preventive purposes.

Immediately before laser peeling, mechanical or chemical cleansing of the skin is performed. When treating the face with a laser, the patient wears safety glasses. After disinfection of the treatment area, local or general anesthesia is applied, depending on the specific type of optical emitter. The duration of the peeling procedure depends on the complexity and area of ​​the working area and can range from several minutes to an hour and a half.

After the manipulation, the patient must avoid sunlight, treat the skin with antiseptics and apply products with wound-healing, moisturizing and photoprotective effects. Smoking is not recommended, as it slows down the reparative process due to capillary spasm. If necessary, analgesics, antibiotics and antivirals are taken. The resulting crusts cannot be forcibly removed (this can cause hyperpigmentation), they must be rejected spontaneously; It is also forbidden to scratch the skin.

Possible complications

Laser peeling, especially its deep varieties, may be accompanied by the development of the following complications:

  • Blistering (second degree burn due to too much power of the pulse source).
  • Scarring of the skin.
  • Point hemorrhages.
  • Spread of papillomas (warts) to other areas.
  • “Gauze effect” - the appearance of zones in the form of a grid of multiple depressions. The problem occurs during fractional peeling with incorrectly set parameters and when the patient’s skin is prone to keloid formation.
  • The appearance of areas with increased or decreased pigmentation.
  • Exacerbation of acne.
  • Activation of the herpetic process.
  • Purulent infection of the wound surface.

Laser peeling– a technique effective for initial and moderate age-related and pathological changes in the skin. In cases of pronounced defects, the procedure cannot provide a satisfactory result; in such situations, surgical correction methods are required.

In modern cosmetology there are a lot of technologies that help people look attractive regardless of age. One of them is laser peeling, a hardware procedure for facial rejuvenation. It helps women and men solve a huge number of skin problems. After several sessions, the face looks much better and more well-groomed. Find out what types of services exist and what features are typical for them.

What is laser peeling

This is a cosmetic procedure in which the skin is exposed to a thin beam, divided into a large number of microflows. They treat the covers not with a continuous stain, but with a mesh on problem areas. The main goal of laser peeling is skin rejuvenation and elimination of minor defects. The positive result increases within 6 months after the first session and lasts up to 5 years.

Efficiency of the procedure

Laser peeling is performed to improve the overall appearance of the face. The effect is usually noticeable immediately after the first session. The event provides the following results:

  • removal of scars, spots, stretch marks, scars;
  • skin rejuvenation, increasing its elasticity;
  • slowing down the photoaging process;
  • strengthening the synthesis of collagen and elastin in cells;
  • reducing the severity of the vascular network;
  • salon tattoo removal;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • cell regeneration;
  • mole removal;
  • neutralization of dark circles under the eyes;
  • treatment of acne, pimples, post-acne, burns;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • face and oval lift;
  • leveling the relief of the skin (sagging, folds, bumps);
  • lightening of freckles and age spots.

What is the difference between superficial peeling and laser resurfacing?

The difference between these procedures is the indications, results, and depth of impact. With laser peeling, only the upper stratum corneum of the skin is affected. The penetration depth is up to 30 microns. As a result, the skin becomes smoother and the color improves. Cosmetic defects are not removed. When grinding, the average depth of beam exposure is 100-150 microns. The basement membrane and dermis are destroyed in places. With the help of resurfacing, you can get rid of facial wrinkles, stretch marks, scars, and tattoos.

Laser rejuvenation techniques

Currently, there are several hardware procedures for the face. Peeling is divided into traditional, in which the beam affects large areas of the skin, and fractional, in which the treatment area is not large. Each event has different features and objectives. The choice should be made by a specialist based on the patient’s skin condition and the problems that need to be eliminated.

Traditional peeling

This is the name of the procedure in which the laser spot captures the entire surface of the skin in the treated area. Provides uniform impact. The traditional option is perfect for correcting shallow and minor defects, changes, for example, traces of rashes. The operation is safe when performed correctly and is relatively affordable.

Fractional laser peeling

With this procedure, the beam acts on small areas of the skin. The area of ​​the treated surface does not exceed 20-25% of the total. The laser gives a heat shock, as a result of which the processes of rejuvenation and metabolism in cells are stimulated. Fractional facial peeling has several names:

  • laser fraxel rejuvenation (LAFT rejuvenation);
  • DOT Therapy (Dermal Optical Thermolysis);
  • drilling;
  • DOT therapy (dermal optical thermolysis);
  • laser microperforation;
  • fractional remodeling of the integument;
  • seamless laser lifting;
  • fractional grinding.

What lasers are used

Currently, experts use two types. There are modern devices that combine both types of laser. Brief description of each option:

  1. Carbon CO2 laser. Generates a beam that penetrates deeply into the skin. At its maximum power, it is capable of cutting tissue. Under the influence of a carboxy laser beam, the treatment zone is heated in depth and around the circumference. This speeds up metabolism, stimulates the production of new collagen, and has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. However, exposure to a carbon dioxide ray is too aggressive and can cause scarring.
  2. Erbium. Generates a beam that is absorbed by water. Due to this action, only the top layer of the epithelium is removed - the keratinized one. The beam evaporates old cells gently, so the likelihood of side effects is low. Rehabilitation after peeling using the erbium method is reduced.

Cold laser for face

This procedure is called non-ablative fractional photothermolysis. It involves layer-by-layer removal of the stratum corneum of the epithelium. The installation beam damages deep areas of the skin, but does not affect the stratum corneum. This method of exposure eliminates the appearance of open wounds and infection. However, the destroyed tissue remains in the skin, so the effectiveness of the procedure is reduced.

Under the targeted influence of the beam, a micro-treatment zone appears. This is an area of ​​injured skin. It activates metabolic and recovery processes. During one session, approximately 20% of the facial skin is exposed to the beam. A total of 3 procedures are needed at intervals of one month. As a result, the skin peels, it becomes smooth, velvety, matte. The effect lasts up to six months. The procedure is performed with the following devices:

  1. Fraxel re:store DUAL. There are thulium and erbium lasers to increase the efficiency and softness of the effect.
  2. Clear and Brilliance.
  3. Palomar StarLux 500.

Hot laser peeling

The second name of the procedure is ablative fractional photothermolysis. It significantly warms up the tissues and stimulates metabolic processes. Performed with a thin carbon beam. They perform pinpoint thermal damage in small areas where the skin is completely destroyed. The beam burns out a thin column of tissue. A micro-wound is formed in this place. In it, cells begin to actively divide. The lifting effect is achieved due to the fact that burning a large volume of skin helps reduce its area.

