
Incredibly useful skills and presentation. Rare Reborn Online skills. Get basic knowledge of a foreign language

Incredibly useful skills and presentation.  Rare Reborn Online skills.  Get basic knowledge of a foreign language

We know that human capabilities are not limitless, and in general this is true. But some people are born with abilities that go far beyond the ordinary: it is as if the human body decides to break the barriers set by nature. The existence of people with superpowers is direct proof that the human body has capabilities much greater than we can imagine. Who are they - the result of evolution or isolated cases of natural anomalies?

15. Magnet Man - Liew Tou Lin

I try my best not to call him Magneto, after all, he is a movie villain, and Liu Tou Lin is a real person. But with an unrealistic ability to attract metal (and not only metal) objects to your body. It’s as if some kind of force is holding them from the inside - despite the fact that each item can weigh up to 2 kg, and in total the human magnet is able to hold 36 kg on himself. Scientists from the Malaysian University of Technology came to the conclusion that Tou Ling's skin has a unique “adhesion” property, which helps objects “stick” to the body - as if under the influence of a magnetic field. The strangest thing is that this ability is inherited in Tou Lin’s family, and his three grandchildren can boast of the same skill.

14. Supernatural Memory - Daniel Tammet

People with phenomenal mathematical abilities and powerful memories are not uncommon. They can solve complex mathematical equations faster than a computer or reproduce in their memory an event ten years ago with an accuracy of a second. However, Daniel Tammet is the first to describe how his brain works.

For Daniel, each number from 0 to 10,000 has its own image and distinctive characteristics, such as texture, shape, color and feel. For example, the number 289 is quite ugly, the number 333 is much more attractive, and the number Pi is almost perfect. Daniel has Asperger's syndrome, and his method allows him to remember numbers and events with incredible accuracy. For example, he can reproduce Pi to the 22514th decimal place, which he did as a demonstration in 2004. It took 5 hours and 9 minutes.

13. Eagle Vision - Veronica Seider

In movies, we have more than once seen heroes who have “super vision” and are able to see even a fly that is a kilometer away from them. The famous archers Eagle Eye and Legolas are just such. But in the real world, such a person exists, and this is Veronica Seider - the world champion in looking at the smallest objects at long distances without the use of binoculars or any other optics. It has been proven that she is able to distinguish between people located at a distance of 1.6 km from her. Her vision is 20 times sharper than the average person's.

12. Sonar Vision – Daniel Kish and Ben Underwood

Do you know how bats “see”? Using echolocation: they make special sounds, and then their auditory system picks up the reflections of sounds from obstacles. Ben Underwood had the same ability: he used sounds to “see” despite losing his sight due to retinoblastoma, an eye cancer. It is not clear how, but he managed to develop an extraordinary ability for echolocation. By making sharp clicks with his tongue, he could “see” objects so well that it greatly improved his quality of life. Unfortunately, Ben Underwood died in 2009 due to a recurrence of cancer. Ben was the brightest of Daniel Kish's students. Daniel is blind and also navigates the world using echolocation (called “sonar vision”). He does it so well that he helps other blind people, teaching them to “see” the world around them the way he does.

11. Beast Whisperer - Kevin Richardson

Kevin is a behavioral zoologist from South Africa who studies animal behavior. He understands them so well that he has literally been accepted into membership by several prides of lions and some packs of hyenas. He eats, sleeps next to and plays with these animals as if they were his family. When communicating with wild animals, Kevin trusts his intuition more than book rules. He is known for treating lions as highly evolved creatures, showing them his respect and emphasizing a sense of community and family, rather than harshly suppressing and training them.

But Kevin warns that his work is dangerous and does not advise anyone to follow in his footsteps without proper training. He communicates and makes friends only with animals that have grown up before his eyes. And yet the animals scratched, bit and wounded him many times... although they never did it intentionally.

10. The Man Who Sees Music - Arthur Lintgen

Some people are not able to learn a second language, but the American doctor Arthur Lintgen can read the language of gramophone records: by the pattern of grooves and their color, he determines what piece of music is recorded there. But Arthur doesn't claim to be a superhero. He attributes his skill to musical erudition and says that it extends only to classical music, from Beethoven onwards. The earlier works, he said, are too similar in structure and difficult to recognize. And when he was given a record of an Alice Cooper album, Lintgen said it looked like a jumble of sounds and sounded like gibberish. However, Arthur Lintgen's ability is unique in its own way.

