
Facial massage with cosmetic vacuum jars. How to do vacuum facial massage at home

Facial massage with cosmetic vacuum jars.  How to do vacuum facial massage at home

Why did I decide to write about vacuum facial massage? Because our face deserves the most better care- after all, we want to be young and beautiful at any age! But does this mean you need to shell out a ton of money at beauty salons? Or put yourself in the hands of plastic surgeons? Not at all! Facial massage with vacuum cups - simple and natural remedy rejuvenation at home. Moreover, the product is very effective!


How does vacuum massage with cups affect the face?

Regular, correctly performed facial massage with vacuum cups gives the following effects:

  • deep wrinkles are smoothed out (for example, nasolabial folds),
  • small wrinkles are smoothed out (for example, wrinkles around the eyes),
  • complexion improves,
  • facial skin becomes fresher, more elastic and dense (i.e. more youthful),
  • facial skin irregularities are smoothed out,
  • pores are reduced,
  • pigment spots fade,
  • pimples and irritations disappear,
  • the condition of both too dry and too dry improves oily skin faces,
  • swelling, bags under the eyes go away,
  • double chin decreases,
  • the face tightens and becomes thinner (the face may lose a little weight during a vacuum massage, this should be taken into account),
  • The oval of the face becomes clearer.

Generally, Thanks to massage with vacuum cans, the face becomes younger. Moreover, it actually BECOMES younger, and not just looks. This is a real rejuvenation of the muscles and skin of the face, and not a visual effect that is obtained after plastic surgery and when using makeup.

How are all these wonderful effects of vacuum facial massage achieved?

Vacuum massage has a triple effect on the face:

relaxes spasmodic facial muscles, improves lymph exchange and creates microtraumas in the deep layers of the skin.

Massage with vacuum cups relaxes spasming facial muscles.


  • deep expression wrinkles caused by muscle spasms are smoothed out;
  • blood supply, disturbed in spasmodic muscles and adjacent areas of facial skin, improves.

Massage with vacuum cups improves lymph exchange.


  • congestion (edema) is eliminated;
  • toxic substances accumulated in the muscles, subcutaneous layer and facial skin are removed;
  • dead cells are removed;
  • the functions of the sebaceous and sweat glands are normalized, which solves the problem of both too dry and oily skin.

Massage with vacuum cups leads to microtraumas.

You shouldn't be afraid of microtraumas - this is a positive effect! Microtraumas - invisible outwardly, microscopic tissue damage - stimulate overcompensation (thus, it is thanks to microtraumas that muscles grow after strength exercises). In our case, facial massage with vacuum cans creates microtraumas in the deep layers of the skin, which leads to the following results:

  • an additional capillary network is formed, due to which blood flow significantly increases, i.e., the supply of oxygen and nutrients improves;
  • fibroblasts are activated, producing collagen and elastin proteins - facial skin becomes denser, smoother and more toned;
  • natural skin hydration improves;
  • pores on the face are reduced.

As you can see, the effect of vacuum facial massage is not so much cosmetic as therapeutic. With your own hands (and vacuum jars) you can restore natural youth and beauty to your face.

How to perform vacuum facial massage?

First of all, for massage we need vacuum cans. You can purchase a set of vacuum cans for facial massage either at a pharmacy in your city or on the Internet. I order all sorts of things like this on the Chinese website The simplest option - silicone vacuum jars (as in the photo) - are quite convenient and easy to use. You can buy glass jars with a rubber bulb. But you shouldn’t buy medical jars with a separate pump - it’s too complicated for our purposes.

For facial massage we will need jars of different diameters (at least 2 options):

  1. A small vacuum jar for massaging the area around the eyes, fine wrinkles and nasolabial folds. A small jar affects the upper layers of the skin. Its diameter should be minimal - a diameter of approximately 1 cm.
  2. An average vacuum jar for dynamic massage - diameter from 2 to 3 cm. An average jar affects the deep layers of skin and muscles.
  3. Large vacuum jar for static massage of the forehead and cheeks. The diameter of a large vacuum jar is from 3 to 5 cm in diameter. It is not necessary to purchase a large jar. You can use a medium jar instead. However, a large jar is suitable for vacuum massage of the décolleté and other areas of the body (see article on body massage with vacuum jars), so it’s also a good idea to have it in stock.