The procedure is characterized by an increase in effect over 2-3 months, and it lasts up to a year. The course consists of 2-3 procedures, the recovery period of each lasts 1-2 weeks. The face is straightened and tightened. With regular hot laser peeling, you can significantly delay the moment when plastic surgery is needed. The procedure is performed only after pain relief. Devices for exposure using the hot method:

  • GentleMax;
  • Bizon More-Xel Scanning;
  • Palomar Lux 1540;
  • SmartXide DOT CO2.

Indications for laser facial cleansing

Peeling is a very serious procedure, so performing it “for fun” is strictly prohibited. Direct indications for the procedure are:

  • loss of tone and elasticity of the skin;
  • stretch marks;
  • photoaging;
  • vascular network;
  • unsuccessful tattoo;
  • enlarged pores;
  • moles;
  • black dots;
  • uneven terrain;
  • burns, acne, pimples;
  • blurry facial contour;
  • lack of collagen and elastin in cells;
  • age spots, stretch marks, scars;
  • small senile wrinkles;
  • follicular cysts;
  • hyperkeratoses;
  • hyperpigmentation.

Preparation for the procedure

Before you go for laser rejuvenation, you need to take certain measures. The specific list of preparatory procedures is determined by the condition of the skin and its structure. There are a number of general recommendations that must be followed:

  • you need to be examined to clarify whether there are any diseases of the internal organs (take a urine test, general and biochemical blood tests, do a cardiogram and fluorography);
  • Before the procedure, you should not sunbathe, stay in the sun for a long time, or visit a solarium;
  • mechanical cleaning should be done and care should be selected that prevents the appearance of new rashes, especially pustular ones;
  • on the day of your visit to the doctor, you should not drink alcohol, engage in heavy physical labor or sports;
  • it is recommended to use cosmetics with acids or have a procedure done in a salon to even out the thickness of the stratum corneum of the epidermis and stimulate restoration processes;
  • two days before the session you cannot use any cosmetics;
  • To prevent herpes, you can take antiviral drugs.

Taking medications

There are a number of cases in which medications are prescribed before the procedure. Your doctor may recommend the following medications:

  1. Antiviral. For the prevention of herpes.
  2. Broad-spectrum antibiotics. To prevent infection.
  3. Antihistamines. For people who often experience allergic reactions to external irritants.

How does laser peeling work?

The algorithm of the specialist’s actions is influenced by the device that will be used to perform the procedure and the condition of the patient’s skin. After anesthesia, if it is performed, the patient wears special glasses to protect the eyes from radiation. When the anesthesia takes effect, the specialist turns on the device, directs the nozzle to the treated area and alternately acts on areas of the skin one or several times. The duration of the procedure is 1-1.5 hours. After it, moisturizing and antiseptic compositions are applied to the face.


The type of anesthesia will depend on the machine used to perform the treatment. If the impact is mild and superficial, then there may be no pain relief at all. The patient will be relieved of discomfort by a directed flow of cold air. If the device has a deep effect, then there are two options for anesthesia: local anesthesia with lidocaine cream or general anesthesia. This increases the duration of the session by 40-60 minutes.

Procedures for care and recovery after laser peeling

On the first day after treatment, you may feel a burning sensation and pain. To reduce discomfort, you can take sedatives and painkillers. On the second or third day, the skin may become covered with films or crusts, acquire a brownish tint, and peel off. Redness and swelling will persist for up to 5-10 days. To recover faster, you need to take the following measures:

  1. From the first day, you need to apply healing preparations to the skin, which are recommended by the doctor (Bepanten, Panthenol). You should also use antimicrobial agents (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin) and special ointments.
  2. Antiviral and antibacterial drugs should be taken for a week.
  3. If the skin is aged, then no later than 2-3 weeks after the session you need to undergo a course of biorevitalization or mesotherapy so that it is completely restored. During the same period, on the recommendation of a cosmetologist, ozone therapy or plasma lifting can be performed.
  4. From the fourth week, microcrystalline microdermabrasion is allowed. This will help remove superficial small scars.
  5. At 8-9 weeks you can begin a course of chemical peeling. It will help reduce or remove a network of scars and other skin defects.
  6. Thermal procedures (baths, saunas) should be avoided for two weeks. You can’t play sports or go to the pool yet. This can cause severe swelling or a pustular rash.
  7. Decorative cosmetics can be used only after the crusts have disappeared and the burn inflammation has subsided. It is imperative to use high-quality sunscreens throughout the year.

Consequences and side effects

If the procedure is carried out correctly, there should be no complications after it. The skin is minimally injured because the laser flow is precise and dosed. However, errors during the procedure and improper care can lead to the following problems:

  • hyperemia;
  • allergic reaction;
  • too long healing period;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • erythema;
  • the formation of bruises and hemorrhages;
  • white bubbles;
  • infectious infection;
  • swelling;
  • dermatitis;
  • acne.

The appearance of blisters and surface erosions

This phenomenon has been encountered by people who have received a sun or thermal burn. If after peeling bubbles appear on the face, erosions form at the site of the opening, they need to be looked after very carefully. Otherwise, areas of hyperpigmentation or deep scars may form at the healing site. Treatment should be recommended by a cosmetologist.

Petechial hemorrhages

This phenomenon is the result of damage to small blood vessels in the skin. Blood pours out in tiny droplets or collects inside. In the second case, bruises form, which change their color over time. As a rule, this consequence of the procedure goes away on its own. No special treatment is required. If the symptom is very disturbing, then it is allowed to use healing drugs.

Gauze effect after laser resurfacing

These are clusters of tiny pinpoint scars. There are two reasons for their formation:

  • incorrect selection of equipment parameters before the procedure;
  • tendency of the skin to form hypertrophic and keloid scars.

To correctly set up the device, the cosmetologist must calculate the thickness of the dermis and epidermis. This is done using special scanning equipment or histological examination. Every client has the gauze effect after surgery. It becomes noticeable 10-14 days after the swelling and crusts have subsided. The mesh can be either practically invisible or so pronounced that a thick layer of decorative cosmetics will not help to disguise it.

Sometimes there is no “gauze” on the face, but the melanocytes die off. These are the cells responsible for tanning. As a result, many round white spots remain on the skin. If the cosmetologist has set up the device correctly, the pinpoint scars will disappear as the burns heal and the skin recovers. As a rule, the mesh disappears in 1-2 months. If this does not happen, the gauze may remain on the skin for several years.

Swelling of the face

Swelling is a standard consequence of laser peeling. The degree of their expression varies. In most cases, swelling goes away on its own without additional treatment. This occurs as the inflammatory process caused by skin damage subsides. If the patient is very concerned about swelling, he should contact the cosmetologist who did the peeling.

