
Summer sports entertainment for the senior group on the street. Sports entertainment in the first junior group. “A fun journey. Summer play holiday in kindergarten. Senior preschool age

Summer sports entertainment for the senior group on the street.  Sports entertainment in the first junior group.  “A fun journey. Summer play holiday in kindergarten.  Senior preschool age

Sports entertainment for children of the 1st junior group “Who came to visit?”

Target: To cheer up children, to show activity, independence and initiative in actions.
Continue learning to walk on a limited area of ​​support while maintaining stable balance;
practice jumping in place, landing on bent legs.
Continue to improve motor skills
Practice walking and running, coordinating the movements of your arms and legs.
Form correct posture and prevent flat feet.
Develop agility, speed, and the ability to navigate the space of the hall.
Strengthen children's knowledge about wild animals.
Reinforce the content of familiar nursery rhymes and poems.
Equipment: ribbed path, two ropes for a “stream”, a hoop, a path with footprints, a bench; toys: bear, hedgehog, hare and fox, mushroom models

Educator: If there is no one somewhere, then there is someone somewhere. But where is this someone? And where could he have climbed? This someone hid with us. Let's look for him. (children walk around the hall, along a ribbed path, jump over the “stream”, along the path - footprints, crawl through a hoop, along a bench, find a bear)
Educator: Who is this?
Children: bear, teddy bear.
Educator: What poem do we know about the bear?
Children: The clubfooted bear is walking through the forest,
He collects cones and sings songs.
Suddenly a cone fell, right on the bear’s forehead!
The bear got angry and stomped his foot!
Educator: Show me how the bear walks? (music)
Bear: Do you know how to walk on a bench?
Educator: Of course, bear!
Bear: Then follow me. (children walk along the bench, saying after the teacher: top, top)
Educator: Here comes our little bear, He will never fall. Top-top, top-top, top-top, top-top.
Bear: You are fast and dexterous. Aren't you bored with me? Let's look for something else!
Educator: If there is no one somewhere, then there is someone somewhere. But where is this someone and where could he have gotten into? (children walk around the hall, along a path - footprints, along a ribbed path, along a bench, jump over a stream, climb through a hoop, find a hedgehog)
Hedgehog: Hello children!
Educator: Hello, hedgehog. How prickly you are. Won't you inject us?
Hedgehog: Don't be afraid, I won't inject you. Help me collect mushrooms better. (music turns on, the hedgehog takes a basket, walks around the hall, children collect dummies of mushrooms and put them in a basket)
Hedgehog: Thanks for the help.
Bear: Let's walk around the hall, kids, maybe we'll find something else. (children walk around the hall, along a path - footprints, along a ribbed path, along a bench, jump over a stream, climb through a hoop, find a bunny)
Bunny: I'm a bunny, bunny, bunny
I'm jumping, I'm jumping. I'll jump.
I am sunny and that means I jump wherever I want.

Music "Sunny Bunnies"

Educator: And you guys. Do you know a poem about a bunny?
Children: The owner abandoned the bunny.
A bunny was left in the rain.
I couldn't get off the bench,
I was completely wet.
Educator: And we won’t leave you, little bunny, we won’t leave you. Really, guys?
Children: Yes.
Educator: We'll treat you better. Guys, what does a bunny like to eat?
Children: Cabbage, carrots.
Educator: Let's show how we can chop cabbage.
Children: “We chop cabbage, we three cabbage,
We salt the cabbage, we press the cabbage!”
Educator: Eat, little bunny.
Bunny: Thanks guys. And now I invite you to play with me.
Outdoor game "Hares and Fox"
Educator: Guys, where do our guests live?
Children: In the forest.
Educator: Are they domestic or wild animals?
Children: Wild.
Educator: Well done.
Educator: Let's, children, say thank you to Mishka, Hedgehog and Bunny (they say). Goodbye (leave).

