
Male name in January. What to name a boy born in January. Boys' birthday in January. How to choose a name for a child according to the church calendar

Male name in January.  What to name a boy born in January.  Boys' birthday in January.  How to choose a name for a child according to the church calendar

January calendar of names takes into account personality, temperament and character boys born in January 2019, there are some among them names, which fully correspond to their character, as well as those that will add significance or lightness to it, soften, if necessary, its hardness and intransigence. In a word, beautiful and necessary names for boys months January, quite a lot in our January 2019, all that remains is to choose Name for your son, which, according to parents and experts in this difficult issue, is most suitable for a newborn baby.

Boy born in January 2019 gotta get that Name, which will help him in life, because from name your January a little son, and then a man, a lot depends on it, it can both help him overcome life difficulties, advance in his career, and complicate it, create certain problems for him, parents should know about this at the time when they make a decision when choosing name for your son, taking into account not only your personal opinion, but also experts in this matter.

Name in January 2019 for boys, name of a January boy

Them boys who is lucky enough to be born and receive name in January 2019 lucky, because they will be born during the reign of the Dog, a kind, open and sympathetic animal, noble and decent, sociable and fair, a little hot-tempered and naive, chaotic and stubborn.

Boys born in January 2019 Thanks to the Dog, they will probably grow up to be responsible, honest and decent people; they would also receive a name from their parents that would give them confidence in their strengths, talents and capabilities. It is extremely important for these insecure, cautious and indecisive individuals to receive a name that would elevate them above themselves, give them status, and instill in them additional confidence in themselves and their abilities.

What name should I give to a boy born in January 2019?

Names for boys born in January 2019 whether they are beautiful or popular, their parents or relatives like them, but they should not be soft and sonorous or hard and official, but average (neutral), that is, the boy’s name needs to be chosen one that will not highlight him or, conversely, reduce his status, and give self-confidence. Fortunately, there are such names for boys and there are quite a lot of them, all sorts and for every taste, these can be, for example, such as -Daniil, David, Gleb, Ivan, Vladimir, Ilya, Isidore, Eusebius, Matvey, Stepan, and many others, which you will learn about further.

Before you give name for a boy born in January 2019, call your son something beautiful, important and useful name, may be church, you must also remember the advice of astrologers, who say that the influence of representatives of the Western horoscope on the child also plays an important role and this must be taken into account.

It is known that each of the twelve signs of the Western horoscope influences a person in its own way, shaping his basic character traits and temperament. For example, boys born in the sign of Pisces are indecisive, those under the sign of Aries, on the contrary, are very self-confident, Taurus is stubborn, Gemini is fickle, Virgo is calm and doubtful, Scorpio is tough and calculating, Capricorn is conservative and has little contact, and so on.

Therefore, for each of the zodiac signs of the Western horoscope, you need to select a name taking into account these indicators, some of those born in one or another sign need to choose a softer and more sonorous name, and for others a tougher, somewhat rude and a little official, and for For some, it is important to find a neutral name, something familiar and traditional.

Of course, parents do not want to cause trouble for their newborn boy, or give him a problem for the future, but without basic knowledge of this topic that we are talking about now, they can do this unintentionally if they give their son a name that, for example, will be in honor of some successful grandfather or uncle.

We warn such parents against such a mistake; hoping that your boy will follow the path of your successful grandfather or uncle, if you give him a name in honor of one of them, is a big mistake. Everyone must go their own path in life; it is impossible to repeat someone else’s just because of the name they received, and it’s stupid to think about it that way.

What is remarkable about the boys of January 2019?

Of course, each of us, no matter whether it is a man or a woman, would like to have a beautiful name from birth; for some, a popular and common name is important, while others dream of a rare name, which is quite rare. Often we bear names that we don’t like, but what can you do, it happened that way and that’s what our parents and relatives, grandparents, some other relatives, or even naive prejudices wanted.

In order not to make such mistakes as modern parents, but to give your boy successful and pleasing to the ear Name, For born in January 2019 son , You should refer to the list of names for this month, in which you will surely choose for your newborn son a name that he will be proud of, and therefore grateful to you for.

Don't forget that your name boy born in January 2019, will be heard many times a day, so name his January the son must be named, always taking into account all those wishes and recommendations discussed in this article, the opinions of astrologers and psychologists.

