
Causes very thin body skin. Thin skin. Why does the skin become thin? Very thin facial skin, how to thicken it

Causes very thin body skin.  Thin skin.  Why does the skin become thin? Very thin facial skin, how to thicken it

Those with dry skin constantly struggle with paleness, dullness and flaking, fine wrinkles and closely spaced blood vessels. It is noteworthy that even in adolescence, the skin of this type quickly becomes covered with wrinkles that appear on the eyelids and in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle. As a person grows older, capillaries, spots and areas of peeling appear. On top of everything else, all these defects in appearance become inflamed in the cold.

Such thin skin is unable to produce sebum in sufficient quantities, and because of this it is constantly dry and dehydrated. This moment obliges us to constantly nourish it, moisturize it, and provide delicate care.

For example, before going outside, you need to use moisturizing and nourishing products in the form of masks or creams, emulsions and sprays.

Very dry and thin skin on the body and face also has its own advantages, which are tenderness and fine porosity.

And if you guarantee her proper care, then she will remain smooth, glowing with health inside and out. Again, this effect lasts up to a maximum of 25 years, after which areas of peeling, inflammation and fine wrinkles invariably appear.

How to properly care?

The rules for caring for thin and dry skin are as follows:

In general, you can care for this type of skin using the following algorithm:

  • In the morning: clean with warm water, toilet milk or cosmetic oil, wipe with lotion based on linden or flax seeds, moisturize with cream;
  • Throughout the day, dry dermis is moisturized with creams and milk at least once. Nourishing masks are made a couple of times a week;
  • In the evening, the skin of the face and entire body is cleansed with the same soft cosmetic milk. If you have to deal with hard water, additional wiping with a non-alcoholic tonic is required. It will eliminate the remnants of salts that dry out the dermis;
  • Before going to bed, apply a moisturizing cream with a deeply nourishing effect.

What should you give up?

What not to do if you have thin skin:

In the case when the dermis on the face, hands and entire body is constantly peeling, it is recommended to always have with you: jojoba oil, panthenol ointment and chamomile tea bags.

First, it is enough to lubricate problem areas throughout the day, and apply steamed sachets to flaky areas.

Among the non-traditional methods of hydration, we can recommend promenades in rainy and foggy weather.

When creating a comprehensive program for yourself on how to care for the thin skin of your face, choose modern cosmetics and technologies. It is desirable that the selected products contain ceramides and liposomes.

Such ingredients help retain moisture in the dermis.

Many women suffer from the skin on their face being too sensitive. Such thin skin is subject to rapid aging, facial wrinkles form more quickly on it, and redness and irritation often appear. If nature has blessed you with thin facial skin, what should you do? Proper care will help you avoid many problems and keep your skin youthful. We will tell you about all the rules in this article.

Signs of thin and sensitive skin

How to determine whether you have thin skin or not? Let's look at the main signs of thin skin. You have thin skin if:

  • After you wash your face, your skin feels tight.
  • There is often redness on the face, as well as itching and burning.
  • The skin often peels.
  • There are often negative reactions to cosmetics.

Important! If you are not sure, you can do a simple test. To do this, take a pen and run the blunt end across your cheek:

  • If the pen mark disappears within 20 seconds, your skin is normal.
  • If you stay for a longer period, it means you have thin and sensitive skin.

Causes of thin skin

What are the causes of thinning skin?

  • Constant stress and emotional overstrain lead to negative consequences in the functioning of the entire body, including the skin.
  • Hormonal imbalances can also lead to thinning of the skin.
  • Incorrectly selected cosmetics can cause significant harm to your skin.
  • The condition of the skin is also influenced by factors such as heredity and age-related changes.

Caring for problem skin

Caring for thin facial skin must be correct. First of all, this is daily care, which consists of several stages.


  • You need to wash your face in the morning with warm or cool water. It is desirable that it is not chlorinated. Sensitive skin reacts poorly to chlorine and hot water.
  • Treat clean skin with toner.
  • Be sure to apply day cream to your face. Choose a cream labeled for sensitive skin. Use only high-quality cosmetics from trusted manufacturers.

Important! At different times of the year, depending on weather conditions, facial skin care should be different. Having mastered the simple rules, you can easily do it. You don’t need to search for a long time, all the information can be found in our archives:


  • To remove makeup, use cosmetic milk, micellar water or another product designed for this purpose.

Important! It is better not to remove makeup with regular tap water.

  • Tonic should be selected without alcohol content.
  • Apply a nourishing night cream for sensitive skin.

