
Oxidation of silver in air. Darken silver: blackening silver at home. Reasons for oxidation of silver products

Oxidation of silver in air.  Darken silver: blackening silver at home.  Reasons for oxidation of silver products
plz at least something Using the electronic balance method, select the coefficients in the schemes of redox reactions and indicate the oxidation process

and recovery:

1. P + HNO3 + H2O = H3PO4 + NO

2. P + HNO3 = H3PO4 + NO2 + H2O

3. K2Cr2O7 + HCl = Cl2 + KCl + CrCl3 + H20

4. KMnO4 + H2S + H2SO4 = MnSO4 + S + K2SO4 + H2O

5. KMnO4 + HCl = Cl2 + MnCl2 + KCl + H2O

Using the electronic balance method, select the coefficients in the redox reaction schemes and indicate the process of oxidation and reduction:

CuO+ NH3= Cu + N2 +H2O

Ag +HNO3 = AgNO3 + NO +H2O

Zn + HNO3= Zn (NO3)2 + N2 + H2O

Cu +H2SO4= CuSO4 +SO2 +H2O

There is a certain silvery-white metal, refractory, lightweight, resistant to air and sea water. Its name is associated with the name of the queen of the elves from

old German fairy tales. It is ductile, can be forged well, rolled into sheets and even into foil. Impurities of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon and hydrogen make the metal brittle, deprive it of its ductility, and at the same time reduce its chemical activity. In its pure form, the metal reacts with hydrofluoric and (when heated) hydrochloric acid, forming violet solutions. Metal shavings can ignite from a match, and its powder flares up from a spark and flame. In a dusty state, the metal can even explode in air and turns into dioxide. In the presence of oxidizing agents (for example, potassium nitrate), the metal reacts with molten alkalis. What metal is this?

1) for the study, colorless salt crystals were given out, which turned blue when exposed to air for a short time.

The given salt was heated, and the release of brown gas and the formation of black powder were observed. When hydrogen was passed over the heated resulting powder, a red deposit of simple metal substance was observed. It is known that the metal that forms the cation is included in the composition of many alloys, such as bronze.

2) to conduct honey mushrooms to study the properties of salts, a salt solution was given, which was divided into two parts. sodium chloride was added to the first part of this solution, resulting in a white precipitate. and when zinc shavings were added to the second part of the solution, gray flakes of metal were formed, the cations of which have disinfectant properties. It is known that the salt produced is used to make mirrors and in photography, and its anion is an integral part of many mineral fertilizers.

Write down the chemical formula and name of the substance given. compose two reaction equations that were carried out in the process of studying its properties.

3) to conduct experiments to study the properties of salt, a clear, water-insoluble powder with a greenish tint was given.

To determine its qualitative composition, the given salt was subjected to theoretical decomposition, as a result of which two oxides were formed. One of them was a black powder, to which a solution of sulfuric acid was added and subsequent heating, a blue solution was formed. about the other, it is known that it is a gas heavier than air, colorless and odorless, playing an important role in the process of photosynthesis.

Write down the chemical formula and name of the substance given. compose two reaction equations that were carried out in the process of studying its properties.

write equations of chemical reactions; 1) between sulfuric acid and potassium hydroxide with the formation of potassium sulfate and water 2) decomposition of silver iodide into

vetu on silver and iodine 3) between magnesium and hydrochloric acid to form hydrogen and magnesium chloride 4) between sodium and water to form sodium hydroxide and hydrogen

The first silver products appeared long before our era, and with them a problem emerged - how to clean silver at home. Everyone knows that over time, silver jewelry and silver household utensils darken. It is believed that this metal has the ability to protect its owner from negative influences and therefore turns black. In fact, the rate of silver oxidation at home depends on many factors. A change in color or loss of shine of a product occurs especially quickly when it comes into contact with sulfur compounds contained in some cosmetics and detergents. The negative process is also accelerated by exposure to household gas, onions, table salt, and egg yolks. Therefore, sooner or later the question arises: how to return silver products to their original appearance?