Oil for vacuum facial massage.

Massage with vacuum cups is always carried out on generously oiled skin. This type of massage cannot be performed without oil.

For massage you need to use cold pressed pure vegetable oils, without any additives (preservatives, flavorings). No deodorized, refined, hydrogenated or other processed oils! Store oils in a cool, dark place (refrigerator if necessary) and do not use oil after it has gone rancid.

How often to do a vacuum facial massage?

How often should you perform vacuum cupping facial massage at home? There are two schemes:

The first scheme is regular courses of vacuum massage, alternating with periods of rest.

  • Regular courses of 10-15 massage sessions are performed every other day (i.e. the course lasts 20-30 days).
  • Between courses you should take breaks of 15-30 days.

The second scheme is an intensive course of vacuum massage, and then maintenance sessions.

  • Intensive course - during the week, massage sessions are performed every day (i.e. 7 days in a row).
  • At the end of an intensive massage course, maintenance sessions should be performed every 1-2 weeks.
  • If necessary, after a few months, the intensive massage course can be repeated. And then, return to maintenance sessions.

Don't try to achieve quick results by doing vacuum massage too often. Remember that the effect does not appear during the massage itself, but in the intervals between massages - when the skin rests and recovers from microtrauma caused by vacuum cups.

It's similar to sports training: you need rest between workouts to get results. Just as muscles recover and grow only during rest between workouts, our skin is restored, tightened and rejuvenated only during rest between massage sessions.

Contraindications - when vacuum massage cannot be done.

  1. The presence of blood clots or a tendency to form blood clots.
  2. Poor blood clotting (due to illness or medication).
  3. Third degree hypertension or hypotension. Before doing a vacuum massage, you need to get rid of this problem, which can easily be done with one simple exercise(see article on treating blood pressure >>>), instead of constantly taking harmful medications.
  4. Diseases of the lymphatic system.
  5. Inflammation of the facial nerve.
  6. Acute fungal, infectious and other inflammatory processes on the skin of the face. Vacuum massage can help the infection penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin.
  7. Damage skin(open wounds, cuts).
  8. Any inflammatory processes in the body that are in the acute stage.
  9. Any acute diseases (colds, fever, poisoning).
  10. Severe fatigue, overwork, bad mood - a reason to postpone the vacuum massage for another day. Everything we do for our beauty and health should be done in a cheerful state and in a good mood.

Facial massage with vacuum cups - video lessons.

Vacuum cupping facial massage - video lesson (Video author: Anna Alieva - face forming specialist).

Miracles of vacuum cupping facial massage - video lesson.

Youth is always attracted by a good and healthy complexion, smooth, elastic, velvety and delicate skin. The aging process is indicated by a dull look, dullness of the skin, and the appearance of wrinkles. With age, capillary fragility prevents the skin from adequately supplying oxygen and essential substances, and collagen, the basis of connective tissue that provides strength and elasticity, weakens. How unpleasant such symptoms are for women when the soul is still young! In all centuries they have directed their efforts to prolong youth different ways. Modern development technology offers many methods of getting rid of wrinkles: massages, masks, care creams different types skin and for any time of day, injections of youth. One of them is vacuum massage, new in cosmetology, but using jars that have long been known to everyone and have been forgotten.


How is vacuum facial massage useful? It restores collagen fibers, capillary network and insufficient blood flow in them. This allows:

  • eliminate deep scars and scars;
  • get rid of wrinkles by relaxing muscle tension;
  • improve skin condition, reducing sagging and sagging;
  • eliminate swelling, swelling and dark circles under the eyes;
  • remove the double chin.