Important! Don't forget to pamper your skin with pleasant and healthy treatments and masks. Then the results will not take long to arrive:

In addition to daily care for thin skin, you need to follow the following recommendations:

  • Do not use regular soap, use a special gel or milk for washing.
  • Don't leave makeup on overnight.
  • Use creams and make masks regularly.
  • If you make masks, remember that they should not contain alcohol or aggressive components, such as mustard.

Important! It is advisable to test any mask for allergies.

  • Often, problems with the skin are caused by vitamin deficiency, in particular a lack of B vitamins. Therefore, your best friends should be fruits, vegetables, nuts, and bran. You should exclude spicy, fried, and salty foods from your diet.
  • You should not use cosmetic ice or herbal compresses; aromatherapy is also contraindicated for you.
  • Do not overuse the sauna or bath procedures, limit your time in the sun.
  • Your best assistant is sleep. During sleep, cells are renewed and restored.
  • Try to control your facial expressions - don’t squint your eyes, don’t wrinkle your forehead.
  • Drink more water. Remember, a person should drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day, and in your case, 2 is better.
  • Try to protect your face from direct rays of the sun, use special sunscreens.
  • For peeling, choose products with artificial exfoliating microgranules, which are less damaging to the skin.

Factors that negatively affect thin skin

Since we are talking about caring for thin facial skin, we should also mention that some factors negatively affect its condition and it is advisable to exclude them:

  • We have already mentioned that sensitive skin does not tolerate chlorinated water, so you should not provoke it into irritation and wash your face with tap water. But if you cannot avoid contact with this, for example, when visiting a swimming pool, then you need to apply a special water-repellent cream.
  • This type of skin does not like frequent changes of cosmetics. Experts recommend changing products no more than once every 3 months.
  • For those with thin skin, masks based on aloe, honey, as well as hormonal creams and ointments are contraindicated.
  • Nicotine also has a negative effect. Therefore, try not to stay in a smoky room for a long time.

Masks for thin skin

To maintain the youth and health of your face, you need to periodically make masks. Before the mask, experts recommend exfoliating, since after cleansing, the skin is more receptive to the nutritional properties of the substances that you apply to it.


This mask has a rejuvenating effect, nourishes and softens the skin:

  1. Place 30 grams of yeast in a small amount of milk. Add a few drops of olive oil.
  2. Apply the mask and leave for 20-25 minutes.
  3. Rinse with boiled warm water.


To restore water balance, you can do the following:

  1. Mix one tablespoon of boiled water, one egg yolk, one tablespoon of sour cream and one teaspoon of olive oil.
  2. Apply to face and leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Rinse off with cool boiled water.


Cucumber masks are very useful for moisturizing the skin:

  1. Grate one fresh cucumber or spin it in a blender and squeeze out the juice.
  2. Mix two tablespoons of cucumber juice, one teaspoon of cottage cheese and one teaspoon of honey.
  3. Apply to face for 20 minutes and then rinse with cool water.


Flax seed has a beneficial effect on any type of dermis:

  1. Pour a glass of boiling water over two tablespoons of flax seeds.
  2. Cook until the mixture thickens.
  3. Cool the broth and apply to face for 40 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with cool water.


This vitamin cocktail will supply your skin with nutrients and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands:

  1. Mix one egg yolk with one tablespoon of milk.
  2. Add two tablespoons of olive oil and one tablespoon of chopped oats to the mixture.
  3. Apply to face for 30-40 minutes and then rinse with cool water.

From spinach

This mask will saturate your face with vitamins, improve its color and remove age spots:

  1. Cut 10 grams of spinach into small pieces, add 15 ml of olive oil.
  2. Apply to face and leave for 35 minutes, then rinse with water.

From avocado

A very effective mask that will nourish the dermis with vitamins, and also soften and improve its elasticity:

  1. Pass half an avocado through a meat grinder, or you can use a blender. Add one egg yolk to the resulting puree.
  2. Apply the resulting mixture to your face and leave for 20-40 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Important! During cold periods of the year - autumn, winter, early spring - you need to remember to care for the skin on your hands, because it suffers no less and shows your age. Find out what you should pay special attention to on the pages of our website:

What to do if your skin is naturally thin and sensitive? How to preserve its beauty and attractiveness for many years? How to strengthen such skin, make it thicker and denser, and therefore younger and more elastic? All these pressing issues will be covered, be careful and remember!

