
Is it possible to get pregnant with tubal ligation? Voluntary surgical sterilization in women Pregnancy after sterilization is possible naturally reviews

Is it possible to get pregnant with tubal ligation?  Voluntary surgical sterilization in women Pregnancy after sterilization is possible naturally reviews

Surgical sterilization of women is a method of irreversible contraception, as a result of which the patient loses the ability to become pregnant on her own. Today this is one of the most effective methods of protection; its reliability reaches 99.9%.

The purpose of the procedure is to prevent the egg from penetrating into the uterine cavity; to do this, the patency of the fallopian tubes is eliminated in some way. The woman's ovaries will still function, but the egg released during ovulation will remain in the abdominal cavity and will soon be absorbed. Thus, the process of fertilization itself is prevented - sperm simply cannot overtake the female cell.

After tubal ligation, no additional methods of protection are required. The exception is 3 months after surgery - during this period it is recommended to use barrier or hormonal contraceptives.

Many people are concerned about the question: is it possible to get pregnant after sterilization? Pregnancy is practically impossible, but isolated cases of ectopic pregnancy after sterilization have been identified. The frequency of these situations is less than 0.5% (depending on the method) in the first year after surgery, and in subsequent years it is reduced to zero.

There are several types of female sterilization operations.

1. Electrocoagulation . Using electrocoagulation forceps, an artificial obstruction of the tubes is created. For greater reliability, the pipes can be cut at the site of coagulation.

2. Partial or complete tubal resection . Part of the fallopian tube or the entire tube is removed. There are various techniques for suturing residual tubes, and all of them are quite reliable.

3. Clipping pipes, installing rings and clamps . The pipe is clamped with special clips or rings made of non-absorbable hypoallergenic materials, thereby creating mechanical occlusion.

4. Non-operative introduction of special substances and materials into the lumen of the pipes . This is the youngest method, which has not yet been sufficiently studied. During hysteroscopy, a substance that “clogs” the lumen (quinacrine, methyl cyanoacrylate) is injected into the fallopian tubes.

Interventions can be performed by laparotomy (opening the abdominal cavity) or endoscopy (laparoscopic sterilization). During laparotomy (as well as mini-laparatomy), tubal resection and clamping are most often performed. Electrocoagulation, installation of clips, clamps and rings are performed endoscopically.

Sterilization can be performed as a separate operation or after a caesarean section and other obstetric and gynecological interventions. If we talk about sterilization as a method of contraception, then this is a voluntary procedure, but sometimes there are medical indications (including urgent ones) for tubal ligation.

Are there any contraindications?

In Russia, women who have reached 35 years of age or have 2 children can undergo voluntary sterilization. If there are medical indications, there are no such restrictions.

As with any medical procedure, there are a number of absolute contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • sexually transmitted infections.

Relative contraindications include:

  • adhesions;
  • overweight;
  • chronic heart disease;
  • pelvic tumors;
  • active diabetes mellitus.

In addition to physical health, a woman’s psychological state is of high importance. You should not undergo the procedure during periods of depression, neuroses and other borderline conditions. The decision must be balanced and deliberate, because sterilization in women is almost irreversible.

Consequences of sterilization

Complications after sterilization are extremely rare, but they do happen. Possible:

  • complications due to general or local anesthesia;
  • recanalization of fallopian tubes (sterilization fails);
  • adhesions of the pelvic organs;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

There are usually no long-term complications, because the woman’s hormonal background remains the same, which means there are no changes in weight, psycho-sexual sphere, and the frequency of tumor diseases of the breast and ovaries does not increase.

Many people are concerned about the reversibility of female sterilization. The procedure is offered as a method of irreversible contraception and should be considered by patients only in this aspect. Restoring tubal patency in some types of occlusion is possible, but this is an extremely expensive plastic surgery that does not always lead to the desired result.

The consequences of sterilizing a woman do not affect her ability to bear a child, so an IVF procedure is possible. The absence of tubes creates certain risks, but with constant medical supervision, the chances of successful pregnancy are very high.

Thus, we can highlight the pros and cons of sterilizing women.


  • reliability of the method;
  • no effect on the menstrual cycle and libido;
  • low risk of complications.


  • irreversibility;
  • the procedure is more complicated than male sterilization;

I would like to express my deep gratitude to all the medical staff of the MAMA Clinic, especially to my attending physician, reproductologist Yulia Mikhailovna Kossovich!

Saying thank you is not enough!