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation

This is a serious complication that occurs very often after laser treatments, which include peeling. With it, as a result of excess production of melanin or its uneven distribution, the skin becomes covered with dark spots: brown, bluish-gray. Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is very difficult to treat and is also very difficult to remove.


After laser peeling, the barrier properties of the skin are significantly reduced. This can cause acne to worsen. She is treated with standard medications for such a diagnosis. If excessive acne appears, you should contact the cosmetologist who performed the peeling. The specialist should recommend medications to take and methods of treatment.


There is a very extensive list of diseases and conditions for which laser rejuvenation is prohibited. Contraindications to it are:

  • pustular rash in the affected area;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • warts, herpes, other fungal, bacterial, viral skin diseases;
  • nevi at the site of intended impact;
  • hemophilia, other blood diseases with blood clotting disorders;
  • dark brown skin;
  • decompensated diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • fillers under the skin at the site of treatment;
  • oncology;
  • fresh tan;
  • colds;
  • tattoos in treatment areas that the patient does not plan to remove;
  • connective tissue diseases;
  • tendency to the appearance of hypertrophic and keloid scars;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • increased body temperature;
  • epilepsy, increased convulsive readiness;
  • wounds, scratches, abrasions;
  • tuberculosis;
  • chemical peeling performed less than two weeks ago;
  • suffered a stroke;
  • taking isoretinoids less than six months ago;
  • presence of a pacemaker;
  • taking hormonal contraceptives;
  • psoriasis;
  • intolerance to pain medications;
  • atopic dermatitis in the acute stage.

How much does laser facial peeling cost?

The price of the operation depends on a huge number of parameters: its type, the device that will be used, the qualifications of the cosmetologist and the clinic. For the approximate cost of the service in Moscow, see the following table:

Service name and impact area

Approximate price in rubles

Fraxel Fractional Photothermolysis – Laser Skin Resurfacing

upper eyelids

lower eyelids

upper and lower eyelids

eyelids and periorbital area

face and eyelids

face without eyelid area

face and neck

perioral region


Fraxel fractional photothermolysis – peeling Light

face with eyelids

face without eyelids

Non-ablative laser rejuvenation using neodymium laser GentleYag, Candela

face and neck

Ablative laser rejuvenation (fractional, intensive) with CO2 laser Deep Renue Elite, Sybaritic

eye area

face and neck

Ablative laser rejuvenation (fractional, delicate) using an erbium laser MCL 31 Dermablate, Ascleption Laser Technologies GmbH

eye area

face and neck

Laser peeling (cold all-season) with erbium laser MCL 31 Dermablate, Ascleption Laser Technologies GmbH

eye area

Laser peeling (fractional intensive) with CO2 laser Deep Renue Elite, Sybaritic

2-in-1 rejuvenation (non-ablative and fractional, delicate) with erbium laser MCL 31 Dermablate, Ascleption Laser Technologies GmbH

eye area

Photos before and after


Among procedures that improve skin condition, laser peeling stands out for its effectiveness and low likelihood of side effects. But, in addition to admiring reviews, there are also complaints online about insufficient results and prolonged recovery. In this publication, we will understand what the outcome of the procedure depends on, and what you should pay special attention to when putting yourself in the hands of a specialist.

Laser operating principle

Laser rejuvenation is achieved through a controlled burn when light energy is transformed into heat. Under its influence, the outer layer of cells evaporates, and healthy tissues appear on the surface. The level of patient discomfort and the duration of recovery depends on the type of skin, the modernity of the equipment and the skills of the physician.

To reduce trauma, laser beams are divided into small streams. As a result, the effect is applied to individual areas, and not to a specific spot. This makes the procedure gentle, and on average, patients can return to their normal lifestyle after 1-2 weeks. The intensity of the impact is controlled by a physician, so it is important to contact a reliable clinic.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for the procedure are the presence of the following problems:

  • shallow wrinkles (near the eyes, around the mouth, on the forehead);
  • post-acne scars;
  • insensitivity of the integument after an unsuccessful lifting operation;
  • age spots;
  • enlarged pores;
  • comedones;
  • rosacea;
  • premature photoaging;
  • uneven texture of the integument.

The procedure is not suitable for everyone, as people with fair skin will be ideal candidates. If the skin is very dark, then the doctor selects an alternative option. Contraindications include a number of factors:

  • the presence of inflamed acne, because the procedure is too aggressive for irritated skin;
  • viral and bacterial diseases of the integument;
  • frequent herpes rashes (if they appear more than 2 times a year, the doctor recommends prevention);
  • psoriasis, dermatitis;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • the body’s tendency to form keloid scars;
  • the presence of open wounds on the face;
  • recent tanning;
  • presence of fillers in the treated area;
  • epilepsy, mental illness;
  • taking medications containing isotretinoin within the previous 12 months;
  • weakened immune system;
  • previous stroke;
  • recent chemical peels.

To reduce the risk of side effects, at the preliminary consultation stage, the physician will examine the integument, ask about the state of health and previous diseases. The professional will also tell you what results can be achieved with laser exfoliation. After all, severe changes associated with age can only be eliminated by surgery: blepharoplasty is done on the eyelids, and deep wrinkles are smoothed out after Botox injections. The doctor's honesty remains a condition of professionalism, so he must ensure that you correctly present the achievable result.

What types of lasers are used

Laser peels are most often carried out using the carbon (also called carbon) or erbium method. In clinics in Europe and the USA, these options have replaced alternatives, but in domestic salons, doctors also offer outdated techniques. What type of facial peeling should you choose?

Features of carbon exfoliation

The option of exfoliation using CO2 has been time-tested. It gets rid of wrinkles, scars, enlarged pores on the face, and warts. In the past, carbon peels were called “hot peels” because the tissue in the treated area is subjected to significant heat. As a result, the recovery period takes up to 2 weeks, and the experience of the specialist plays an important role. He must control the intensity of the impact, paying special attention to the delicate eyelids and décolleté area. But unless the doctor is using outdated equipment, the risk is low: the latest models send very short pulses of light or scatter the beams, which reduces the likelihood of injury.

Applications of Erbium Laser

For those wishing to remove the surface layer of the epidermis, dermatologists offer erbium peeling. It smooths out wrinkles not only on the face, but also on other parts of the body: the back of the hands, décolleté, and neck. The main advantage of the process remains low trauma.

The method is also called a “cold” peel, so the likelihood of swelling, bruising and redness will be low. This option is suitable for patients who do not complain of significant problems or age-related changes. The result will stay with you for a long time, since peeling triggers the production of collagen in the body. Since this protein is responsible for the elasticity of the integument, its original elasticity returns. This means you will look several years younger!

Erbium peeling is less traumatic compared to carbon peeling, since the effect is only on the upper layers of the skin.

