
Events for Family Day of Love and Fidelity. Methodological development on the topic: Scenario of a festive event for children and parents “July 8th - Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. Libmo or obstacle dance

Events for Family Day of Love and Fidelity.  Methodological development on the topic: Scenario of a festive event for children and parents “July 8th - Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.  Libmo or obstacle dance

Yes, I, too, have not yet gotten used to the two new holidays, where the whole family acts as the hero of the occasion :-). This is about international day Family (May 15) and Family Day, Love and Fidelity (July 8).

A lot has been written about the history of these holidays, I won’t repeat myself, read on (not everyone knows and remembers the story about Peter and Fevronia, so I can tell you briefly before the start of the holiday). Today I will try to sketch out ideas for those who have been tasked with conducting exactly entertainment program for children and adults.

These competitions can add flavor to any script in poetry, theatrical performance or concert.

Where can I use this script?

In sanatoriums, holiday homes, family clubs, social service centers, tourist centers and so on. Wherever the whole family vacations in the middle of summer.

Short description: entertaining competitions and games in which children can participate of different ages together with parents. No rehearsals are needed; families receive all assignments from the presenter before the start of the program. I included creative, sports, music, dance, theater and intellectual tasks.

Hall decoration

As you know, the holiday has an approved symbol - the daisy, why do we need to come up with something new. Daisies made from paper and balls are just right. Check out my ideas. There are flowers made from large balls; they can be used to decorate the edge of the stage and the backdrop. By the way, even more.

We are pleased to offer our services for holiday decoration.
Call if you are in Moscow!

And here's how to make a symbol of the July 8 holiday - a Daisy from a long thin ball (SHMD). Very clear master class:

These garlands also look fun: we decorate the backdrop of the stage with clotheslines on which paper things hang - panties, T-shirts, shorts, dresses made of colored paper (A4 size).

Ready-made banners and posters

Fortunately, all this is now on sale, and it’s easy to choose the desired design and size on the website. Large posters are convenient because you can quickly decorate a stage, the wall of a building, doors, or interior spaces. Beautiful picture and several fountains made of balloons - the thematic decoration for the holiday is ready.

Here are several options for ready-made banners (there are vertical and horizontal ones, sizes in meters to choose from: 0.4x2, 0.5x3, 0.7x4, 0.7x5). (13 species). A two-meter banner is already an impressive decoration. And no one will pass by the 5-meter one. Everyone understands that there is a big holiday here!

Posters are not so large, printed on paper, sizes: A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4. . (8 types)

Homemade preparations

If suddenly the format of the event allows, you can give “homework” a week before the holiday, and then just select and reward the winners.

What can we offer our families?

  • Photo competition “Carousel” (all family members must fit on one carousel in the yard or in the park). The most original ones win
  • Photo competition "In order to exercise." Everyone here is in sports uniform according to their height.
  • Photo competition “Eternal glory to water”. The whole family needs to dive into the pool, sea, pond or river
  • Pie with fruit filling. This is for a later family tea party, there will be no losers, everyone will eat :-). You can award separately “for the most beautiful”, “most delicious”, “largest”, “most unusual”
  • You can organize the entire buffet table on your own (even if it’s also part of a delicious competition, just distribute the snacks in advance) - here’s what I have
  • Poster competition for “Family Day of Love and Fidelity.” There is one condition - the image must consist only of the handprints of all family members. This way you can depict the sun, palm trees, grass, flowers and trees. You can use not only finger paints, but also regular gouache or watercolor.

Here is my version of the poster:

And a few more examples from the Internet:

Now the entertainment program itself

Let's dress up

The presenter needs to prepare the accessories and wrap them separately in paper or opaque bags. Moms, dads and children pull a bundle at random. Who got what? (Nipples on a string, men's ties, women's scarves, children's panama hats, bow ties, bibs, funny foam ears, wigs, noses, horns, beads, bracelets, kitchen aprons).

Participants need to put all this on themselves. It can be funny when an overweight dad wears a bib, and a five-year-old baby wears a man’s tie.

The presenter builds everyone up, gives the audience the opportunity to admire and laugh, offers families...

Fashion show

Presenter: Now each family has a special task. We will not just have a fashion show on stage! The Ivanov family will depict the gait of a woman in heels with heavy bags, the Matveevs will walk in soldier formation, the Smirnovs will depict the gait one year old baby, The Petrovs jump over puddles. Let someone walk along the rope, someone backwards, and so on.

All families walk from one side of the stage to the other to cheerful music.

Caterpillar with balls

At the first stage, we give out balloons to the participants according to the number of family members. It is better that each family has its own color. If the presenter does not have time to inflate in advance, have the adults inflate themselves using the inflator while a musical number is on stage.

Now the caterpillar itself: team members line up one after another, and between the back of the previous and the stomach of the next participant you need to hold the ball. I usually allow you to hold it with your hands; kids won’t be able to handle it any other way.

All caterpillars line up and walk to the finish line (5 meters and back). Let the “head” of the caterpillar hold the ball just in front of it. The caterpillar that does not crumble along the road and covers the distance faster wins.