What information will you find out:

Signs of thin skin

Sensitive and thin skin

With age, our skin type can change depending on lifestyle, climate, bad habits, dietary habits, professional conditions, cosmetics used, and past diseases.

Thin facial skin can be easily tested using a regular napkin. When you apply it to your face, you will never see traces of oil, since this type is prone to excessive dryness. This condition is caused by a decrease or complete absence of sebum production. It leads to loss of elasticity, firmness, premature aging and the appearance of a noticeable number of wrinkles. In addition, this type of skin is characterized by pronounced capillaries, which can give the face a red and unhealthy tint due to the thinness of the epidermis.

As for the skin around the eyes, in all women, without exception, it is dry and thin due to the lack of subcutaneous fatty tissue. If you start proper care from an early age, you will maintain and also significantly improve its condition for many years without the need to use radical and aggressive rejuvenation techniques.

Features of care for thin skin of the face and around the eyes

Thin skin requires regular care

Thin skin types do not tolerate washing with soap well, becoming thinner and dehydrated even more each time. However, if you cannot do without this usual procedure, use soft water that has gone through the boiling process. Soap can be used once a week, not more often. As a cleaning agent, you can use egg yolk, rich in valuable vitamins and microelements, white bread crumb infused with milk, steamed oatmeal, and sour cream.

Before washing, it is best to lubricate the area around the eyes with a thin layer of olive or any other plant-based oil.

Do not rub or stretch such skin under any circumstances. Perform all movements easily and carefully, avoiding the appearance of irritation and folds. Cosmetologists advise cleaning it in the morning with special products in the form of milk, lotion, thermal water, which are not able to remove the lipid protective layer created overnight. They must be completely free of alcohols and components that dry out the epidermis (acids, abrasives), otherwise the effect will be the opposite.

Try to spend less time in the sun, since ultraviolet radiation is the main cause of dryness, early aging and thinning of the skin layer.

If exposure to the sun cannot be avoided, be sure to use protective products containing special filters that reflect directed rays and prevent the aggressive, destructive effects of the sun on epidermal cells.

In winter, before going outside, be sure to lubricate your skin with nourishing creams containing a high percentage of fats and natural oils that tighten and tone the turgor.

Every evening massage of the face and area around the eyes can significantly improve blood supply and, as a result, nutrition of thin skin. It should be performed with your fingertips after cleansing your face and before applying caring cosmetics. Movements should be neat, light, directed from the middle of the face to the temples, that is, strictly along the massage lines.

What active ingredients should be present in eye cosmetics?

Cosmetics for eyes with thin skin should be special

High-quality compositions included in cosmetic products for the care of thin and dry skin necessarily contain the following components, the action of which is to restore, moisturize, nourish and strengthen both the outer and inner layers of the skin:

  • retinol or vitamin A, involved in cell regeneration (renewal), improvement of microcirculation, hydration, nutrition, firmness support, elasticity, general rejuvenation;
  • lanolin, containing a large percentage of animal fats, instantly nourishes, protects and thickens the turgor;
  • vegetable oils with a high content of vitamin E of youth and beauty (jojoba, olive, burdock, peach, almond, wheat germ);
  • allantoin or bisabolol (restore damaged cells, prevent dryness and irritation of the epidermis, protect against the aggressive action of most external factors);
  • hyaluronic acid (has active moisturizing, rejuvenating, promoting healing, and the production of its own collagen substances);
  • vitamin C (strengthens the walls of blood vessels and small capillaries, prevents their fragility, redness and thickening - rosacea);
  • extracts or decoctions of natural herbs and plants (eliminate inflammatory effects, saturate the skin with antioxidants, rejuvenate and renew).

The most effective natural homemade masks for skin tightening, renewal and nutrition

Masks will bring the long-awaited effect only with regular use

Very often, thin and dry skin reacts negatively to factory-made cosmetics with the appearance of irritation, redness and swelling. For those with sensitive skin, we recommend preparing the following simple masks from available ingredients 3 times a week, preferably in the evening.

Do not forget that masks will bring the long-awaited effect only with regular use, as well as if they are applied to clean skin, free of cosmetics and impurities.

