
Nod on femp in the second junior group according to the Federal State Educational Standards plan-notes of a lesson in mathematics (junior group) on the topic. Famp in the second junior group Famp classes 2ml g

Nod on femp in the second junior group according to the Federal State Educational Standards plan-notes of a lesson in mathematics (junior group) on the topic.  Famp in the second junior group Famp classes 2ml g

Evgenia Gerasimova
Lesson on FEMP in the second younger group.

Lesson on FEMP in the second junior group.

Subject: “Generalization and systematization of children’s knowledge about quantity and counting. Grouping by color.

Target: Generalization and systematization of children’s knowledge about quantity and counting.


Continue to teach children to identify one object from many, to answer a question "How many" in words one, many, none;

Consolidate and generalize children’s knowledge about the number of objects (one, many, none);

Strengthen the ability to distinguish and name the main colors: red, blue, yellow, green.


Develop thinking operations in children (generalization, comparison, analysis, auditory and visual attention)

Activate children's speech activity.


Foster love and respect for animals.

Cultivate the desire and ability to listen to each other.

Equipment: soft toy Bunny. Demo cubes: large, small for the teacher and two cubes - large, small for each child. Big and small box; plates: red, yellow, blue, green. One circle is black. A basket and flat images of carrots for each child.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

Surprise moment "Bunny Came to Visit"

Educator. Guys, who is this knocking on our door? A forest animal came to visit us. Guess riddle:

I handle it very cleverly

With juicy, fresh carrots.

I also love cabbage

There's no reason they think I'm a coward,

I admit that I'm quick on my feet,

Dust is a long road for me,

Well, guess who I am,

After all, my name is brother (bunny).

(The teacher greets the children on behalf of the bunny)

Right! The bunny loves to play and build towers: high and low. The bunny is very worried that she doesn’t know how to put her toys away in their place. Let's help our Bunny put the toys into the boxes.

2. Main part.

Game task "Put the cubes into boxes"

Laid out in front of the child cubes: large and small for every child. Two prepared boxes: big and small.

Educator. The bunny asks to put the cubes into boxes; large cubes into a large box, and small ones into a small one.

What kind of box do you think this is? (large)

What do you think, what kind of box is this? (small)

What kind of cube do you think this is? (big)

What kind of cube do you think this is? (small)

On the teacher’s table there are demonstrations cubes: big and small.

The teacher puts the cubes into boxes, accompanying the actions with speech.

Look, I will put the large cube in a large box, and the small cube in a small box.

(children complete the task after the teacher explains)

How many cubes do you think are in the boxes? (a lot of)

What do you think, how many cubes are left on the carpet? (none)

I am very glad that you helped our Bunny: large cubes were put in a large box, and small ones in a small one.

Game-task: "Sort by color"

Plates are laid out on the table. Each child has his own plate of a certain colors: blue, red, yellow, green. In the center of the table are multi-colored circles: red, yellow, blue, green and one black. Children must put circles of the same color. like the plate itself.

Guys, the Bunny just told me in my ear that he has prepared a surprise for you and is calling you to come to the table.

The bunny asks us to help him. Take a seat at the plate you like.

Guys, look at the colorful plates Bunny brought us. Bunny also brought colorful circles. The bunny asks you to arrange circles of the same color as your plate.

Each child places the circles in their own plate. (children complete the task independently). There should be a black circle left on the table.

Masha, what color are the circles in your plates?

Sasha, how many circles do you think Masha has in the plates? (a lot of).

What color do you think is the circle left on the table? (black).

How many black circles do you think are left on the table? (one).

Physical education minute: "Loud quiet"

Guys, let's relax a little and play a game "Loud quiet".

Close your eyes and try to guess what musical instrument is playing now?

Right! (tambourine).

And now?

Well done! (bell).

When I play the tambourine loudly, loudly, you will jump like bunnies.

And if I start ringing the bell quietly - quietly, you are hiding (squat down).

Game - task: "How many carrots".

There is a basket of carrots on the table.

You guys are so great. The bunny is so happy. The bunny wants to give you a carrot as a sign of gratitude.

Rita, how many carrots do you have? (one).

Dima, how many carrots do you think are left in the basket? (none).

Dasha, how many carrots do you and the guys think? (a lot of).

3. Final part.

Guys, do you think we helped Bunny today?

What do you think, is our Bunny happy?

Yes guys, you are great. Bunny is very grateful to you for your help. He invites you to the hall to sing songs and dance with him.

