
Tie dye painting. Tie dye technique for dyeing fabric. Tie-dye using the kaleidoscope technique: master class

Tie dye painting.  Tie dye technique for dyeing fabric.  Tie-dye using the kaleidoscope technique: master class

This trend is called the hippie trend of the coming season - things dyed using tie-dye are reminiscent of the hippie era of the 1960s and 70s. The technique, today called tie-dye (English tie-dye - “tie-dye”), knot dyeing, was used hundreds of years ago by masters of ancient India, China, and Africa. The fashion of “flower children” made tie-dye famous throughout the world, and now this unusual method of dyeing fabrics is experiencing a new wave of popularity.

Stella McCartney / Prabal Gurung / Dior

The tie-dye technique is most often used to dye clothes (often knitted items, but not only), accessories, in particular, light scarves, and interior textiles. The beauty of the technique, in addition to its colorfulness and brightness, is its simplicity and the fact that the result is always interesting. Some irregularity and arbitrariness of the design is a distinctive feature of tie-dye.

Tie-dye: what kind of paint and equipment is needed

* There are many techniques and ways to dye tie-dye; the results are slightly different. The essence is the same: a thing or fabric is folded in one way or another, tied up or tied with elastic bands, and then dyed.

* Permanent fabric dyes are suitable for tie-dye, either initially liquid or powder, which must be diluted with water. Thanks to the popularity of the technique, there are also paints positioned as dyes specifically for tie-dye.

* In all cases, also stock up on rubber or plastic gloves and plastic containers for painting.

* Methods of applying paint to material may vary. You can immerse the item in paint, apply paint from a bottle with a tip or spray, paint with a brush, sponge, and so on.

* It is better to protect the working surface with film.

* The best results are obtained when dyeing natural fabrics and materials - cotton, viscose, linen, silk.

* Before use, wash the item/fabric without using conditioner and do not dry it.

We have put together a selection of several basic methods that give a different picture.

1. Basic tie-dye method - T-shirt with a spiral pattern: master class

One of the most simple ways- suitable, for example, for dyeing a T-shirt or scarf.

You will need:

Paint 5 colors;

Stationery erasers;


Step 1

Wash your T-shirt. Place the wet T-shirt on the work surface, place a fork in the center and rotate so that the T-shirt curls around it.

Step 2

Tighten the folded T-shirt with 3-4 elastic bands.

Step 3

Prepare your paints. Brush different colors onto different sections of the folded T-shirt.

Step 4

Then proceed as indicated on the instructions for your paint. This paint, for example, needs to be kept for 6-8 hours to obtain a rich color. The dyed T-shirt will spend this time in a closed bag. Then it needs to be rinsed and dried.

2. Chaotic dyeing - tie-dye jeans: master class

This method differs from the previous one in the folding technique - here it is chaotic. This makes it more convenient to work with thick fabric, such as denim.

You will need:

Paint in 2 colors (here blue + green);

Stationery erasers;


Step 1

Wash the jeans and place them damp on a work surface. Use your hands to scrunch the fabric up randomly.

Step 2

Secure the folds with elastic bands, putting them on randomly as well.

Step 3

Apply paint on all sides - first one color, then the other. Then proceed according to the instructions for your dye.

3. Tie dyeing with stripes: master class

A method that allows you to get results with blurry stripes.

You will need:

Paint 2 colors,

Stationery erasers;


Step 1

Fold the washed wet T-shirt into a pile (see diagram in the photo) and tie it with elastic bands in 6 places.

Step 2

Apply paint to areas free of rubber bands and leave for the paint to take effect. Next, follow the instructions for your paint.

4. Bleach pattern + tie-dye dyeing: master class

In this method, applying patterns with bleach is combined with painting with liquid dye. It makes sense to take colored item, the brightest contrasting result is obtained with things of dark, saturated colors.

You will need:

Bleach and a bottle with a spout for more convenient application;

- mixing container;

Stationery erasers;

Paint in several colors;



Step 1

Fold the T-shirt into a bundle and secure it with rubber bands at a distance of about 3 cm from each other.

Step 2

Dilute bleach with water 1:1 and pour the mixture into a bottle with a spout.

Step 3

Wear gloves. Pour the mixture over the areas of the T-shirt that are free from elastic bands.

Step 4

Wait until the bleach bleaches the material to the shade you want. Cut off the elastic bands and wash or rinse the T-shirt well to remove the bleach. Do not dry the T-shirt, leave it damp.