  1. Based on cucumber juice. You will need to mix 50 ml of juice from fresh, finely grated cucumber with egg yolk, 10 ml of almond oil, 1 ampoule of retinol - vitamin A and 1 ampoule of vitamin E (sold at the pharmacy). Add wheat flour to the consistency of sour cream, mixing everything thoroughly.
  2. Based on parsley juice. You will need 20 ml of olive oil, 10 grams of potato flour and parsley chopped in a blender. Mix all ingredients well and apply.
  3. Avocado based. Avocado pulp, converted into a mushy mass in the amount of 20 grams, is mixed with 10 ml of cold-pressed olive oil, everything is mixed well.
  4. Spinach based mask. Take 20 ml of fresh spinach juice, add 1 ampoule of vitamin A and 10 grams of baby fat cream to it, mix everything thoroughly and apply.
  5. Starch based. Potato starch in an amount of 30 grams is mixed with 15 ml of high-fat cream, and the mixture is left for 30 minutes. Then add 30 ml of vitamin E oil pharmaceutical concentrate (in ampoules) to the composition and leave the mass in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Before use, add 10 grams of finely chopped mint and parsley and mix thoroughly.

Don't forget that a varied diet, good sleep, a healthy lifestyle, and giving up bad habits can have a positive effect on the condition of your skin!

By receiving constant care with cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing and protecting, your skin will be filled with radiance, health and elasticity so that you always remain young, beautiful and desirable!

VIDEO: Mandatory stages of home care for thin, sensitive skin

Thin facial skin looks great only at a young age, when the body is healthy enough, stably produces all the necessary hormones and properly distributes nutrients. In adulthood, the thin dermis brings many unpleasant symptoms, which often take a lot of time to combat.

To choose the right care, get rid of rashes and other troubles, it is worth understanding its features and understanding how the epidermis “works” in this case.

Thin skin can be identified by several signs:

  • narrowed pores;
  • slight blush;
  • the appearance of redness from touch and sudden changes in temperature;
  • regular irritations
  • rapid aging, flabbiness.

The dermis may be thin from birth, or may become thinner with age. Among the main reasons for the appearance of this type of skin are heredity, age, dehydration, and, less often, incorrect choice of caring, cleansing or decorative cosmetics.

To find out whether the skin is prone to thinning, a test is carried out: the rounded top of the pen touches the cheek and draws a line, pressing lightly on the surface. If the mark does not go away within 20 seconds, the skin can be considered thin.

Unpleasant symptoms of thin and sensitive skin

Loose skin can often be recognized by a number of features:

  • high degree of sensitivity to external factors - ultraviolet radiation, salty and hot water, frosty or smoky air;
  • low levels of melanin, a substance that protects the dermis from the harmful effects of the sun, explains the pallor of the face;
  • minimal level of fat in the skin structure;
  • early aging (expression wrinkles may appear at the age of 30);
  • the appearance of redness, swelling, rash;
  • negative reaction to most cosmetic products;
  • peeling, tightness after cleansing.

However, thin dermis also has positive qualities:

  • no problem of comedones on the face and enlarged pores;
  • impossibility of developing an oily sheen.

5 simple rules for caring for oily, dry, problem skin

  1. Frequent cleansing is the main rule for oily, thin skin.

The face should be cleansed with products that do not contain alcohol. This could be micellar water, herbal lotion, tonic or foam. It is allowed to use fruit seed oils for moisturizing, and make masks from different types of clay.

  1. Sun protection is the rule for thin, dry dermis.

Any cosmetic product should be selected with a reliable SPF level. You should regularly make nourishing masks with the addition of various oils, hyaluronic acid, milk or algae. When washing, you can use only warm water and avoid exposure to hot steam in every possible way.

  1. Products with a mild effect are the rule for sensitive and thin dermis.

Cleansers containing essential oils, acids and bee products should be avoided. Micellar water, as well as creams with clear and simple substances in the composition, are best suited for sensitive skin.

  1. Thermal water daily is the rule for thin, problem skin.

The liquid should be used throughout the day as a refresher, and in the morning and evening, cleanse your face of impurities. Prohibited products: with salicylic acid, alcohol or alkali, strong additives. Acne can be sprinkled with talc containing zinc at night.

  1. Natural masks and compresses are the rule for thin skin around the eyes.

If the skin is thin only in the eyelid area, there is no point in applying care products to the entire surface of the face. For the skin around the eyes, you can make compresses from parsley, dairy products, and gentle vegetable oils.

You can also master face building - a daily set of facial exercises that prevents wrinkles.

Effective cosmetics and useful procedures

To ensure that thin skin brings as little trouble as possible, and that caring for it does not take much time, you should learn to choose the right cosmetics. It doesn’t hurt to carry out salon or home care treatments from time to time.

How to choose the right cosmetics?

