Personal life

Benefits for pensioners for the electric train per year. Rules for the provision of benefits for travel on electric trains. Obtaining transport documentation

Benefits for pensioners for the electric train per year.  Rules for the provision of benefits for travel on electric trains.  Obtaining transport documentation

Free travel for pensioners is a topic that interests many citizens. The fact is that in Russia, in some regions, people who have reached retirement age, have the right to use public transport without paying for services. Previously, this benefit was provided to everyone who received it. But today the situation has changed somewhat. Now citizens only under certain circumstances have the right to free pass... Is it appropriate for elderly people in the Moscow region? If so, how many times can this benefit be used? All this will be discussed further.

By region

Is there always free travel for retirees? As practice shows, the decision to provide benefits to people who have reached retirement age remains with a specific region. This means that the issue is being considered at the regional level.

In other words, somewhere there are benefits and free travel, somewhere not. It is recommended to find out more accurate information in the administration of a particular locality.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the pensioner's right to free travel, if any, is used in relation to specific modes of transport. Some means of transportation do not, under any circumstances, allow the use of transportation services without one or another payment. All these factors need to be considered. So what can you say about the Moscow region? Can they use the right of free travel in this or that transport?

Is there a right

The first step is to understand whether, in principle, free travel and areas are allowed. Maybe in this area, citizens of retirement age do not have any benefits?

Fortunately, this is not the case. In general, use the services of free transportation to public transport citizens can. But only when certain conditions... As practice shows, now in the Moscow region there are a lot of pensioners who ride certain public vehicles for free. But in what situations are they entitled to benefits? And when will you have to pay anyway?


The fact is that free travel for pensioners is not allowed in all cases. Modern citizens who have reached retirement age cannot just exercise their right. They simply do not have one. Only certain categories of people in Moscow and the region are able to use public transport services free of charge.

Who exactly secured such benefits? Today it is:

  • WWII veterans;
  • heroes of the USSR or the Russian Federation;
  • home front workers;
  • residents of besieged Leningrad;
  • victims of the fascists;
  • relatives of the heroes of labor;
  • people who participated in the elimination of man-made disasters;
  • victims of industrial accidents;
  • disabled people;
  • disabled children.

Accordingly, not every citizen has the benefit under study. But such rules apply exclusively in Moscow and the Moscow region. This must be remembered.

Statement of Rights

Special attention should be paid to such a moment as an application for free travel rights for pensioners of one category or another. The main problem is that you simply won't be able to enjoy benefits. They are required to be declared. But how is this done?

Everything is pretty easy and simple. When paying for travel, a citizen provides an identity card and certificates that indicate certain benefits. If you have a pension certificate, you can use it. In any case, if you do not declare the availability of benefits while using public transport, you will not be able to use them.


Sometimes free travel for pensioners of the Moscow region and other regions of the country can be replaced. Citizens who do not wish to take advantage of the proposed benefit are eligible for monetary compensation. Or rather, pension supplements.

To do this, it is best to contact the city administration and clarify how to inform the FIU that you want to replace the right to free travel. Fortunately, this situation is extremely rare. That is why it is not worth focusing on this issue.

Changes in laws

But it’s not that simple. Now in Russia, in all regions, issues related to the provision of such benefits as free travel for pensioners are being revised. Citizens who have gone on a well-deserved rest and live in the Moscow region or the capital, in 2015, some innovations were made. What is it about?

The fact is that, as a result of the adopted regional law, free travel in transport remained, but they cannot claim it now:

  • military pensioners;
  • people without preferential status.

All others retained the right to use public transport free of charge. This change was developed and adopted in order to save funds from the state budget.

What are the rights of beneficiaries

What are the specific opportunities offered by free transport? Pensioners will be served in public funds movement according to the following principles:

  1. Transport people of retirement age for free if they use the services of suburban transport or electric trains.
  2. To deliver citizens to the place of treatment by public transport without payment.
  3. Veterans in Moscow have the right to use municipal urban transport without paying a service charge. For example, you can safely ride the bus.