Step 5

Lay out the T-shirt and apply dye to the bleached areas different colors. Next, follow the instructions for your paint.


And if you roll a T-shirt into a spiral, apply bleach from a spray bottle, and then apply different paints from it, you will get a cosmic design.

5. Tie-dye technique using ice: master class

Coloring with ice gives a softer, almost melting result. It’s good to take not too many flowers - 2-3.

You will need:

Paint 2-3 different colors;

Stationery erasers;


Sufficient amount of ice cubes;

Grid and container for coloring.

Step 1

Wash the item and leave it damp.

Step 2

Collect small bundles of wet material and secure with rubber bands.

Step 3

Place the grid on the container and place the item to be painted on top. Pour ice on top so that it covers the entire thing.

Step 4

Apply paint to the ice so that it flows further down. If you have powdered paint, you can not dilute it with water, but pour the powder directly onto the ice. Another option is to dilute the paint with water in advance and freeze it, putting colored ice cubes on the item.

Step 5

The ice should completely melt. As it melts, the paint will saturate the fabric.

Step 6

6. Tie-dye using the kaleidoscope technique: master class

The method is similar to the previous one, but differs slightly in the technique of folding the item and applying paint. The pattern is symmetrical.

You will need:

Paint of different colors;

Stationery erasers;

Thick plastic or whatman paper to make a wide ring;

Make a side out of thick paper or plastic so that it is a few centimeters higher than the item.

Step 4

Place the item with the edge on the wire rack, the wire rack over the container, and pour ice on top. Apply liquid or powder paint to half of the prepared colors on the ice. Let the ice melt.

Step 5

When the ice has melted, carefully turn the item over, add ice again and apply the rest of the colors.

Step 6

When the second portion of ice has melted, cut off the rubber bands and follow the instructions for your paint.

Photo:, wheretoget. it,,,,

How to make tie-dye tank tops

Today I will tell you how to do it tai dai jerseys with your own hands at home.

Tie-dyeing T-shirts is an age-old practice among hippies, culturalists, and people who love colorful clothing.

How to create a variety of tie dye patterns

1. Make stripes. Place the T-shirt on a flat surface and roll it up, starting from the bottom of the T-shirt. You should now have a tube. Next, tie a few elastic bands around the T-shirt.

To avoid having too many stripes, use 3-4 elastic bands maximum. For a large number of strips, use more than a dozen elastic bands.
By folding the T-shirt from the bottom up, you will get vertical stripes.
If you want the tank to have horizontal stripes, roll the tank starting from the left or right side.

2. Create a spiral. This is the most classic tie-dye pattern and one of the most popular. To create a spiral, place the T-shirt on a flat surface and use a large and forefinger, start wrapping the T-shirt in a circle, starting from its center.

If the shirt starts to wrinkle, straighten it.
Once you have your tank top wrapped in a spiral, use large rubber bands to tie the tank top together. You will need to divide the shirt into at least six pieces, which means you will need three elastic bands.
For a more varied pattern, use more elastic bands. All elastic bands must have one common center.
You can create several small spirals in different corners of the shirt.

3. Make a polka dot pattern. Take a T-shirt and pinch it to create “pimples.” Tie a rubber band around the base of the pimple. Do the same thing several times until you have a lot of protruding pieces of the T-shirt.

You can make the pattern look like a goal if you tie the ends of the pimples with rubber bands. The more rubber bands, the more circles.
You can use a rubber band dipped in any color of paint to create colored circles.

4. Make roses. Roses are small circles on a T-shirt. To do this, pinch the T-shirt several times to create a few pimples and tie them together with an elastic band.

Using a lot of rubber bands will create a more spiral-like pattern for your roses. You can make as many roses as you like.
For a more detailed rose, use more pimples.

5. Give your tank a wrinkled look. This is the simplest pattern for a tie-dye T-shirt, since the only thing you need to do is crumple the T-shirt and wrap as many elastic bands around it as you want.

6. Create folds. Starting at the end of your tank, fold it into an accordion shape.

Tie the T-shirt with elastic bands as many times as you like. This method is similar to the strip making method. The more elastic bands, the more stripes.
If you roll a T-shirt from the bottom up, you get vertical stripes. If you wrap from left to right or vice versa, you get horizontal stripes (see point 1).

7. Create a lightning bolt. This is the most difficult pattern, since it requires a lot of folding, but it is very beautiful pattern. Starting from the middle of the T-shirt, fold it so that, looking at it from the side, you get the letter “I”. Do the same thing several times until you have several layers. Each layer should start 5 cm lower than the previous one.