Fractional method: successful innovation

The salons will also offer you fractional peeling, performed using the Fraxel device. It has a complex effect:

  • eliminates age-related changes and scars;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • evens out the texture;
  • removes age spots and freckles.

The process and results depend on the type of equipment. The procedure performed with an ablative laser is relatively inexpensive. During its course, light energy is converted into heat and heats the water in the surface cells of the epidermis. Those evaporate, giving way to new and healthy tissues. But, since the protective layer of the integument - the epidermis - is damaged, recovery takes 14 days. The skin is sensitive at this time.

Non-ablative devices act on the dermis without affecting the epidermis. Rejuvenation is achieved by renewing the deep layers of the skin. But it will not be possible to say unequivocally which option is better, since the choice is made taking into account the condition of the integument and the severity of the problems.

Fraxel devices belong to the following subtypes:

  1. Fraxel Re:fine is a non-ablative device used for prevention and maintenance of achieved results. After the procedure, you will notice an improvement in the texture of the skin, the disappearance of age spots and the first wrinkles.
  2. Fraxel Dual acts on both damaged and aging tissues. It is used when you need to eliminate a scar from an unsuccessful operation, stimulate cell growth, and increase collagen production.
  3. Fraxel Re:surfacing is an ablative type. Peeling will be the most aggressive, but improvement can be achieved even in difficult cases.

You can verify the effectiveness of the options by looking at the photos before and after the procedure.

To achieve results, it is important to select exfoliation taking into account the type of problems and characteristics of the skin. The doctor may also recommend additional mesotherapy, which will shorten the rehabilitation period. Acting in combination, you will enhance the production of collagen, get rid of dead tissue and stimulate metabolic processes.

Once you find out what features characterize different types of laser peeling and what they are, you will choose the best option.

How the procedure is carried out: step-by-step description

Thanks to advances in cosmetology, the procedure is safe in most cases. But proper preparation, adherence to technology during the process and post-peeling care will reduce the risks to a minimum. To avoid complications, study all stages.

Pre-peeling preparation: inspection and preliminary measures

When you come in for a consultation, your dermatologist will ask questions about your health and any medications you have taken recently. He is also interested in what cosmetic procedures you have done.

In the next step, the dermatologist examines your face and determines what improvement can be achieved. He also notes factors that can affect the result (thickness and shade of the integument).

Then the doctor introduces you to the features of pre-peeling preparation:

  1. If you complain of frequent herpes outbreaks, you will be prescribed a course of antiviral drugs.
  2. To avoid infections, patients may be prescribed antibiotics.
  3. Smokers are advised to abstain from nicotine for 2 weeks before and after the scheduled date.
  4. It is necessary to stop taking medications that affect blood clotting.
  5. For 2 weeks, the skin is treated with products that contain retinoids.
  6. Find out in advance what you will need during the recovery period. You will have to stay at home for more than one day, so the necessary things should be at hand.

During your appointment, ask questions and ask to see photographs of patients with similar problems: this will give you a realistic idea of ​​the achievable result. By following your dermatologist's recommendations, you will reduce the risk of complications.

Main stage: how peeling works

The procedure itself consists of the following steps:

  1. The doctor removes any remaining makeup from the face and selects the appropriate level of pain relief. Depending on the intensity of the upcoming impact and the area being treated, the dermatologist uses local anesthesia or resorts to general anesthesia . When applying this measure, the duration of the procedure is increased by 1 hour, since the drug does not act immediately.
  2. The dermatologist protects your eyes with special glasses and begins laser treatment of your face. If an ablative device is used, the procedure time will be 30-120 minutes. With non-ablative devices, the dermatologist applies a special water-based gel to the area. In this case, the laser does not act on the epidermis, but on the collagen located in the dermis. The duration of the process will be 15-90 minutes, depending on the area of ​​the area and the equipment used.
  3. To relieve pain, use cooling compresses. Finally, the doctor makes a soothing mask.

Then the doctor explains how to care for your face during the recovery period. If necessary, he will prescribe steroids to help reduce swelling in the eye area. All that remains is to go home, and keep in mind that you should not drive: the drugs used may affect your reaction.

Depending on the type of skin, the dermatologist prescribes additional measures. If the skin is severely dry, they often resort to injections of hyaluronic acid, which are done after complete recovery.

Post-peeling period: recovery stages and necessary care

If during the procedure patients do not experience pain, then the next day the discomfort becomes noticeable. Its level depends on whether you did superficial, medium or deep peeling, because in the latter case the pain may appear at night and interfere with falling asleep.

On the 1st day after the procedure, swelling occurs, and it is complemented by skin tightness. The integument changes color, becoming covered with a brown crust, but it cannot be torn off. The face should be washed with boiled water and smeared with special gels recommended by a dermatologist.

On the 3rd day, the pain subsides, and the crusts begin to peel off. To speed up the process, apply the ointment, let it work for 1 hour and remove the residue by gently blotting. Final healing occurs after 2 weeks, but in some cases the period increases to 1 month.

Also during the rehabilitation period you need to remember the following restrictions:

  1. The face should not be exposed to extremely high or low temperatures. Avoid visiting the bathhouse, sauna or solarium.
  2. The skin should be treated with products containing SPF filters. Do not neglect the protective cream even if you are not going to leave the house. Enough ultraviolet rays penetrate through the windows to harm already damaged skin.
  3. Avoid using decorative cosmetics. To hide redness under a layer of foundation, you need to wait until the epidermis has recovered sufficiently.

The duration of tissue regeneration depends on the type of equipment, because non-ablative technologies almost do not injure the epidermis. But the result is also less pronounced, so set your priorities in advance.

Side effects and ways to prevent them

When agreeing to a procedure, consider the likelihood of side effects:

  1. Redness and swelling make themselves felt in most cases. Your face will also itch and hurt, but you can reduce the discomfort with medications. It is important that redness in some cases disappears only after 6 months.
  2. If you suffer from acne, the problem will worsen immediately after peeling. This is due to the use of thick ointments necessary during rehabilitation. The rashes will decrease when the skin is restored, so there is no need to resort to additional measures.
  3. After deep exfoliation, blisters similar to burn blisters may form on the face. Treatment in this case is prescribed by a dermatologist.
  4. When small vessels are injured, pinpoint hemorrhages appear. No additional measures will be required as tiny bruises will disappear naturally.
  5. Pigmentation changes occur in 30-40% of cases. The skin in the treated area becomes darker, and the dermatologist resorts to chemical peels to even out the color. If no action is taken, the problem disappears after a couple of months.
  6. According to reviews, before and after the procedure there may be a significant difference in the severity of wrinkles. Peeling adds dryness to the skin, folds become more noticeable, so the doctor will prescribe a restorative course of injections.
  7. The risk of various infections increases. To prevent them, antibacterial films, antiseptics and hydrogels are used.
  8. If technology is violated, scars may occur, so contact a qualified specialist.
  9. In rare cases, using an ablative laser on the area near the eyes causes eyelid inversion. The risk increases if you have had lower eyelid blepharoplasty in the past. To avoid complications, notify your dermatologist and look for alternative methods together.
  10. The gauze effect, as the formation of numerous pinpoint scars is called, occurs when the equipment settings are incorrect.