Caterpillars can also dance a lambada, do exercises, repeating the movements of the leader, and even chase each other (the head of one caterpillar must try to catch up with the tail of another). Friends, this is fun! Don't forget about the music.

Love and loyalty to everyone!

When you have completed all the competitions with balloons (and the funniest one is “a barrel of watermelons” :-)), ask the participants to write on the balloons the main words of today’s holiday: “family”, “love”, “loyalty” and sign their name. On the count of three, everyone throws balls into the audience. Whose ball flies the farthest wins.

Libmo or obstacle dance

Here you can offer a traditional Latin American fun - walking under a rope with dance moves. The rope, if you remember, needs to be lowered by 10 cm after each passage.
On the contrary, the rope can be pulled at the bottom and gradually raised to the waist level of an adult. First 10 cm from the floor, then higher. Gradually, those participants from each team who can high jump remain. We reward!

We turn on the appropriate music: samba, cha-cha, salsa. (children's competitions may well be family-friendly, so look for suitable ones -).

Strongman with lemonade

Usually the competition is held with a five-liter barrel of beer, but we’re having a family holiday, so we’ll replace it with lemonade. Let dad get the sweet drink for the family. Men need to hold a bag with bottles or boxes of juice (5 liters in total) on their outstretched hand for as long as possible. Winner takes all.

Dance battle or flash mob

We have no time to prepare and rehearse, so the musical composition should be a surprise for the team and the audience. Announce a competition and line up the whole family on stage. The task is to get involved in the music as quickly as possible and demonstrate to everyone together the dance elements characteristic of each occasion.

We carefully watch the dancers! If things go well, we give the opportunity to please ourselves and the audience. If everyone in the family is shy, turn off the music after 30-40 seconds and ask the audience to support you with applause.

The most common dances: square dance, lezginka, hip-hop, rock and roll, children's dance ducklings, macarena, gypsy girl, latina, tango, cancan, lambada, dance of little swans, oriental belly dance, etc.

The most active and cheerful ones win, of course.

The slimmer family

We ask all family members to stand in a circle facing each other and hug and cuddle very tightly (we raise children so that their heads are at the same level). The presenter measures everyone at waist level using a tape measure. The competition is funny, since there can be several children and the total waist size will be large.

We reward both the slimmer and the BIGGEST family in every sense.

Extraordinary concert

It will be a bit boring without homemade preparations, but you can always find a way out if the participants are not prepared. As a rule, someone in the family plays the guitar or another instrument and sings well along with “minus.” We put these ones to perform last. Talented readers are also suitable for the concert.

Nominations for the competition can be as follows:

  • folk song
  • song from a movie (often taken from Soviet comedies)
  • bard song
  • favorite children's song
  • performing a children's poem with the whole family at the same time
  • dramatization of a famous song (we just turn on the recording, and the participants depict the essence with facial expressions and gestures)
  • noise orchestra (we hand out empty tin cans with change, rustling bags, wooden spoons, pots with ladles, various rattles, turn on something rhythmic, like the “Radetzky March”)
  • etc., consult with the participants, among them there may be gymnasts and magicians.

Sculpture “Happy Family”

Honestly, I'm doing this competition for the heart-warming photos. You give the families the opportunity to confer for a minute, then your assistants cover the family from prying eyes for a few seconds with a screen made of a beautiful blanket (they hold it at both ends). During this time, participants create a sculpture. When everything is ready, lower the “screen”, and all spectators enjoy hugging parents and children. Some show extraordinary creativity, building real living pyramids, where the smallest member of the family stands on daddy’s shoulders.

Festive program for residents of the Zavolzhsky district

"Day of Family, Love and Fidelity"

Date: 07/08/16.

Venue: park named after. Margelova

Brief description of the material
The script of the festive game program dedicated to the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity can be used to prepare and hold a holiday in an institution additional education children or at a school day camp for children during summer holidays.
Target: formation of the concept of the value of benevolent family relations through games, competitions, songs, acquaintance with folk customs, games, handicrafts.
The competitions are designed for children aged 6–10 years, and older schoolchildren (11–14 years old) can be assistants in organizing stages of the game and performers of musical numbers.

1. Raise in children an awareness of their own participation in creating warm family relationships;
2. Develop the communication abilities of schoolchildren;
3. Teach organization, composure and cohesion in joint activities;
4. Develop interest in socially significant holidays;
5. Contribute to the creation of a positive emotional mood through games, competitions, songs, familiarity with folk customs, games, and handicrafts.
Equipment and materials: equipment for musical accompaniment, materials and instruments for competitions and master classes, tables, chairs, competition name plates, banners, posters, souvenirs for winners and prize-winners.

The progress of the holiday

Opening of the holiday
Music is playing. Presenter: Good afternoon, Dear friends! We are glad to see you today at the holiday dedicated to the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. Let's remember the distant events of Russian history.