My husband and I almost despaired... 6 years of attempts, visits to different doctors, surgeries, medications, leeches.... there was no exact diagnosis.

We were treated in another clinic, with another doctor, and then a miracle happened, as if someone from above took our hand and brought us to the “Mama” clinic, to Yulia Mikhailovna Kossovich! At the first meeting, I completely trusted her.

To be honest, I didn’t hope at all that everything would work out the first time, I just gave up. My husband and I spent a lot of money over these 6 years and once again, I thought that again everything was in vain.

When I came to the MAMA Clinic, I didn’t read a single review, so you understand how much I didn’t believe in a miracle)

While at Yulia Mikhailovna’s first appointment, I saw walls with photographs of children, and the thought crept into my head that our baby would also be here. The doctor explained the action plan, gave a list of what needed to be done, and was always in touch with any questions.

When the protocol began, of course I made a mistake with the medications, at the wrong time and in the wrong dosages, I was very scared, but Yulia Mikhailovna calmed me down and edited everything.

During the puncture and transfer, all the clinic staff who were nearby were very sensitive and kind, doing their job with care.

A week after the transfer, I realized that everything worked out, I didn’t wait for the hCG, I took the test... and here I can’t put it into words, tears of joy!!!

Thank you YULIA MIKHAILOVNA, for your love, care, sensitivity, kind smile, for this miracle!!!

I went into complete enjoyment of pregnancy, I had never slept so much and did not allow myself, even toxicosis and headaches, not to equal this wonderful feeling!!!

Thanks to ALL THE STAFF for your support and care! Thank you for existing, thanks to you, long-awaited little people are born, whom not only parents are waiting for. But you too, Yulia Mikhailovna...

Now I know for sure that the photo of our baby will hang on your wall)

Thank YOU!!! With love Irina S. 09.17.2019

Heartfelt thanks to the entire team of the MAMA Clinic!

Dear, our dear, Tatyana Sergeevna!

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to you for your professionalism and sensitive attitude.

Thank you! for not leaving us!

Thank you! that gave me hope!

Thank you! that you are!

Of course, special heartfelt thanks to the entire team of the MAMA Clinic!

No one remained indifferent to us.

Future mothers and fathers, if you still have doubts, then leave all doubts and try!

And Tatyana Sergeevna and the Clinic team will support you and help you with everything.

P.S. We have a difficult situation, and we are already at week 7. And, Tatyana Sergeevna, we promise to continue to fight.

Best regards, Daria and Sergey.

Many thanks to all the doctors of the MAMA Clinic

I would like to say a huge thank you to all the doctors of the MAMA Clinic))) You make people a million percent happier))))

Tatyana Sergeevna, thank you very much for our son Platon))) We are very glad that there are people who help us cope with what seemed to us an unsolvable problem))))

Today we are already two months old)))

I can't find the right words..

Irina Yuryevna, hello!

I wanted to thank you for the incredible girl I had! Your knowledge, support, participation and sensitivity helped the long-awaited miracle appear! I can’t find the right words... Just one huge THANK YOU!!! We will definitely come to meet you!

I hope that in a few years I will come to you for a brother or sister for my children. They already asked, by the way! :)

I would like to express special words of gratitude to Elena Ivanovna for her support and constant communication on all issues that concern me!

See you soon!


I would like to express my gratitude to the MAMA Clinic and my doctor Yulia Mikhailovna Kossovich!

Thank you very much for the miracle you gave me!

Thank you for your care, sensitivity and support!

I came to Yulia Mikhailovna completely by accident and I’m incredibly glad that everything worked out the first time, to be honest, I didn’t even believe that it would work out!

Thank you for your help!

Thanks to all the staff!

Thank you for being!!!

With gratitude Irina!

I thank God that you appeared on my path!

Yulia Mikhailovna, respected, dear, attentive, understanding, optimistic, supportive in any moments of life.

I thank God for the fact that you appeared on my path, exactly you.

I wish only good things, right decisions, without wrong actions, you have it all, let your children multiply, happy eyes of moms and dads, and all this with health in the cube and in all organs!

Dear girls, believe, definitely, and everything will work out.

When I lost faith, my doctor and all my family believed in me, or rather in us, and everything happened.

We are still small, but we are already dancers!!!

Sterilization is a surgical procedure that provides a permanent contraceptive effect.. It can be carried out as men, so do women. In both cases, this is a very responsible decision, since choosing this operation means that the person does not want to have children in the future. However, female sterilization is one of the most commonly chosen procedures in the world, accounting for approximately one-third of contraceptive practices. Approximately 187 million women worldwide have undergone tubal ligation.