9. Human Computer – Shakuntala Devi

Shakuntala Devi (1929 – 2013) is clear proof that the human brain is capable of extraordinary things like incredibly complex and fast arithmetic calculations. A Berkeley University professor once asked Shakuntala to calculate the cube root of 61,629,875 and the seventh root of 170,859,375. To the professor's surprise, Shakuntala gave the answers (395 and 15, respectively) within just a few seconds. In 1977, at the University of Dallas, she managed to extract the 23rd root of a number consisting of 201 digits in 50 seconds! The university computer confirmed that the results shown were correct, but it took more than a minute to complete the work.

8. Photographic Memory – Stephen Wiltshire

If you haven't seen this artist's work, you definitely should. Stephen is an autistic artist who can reproduce from memory the most detailed landscape of any city he sees from above. All it takes is a short helicopter flight over the city, and Stephen uses his photographic memory to create a panoramic image of it with stunning accuracy.

7. The Iceman – Wim Hof

While ordinary people attempting to climb Everest or Kilimanjaro need to be properly insulated, Dutch daredevil Wim Hof ​​performs such stunts in nothing but shorts. Extremely cold-resistant, Hof says he uses the tantric technique of tummo meditation, a method of developing internal heat used by Tibetan yogis, to help him regulate his body temperature. Wim Hof ​​is the absolute world champion in bathing in a bath filled with pieces of ice. An ordinary person cannot stay in such a bath for more than 15-20 minutes. Hof's record is almost two hours.

6. Super Samurai – Isao Machii

The Japanese martial artist Iaido masters the techniques of real samurai. He can predict the trajectory of an object with such frightening accuracy that he can easily cut it in half with his sword - and can do this at least every second. He is the fastest man with a sword not only in Japan but in the whole world. Machii can cut through plastic bullets flying at a speed of 300 km/h. It looks like he really is a superhero.

5. Jaws of Steel – Radhakrishnan Velu

It is impossible to imagine what kind of strength a person must have who is able to drag a train of several cars with his own teeth, as Radhakrishnan Velyu, a native of Malaysia, does. For such strong teeth he is called the “Tooth King”. And it’s still unclear - how can you drag a train weighing 260.8 tons over a distance of 4.2 meters, excuse me, with your teeth? The Tooth King claims that when he was 14, an Indian guru taught him to control all parts of the body with the help of his teeth.

4. The Man Who Never Sleeps - Thai Ngoc

Have you ever tried to stay awake for more than 48 hours? Unpleasant experience. Even one sleepless night has a very bad effect on the well-being of an ordinary person, but with the Vietnamese peasant Thai Ngoc, everything is different. He hasn't slept since 1973. He himself believes that the cause of his insomnia was the fever he suffered at that time. All these years this person has been trying to sleep - with the help of medications and even alcohol, but to no avail. What is surprising is that the doctors do not find any abnormalities or serious illnesses in him and say that his health is fine.

3. Super Endurance - Dean Karnazes

There is the endurance of an ordinary person and there is the endurance of the American Dean Karnazes. Dean is a long-distance runner and ultramarathoner. And if he is fed and given water in a timely manner, he can run endlessly, literally until retirement. In other words, his stamina level is so high and his energy regenerates so quickly that he can run without stopping. Among his achievements are, for example, the following: running on a treadmill for 80 hours (560 km) and 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 days.

2. Stomach of Steel – Michelle Lotito

The Frenchman Michel Lotito (1950 – 2007) had an insatiable appetite for completely inedible objects. It is clear that with such abilities there is a direct path to becoming a pop artist. At his performances, “Monsieur Eat Everything” devoured objects made of metal, glass, rubber and plastic, and even indigestion did not torment him later. He is also known for dismantling and gradually eating (over two years) an entire airplane. The walls of Lotito's stomach were twice as thick as they should be, and his gastric juices also worked unusually strong and allowed him to digest everything.

1. Electroman – Raj Mohan Nair

Electricity is dangerous - everyone knows that. An electric shock of even one-tenth of an ampere can be fatal... but not for Raj Mohan Nair. A current of up to 10 amperes can be passed through his body and it will not cause him any harm. The only side effect is momentary blindness. The story of how Raj Mohan discovered his superpower is tragic. When he was 7 years old, his mother died. Unable to cope with grief, the boy tried to commit suicide by climbing onto a power pole and grabbing the exposed wire. To his surprise, he survived and realized that he had extraordinary ability. His body's resistance to electric current is 10 times higher than that of an ordinary person. Therefore, he can pick up exposed wires and pretend to be an electrical circuit.

How many times in various circumstances have you said to yourself: “How great it would be if I could…” But then life flowed along its usual course, and you forgot about your desire to acquire a useful skill.