There are many ways to clean silver at home. They can be divided into two groups according to the degree of impact on the product. You can completely remove the silver sulfide film that has formed on the surface, or you can force it to react chemically with a more active metal to release the silver from the sulfide. In the latter case, there is no loss of precious metal, but it is more difficult to perform at home.

Cleaning Silver with Aluminum Foil

To clean silver from the plaque that has coated it and make the product shiny again, you can use a more active metal - aluminum. With this cleaning method, silver will be completely restored due to the ability of aluminum to react with silver sulfide. To clean, you need to choose a pan in which you can completely immerse your product. Place aluminum foil on the bottom of the vessel, and place silver items on it so that they touch the foil. Boil water in another saucepan and place the container in the kitchen sink. Add baking soda to hot water at the rate of 200 g of baking soda per 4 liters of water. Wait until the mixture boils and stops the violent reaction with foaming. Pour the soda solution over the prepared silver and aluminum foil so that the mixture completely covers the precious metal. After a few minutes, you will see that the tarnish has disappeared and the silver is shining and pleasing to the eye again. Carefully remove the silver items, rinse under running water and place to dry.

If this method of cleaning silver at home seems too complicated or risky to you, then you can use proven “folk” methods:

Method for cleaning silver with ammonia

One of the most accessible and common silver cleaners is ammonia. It can be easily purchased at any pharmacy, it is safe and not aggressive towards metals and human skin, but reacts well with silver sulfide. In order to clean silver at home, you need to prepare a solution - 2 tablespoons of ammonia per liter of water. For greater effect, you can add a little soap or hydrogen peroxide to the solution. By dipping tarnished silver into this mixture, in 15 minutes you will receive products without the slightest hint of plaque. If the silver is highly oxidized, the reaction with ammonia will take about an hour. Please also note that the oxidized part of the silver will dissolve in water, so the product will become several milligrams lighter.

Method for cleaning silver with citric acid

Another equally safe reagent for silver sulfide is a common food additive - citric acid. Since acids do not react with tarnished precious metal at room temperature, a heating process will have to be used. In order to clean silver at home with citric acid, you need to prepare its solution at the rate of 200 grams of lemon per liter of water. The mixture must be placed in a water bath so that the product lying on the bottom of the pan is heated evenly. Dip the silver item into the solution along with a piece of copper wire. Bring the water to a boil and leave to simmer for 15-30 minutes. During the boiling period, turn on the hood, as harmful substances may be released with the vapors. Carefully remove the cleaned products from the cooled solution, rinse with running water and wipe dry.

Method for cleaning silver with acetic acid

Ordinary acetic acid cleans plaque and mold on silverware quite well. To clean, use a 6% or 9% vinegar solution. Heat the solution, dip a soft cloth in it and wipe the metal. Acetic acid is more aggressive than citric acid, and when boiling it will release an order of magnitude more harmful fumes, so at home it is enough to apply a small layer of warm solution to the silver item and wait a few hours.

Method for cleaning silver with other products

Other substances you can use to clean silver at home include curdled milk, raw potatoes and ashes. Lactic acid contained in curdled milk, like any other weak acid, can react and clean the dark film covering silver. It is enough to immerse a silver item in heated yogurt for a few minutes and the tarnished item will shine again. Cigarette ash is used to enhance the effect of acids. You can mix lemon juice with ashes and wipe the silver item with the resulting mixture to return it to its original condition. Raw potatoes are peeled, cut into slices and placed in a container of water. When the starch is released and the water becomes cloudy, a silver object is lowered into the container.

Mechanical methods for cleaning silver

In addition to chemical methods at home, you can also use mechanical methods to clean silver from dark deposits. Before you begin any polishing of a silver item, you need to understand that silver is a soft metal. Any careless mechanical impact can damage the product. Fine abrasive products are well suited for polishing and cleaning silver: cosmetic powder, lipstick, toothpaste, tooth powder, etc. The principle of operation is simple: apply the substance to a soft, lint-free fabric (suede, tweed) and thoroughly polish the product until the plaque disappears. After a shine appears on the surface, rinse the valuable item with running water and wipe dry. An ordinary stationery eraser removes plaque from silver very well.