Publications on the topic:

Lesson on FEMP in the second junior group “Counting to two. Numbers 1 and 2" Topic: “Numbers 1 and 2. Counting to two.” Goal: To introduce children to the images of numbers 1 and 2 through imagination and logical thinking. Tasks: 1.

Integrated lesson on FEMP and development of fine motor skills in the second junior group Educational objectives: - To develop in children fine motor skills hands and fingers. - Consolidation of colors - strengthen the ability to distinguish between contrasting ones.

Summary of OOD on FEMP in the second junior group Goal: continue to teach children to compare objects by length and indicate the result of comparison in words; strengthen children's understanding of spatiality.

Lesson summary on FEMP in the second junior group Topic: “MUCH IS LITTLE” Educational area: “Cognitive development” Section: FEMP Purpose: to clarify children’s understanding of the concepts of “one”.

Integrated lesson on FEMP in the second junior group “Visiting a cat and a mouse” Integrated lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts of children of the 2nd junior group “Visiting a cat and a mouse” Completed by:

Olga Antonova
Lesson on FEMP in the second junior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard

"One figurine, two figurine"

Goals: Consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes, answer the question “how much?” with words one, many, none.

Continue to develop the ability to compose group from individual objects and select one object from it.

Preliminary work: Teach children to pay attention to the shape and color of objects in everyday life.

Examination of one and many objects.

Games: “What does it look like?” "In an even circle"

Program content. Educational objectives

continue to teach children to dialogue with teacher: listen and understand the question asked and answer it clearly;

consolidate and generalize children’s knowledge about the number of objects (one, many, none,

consolidate the ability to distinguish and name the main colors: red, blue, yellow, green;

Developmental tasks:

Develop auditory and visual attention, imagination.

Develop speech, observation, mental activity

Expand and activate children's vocabulary.

Develop logical thinking.

Develop coordination, spatial orientation, enrich the motor experience of children.

Educational tasks:

Cultivate a desire to work;

Cultivate kindness and responsiveness.

Equipment and materials:

Demonstration: soft toy Bear. Large and small cube.

Big and small box

Handout: Large and small cubes according to the number of children. One plate per child. Circles of blue color in sockets for each child.

Location: group(on the carpet and at tables)

Progress of the lesson

1. Introduction to the educational game situation

Guys, a guest will come to us today, but you have to guess who will come to us, I’ll tell you a riddle, and you guess who he is?

The funny beast is made from plush:

There are paws and there are ears.

Give the beast some honey

And make him a den. Who are these guys? (Bear)

That's right, it's a bear, his name is Mishutka.

Let's say hello to him and invite him to play with us.

2. Main part.

1. Game - task "Put the cubes into boxes" (on the carpet)


Guys, our Mishutka is sad. Mishutka why are you so sad?

Guys, he says that two boxes of cubes fell apart. Really look at how many cubes there are on our carpet. Let's get them consider: -Alyosha what size are the cubes? (bigger and smaller). What color are the cubes? I ask all children individually.

Children name the colors (blue, yellow, red, green)

Mishutka asks you to help him arrange the cubes into boxes: big cubes in a big box, and small ones in a small box, let's help Mishutka. Look at your cubes. Show me the big cube (show) Show small (show)+ I pin individually

There are demonstrations on the teacher’s table cubes: big and small. The teacher is the first to lay out the boxes, accompanying the actions with speech.

Look what kind of box is this? (large)

What kind of box is this? (small)

Guys, I’ll put the big cube in a large box, and the small one in a small box (the children complete the tasks after the teacher’s explanation, they come up one at a time and put the cubes in the boxes.)

So we helped Mishutka: large cubes were put in a large box, and small ones in a small box. The bear is happy, he smiles.

Physical education minute:


Raise your paws bear

Bear's paws down

Teddy bear, Teddy bear, spin around

And then touch the ground

And rub your tummy - one, two, three!

Children, let's invite Mishutka to play with us at the tables.

2. Game task "one and many" (at the tables)

Plates are laid out on the table. Each child has his own plate yellow color and a box with handouts (green circles.)

Educator: Children, you have a yellow plate on the table. What shape is she (round). And in front of you are the boxes that are in them (circles) What color are they? (green, how many circles? (a lot of). And on plates (no one.)

Now you take one mug at a time and place it on your plate. How many circles do you have on your plate? (one by one). How much is left in the box? (a lot of). Now make sure that there are many circles on the plate, but not a single one in the box. Children complete the task.