When finished, the shirt should look like old washboards.
Turn the shirt diagonally, and draw a straight line towards the center of the shirt. Fold the T-shirt like an accordion from one side to the center and then to the other.
Now, tie the shirt into buns with elastic bands. The more elastic bands you use, the more detailed the zipper will be. For a simple zipper, 3-4 elastic bands are enough.

How to tie dye a T-shirt

1. Prepare everything you need for work. Dyeing clothes is an extremely messy job. To ensure you don't get anything dirty, cover the table you'll be working on with a throwaway tablecloth or sheet, and try to stay away from rugs and furniture.

Prepare in advance everything you need to work with T-shirts, otherwise you will have to run around the apartment looking for everything you need with dyed gloves, which can lead to unwanted staining of the house.
Use a grill rack to keep the shirt off the work surface so you can work on each side.
Have extra napkins or rags with you to clean up if you accidentally drip paint in the wrong place.

2. Soak the T-shirt. Many clothing paints contain special soda in the packaging, which helps the paint to be better absorbed into clothing. Dilute baking soda with water and soak the T-shirt in it for 20 minutes.

If the paint package didn't include baking soda, you can soak the shirt in warm water. You can also buy clothing soda in specialty stores.
Do not use cold or hot water as this will reduce the effectiveness of the paints.
If you don't want the paint to spread too much on your shirt, paint it dry.

3. Prepare your paints. Each package of paints must come with instructions. If you don't want to follow the instructions, simply thin the paint with as much warm water as you'd like.

To make pastel colors, use more water and less paint. For bright colors, use less water and more paint.

4. Color the shirt. You can dye a tank top either by dipping it in paint or by pouring the paint into bottles and using it as a spray. If you will be dipping your tank top in paint, simply take it and dip the part of the tank top that you want to paint. You can toss an entire tank in one color and then dip it in other colors when it's slightly dry. This way you get layers of colors.

If you want the colors to be layered, first dip the shirt in light colors and then in dark ones.
If you mix opposite colors (for example, blue with orange, yellow with lilac, red with green), you will end up with a brown tint where the colors meet.
You don't have to dye the entire shirt. You can dye just a few pieces of the jersey. This way, you get patterns against the background of the original color of the T-shirt.

5. Let the paint soak in. Wrap the shirt in a plastic bag to keep it damp and set it aside for 4-6 hours. This way the color will be absorbed well into the T-shirt. If you place the jerseys in a warm place, the dye will absorb faster.

6. Squeeze out the paint. Put on rubber gloves, remove the T-shirt from the bag, remove the elastic bands and lay out the T-shirt. Run cold water over the shirt to remove all excess dye. Try not to splash, otherwise you will stain your clothes.

7. Wash your T-shirt. Put the T-shirt in washing machine. Place the washing machine on a cold cycle and wait until it finishes. Then, you should run empty washing machine to wash it off the paint.

8. Dry and enjoy wearing the T-shirt. Throw the shirt in the dryer or let it dry on its own, and your tie-dye tank is ready!

Use tie dye to dye other things

1. Make tie dye cupcakes. Make cupcakes and tie dye them. You can make them with rainbow batter or multi-colored frosting.

2. Make tie dye paper. This is a great way to make interesting and beautiful greeting cards.

3. Paint your nails in a tie dye style. Use your favorite colors to create a colorful tie dye manicure. Surprise everyone with your uniqueness.

4. Make a tie dye effect in Photoshop. If you want to add color to your Photoshop work, learn how to create a tie-dye effect. Just a few simple steps and you can add color to your work.

Tips on how to use the tie dye technique

1. Never use boiling or hot water, otherwise the dye will not be able to absorb into the clothing properly.

2. Try not to use synthetic clothing, as the dye reacts differently than with cotton clothing.

3. Use rubber gloves and an apron to avoid getting your hands and clothes dirty.

4. Wash the shirt before soaking it for dyeing. Dirt may prevent the dye from absorbing properly into the clothing.

5. Try to use 100% cotton clothing for best results. Be sure to wash the jersey the day after dyeing to remove any excess dye.

The hippie era in relation to men's style is a very controversial source of inspiration - flared jeans, silk trousers, bandanas and other attributes are clearly inferior in terms of coolness work clothes or the brutal leather aesthetics of bikers. But times pass, changing trends influence the tastes of entire generations, and it is likely that after some time we will be able to see another hippie revival.