Additional measures should not be neglected, but the total cost of laser exfoliation will increase. Ask your dermatologist in advance about the nuances to avoid unpleasant surprises.

You have already learned about the main complications after the procedure, and you can clarify unclear points by watching the video:

Expectation and reality: reviews of laser peeling

When resorting to the procedure, remember that the laser removes the top layer of cells or affects the dermis. Since the intervention is quite aggressive, you must prepare for how your face will look during the recovery period.

According to reviews, laser exfoliation allows you to get rid of small wrinkles, uneven pigmentation, acne scars, and bags under the eyes. But a lot depends on the skill of the dermatologist, so make sure he is qualified. Often disappointments are associated with the fact that the doctor did not warn about the need for additional sessions. When contacting a conscientious specialist, no complaints arise. You will see the peeling results in the photo.

Also make sure that the doctor understands what you want to get and considers the expectations realistic: most dissatisfied reviews are related to the fact that patients hoped for a dramatic transformation after 1 procedure. But the number of visits to the salon and the frequency of courses depend on the initial condition of the skin. In some cases, it is necessary to conduct up to 8 sessions with breaks of 45 days, which affects the price. The course is repeated every 2-5 years.

Factors that cause customer dissatisfaction include price: on average it is 12,000 rubles. per session. For this money you will receive treatment of the face, eyelids and upper neck. How much does laser peeling cost the entire neck and décolleté? You will have to pay 25,000 rubles.

Laser or chemical peeling

Surely you have a question about what type of procedure to prefer: exposure to laser beams or chemical exfoliation. The answer will be given by Robert Kotler, an American plastic surgeon who has performed more than 10,000 beauty procedures. In his opinion, laser technologies are not satisfactory. The only thing you need to worry about is the skill of the dermatologist!

Robert Kotler says doctors have been using chemical peels for more than 50 years. Laser technologies appeared 10-15 years ago, and they made it possible to intervene in processes at the cellular level. The effectiveness was not satisfactory, but doctors needed time to perfect the process. If you follow the timeline, you will notice that negative reviews and complaints about side effects have become less frequent over recent years. But chemical peels are still safer, although they give less noticeable results.

Make allowances for the fact that domestic specialists lag behind American and European ones. In addition, they use old equipment that foreign dermatologists have abandoned. The risk of complications is higher, so ask what kind of device the doctor is using.

According to Kotler, laser exfoliation can be dangerous due to the dermatologist's lack of experience, so weigh the pros and cons.

Patients also wonder which option is better for getting rid of wrinkles: laser peeling or Botox injection. One thing to keep in mind is that these types of treatments are designed for different problems. While peels remove dead cells or work on the dermis, Botox relaxes facial muscles, which leads to smoother skin. The choice depends on the result you intend to achieve:

  1. Do you want to quickly get rid of deep wrinkles? Choose Botox.
  2. Is your goal to restore elasticity to your skin while also removing brown “age” spots? You will love the results of the laser procedure.

On the advice of your doctor, you can combine 2 types of treatment, which will give comprehensive rejuvenation.

What is the difference between laser peeling and resurfacing?

The difference between peeling and laser resurfacing lies in the depth of impact on the skin:

  1. Resurfacing involves the rays affecting the dermis and basement membrane. They penetrate 100 microns into the skin, removing scars, tattoos and stretch marks.
  2. When peeling, the rays penetrate only 30 microns. As a result, they remove only the top layer of the epidermis, leaving the dermis intact. The recovery period is shorter, but the result is less pronounced.

Dermatologists often believe that resurfacing is not a separate procedure. They call it deep peeling because the principle of action is no different. But the purpose depends on the type of problem: you should not choose an intensive procedure if you only need light rejuvenation! Deep peeling remains a traumatic method, so a qualified dermatologist will first try to get rid of problems in gentle ways.


Laser peeling eliminates superficial wrinkles, age spots, and stretched pores. But you need to remember that the procedure cannot be called harmless: to achieve results, you will have to prepare the skin for the effects and prepare for a long recovery. After medium and deep peels, patients are forced to endure pain that bothers them for 1-2 days. Full recovery takes 2-3 weeks, although in some cases the side effects disappear only after 6 months. You will also need to purchase medications for care, which will increase costs.

But the main condition for success will be the qualifications of a physician. Laser peeling, carried out at a professional level, eliminates scars, age spots, and crow's feet. It gives a general rejuvenating effect and eliminates the effects of photoaging. Check the reviews about the doctor you decide to see, study photos of his work, and the result will not disappoint.

Patients of the Clinical Institute of Aesthetic Medicine have access to all modern innovative methods of professional care and healing. Premium drugs, world-class service and transformative treatments from highly qualified specialists are available in the heart of Moscow.

Renewal of the skin is a natural, continuous process that maintains its youth. If this natural mechanism is disrupted, the removal of dead particles from its surface is delayed, which provokes the emergence of many problems. Unhealthy complexion, pigmentation, a network of fine wrinkles, clogged pores, acne - all this is evidence of insufficient exfoliation of the dead layer of the epidermis. A laser peeling procedure will help get rid of dead skin cells and “erase” a few extra years from your face.

Application of laser in cosmetology

Currently, there are three types of peelings in cosmetology: mechanical, chemical, hardware. Laser belongs to the latter type, considered highly effective and safe.

Lasers are widely used in cosmetology as a universal, precise and multitasking device. The specialist can adjust the beam length, depth and time of exposure to the skin to achieve the desired result. Based on the depth of beam penetration, there are three types of peeling: superficial, medium, deep.

For deep, a CO2 laser is needed, which is used in surgery. The disadvantage of this method is the inability to 100% control the penetration depth of light pulses. Superficial and middle ones are carried out using erbium installations. Such devices have a special filter that controls the depth of penetration of the beam into the layers of the skin. They are more accurate, modern and absolutely safe when used correctly.

Laser peeling methods

Depending on the beam structure, there are full beam peeling and fractional peeling method. The first involves exposure to a single beam. The process is somewhat painful, and is followed by a fairly long rehabilitation period. Within a week, the skin will actively peel off, like after a sunburn.