There is a legend:
The young Prince Peter fell ill with an incurable disease. The poor girl Fevronia was able to heal the prince. They got married. But noble people did not approve of the prince’s choice to marry a peasant woman and demanded that Fevronia be expelled. Peter left the city with his wife.
The prince and princess returned to Murom only when the people asked them to do so.
The couple carried their love for each other through all the trials, lived happily and died on the same day.
Saints Peter and Fevronia are considered patrons of family happiness, love and fidelity, and their marital union is a model of Christian marriage.

Family Day has been celebrated in Russia relatively recently, since 2008. New family holiday There is already a medal, which is awarded on July 8, and a very gentle symbol - a daisy. This holiday is the day true love and strong happy family.
Family is what we share among everyone,
A little bit of everything: tears and laughter,
Rise and fall, joy, sadness,
Friendship and quarrels, the seal of silence,
Let the seconds, weeks, years rush by,
Family is what is always with you!
(author of the poems unknown)
The song “Hymn to the Family (Peter and Fevronia)” (music and lyrics by Ilya Reznik) performed by a vocal ensemble is played. .
Carrying out the game Leading: Today for you, our dear children, we have prepared a game consisting of 5 competitions. You must divide into 5 teams of 8 - 10 people and choose captains. Team captains are given score sheets indicating the sequence of competitions. You are given no more than 10 minutes to participate in each competition. Not only the speed of completing the task will be assessed, but also the quality. At the end of the game, the team captains will give me the score sheets to sum up the results.
Presenter: The guys who were not included in the team will also not be left idle: those who wish will go to master classes " Friendly family" and "Amulets". Our folklore ensemble will teach you to play folk games “Like under a hill under a mountain...” and “A stream is spilling.”
For everyone else, a drawing competition on the asphalt “My Family” is held, with prizes for the best drawings!
Host: And the competition begins for the teams! Good luck guys! Reade set Go!

A game.
In each competition, all team members complete tasks, the results are recorded on a score sheet (from 1 to 5 points).

Relay race "It's fun to walk together":
- “three-legged” (two participants have their left and right legs tied together, task: go the distance and come back);
- “pilot and navigator” (task: one participant is blindfolded, the other tells how to get through the “labyrinth” drawn on the asphalt with chalk);
- “ball” (two participants hold the ball between themselves without using their hands, task: quickly go the distance);
- “snake” (all team members, holding their shoulders, move between the pins, task: go the distance without dropping the pins);

Contest "Family":
- riddles, proverbs and sayings about family (Appendix 2), task: guess the riddles, continue the proverbs and sayings;

Contest "Good words":
- game - “chain” (task: all team members line up in a row and take turns speaking to the person standing next to them good words, without repeating, from the first team member to the last and back);

Contest “One – daisy, two – daisy...”:
- making a “Chamomile” bracelet (each team member makes one daisy out of paper, fastens the daisy with an elastic band, puts it on his hand, Task: make bracelets for the whole team, time and quality are taken into account)

Contest"Magic Melody":
- songs from cartoons (task: guess the names of songs or cartoons).

B. Russian folk game “Like under a hill under a mountain...”
A circle (about 2 m in diameter) is drawn on the asphalt or ground, and a chair is placed in the middle. A “buy” or “merchant” sits on a chair. The players dance around the chair, now approaching the drawn circle, now moving away, and sing:
Like under a hill under a mountain
There is an oak chair,

There's a bathing suit on the chair -
The girl is a dove
(There is a merchant on a chair -
Well done, darling).
Buy, buy, (merchant, merchant) buy,
Choose whoever you want!

The kupka or merchant, without getting up from his chair, needs to grab someone from the round dance and pull him into the circle. The one who is “bought” by the purchase leads - becomes the purchase or merchant.

V. Russian folk game "The stream is overflowing"
The well-known game “Stream”.

Together with the folklore ensemble, the children sing:
A trickle, a trickle is spilling
I can't find my dear one.
As soon as I follow the stream I will go
I’ll find my sweetheart.

A trickle, a trickle is spilling
My sweetheart never meets me.
As soon as I follow the stream I will go
I will find my beloved.

The song “White chamomile, tender petals” sounds

Closing of the holiday
And now, dear friends, I would like to thank everyone and express the hope that the holiday has helped us get to know each other better, unite, and take another step towards mutual understanding and unity.

On the day of love and family day
Hug your loved ones tightly,
Fill yourself with a feeling of light,
Don't be shy about warm feelings!

Tell them how much you love them
Close, sweet and dear ones!
It's difficult today without a family,
Be with her every second,
Cherish, love, cherish,
Don't be sorry for the warm affection!

Presenter and presenter: Our holiday is over. See you again, friends!

Music is playing.

Scenario of an extracurricular event dedicated to the Day of Love, Family and Loyalty, on the topic “Lada and harmony is the first happiness in the family”

Vinokurova Rosalia Khamitovna, teacher of Russian language and literature, Municipal Budget Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 8”, Nizhnevartovsk
Description: This extracurricular event is intended for a family holiday dedicated to the Day of Love, Family and Fidelity. Recommended for younger children school age. Aimed at strengthening family values.
Target: creating conditions for fostering a responsible attitude towards family as a basic value of society.