Of course, what to do is up to the parents of a newborn baby, what name to choose for their son, but they should not forget that their child is not some kind of toy for them or a personal thing, he will soon become an adult and a sober-reasoning person, so one should not treat him lightly and irresponsible, this primarily concerns what name you choose for him, with what name he will have to go through a difficult life path.

Names for boys born in January 2019

Introducing names for January boys born in January month 2019 for boys, which Name It is recommended to give them, first of all, taking into account the characteristics of their disposition and habits, basic inclinations and inclinations, temperament and character traits, as well as the influence on them of a representative of the eastern calendar (Chinese horoscope) - the animal Pig/Boar, what direct impact it will have on them , what inclinations and talents, negative and positive qualities he will bestow.

Theodosius, Jacob, Andrey, Maxim, Peter, Fedor, Arthur, Matvey, Micah, Gregory, Victor, Daniel, David, Gleb, Ivan, Vladimir, Ilya, Isidore, Eusebius, Matvey, Stepan, Roman, Nikita, Mark, Leo, Evgeniy, Alexander, Gregory, Yaroslav, Prokhor, Antip, Nikolai, Vladislav, Arseniy, George, Eugene, Vasily, Innocent, Gabriel, Theophan, Panfutius, Clement, Naum, Mark, Cyril

Names for boys born according to seasons

Now let's talk about how a certain time of year affects us, what kind of children are born in winter, spring, summer and autumn, what their character and temperament, inclinations and habits are. Of course, these are just conventions and they do not have an exact attachment to any time period, just as you cannot evaluate by birth during periods of the year, because there are also eastern and western horoscopes, but since there is such a classification, we will tell you about it.

Name of winter 2019 boys, born in winter

Usually, boys born in winter are automatically classified as calm, reserved and reasonable people who are endowed with a strong character and unbending will. They firmly know what they need from life and know exactly how and how to achieve the goal they have set for themselves; they almost always achieve what they strive for.

This characteristic is of course interesting, but here’s the question - it’s most suitable for those born in January, but December and February boys are not so serious, they are more open and free, although they are hardworking, but... Because of their hot temper, they can ruin a lot for themselves, all their previous successes and achievements.

Pick up names for boys born in winter January 2019 need to be responsible Name at the winter boy, should not be too soft or hard; neutral, something meaningful and responsible, but not ringing or sonorous, attracting unnecessary attention to itself, is best suited.

Name for spring 2019 boys, born in spring

Spring boys have perseverance, determination and purposefulness, but not all of them, for example March boys, on the contrary, are full of indecision, especially those who are destined to be born in the sign of Pisces. These are persistent, responsible and very active people, they persistently pursue their goals, often make mistakes along the way, however, they almost always achieve their goals.

It cannot be said that they are constant in their interests; on the contrary, they can at some point give up the business they have started and switch to another that interests them more and seems more exciting and promising. Spring boys are emotional and easily excited, they are sensitive and can be touchy, although they do not remember insults for long, they forgive easily, but can, on occasion, remember the insults inflicted on them.

What names are suitable for spring boys, what name for those boys who are lucky enough to be born in the spring of 2019, you ask, we answer - something sonorous and light, reeking of formality and seriousness, is good; you cannot call them sonorous and cheerful or a rude and harsh name, the second will make them even tougher and more unforgiving, and the former will give them the status of merry fellows, which is unusual for them.

Name for boys of summer 2019, born in summer

During the warmest time of the year, energetic and very active people are born, the most optimistic and positive boys are born, although this is actually a controversial issue. Babies born in the summer are filled with ebullient energy; they are always on the move and never sit idle, are busy with something and give no rest to anyone.

Summer boys are not only active, they are also able-bodied and ready to do anything to keep themselves busy. They are sociable and friendly, responsive and decent, and easily establish new contacts with friends. They like sports and any contact games, they are drawn to knowledge, so on the one hand it’s easy with them, because they are always busy, but on the other hand, they need constant supervision.

It is not difficult to understand what name to give to a year-old boy, what name to give to a baby born in the summer of 2019; a beautiful and sonorous, but at the same time firm name, a little official and responsible, will suit him perfectly. It is impossible to call a year-old boy a harsh name, as well as one that is too light and too sonorous; choose something from neutral names that affirm him and elevate him in your own eyes.