How many mugs are in the box? (no one)

And on your plate (a lot of). Guys, look, how many mugs does Mishutka have in his plate? (no one). Let's each of you put one mug on his plate.

Julia, how many circles will you put in? (one)

Platosha, how old are you? (one)+ I ask all the children

How many circles did Mishutka collect from you? (a lot of)

There was not one, but there were many. Let's give this plate to Mishutka.

“Thank you children!” Mishutka tells you.

That's how great you and I were, helping to assemble big and small cubes for Mishutka and laying out the circles (one, many, none). Well done!

Guys, let’s play the game with Mishutka some more "In an even circle".

Children, holding hands, walk rhythmically in a circle, speaking:

In an even circle

One after another

We go step by step,

Stay where you are!

Together together

Let's do it like this!

When the words end, they stop and repeat the movements, which the teacher shows, for example, jump, turn, sit down, stamp your foot, etc.

Guys, it’s time for Mishutka to return home, let’s say goodbye to him amicably. Goodbye Mishutka!

Publications on the topic:

"Chick". Lesson summary on FEMP in the second junior group Lesson summary Second junior group (Formation of elementary mathematical concepts) Topic: “Chicken.” Integration of educational.

Summary of the final lesson on FEMP in the preparatory group in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard “Unusual Guest” MDOU "Kizilsky kindergarten No. 3" Abstract final lesson according to FEMP in the preparatory group in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard “Unusual Guest”.

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Developing subject-spatial environment of the GCD theme: a toy grandfather, a set of soldiers, trees and bushes made of cardboard, two dolls, a lot of bunnies.

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Summary of a lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in the second junior group.

Topic: “Let's play with Mishka”

Target: consolidation of the skills to distinguish and name geometric shapes, the main characteristics of objects: color, shape, size.

Tasks: 1) consolidate the ability to distinguish and name a ball (ball) and a cube (cube), regardless of the color and size of the figures;

2) develop the ability to distinguish objects of contrasting size, using words big small; distinguish the number of objects using words one, many, none;

3) cultivate friendly relationships between children and interest in activities.

Materials: toys: bear, truck; large and small balls; large and small cubes; two boxes; pouch.

Preliminary work: learning the physical education lesson “Teddy Bear”, repeating the game “Wonderful Bag”.



Abstract open class on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in the second junior group.

Educator: Milyukhina Alena Sergeevna

MBDOU "Bondarevsky kindergarten "Solnyshko"

Topic: “Let's play with Mishka”

Target: consolidation of the skills to distinguish and name geometric shapes, the main characteristics of objects: color, shape, size.

Tasks: 1) consolidate the ability to distinguish and name a ball (ball) and a cube (cube), regardless of the color and size of the figures;

2) develop the ability to distinguish objects of contrasting size, using wordsbig small;distinguish the number of objects using wordsone, many, none;

3) cultivate friendly relationships between children and interest in activities.

Materials: toys: bear, truck; large and small balls; large and small cubes; two boxes; pouch.

Preliminary work: learning the physical education lesson “Bear”, repeating the game “Wonderful Bag”.

Progress of the lesson:

  1. A surprise moment: the teacher brings a truck into the group, in the back of which there is a bear, balls and cubes.

Educator: Children, who came to us?

Children: Teddy bear (look at the bear).

Educator: What did the bear bring in the truck?

Children: Balls and cubes.

The teacher invites the children to find a ball (we reinforce the concept of a ball).

Educator: What did you find? What color is the ball?

Children: Ball. Yellow.

The teacher asks the children to show what can be done with the ball?

Children: ride.

Educator: What can you do with a cube?

Children: Bet.

Educator: Can the cube roll? And why? What does the cube have?

Children: Corners.

Educator: How many corners does the cube have?

  1. Game situation “Collecting balls and cubes.”

The teacher asks the children to help the bear put balls and cubes into boxes. The balls must be placed in a white box, and the cubes in a black box.

While completing the task, the teacher asks the children: “What did you put in the box? How many balls (cubes)? Are they the same color? What else is different between balls and cubes? (big and small). How many balls are there in the box? (a lot), and what about cubes? (a lot of). How many balls and cubes are left on the floor? (no one).

  1. Physical education lesson “Bear”

Stomp, little bear,

Clap, bear,

Squat with me, brother.

Hands up, forward and down

Smile and sit down.

4. Game “Wonderful bag”.

The teacher recites the quatrain:

I am a wonderful bag

I'm a friend to all the guys.

I really want to know

How do you like to play?