First of all, you should carefully read the ingredients on the label. For thin skin, cosmetics that contain at least one of the following ingredients will be useful:

  • allantoin (works for rapid regeneration of the facial surface);
  • tocopherol (prevents dehydration and early skin aging);
  • hyaluronic acid (nourishes and moisturizes cells);
  • retinol (this is vitamin A in liquid form, which makes the dermis elastic);
  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C prevents the appearance of rashes and redness);
  • oils and plant extracts (nourish the skin, reduce dryness and flaking).

Products with the maximum amount of natural ingredients in the composition, without parabens and other harmful substances, have the best effect on thin skin.

Useful salon treatments

If finances and time allow, full-fledged care for thin skin can be carried out in a cosmetologist’s office:

  • phototherapy (IPL) removes veins and spider veins on the face.

The process follows a simple scheme: a cosmetologist uses a special device to apply it over the entire surface of a previously cleaned face, and then fixes the result with a nourishing composition. The procedure is virtually painless, effective and has few side effects.

  • biorevitalization replenishes the required amount of moisture in the epidermis.

The procedure rejuvenates the skin, gives an anti-inflammatory effect and strengthens blood vessels. The process is very painful - a solution of hyaluronic acid is injected into small syringes, and then, through a needle, the medicine is sent to the deep layers of the skin. Within 1-2 days, small marks from the injections remain on the face, but after they disappear, the effect is amazing - the skin is firmer, moisturized and looks healthy.

  • microcurrent therapy enhances the immunity of the dermis.

In the process, the cosmetologist directs barely noticeable current discharges to the face with a special device, and then applies a special medicinal composition to the skin. The procedure is painless and especially effective for sagging skin.

Treatments at home

Thin skin requires constant care, which can be easily organized at home. It can be:

  • natural masks;
  • compresses.

The most effective masks are made from ingredients that can be easily found at any housewife.

  1. Mask with starch.

Mix 30-40 g of potato starch with two teaspoons of cream, let it brew for 30 minutes. Then add vitamin E in the form of oil, put the mixture in the refrigerator for 2.5-3 hours. Store the mask for no more than 3 days, apply daily for 30-40 minutes.

  1. Cucumber juice mask.

Mix 50 ml of juice with 1 egg white, add a teaspoon of almond oil and 10 ml of retinol or tocopherol, and then sprinkle the mixture with flour. The composition cannot be stored for a long time. Apply the mask once every three days for 30 minutes.

  1. Light mask with avocado.

Peel the avocado and puree it by hand or in a blender. Add 10 ml olive oil (extra virgin). Store the mask in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. It can be applied to the face daily for 20-25 minutes.

  1. Mask made of flour and parsley.

Dilute 10 grams of flour (preferably potato flour) with 20 ml of olive oil. The composition is designed for one use; it is better not to store it even in the refrigerator. Keep on face for no more than 20 minutes.

A compress made from cornflower blue flowers is also considered effective. To prepare the solution, mix at least 20 grams of dried flowers with 100 ml of heated vegetable oil (almond or olive). A fabric mask is soaked in the mixture and applied to the face for 20 minutes.

What is contraindicated for thin skin?

  • hot water and steam;
  • alcohol and aggressive cleansers in cosmetics;
  • peeling in any form;
  • aggressive facial cleansing;
  • aromatherapy;
  • prolonged exposure to external irritants (sun, frost, tobacco smoke, etc.);
  • makeup left on overnight;
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle.

In fact, the most important thing thin skin needs is sealing. To achieve this effect, you can:

  • combine salon and home care;
  • try to spend less time in the sun and use cosmetics with a high SPF level;
  • Healthy food;
  • Avoid staying in saunas, steam baths and generally steaming the skin.

Thin skin requires regular care, gentle handling and following simple recommendations.

To avoid problems with the dermis for as long as possible, you should set aside time daily for useful procedures and use only products approved for this skin type.

Skin atrophy occurs due to disruption of the structure and function of the connective skin and is clinically characterized by thinning of the epidermis and dermis. The skin becomes dry, transparent, wrinkled, tenderly folded, hair loss and telangiectasia are often observed.

Pathohistological changes in skin atrophy are manifested by thinning of the epidermis and dermis, a decrease in connective tissue elements (mainly elastic fibers) in the papillary and reticular layers of the dermis, dystrophic changes in the hair follicles, sweat and sebaceous glands.

Along with thinning of the skin, focal thickening may occur due to the proliferation of connective tissue (idiopathic progressive skin atrophy).