1. introduce the history of the origin of the holiday;
2. instill traditions in marriage based on devotion, fidelity, love, forgiveness and understanding using the example of the story of Saints Peter and Fevronia;
3. develop communication skills;
4. cultivate feelings of love and respect for parents, pride in your family.

Progress of the event

Leading: Good afternoon dear friends! Today in our country there is wonderful holiday"Day of love, family and fidelity."

What is family?
It's you, it's me,
This is our warm home -
There is a lot of joy in it.

On this day Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the day of remembrance of Saints Peter and Fevronia, who from ancient times were considered patrons of family and marriage in Rus'.

In Rus' there is a tale about
Like Fevronia and Peter
Were an exemplary couple,
Friendly, loving and faithful.

Let's get to know their story.

Short story Peter and Fevronia of Murom
The blessed Prince Peter was the second son of Murom Prince Yuri Vladimirovich. A few years before ascending the throne, Prince Peter fell ill with leprosy, from which no one could cure him. In a sleepy vision, it was revealed to the prince that he could be healed by the daughter of the “tree climber”, a beekeeper who extracted wild honey, Fevronia, a peasant woman from the village of Laskovoy in the Ryazan land. Virgin Fevronia was wise, wild animals obeyed her, she knew the properties of herbs and knew how to treat ailments, she was beautiful, pious and kind girl. The prince promised to marry her after healing. Saint Febronia healed the prince, however, he did not keep his word. The illness resumed, Fevronia cured him again and married him. When he inherited the reign after his brother, the boyars did not want to have a princess of simple rank, telling him: “Either let go of your wife, who insults noble ladies with her origin, or leave her as Murom.” The prince took Fevronia, got into a boat with her and sailed along the Oka. They began to live ordinary people, rejoicing that they were together, and God was helping them. In Murom, unrest began, many began to seek the vacated throne, and murders began. Then the boyars came to their senses, gathered a council and decided to call Prince Peter back. The prince and princess returned, and Fevronia managed to earn the love of the townspeople.
Since then, on the feast of Peter and Fevronia
We wish everyone well for the families,
Respect, love and harmony.
In the house of happiness, comfort, warmth!

I propose to hold a family competition on this holiday.
Competition “Continue the phrase”
Exercise: Teams need to continue the phrase: “Family is...”, perhaps in poetry original form.

Competition “Collect a proverb”
The title of our event contains the proverb “Harmony and harmony is the first happiness in the family.” Reveal its meaning. Indeed, every proverb contains folk wisdom. How well do you know proverbs about family? I offer participation in the “Collect a Proverb” competition.
Exercise: The beginnings and endings of proverbs about family are written on the cards. The teams find a match. For each correct answer, the team receives one point.
1. The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.
2. There will be no good if there is enmity in the family.
3. There is discord in the family, and I’m not happy at home.
4. B family of origin and the porridge is thicker.
5. The family is friends - they live, they don’t bother.
6. A family is strong when there is only one roof over it.
7. Agreement and harmony - there is a treasure in the family.
8. The family agrees that things are going great.
9. Hints and reproaches are family vices.
10. Good children grow up in a good family.
Leading: Well done! You all know well the proverbs about family, but do you know the symbol of the Day of Love, Family and Loyalty? (Chamomile)
Chamomile– simple, but at the same time amazing beautiful flower. This is a very dear, close home symbol. In addition, it is a symbol of summer, warmth, comfort, purity and innocence. Therefore, I propose the next competition “Chamomile”.
Look out the window
There is chamomile
A drop of sun.
Tear off the petals
Find out your wish!
Competition "Chamomile of Wishes"
Game condition: Teams are given daisies with tear-off petals, on which they must write wishes to other teams, and then, after expressively reading them, present them.

Poster competition
Condition: the image should consist only of the handprints of all family members. This way you can depict the sun, palm tree, grass, flowers and trees. You can use not only finger paints, but also regular gouache or watercolor.
Competition “My Home is My Fortress”
Exercise: Build a house from bricks (the bricks must be drawn), on which the concepts that are the basis are written strong family. (For example, “friendship”, “love”, “loyalty”, etc.)

Conclusion. Summarizing.
Leading: Our holiday has come to an end. In conclusion, I would like to wish you all:
May life be pleasant for you,
The house will be a full cup,
And live together, okay
Like Fevronia and Peter!

Volzhsky libraries celebrated All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, preparing a series of events. Participants in library events were once again reminded of the history of the holiday, told about its symbols and traditions of celebration.

The initiative to hold the holiday belongs to the residents of the city of Murom, where the relics of the holy spouses Peter and Fevronia, patrons of Christian marriage, whose memory is celebrated July 8. The idea of ​​celebration was supported by deputies State Duma Russian Federation, and in 2008 the holiday received official support.