The “wonderful bag” contains large and small cubes and balls of different colors. Children identify geometric shapes by touch, then take them out and name the color.

  1. Outdoor game "Find your house."

There are large figures lying on the carpet: a circle and a square. Children take one geometric figure from the tray, name them and begin to move to the music. At the end of the melody, the children must find their houses: those who have a circle in their hands run to the circle, those who have a square in their hands run to the square.

When the children run to their places, the teacher asks them to justify their choice.

Mishka thanks the children for playing, says goodbye to them and leaves in the truck.

  1. Reflection.

Educator: Children, who came to visit us? What did the bear bring? What did you play with? What geometric shapes did we repeat? What did you like most about the lesson? Thanks to all. Well done everyone!!!

Summary of the lesson on FEMP in the 2nd junior group

Teacher of MBDOU No. 81 "Malvina", Surgut

Kartakaeva G. A.


" One is many"

Target: consolidation of children's knowledge acquired during the school year.

Educational objectives:

Strengthen children's skills:

Find one or many objects in a specially created environment,

answer the question “how many?”, using the words “one”, “many”;

To navigate the contrasting parts of the day: day - night, morning - evening;

Distinguish and name geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle.),

primary colors (red, blue, yellow, green.).

Compare two objects by length (long - short).

Conduct a dialogue with the teacher: listen and understand the question asked,

answer it.

Run in different directions.

Developmental tasks:

Continue to promote the development of auditory and visual attention;

Memory, speech;

Observation, mental activity;

Coordination of movements.

Educational tasks:

Cultivate kindness and responsiveness, love for animals.

Preliminary work:

Teach children to pay attention to the shape and color of objects in everyday life.

life. Examination of one and many objects.

Equipment and materials: toy squirrel, pictures “Parts of the day”,

cones, geometric shapes for each child, stripes (different

length), hoops.

Progress of the lesson.

Org. moment“Give a smile” (children stand in a circle)

All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other...

(Knock on the door)

Surprise moment:

Oh! Someone is knocking on our door, I’ll go and open the door. (Motivation)

Guys, a guest has come to us, but to find out who she is, you need to guess

Tikhon, tell me a riddle about her!

Red little animal

Jump and jump through the trees.

He doesn't live on earth

And on a tree, in a hollow. (Squirrel).

That's right, guys, it's Squirrel!

Good morning, Squirrel! Come in, sit down.

Is this animal wild or domestic? (Wild)

Where does the squirrel live? (In the forest)

brought it.

Game exercise “How much?”

Look how many cones the squirrel has in his basket? (A lot of)

(I distribute to everyone) - Eva, how many cones do you have? (One)

What about you, Artem? (One), etc. - everyone has.

How many cones are left in the basket? (None)

(Children put cones in a basket)

How many cones are in the basket? (A lot of)

Guys, the squirrel has become sad, probably tired!? Let's do a warm-up.

Physical exercise “Squirrel”.

The squirrel was jumping and jumping (children are jumping)

By winter, the pantries were filled. (tilts)

Here are nuts, (turn right)

Here is a mushroom (turn left)

For sons and daughters. (walk in place)

“Guys, sit down on your chairs and we’ll continue playing with the squirrel.”

Oh, guys, the squirrel says that it’s time for her to return home, otherwise

Night will soon come, it’s time for her to sleep.

Why, squirrel, it’s still a long time before nightfall.

Listen, the children will now guess the riddles “When does this happen?”

(And you guys, listen carefully: answer correctly! So as not to

confuse our guest)

When the cockerel

Is the sun calling to greet you? (In the morning)

The sun is shining brightly in the sky,

The children went for a walk,

When does this happen? (During the day)

It began to get dark outside the window,

The birds began to sing more quietly.

Toys need to be put away

Mom invites everyone to dinner.

When does this happen? (In the evening)

The stars in the sky lit up,

The boys went to bed,

Evening and day rushed away.

They were replaced by... (Night)

What time of day is it now? (Morning)

That's right, guys. So, squirrel, don't rush!

And wait for a gift from the guys!!!

Guys, let's give our guest a gift. I suggest

Make beads from geometric shapes for the red-haired beauty.

What kind of figure is this? (Square)

What color is the square? (Red Square)

(Blue circle, green triangle)

Before we start working, we will rest a little.

Finger gymnastics.

The squirrel was riding on a cart,

I sold nuts to everyone.

Little fox-sister,

Sparrow, titmouse,

To the club-footed bear.

Bunny with a mustache.

You have plates on your tables, but what is on them?