Undoubtedly, to carry out such a massage, you need special devices and knowledge of the technique of its implementation. It is best to do the procedure in salons equipped with devices for vacuum facial massage. A vacuum massager is an electric device that has attachments for various parts of the body and face. Its advantage over banks is the ability to regulate pressure and establish a certain regime.

Vacuum cans for facial massage come in several types. Modern glass jars have a different appearance than those that were popular for treating bronchitis and other respiratory diseases. A round glass base of various diameters for ease of use in different areas, topped with a rubber pump for extracting air - this is a type of massage jar. To install it, just squeeze the pump, and when you put it in, unclench your hand, causing the skin to be drawn into the jar. The disadvantage is the fragility of glass and the possibility of injury.

There are also rubber and silicone massage cups. Although rubber ones are the cheapest, they are also rougher to use, and also better absorb oils and gels used in massages, retain their odors for a long time and are a beneficial environment for the growth of bacteria.

More modern - silicone jars for vacuum facial massage. They are sealed, durable, have the same diameter, and are easy to move across the surface of the skin. All this makes them popular both in beauty salons and when carrying out the procedure at home.

Preparation for a vacuum massage will not be complete without purchasing a lubricant. Often any unrefined product is used for this purpose. vegetable oil, and best of all, olive creams. And yet, gels for vacuum facial massage are most suitable because of their water base and ability to penetrate deeper. They also ensure perfect sliding of the cans over the body.

Vacuum facial massage technique

There is a certain technique for performing facial massage with vacuum cups, without adhering to which you can harm your appearance, damage blood vessels, bruise your face, and cause inflammation. Regardless of which area of ​​the face will be massaged, it is necessary to cleanse the face of decorative cosmetics, then pour cold water over it. First, the muscles are slightly warmed up by applying gel to the surface of the face. The procedure is performed along special lines that you need to know. When massaging the forehead, massage movements are carried out from the center to the temples and from the eyebrows to the base of the hair using cans of two sizes - 33 and 22 mm. Start with the big one, then repeat all movements with the small one. The eyelid area is not subject to the procedure. The interbrow fold is smoothed out by passing the cup from the tip of the nose to it. The lower eyelid is affected along a line from the nose, the upper part of the cheek and to the temples (can diameter - 11mm). Other classic massage lines are from temple to temple between the nose and upper lip, from the center of the lower lip to the earlobe in different directions, from the middle of the lower part of the chin along the lower jaw to the earlobe.

Along each line, movements are made at least 4 times. The first sessions should take place without heavy load, followed by an increase in intensity, bringing the duration of the procedure to 15 minutes. How often can you do a vacuum facial massage? The frequency of it is once a week, the total number of sessions is 10-15. It is possible to increase the number of procedures to 3-4 per week if the facial contour is “swollen” or facial wrinkles are very deep. For young skin this is not necessary.

Vacuum facial massage device

A special cosmetic device for conducting vacuum massage works on the principles of creating a pulse wave, due to which the massage is carried out. The procedure gives a pleasant sensation, relieves swelling, and removes fat deposits.

Vacuum roller facial massage

Based on the use of vacuum and roller. This method involves the use of special nozzles - manipulators, through which air is removed, creating a vacuum. Rollers are placed inside the handles, massaging the skin retracted by the vacuum. The procedure is virtually painless and very effective. Thanks to it, lymphatic drainage is enhanced, skin elasticity increases, and facial muscles are toned and tightened.

Laser-vacuum facial massage

A new direction in the fight against aging. Combines two techniques: vacuum massage and cold laser. The radiation occurs through the nozzle of a vacuum apparatus, due to which the effect of the procedure is enhanced: toxins are removed, metabolic processes are improved, microcirculation of fluid in the body, cell nutrition, collagen production is stimulated. Wrinkles and sagging recede, facial skin becomes firmer and more radiant.