Name for boys in autumn 2019, born in autumn

In the fall, smart, responsible and sensible people are born, quite intelligent and very intelligent. Autumn boys look at the world realistically, reason soberly and almost never make fatal mistakes. They are responsible and prudent, keep their word, but are calculating and selfish, and can go towards their life goals in a not entirely honest way.

Boys born in the fall are constant, but you can’t rely on them, for them the main thing is their own interests, so you can’t trust them. They systematically move towards the goal, almost always they get from life what they want, of course, if I am not lazy, expect gifts from fate or count on some kind of happy occasion.

What name to give a boy born in the fall of 2019, what beautiful, popular or rare name to give him is, of course, up to the parents, but experts suggest paying attention to those names that will smooth out the intransigence and harshness of these people; light and sonorous names are good, but rude, tough and official will only aggravate their character and make it even more uncompromising.

How to choose a name for a boy in January 2019 if there is a dispute?

If in your family, between parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, a dispute has arisen over what name to give to a newborn boy, we offer a simple way to resolve such an issue, which has already been tested many times and, with the help of an ordinary drawing of lots, eliminates all problems .

To do this, everyone who takes part in resolving the issue needs to Name give boy born in January 2019, what name name January son - everyone must write on a piece of paper five names of the boy out of ten prepared in advance and approved by the general council.

After that, they choose two of those that appear most in these notes and conduct another vote on pieces of paper. So you will find a compromise and choose a name for the newborn boy that will suit everyone, we hope that as he grows up - all the best, approach the issue of choosing a name for the newborn very seriously and responsibly, this is very important for him.

Every parent should understand that when choosing a name for their child, they partially determine their fate. Sometimes children are named after their favorite performer or one of their relatives, sometimes they choose the most fashionable name.

It is believed that the nickname carries a certain energy and affects the character and habits of a person. For example, you decide, born in January. It is best to refer to the church calendar. For many centuries, people have believed that by naming their child in honor of one of the great martyrs or saints, they give him his own Guardian Angel.

What are there in the church calendar?

Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker - name day January 4

Nastya is choleric, active and quite difficult to get along with, as she is subject to frequent mood swings. Now she can laugh merrily, but in a couple of minutes she will completely withdraw into herself and become sad.

As a rule, girls born in January and given the name Anastasia are not able to act decisively in extreme situations. At the same time, they grasp any information on the fly and have excellent memory. However, they prefer to remember only what really interests them.

Venerable Martyr Eugenia - name day January 6 and 18

If you have not yet decided what to name a girl born in January, then you should think about the name Zhenya. It has Greek roots and is translated as “noble.”

Little Evgenia is very calm and loves to embroider or knit. She easily gets along with her peers, but prefers to be alone. Teachers and classmates appreciate Zhenya for her curiosity and willingness to always help.

Having matured, such a girl becomes very hospitable and friendly. What she values ​​most in men is restraint and courtesy.

Martyr Claudia - name day January 6

Sociable and hardworking child. Not all names of girls born in January suggest the presence of clear intelligence. Claudia knows how to think concretely, independently find a way out of any situation and remember the information received.

However, such a girl is often too nervous and irritable, and will not tolerate being forced to obey someone.

Adult Claudia is a faithful and caring wife. She simply doesn’t know how to play with someone’s feelings and flirt.

Most often, Claudius choose the profession of a flight attendant, pediatrician or nurse.

Anfisa - name day January 8

We continue to consider the names of girls born in January. Some of them are of Greek origin. The name Anfisa translated from this language means “blooming”.

Little Anfisa is a calm and slightly shy child. Usually she is more drawn to her father. However, with age, this girl acquires character traits such as stubbornness and determination.

She tries to choose a profession that does not require her to put in a lot of effort. For example, she could become a librarian or a salesperson.

Anfisa is slightly arrogant and proud. Therefore, she tries to choose a man as a life partner who can be subjugated to her will.

Maria - name days on January 8, 12 and 31

Some parents, when deciding what to name a girl born in January, are inclined to names of Hebrew origin. That is why they choose the name Mary, which is translated from this language as “rejecting.”

Masha is a kind and sociable child with a slightly carefree and cheerful disposition. The main traits of her character are mercy and justice. You can always rely on this girl in a difficult situation.

Her character is difficult - Maria rarely compromises and is often offended.

Antonina - name day 9, 22 and 30 January

From Greek this name is translated as “acquiring in return.” Tonya is trusting and responsive, she will always support her friends not only with words, but also with deeds. If you don’t know what to name a girl born in January, but want the child to be kind and cheerful, then this name will do.