Atrophic processes in the skin can be associated with a decrease in metabolism during aging of the body (senile atrophy), with pathological processes caused by cachexia, vitamin deficiencies, hormonal disorders, circulatory disorders, neurotrophic and inflammatory changes.

Skin atrophy is accompanied by a violation of its structure and functional state, which manifests itself in a decrease in the number and volume of certain structures and a weakening or cessation of their functions. The process may involve the epidermis, dermis or subcutaneous tissue in isolation, or all structures simultaneously (skin panatrophy).


Senile skin atrophy develops mainly after 50 years, the full clinical picture is formed by 70 years. The skin loses its elasticity, becomes sluggish, wrinkled, especially around the eyes and mouth, on the cheeks, in the area of ​​the hands, on the neck, and easily gathers into folds that slowly straighten out. The natural color of the skin is lost, it becomes pale with a yellowish or slightly brownish tint. Frequent dyschromia and telangiectasia, dryness with fine scaling, increased sensitivity to cold, detergents and drying agents. Healing of wounds that easily appear even with minor injuries is slow. Greater severity of atrophic phenomena manifests itself in exposed parts of the body, due both to the anatomical features of these areas and to environmental influences, primarily the cumulative effect of sunlight. Elderly and elderly people have an increased tendency to develop various dermatoses and neoplasms (eczematous reactions, senile angiomas, senile adenomas of the sebaceous glands, actinic and seborrheic keratoses, basal cell carcinomas, Dubreuil's lentigo, senile purpura, etc.). A special variant of senile skin changes is colloid millum, characterized by multiple waxy translucent nodular elements on the face, neck, and hands.

Causes of skin atrophy

The main causes of skin atrophy are the following:

  1. Generalized thinning of the skin: aging; rheumatic diseases; glucocorticoids (endo- or exogenous).
  2. Poikiloderma.
  3. Atrophic scars (striae).
  4. Anetoderma: primary; secondary (after inflammatory diseases).
  5. Chronic atrophic acrodermatitis
  6. Follicular atrophoderma.
  7. Atrophoderma vermiform.
  8. Pasini-Pierini atrophoderma.
  9. Atrophic nevus.
  10. Panatrophy: focal; hemiatrophy of the face.

Histogenesis of skin atrophy

Atrophic and dystrophic changes in the skin during aging occur as a result of genetically determined changes in cells caused by decreased metabolism, weakened immune system, impaired microcirculation and neurohumoral regulation. It is assumed that 7 genes out of 70 that influence the aging process are particularly important. The mechanisms of aging at the cellular level involve membrane disruption. Of the exogenous influences, the most important are climatic factors, primarily intense insolation.

Aging of the epidermis is considered primarily as a secondary process caused by trophic disturbances. With aging, specific functions of the skin decrease, the immune response weakens, changes in its antigenic properties occur, which often leads to the development of autoimmune diseases in old age, the mitotic activity of the epidermis decreases, changes are observed in the nervous and vascular apparatus of the skin, vascularization decreases, transcapillary metabolism is disrupted, Significant morphological changes develop in the fibrous structures of the dermis, in the main substance and appendages of the skin.

With skin atrophy, the volume of the skin decreases, it becomes more fragile and vulnerable, and becomes thinner. Basically, the elastic fibers of the fabric undergo changes. Among the most common types is senile atrophy. Its occurrence is due to the course of irreversible processes associated with old age.

External manifestations of skin atrophy

What does skin atrophy look like? First of all, the manifestations are noticeable in open areas of the body; they are most characterized by thinning and loss of firmness and elasticity. You can observe such phenomena as skin gathered into folds, which is not always possible to straighten. Skin color also changes. In addition, it becomes translucent, and the venous network is visible through it. The surface becomes pearly white or acquires a reddish tint. Violation of skin metabolism, decreased enzyme activity - all this leads to pathological atrophy.

Skin atrophy has several types. Primary, secondary, limited and diffuse. If we talk about a disease that is more common in women, then we should call the primary form of atrophy. Its development is determined by certain factors in the natural state of the female body, for example, during pregnancy, when there are significant endocrine changes.

Diffuse atrophy manifests itself in the form of damage to a large surface of the skin, and the process often involves the layer of epidermis on the arms or legs. With other types of atrophy, the affected area can be anywhere in the body where there is intact skin.

The peculiarity of the skin areas affected by atrophy is that they can either look slightly higher than normal areas, or, on the contrary, have depressions. If the disease affects the facial area, then half of the face may have atrophic changes, while the other half remains healthy in appearance.