Vacuum facial massage at home

Vacuum facial massage at home is quite acceptable if you adhere to certain rules. Firstly, the jars for this purpose must be well washed and, if possible, pasteurized. Before the procedure, after cleansing, it is best to steam your face in a sauna, steam bath, bath, or over a container of hot water. This is done in order to reduce the risk of bruising. Next, the skin is lubricated with oil, cream or gel for better glide. Having installed the jar, you need to make sure that the skin is not too retracted and begin smooth movements along massage lines, which must be determined in advance according to diagrams available on the Internet or in specialized literature. Jerky movements create bruises on the face. Just a few movements along each line will give tangible results. You need to start with large-diameter jars, which is less traumatic for the skin, and only after gaining experience move on to using small ones.

Results after vacuum facial massage

The results after a vacuum facial massage will not be slow to make themselves felt. The reflection in the mirror will show a tightened oval of the face, refreshed skin, not so pronounced nasolabial folds, and wrinkles not so deep. If there were scars or scars on the face, they will become less noticeable.

Thanks to progress, many ways to prolong their youth and beauty have become available to women. In addition, the availability of anti-aging procedures has led to the fact that if a representative of the fair sex looks her age, then this is considered bad form. Even excuses for high prices salon procedures don't help. After all, there are many opportunities to do all these procedures at home yourself. Such procedures also include vacuum facial massage with cups. Next, we will consider the technique of performing such a massage.

The benefits of vacuum massage with cups for a woman’s face

As has been repeatedly noted, this type of cosmetic procedure helps a woman look much younger than her age. This is especially true for those women who are already over 35, but at the same time they want to look more youthful. Only woman's face does not always agree with this formulation of the question and often shows the true age of the lady. helps to hide it, but skill is required and the procedure itself is quite expensive. The best option will be a massage. It has the following advantages:

  • Deep wrinkles that show age are formed mainly in two areas - on the forehead and chin. Vacuum massage will remove them;
  • The same thing will happen with the so-called wrinkles - threads;
  • The flow of blood and oxygen to the skin increases, causing it to become denser;
  • Ptosis of muscle tissue decreases;
  • The double chin is removed;
  • The massage activates the production of your own collagen and elastin, thereby turning vacuum massage into a kind of analogue of revitonics.

Types of vacuum massage

On this moment salons can offer the following types vacuum massage:

  • Classic version– special silicone, rubber or glass jars are used, from which air is sucked out using special equipment or by pressing a special bulb at the end of the jar;
  • Vacuum roller version– this requires a special apparatus;
  • Hybrid vacuum massage– the effect on the skin occurs under the influence of infrared light. The latter perfectly warms up the skin before and during the procedure, thereby improving blood circulation in the skin.

When purchasing cans, you need to know that there are three sizes of cans - 33 mm, 22 mm, 11 mm in diameter. How smaller size, the more delicate the pressure applied to the skin. When massaging the nasolabial folds and the area under the eyes, use the smallest size massager.

Banks large sizes used for massage:

  • forehead area.

Silicone jars are considered the best. They have the following advantages over other types of massage cups:

  • Tightness - the arched shape of the jar does not allow it to slip off the skin;
  • Ease of use. Silicone jars are especially valued because they can be easily taken on trips. They are not in danger of breaking, they do not require much space, and they do not require electricity or fire to operate;
  • Durability - as already mentioned, they do not break like glass, they cannot be broken. They are made from environmentally friendly materials.

Then there are glass jars. The air is sucked out of them using a bulb, which is located on top of the can. The main advantage of a glass jar is the ease of cleaning after use. Among the disadvantages, the fragility of the material is noted. Massage with these cups is quite painful, although effective. Therefore, people with hypersensitive skin should choose silicone products.

In third place in popularity are rubber cans. The advantage is low cost. Compared to the previously described types of cups, they have a rougher effect, which allows for a more intense effect on the skin, the degree of which can be adjusted by squeezing the jar with your fingers. Among the inconveniences, users note that rubber easily absorbs the odors of used oils and creams. It is also noted that it is impossible to completely clean the rubber from oils, which can lead to the growth of bacteria on the surface of the can.