Antonina is easily carried away and is able to ignite those around her with her ideas. If she grows up in a complete family, where a friendly atmosphere reigns, then Tonya literally blossoms. She is a little sentimental and can easily fall under the influence of others. In addition, this girl has extraordinary intuition.

Dominica - name day January 10

Dominica shows her independent character even as a child. And this is not surprising, because from Latin her name is translated as “mistress.” Some names of girls born in January leave their mark on the child's personality. Dominika does not like group games too much; she is brave and stubborn.

At first it is difficult for the girl to get used to the school environment, but over time she gets used to it and makes progress. Dominica has an excellent memory; this child easily remembers a large number of poems.

This girl can become an excellent journalist, doctor, teacher or tour guide.

Anna - name day January 11

In Hebrew, this name means "grace." Anna is a fair and uncompromising girl. She is not prone to nervous breakdowns and conscientiously performs her duties.

Anya is a real Russian woman. She is loyal, loving, affectionate and kind. She will make a wonderful wife and mother. The girl is used to relying only on her own strengths; she does not listen to anyone’s advice and is not influenced by other people.

We can talk a lot about Anna, but let’s still find out what other church names there are for girls born in January.

Varvara - name day January 11

Smiling, cheerful and kind girl. Since childhood, Varya has shown an ability for drawing, dancing and music. This child is living proof that it is worth choosing church names for girls. In January, according to the calendar, there are many of them, and some, like the name Varvara, give their owners such character traits as perseverance, hard work and modesty.

Most often, Varya chooses the profession of a salesperson, accountant, librarian or nurse.

A girl falls in love easily, but will never take the first step. At the same time, she makes a good housewife - she appreciates the comfort of home and prefers to spend time with her family.

Natalya - name day January 11

Natasha is a hardworking girl, but at the same time stubborn and proud. Outwardly, she seems meek and a little frivolous, but in fact she is touchy and hot-tempered. Since childhood, this child has been distinguished by vindictiveness, but rarely takes revenge on his offenders.

Natalya is a born leader. She loves to be the center of attention and demands to be constantly praised. Such a girl can achieve great success in medicine, painting or music. Often involved in business.

With age, Natasha turns into a wonderful housewife. She cooks well, loves to receive guests, takes care of her husband and children and does not quarrel with her mother-in-law.

Martyr Irina - name day January 12 and 16

Decisive and independent nature. A real daddy's favorite, who, instead of fiddling with pies in the kitchen, will happily run to help him repair the car. Ira loves sports and reads a lot. In literature, he prefers science fiction novels and detective stories.

This girl cannot be called sentimental, often she is even a little rude. But at the same time, Irina has such a character trait as sociability. It is not at all difficult for her to find a common language with a complete stranger.

Adult Ira is a devoted, but very jealous wife. She can only cheat on her husband if he underestimates her. However, Irina values ​​​​stability very much and is unlikely to decide on a divorce.

Venerable Apollinaria (Polina) - name day January 18

Since childhood, this child has become accustomed to considering himself smarter than those around him. Polina is a hot-tempered and narcissistic girl. It is these character traits that allow her to never lose confidence in her abilities. She listens to other people's opinions, but does not take anything for granted, and therefore practically does not succumb to the influence of others.

Polina will not tolerate lies, hypocrisy or hypocrisy. A wonderful, clean housewife who will not waste money. She takes care of her children, develops them both physically and mentally.

Martyr Tatiana (Tatiana) - name day January 18 and 25

Even at a very young age, Tanya is distinguished by her emotionality, integrity and ability to stand up for herself. She is sociable and tries to become a leader among her peers. One of this girl's weaknesses is dancing.

With age, Tatyana becomes domineering and stubborn. She does not like to be contradicted and always defends her position. A little girl grows into an artistic and self-centered woman who prefers the company of men. She often tries to control her husband, pulls the children back, and may even shout at him.

However, over time, Tanya becomes more tolerant of others, thanks to this her family life improves. She is very jealous, but skillfully hides her feelings.

Other names

Of course, these are not all the names that are listed on the church calendar in January. What other girl names are there?