Peter and Fevronia, whose marital union is considered an example of Christian marriage, lived in the 13th century. They were faithful to each other, carried mutual love and tenderness and, according to existing legend, died on the same day. And even after burial in different places, their bodies miraculously ended up together in one coffin. Three hundred years later, this married couple was canonized; their relics are kept in the city of Murom in the Church of the Holy Trinity of the Holy Trinity Monastery.

The lives of Saints Peter and Fevronia embodied the traits that in Rus' have always been associated with the ideal of marriage: piety, mutual love and fidelity, performing acts of mercy and caring for the various needs of their fellow citizens.

The new family holiday already has a medal that will be awarded on July 8 and a gentle symbol - a daisy. This warm holiday is welcome in any home, which is why it spreads so easily across the country.

Employees of the service department of the Central Library celebrated Family Day by organizing the “To everyone who loves, believes and waits” event for Volga residents in the park on Fontannaya Street. Residents of the city could make a wish on the “Bench of Lovers,” take a photo, write congratulations on the holiday at the stand, and take part in the survey “Family is...”. Love horoscope predicted wonderful changes for many.

A book exhibition “Family - unity of thoughts and deeds” was prepared for the event, where books and magazines were presented, which collected practical advice related to family. The campaign was accompanied by elements of bookcrossing - participants were congratulated on the holiday, offering to choose books as a gift. Participants in the action were given a holiday symbol as a souvenir – a daisy with wishes.

The townspeople warmly thanked the staff of the Central Library for organizing the holiday. The action was carried out with the information support of the Volzhskoe Obozrenie newspaper and Volzhsky radio.

In library No. 16, “difficult” teenagers were told that the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity is held under the patronage of Svetlana Medvedeva, and she also came up with the idea of ​​chamomile as a symbol of the holiday. The children found it interesting that the initiative to celebrate Family Day was supported by all traditional religious organizations in Russia. The holiday has no denominational boundaries, because every religion has examples of family fidelity and love.

It seems to us that teenagers are not interested in anything other than youth, not very high-fiction series, computer games and dubious pastime in the yard. But the librarian Natalya Nikolaevna Filippova managed to get the difficult audience talking, and it turned out that they all: both boys and girls are thinking about difficult questions: what kind of first love will she be, what character traits should the future chosen one have, how do they see their future family, what are they not satisfied with the relationship between parents. The conversation turned out to be frank...

At the end of the event, the teenagers enjoyed watching the film “Peter and Fevronia. A story of eternal love."

Library branch No. 7 dedicated a series of events “Warmth of the Hearth” to coincide with the holiday. Library readers could watch a film about Peter and Fevronya and a slide presentation “Family on the canvases of Russian artists”, get acquainted with book exhibition“Family happiness - love and fidelity”, listen to a literature review on the topic “Family on the pages of Russian classics”.

During the day, everyone who came to the library was given “Daisies” with information about holiday - Day family, love and fidelity. 35 people took part in the action.

Unfortunately, with scientific and technological progress and the development of science, the love of reading has noticeably faded - everything has been replaced by the ubiquitous computer and the insatiable Internet. And in the busy schedule of a modern person, it is quite difficult to find free time for reading! But it should be noted that in our time there are those who understand the enormous importance of reading for the development of their horizons, accept reading as a “sharpener” for the mind, and are aware of the social orientation of reading! It was precisely such people - active readers of branch No. 12 who took part in the Bibliography Day “Country of the Reading Family”.

The reading room librarian L.P. Nasonova spoke about the benefits of the book as a kind of “pill” for stress. “In the process of reading, the mood noticeably improves, the soul leaves for a fantasy land, where evil and disappointment do not exist. A book makes a person developed, interesting, wise, cultured, and well-mannered,” summed up Lyubov Petrovna.

Librarian G. A. Tretyak introduced those present to the most reading family of the library - the Svetopolsky family. All five of its members are active and inquisitive readers of branch No. 12. At the event, the youngest representatives of the Svetopolskys were given a gift - a book.

Quiz “What do you know about books and libraries?” caused excitement in the hall. Not everyone managed to remember what a “endpaper” or “position for the book collection of Catherine II” was, but the guests managed to replenish their luggage with new knowledge.

The head of the library, O.V. Tsaregorodtseva, introduced the Bibliography Day participants to the slide presentation “Reading is a Family Affair,” which contained recommendations for introducing children to reading. Then situational tasks were proposed on the topic “Parents. Children. Book".

Those present also shared their experiences of communicating with children. The exhibition-viewing “Take a book into the family circle” aroused great interest among readers who took advantage of the presented literature. In conclusion, the video “V. Vysotsky. Book people,” the song ends with the words: “So you read the right books as a child!”

Family KVN “We are a family, which means we can cope with any task” was organized in children's library No. 3 for pupils kindergarten No. 79. The event participants were told about the history of the holiday and reminded that family is a multifaceted concept. Family is close, dear people with whom it is pleasant to spend time, relax and celebrate holidays; people who always rush to help if trouble happens or someone gets sick. Family is a place where you want to return.