Technique for proper cupping massage

The massage itself is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • The facial skin is pre-treated with cosmetic oil, gel or massage cream;
  • The massage begins with the use of the largest size cups;
  • The air is removed from them and they are installed on the face according to the instructions;
  • The first movement is from the collarbones to the chin slowly;
  • Then the large cans are replaced by medium ones, and the massaging continues along the nasolabial fold upward and along the wings of the nose to the ears;
  • At the end, the jars are changed to the smallest ones, and massaging the eye area begins.

The total massage time should not exceed 15 minutes once a week. The first procedures are carried out with soft and smooth movements, then the intensity can be increased.

The most important thing is adherence to technique. If its requirements are violated, then instead of a positive impact you can get a negative one - stretched skin, enlarged pores. In some cases, the disorder can lead to the appearance of stretch marks on the face. All movements during massage go strictly from the center to the periphery.

For beginners, it is recommended to start with a so-called static massage - applying cups to the desired areas on the face for a certain time. As experience grows, you can move on to dynamic (classical) massage.

The best jars for facial massage are silicone.

Features of vacuum massage at home

To conduct sessions at home, experts recommend purchasing paired sets, that is, you must have at least 6 jars of different sizes. Let's repeat what:

  • 2 large size(33 mm in diameter) – they work large facial and neck muscles;
  • 2 medium (22 mm) - respectively, they work the middle muscles;
  • 2 small (11 mm) - they are used to treat hard-to-reach places. These are the areas around the eyes, lips and nose.

Before each procedure, it is necessary to re-disinfect the jars, even if they are clean. The skin must be cleansed of all cosmetics. Before the massage, apply generously to it. cosmetic oil(you can take regular unrefined vegetable). Oil is necessary so that the jars glide better over the skin.

After the procedure cosmetic product It must be removed from the skin, otherwise you may get skin inflammation. Instead, you can apply a nourishing cream.

Frequency of the procedure: at first, no more than twice a week. As you get used to it, you can increase it to once every two days. Some ladies get massages daily. But as professionals say, with experience, each woman will decide for herself how much massage she needs. The main thing to remember is that massage does not tolerate fanaticism. Therefore, there is no need to rush to get everything at once.


No matter how effective the procedure is, it is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the list of contraindications. Maybe you shouldn't carry out the procedure until you solve the problem:

  • Acne, and massage will only increase the amount of acne;
  • Cuts and other violations of the integrity of the skin. Massage can lead to inflammation;
  • Benign or malignant formations at the site of the massage. In this case, it is strictly forbidden to do this;
  • Large moles, warts and papillomas in the face and neck will also become an obstacle;
  • Herpes on the face;
  • Any infectious diseases that cause fever, body aches, weakness;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems. Fragility and fragility of blood vessels;
  • Inflammation of the facial nerve in the acute stage;
  • Facial skin is hypersensitive.

It is noteworthy that with the above defects and ailments of the skin, any cosmetic procedures that involve an intense effect on the skin are contraindicated.

Watch the secrets of proper cupping facial massage in this video:

In general, the effect of massage can be assessed after the first procedure. The skin and oval of the face become tightened, skin tone is evened out. The benefits of massage are undeniable. Cupping massage can be recommended as an first aid before an important event or romantic date. The swelling or swelling characteristic after a massage disappears within 15-20 minutes. Collagen creams and serums will enhance the effect of the massage, and micellar water and tonics will add freshness.

You will be able to find Additional information on this topic in the section.

Modern advances in cosmetology and aesthetic medicine allow women long time stay young and beautiful. To do this, you must select the appropriate method. A technique such as vacuum facial massage is becoming increasingly popular, which in many cases allows one to avoid more radical options for rejuvenation and correction of cosmetic defects.

Properties of vacuum massage

In a beauty salon, it is carried out using silicone or rubber cups, as well as through professional devices with attachments that allow dosing the level of negative pressure in a pulsating mode.

Vacuum facial massage at home is a procedure for which, as in salons, silicone, glass, and less often rubber cans are used, as well as convenient compact vacuum devices and massagers for home use. The method consists of creating negative pressure in a jar or nozzle by manually or automatically (using a device) removing air, after which a static or dynamic effect is applied.