There are no more significant benefits and opportunities. And every citizen should take this fact into account. Otherwise, he will think that he cannot use the benefits for public transport in Moscow and the Moscow region at all.

What does not work

It has already been said that not all vehicles offer these options. In some situations, there are exceptions. When do pensioners of the Moscow region not get the right to use vehicles free of charge? Free travel, as already mentioned, is offered only to certain categories of citizens. The rest of the pensioners are not entitled to it in this region.

But beneficiaries also, under certain circumstances, must pay for the use of transportation services. Namely:

  • if they use "minibuses";
  • when using taxi services.

All other transport offers benefits according to the previously indicated rules. "Private traders" provide the right to free travel at their discretion. But neither in Moscow, nor in other cities, such tendencies are not visible.


What conclusions can be drawn from all of the above? There is free travel for pensioners in Russia, in particular in Moscow and the region. But not everyone should have it. On this moment the authorities are trying to cancel this benefit for the majority of citizens.

You need to declare your rights, otherwise you will not be able to realize this or that "bonus" from the state. Without an identity card and certificates of belonging to a particular category of beneficiaries, you will have to use public means of transportation on a general basis. Similar norms are in force in all regions of the country, not only in the Moscow region.

Small pensions put Russian pensioners in extremely difficult life circumstances. Therefore, the Federal Law defines benefits and payments that citizens of this social category can count on. The preferences relying on pensioners allow pensioners to significantly reduce the costs of providing for their own needs. Federal benefits for free travel for pensioners are determined by legislative acts, and regional ones - by regulatory acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Discounts for seniors

The right to receive an old-age pension is granted to citizens who have earned at least five years of experience.
The system of discounts for senior citizens who have earned work experience covers the following areas:

  • purchase and maintenance of real estate;
  • treatment and rehabilitation;
  • use of public transport.

Citizens receiving the above-mentioned old-age benefit receive different benefits... Their volume is determined by the duration labor activity, place of residence, presence / absence of additional status (veteran, labor veteran, home front worker, concentration camp prisoner). Also, the distribution of benefits is influenced by whether it continues to work or not.
The cost compensation system for citizens of retirement age is changing taking into account the current situation in the country and the fullness of the budget of each region.

Regional aspect

All pensioners can count on benefits when using public transport, but each category is different. In addition, their volume and order of provision is influenced by the belonging of the settlement to a certain region. These points are governed by local laws,
So, depending on the region, the possibility of free travel is provided by a social card or a travel card, the cost of which is subsequently compensated. In this row, the reimbursement of the costs of using public city transport, guaranteed by government decree No. 176 of April 1, 2005, stands apart.

Basic transport benefits

Citizens with veteran status and retired old age are free to use city public transport. In some regions, there is a system of payment of 50% of the ticket price. The state also reimburses the retired veteran for half the cost of travel by rail (short-distance, long-distance trains, commuter trains) or water (shipping). It is noteworthy that at the federal level, benefits for the use of means of railway communication have not been established, but almost all regions provide pensioners with the right to 50% payment for travel in such transport.

A similar situation with public transport develops for labor veterans. But discounts for using a train or boat are set by regional authorities. Taxis and air transport will have to be paid for.
For unemployed pensioners living in climatic conditions, the law guarantees compensation for the funds spent on travel to the place of rest (within Russia) and back.

Reasons for not using discounts

Very often, retirees do not use and that stipulates for their status. This happens due to ignorance. That's why social workers strongly recommend this category of citizens to visit territorial bodies social protection of the population and find out what benefits and the amount of benefits they are entitled to.
If the pensioner's right to legal benefits is ignored, he should write a statement demanding that this violation be stopped. The paper is submitted to the superiors of the organization whose employee caused the incident. If the answer did not come on time (the terms are established by law), the pensioner needs to visit the district prosecutor's office. There is a high probability that an unscrupulous organization has violated such a right of pensioners before.

Where to get benefits

Travel discounts can function in the following modes of transport:

  • intracity and intercity buses;
  • trams;
  • trolleybuses;
  • underground;
  • electric trains;
  • trains.