In the family, everyone is similar to each other in some way: face, voice, look, habits, character and even gait. The participants in the event wanted to determine the similarity and, looking in the mirror, some saw mom’s smile, some saw dad’s nose, and some saw grandma’s eyes.

The kids were also fascinated by the game “My family is like this...”, during which they remembered all their relatives, and the cats Kexik and Styopka were included in the family members. The children enthusiastically told me that their dad was strong and brave and knew how to make and repair a car; Mom is caring, knows how to help when someone in the family gets sick; my grandmother is kind, hardworking, grows vegetables and fruits in her dacha, bakes delicious pancakes and cheesecakes. The guys also told about themselves. It turned out that they learn a lot in the family: to show attention to their relatives, take care of loved ones, and get accustomed to work.

In the house, everyone, both adults and children, will find something they like and can do. In the “Homework” competition, the children had to recognize objects and determine how to use them in everyday life. The boys immediately recognized the screwdriver and pliers, and the girls immediately identified the kitchen utensils. It immediately became clear that boys grow into skilled men, and girls grow into good housewives.

In a good family, it is always customary to take care of each other: parents take care of their children, older brothers and sisters take care of the younger ones. In the “Help me get dressed” competition, the guys competed against the clock: they had to put a shirt on another participant and have time to fasten all the buttons. The competition “Lacelaces are not an easy task” turned out to be even more difficult. Few managed to tie the laces on their sneakers. And in the competition “Feed little sister“everyone wanted to play the role of a little sister who needed to be fed yogurt.

During the event, a discovery was made: it turns out that everyone has a home, even animals and insects. The ball game “This is our house and we live in it” required dexterity, dexterity and intelligence from the children. After all, after catching the ball, it was necessary to immediately answer the question: “Who has what house?” Who lives where?" (squirrel - in a hollow; mouse - in a hole; bird - in a nest; etc.). The guys concluded that the house is important not only for people, but also for the bird and the ant. A home for every living creature is a place where babies are born, grow, and are sheltered from danger and bad weather. Therefore, any house must be protected, and nests and anthills must not be destroyed.

Indeed, family is the main wealth for a person. It’s not for nothing that people have a lot of fairy tales based on family theme. One of them is Russian folk tale"Swan geese". The game based on the fairy tale caused delight and cheerful laughter, because while listening to the fairy tale, the participants noticed funny mistakes in it, where instead of a stove a gas stove suddenly appeared, and not geese-swans, but crocodiles flew across the sky. Noticing the mistake, the guys clapped their hands and laughed heartily.

Family KVN with the help fun games, funny competitions made me think about serious things and come to the conclusion: family is important, family is when everyone is together and everyone is happy. Family is GREAT!

The cozy family mansion “Where there is good agreement, there is long-lasting happiness” was visited by young readers of the Central Children's Children's Library. The children learned about the history of the holiday, its significance, and the main purpose of the family, which is the birth and upbringing of children. About the importance of a strong and strong family.

The competitions “Help mom cook borscht”, “What’s in dad’s suitcase?”, “Who can wind up a ball of thread the fastest” captivated the children: everyone wanted to take part, show skill, ingenuity, and dexterity in household chores.

The songs “Little Country”, “Baby Mammoth Song”, “Dad Can Do Anything”, performed during the event, united and brought the children closer spiritually. They happily sang along and then said something very good and warm about their loved ones. The meeting set the kids up for a wave of goodness and an understanding of the value of family relationships.

In libraries No. 2,6,13,14,16 the following were organized: book and illustrative exhibitions “Family as a symbol of eternal values”, “Wisdom of Love”, literary and musical evening “Wonderful alloy of love and respect” and literary light show “Russian families traditions” » were carried out in branch No. 12 and the Central City Children's Hospital.

Educational game hour for the holiday "Day of Love, Family and Loyalty" for elementary school

Author Lyapina Vera Valerievna teacher primary classes MBOU Secondary School No. 47 Samara City District
Description This material is intended for primary and secondary school teachers to conduct extracurricular activities for students of primary and secondary school age.
Target Promotion of true family values: love, fidelity, responsibility.
- To form an idea of ​​a family as people who live together, love each other, and care about each other.
- Teach children to be polite and care for loved ones.
- Develop observation, attention, memory, listening skills.
- Instill in children respect for their family.

Progress of the event

1 Presenter
Good afternoon Today our event is dedicated to a very important holiday in a person’s life, “The Day of Love, Family and Fidelity.”
Do you know how the word family appeared?
(Children's answers)
Once upon a time the earth had not heard of him.
But Adam said to Eve before the wedding:
Now I will ask you seven questions:
Who will give birth to children for me, my goddess?
And Eve quietly answered: “I am.”
Whoever sews the dress will wash the linen.
Will he caress me and decorate my home?
Answer the question my friend..?
“I, I, I,” Eve said, “I.”
She said the famous seven “I”.
And so a family appeared on earth.
2 Presenter
And family is everything
And family is home,
These are two and a third,
And maybe the fourth one,
And then the fifth.
These are warm lines
In the desired envelope,
If separation waves
A sad wing.