With the amount of knowledge that is available to us online every day, the only reason you haven't done it yet is because you haven't thought about it seriously. Maybe it's time to do it?

10. Fix something at home

Of course, to fix something at home, you don’t need any special skills - you can just call a specialist, and everything will be ready. But there is no ingenuity, no skill, much less interest in this.

In addition, a specialist will in any case cost you more than fixing simple things yourself.

If you have a desire to do manual labor, learn how to fix things at home or with your own hands. This is a particularly satisfying skill because you can use the results of your work right away.

Where can I learn this? Millions of videos on YouTube and Videojug are at your service. There you will find a lot of videos on how to repair something in the house or in the yard, how to fix something from plumbing and electrical.

For complex repairs, you will still need a professional, but you can easily do some small manipulations yourself. In any case, you will understand that you always have a choice - call a specialist or try to do it yourself.

9. Develop creative skills: drawing, illustration, photography

Victor Bezrukov/

Even though these skills likely won't help you make a lot of money, they are very attractive because they expose you to the technical capabilities to create something great.

You will have to find inspiration and objects for creativity yourself, but mastering the chosen subject depends only on technical capabilities and practice.

It's good if you don't need these skills in life, but either way you'll feel more confident coming home late at night.

7. Improve your design skills and develop a sense of style

Andreas Nilsson/

Design and style are not an exact science, as tastes vary and change over time, but there are a few general principles that will make your work, home, or anything else more aesthetically pleasing and appealing.

If we are talking about classic design, first of all we need to learn the basics of types and combinations. These are skills that you can improve in your daily work to make it look more attractive.

This may seem like a useless skill since tables, for example, are not rated on the basis of beauty, but if something looks attractive, it will always be rated better. Aesthetics will always be an advantage of your work.

A sense of style is important even in such things as, say, choosing wallpaper for a room or creating a clean and efficiently organized desktop on your computer. If your home is looking boring, here are some ideas on how.

And here are articles for those who want to learn web design: how to influence through and online web design.

6. Master any subject you missed at university

It could be some kind of science, finance, mathematics, humanities, law or something else. If you were unable to master this skill at university, you can study online.

What's great about this kind of training is that you are driven only by your own motivation. No exams, tests or nerves. You learn as much as you want, and the reward is simply becoming a little smarter. Here you can find many useful items.

5. Create and remake hardware

Kevin Savetz/

We all love modern technology, and the more technology can give us, the stronger our love. There is probably no technique that cannot be improved, but first you need to acquire a few skills.

Learning how to build a computer is a great way to get started. You will need soldering skills and basics, with which you can create some really interesting things.

The best way to learn this is to start a project and learn all the tricks as you work on it. If you don't know where to start, take a look.

4. Play an instrument

gwen roolf/

There are many sites for learning to play musical instruments online. You will find several useful resources, forums and applications for learning to play guitar, drums and piano.
And, of course, YouTube is always there to help.

3. Cook like a chef

Sharyn Morrow/

There are so many recipes and websites on the Internet with tips on preparing different dishes that anyone can become a great chef without training anywhere.

Try, develop "", subscribe to and just enjoy cooking.

For example, I love the application " Poster-Food“- there are a lot of new recipes that you can save for yourself. Moreover, you don’t have to cook exactly according to the recipe; you can get creative, add other ingredients and skip what is not in the nearest store.

2. Learn a foreign language

If you ask people what they want to learn, “Learn a new language” is the most popular answer.

30 sites for those who want to learn to code from scratch. There are sites with paid courses and teachers, and resources for learning different programming languages ​​for free.

There is also a selection of free ones for those who don’t mind studying in English.

Just keep in mind - programming lessons can be really boring if you're not working on a specific project. If theoretical knowledge is constantly supported by practice, you are more likely not to give up and achieve success in programming.

What skills do you want to master?

From birth, parents help their child acquire useful life skills that help the child adapt to the world around him. He just has to learn how to hold a spoon correctly, tie shoelaces, add numbers and much more. However, in adulthood, we are forced to work on acquiring certain skills that can qualitatively change our lives. What does every modern person need to be able to do?

Learning ability

A person’s success in any area of ​​life is largely determined by his desire to learn. You can be infinitely gifted, but without constant development it will be extremely difficult to realize your potential. It manifests itself this way if you:

  • realize your own limitations in knowledge and abilities;
  • are willing to admit that others know more than you;
  • asking for advice or asking for help, especially before making a decision;
  • believe that every person can teach you something;
  • talk less, listen more;
  • are able to step out of their comfort zone;
  • do not despair when you make a mistake, but draw conclusions and try again until it works;
  • are ready to admit that they are wrong and change their point of view if convincing arguments are presented.