Fractional laser peeling is more modern, less traumatic and less painful. Due to the division of the beam into smaller fractions (micro-beams), a targeted effect occurs on the cells of the treated area. This significantly reduces the rehabilitation period and causes less discomfort to the patient. Fractional facial peeling is called a weekend procedure due to its rapid recovery.

Fotona lasers

Laser facial peeling in Moscow can be performed at KIEM, where a high-tech Fotona device is used. This is a unique installation that has no analogues in its efficiency and safety. Stunning aesthetic transformation with minimal recovery time, high precision and effectiveness - thanks to these qualities, Fotona Technology (FT) has won the trust of professionals in all developed countries of the world.

Only Fotona units have access to a full range of laser rejuvenation services, as well as a set of unique, one-of-a-kind technical characteristics. FT peeling is a modern cosmetic procedure with unprecedented effectiveness. Rejuvenation, smoothing of the relief, elimination of defects, restoration, firmness, elasticity and healthy complexion - these and many other results are achieved thanks to the Photon laser.

Description of the procedure

The cosmetologist first prepares the patient’s skin using special anesthetics. After this, depending on the characteristics of the skin, the doctor adjusts the length of the beam, determines the depth and time of its impact on each zone.

FT facial peeling consists of evaporating the upper layer of the epidermis with dead cells and all existing defects. Thanks to the possibility of individual device settings for each client, the result of the procedure is always predictable, and the cosmetologist can fully control the process.

The laser destroys dead skin cells, thereby starting the regeneration process. By evaporating the stratum corneum, the beam also affects healthy cells, stimulating the deep layers of the skin to produce elastin and collagen fibers - the main proteins of youth.

Benefits of laser peeling

Thanks to the ability to set individual settings, the laser can be used on any skin without fear of injuring it - this is an absolute advantage of procedures performed using a laser. Despite the fact that cosmetology offers different types of professional procedures aimed at exfoliating the surface layers of the epidermis, laser facial peeling remains the undisputed leader. Let's list its main advantages.

  1. Precision and safety. Fotona laser systems, operating using the fractional method, provide penetration accuracy down to microns. This ensures absolute safety of laser facial peeling, provided it is carried out by a qualified specialist.
  2. Impressive efficiency. Already after the first session, significant changes become noticeable. Active tissue regeneration starts, skin defects and imperfections disappear.
  3. Bactericidal properties. FT peeling is the most successful choice for patients whose skin is prone to acne. The beam destroys not only dead particles of the epidermis, but also bacteria that cause inflammation.
  4. Hypoallergenic. The skin's reaction to laser resurfacing is always predictable, since no cosmetic products are used during the procedure. Light pulses do not cause allergic reactions and are successfully used in cases where chemical peeling is contraindicated.
  5. Comfort during the procedure. The laser session is quite easily tolerated by the patient thanks to the use of modern anesthetics. Correct setting of the device ensures that only dead cells that are not associated with nerve endings are removed.
  6. Prolonged result. After “polishing” the skin continues to actively renew itself for some time. The result lasts for several months and fully justifies the price of the procedure.
  7. No side effects. Provided that laser facial peeling is carried out by a professional cosmetologist using modern equipment with the ability to control beam penetration, side effects are excluded.
  8. Peeling the skin around the eyes. Laser is the only safe and effective way to rejuvenate areas with sensitive, thin skin. Laser peeling around the eyes allows you to smooth out wrinkles, make your eyes look fresher and more youthful, without damaging the delicate tissues.
  9. Possibility of combination with other procedures. Laser rejuvenation can be combined with other procedures to obtain a more pronounced result. An impressive effect is produced by the combination of laser peeling with plasma lifting, as well as with other injection techniques and contouring.

Results of the procedure

Laser peeling in Moscow is one of the most popular aesthetic procedures due to its high effectiveness and wide range of applications. In the skillful hands of a qualified cosmetologist, the Photon device can solve almost any problem. Clients of the clinic in their reviews talk about the following results of the procedure.

  1. Rejuvenation. Along with the upper layer of the epidermis, all visible age-related changes - pigmentation, a network of fine wrinkles, spider veins - “evaporate” during the procedure. Immediately after tissue restoration, which is completed within 3 to 4 days, the patient notices significant visual rejuvenation of the skin. Active production of collagen and elastin occurs in the deep layers of the skin for six months or longer after the procedure, which gives a pronounced and prolonged lifting effect, which in many cases can become an alternative to a surgical facelift. The effect of a laser session lasts for a year.
  2. Elimination of irregularities. The Photon device successfully eliminates scars, stretch marks, post-acne and other changes in skin texture. Light pulses evaporate the top layer of tissue and stimulate the deeper layers of the skin to form new healthy cells. As a result, the tissue damaged by scars is replaced by a new, healthy and smooth one.
  3. Uniform and healthy complexion. The cosmetic procedure returns a beautiful and uniform color to the skin, eliminating age spots, post-acne and unhealthy gray tint caused by poorly exfoliated dead epidermal cells.
  4. Acne treatment. Thanks to the Fotona laser system, you can forget about inflammation on your face. The beam evaporates all irregularities, eliminates the phenomenon of hyperkeratosis, foci of inflammation, and destroys all bacteria that cause their development. Treatment of acne with this method allows you to avoid scarring and pigmentation. The result of the course is perfectly smooth, uniform skin.
  5. Reducing pore size. Enlarged pores look unsightly, are poorly masked by decorative cosmetics and often become clogged, causing inflammation. Peeling with erbium and neodymium lasers using the Photon apparatus in 2 - 3 procedures will help make pores almost invisible.

The effectiveness and safety of laser peeling largely depend on the qualifications of the cosmetologist. The specialist must correctly determine the skin phototype, take into account all its features, make a correct diagnosis, and only then adjust the device in accordance with the data received. The Clinical Institute of Aesthetic Medicine invites you to undergo a session of rejuvenation and elimination of skin defects using the Fotona installation. Experienced, qualified, world-class specialists will help you maintain youth and transform the appearance of your skin.

Hardware peeling is one of the popular cosmetic skin care methods. You can get rid of aesthetic defects using various methods of exfoliation. As a result of the removal of dead cells, renewal processes are launched. The relief is evened out, pigmentation and a network of wrinkles disappear. The procedure is accompanied by damage to the integument; the depth of impact depends on the goals of therapy. Laser facial peeling involves heat treatment, which results in a burn.

Injured tissues gradually regenerate; during healing, active synthesis of collagen and elastin occurs. The rejuvenation effect is comparable to plastic surgery, but the process is accompanied by a long recovery period. There are also risks of predictable and unpredictable complications. The final result depends on the experience, qualifications of the cosmetologist, and the patient’s willingness to follow all medical instructions.