(Geometric shapes, stripes - long and short)

Which strip will you choose so that all the shapes fit? (Long)

Geometric shapes need to be placed as in my


(Children collect)

What beautiful beads you made!

(We give beads to the squirrel)

“The squirrel says that she stayed too long and wanted to jump and run.”

Let's play now in the game "Find Your House".

Hoops are your houses (Children receive cards with

geometric figures.)

While I am playing the tambourine, you are running; as soon as the tambourine stops sounding -

everyone runs to their house.

Bottom line.(Everyone sits on the carpet)

Squirrel says thank you!

She liked it with us.

Guys, what did we do to please our guest? What did you do today?

The material offered in this section is a generalization of the experience of a teacher working with children of the fourth year of life.

Lesson notes are built on the basis of active practical activities and extensive use of visual material.

The main direction in organizing classes is the development of sensory and general intellectual abilities in play activity. Children's goal is to play, not to learn.

The teacher engages children in meaningful, based childhood experience educational games, game exercises, tasks, situations, practical actions.

All lesson notes for children of the fourth year of life are built taking into account the methods of forming elementary mathematical concepts by A.M. Leushina and A.A. Carpenter. In this methodology, much attention is paid not only to the education of preschool children, but also to the improvement of children's cognitive activity and general mental development.

The main tasks of mathematical development of children of the fourth year of life are:

Mastering the properties of objects and relationships between them;

Development of independent cognition;

Development of cognitive and speech skills.

Demonstration and handout materials for classes are objects of the surrounding reality, illustrations, this is already available in the preschool educational institution didactic material both factory production and home-made.

During classes, the teacher must always take into account the real capabilities of each child, as well as carry out individual work with children. The teacher’s task is to support the desire for independence and help each child notice the growth of their achievements.

The teacher must always create a situation of community and co-creation. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the visual-effective, visual-figurative nature of children’s thinking.

Classes are held once a week, with the exception of pre-school holidays: last week December and the first week of January.

To ensure strong mathematical knowledge and skills, do not limit yourself to just studying. Create game mathematical situations in different types children's activities.

If a program task is difficult for children to master, organize an exercise game and a situation with this task before class. By doing this, you will prepare your child to master the program material.

The given lesson notes should not be strictly copied for working with children. A necessary condition for ensuring success in work is the teacher’s creative attitude to classes: variation game exercises and tasks, repetition of material in one form or another, individualization of requirements for children.

We hope that these materials will help you in working with children to develop their mathematical abilities.

Tasks of mathematical development of children of the fourth year of life


Form ideas about:

The length of two items: short, long;

The height of two objects: high, low;

Size of two items: large, small;

Geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle.

Give an idea of ​​what geometric shapes can have different shapes, color, size.


1. Learn to determine the relationships of objects by:

Length: longer - shorter;

Height: higher - lower;

Size: more - less.

2. Learn to determine the relationships of objects by quantity, establishing equality and inequality of objects.

3. Give an idea about:

Spatial relationships: above - below, above - below, in front - behind, right - left, side by side, in a row, one after another;

Temporal relationships: first - then, morning - evening, day - night.

4. Give an initial idea of ​​the seasons. Saving quantity

Give an idea that the number of objects (3) does not change due to their different arrangement.

Speech skills

Use words from special terminology in speech: “size”, “color”, “shape”, etc.;

Use phrases: “same”, “not like this”;

Name, based on comparison, what is different and the same in objects and geometric figures;

Understand and use words in speech - names of size, shape;

Name words in speech that characterize quantitative, spatial, and temporal relationships;

Answer questions, explaining the course of practical action.

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Materials: toys, hare, bear, cow, calf. For children: stripes are wide, narrow - paths.

Math lesson in kindergarten. Junior group Program content: 1. Educational objectives: - Improve the ability to find one or many objects in a specially created environment, answer the question “how many?”, using the words one, many, none. 2. Developmental tasks: - Develop speech, visual attention, logical thinking. 3. Educational tasks: - To cultivate love for animals, the ability to help others, politeness. Preliminary work: - didactic game"Od...

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OD in the 2nd junior group "Masha and the Bear" Tasks: - to promote the development of the skill of comparing two objects in width using the methods of overlay and application, to determine the results of comparison with the words wide - narrow, wider - narrower; - improve skills of comparing two different groups subject by way of imposition; the ability to denote the results of comparison with the words many, equally, as many; - exercise in the spatial direction above, below; - contribute to the consolidation of the ability to distinguish and name...

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