Sports attraction in elementary school

Leading. The word “attraction” translated from French means “spectacular”, “spectacular”. Indeed, such games always attract many participants and spectators, because they help to effectively demonstrate dexterity, eye, coordination of movements, as well as composure and endurance. The competitions that make up the attractions are available to children of any age. And I hope you enjoy playing them.

Competition 1. “Through the Hoop”

Call up 1 player per team. Each person holds a racket with a table tennis ball in one hand, and a gymnastics hoop in the other. The goal is to put the hoop on yourself from top to bottom and then take it off without dropping the ball. A task completed correctly is scored 2 points.

Competition 2. “With a bag on the head”

A small bag is filled with sand (peas) and tied or sewn up. The weight of the bag (the size of a small palm) is 150-200 grams. The task of the player from each team is to walk 5 steps with a bag on his head, sit down, straighten up once, turn around and return back to the team. The completed task is worth 2 points.

Competition 3. “Manage to build”

5 towns are placed in front of the player of each team and they are asked to build a figure, for example, a “well” or a “cannon”, blindfolded, in 40 seconds. If a player completes the exercise ahead of schedule, he gets the right to remove the bandage and after half a minute make an attempt to build a second figure. For each figure the team receives 2 points.

Competition 4. “Rope walkers”

Draw 2 lines on the ground or place 2 white cords (ribbons). Players take children's umbrellas in their hands and try to walk along the rope from start to finish, holding the umbrella above their heads. The task can be complicated: you need to go through with a book on your head (a tennis racket and a ball that needs to be hit).

Competition 5. “Dead Eye”

The stool is placed with its legs up so that players can throw rubber or plastic (plywood) rings onto the legs from a distance of 5-6 steps. In another version on the same

A basket or bucket is placed at a distance from the thrower. The player holds tennis balls (4-5 pieces). Players try to throw the ball so that when it hits the ground it ends up in the basket.

Competition 6. “Sharp Footballer”

A ball is placed in a circle drawn on the ground, 6 steps from which the player stands behind the line. He is blindfolded or placed on his head with a paper cap shaped like a bucket without a bottom. The player turns 360% in a circle, trying to face the ball again, walks up and kicks it. Rarely does anyone manage to complete the exercise the first time.

Competition 7. “Accurate calculation”

For each team, a circle with a diameter of 40-60 centimeters is drawn on the ground. The team becomes blindfolded. His task is to leave the circle, take 8 steps and return to the circle again. If the foot is on the line, then the exercise is not considered completed.

Competition 8. “Slap the ball”

Well-inflated balloons for each team are tied to the support different color at a distance of at least 2 steps. The player stands 8-10 steps away from his ball with his eyes closed. In his hands he has a gymnastic (or any other) stick. The player, without any help, makes a 360° turn in a circle, then moves forward. His task is to stop in front of the ball and hit it with a stick.

Summer play holiday in kindergarten. Senior preschool age

Age: 5 - 6 years.

Location: sports ground.


— provide children with the opportunity to use motor skills and abilities acquired in physical education classes;

— teach children to rejoice, evaluate their actions and the actions of their comrades, win and lose with dignity.

Equipment: Akha and Okha costumes, audio equipment; (2 pieces each) balls, landmarks, goals, pins (10 pieces).

Dictionary: health, illness, victory, team.

The sports ground is decorated with ribbons and balls. Cheerful music is playing. Children gather on the playground.

Leading. Good afternoon, dear guys! What time of year is the poem I'm about to read to you about?

The sun is shining brightly,

There's warmth in the air

And wherever you look,

Everything around is light.

The meadow is colorful

Bright flowers,

Covered in gold

Dark sheets.

The forest is sleeping. Not a sound -

The leaf doesn't rustle

Only a lark

There's a ringing in the air.

I. Surikov

Children. About summer.

Leading. Absolutely right. I love summer very much, and you?

The children answer.

Why do you love him?