This is a generally accepted list of remedies. As already mentioned, sometimes fixed-route taxis provide discounts on travel.

Electric trains

This vehicle is very popular among the population. The introduction of preferential prices for certain categories of electric train passengers is a widespread phenomenon. A special provision is introduced for such categories of citizens:

  1. disabled people;
  2. pensioners.

These groups of the population can travel by electric trains free of charge.
But citizens should clarify information about the available opportunities in their area, since the conditions for providing free travel and discounts in the regions differ. So, in Moscow and the region, disabled people and pensioners, along with free travel on electric trains, have the right to book tickets in advance. You can make a reservation 10 days before the trip.

Labor veterans

The government provides this category of citizens with various preferences in many areas of life. Travel is no exception.
This part of the population has the right to use public transport under special conditions in every Russian city. Labor veterans can ride public vehicles completely free of charge.
But such passengers need to have proof of their status with them. The driver or conductor must present a certificate of a labor veteran. Such a document allows you to travel free of charge in public transport in most regions.


Ordinary pensioners who do not have additional status can use discounts when traveling, but they still have to pay a certain amount. At the same time, today some life circumstances of citizens are taken into account. For example, the factor of having a job matters. In this regard, the unemployed have an advantage over working pensioners.
As in the case of veterans, your right to the benefit must be confirmed by an appropriate document (pension certificate). Citizens receive it upon retirement: men at 60, women at 55. If you plan to use a social card, travel tickets, they must also be shown, otherwise the pensioner will be denied a discount.

The nuances of getting discounts

It is quite possible to get transport benefits. You just need to figure out what types of funds they apply to. In some vehicles, full payment for the ticket is provided for all passengers without exception.
This applies to fixed-route (with rare exceptions) and regular taxis. The price for using public transport of other types in certain cases may be reduced.
In one city there are more indulgences, in another less. It is advisable to clarify such information directly in the region of residence.
Despite this, certain categories of people are guaranteed benefits in each locality.

The situation in cities of federal significance

Not all retirees are entitled to benefits by default. In some regions, it is a prerequisite to live in this area for at least 20 years (for example, St. Petersburg), in others - the presence of a social card confirming a low income.
Moscow and St. Petersburg are cities of federal significance, so the local authorities are also empowered to establish benefits, the list of which is approved annually.

In Russia, according to statistics, railway transport is used by almost forty percent of the population. Discount travel is the booking or purchase of tickets on the basis of a special document. The right to it is provided by federal law, which may be supplemented by regional acts.

Who is eligible

Benefits allow socially unprotected segments of the population to save on payment for services. Travel on suburban trains was no exception.

Regardless of the place of residence, according to federal law, some categories of citizens can enjoy a one hundred percent discount on travel:

  • disabled people, participants of the Great Patriotic War;
  • family members of a deceased WWII participant and war veterans;
  • juvenile concentration camp prisoners;
  • residents of besieged Leningrad;
  • persons who have suffered from political repression;
  • combat veterans;
  • disabled from childhood, first, second and third groups;
  • disabled child with an accompanying person, a disabled person of the first group with an accompanying person;
  • heroes of the Soviet Union;
  • labor veterans;
  • victims of man-made and radiation disasters.

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It's fast and IS FREE!

Also, the right of free travel by rail is enjoyed by persons if they are:

  • State Duma deputies;
  • members of the Federation Council;
  • railway employees;
  • railway security guards;
  • employees of transport prosecutor's offices;

In the regions, provided that the local budget can cover the costs of the carrier, the authorities can provide subsidies to others, for example, schoolchildren, students in secondary vocational and higher educational institutions, pensioners, large families or low-income families.

The free travel benefit may also have a time frame. For example, in some constituent entities of the Federation, retirees can use it from the end of April to the end of October, students for the period from September to May.

In this way, the authorities try to keep costs down for people when they use commuter rail most often.

What are the

To purchase a discount ticket, you must present a document confirming your right to it. It can be a certificate of a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, a certificate of a disabled person, a certificate of a labor veteran and others.

