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Personal diary: pictures of a personal diary. Ideas for a personal diary: how to spice up everyday entries Do it yourself

Personal diary: pictures of a personal diary.  Ideas for a personal diary: how to spice up everyday entries Do it yourself

Design elements for a personal diary include pictures, poems, quotes and simply your own thoughts. Not only young ladies, but also adult women “make a paper friend,” because you can trust him with your most secret thoughts. Its design depends on the mood and tastes of the hostess. If you don’t want to draw pictures and write poetry yourself, you can always use ready-made templates.

Pictures for a personal diary

LD is a whirlwind of events, thoughts and feelings. Many do not express them in solid text, but supplement them with all sorts of pictures. They are the decoration and highlight of the pages. You can cut and paste your photo as a picture, but this is not necessary. Some use ready-made prints, others draw by hand in good faith.

Ready-made drawings can be downloaded from the Internet and printed.

New patterns are on various sites. Emoticons are popular, as on the social network VKontakte.

The clippings can be either colored and bright or black and white.

You can smear watercolors on LD pages, mix different paints, and write text on top. Colored pencils and gel pens will also become faithful helpers. In this case, you should rely only on your own preferences and do not be afraid to experiment.

On a note! If the diary sheets are thin, it is recommended to glue two pages together before using watercolor paints.

Ideas for LD: poems and quotes

No personal diary is complete without quotes and poems. Writing them is not only fashionable, but also terribly interesting. Usually, small quatrains are placed on the first and last pages, while entire poems are stored in the middle. They can be humorous or, conversely, sad, telling about unrequited love (which often happens among girls). You can format your entries in several ways: classically or in different directions.

Usually poems and quotes express the mood, but often the owner of the diary simply cuts out and pastes in statements she likes.

Those who are endowed with a certain talent compose the poem themselves. It can be written by hand or typed on a computer and then printed, cut and pasted.

A wide variety of design ideas are allowed. If a teenager keeps a diary, it will contain clippings of favorite characters and bright colors. Often a special code is used, known only to the owner herself.

Grown-up girls and women are more reserved, but it all depends on their character.

On a note! Sometimes they choose not an ordinary notebook or notepad for notes, but an old book. Drawings are pasted in there, as well as blank paper for text. It is recommended that you tear out every third page of the book, otherwise it will become too bulky as you fill it out. It is advisable to provide special pockets in which photographs, cards and other things will be stored.

To make your paper friend unique, you should make it yourself. To do this, you will have to select the required amount of colored glossy paper. Sheets of the same size are cut out of it and folded randomly. Then a cover is made from thick cardboard (you can decorate it with pictures, stencils, or cover it with fabric). The sheets and cover are fastened in any convenient way. Your personal diary is ready, now you can start designing it.

Video: ideas for LD design

Drawings for a personal diary

Not everyone wants to print a finished drawing and select themes for it. Or maybe it’s sketches made with your own hands. The page can serve as a canvas for expressing thoughts and a coloring book at the same time. For personal diaries, it does not matter what artistic abilities its owner has.

When making a plan for the week, you shouldn’t just do boring writing. It can also be decorated brightly and unusually.

Be sure to let your imagination run wild in creating an idea for a personal diary with your own hands. Beautiful and carefully crafted, it will become your best friend, keeping your secrets and thoughts. How to make pages for your personal diary original:

  1. Decide on the color scheme of the notebook and, in accordance with it, select the required number of sheets. These can be multi-colored leaves, a rainbow design of 7 colors, pastel colors, imitation of stale leaves. Don’t avoid dark colors: on such pages you can attach envelopes, stickers, pictures, or use them to separate periods of writing.
  2. Pages can be cut out figuratively along the edges, giving them an interesting shape: lace, rounded corners.
  3. Select two cover sheets (front and back) and place them on the top and bottom of the stack.
  4. Take a hole punch and punch all the pages so that each has two holes on the left side for stitching the pages together. Take 2 rings, taking into account the thickness of the diary, thread them to connect the sheets into a finished diary.
  5. If you wish, you can buy a beautiful notebook and think only about its internal design.

As for the question of how to design a personal diary for girls, it is important not only to paint, but also to carefully consider the contents of the notebook. You can make sections for:

  • motivational quotes, thoughts;
  • plans and desires for the future;
  • achievements and failures in life;
  • recording important events and dates;
  • records of what happened during the day;
  • good memories;
  • useful reminders;
  • photographs;
  • clippings from magazines and newspapers.