On January 11, the balanced and thoughtful Evdokia celebrates her name day. January 21 - calm and timid Vasilisa. January 27 - serious, decisive Agnia and persistent, hardworking Nina. January 28 - impressionable and friendly Elena. And on January 31 - emotional and talented Ksenia.

Names according to horoscope

Often parents choose a name for their girl depending on her zodiac sign. In January, Capricorns and Aquarius are born.

Capricorns are disciplined, prudent, intelligent and ambitious people. This zodiac sign symbolizes perseverance and courage. The following names are most suitable for Capricorn girls: Emma, ​​Eleanor, Sofya, Rimma, Olga, Nina, Natalya, Maria, Ksenia, Christina, Kira, Irina, Zinaida, Daria, Vera and Arina.

Aquarians are idealistic, highly intelligent and independent people. The Aquarius girl will be an interesting and bright personality with a unique character and extraordinary sincerity. The following names are suitable for her: Julia, Elvira, Snezhana, Svetlana, Olga, Natalya, Lolita, Liya, Lydia, Larisa, Galina, Violetta, Varvara, Valeria, Anna, Angelina and Alina.

We hope that this article helped you answer the question of what to name a girl born in January. Give your child a Guardian Angel and perhaps he will protect him from life's adversities. And you, as parents, will help him in everything.

Each season has its own characteristics, and children born at this time also have their own specific characteristics. In January, for example, talented and purposeful people are born. But winter children, in most cases, have a complex character, they love to conflict and rarely find a common language with their peers. But January children are distinguished by patience, balance and really value independent work. Many boys born in January are able to courageously endure minor and major troubles.

It should be noted that most January people suffer from painful pride. After all, very often they commit imprudent acts, following their pride, and thereby take unjustified risks. But they almost never get into serious trouble because they have developed intuition.

What are babies born in January like?

The character of men born in January is courageous and fair, you can rely on them in difficult times. Decisive in their actions, they often behave imprudently and are prone to unjustified risks. They are lenient towards the weaker, respectful and considerate with women, and capable of forgiveness. They are very proud and have a strong will. Wonderful family men.

Children born at the same time can differ greatly from each other in character traits, even twins or twins can be different in character. There is an opinion that the name given to a person at birth affects him positively or negatively. Therefore, you need to choose names according to their meaning, as well as taking into account factors such as time of birth and zodiac sign. Each of these points deposits certain traits in a person, and together they create a character, with positive and negative traits. For example, boys born in January are reliable, devoted friends and faithful spouses. They can also be forgiving and patient, able to forgive and listen. And if you give a boy a sonorous name, then all these qualities will pass to him. The names of boys born in January, soft in meaning and sound, can greatly soften their character traits. Conversely, strong-willed names can impart additional rigidity in character and even pride. That is why the names of boys born in January need to be selected more carefully, taking into account all the above nuances.

With the right name for a boy born in January, you can enhance his leadership qualities. The child will be nimble, easy to train, grasp everything on the fly, and quickly master new skills. Many January men (who have sonorous, strong names) are careerists who work only if they see career advancement in the foreseeable future. What names are suitable for January boys?

Names of boys born in January:








From time immemorial, there is an opinion that you need to pay special attention to the name of the child. Indeed, a name is very important, because it largely influences a person’s fate. The variety of names today is simply enormous - you can choose an ordinary Slavic name or any foreign one. But how can you find the right one among such an abundance of names and not make a mistake with your choice?

According to astrologers, it is best to choose a name by paying attention to the month in which the child was born. Because it is the month and constellation under which the child was born that can determine his future.

So, if you are expecting a baby at the very beginning of the year, namely in January, then pay attention to such male and female names as: Arthur, Ivan. Peter, Maxim, Irina, Tatyana, Polina, Natalya, Ilya, Evgeniy, Evgenia, Lyubov. It is believed that these names are the best suited for January birthday people and will protect their owners throughout their lives and bring success in all endeavors.

It’s even better if, when choosing a name for their child, parents focus on names based on Christmastide. So, for those who are expecting the birth of a son on the first day of January, astrologers recommend paying attention to the following names: Ilya, Timofey, Gregory. On the second day - Anton, Ignat, Daniil, third – Mikhail, Sergey, Nikita, fourth - Fedor or Dmitry. Fifth - Vasily, Pavel, David, Nahum, sixth - Nikolay, Sergey, Innokenty. Seventh - Gregory, eighth - Alexander, Mikhail, Konstantin, ninth - Stepan, Luka, tenth - Leonid, Osip, Yakov, Semyon.