The children answer.

In summer you can spend a lot of time outdoors, playing various games, riding a bicycle, scooter and rollerblades, jumping rope, playing football, and swimming. Thanks to all this, we become strong, healthy and hardened.

Cheerful music is playing. From one side of the playground, Akh runs out to the children, dressed in light summer sports suit. He holds a package in his hands.

I look healthy

My head never hurts.

Because I, friends,

Cheerful and healthy.

Good afternoon, girls and boys! I was in a hurry to see you for the holiday. I hope I'm not late?

Children. No.

Calm music sounds. Oh comes in from the arcing side of the platform. On top of the warm tracksuit there is a scarf tied around his neck.

How can I not get sick?

And don't catch a cold.

And maybe in vain

I came to you for the holiday.

Leading. Hello, Oh. We are glad that you came to us. You just didn't dress for the weather. Listen to what your children will tell you about what you need to do to be healthy.

Children. Spend a lot of time outdoors.


Temper yourself.

Eat vegetables and fruits.

Do not self-medicate.

Attend sports clubs.

Dress for the weather.

Go camping.

This is beyond me.

I'd better go home.

I'll wrap myself in a blanket

And I'll take a little nap.

Leading. Better stay with us. Take a look at our guys and learn a lot from them.

Oh. Oh! I don’t know what to do... Okay, I’ll stay, but only for a little while.

Leading. Oh, what do you have in your bag?

Oh. Let the children guess what I brought.

They beat him, but he doesn't cry,

It's just more fun when he jumps.

Children. Yes, it's a ball!

Oh. That's right, it's a ball. (Takes two balls out of the bag.)

Leading. We need a ball, the children will play with it.

Oh. I suggest the guys divide into two teams and compete with the ball.

Leading. Children, do you agree?

Children(in unison). Yes!

Preschoolers form two teams and come up with names for them.

Relay 1. Running and passing the ball

Participants from both teams line up at the starting line. The distance to the landmark is 8 m. The first players have a ball in their hands. At Akha’s command, they run to a landmark, run around it, return to their team and pass the ball to the next participant.

Relay 2. Jumping with a ball

The distance from the starting line to the landmark is 5 m. The first players grip the ball with their knees and rush forward. They return to their team running, holding the ball in their hands.

Relay 3. Passing the ball through raised hands

Teams line up in columns. At the signal, children raise their hands up. The ball is passed through raised hands from the first team member to the last.

Leading. Oh, maybe you can play with us too?

Oh. But I can’t do anything. Moreover, I feel very hot and uncomfortable.

Leading. And you take off your warm clothes. It will be easier and freer for you.

Oh takes off his warm suit and remains in shorts and a T-shirt.

Oh. I'm ready. I also know various games and fun with the ball. But I play them very rarely. One is bored and not interested.

Relay 4. Dribbling the ball between the pins

The distance from the starting line to the landmark is 8 m. Players overcome it by dribbling the ball between the pins with their feet. They return running, holding the ball in their hands.

Relay 5. Knock down the pin with a ball

The distance from the starting line to the pin is 3 m. Players, running or standing, try to knock down the pin with a ball. The team whose players managed to do this the most times wins.

Leading. Well, Oh, are you staying with the guys?

Oh. I don't really want to go home. I like to play with children. It's so interesting and fun. And the most important thing is that we are all together. But at home I’m always alone and I’m bored.

Leading. Our guys love to play football. Let's play this game. Oh, you play for one team, and you, Oh, for another.

There are two halves of 10 minutes with a break of 5 minutes. At the request of the children, Akh and Okh can become team goalkeepers for the duration of the mini-match.

If you want to be skillful,

Agile, fast, strong, brave,

Learn to love jump ropes

Hoops, balls and sticks.

Then you will be healthy

Definitely healthy.

What a blessing, I'm healthy

And I don't need doctors.

I will be friends with sports

And treasure your friendship.