As a result:

  1. Spasmed facial and masticatory muscles are stretched and relaxed.
  2. An additional capillary network opens, blood flow increases, and with it oxygen, nutrients and microelements.
  3. Metabolic processes increase and cellular regeneration accelerates.
  4. Tissue congestion is eliminated, especially under the eyes, toxic and under-oxidized metabolic products are removed, thanks to improved outflow of venous blood and lymph.
  5. The degree of fat deposits in the chin area is reduced.
  6. Fibroblasts are activated, producing collagen and elastin proteins.
  7. Complexion and natural skin hydration are normalized. Its elasticity and tone of facial muscles increase, small wrinkles at the outer corner of the eyes, lips, and chin are smoothed out, and the depth of the nasolabial fold decreases.
  8. Conditions are created for the normalization of the function of the sebaceous and sweat glands, the release of open comedones, and the release of gland ducts.
  9. The porosity of the skin is reduced and its protective properties are increased.

Thus, vacuum facial massage is not only a cosmetic, but also a therapeutic method of influence.

Results after 10 sessions

Rules for the procedure

It is recommended to start facial massage after 30-35 years, when fine wrinkles and sagging tissues appear. It is usually combined with exposure to the skin in the area of ​​the supraclavicular fossa and neck. It should be borne in mind that it should be carried out only along the lateral and posterolateral surfaces of the neck, without affecting the thyroid gland area. To improve the outflow of lymph and venous blood, it is advisable to begin the procedure by working on the supraclavicular lymph nodes and neck.

The technique of vacuum massage of the face and neck using cups is almost no different from that when using hardware massage. The surface to be treated must be lubricated with massage cream, cosmetic gel or oil. The air is first removed by a device or by squeezing a silicone or rubber bulb, after which it is installed on the required area.

In the supraclavicular region, the bank is fixed pointwise at each site for 2-5 seconds. It should not be rotated or moved. This procedure is repeated 7-10 times. Exactly the same actions, but up to 5 times, are carried out in the eyelid area and around the eyes. In these places, it is impossible to create pronounced negative pressure in the bank.

Scheme of placing a vacuum can in the periorbital zone, the area of ​​the upper and lower eyelids.

After this, begin the neck massage. To do this, place your free hand at the point of the collarbone and shoulder joint. With the second hand, smoothly and at a slow pace the jar is moved in upward and downward directions along the lateral and posterolateral surfaces of the neck. Only after the muscles and skin have warmed up can you move on to a deeper and more energetic effect.

Diagram of the main massage lines

1. Massage lines décolleté and side of the neck.
Use a jar with a diameter of 33 mm.
2. Massage lines for fat deposits under the chin.

1. Working on the chin area - use a jar with a diameter of 22 or 33 mm.
2. Massage lines for working out the perioral zone: a jar with a diameter of 22 mm is used.

Working on the forehead and eyebrow area. The diameter of the jar is 22-33 mm.

1. Correction and prevention of crow's feet. The diameter of the jar is 22 mm.
2. Working on the wings of the nose - the diameter of the can is 11 mm.

Facial massage with vacuum cups


To massage this area, you need to have two cans with diameters of 33 mm and 22 mm. If the first one does not stick to the skin of the forehead, use a jar with a smaller diameter. Movements must be carried out:

  1. Vertically from bottom to top and top to bottom (also vertically). First you need to wrinkle your forehead.
  2. From the midline to the temporal region, move left and right alternately, holding the skin of the opposite half of the forehead with your free hand. In all these directions, the procedure is performed with a jar with a diameter of 33 mm, after which it is repeated, but with a smaller jar (diameter 22 mm) and with the addition of spiral movements. In this case, you can work on each wrinkle separately.
  3. At points on the central line of the forehead (the area of ​​the transverse, coronal bone suture), massage should take longer, since poor blood circulation in this area and contraction of the frontal muscles when the forehead is wrinkled leads to their persistent spasm and the formation of vertical wrinkles. Massage in this area is allowed to be done through voluntary movements.
  4. The brow ridges and the bridge of the nose are massaged with a jar with a diameter of 22 mm. It moves from the bridge of the nose slightly upward diagonally to the level of the middle of the right eyebrow. The same is repeated to the level of the middle of the left eyebrow. In this case, the skin of the face should not stretch: the skin in the area of ​​the opposite side is fixed with your free hand.