Methods for cleaning silver items with stones

If your silver jewelry contains precious stones, then it is better not to clean these items at home. In any case, all chemical methods with complete immersion and boiling are eliminated immediately. Precious stones react differently to chemical exposure. Amber, pearls, coral and many other stones are very sensitive to aggressive chemicals. The slightest carelessness will ruin the product and cost you much more than a visit to a cleaning professional.

After that, how to clean silver at home Please note that you have violated the natural protective shell on the precious item. To form a new protective layer and preserve it for a long time in the future, it is not recommended to use the product for several days after cleaning the silver or to coat it with a special varnish from a jeweler.

Connoisseurs of silver jewelry often wonder why silver on the body turns black. Some attribute this process to mysticism (believing that in this way the metal takes on the evil eye and damage).

Others think that the color of a silver item reflects their mood and health. Who is right? It's time to take a closer look!

The luxury of silver in everyday life

Metal has been known to mankind since ancient times. It is found both in pure form and as part of ore. This is what made it possible to widely use it in everyday life. It was used to make dishes, jewelry and money. Silverware has always been a luxury item. In the ancient world, noble people were buried with necessary items, believing that they would be needed in the afterlife.

In noble times, tableware made of precious metal was passed down from generation to generation as an inheritance. These items were part of the owner's fortune. In difficult times, he could always sell or exchange them.

To make modern jewelry, craftsmen use 925 sterling silver. It is not a pure metal, but an alloy to which copper is most often added. Sometimes nickel, zinc or aluminum are used. This increases the flexibility needed for work.

After all, silver itself is a very soft metal, and it is practically unsuitable for making large jewelry masterpieces. Although it is in its pure form (999 standard) that it is used for the manufacture of filigree products, that is, exquisite objects with very delicate and skillful work of the master.

Causes of blackening

Silver has one unpleasant property - it darkens over time. The metal, reacting with hydrogen sulfide, which is in the air, forms a black film - a kind of sulfide deposit. This film is called patina; it forms on copper and its alloys. And silver is most often used in the form of a compound with copper (925 standard and higher).

“Moon tears,” as the Incas called it, oxidize when interacting with:

  • By air
  • Then a person
  • Cosmetics (creams, shower gels, powder)
  • By water
  • Medicines

All these substances contain sulfur compounds. Even the smallest amount of them causes darkening of silver items. But there are several other supposed reasons that provoke metal oxidation.

Beliefs associated with the magical property of silver to indicate illness have a scientific basis. Since ancient times, it has been believed that blackening of crosses, rings, bracelets and other jewelry is a sign of health problems.

One of the possible answers to the question why silver turns black is health problems. After all, one of the signs of many diseases is profuse sweating, and this causes rapid darkening of silver. The long-standing opinion regarding the blackening of metal during the evil eye has no scientific explanation and has not yet been proven.

It is known that stress or anxiety disrupts the normal functioning of the human body. In such situations, cold sweat often appears, which provokes blackening of the jewelry.

There is an opinion that darkening silver is an indicator of poor kidney, heart or liver function. On the other hand, the light color of products made from this metal indicates that the organs produce large amounts of nitrogen. But a clear answer to this question has not been received, as well as why the sea is salty.

As a rule, not all silver on one person darkens, but only some jewelry. Body chains and crosses are more susceptible to oxidation than, for example, earrings and bracelets. This is due to the individual degree of sweating of different parts of the body.

Knowing why silver darkens, you can significantly slow down this process:

After use, dry the jewelry well and store it in a special case or box.

Avoid contact with medications and household chemicals in high humidity conditions.