And family is light,
What is invisible and generous
Illuminates your whole life
And accompanies us.
This is creativity
Where there are neither last nor first,
Where is both joy and sorrow -
Always in half.

And family is everything.
It gets colder without her
Lonely thought
Lonely life.
Nothing happens
More dear in the world,
Nothing, no matter what you think
And no matter how brave you are...
(I. Yavorovskaya)

3 presenter
Love! Family! Loyalty!

We grow with love in our hearts,
If the family is full of it.
We feed our feelings with fidelity,
If you have true friends nearby.

For the sake of our loved ones, we are ready to do anything.
We don’t know any love for them higher than that!
We are ready for any sacrifice!
If only they were happy!

Families are different in life,
Unfortunately, it cannot be changed.
I believe that those who want have it!
Among them are you, my Friends!!!
(A. Maltsev)
1 presenter
Yes, indeed, families are different. And this particular celebration is dedicated to a strong, loving family.
About five hundred years ago, Prince Peter of Murom, who was experiencing a serious physical illness, heard God’s word. Fevronia, whom he must marry, will help him heal.
The situation was complicated by the fact that Fevronia was a commoner. The local nobility opposed unequal marriage, but the prince fulfilled God's will. In order to preserve the marital union, the prince even had to leave the throne for a while.
The Lives record that they died on the same day. Both bodies were found in the same coffin. Loyalty, devotion and selfless faith to God of Peter and Fevronia became an example of the unity and inviolability of marriage. Since 2008, July 8 is not only the Day of Remembrance of Saints Peter and Fevronia, but also proclaimed the annual All-Russian family celebration.
2 Presenter
But it must be said that this is not the only example of such a family in Rus'.
The name of Princess Evdokia of Moscow is almost forgotten. Although her husband, Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy, is remembered by everyone. The era of the beloved wife and associate of the hero of the Battle of Kulikovo is interesting and surprising, first of all, because then power ruled hand in hand with love and wisdom on the Moscow throne. Perhaps Evdokia is the happiest Kremlin wife.

To Saint Euphrosyne
Again the Moscow people are in a hurry.
And to her from all over Russia
There is a cry for help.
As it was before, so now
She is with the Russian people again
Holy Mother of Moscow. Princess -
Rus' is a great wife.
3 Presenter
As a child, the daughter of the Suzdal prince Dimitri Konstantinovich was never called by a diminutive name, only Evdokia. Apparently, there was something in her that required appropriate consonance.

She saw her future husband, the young Moscow prince Dimitri, from the window of her house when he came to her father to decide who would be the prince of Vladimir. I saw and seemed to recognize - He. And she asked her beloved icon of the Mother of God of Vladimir - “give me Demetrius as my husband.”
The need to defend a difficult state took Prince Dimitri on constant campaigns. Moscow, family, and the Kremlin remained Evdokia’s concerns. The family, meanwhile, grew larger - over the years of her life with Prince Evdokia, she bore him 12 children.
1 Presenter
After the death of Dmitry Donskoy in 1389, Evdokia would live another 18 years. What is surprising is that he will retain his youthful appearance, beauty, and health almost until death. “Whoever heals should not get sick,” said the princess. Not a single man took the place of her late husband either in her heart or nearby.
In Moscow, in the Church of St. Euphrosyne of Moscow on Nakhimovsky Prospekt, a monument to Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy and his wife Evdokia was unveiled.
2 Presenter
In the year of the family, the first monument to Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom was erected in the homeland of the spouses in the city of Murom, just on the day of their memory - July 8.

Also in 2008, the nationwide program “In the Family Circle” was launched. As part of this program, the installation of sculptural groups in various cities of Russia began. Arkhangelsk became the first of 10 cities where the first sculptural composition “Holy Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom” was installed. Then monuments and sculptural groups reproducing various episodes from the life of the holy saints Peter and Fevronia appeared in Abakan, Murom, Sochi, Yaroslavl, Ulyanovsk and other cities. The purpose of the monuments, according to the president of the program, Alexander Kovtunts, is “to create a positive image of family values, faithful and chaste relationships, love and devotion in marriage, the birth and upbringing of children in the spirit of love for the Motherland.” Monuments are supposed to be attended by wedding processions. Here are some of them:


(Monument to the family in Saransk)

(Saint Petersburg)

(Bench of love and fidelity)
3 Presenter

Cast in bronze, the memorial is 4.6 meters high. The heroes stand on a pedestal near the ship. The sail is raised, the boat is ready to sail. Peter and Fevronia hold hands. The author of the memorial, Konstantin Chernyavsky, through images and symbols, managed to convey all the drama of the story of the return of the faithful to Murom after exile. The plot symbolizes the revival of a strong, happy family.
Now Samara residents can boast of a place where they can pray and ask the Blessed Prince and Princess to strengthen family ties.
By the way, according to the statement of the city officials, a year after the installation of the monument to the Blessed Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia of Murom, the number of divorces in Samara decreased by half.
The Family Anthem sounds
With the crystal voice of a drop
Wonderful childish laughter rings out,
And the mother sits by the cradle,
Caressing the child with a quiet song.