For boys second ten days of January, names could not be better suited Benjamin, Lev, Michael, Peter. Vasily, Gordius, Timofey, Roman, Ivan and Afanasy.

And to those born in the last ten days of the month, names – Egor, Zakhar, Anatoly, Vitaly, Galaktion. Nikifor, Adam, Prokhor, Ivan, Anton and Mikhail.

In any case, no matter what name you choose, when choosing, you need to take into account several important aspects:

  • Firstly, do not under any circumstances give your child the name of one of the deceased relatives or relatives with a difficult fate; according to astrologers, in this case the child runs the risk of living “someone else’s” life.
  • Secondly, when choosing a name, do not forget to compare it with the patronymic to see if the combination of the name and patronymic is beautiful.
  • Thirdly, do not try to reinvent the wheel and name the child some extraordinary name that does not exist in nature. This is exactly the case when the creativity of parents can play a cruel joke on the child and harm him.

And finally, choose a name that you like, so that every time you pronounce it out loud you will be happy, and not torment yourself because you named the child differently than you wanted, because you were led by relatives or friends.

A craving for independence, a strong character, isolation, pronounced leadership abilities - all these characteristics apply to men born in the first month of the year. They love to work, courageously overcome any obstacles, are balanced, but at the same time they suffer from painful pride. How to name a boy born in January so that the name is consistent with his personality? Fortunately, the choice of options is huge.


What to name a boy in January, dreaming of a charming, intelligent, creative son? As a child, Evgeniy is unlikely to be an obedient quiet person, but one should not expect excessive mobility from him either. The name gives the child a tendency towards good nature, which will be combined with a certain impulsiveness and a passion for artistry. Zhenya is quite easily angered, but he does not resort to force when arguing.

Those around him will be surprised by his sudden decisive actions, which he often does not expect from himself. Eugene is full of ambitious impulses, knows how to appreciate the advantages of the material world, and often strives for fame. He is not a workaholic, obsessed with work, but he does not pass up the opportunity to get a promotion. Sometimes this man opens his own business, but mostly limits himself to dreams about it.

Charming Eugene can marry several times, remaining on excellent terms with each ex-wife. However, a happy marriage on the first try is not excluded. This is an excellent name for a boy born in January if parents want to see their son in the future as a representative of a creative profession. Name days - January 6 and 21.


In January, so that he becomes confident, assertive and strong? Alexander is an excellent option, because this name belonged to many famous commanders and emperors. The boy's character will be somewhat arrogant and imperious; he will tend to want to stand out from the crowd. For Sasha, success in any area is important - study, sports, career. He wants to show leadership qualities.

If Alexander can detach himself from the opinions of others and concentrate on his goals, dizzying success awaits him in almost any field of activity, be it commerce, sports, or politics. The life partner of a man with this name will be provided with everything except fidelity, since he is inclined to indulge in fleeting hobbies. Name days are celebrated on January 17th.


What do you call a boy born in January to raise a son full of innovative ideas, prone to decisive action and ready to take risks for the sake of his goal? It’s difficult with Grigory in childhood, when he easily loses his temper, not remembering to be careful, reacting violently to attempts to hurt his pride.

In adulthood, Grisha's energy is directed in a positive direction. There are frequent cases when boys with this name, who were not interested in studying in primary and secondary school, suddenly begin to catch up closer to graduation and enter a prestigious university. It is important to be able to help Gregory decide on his goal; he needs specific tasks, which he copes with excellently. Often these men make a brilliant career, but their fate cannot be called simple, it is full of ups and downs.

What to name a boy in January, dreaming of a calm and happy life for him? Definitely not Gregory, because these men do not attach much importance to comfort, do not value regularity and convenience. Their brutality attracts women, but family life with them cannot be called simple and pleasant. Gregory's name day in January is celebrated on the 1st, 14th, 18th, 21st, and 23rd.


In January, so that he grows up practical, sober-minded and at the same time not devoid of adventurism? Victor is not a person who can be classified as a romantic idealist; pragmatism predominates in him. Strong emotions and adventures attract this man, but he never completely surrenders to the excitement, knowing how to get out of the game completely. The one who is ready to spend a large sum in a casino is definitely not called Victor.