Apply a special protective film. This can be done in a jewelry store or at home. To do this, you need to immerse the product in a one percent solution of potassium dichromate at room temperature for 20-25 minutes.

Blackened silver, known all over the world, should not be cleaned of dark deposits. After all, it is precisely the combination of black and silver colors that it is famous for. Objects made from this metal are made by fusing compounds of copper, lead and sulfur into carved patterns. Such products cost an order of magnitude more than their counterparts made of plain or oxidized (oxidized) silver.

How to remove darkening:

1. Rub the product with a woolen cloth soaked in ammonia.

2. Boil in a salt solution (1 teaspoon diluted in a glass of water) for 15-20 minutes. Wipe dry with a soft cloth.

3. Immerse in heated nine percent vinegar for a few minutes. Then rub with a suede cloth.

4. Boil the product in a soda solution (1 tablespoon of soda per glass of water) with the addition of a piece of foil. After the metal brightens, it needs to be removed and washed with running water.

5. After boiling the potatoes, place a piece of foil and decoration in the water for about 5 minutes.

6. Dip the silver object into a solution of a glass of water, a teaspoon of ammonia, a few drops of hydrogen peroxide and liquid soap. Wait for the desired result and wipe the silver with a microfiber cloth.

7. Place the product in the modern invention of Coca-Cola for 12 hours.

8. Place the item in the curdled milk for 10 minutes. Then wash with cold water.

9. Mix tobacco ash with lemon juice and rub on silver. You can boil it in water with added ash.

10. Take the item to a jewelry store. It is not recommended to clean products with stones yourself, but to entrust this work to professionals. After all, you can spoil a precious or semi-precious stone using the above cleaning methods.

It is not recommended to clean antique silver coins, jewelry or dishes yourself. By changing their appearance, you can thereby reduce their historical and monetary value. It is better to consult with experts in this matter on how to properly care for such items.

This is interesting:

In the ancient world the ratio of gold to silver was 1 to 10, and in the modern world it was 1 to 72.

Physicists have invented a universal remedy to prevent the darkening of metal. The products are coated with a layer of aluminum just one atom thick. At the same time, the appearance of the object does not change at all. The most important advantage is that the coating can be easily removed without damaging the metal. Depending on the use of the product, scientists guarantee about 80 years of protection.

It has been proven that metal can destroy up to 650 types of bacteria. This is due to the properties of metal ions to destroy various systems of microorganisms. Therefore, their reproduction rate is reduced significantly.

There is an opinion that the lack of a mineral in the human body is compensated by eating sweets in large quantities.

Count Orlov, a favorite of Catherine II, is known throughout the world for his collection of more than 3,000 silver objects, weighing about two tons.

The light reflected by silver reaches 97%, so it has a stronger shine than gold.

Pure mineral will heat up faster in the palm of your hand. Because it has high thermal conductivity. It is easy to deform. Therefore, the ancestors tried the coins to their teeth, checking their authenticity. Pure silver leaves dents from bites.

Silver is found in the bodies of all mammals. Scientists consider the brain to be the “silverest” human tissue.

They say that a silver plate reveals the true taste of a dish.

Silver is not oxidized by oxygen. The reason for this is even a tiny amount of hydrogen sulfide contained in humid air. It is this that forms the black coating.

Pure silver oxidizes more slowly than in alloys. Therefore, lower grades are often coated with a thin layer of pure metal.

Unlike gold, it does not dissolve in aqua regia. A protective film is formed on its surface.

Some amateurs specially age silver. To do this, smear the object with a thick layer of sulfur ointment, after 45 minutes, wash it in a soapy solution and rub it. You can treat it with iodine and enjoy the result after 15 minutes.

Connoisseurs of silver jewelry often wonder why silver on the body turns black. Some attribute this process to mysticism (believing that in this way the metal takes on the evil eye and damage).

Others think that the color of a silver item reflects their mood and health. Who is right? It's time to take a closer look!