Pupils and students

In many regions, a fifty percent discount is provided for them. From five to seven years old, a child is entitled to a child ticket. After seven, students are given a privilege, as well as full-time students of primary, secondary and higher vocational education, cadets of military schools.

The validity period of the preference may vary. It always begins on the first of September, and the end depends on the region: end of May, mid or end of June.

In some regions, the availability of benefits depends on the place of residence and place of study of the student, the route. In others, these factors are irrelevant. For example, in Moscow, full-time students from all cities of Russia enjoy a preference, and in Crimea - only students from local universities.

They buy tickets using student certificates and student ID cards. For those who travel frequently, instead of buying tickets for one-time trips, it is more convenient to purchase a monthly subscription.


Some regions provide privileges for travel by electric trains to pensioners. Somewhere they can buy tickets for free, somewhere with a 50 percent discount.

In St. Petersburg and Moscow, this requires a transport card (issued for five years), in another territory - a pension certificate.

For pensioners who do not use suburban electric trains, it is possible to issue a waiver of this type of benefit and receive monthly material compensation in return.


Basically, they receive a 100% discount on travel, regardless of where they live, if the child has a certificate of disability and an adult has a certificate of a disabled person.

Children with disabilities and adults of the first group can travel with one accompanying person free of charge.

Military personnel

Military personnel: conscripts, contract soldiers, military cadets, on the basis of a transport requirement and an official certificate, can travel by rail free of charge.

How to arrange

A free ticket can be purchased at the station ticket office, on the suburban train, in the terminal. It will be valid for twenty-five hours from the date of purchase, excluding weekends and holidays.

It is allowed to book ten days before the intended trip (to be specified in the region of residence).

To receive benefits, a document confirming their basis is required. It has its own for each category of beneficiaries.

In many Russian cities there are transport cards, which can be purchased by any beneficiary. Unlike social passes, the card is issued once, and then you only need to top up the balance. You can put money on it in the terminals of Sberbank, in the post office or at the Soyuzpechat kiosk.

The transport card contains the owner's data, it cannot be transferred to other persons. Therefore, you should have an identity document on the train.

You can get this card at the multifunctional center. This is a convenient way to avoid queues. After collecting required documents you should arrive at the nearest organization, take a coupon and wait. To reduce the waiting time, you can sign up at the MFC on the Internet or by phone.

Then you will need to write a statement. An employee of the center will check the documents, issue a receipt confirming their receipt.

The production of a transport card can take up to one month. After the expiration of the time, the applicant will be notified of her readiness by phone. It can also track the readiness of the site.

You can visit the social security authorities or the pension fund (for retirees), where they also deal with the registration of travel benefits. In some regions, the right to do this is granted via the Internet. Mainly through the Portal of Public Services -

Step-by-step procedure:

  1. Register as a user. Log in to your personal account.

  2. Select "education", then the service of issuing a social card.

  3. Fill out an application for its registration: personal and passport data, grounds. Answer the questions.
  4. Upload photos, scans of birth certificates, passports.
  5. Send. Then receive the card in the way specified in the application.
  6. After receiving the card, it should be activated in special terminals, via the Internet, in the MFC. Without this, it will not work.

    What documents will be needed

    Citizens may need the following documents to apply for a card:

  • passport or birth certificate of the beneficiary;
  • for students: student card with confirmation of full-time study;
  • for schoolchildren: a certificate from the school;
  • documents, certificates, certificates confirming the existence of grounds for using the privilege;
  • medical policy.

Can they refuse

In some cases, citizens may be denied benefits for commuter transport. For example, if the beneficiary does not have a document confirming the right to free travel. Then a person, even in a wheelchair, will have to pay for the ticket at full cost.

The issuance of a transport card may be refused in the following cases:

  • the applicant provided false information;
  • the required document was not provided;
  • the applicant has no reason to receive benefits in this region;
  • the document confirming the right to the benefit has expired;
  • the citizen already has a transport card in his name or it is being issued at the moment;
  • if an application was written for the monetization of benefits, and the citizen receives a cash benefit.