English language

In the modern world of information, lack of knowledge of English greatly limits your access to new knowledge: be it other people or Internet resources. Being the most in-demand language in the world, English can give you the following opportunities:

  • find new friends and useful contacts in different parts of the world through travel or through social networks;
  • read books and watch films in the original, as well as understand and sing your favorite songs;
  • wherever you go, you will be able to explain yourself and you will be understood;
  • you are able to find a more worthy job and move up the career ladder.

Time management

In order not to waste time, you need to master one more skill - managing your own time. It is very important to be able to distinguish the essential from the trivial and set priorities correctly.

Equally important is the ability to plan. Without this, a significant portion of your time will be lost. If you want to have high productivity in life, get a lot done without losing quality, then you should learn to draw a plan for your actions. Start small - a to-do list for tomorrow, and turn it into a habit. Then start planning your life a couple of months in advance, then a year, five years, etc. Develop useful skills! Soon you will notice how you stop fussing, and everything goes as usual, and your productivity increases.

Speed ​​reading and speed typing

In the age of modern technology, almost any information reaches us in digital form. Gigabytes of materials flash before our eyes every day, and we need to be able to assess their usefulness for ourselves in a matter of seconds. Speed ​​reading skills can greatly facilitate this task and significantly save time, which is always in short supply. The typography technique serves the same purpose. You can learn this using the ten-finger typing method. Once you find a diagram on the Internet and practice a little, you will be surprised at the qualitative changes that will occur in your life.

Financial management

Ideally, even in childhood, you need to teach people how to properly handle money, which will greatly simplify their lives in the future.

Surely many of us have encountered difficulties in distributing our own finances. Having mastered income management skills, you will be able to assess your financial condition, plan the distribution of funds, and also, by managing them correctly, increase your capital.

Each person must determine for himself which scheme suits him best, but it is recommended to identify the main areas of spending for yourself and indicate what part of your earnings should be allocated to this or that need.


This skill will be useful in any area of ​​life: from relationships within the family to communication with partners or management. If you think about it, our whole life consists of negotiations, be it a dialogue with a salesperson in a store or a job interview. By learning to negotiate correctly, you significantly increase your chances of success.

The main advice for those wishing to acquire this skill is to be respectful. Whoever your interlocutor is and no matter what happens, answer him extremely politely. This way you can easily win someone over. And under no circumstances interrupt or put pressure on him, let him speak.

Working with search engines

A person does not have to know everything - it is enough to look up information on the Internet at the time of need. But is it that simple? It would seem that no one is able to enter the desired query into Google, Yandex or any other “search engine,” but entering does not mean finding the desired answer. Once you master this skill, you become more self-sufficient, do not require outside help, and can access almost any information in a matter of minutes.

Passing interviews

All 10 years at school and subsequent years at the university prepare us for work. However, in rare educational institutions they teach how to pass the selection process correctly.
To get a good position, you often have to go through a whole series of tests and interviews, which can take an unprepared person by surprise. Even if you are an excellent specialist and have unique knowledge, without interview skills your chances are reduced to a minimum. A correctly written resume alone is 50% of your success.

Influence and location

Despite the misconception, we are able to impress a person every time we meet him after a long separation. This is due to changes in your psycho-emotional state, the circumstances of the meetings and many other factors. In a word, each time you open up to each other in a new way, and to make these discoveries unexpectedly pleasant, you should:

  • show a positive attitude. People are drawn to individuals who can charge them with vital energy and inspire hope for the best;
  • express feelings of sympathy. Most often, people expect rejection from others, but you should destroy this stereotype and prove the opposite to the person. The easiest way to do this is to express admiration or feel sympathy for your interlocutor;
  • show loyalty. The generosity you demonstrate will return to you a hundredfold from others;
  • help when possible. If you are asked for a small favor, do it. Little things like this greatly influence the disposition of those around us;
  • always keep your promises. Earning a reputation as a man of his word is worth a lot in our society.

Self-discipline and focus

The ability to act purposefully and regardless of interfering factors, as well as the emotions prevailing in us, is self-discipline. It often requires giving up pleasure in favor of more meaningful things, but in the long run it helps to achieve success.
Focusing on intentions moves a person towards a goal. Thinking about something every day awakens our desire for action, so it is very important to learn to concentrate on our desires. To do this you need:

  • think about them in your free time;
  • write it down, or better yet, hang it in a visible place and look at it often;
  • look for people with similar interests and try to make your dreams come true together.