The essence of peeling

A type of hardware peeling for cleansing, rejuvenation, removal of scars, post-acne, and getting rid of age spots. There is a traditional method, laser exposure covers the entire problem area. And fractional, small areas of tissue are worked out. During the procedure, a directed beam destroys melanin, quantum waves heat and destroy selective areas, the particles of which are removed through the vessels. Toxins are cleansed and dead cells are replaced with new tissues.

After removing the upper surface layer, the integument is actively regenerated. The skin produces collagen and elastin fibers, which provides a pronounced rejuvenation effect. A distinctive feature of the laser method from other types of peelings is the ability to adjust the depth of beam penetration to solve individual aesthetic problems.

Indications for the procedure

Prescribed for the face, neck, décolleté, arms, problem areas of the body. There are 3 degrees of impact - superficial, deep and surgical. Laser peeling involves surface treatment without traumatizing the basement membrane. It is prescribed starting from the age of 18, but most patients are treated at the age of 25 years and older.

Pay attention! Skin type does not matter; after the procedure, thanks to regeneration processes, the general condition of the skin is normalized.

Performed strictly according to indications:

  • age spots;
  • wide pores;
  • scars, cicatrices, post-acne;
  • hilly terrain;
  • networks of wrinkles, including around the eyes;
  • crow's feet in the eyelid area;
  • first age-related changes;
  • unhealthy complexion.

Peeling effectiveness

As a result of the course, it is possible to whiten pigmentation and achieve pronounced lifting. It is possible to cope with scars and stretch marks, restoring an impeccable, even texture.

Effective for use after 30 years, it is possible to increase the elasticity of the skin and give clarity to the oval line. But the main indications for use are pronounced defects - scars, post-acne marks and uneven pigmentation.

By following the protocol and recommendations of the recovery period, it is possible to achieve velvety renewed skin, with impeccable color and smooth, stretched texture. In total, you will need to undergo from 2 to 8 procedures, depending on the objectives of the course, often carried out once a month.

What equipment is used to perform

In modern cosmetology, 2 types of laser are used for hardware peeling:

  • Carbon co2- creates radiation exposure at maximum power. Heating occurs not only in target areas, but also in adjacent areas, as well as in deeper layers. Aggressive exposure can lead to tissue scarring and other complications. But a positive effect is also observed: a more intense synthesis of collagen and elastin occurs, providing pronounced lifting.

  • Erbium laser- the generated beam is absorbed by water, the effect is directed at the keratinized cells of the surface layer. This allows you to significantly shorten the rehabilitation period and reduce the likelihood of side effects. Used to improve the appearance of the skin and prevent aging.

Also in practice, combined devices are used to achieve the desired result with minimal risk of side effects.

There are portable kits for performing laser rejuvenation at home. The action is aimed at the deep layers without damaging the surface epidermis. This eliminates the rehabilitation period and tissue injury does not occur. It has a slight lifting effect and prevents the aging process. But with the help of such devices it is difficult to perform the main tasks of peeling, getting rid of scars, pigmentation, wrinkles, they are used in a general home care program. The price of the devices starts from 7,000 rubles. and reaches 60,000 rubles.

Types of peeling

Medical cosmetology uses several types of laser exfoliation; the choice of method depends on the objectives of the procedure and the patient’s skin type.

Fractional- laser exposure is carried out by a single beam, including a fragmented set of laser pulses. Each of which, due to heating, creates micro-wounds and vertical columns. The effects are directed to target areas, while adjacent areas are not damaged.

Cold non-ablative fractional peeling- layer-by-layer removal of keratinized cells occurs. Laser treatment is carried out at deep levels, but the method eliminates the formation of burns. The destroyed particles remain in the skin and are eliminated through the bloodstream. At the site of laser exposure, an area of ​​injured skin is formed, where metabolic processes and collagen synthesis are activated. In 1 session, no more than 20% of the skin is treated, the frequency of execution is once every 4 weeks. As a result, it is possible to improve the color and structure of the skin, prevent sagging and the appearance of wrinkles. After the procedure, there is no border between the laser-treated and untreated areas. The recovery period lasts no more than 5 days, and the effect lasts up to 6 months.

Hot ablative fractional peeling provides an increase in temperature in tissues with subsequent stimulation of metabolic processes. A thin carbon laser beam targets problem areas in a targeted manner.

During dot treatment, the skin is completely destroyed, resulting in the formation of micro-wounds. Active cell division begins in the affected areas, providing a rejuvenating effect. Reduction of the skin flap due to tissue trauma leads to pronounced lifting.

The procedure has an increasing effect, the final result can be assessed after 2-3 months. The use of anesthesia is required, with deep effects - anesthesia. Prescribed in the presence of pigmentation, scars, wrinkles of varying degrees.

The course consists of 3 procedures, sessions are conducted every 3 weeks. Recovery lasts up to 2 weeks, the effect is observed up to 12 months.

Diamond- a type of superficial fractional peeling, prescribed for thin skin of the eyelids, back of the hands, inner thighs. The course includes 6–8 procedures, carried out once a month. It has a short recovery period and reduced risks of complications. Prescribed for initial signs of skin aging, uneven structure, networks of wrinkles, enlarged pores, hyperpigmentation.

Microlaser or weekend smoothie peeling- characterized by a short recovery period, which lasts no more than 4 days. During the procedure, for a comfortable procedure, the system cools the skin to -40º. Does not require anesthesia; controlled, precise exposure is selected individually for each patient. Prescribed for young skin to whiten pigmentation, treat acne and acne, and eliminate postoperative defects. It is also suitable for aging dermis with signs of aging; it allows you to get rid of crow’s feet and fine wrinkles. The course consists of 3-4 sessions, conducted once a month.

Carbon CO2- ensures the removal of dead cells, as well as photorejuvenation. A carbon-based nanogel is used; under the influence of pulses, photoactivation of molecules occurs, followed by cell destruction. The procedure is gentle and the risks of complications are minimal. The recovery period is reduced to several days, the effect lasts up to six months. Prescribed in the complex treatment of problematic, teenage skin, acne. Helps cope with unexpressed wrinkles and wide pores. The only type of peeling whose use has no seasonal restrictions.

The depth of exposure is distinguished between light, superficial, and deep; the choice of method depends on the objectives of the procedure. Light and superficial exfoliation is used in delicate areas to prevent aging processes, cleanse the skin, and give a fresh, well-groomed appearance. Deep peeling has a pronounced lifting effect and is used to remove scars, cicatrices, and smooth out bumpy structures.

Preparatory stage

Before the procedure, the doctor collects a detailed medical history to exclude possible contraindications. You may need to undergo a number of standard tests, this will prevent complications by identifying hidden pathologies.