Experts distinguish a type of secondary atrophy. It is characterized by the fact that it occurs in areas of the skin that were previously affected by other diseases. A striking example is lupus erythematosus, syphilis, and tuberculosis. It should be emphasized that the presence of certain diseases in a patient can trigger the occurrence of skin atrophy.

Diseases in which atrophy may occur

The list of diseases that cause skin atrophy is quite large. As already noted, one of the first places is occupied by age-related changes in the skin. Also, the cause may be lupus erythematosus, atrophic and sclerotic lichen, skin disorders accompanying diabetes mellitus. Atrophy occurs when there is a disease of the connective tissue, when skin rashes are present and muscles weaken. It is possible that atrophy may occur due to the use of certain medications, as well as with limited scleroderma, striae, and radiation dermatitis.

How to understand that this is skin atrophy?

Local skin atrophy most often occurs in children, young women or adolescents with uncontrolled use of drugs, especially those containing fluoride (Sinalar or Fluorocort), as well as the enhanced action of ointments prescribed for use under an occlusive (sealed) dressing.

Etiological development factors

The most common form of damage to the structure of the skin is hormonal skin atrophy, which occurs during pregnancy or obesity associated with metabolic disorders. When elastic fibers are stretched or ruptured, striae appear in various parts of the body.

Other triggers for this skin disease include:

  • endocrine disorders (including Itsenko-Cushing's disease);
  • disruptions in the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • eating disorders (including exhaustion);
  • rheumatic diseases;
  • infectious diseases (tuberculosis or leprosy);
  • radiation exposure and burns;
  • traumatic injuries;
  • dermatological diseases (lichen planus, poikiloderma), as well as the use of drugs containing glucocorticosteroids (including in the form of ointments).

The appearance of skin atrophy, despite many provoking factors, is based on the mechanism of local tissue biodegradation, in which their nutrition is disrupted and the activity of cellular skin enzymes is significantly reduced. This leads to a predominance of the processes of catabolism (destruction of tissue structure) over anabolism (their construction or restoration).

Signs by which foci of the disease can be identified

The peculiarity of degenerative tissue changes due to skin atrophy is associated with thinning of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, the appearance of translucent vessels and pigment spots, telangiectasia (spider veins) or malignant neoplasms. Along with a decrease in the volume of the dermis, local thickening of the skin may be observed due to the proliferation of connective tissue. The areas affected by the disease are most often localized in the face, chest, abdomen, lower back and thighs. Externally, they are depressions of the skin, covered with thinned whitish dermis, resembling tracing paper (or

Cosmetic defects in the form of sunken “islands” with various shades: from pearly white to bluish-red or venous networks can coexist with healthy areas of the skin. Disruption of metabolic processes in the dermis leads to the appearance of folds with thinned skin, any careless touch to which can injure the epidermis. Elderly patients often develop stellate pseudoscars, hemorrhages or hematomas.

Which doctors are needed for diagnosis and treatment?

Pathological skin atrophy, the treatment of which involves a whole range of different measures, should be examined by many specialists. Dermatologists with the involvement of endocrinologists and neurologists, allergists and infectious disease specialists, surgeons and oncologists can confirm or exclude this diagnosis. Scars located below the skin level, which appear as a result of trauma or medical procedures, burns, chicken pox or acne, should first be shown to a dermatologist.

Treatment method by professionals

Treatment methods for this disease depend on a number of factors: etiology and localization of the destructive process, age, health status and perseverance of the patient. Skin atrophy after hormonal medications (including the use of external agents in the form of ointments) can occur a long time (up to several months!) after completion of treatment by an endocrinologist.

In order to activate the process of tissue repair, it is necessary to stop taking medications containing corticosteroids at the initial stage. In case of secondary pathology of the dermis, the doctor recommends initially curing the underlying (preceding) disease, and then proceeding to improve tissue trophism, saturate the body with vitamins and, in some cases, use antibiotic therapy.

In what cases is the help of a surgeon required? It is needed for excision of small, multiple or large boils, carbuncles, deep purulent processes in tissues, as well as for Consultation with an oncologist is necessary if various neoplasms (warts, papillomas and others) appear on the surface of the lesions. Using a biopsy, the nature of the growths is determined in order to prevent the occurrence of oncological problems.


Modern medicine has many different methods for getting rid of an unaesthetic defect, such as atrophy of the skin of the face or any other area of ​​the dermis. The arsenal of professionals includes:

  • surgical excision of the lesion;
  • mesotherapy;
  • microdermabrasion;
  • laser therapy;
  • chemical peeling;
  • subcision or cutting of scars;
  • cryotherapy;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • enzyme therapy;
  • hydration;
  • treatment with special creams and ointments.