The luxury of silver in everyday life

Metal has been known to mankind since ancient times. It is found both in pure form and as part of ore. This is what made it possible to widely use it in everyday life. It was used to make dishes, jewelry and money. Silverware has always been a luxury item. In the ancient world, noble people were buried with necessary items, believing that they would be needed in the afterlife.

In noble times, tableware made of precious metal was passed down from generation to generation as an inheritance. These items were part of the owner's fortune. In difficult times, he could always sell or exchange them.

To make modern jewelry, craftsmen use 925 sterling silver. It is not a pure metal, but an alloy to which copper is most often added. Sometimes nickel, zinc or aluminum are used. This increases the flexibility needed for work.

After all, silver itself is a very soft metal, and it is practically unsuitable for making large jewelry masterpieces. Although it is in its pure form (999 standard) that it is used for the manufacture of filigree products, that is, exquisite objects with very delicate and skillful work of the master.

Causes of blackening

Silver has one unpleasant property - it darkens over time. The metal, reacting with hydrogen sulfide, which is in the air, forms a black film - a kind of sulfide deposit. This film is called patina; it forms on copper and its alloys. And silver is most often used in the form of a compound with copper (925 standard and higher).

“Moon tears,” as the Incas called it, oxidize when interacting with:

  • By air
  • Then a person
  • Cosmetics (creams, shower gels, powder)
  • By water
  • Medicines

All these substances contain sulfur compounds. Even the smallest amount of them causes darkening of silver items. But there are several other supposed reasons that provoke metal oxidation.

Beliefs associated with the magical property of silver to indicate illness have a scientific basis. Since ancient times, it has been believed that blackening of crosses, rings, bracelets and other jewelry is a sign of health problems.

One of the possible answers to the question why silver turns black is health problems. After all, one of the signs of many diseases is profuse sweating, and this causes rapid darkening of silver. The long-standing opinion regarding the blackening of metal during the evil eye has no scientific explanation and has not yet been proven.

It is known that stress or anxiety disrupts the normal functioning of the human body. In such situations, cold sweat often appears, which provokes blackening of the jewelry.

There is an opinion that darkening silver is an indicator of poor kidney, heart or liver function. On the other hand, the light color of products made from this metal indicates that the organs produce large amounts of nitrogen. But a clear answer to this question has not been received, as well as why the sea is salty.

As a rule, not all silver on one person darkens, but only some jewelry. Body chains and crosses are more susceptible to oxidation than, for example, earrings and bracelets. This is due to the individual degree of sweating of different parts of the body.

Knowing why silver darkens, you can significantly slow down this process:

After use, dry the jewelry well and store it in a special case or box.

Avoid contact with medications and household chemicals in high humidity conditions.

Apply a special protective film. This can be done in a jewelry store or at home. To do this, you need to immerse the product in a one percent solution of potassium dichromate at room temperature for 20-25 minutes.

Blackened silver, known all over the world, should not be cleaned of dark deposits. After all, it is precisely the combination of black and silver colors that it is famous for. Objects made from this metal are made by fusing compounds of copper, lead and sulfur into carved patterns. Such products cost an order of magnitude more than their counterparts made of plain or oxidized (oxidized) silver.

How to remove darkening:

1. Rub the product with a woolen cloth soaked in ammonia.

2. Boil in a salt solution (1 teaspoon diluted in a glass of water) for 15-20 minutes. Wipe dry with a soft cloth.

3. Immerse in heated nine percent vinegar for a few minutes. Then rub with a suede cloth.

4. Boil the product in a soda solution (1 tablespoon of soda per glass of water) with the addition of a piece of foil. After the metal brightens, it needs to be removed and washed with running water.

5. After boiling the potatoes, place a piece of foil and decoration in the water for about 5 minutes.

6. Dip the silver object into a solution of a glass of water, a teaspoon of ammonia, a few drops of hydrogen peroxide and liquid soap. Wait for the desired result and wipe the silver with a microfiber cloth.