And the house, sanctified by prayer,
It stands open to all winds,
And the grandmother teaches her grandson
Words: “fatherland”, “mother”, “temple”.

Live in peace and harmony.
The love of Peter and Fevronia.

Family is a great kingdom of love.
It contains faith, righteousness and strength.
Family is the pillar of the state,
My country, my Russia.

Family is the original source,
Protected by heavenly angels.
And sadness, and joy, and sorrows -
One for all, inseparable.

Keep each other at all times,
Live in peace and harmony.
And let your life be sanctified
The love of Peter and Fevronia.

Let them be repeated in generations
Blessed days of life.
God bless the family hearth,
Protect the love of your loved ones.
(I. Reznik)
1 Presenter
We know a lot about the family. I propose to guess riddles about its members.
Who can guess the riddles?
He recognizes his relatives:
Some are mom, some are dad,
Who is a sister or brother,
And to know your grandfather and grandmother -
There is no need to think at all!
All the relatives with whom you live,
Even uncle or aunt
Definitely your friends,
Together you are one FAMILY!

Who never gets tired of loving
He bakes pies for us,
Delicious pancakes?
This is our...

I'm not alone with my mother,
She also has a son
I'm too small next to him,
For me he is the eldest...

He didn't work out of boredom,
His hands are calloused
And now he is old and gray -
My dear, beloved...

Who is the cutest in the world?
Who do children love very much?
I’ll answer the question directly:
- Our dearest...

Who is not joking, but seriously
Will a nail teach us to hammer?
Who will teach you to be brave?
If you fall off your bike, don’t whine,
And scratched my knee,
Don't cry? Certainly...

Without anything in this world
Can't adults and children survive?
Who will support you, friends?
Your friendly...
Everyone knows this word
Wouldn't change it for anything!
To the number “seven” I will add “I” -
What will happen?

Who loves both me and my brother,
But does he prefer to dress up? -
Very fashionable girl -
My eldest...

Game "True and False"
Answer the questions:
1. on the night of July 7th the fern blooms - that’s right
2. the word “love” has 7 letters – incorrect
3. the wedding train is the “Moscow – Yerevan” train - incorrect
4. the best time for weddings in folk calendar– meat eater – true
5. the first month after the wedding is called “shoe polish month” - incorrect
6. Newlyweds launch hamsters into the sky - incorrect
7. catching the bride’s bouquet - never getting married - wrong
8. The Day of Family, Love and Fidelity was celebrated for the first time in 2008 - that’s right
9. The dishes break, unfortunately - incorrect
10. The symbol of the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity is the chamomile - true
11. during Old Russian wedding ceremony the newlyweds were given the title “prince and princess” - that’s right
2 Presenter
The “Day of Love, Family and Fidelity” has a wonderful motto: “love and cherish.”
And now we invite each of you to make a drawing on the theme of Family Day, love and fidelity. These could be holiday symbols - a daisy or swans, or it could be a drawing depicting your family...
Children draw. Discussion of drawings
Song competition
Do you like to sing? Then the next song competition. I wish for a song and if you guess it and sing it, you get a prize
So... 1. This song is about how the poultry living with an elderly woman behaved. (We lived with grandma...)
2. This song is about the tragic fate of a peaceful insect. (In the grass Grasshopper sat)
3. This song is about how good it is to play the harmonica in the rain in front of an amazed audience, celebrating the next anniversary of your birth. (Let run clumsily)
4. This song is about a girl who missed a sweet man on the river bank while fruit trees were blooming all around. (Katyusha)
5. This song is about a cheerful boy who cunningly avoided working in the field to harvest potatoes. (Antoshka)
6. This song is about a geographical feature located in the tropics, where residents have fun and eat exotic fruits. (Chunga-Changa)
7. This song is about how it’s best to go camping in the company of good friends, and to sing songs in a large choir. (It's fun to walk together)
8. This song is about the cheerful expression that makes good mood among friends and contributes to the emergence of a natural phenomenon in the form of multi-colored stripes. (Smile)
3 Presenter
Our program dedicated to the Day family, love and fidelity is coming to an end, but the holiday continues.
In Rus' this has long been revered,
What's probably in our blood:
For a woman to follow a man
In trials, in wanderings, in love.
So that, recognizing its beginning,
All my worries are hidden inside me,
Still, I remembered the confession:
We are not just the two of us, we are a family.
To find wisdom in yourself,
Straightening up in front of his son's face,
Repeat with maternal strength:
“Consult, son, with your father!”
So that you can bear all your fears alone,
She said, exhausted, at the end:
“Hug your father, do you hear, daughter,
Our father is tired today..."
And I would look with obvious joy,
How your beloved's gaze warms,
When they sit down at the table next to each other,
Like today, for example, they are sitting...
We are united by love and faith,
We are united by land and labor.
And the doors are open to friendship
To our good, stable home.
(T. Kuzovleva)