It’s interesting to make secret pockets easily by attaching a piece cut out of transparent plastic or gluing an envelope to any of the pages. This way you will hide a photo or information that is dear to you “not for prying eyes.” Another idea for a personal diary with your own hands is a topic: about the life of your family, yours personally, your child, career goals, achievements.

What to draw

If you are wondering how to decorate a personal diary with drawings, then it all depends on your artistic skills. Beautiful page frames are made from small leaves, flowers, or simply using a gradient line. You can highlight individual pages, draw a portrait, favorite cartoon characters, landscape, still life. It will be beautiful if you decorate each page with a drawn fruit, berries, bright vegetables, butterflies, and ladybugs.

If this is a diary about a child’s achievements, then use a version of the drawing made by your child yourself. If you have good artistic inclinations, you can create your own coloring book, pencil sketches, decorate sheets with patterns, and attach small drawings on stickers. A mysterious silhouette of an elegant lady, a hero from a movie - draw what you love, what motivates you.

How to decorate a personal diary

In the world of creativity there are a lot of ideas for a personal diary with your own hands - these are origami, scrapbooking, appliqués:

  1. A bright applique in LD can be made from buttons, colored paper, cardboard, cotton pads, sticks, all kinds of ribbons, and sparkles.
  2. Cuttings from newspapers and magazines can easily be made into the shape of a TV screen or cargo carried by small airplanes.
  3. There are many variations in the origami technique: birds, flowers, butterflies, small bows, envelopes.


A personal diary is faithful and reliable friend, on which more than one generation of successful, creative, romantic people grew up. Ideas for ld are so diverse, interesting, bright and attractive that today everyone can express their thoughts in the most aesthetic way.

To decorate a diary Ideal for original drawings, color and black and white prints, emoticons, stickers and much more. If you know how to write poetry, do hand-made things and love to draw, creating a personal diary will not be difficult for you.

However, for those who are just learning the wisdom of needlework and taking their first steps in educational art and literature, there are many bright ideas and tips for crafting: pictures for girls, ready-made drawings and templates, quotes, poems, sketches, comics.

A personal diary stores not only your secrets, experiences, dreams. Your life flows on the pages of the diary, which you so want to decorate, improve, and diversify. If you are still wondering how to decorate your personal diary, use it for decoration. magazine clippings, stickers, emoticons, photographs.
The idea with frames is very popular with young girls, because they love highlight the most important and exciting moments of your life. To print frames, you can use a color printer, and if you don’t have one, just make a frame on a regular one and decorate it with felt-tip pens, paints, a gel pen or a pencil.

An easy way to tell about yourself - make a mini-quiz with answers to a variety of questions: my favorite color, fruit, etc. In the same way, you can arrange your favorite quotes, aphorisms, plans for the future. What else you can write in your diary, we will describe in more detail below.
For example, you can make a mood calendar, interest page, music page, a small vision board that will contain all your dreams, desires and plans for the future.

Ideas for a personal diary also apply to cover design. Despite the fact that only you will see this thing, it should be pleasant to the touch, pleasing to the eyes, soul and heart.

Diary pages can also be decorated using original visual techniques.

And if you don’t want to draw, buy it paper for scrapbooking.
Individual pages of the diary can be decorated in your favorite color. So your thoughts and desires will have their own "color" theme.Another idea - letter to the future. Write yourself a message and open it on a certain day and in a certain year. You will be pleasantly surprised.

Pictures, drawings, printouts for a personal diary

We are used to expressing our thoughts and dreams in words and sentences. We trust the diary with our joys and sorrows, share our secrets with it and tell it about our plans. Some write in it every day, while others record only bright and memorable moments of life. What if we add a little visualization to the usual texts and poems, quotes and funny stories?
If, for example, you write in a journal about your hobbies and small passions, you can draw your favorite activity or its paraphernalia: sports, handicrafts, travel, books. Instead of writing: “I adore the sea” or “I love chocolate,” you can draw it! Believe me, when you return to your paper friend in a few years or even a few decades, you will be much more pleased to look through hundreds of pictures than to re-read tens of thousands of words.
The subject of drawings and pictures can be completely different, it all depends on you and your desires. Drawings for diaries can be conditionally (we repeat, conditionally) divided into many headings and subsections, depending on the preferences, desires, tastes and even the mood of the owner of the diary.