Other areas of the face

Preventing ptosis of the tissues of the middle third of the face (cheekbones) is carried out by displacing a can with a diameter of 33 mm. The movements are directed from the corners of the mouth along the zygomatic muscles to the temples, while it is necessary to linger at the point of protrusion of the zygomatic bone and at the end point of the movement. The lips on the massaged side are held with the palm of your hand free hand. The same is repeated in the smiling position.

The chewing muscles are worked in positions with the mouth open and closed with downward movements in two directions:

  • from the border of the lower eyelid with the cheek to the angle of the lower jaw, including the skin above it;
  • from the same point to the chin.

At the junction of the jaws, you need to linger and massage up and down.

To prevent sagging tissues in the lower jaw area, the chin and tissues near it are fixed with one hand, and with the other, the jar is shifted along the arch of the lower jaw to the ear tragus, alternately on each side. Then the massage is carried out in the opposite direction - from the jaw joint to the chin along the arch of the lower jaw.

Fat deposits under the chin and reduction of wrinkles on it are carried out by short in a circular motion in these zones.

In the corners of the eyes, massage with movements in the form of a semicircle while stretching the skin with your fingers. Vertical wrinkles above the upper lip and in the corners of the mouth are eliminated by massaging the orbicularis muscle in a state of tension and with the mouth open. In places of wrinkles it is necessary to make a delay.

Video of massage with vacuum cans

To prevent progressive age-related changes, as well as to improve the skin, cupping massage is widely practiced. The technique for performing it is simple and includes knowledge of several basic stages.

This procedure does not cause pain or discomfort and is suitable for any age. The effectiveness and possible negative manifestations depend entirely on compliance with the recommended rules and taking into account some nuances.

Cupping massage is a special technique of influencing the epidermis using vacuum cups. During the procedure, small jars are applied to the required areas of the face, which kind of suck in the skin, thereby activating many processes.

As a result:

  • metabolism is normalized;
  • the functioning of the blood circulation and lymphatic system improves;
  • toxins are eliminated;
  • muscles are strengthened;
  • collagen production increases, etc.

The procedure significantly rejuvenates and returns the natural glow to the face in just a few sessions.

Effect of massage

Delivery of the course cupping massages for the face gives the following effect:

  • saturates cells with oxygen;
  • reduces the volume of wrinkles;
  • reduces capillary fragility;
  • improves elasticity and reduces sagging;
  • smoothes the skin;
  • removes toxins;
  • and minimizes swelling;
  • strengthens facial muscles and more.

The effectiveness will be slightly higher if sessions are carried out the required number of times, taking into account all the features of the epidermis.

When the result appears

At the right approach before performing massage movements with cups, the result should be noticeable 10 hours after the end of the first session and consist of:

  • in improving complexion,
  • in reducing sagging,
  • in narrowing pores,
  • in a feeling of lightness on the face.

Getting rid of many problems and significant improvement of the skin occurs only after completing a course of such sessions.

Advantages and disadvantages

The principle of operation is to actively stimulate skin cells using cupping. This massage has a number of positive and negative aspects. Cosmetologists highlight the main advantages of the procedure:

  1. Deep cleansing and nutrition.
  2. Significant reduction in pores.
  3. Strengthening facial and facial muscles.
  4. Normalization of blood circulation and lymphatic system functioning.
  5. Complete removal of toxins.
  6. Improved appearance and overall health.