How is surgical sterilization performed?

Surgical sterilization for women is called tubal ligation. This procedure is also known as “ Tubal ligation" Fallopian tubes, which are hollow organs that connect the ovaries to the uterus, are called tubes. Healthy and open tubes are essential for conception as this is where fertilization occurs. When the ovary produces eggs (during ovulation), they travel through the fallopian tubes and meet sperm. When these cells meet, fertilization occurs and the fertilized egg is implanted in the uterus. During sterilization, the fallopian tubes are ligated, completely blocked, or cut and sealed (Figure 1). As a result, the egg is not able to meet the sperm and the woman is forever insured against pregnancy.

Rice. 1. Types of tubal ligation.

Sterilization is a very important decision

The goal of sterilization is to achieve 100% contraceptive effect, which will last a lifetime. This means that if you have undergone sterilization, pregnancy will not be possible. According to several studies, about 20% of women regret their decision to undergo this procedure. One of the most important factors influencing this decision is the woman’s age at the time of the procedure. Women who undergo tubal ligation surgery before the age of 30 usually regret their decision later. That is why the decision to carry out this operation must be made intelligently and independently.

Have you been sterilized but want to have children?

Although surgical sterilization is considered an extremely effective and permanent method of contraception, there is a solution for women who want to become pregnant again. Thanks to modern technologies and rapidly developing methods of infertility treatment, the ability to conceive and bear a child can be restored. There are usually two options - reverse tubal ligation surgery and in vitro fertilization.

Reverse tubal ligation surgery

Tubal ligation reversal surgery is one of the possible methods that can restore your ability to conceive a child. During reverse tubal ligation surgery doctor restores the integrity of the fallopian tubes. The success of this surgery depends on many factors, including your age, ovarian function, lifestyle, and weight. Subsequently, the result of reverse tubal ligation surgery mainly depends on the type of sterilization. The best results are achieved if the dressing was done using rings and staples. Reverse operations after this type of sterilization give excellent results in achieving pregnancy. Also, if sterilization was done in the middle of the tube, the chances of conception after the reverse operation are also high. However, in some cases where sterilization is done by removing the end of the tube, the reverse operation is not possible.

The advantages of reverse tubal ligation surgeries are as follows: they make it possible for a couple to conceive a child at any time and have as many children as they want. However, there is a high risk of ectopic pregnancy, and the couple will have to look for an alternative method of contraception after the birth of the child.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

In vitro fertilization is one of the newest infertility treatment techniques. In this case, the egg is fertilized outside the body (test-tube pregnancy) and is then implanted in the woman’s uterus. To begin with, a woman's ovaries are stimulated with medication to speed up ovulation. The eggs are then retrieved and fertilized by sperm in the laboratory. After several days of development, the best embryos are separated and transferred to the woman's uterus. With IVF, it is also possible to save embryos for future use. Also, the couple does not need to look for additional methods of contraception, since the woman’s fallopian tubes remain ligated. The relative disadvantages of the IVF procedure are related to the ethical and religious standards of the partners. The risk of multiple pregnancies also increases.

Today, sterilization has become a popular method of contraception among couples who have decided not to have any more children. Indeed, surgical practice has proven that this method is almost 100% effective. But the most important thing in this statement is the word “almost”, because if a woman wants to have children again after the procedure described above, then in some cases she can count on it. But how? Let's look into this issue.

What is sterilization? During the operation, the patency of the uterine tubes is artificially (surgically) blocked. At the same time, several equally effective technologies for voluntary surgical sterilization (abbreviation – DHS) can be distinguished. The first method is tubal ligation, the second method is the application of clamps, the third method is intersection, the fourth method is complete removal. Any of the above methods has only one goal - to exclude any possibility of sperm fertilizing the egg. Thus, the conclusion suggests itself - it is impossible to get pregnant after sterilization. But is this really so?

It is generally accepted that surgery is an irreversible process. In fact, if clamps are applied to the fallopian tubes or if they are ligated, you can count on reconstructive surgery. Of course, the chances in this case are minimal, but they exist. Therefore, before deciding to sterilize, you need to carefully weigh your decision. If we talk about the Russian Federation, then there is a law that regulates the issues of DHS. The most interesting thing is that until 1993, such procedures were performed exclusively for medical reasons. Today, the right to make such decisions has been given to women themselves.