People like Victor’s excellent sense of humor; they consider him a cheerful and interesting conversationalist. In their youth, these men are quite impulsive, they can say too much, but with age they learn from their own mistakes. They have access to a career in many fields, but they should not choose a profession related to philosophical movements and abstract concepts. It is worth thinking about a technical specialty, scientific work. Name day - January 31st.


How to name a boy born in January if you want to choose a rather rare name? Daniil is not seen as often as Sasha or Zhenya. These men are not characterized by hot temper and aggression, they do not give in to negative emotions, but they love to engage in soul-searching, which greatly hinders them during adolescence. They resolve conflicts with the help of persuasion, paralyzing the enemy with their own good nature.

In most cases, Daniel is happily married; he chooses his companions not by appearance, but by their inner world. The well-being of his family is very important to him, and he is ready to take care of increasing it tirelessly. Men with this name are especially successful in the fields of art and philosophy; they cannot be called active figures. Name day - January 2.


When choosing the name of a boy born in January, you can name the child Ivan. The name of the famous character in Russian fairy tales evokes associations with good nature and thoroughness, and inner strength. These men do not need a leadership role, but are prone to ambition, dream of a high social position and often achieve it. Vanya has been independent since childhood and knows how to adapt to circumstances.

Ivan is not familiar with problems in relationships with the opposite sex, unless he still has complexes that came from childhood. He may seem flighty, but in reality he is not prone to adultery and frequent changes of chosen ones. Ivan highly values ​​material wealth; his ability to get along with a team often allows him to achieve great career success and occupy leadership positions. Name days - January 2 and 11.


Vladimir is a wonderful name for a boy born in January. From the Old Russian language it is translated as “owning the world” and is of pagan origin. Control of emotions, calmness, confidence are typical qualities for Volodya. People trust him, often ask for advice, and consider him an intelligent and charming person. Men with this name are careful in choosing friends.

Vladimir's energy and inner strength allow him to achieve the most difficult goals. Such a person will not waste time on tinsel, moving on the straight path. Efficiency and perseverance are traits that open up a wide variety of professions for him. Volodya is often happy in marriage; as a wife he wants to see a practical, intelligent woman, a loyal friend. Name day - January 25th.


What to name a boy born in January so that he becomes businesslike and economical? Ilya. Men with this name value order above all else; they do an excellent job of organizing. In the family circle, at work - everywhere they show thoroughness, balance, and spiritual integrity. The latter quality makes emotional outbursts possible, but conflicts pass painlessly, leaving no memories.

Ilya rarely fails in his professional activities. However, his habit of setting the bar too high for himself often results in dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs. Such men start a family at a fairly late age, preferring to first create a stable financial base. in January they are celebrated on the 1st, 21st and 27th.


Maxim is the name of a boy born in January, which is most easily described with the words “ambition” and “pride”. These men often suffer from high self-esteem, which can become the root of their problems in adulthood. They have difficulty parting with their youth, do not want to grow up, giving up carefree fun, and are constantly looking for ways to assert themselves, trying to penetrate into circles that they consider elite. Max attracts influential patrons, but this deprives him of independence.

If Maxim manages to overcome the negative traits of his own character, his energy allows him to achieve dizzying career heights in various fields of activity. Men with this name are successful among the opposite sex, but they often find themselves immersed in complex relationships. A happy marriage is more likely later in life. Name day - January 26, 29, 31.


If the boy's name day is in January, you can name him Peter. Children with this name are characterized by activity, restlessness, and a passion for research. They love to disassemble objects into small parts. Petya's character will be formed depending on the environment in which he spent his childhood. A boy can grow up unbending and tough, or become soft and vulnerable. As a rule, he does not have difficulties at school, he easily absorbs new information and strives for knowledge.

Peter has such advantages as excellent memory, analytical mind, it is easy for him to master technical professions, he is successful in the fields of music, writing, and teaching. Such a man spends the first half of his life in search of an ideal companion, the second in a strong family, for the sake of whose strength he agrees to make absolutely any sacrifice. He should have children after 30; if they appear earlier, Peter will be indifferent to them. Name days - January 3, 10, 14, 15, 22, 25, 26, 29.

Not quite suitable names

Orthodox names for boys in January should not be too tough, since they already have a fairly strong character. Otherwise, the negative character traits that are characteristic of January children will come out, supplemented by the appropriate name. It is not recommended to choose names such as Dmitry, Anatoly, Igor for your son.