Cupping massage technique, watch in this video:

Along with the positive aspects, cupping massage has some disadvantages:

  1. The likelihood of exacerbation of chronic diseases, especially those associated with lesions of the facial nerves.
  2. Manifestations of bruising or slight swelling.
  3. Burning sensation on the face.

In rare cases, in the late afternoon, there may be a slight increase in body temperature, which normalizes by morning without drug treatment.

As a rule, negative consequences occur if a person did not follow the rules during the session, or contraindications were not taken into account.

Indications and contraindications

  • swelling, especially in the eye area;
  • excess fat deposits, including a double chin;
  • dullness or sagging skin;
  • increased dryness of the epidermis;
  • weak facial muscles.

In some cases, performing such a procedure can cause irreparable harm to health,
Therefore, it is necessary to refuse cupping massage:

  • for oncological diseases;
  • if there are lesions of the lymph nodes;
  • have problems with blood clotting;
  • for various wounds on the face;
  • if there are infectious diseases;
  • with extensive rashes or allergic reactions;
  • for some neurological diseases.

It is worth rescheduling the session to a more favorable time in case of general malaise, elevated temperature or high blood pressure.

Types of massage cups and selection rules

Two types of jars are used for massage.

  1. Glass, their peculiarity is the need to burn out the air from them before the start of the session.
  2. Silicone, in such cans the air must be pumped out manually.

How to perform the procedure on the forehead is described in this video:

It is possible to do the procedure with any of the two types of cans, the main thing is to take into account important rules when choosing:

  • make sure that the product does not have cracks, chips or uneven edges;
  • the size should not be too large, the optimal diameter is up to 50 millimeters.

Cosmetologists prefer and recommend exclusively the silicone type for home use, as the most reliable and at the same time easy to use.

Cupping facial massage technique

Cupping massage is not a complex procedure in its implementation. The main thing is not to forget to adhere to a certain technique, which consists of several key steps:

Most cosmetologists agree that during the first procedure you should not touch the area around the eyes or limit yourself to simply installing the jar, without moving it.

Rules for cupping massage

The expected effect and benefits of cupping massage will be observed only if it is performed properly. Basic rules:

How to prepare for the procedure

The procedure requires certain preparatory work, which will allow you to see positive result much faster and will prevent the manifestation of negative consequences after the massage. Before the session you must:

  • by using special means remove makeup from the face;
  • do a procedure aimed at expanding pores;
  • apply natural oil, for example, or almond on the face and neck area;
  • Use alcohol wipes or other disinfectants to treat the jars.

Experienced massage therapists advise sitting with your eyes closed 10-15 minutes before the session and thinking about something positive.

How to spend at home

Cupping facial massage can be done at home. The main thing is to take into account the following points when taking an independent approach:

  1. Don't forget to wash your hands and dry them.
  2. It is better to disinfect the jars with a special solution.
  3. Cleanse and steam the skin.
  4. Take the most comfortable position and relax.

By general technology The procedure is no different from what a master does in a cosmetology salon. Of course, the final result will be more pronounced if the sessions are conducted by an experienced specialist.

Where is the best place to have the procedure?

Provided that a person is fully familiar with the technique of cupping massage, it is permissible to do such a procedure on their own. The main thing is to strictly follow all the recommendations and do all the preparatory steps in advance.

If there are serious or advanced problems on the face, then you should not do this. do the procedure yourself, it is advisable to use the services of a massage therapist in a cosmetology elephant.

Undesirable consequences

As a rule, there are no negative consequences after the procedure. In rare exceptions, if the massage was performed independently, or there were violations of the technique, then the following may be observed:

  • Slight swelling, especially under the eyes;
  • Bruises on the face or minor bruises;
  • Redness of the skin.

All consequences, as a rule, disappear without a trace after 2-3 days.

If the situation has not returned to normal, then consultation with a dermatologist is required.


After completing the course of cupping massages general state skin will improve significantly, and all sorts of age-related problems will be minimized or completely eliminated.

The effect of such procedures lasts for a long time, even if the sessions were carried out at home. The main thing is not to neglect the preparatory stages when performing and pay attention to the technique.