Leading. Friends! Let's summarize our competition. Today we are convinced that our children are growing up strong, dexterous, cheerful, cheerful, and most importantly, healthy.

Summing up the results of the competition.

Now it's time to say goodbye.

I wish everyone to toughen up,

Play sports together

And everyone should meet more often.

Oh and Ah thank the guys for the holiday and run away together.

This is where the holiday ends.

"Funny boys"

Integrated lesson for the 1st junior group.

Program content: attracting children to participate as much as possible in joint sporting events with their parents, developing children’s interest and value attitude towards physical education, harmonious physical development children, develop children's speech, memory, teach children to coordinate words in a sentence

Types of children's activities: physical education, communication, music, games.

Equipment: arches, objects for stepping over, short rope, sandbags for throwing, hoop.

Children go to music hall and sit in a semicircle.

Educator: Guys, we have guests today. And guess who:

Shaggy, mustachioed,

He drinks milk and sings songs.

(children's answers).

Educator: That's right, guys, today a pussy came to visit us.

Kiska (an adult) in a sports uniform enters the hall.

Pussy greets the children.

Educator: Kiska, the guys have prepared a gift for you - a song.

Children sing the song “About Pussy”.

Pussy praises the children.

Educator: Pussy, why are you in sportswear?

Pussy: I'm leaving training. I exercise to stay strong and healthy.

Educator: Our children also do physical education both in kindergarten and at home.

Pussy: Great, now you and I will do some exercises together.

Children and parents come out.

Outdoor switchgear complex:

Kids, kids are out for exercise

Kids, kids - friendly kids.

Kids, kids went out to exercise.

That's it, that's how we went out to exercise.

One two Three! One two Three!

Raise your legs.

One two Three! One two Three!

Walk more cheerfully: like this, like this!

Raise your legs.

One two Three! One two Three!

Stretch together.

One two Three! One two Three!

You need to toughen up.

That's it, that's it! Stretch together.

We will do exercises

We'll do exercises.

We quickly twist our hands -

Now back, now forward,

And then vice versa.

(Rotation of straight arms back and forth.)

Let's lean lower.

Come on, hands closer to the floor!

Straightened up, legs wider.

Pull the back, three or four.

We stomp our feet, stomp, stomp,

We clap our hands clap-clap-clap,

We nod our heads, we raise our hands,

We give up and then we spin around.

There is a red ball on the court

He's jumping the highest today.

I jump with the ball,

I want to reach the sky.

(Jumping in place.)

Stop! Charging has ended.

Pussy: Well done! And now I’ll test how strong, dexterous, and skillful you are.

Look, in front of you is the “Obstacle Course”. You must complete these tasks and find the prize.

"Obstacle course":

1.Walking on a short rope,

2. Climbing under an arc,

3. Throwing bags into a hoop.

Children complete tasks together with their parents.

Pussy: To find the prize, you need to walk along a wide path, find a small house in which the prize will lie.

In front of the children there are narrow and wide paths, behind the paths there are large and small houses.

Children complete tasks and find a box with prizes in a small house.

Pussy praises the children, says goodbye and leaves.

Dolidudo Lyudmila Nikolaevna

Musical and sports entertainment together with parents in the first younger group

« Healthy family»

Integration of development lines :


Social - personal.

Artistic and aesthetic.

Types of children's activities:




Target: popularization physical culture and involving children with their parents in healthy image life.


Encourage children to become interested in movement.

IN game form consolidate basic movements.

To develop musical and rhythmic movements in children.

Learn to play in a team and act on the teacher’s signal.

Promote the development of positive parent-child relationships.


Gymnastic bench 2 pcs.,

skittles 6 pcs.,

large pyramids 2 pcs.,

wooden bricks 6 pcs.,

children's slide 1 piece,

“traces” cut out of cardboard 6 pcs.,

Music Center,

disk with children songs,

clown costume

Progress of entertainment:

Uprivate traders enter to the song “Let’s Jump Higher”

A clown runs out from behind the scenes.