Relaxation and positive attitude

From the section above we can conclude that thoughts create action. If a person thinks positively, then the world appears to him as a place with endless possibilities. This property can help out in the most difficult moments of life. No wonder they say: pretend to be happy for a week and on the eighth day you will become one.
Everyday stress and tension lead to the fact that a person ceases to navigate in space, cannot set priorities, attaches too much importance to little things and loses attention to truly significant events.
Relaxation is necessary in order to “turn your head off” from the hustle and bustle, increase your resistance to stress and tune in to a positive mood. There are many relaxation techniques, you can choose the one that suits you best than others.


Contrary to existing laws in the country, cases of crimes are not uncommon, a significant part of which is committed against strangers. Knowledge of self-defense techniques will help you resist and increase your chances of survival. Sometimes one right move can change the entire course of events. In addition, self-defense skills make a person mentally stronger and also help to avoid many troubles in life. One of these troubles is, for example, a situation in which they are trying to manipulate you. – read only with us!

Rare skills

Rare skills are passive abilities that can be obtained by killing bosses in the level 85 dungeon "Heledor".

If you get a rare skill, you must activate it within 30 minutes, otherwise the scroll with the skill will disappear. After studying, you will receive a skill for use for a period of seven days.

The number of rare skills that can be activated at a time can be viewed in the corresponding tab in the divinity window. You can open it by pressing the H key, or the corresponding button in the panel on the right.

After that, go to the “Abilities” tab and click on the “Rare Skills” button. At the top you will see the inscription “Active”, opposite which there will be numbers showing how many rare skills are activated, and what is their maximum number. It depends on your divine rank.

Hover your mouse over a skill - you will see what bonuses it gives, as well as the remaining duration.

Externally, an activated rare skill looks like wings, the size of which depends on the number of skills. Don't forget that they can drop after death if you have low karma. Therefore, when they see wings, they may try to kill you for the sake of skill.

Life is a very complex and confusing thing. You can’t live a day without the necessary skills and abilities that make us more productive and happy. In this article we will look at the most necessary skills that a person can have with confidence.

Survival Skills

It's corny, but it's true. Even if you never have to spend the night in the forest and catch fish with your bare hands, sooner or later the issue of preparing food or providing first aid will be on the agenda. And now you can get lost not only in the forest, but also in the metropolis.


Man by nature is a lazy creature and does not like to leave his comfort zone. If we don't push ourselves to move forward and improve both mentally and physically, we are doomed to failure. This applies to work, personal relationships, health - everything that life consists of.

Ability to make informed decisions

As well as accepting their consequences. Yes, a person is not a robot, he cannot always be guided by cold calculation and iron logic, which is wonderful. But balanced and thoughtful decisions are often the most correct, whatever one may say.


Without it, a person becomes his own worst enemy. Systematic lateness to work, missed deadlines, damaged relationships with people, health problems - there are a lot of consequences.

Ability to correctly express your thoughts

It doesn’t matter - in writing or orally. Until you can clearly convey your thoughts to other people, the chances of being heard and understood are close to zero.

Communication skills

Even if you are a complete introvert, communication with people still awaits you around every corner. You have to contact them every day and you need to be able to do this at the proper level. Without this skill, it is impossible to achieve your goals and objectives in life, which is clearly not part of the plans of a sane person. Yes, many geniuses were sociopaths, but their genius became known after death. Communicate productively!

Information analysis and critical thinking

In our technologically advanced times, the amount of information is simply off scale. This is not bad, because among it there is a lot of useful and vitally important, but without your critical assessment and systematization it will simply become unusable.

Ability to make money

Yes, happiness does not come from money, but it is also impossible to live without it. It’s not always possible to get the desired position and salary, but this is not a reason to sit on the couch and procrastinate. Moreover, financial independence is the first step towards freedom.


Without quality rest, there can be no talk of productivity in business. First of all, this is sleep, which we need physically. But psychological relief should also be present: reading books, walks, travel, music - whatever.

Ability to set specific goals

Without them, a person is like a boat in the middle of the ocean in a storm. To achieve anything in life you need to clearly understand your goal and go towards it. Even if it’s something global and will take years, it’s not scary. You just need to make a plan and develop a strategy by breaking one big goal into parts. If it's really worth it, you'll get closer to it every day.

All of the above plays a huge role in our lives, making it more meaningful and successful. None of the skills are given to us at birth; it takes a lot of effort to acquire and develop them.