Today, the editors of FURFUR will review perhaps one of the most interesting elements of hippie aesthetics - the multi-color tie-dye textile dyeing technique, which unexpectedly returned to the collections of men's brands this spring.

What is tie-dye?

The tie-dye process can be relatively simple or require quite labor-intensive operations. And the result, by the way, does not necessarily have to be a psychedelic spiral of the rainbow spectrum. The bottom line is that before dyeing, areas of the fabric are “closed” from paint, and the most different ways- the fabric can be folded, twisted, tied, embroidered on it, secured with clips or other improvised means, there is even the option of protecting the desired areas with wax. Actually, the ornament appears after painting, when the reserve is removed from clean areas, which contrast with the freshly painted ones.

History of the pattern

Of course, it would be a gross oversimplification to say that tie-dye first appeared in the 1960s. In fact, tie-dye is one of the oldest known methods of hand-dying fabric. Artifacts associated with this technique were found at one time on almost all continents, and historians have established that in the territory of modern Peru, as well as on the other side of the world - in Japan, this method of coloring was used back in the 8th-9th centuries AD.

1. An example of the Japanese shibori pattern. 2. Shibori on denim originally dyed indigo. 3. Fabric in the process of dyeing in Shibori. 4. Tie-dye without twisting the fabric into a spiral is a more intricate option. 5. A hippie classic - a T-shirt twisted into a spiral and tie-dyed.

The Japanese, by the way, as always, turned out to be the most sophisticated craftsmen and invented their own sophisticated tie-dying method - shibori. The complexity of the process lay in the fact that even before the dyeing stage, patterns were sewn onto the fabric using different (depending on its type) techniques. Or, for example, undyed fabric was tightly wound around a rope or other embossed object and “rolled” over the paint, leaving tightly pressed areas untouched. These and many other shibori techniques were used to make kimonos for the nobility and upper classes of the empire.

Tie-dyeand hippies

It is believed that the fashion for tie-dye swept the hippie culture after a wave of trips to West Africa, where exalted Americans, in addition to all other attributes of naturalness and closeness to nature, adopted this technique from the aborigines.

It is quite possible that this was the case, but for the first time the features of tie-dye were told and demonstrated back in 1909 by Columbia University professor Charles Pellow, so this technique cannot be called hippie know-how.

Cover of Tie-Died, a documentary about the Grateful Dead tour.

Be that as it may, already in the 1960s, at the instigation of trendsetters like Janis Joplin and John Sebastian, tie-dye became a real obsession. Using this technique, long-haired hippies painted almost everything - T-shirts, jeans, M-65 jackets and their Volkswagens. By the way, the dramatic story of a small economic miracle is also connected with tie-dye - having found out about new fashion, Don Price, a marketer for the struggling household dye company RIT, began going literally door to door in Greenwich Village, offering his products to young people, and soon RIT became one of the symbols of the hippie era and the most sought after in the United States a series of dyes.

Janis Joplin

Tie-dye today

By the spring season, not only street brands like , and , but also brands that are not characterized by hippie aesthetics and such color boldness managed to release several items with tie-dye prints. And that says a lot. Quite conservative Americans (the same special unit to produce pants for pensioners) suddenly created a capsule collection, frivolously decorating their classic slacks and T-shirts.

Watching the men's shows this year, it's hard not to notice one common trend - tie-dye clothing. There is nothing new in this technique. If you look at old photographs of your parents, you can see something similar. But this year we can clearly see the return of psychedelic patterns to men's fashion.

Of course, things painted in this way, in the vast majority of cases, will be associated with hippie aesthetics, cheapness and stubbornness, but even here you can find a loophole - for example, tie-dye T-shirts in a light pastel spectrum look neutral, more complex ethnic patterns (that Japanese shibori) do not raise any questions at all, and even if socks painted in a psychedelic spiral fit quite adequately into the space between sneakers and lapels of monotonous chinos, as long as they are not too bright.

We buy paints mainly from Finland. We go to art stores in Helsinki to buy powder dyes. We buy things at second-hand stores, but lately people have been bringing us their old things. They ask us to redo them for them, or they simply leave them to us.

Now we have already developed the dyeing technology, so the paints practically do not wash off. Of course, we warn that it is better to wash at a temperature of 40 degrees, do not use bleach, and do not boil. We only paint natural fabrics. This is, firstly, our concept, and secondly, synthetics are very difficult to dye in our conditions.