If a person has everything in order with his documents, and he is legally entitled to benefits when traveling by rail, he cannot be denied preferences. Otherwise, this is a reason for contacting the prosecutor's office.

The list of categories of the population who have the right to concessional travel on suburban transport can be supplemented by regional authorities. The amount of the discount also depends on the region of residence. Benefits are provided mainly to socially vulnerable citizens, and the possibility of free travel is a great help for them, helping to save the family budget.

The state provides benefits for schoolchildren on train tickets in 2018. It consists in providing a discount when buying a ticket for long-distance and short-distance trains. But you can take advantage of the privilege if certain conditions are met.

When can you take it for free?

Children under 5 years of age have the right to free travel without a separate bed. But this does not relieve parents of the need to purchase a ticket. It is issued when buying a ticket for an adult, subject to the presentation of a birth certificate for a small family member.

Parents can only bring one child free of charge. The trip of the second and subsequent will have to be paid at the current rates, regardless of the fact that the passengers have not reached 5 years of age. But not at full cost, but with a discount provided for a child aged 5 to 10 years

Benefits for children aged 5 to 10

Children between the ages of 5 and 10 can only travel on the trains if accompanied by an adult. The ticket is purchased separately, but at a discount. It ranges from 35% to 65%, depending on the class of the train and the chosen carriage.

The discount applies to trips within the country. If you travel to the CIS, the rates may differ. But in any case, there are benefits for children, so parents do not have to pay the full ticket price for transporting small family members.

You can buy a child ticket at the railway station ticket office after presenting a birth certificate. The purchase is also available for online reservations. But in this case, the travel coupon comes only with an adult - you should take this into account when planning a group trip.

Persons under 10 years of age travel in a luxury carriage on domestic trains free of charge. But they will have to share the same place with their mother or father.

Benefits for schoolchildren on the commuter train

School benefits apply to the purchase of tickets for travel by "swallow" (electric train). They are determined by regional authorities and depend on the policy of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. In most regions, there is a 50% discount for schoolchildren on ticket purchases. The discount is valid from September 1 to June 15 (in some areas until June 30).

Features of the benefit:

  • in some regions, schoolchildren pay the full cost of the train ticket (for example, in the Tver region);
  • may apply both to all schoolchildren and to persons with a residence permit in a certain region (for example, in Crimea, a discount is provided only to local residents, and in Moscow - regardless of the region of registration);
  • in some regions, you can purchase a monthly subscription with a 50% discount.

To receive benefits, you will need to provide a certificate from the school. Children over 7 years old can travel by train without an adult within the region.

The relevance of the benefits for the federal authorities remains in doubt. It is planned to cancel it due to the lack of demand for electric trains. Many regions want to abandon this type of railway transport.

For trips on Sapsan

Since 2016, Russian Railways has introduced a new tariff schedule for schoolchildren and students. Children between the ages of 10 and 21 can get a 30% discount on the Sapsan high-speed train pass. The tariff is valid from September 1 to May 31 inclusive.

The Junior fare applies to the purchase of tickets for economy, economy + and business class carriages. You can buy tickets at the ticket office of the station and on the official website of Russian Railways.

Long distance trains

Federal legislation provides for a discount for schoolchildren on train tickets in the form of a 50% discount. It has several features:

  • valid from September 1 to June 15;
  • applies to schoolchildren over the age of 10 (up to this age, parents buy a child ticket);
  • to receive benefits, you need a certificate confirming the status of a student;
  • the certificate must be with you at the time of purchase of the ticket and for the entire period of the trip;
  • if the passenger is already 14 years old, then, together with the certificate, he must present a statement that determines the right to the benefit;
  • children over 14 years old are required to present a passport.

In summer, the benefit is not valid. This is due to the fact that many are making an attempt to deceive the staff of the station, passing off their child as a student after graduation.

Summer discounts

Since 2016, parents can buy a ticket for a child for long-distance trains, not only during the period of study. For two years in a row, Russian Railways has provided a 50% discount when paying for travel for children aged 10 to 17. The promotion is valid from June 1 to August 31.