It should be noted that the woman must sign all the necessary papers before the DHS operation. At the same time, she acquires the status of infertile, but her ovaries continue to produce eggs and purely physiologically she has the ability to bear and even give birth to a full-fledged baby. If suddenly it happens that a woman changes her choice and decides to have a child again, then it is possible to do this. There are assisted reproductive technologies. In particular, IVF surgery - in vitro fertilization - can help. In this case, the function of the fallopian tubes is not necessary for conception. The embryo is “prepared” in a test tube and transferred into the cavity as an embryo. In this case, for fertilization, not the modern method of ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection into the egg) is used, the success of which requires the normal functioning of the fallopian tubes, but the “traditional” IVF “in vitro”.

In situations where sterilization was done for medical reasons by a doctor and the cause was serious illnesses, disorders of the respiratory, nervous or other systems, serious defects, malignant tumors or blood diseases, then everything is much more complicated. In this situation, pregnancy itself can be very dangerous for the mother and the child. If the disease has been overcome, and a new examination has shown the possibility of full-term bearing of a child, then the use of the above-described IVF method can be considered.

Medical technology does not stand still. More modern medical technology gives hope even to women who have undergone sterilization. Thus, if a woman asks a doctor whether it is possible to get pregnant after sterilization, the answer will most likely be positive.

2015-06-29 15:34:19

Zhania asks:

Hello. I am 26 years old, married for 5 years. There have never been any pregnancies. Hormones are all normal, last year an HSG revealed obstruction of both tubes. A laparoscopy was performed, where the adhesions were removed and the patency of the tubes was restored. Afterwards, insemination and stimulation immediately took place, but pregnancy did not occur. This year I am undergoing an HSG again, where partial patency is revealed, but no fluid has spilled into the abdominal cavity. My husband and I are getting ready for an eco-therapy, but the doctor at the eco-center insists on sterilizing the pipes. The gynecologist talks about their complete removal. Please advise what to do, is it possible to go for a repeat laparoscopy, but at the same time preserving the tubes, and then go to eco. Hydrosalpinx has never been discovered. Thanks in advance.

Answers Palyga Igor Evgenievich:

Hello, Zhania! It is impossible to effectively restore the patency of the fallopian tubes; laparoscopy with removal of adhesions in the vast majority of cases does not produce results. The pipes were and remain impassable; it is impossible to restore the function of the fimbriae (villi). If you are counting on low-cost IVF, then the tubes had to be removed during laparoscopy. If you go to a private clinic, then removal of the tubes is not important in the absence of hydrosalpins. The only caveat is the fact that hydrosalpins cannot always be diagnosed using ultrasound. It makes no sense to take risks if the only way to get pregnant is IVF. It is more rational, in my opinion, to remove the pipes and then plan the program.

2011-04-21 09:38:37

Victoria asks:

Good afternoon
I really need advice.
She gave birth to her first child at 19 years old, and her second at 25 years old. Pregnancy and childbirth were very difficult (natural birth). Between births I took OK (Ovidon) with breaks of 2 months a year, as required by the instructions, for a total of 5 years. During the first half of both pregnancies I took Utrozhestan and Duphaston in maximum doses. After the second birth, according to indications, conization of the cervix and surgical sterilization were performed. After the operations, everything was normal for 3 years, and then problems began.
Cycle failure (delays of 2-3 weeks, and then periods twice in a row with an interval of 1-2 days, and then a delay of 2 months), cystic fibrous mastopathy with minor galactorrhea appeared. All tests are normal (prolactin, MRI of the pituitary gland, ultrasound of the ovaries, thyroid, adrenal glands). Doctors admit that most likely the failure occurred after taking OK at the time, but they see no other way out but to prescribe OK again for 3 months and adjust the cycle. Although they admit the idea that taking OK will need to be continued throughout life in order to prevent the onset of menopause.
Please tell me - could such a cycle failure really occur even 3 years after stopping the OC and after a successful birth, or could it be the consequences of surgical sterilization? And also - is the only way out in my situation to take OK (Jazz) again for 3 months (or for the rest of my life)? And if I need to take OK, then how will my mastopathy behave while taking OK? Thank you in advance.

Answers Klochko Elvira Dmitrievna:

Firstly, taking ORT in the past did not have a negative impact on today's changes. Today we recommend one of the best drugs - JAZZ. And even if you have to drink it all the time and for a long time, there is nothing wrong with that. On the contrary, it will prolong your youth and ease menopause. so don't be upset. Moreover, all your hormonal tests are normal.

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