We haven’t got our own workshop, while we do everything ourselves at home. For this you need large saucepan, paints, salt, soda, fixatives. In four hours of work, we manage to paint up to two dozen things. Natural coloring(leaves, flowers) can take a week, so we practically don’t use it, and the result is more unpredictable. Fulfilling an order most often takes five days, but if something is urgent, we will do it within a day. We make a batch of 100-200 items once a week and attach our own labels.

We have no direct competitors, because everyone does either classic tie-dye or uses acrylic. We don’t do standard tie-dye, various spirals, etc. We have calm, not flashy colors. We use powder dyes, mostly natural, which allow the fabric to remain soft.

Assortment and clients

Now we have a rather narrow range: sweatshirts, shorts, T-shirts, shirts, socks. Price range - from 400 rubles (shorts) to 1,500 rubles (sweatshirts). We also sell dyed fabric.

Our customers are young men and women from 15 to 30 years old. Already have regular customers who are waiting for new products from us. Some even invent funny names our things. So, one girl from Moscow called the leggings that we dyed for her “moldy legs.” Girls buy sweatshirts more often, guys buy shirts. Shorts sell well in the summer. The best seller is socks, they buy three or four pairs. Our first batch sold out instantly. We didn't even expect such an effect.

The tai dai technique itself dates back hundreds of years and its homeland is Ancient India and China. The hippie movement of the last century inspired it new life and now many modern clothing brands use this technique for painting manufactured products. However, you can save on buying a precious branded T-shirt and easily create a masterpiece of modern technology at home.

Variety of patterns

There are as many opinions and as many options for coloring clothes using the tie-dye technique for as many people as there are. We are talking about options for purchasing patterns, and the colors of the paints, their saturation and mixing with each other can be all sorts.

Here are some of them, starting with the most famous:

  • spiral - to acquire this classic and most famous tie-dye T-shirt pattern, you need to lay out the clothes on a flat surface, and then place your large finger in the center and, helping with your index fingers, begin to wrap it in a circle. Secure the resulting pattern with threads or rubber bands;
  • vertical or horizontal stripes - for this, the T-shirt must also be laid out on a flat surface and rolled into a tube, starting from the bottom. Use rubber bands to grab it in several places. Their number will determine the number of horizontal stripes on the clothing. If you roll the T-shirt into a tube not from the bottom, but from some side, you can get a pattern with vertical stripes;
  • polka dots - this pattern is very easy to obtain, just use an elastic band to grab small tucks on the T-shirt in random places. If you twist them a little according to the thesis of a spiral, you will get several circles of the corresponding shape;
  • How to make a tie-dye T-shirt using a technique that involves placing a rose-shaped pattern on it? To do this, you need to make three pintucks next to each other and combine them together with an elastic band. The more pintucks you have, the more detailed the rosette will be;
  • if you don’t know what pattern you want to get, simply crumple the T-shirt into a ball and wrap it with elastic bands. You will end up with a bruised result;
  • folds - to create folds, the T-shirt must be folded into a fan shape. As a result, you will get horizontal or vertical stripes, as in the second type;
  • zipper - this technique for tie dye clothing is considered one of the most difficult. To acquire a zipper pattern, it must be folded in half and across, so that the fold line passes through the center of the neck. Now make two folds so that its seams form the letter “i”. You can make several such layers or folds, the main thing is to maintain a distance of 5 cm between them. Don’t forget to grab the product with elastic bands: the larger they are, the more detailed the zipper will be.

We dye clothes using the tie dye technique

To paint at home, you will need a plastic container or basin, the paints themselves and salt. Textile paints can be bought at any specialized store, although some users successfully paint things using regular acrylic paints.

If you plan to work with several colors, you will need the appropriate number of containers; otherwise, you will have to rinse the basin every time and add a new solution.

Follow the following algorithm:

  • Dilute the dye according to the instructions and add a tablespoon of salt to it, which will help it adhere better to the fabric. Please note that the more water you add to the container, the paler the color will be;
  • After drawing the paint into a syringe or lightly dipping a brush into it, apply the design to the fabric. If there is neither one nor the other, the solution can be easily poured onto the fabric. If you plan to use another color of the coloring solution, proceed in the same way;
  • Leave the T-shirt to dry for one day: this is necessary to finally fix the design on the fabric;
  • Now all that remains is to wash the product in warm water and dry it at room temperature.

Interesting patterns and brilliant prophetic!