The purpose of this action was to increase the number of children on vacation. Because long-distance travel can severely traumatize a parent's budget, many are reluctant to take a vacation together. Thanks to a special “summer” benefit, schoolchildren and students can only pay half the cost of the trip.

Advice. You can take advantage of the discount when you actually buy tickets at the station or pre-book 60 days in advance. To do this, when placing an order, you must indicate the age of the child.

A special feature of the action is that there is no need to present a certificate from the school. To get a discount, the child (parent) just needs to show a birth certificate or passport.

The promotion was valid in 2016 and 2017. It is now projected to be extended until 2019.

How to use the benefit

To purchase a discounted school ticket, you need to follow a series of steps:

  1. Get a student's certificate for travel on the train. If the child has already turned 14 years old (or will be fulfilled on the date of the trip), then a certificate of entitlement to a benefit in an educational institution is additionally drawn up.
  2. At the checkout, present a student's birth certificate (passport) and a certificate.
  3. Save certificates until the end of the trip - they will be requested by the train conductors.

The certificate is drawn up by the director of the school according to the model and has a unified form containing information:

  • Full name and date of birth of the student;
  • Full name of the school director;
  • details of the educational institution;
  • the essence of the certificate (it is indicated that the child who applied is attending school);
  • the seal and signature of the director.

The certificate is valid for one school year... But in some cases, the station may require a fresh document received no more than a month ago. This information should be clarified in advance.

Predictions for 2018

In 2018, changes in the provision of benefits for children school age not predicted. Parents will also receive a 65% and 50% discount on a baby under 10 and a student, respectively.

Promotion " Summer holidays", Involving the provision of a discount in summer period all minors are also scheduled to run ahead of the holiday season.

According to analytical data, the “summer” rate significantly increases the number of schoolchildren traveling. According to forecasts, for the period from June 1 to August 31, 2018, over 500 thousand adolescents and toddlers will use the Russian Railways service.

Parents of schoolchildren are entitled to a privilege, which consists in providing a discount of up to 65% on the purchase of railway tickets. There are several different tariffs: for electric trains, long-distance trains, high-speed trains. Reducing the cost of a travel pass is provided for each of the listed types of transport. To reduce the price, you will need to provide a certificate from the educational institution and a document proving the identity of the small passenger.

In the difficult general economic situation in the country, many pensioners are forced to save. Benefits and monetary compensation provided for by legislation help to reduce costs for older people. The concessions provided by the state apply to the costs of housing and communal services, the medical and medical sphere, the acquisition and maintenance of real estate, and social programs also provide for travel payments for pensioners. What will be the travel benefits for pensioners in 2018 worries the majority of people in this category of the population.

What are travel benefits

State subsidies are divided into federal, determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, and regional (financed from the possibilities of the local budget). Social support federal level established by the following legal acts:

  • Law of 12.01.1995 N 5-FZ "On Veterans";
  • Law of November 24, 1995 N 181-FZ "On social protection of disabled people";
  • Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.04.05, No. 176 "On approval of the Rules for reimbursement of travel costs for pensioners ...".

Regional subsidies include special rates and benefits for pensioners on public transport - a type of social service for people who have retired. Each subject of the federation independently establishes its own procedure for the provision of transport subsidies and their amount based on the programs of local social assistance to the population. So, in 2018, instead of free travel by municipal transport and suburban electric trains, Moscow will double the monthly compensation to its residents who receive old-age pensions.

Many unemployed older people do not know and do not use the preferences and subsidies due to the status. State social services strongly recommend contacting them every year for clarification of information on the amount and types of benefits. From the economic situation and the possibilities of financing by each individual region, social benefits change, as well as the system of compensation for expenses itself.

Travel benefits for pensioners

Subsidizing travel by the state is one of the main types of social assistance to pensioners. A Russian subject of retirement age, regardless of the type of pension received, has the opportunity to use public transport around the city for free - this is the metro, trolleybuses, trams, municipal buses. Compensations do not apply to minibuses and taxis. For flights by air, seasonal retirement discount tickets are provided for those living in certain territories of Siberia and the Far East.