7. Place the product in the modern invention of Coca-Cola for 12 hours.

8. Place the item in the curdled milk for 10 minutes. Then wash with cold water.

9. Mix tobacco ash with lemon juice and rub on silver. You can boil it in water with added ash.

10. Take the item to a jewelry store. It is not recommended to clean products with stones yourself, but to entrust this work to professionals. After all, you can spoil a precious or semi-precious stone using the above cleaning methods.

It is not recommended to clean antique silver coins, jewelry or dishes yourself. By changing their appearance, you can thereby reduce their historical and monetary value. It is better to consult with experts in this matter on how to properly care for such items.

This is interesting:

In the ancient world the ratio of gold to silver was 1 to 10, and in the modern world it was 1 to 72.

Physicists have invented a universal remedy to prevent the darkening of metal. The products are coated with a layer of aluminum just one atom thick. At the same time, the appearance of the object does not change at all. The most important advantage is that the coating can be easily removed without damaging the metal. Depending on the use of the product, scientists guarantee about 80 years of protection.

It has been proven that metal can destroy up to 650 types of bacteria. This is due to the properties of metal ions to destroy various systems of microorganisms. Therefore, their reproduction rate is reduced significantly.

There is an opinion that the lack of a mineral in the human body is compensated by eating sweets in large quantities.

Count Orlov, a favorite of Catherine II, is known throughout the world for his collection of more than 3,000 silver objects, weighing about two tons.

The light reflected by silver reaches 97%, so it has a stronger shine than gold.

Pure mineral will heat up faster in the palm of your hand. Because it has high thermal conductivity. It is easy to deform. Therefore, the ancestors tried the coins to their teeth, checking their authenticity. Pure silver leaves dents from bites.

Silver is found in the bodies of all mammals. Scientists consider the brain to be the “silverest” human tissue.

They say that a silver plate reveals the true taste of a dish.

Silver is not oxidized by oxygen. The reason for this is even a tiny amount of hydrogen sulfide contained in humid air. It is this that forms the black coating.

Pure silver oxidizes more slowly than in alloys. Therefore, lower grades are often coated with a thin layer of pure metal.

Unlike gold, it does not dissolve in aqua regia. A protective film is formed on its surface.

Some amateurs specially age silver. To do this, smear the object with a thick layer of sulfur ointment, after 45 minutes, wash it in a soapy solution and rub it. You can treat it with iodine and enjoy the result after 15 minutes.

Silver products have always been particularly popular. But unfortunately, this alloy tends to change its color over time. According to the scientific version, the reason for the darkening of silver is the chemical effect of air on the sulfide contained in it. But since ancient times, people have believed that clouded metal is a sign of the evil eye, damage, serious illness and negative influence.

There are several versions explaining why silver on the human body turns black, many of which are associated specifically with folk superstitions. Since ancient times, it was believed that the alloy had miraculous powers and protected from negative influences, and silver items were used in religious rituals.

Science explains the reason for the darkening of the alloy by the presence of sulfur coming into contact with silver. Medicine, in turn, believes that the reason for the tarnishing of metal lies in the state of health, as it interacts with bacteria through a certain chemical process.

Impact of dark forces

Since ancient times, silver has been considered a symbol of spiritual beauty and purity, which is why church attributes were made from it. If you believe the legends, then with the help of noble metal you can fight evil spirits. Even today, it is believed that this unique alloy is a natural talisman against negative energy and protects against damage, love spells, the evil eye, and evil and envious people.

Signs and superstitions

Our ancestors believed that silver products have a unique ability to absorb negativity, thereby protecting its owner from the effects of evil spirits. If the silver jewelry has darkened, it means that the owner managed to avoid serious troubles.

Damage or evil eye

According to magicians, an indifferent attitude towards the world around us, malaise, lack of appetite, and irritation indicate that a person is under the influence of a dark force. The influence of black magic can be determined by the silver jewelry:

  • Ring. Talks about big failures on the love front. For a girl this means the crown of celibacy, for a man it means a love spell.
  • Earrings. Indicates the evil eye.
  • Chain. Damage.
  • Cross. A strong curse, sometimes even “to death”.
  • Dishes. The presence of evil spirits in the house, perhaps some damage was done.