Hello, kids, girls and boys!

Hello, dear parents!

Would you like to play with me?


One two three four five

We came to play with you.

We are very friendly with the game,

Both adults and kids!


But before we start playing, we need to get to know everyone.

Let's stand together in a circle,

Let's take mom's hand

We'll pass the ball

Say your name.

Game "Pass the ball and say your name."

(The Clown starts the game: - My name is... What’s your name? - Passes the ball to kid. The child says his name and passes the ball to the next one, etc.)

Clown. That's how cool it is, friends,

I know everyone’s name!

Host: And now we have a game

Let's all gather in a circle, friends.

We will repeat all the movements after the Clown.


One two three four five -

Let's start repeating.

We will clap our hands (everyone clap).

Like this, like this... (4 times)

We stamp our feet (everyone stamps).

Like this, like this... (4 times)

Let's wave our hands (everyone waves their hands).

Like this, like this... (4 times)

Let's dance with our feet (everyone performs dance movements).

Like this, like this... (4 times)

We can spin (everyone spins)

Like this, like this... (4 times)

We can bow (everyone bows).

Like this, like this... (4 times)

We might get angry (everyone shakes their finger).

Like this, like this... (4 times)

We can make peace (children hug with mothers).

Like this, like this... (4 times).

Clown. - Well done boys! And the parents had a great time playing too!

But I don't want to play anymore

I want to dance a funny dance.

Children and parents perform the dance-game “The bunnies danced in the clearing”

Clown .

Well done boys! And you know how to dance!

But I don't want to dance anymore!

Educator. - What do you want now?

Clown: I have friends for you,

There is a gift, tra-la-la!

The balls are large, bright, colorful.

(The clown brings out balls - fitballs, distributes them to parents)

Host: That's great! Our kids will jump on the fitball.

To cheerful music

Exercise No. 1 Jumping while sitting on a ball

Exercise No. 2 Sitting on a sword, swing the ball left and right

Exercise No. 3 “Reach the cube” (lying on your stomach)

Exercise No. 4 “On the back”

Rolling balls through arcs to the Zheleznovs’ song “Ball Game” »

Host: Thank you for the balls. Now let's make an obstacle course for mothers and babies.

Clown: Come on! This will be interesting!

The song “About Traces” is played, from the film “Masha and the Bear” , children for

As a clown, together with their mothers they go through the “Obstacle Course”, which

corresponds to this age group. Some Mom Obstacles

performed together with children).

Walking on a gymnastic bench (child performs, parents

provide insurance).

Stepping over an obstacle with each foot (wooden

brick) at a height of 15 cm (everyone does).

Rolling down a slide 70cm high (children perform, parents provide


Walking (or running) “snake”, running around the pins (everyone does).

Collecting a pyramid (the child takes a ring from a bucket and puts it on

on the rack).

Walking along “footprints” (footprints are cut out of cardboard) (everyone does it).

Clown. - Hey, guys! Hey, well done!

And the parents tried too!

All obstacles have been overcome!


Now let's all sit down,

Let's rest a little

Massage balls

We'll take it in our hands.

Self-massage (To calm music)

Clown:And now I want to play

Outdoor game "Sparrows and the cat."
Children are in their parents' nests, parents are standing in a circle around the hall. A cat sits to the side. “The sparrows have flown,” the sparrows flap their wings and run scattered around the hall. The cat wakes up, says “meow-meow” and runs after the sparrows. They must quickly fly to their nests, to their parents. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Clown. Wow, what a great game they played.

Host: We played glory

Well done everyone today

Moms, let's say thank you to everyone

The children are happy from the bottom of their hearts!

Clown: We stand up like a train,

We're going to the group

All over me!

To the music of “Locomotive Bug”, children and parents go to the group