Depending on the degree of the disease, its etiology, the patient’s age and the presence of chronic ailments, the clinic specialist selects the optimal set of procedures.

The standard treatment regimen includes: taking multivitamin complexes that stimulate immune and regenerative processes in the patient’s body; physiotherapeutic procedures that help activate the blood supply to the affected areas of the dermis, as well as injections or administration of the drug “Pentoxifylline” (commercial name “Trental”), which improves blood microcirculation.

At the aesthetic surgery clinic

Considering various methods of treating this disease, to achieve optimal results, a dermatologist may recommend surgical correction of scars to make them as neat and invisible as possible. For this purpose, a laser or scalpel is used to lift the edges of the affected area or skin is transplanted from healthy areas.

Another method is subcision. It involves cutting and lifting the connective fibers produced by the body at the site of the scar using a special needle. By lifting the bottom of the lesion, the needle releases it, leveling the damaged surface of the dermis.

Other methods:

  • microdermabrasion (skin polishing with microscopic crystals);
  • mesotherapy (injections of therapeutic cocktails into the middle layer of the skin to stimulate the synthesis of collagen fibers, correct scars and age-related atrophic changes);
  • chemical peeling (with removal of the upper layers of skin - from superficial keratinized to middle and deep);
  • enzyme therapy;
  • moisturizing (with preparations based on hyaluronic acid);
  • laser therapy.

The methods can be used both to correct scars and to improve the appearance of aging.


Hardware methods for treating destructive processes in tissues can be practiced in combination with the use of external agents. How to select the right ointment? Skin atrophy is a disease of the dermis that should only be treated by a specialist! Self-medication of scars and pathologically changed areas of the dermis can lead to a deterioration in their appearance and condition.

To solve an individual aesthetic problem, the doctor prescribes gels and ointments that improve blood circulation in tissues, their nutrition and oxygen saturation, have anti-inflammatory properties and stimulate tissue regeneration: Contractubex, Kelofibrase, Stratoderm, MedGel, Dermatix, Scarguard and Kelo-cote, selecting the most suitable drug .

Traditional medicine in the fight against destructive skin changes

Treatment of skin atrophy using home baths, lotions and healing oils, taking tinctures, decoctions and infusions from medicinal plants is allowed with the permission of a doctor in combination with traditional methods. For example, when initial signs of white atrophy appear (small round or irregularly shaped foci the color of white porcelain), herbalists advise crushing chestnut fruits (100 g) and pouring 0.5-0.6 liters of alcohol into them. Infuse the product for a week in a place protected from light rays. Take chestnut tincture orally, 10 drops 3 times a day. A similar home remedy of nutmeg (prepared in the same way) is consumed in 20 drops with the same frequency.

External folk remedies for skin ailments

Powder from dried leaves (seed, yarrow, thyme, birch and eucalyptus buds) is diluted in almond and peach oils, taken in equal proportions (50 ml each), and one tablespoon of glycerin is added. For skin lesions associated with burns, traditional medicine suggests using chamomile flowers, calendula, nettle leaves, shoots of yarrow and St. John's wort, cudweed and knotweed. Decoctions of these herbs can also be used for lotions, in the form of powder mixed in rosehip, sea buckthorn or corn oil. Adding yellow beeswax to homemade “ointments” with vegetable oils and medicinal herbs has a beneficial effect on the skin.

Prevention and improvement of skin appearance

There are several specific measures to prevent the occurrence of destructive skin changes in adults and children: carefully use hormonal drugs, avoid prolonged contact with direct ultraviolet rays, monitor the health of the skin, carry out immediate sanitation of foci of infection in the dermis and in the body as a whole. Skin atrophy after hormonal ointments requires stopping their use and consulting a doctor. Regular examination and timely detection of serious diseases (diabetes mellitus, dangerous infections, disorders in the hematopoietic system) will also help to avoid problems with the destruction of the skin structure.

Moisturizing the abdomen during pregnancy with creams, olive oil or gels will prevent the appearance of stretch marks. Skin care and regular visits to a cosmetologist will help rejuvenate and accelerate the regeneration of the dermis. For all types of atrophy, sanatorium-resort treatment is indicated for the prevention and relief of the disease: sulfur and hydrogen sulfide baths, therapeutic mud, as well as vitamin restorative therapy.