  • It is not recommended to sunbathe or visit a solarium during the week;
  • You cannot carry out traumatic cosmetic procedures in a salon or at home, including hair removal;
  • alcohol and drugs that affect blood clotting are prohibited;
  • you should limit the use of decorative cosmetics and toning products with a comedogenic effect 2 days before the procedure;
  • To prevent complications, antiviral therapy or broad-spectrum antibiotics can be prescribed.

Do you need special qualifications as a cosmetologist?

Laser peeling is a traumatic procedure, the effects are often accompanied by burns and complications. You can only trust the procedure to a cosmetologist with a medical education. A qualified specialist can, after assessing the condition of the skin, choose the optimal type and depth of treatment. The client must be informed about the complications observed after the laser rejuvenation method. Also, certain requirements are imposed on the devices; they must be in good working order, with an unexpired service life.

How is the procedure performed in clinics?

The protocol depends on the device used and the peeling tasks. Superficial and light, it does not require anesthesia; the anesthetic is used at the request of the patient. Discomfort is neutralized by a flow of air that cools the skin.

For deep exfoliation, an anesthetic ointment must be applied or general anesthesia must be administered. The procedure takes from 20 to 60 minutes; when using an injectable anesthetic, the duration increases by another hour.


  1. The skin is cleansed using mild professional products without abrasive particles. The patient wears safety glasses to protect the eyes from the aggressive effects of the laser.
  2. Not only the target areas, but also the adjacent areas are treated with an antiseptic.
  3. An anesthetic cream is applied or the patient is placed under general anesthesia. After the onset of its action, the integument is again treated with an antiseptic, which removes any remaining ointment.
  4. Using a laser and a set program, the cosmetologist works on the tissues. Problem areas with pigmentation, scars, and wrinkles are treated twice.
  5. After completion, a regenerating mask is applied to speed up the healing process.

The patient is then educated about skin care during recovery. When performing deep peeling, it is recommended to stay in the hospital for a day.

Photo immediately after the procedure

Photos before and after

Healing period

Immediately after peeling, the skin turns red, serous fluid is released, and the temperature of the tissue surface increases significantly. Brown spots may form, red dots are observed over the entire area, these are traces of radiation exposure. Swelling increases throughout the day, wrinkles and scars become more pronounced. Crusts will form for about a week, requiring careful care. The healing process lasts no more than 14 days, but redness persists for a month. The effect depends on the type of peeling and the patient’s lifestyle; the result lasts from 6 to 12 months.

Care during the recovery period:

  • for deep peeling, apply bandages made of sterile bandages or mesh, soaked in Vaseline, which are changed every 3 hours;
  • several times a day, over the bandage, ice packs or ice wrapped in a cloth are applied for 15 minutes to relieve swelling;
  • To soften the crusts and remove the ichor, use a vinegar solution; take a glass of water. a spoonful of white vinegar, moistened wipes are applied for 5 minutes, the procedure is completed after the skin stops bleeding and the crusts are easily removed;
  • for pain relief you can take Tempalgin; broad-spectrum antibiotics are also often prescribed; they must be taken for up to 10 days;
  • after compresses, the skin is treated with a solution of Chlorhexidine; cosmetic products cannot be used for washing;
  • sleep on a high pillow, on your back, with your head and upper chest elevated relative to your body position;
  • For the first week, you should not use decorative cosmetics, rub your face, use care products with aggressive ingredients, and it is not recommended to leave the house;
  • in the second week it is allowed to go outside and use sunscreen and moisturizers;
  • after 3–4 weeks it is possible to evaluate the results, carry out biorevitalization and mesotherapy, and schedule the next peeling session;
  • You can sunbathe 2 months after the course.

Average cost of a session in Moscow clinics

The cost depends on the depth of impact, the capabilities of the device, and the area being treated. The use of anesthesia and additional cosmetics also affects. Depending on the type of laser peeling, the price varies from 5,000 to 40,000 rubles, the maximum amount includes treatment of the face and décolleté area. How much the procedure will cost will be determined by the cosmetologist after choosing a therapy program.

Can it be done at home?

Laser peeling is not carried out independently; it requires not only the use of expensive professional equipment, but also medical education. At home, portable skin care devices are used; they do not injure the skin.

Not effective for combating pigmentation, scars, wrinkles, but have a slight tonic and lymphatic drainage effect.

Rules of use:

  • use after cleansing, on dry skin without signs of damage;
  • exposure time - from 5 to 10 minutes;
  • apply 1–2 times a week;
  • Results can be assessed after 3 months.

Contraindications for use are general with restrictions, as for professional peeling.


During the consultation, the cosmetologist conducts a thorough medical history, Additional examination may be required to identify contraindications:

  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • postoperative period;
  • pustular skin lesions;
  • herpes;
  • tendency to form keloid scars;
  • viral infections;
  • increased body temperature;
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.


  • blisters, as after a thermal or sunburn;
  • atrophic scars, gauze mesh effect;
  • pinpoint hemorrhages, hematomas;
  • swelling;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • the appearance of ulcers, acne.

Depending on the side effects, the correction method is selected. When tissue becomes scarred, chemical peeling is prescribed. For aging skin, it is recommended to undergo biorevitalization or mesotherapy. For acne, a comprehensive treatment is selected. Post-inflammatory pigmentation is difficult to correct and remains forever. Burns go away on their own without consequences, provided that medical recommendations are followed.

Pros and cons

During the consultation, a qualified cosmetologist informs the patient not only about the possibilities of the procedure, but also about the predicted complications.


  • the ability to get rid of scars, scars, deep wrinkles;
  • after the first session you can see changes;
  • impact parameters are adjusted individually;
  • the use of anesthesia ensures a comfortable procedure;
  • If the protocol is followed, the risks of side effects are reduced.


  • long healing period;
  • compliance with daily care rules;
  • traumatic procedure;
  • the result depends on the experience and qualifications of the cosmetologist;
  • high cost.

Comparison with other hardware techniques

Laser resurfacing and peeling differ in indications, depth of impact and results. When grinding, the beam penetrates 100–150 microns, peeling can be done up to 30 microns, the basement membrane is not affected. Medium and deep peeling is equivalent to grinding and allows you to remove wrinkles, scars, and tattoos. The superficial effect is aimed at overall improvement of skin condition, evening out color and structure.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Cosmetologists share observations about laser peeling and the use of certain devices.

The specialist describes the shortcomings of Chinese devices and compares them with European products.

The cosmetologist is wondering whether it is possible to carry out carbon peeling using the Incanto machine.

In the review, the specialist asks which laser to buy for rejuvenation, treatment of rosacea, pigmentation and other problems. The cosmetologist advises FriendlyLight to also undergo training at the seminar.