Thus, darkened silver seems to suggest that it took a negative blow and protected its owner from evil spells.

Health problems

According to doctors, silver can darken if the endocrine system is disrupted; this occurs, first of all, due to increased sweating. Sweat contains large amounts
hydrogen sulfide, upon contact with which a chemical reaction occurs in the alloy, and the metal begins to change its color. If sweating is normal, oxidation occurs unnoticed and dark plaque appears gradually.

Increased sweating does not always indicate any disease. Sweating can also be caused by physical activity and active sports. But if the silver quickly acquires a dark shade, it is, of course, better to contact a specialist.

According to science, there is no mysticism in the darkening of metal. Oxygen, interacting with sulfur compounds, enters into a complex reaction. Oxidation occurs as a result of this, so the color of the alloy changes.

What enhances the oxidation of silver?

Cosmetics such as shampoos, soaps, creams, when they come into contact with jewelry, accelerate the oxidation process of silver. Usually this happens slowly, and the alloy changes its color gradually, but there are factors that enhance this effect.

Stress, sport and bath

Physical activity, stress, nervous strain, and going to the bathhouse increase the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which contributes to increased sweating. With an intensified process, the content of sulfide concentrate also increases, which means that the oxidation process occurs much faster, the result is that the decoration loses its original appearance and darkens.

Low purity and impurities

Premature discoloration of silver items can occur due to the high content of impurities that are added to the alloy. Natural silver itself is too soft to make the product more durable; other noble metals are added to it. If more of a component is added than required, the alloy will turn out to be of poor quality, which means it will quickly darken.

For jewelry, 925 sterling silver with a small addition of copper is usually used. It is less prone to darkening, but copper, when in contact with sweat, interacts with sulfur salts, forming a blackish coating on the surface of the alloy.

Increased air humidity

Too much air humidity can have a big impact on the appearance of your silver piece. With increased humidity, the process of sweat evaporation slows down and the concentration of sulfur salts increases. By entering into a complex reaction with them, silver sulfide oxidizes, and the jewelry quickly begins to darken.

Interestingly, sweat can also cause lightening of products, since it contains nitric acid. When it interacts with silver sulfide, it destroys it, that is, it changes the color of the alloy from dark to light.

How to avoid tarnishing of silver?

To avoid darkening of silver jewelry, you must follow simple recommendations:

  • do not wear them in a bathhouse or sauna;
  • do not wear products when sick;
  • remove silver when cleaning at home;
  • store jewelry separately from others.

How and with what to clean?

You can easily clean silver yourself, using special products that are sold at a household chemical store. But if the jewelry has expensive stones, then it is better to take it to a jewelry workshop so as not to accidentally spoil it.

Cleaning products

Before cleaning, the product must be rinsed under a thin stream of warm water, dried and polished using a woolen cloth or a special napkin. For more severe contamination, soak the jewelry in warm water with some laundry soap for several hours, then rinse, dry and carefully polish.

Folk recipes

An effective means for cleaning silver jewelry is tooth powder. Apply a small amount of it to a slightly damp soft cloth and clean the products with very careful movements so as not to scratch them.

Ammonia is a good way to remove blackness from silver. Add a little laundry soap and a tablespoon of ammonia to a half-liter container of warm water. The product is left for 20 minutes, rinsed, then wiped dry with a napkin.

Unfortunately, nature works in such a way that it is impossible to rid silver of dark deposits forever. It is very important to properly care for your silver jewelry after cleaning to prevent tarnishing for as long as possible.

If you believe that the darkening of silver is associated with damage or the evil eye, it is advisable to go to church. And if you have health problems, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Tarnished silver items simply need to be cleaned, and proper care will help maintain their proper appearance for a long time.