Free travel for pensioners is ensured by providing a social card for this category of citizens, a travel document (when funds spent on such services are compensated) or compensation as an addition to pension payments... So, residents of the Moscow region pay half the price of a water transport ticket. People of retirement age - people living in the Far North (in places equal to it) - are provided with a one-time compensation for travel expenses through the country to the place of rest there and back.

Free of charge

The regulation of preferential pension travel is given to regional departments and the subsidies and payments provided may differ from the category of the pensioner. Free travel can be set in full, there are options for limiting the allocated amount, travel limit. The regions determine their own procedure for granting subsidies: a unified social pass, a transport card for pensioners, or a specific travel discount can be issued.

In public transport

If a pensioner is a veteran of the Second World War, he has the full right to use public transport for free. Veterans of labor and pensioners with disabilities have a reduced fare for pensioners on public transport. The exemption applies to urban transport, commercial types are not included. Other elderly people of retirement age enjoy preferences depending on the region of residence, where local authorities themselves determine the extent to which this type of social assistance is used.

On trains

Categories endowed with privileges to travel free of charge by electric trains are established by federal acts. Veterans and disabled veterans of the Second World War have a guaranteed right. Benefits for 2018 were left to former military personnel, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Other persons receive a similar right by decision of the regional government. Some localities are introducing free electric train tickets for a certain period, for example, the summer season, to reduce financial expenses during this period.

Benefits to pensioners for travel by train in 2018 for ordinary citizens of retirement age are established by regional authorities. So, in the Moscow region, pensioners can travel by electric trains within the Moscow Ring Road without payment. St. Petersburg provides a 90% discount on train tickets for the city's pensioners for the spring-autumn season, and for residents of the Leningrad Region an 85% pension discount is valid all-season.

In the underground

For such a mode of transport as the metro, the standard approach of determining preferential use applies. For general categories not included in the federal list of free use, the provision of travel benefits to pensioners in 2018 is determined by the framework of the local budget. Thus, all pensioners who have a social card of a resident of the capital can still use the Moscow metro without payment.

In intercity buses

In most cases, the regions of Russia do not provide subsidies for travel by intercity buses. Such transportations are usually carried out by private companies, which are not required by the local government. In the public intercity bus in some regions, preferential use, including baggage, is given to labor veterans, in addition to persons suitable for the category of beneficiaries.

Long-distance train tickets

Federal legislative norms do not provide for subsidizing preferential travel over long distances by rail, with the exception of payments to persons of retirement age living in the Far North (regions equated to them). They are compensated by the state once every two years for transport costs to the place of rest in the country there and back.

This subsidized type of assistance means compensation, not free travel. Old man should contact your local office The Pension Fund and to provide travel tickets that serve as the basis for receiving a sum of money to compensate for the price of tickets. For the rest of people of retirement age, in almost all regions, special reduced fares are provided - a 50% discount on train tickets.

Travel card for seniors

Retired passengers are served according to a pension certificate and an approved list of persons in the area of ​​residence based on the stipulated amount of compensation. It is necessary to clarify on which routes the pension pass is valid in the social and transport services of your city. To use, you will need one of the following documents:

  • social card of a city dweller;
  • transport map of the region (region);
  • special travel ticket (personalized card).

Transport Card

This card allows older people to use city transport for free at the expense of the municipal budget. As a rule, the card has a limited number of trips per month with its own number set for each city. The transport card is handed over for payment together with the pension certificate. After its registration (payment), the passenger receives a ticket. This travel document does not grant the right to carry baggage without payment. The card is issued in the city's multifunctional public service centers.

In St. Petersburg, there is a single personalized ticket for beneficiaries, which can be used by citizens with a permanent residence permit in St. Petersburg and persons who have passed the registration in the required manner. The document is issued to a specific person indicating his full name, passport number, which, together with a pension certificate, is needed to purchase a travel card. Such city travel benefits for pensioners will remain the same in 2018. The site of the St. Petersburg metro tells in detail where to get a travel card for pensioners.


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