Themes of drawings for the diary

  • Trips
  • Hobby
  • Food, sweets
  • Beverages
  • Love
  • Gadgets
  • Social network
  • Pets, animals
  • Cartoons
  • Unicorns
  • Wardrobe, fashion and style
  • Cosmetics
  • Seasons
  • Planets, celestial bodies

This list can be continued indefinitely, supplemented with your own drawings, fantasies, and ideas. We offer several “tasty”, dynamic, cute, delicious and, as they say today, “ cute” drawings to decorate the diary.

As practice shows, it is much easier to make drawings in cells, but you can use lined notebooks and standard A4 sheets.

If you are a fan or groupie animated series "Gravity Falls", draw a cheerful plump Mabel on the page of your diary. She will bring you good luck.

To keep your diary, You don’t have to be able to or love to draw. If you want to save time on drawings and focus, for example, on the presentation of text, use printouts for design.
You can print these templates on a color printer, cut them out and paste them into your journal, or make them black and white and paint them yourself.

Help to decorate the pages of your diary cute pictures, funny stickers, funny inscriptions or emoticons. The beauty of printed pictures is that you can, without any extra effort, choose a beautiful font, choose a cool print and “place” many new incredible characters on the pages of your secret book.

A permanent resident/symbol/keeper of your diary can be unicorn or owl. You can draw such a miracle with your own hands, or you can print a ready-made template on a printer.

What to write about in your personal diary?

The basis of a personal diary still remains a deep semantic load. Each author, of course, decides for himself what to write about and what topics to raise in his diary. We dare, however, to give some advice and expand on the rich subject matter of personal diaries.
In addition to your daily affairs and plans, you can tell about yourself, your friends, tastes. Write, why do you love summer and other seasons.
The diary is your little chest of inspiration. Store it in it favorite music, movies, video games, photos and other things that inspire you.
If you have just started maintaining your personal account, ideas for your personal account will help you fill it with useful, interesting and the most relevant information.

The first page of your diary might look something like this.

Or so. This is your diary, you are in it you have the right to set your own rules. And be a little categorical.
AND tag about Paris.
No personal diary is complete without poetry.

And no quotes.

And without cute philosophical notes.
And without virtual travel.
And no jokes.

In this article we will look at what ideas you can use for your personal diary to make it beautiful and stylish.

After all, not every person likes to take notes in a regular notebook.

Adults also write down thoughts on paper. Imagine that something happened at work and you are thinking about what to do. Having written your thoughts in a notebook, you go to bed. In the morning, having calmed down, you re-read what you wrote and come to completely different conclusions.

And some people write poems that they don’t show to anyone. If you just write them down on pieces of paper, you might lose them. A separate notebook is needed. Moreover, you can sign your thoughts to the poems.

How to design a cover?

First, you should buy a notebook. Simple notebooks, without drawings, but with a thick cover, will do. And then everything will depend on your imagination. You can take ideas from the Internet, but it’s better to come up with a design yourself so that the diary has no analogues.

A cover made of fabric will look interesting and unusual. It should not be firmly attached to the notebook, as it will get dirty and will have to be washed. For decoration, it is better to take cotton fabric, as it is easier to work with.

Some craftswomen embroider designs on fabric using threads or beads. Undoubtedly, such covers will appeal to all owners of a notebook with secrets. Why not a gift idea? It will be useful for any girl or girl.

The tradition of creating and decorating personal little books comes from the last century. Then threads, pins, buttons, pieces of fabric, lace, and beads were used. You can borrow the ideas of our great-great-grandmothers. Use your imagination and create a miracle with your own hands.

First page

After designing the cover, you need to figure out how to decorate the spread. On the first page you should provide information about yourself. Not only your date of birth or place of residence can be written here, but also information about what you love. For example, tell us about your favorite actors, films and your hobbies. Attach your photo next to it.

On the second page you can write your favorite aphorism or poem. Perhaps you have a motto? Then feel free to write here. Or maybe you are a talented poet or artist? If so, report it!

Original drawings on the first two pages will not only decorate the diary, but also reflect your personality. You can borrow ideas from artists or come up with some drawings yourself. For example, doodling and zentangle are popular now. Drawings in these styles will not only serve as decoration, but will also help you relax and forget about problems while drawing.

Decoration inside

Our grandmothers and mothers turned common notebooks into diaries. Decorations included various clippings from newspapers and magazines, candy wrappers and chewing gum. They wrote down their thoughts with multi-colored pens, pencils, and felt-tip pens. It's almost 2017 and there are more opportunities for creativity.

In order for each page to attract the attention of the hostess, you need to make them colorful. You can use the traditional style and simply write with different colored pens. If you don’t want to write anything down, you can cut out and paste a picture from a magazine that characterizes your mood.

Some people decorate notebook sheets with paints. It is best to do this with watercolors. With its help, you can create patterns that will be not only beautiful, but also unique. Just remember to glue the two sheets together before coloring them. Then the paper will not warp.

Imagine how beautiful the notes will look with small images attached after them. When reading magazines, save funny pictures. They will definitely be useful to you. Some people cut out cards from colored paper or cardboard. They write beautiful quotes, thoughts or their own events. You can find cards online and print them out. They look very original on paper.

Do it yourself

You don't have to buy a notebook. You can use your imagination and create your own masterpiece. It is important for a girl to be able to make something with her own hands, so it is best to make a diary yourself. Moreover, the stores offer a huge selection of goods for creativity.

So, in order to create your creation, you will need colored paper. We require sheets of the same size. If they are all different, then measure the required size and cut it out. Fold them in half and set them aside. Now let's get to the cover. You will need cardboard for it. We will cover it with any fabric. Cool covers are obtained if you use felt and lace for this. We will also fold the cover in half.

Now you need to sew all the sheets and the cover at the fold. You can do this with multi-colored threads. We decorate the cover in any way. You can just stick on some cute card. There is another option for connecting the sheets together. No need to fold. We attach them to each other from the side using laces or light, small rings. The ends of the laces can be decorated with beads.

Calendar in a diary

You decide what you will write. Agree, it’s boring to just describe your life every day. In such a diary, important entries will be difficult to find. Therefore, you need to dilute them with something. A calendar drawn in a diary will look interesting. It is not necessary to write down each month with numbers. Simply writing the seasons is enough. For example, it's winter now. This means that before you write down your thoughts, you need to indicate this time of year.

Attach a beautiful picture of winter views to decorate the page. You can list the winter months by making a drawing for each. Or maybe you will be inspired to write a poem. If not, then rewrite a poem by your favorite poet. Fantasy here can be limitless.

By the way, New Year is coming soon, which means it’s time to prepare gifts. Why not write a list of gifts for family and friends in your personal notebook? Very often we forget what we gave to our friends. By writing this list, you will not only not forget, but will also be able to quickly decide on gifts. You can devote a separate page to each holiday, be it Christmas, birthday or Halloween. Make beautiful signatures with colored pens or felt-tip pens, and draw. This way you won't get lost in your notes. Moreover, colorful pages attract attention.

What else can you add to your notes?

In the life of every person there are not only positive moments, but also sad ones. Each page with similar entries can be highlighted in different ways. If you are writing about a sad topic, then place an image of a rainy day or a sad girl. If something pleasant happened, then draw something funny. Dedicate separate pages for all your adventures.

Those girls who play sports can take notes about their sporting achievements, supporting them with photographs. If you are planning to set some kind of record, then personal photos will come in handy. You can use them to track how you went towards your goal.

Esoteric lovers can indicate information about their horoscope in their diary. Write down at the beginning of the month what the stars predict for you. At the end of the month you will be able to check whether something matched or not. The same can be done with predictions for the year.

Keeping a diary requires a positive attitude. Don’t sit down to design it in a bad mood, because you might ruin everything. The main thing is that you like this masterpiece yourself. Only in this case will you receive a charge of vivacity and positivity from your recordings.

When you take notes, never lie to yourself. You must write down your innermost thoughts. No one will see them except you, so say everything you think is necessary. What secrets can there be from yourself?

Ideas for a personal diary, as you understand, can be different. Don’t forget, the more colorful your secret notebook is, the more interesting it will be to re-read it. Come up with some notes that will match your mood. These could be stickers or some small drawings.

When decorating, do not miss a single detail. These can be various little things that will transform the diary beyond recognition. After all, any person is interested in reading not a continuous text, but diluted with drawings, photographs and other interesting things. You can even draw some diagrams.

You should not just take notes, adding something colorful, but put your soul into your creation. If you don’t have any thoughts, then it’s better not to write anything. Without desire, you cannot create a masterpiece. Get inspired, come up with something new and everything will definitely work out.

Ideas for a personal diary: how to spice up your daily entries