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Palm oil chemical composition and properties. Palm oil. Myths and reality. Palm oil: melting point, properties

Palm oil chemical composition and properties.  Palm oil.  Myths and reality.  Palm oil: melting point, properties

Good day, my dear readers! Today we'll talk about palm oil and find out what it is harm of palm oil to the human body, and why next to the phrase “ harm from palm oil"You can hear the opposite opinion about benefits of palm oil? Who is right after all? Let's figure it out.

So, when it comes to palm oil, you need to understand what type of palm oil is meant.

There are several of them:

- unprocessed;

— refined and deodorized;

— technical.

And depending on what kind of oil a particular product contains, the degree of its usefulness and harmfulness depends.

And now let's take a brief look at each type of palm oil and its beneficial and harmful properties.

Raw palm oil

This oil has a number of positive characteristics, but there are also plenty of negative ones.


I won’t talk about the benefits for a long time, since palm oil is one of the few oils that does not have super beneficial and medicinal properties. I will only say that palm oil is the record holder for the content of vitamin E, which gives this oil antioxidant properties in the fight against free radicals that provoke the development of cancer.

It is also rich in carotenoids, which are also antioxidants and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair.

Unprocessed palm oil also contains sufficient amounts of provitamin A, which has a beneficial effect on vision.

Most useful unprocessed palm oil considered red. In its production, gentle technologies are used that allow preserving the maximum amount of vitamins and beneficial properties of this oil.

Well, this is where the beneficial properties of palm oil end, and we move on to its negative sides.


First place among harmful properties of palm oil takes high content of SATURATED FATS, the consumption of which in large quantities leads to diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

The second place of honor that positions palm oil as harmful is its refractoriness. Palm oil due to its high melting point (40 degrees), it is poorly processed and is not completely eliminated from the body. The main part of it remains in the human body in the form of waste, which clogs the blood vessels, stomach and intestines, preventing them from performing their main functions. This sticky mass envelops vital organs and thereby disrupts the normal functioning of the entire organism as a whole.

The third place is taken carcinogenicity of palm oil, which increases the risk of cancer.

And also in palm oil with linoleic acid content is very low. This is more likely not a harm, but a lack of this oil. But it is the presence and quantity of this acid in vegetable oils that indicates how valuable a particular oil is on the market. On average, vegetable oils contain 70-75% of this acid, and the more it is in the composition, the more expensive and healthier the oil is considered. And palm oil contains about 5%. This figure speaks for itself.

We're done with raw palm oil, now let's move on to other types.

Refined and deodorized palm oil

This type of oil is already much more widely used in the food industry than unprocessed oil. I would even say that it has become almost impossible to find unprocessed palm oil in our modern food industry; it is too expensive... And it is simply unprofitable for manufacturers to use it in the production of their products.

Refined palm oil is already an order of magnitude cheaper, but at the same time, the amount of useful substances in such processed oil is already at least 2 times less. And so it was not so dense, but now there is nothing to see there at all.

Therefore, about the benefits refined palm oil, I think everything is clear: it is approaching zero.

The harm of this palm oil remains somewhere at the same level as the unprocessed one, so we move on. And the next thing in line is technical palm oil. Get ready to be shocked here.

Industrial palm oil

I’ll say right away that this type of palm oil does not have any beneficial properties, except for its cheapness (it is 5 times cheaper than all other oils) and long shelf life, but this positive fact remains such only for manufacturers, so we immediately move on to considering all harmful substances that this oil is so rich in.

Industrial palm oil In general, it should be used exclusively in the production of soaps, cosmetics and other household chemicals, but in our time, almost all manufacturers (except for the most conscientious ones, the percentage of which in most countries is no more than 5-7%) use this type of oil in the FOOD INDUSTRY!!! Yes, technical oil, which is absolutely unsuitable for internal consumption, is found on supermarket shelves in those products that we have been accustomed to buying since childhood. These include:

- mayonnaise, margarine, butter;

- sausages;

— instant products that have a long shelf life, etc.

This is only a small part of the products that manufacturers like to add palm oil to, and all because it:

  1. Extends the shelf life of these products.
  2. Gives products a “special” taste, after which the hand reaches out again and again for this tasty treat.
  3. It is a very cheap raw material.


This type of palm oil has all the same harmful properties as its predecessors, but with significant amendments not for the better. It is different from its brothers completely different acid-fat composition. Due to its poor purification, it contains a lot of harmful oxidized saturated fats. That is, you understand that saturated fats themselves already belong to the point “ harmful properties of palm oil", and then they are OXIDIZED! This fact leads to the fact that in the body of a person who regularly uses products that contain industrial palm oil, free radicals accumulate, which destroy the body from the inside, causing cancer, as well as the formation of cholesterol plaques.

When they talk about the dangers of palm oil, then first of all they mean industrial palm oil, which is very dangerous for the human body. And if you see palm oil in the composition of the product, then do not risk your health and put this product back, since with a 99% probability it was used in the composition industrial palm oil, and not refined, not to mention unprocessed.

As sad as it sounds, the personal benefit of the manufacturer in our time comes first... In order to extend the shelf life of products and save on their costs, they are ready to do anything, even such a terrible strategic move as use of industrial palm oil in food production!

I hope that now you will carefully study the composition of the products you buy and choose only those that do not contain the inscription "Palm oil". The most recognizable characteristic by which you can immediately determine whether a product contains palm oil or not is the price of the product. For example, a lower price for hard varieties of cheese from a Ukrainian producer (less than 65 UAH) indicates that the composition definitely contains Palm oil, and most likely this industrial palm oil. Therefore, be careful when choosing food and do not be fooled by too low prices. As they say: “It’s better not to save on health, otherwise it will cost more.”

Healthy shopping without the palm tree and good health to everyone!

Sincerely yours, Janelia Skripnik!

Much has been written and said about the dangers and benefits of palm oil. Statements by experts and opinions of bloggers put pressure on consumers, forcing them to make one choice or another. The problem is that not all of us know what palm oil is made from, so we have to believe everything that is said. Let's figure out what this product is and whether it is really so harmful.

What is palm oil made from?

How is palm oil made?

It’s worth noting right away that the word “oil” itself is not used entirely correctly. Rather, it is a fat that is extracted from the pulp of the fruits of palm trees.

To prepare it, ripe fruits are placed in huge vats for heat treatment. After a short cooking period, the fat rises to the top where it is collected for further refining. During this process, it is cleaned of impurities, neutralized from free fatty acids, bleached and deodorized. After this processing, the raw material is ready for use.

The most valuable is palm fruit oil, extracted using gentle technology. It is not refined, therefore it is maximally enriched with useful components. This oil is red in color with a pleasant taste and aroma. In some areas of Africa it is mined by hand.

There is also industrial palm oil. It is used for cosmetic purposes and on an industrial scale (for lubricating various parts). Each type of oil uses its own special technology to produce.

Use of palm oil

The scope of application of this raw material is wide. Palm oil is used all over the world for confectionery purposes, it replaces milk fat, and it is added to fast food and various sauces.

1. In the bakery business, such fat is added to baked goods to extend its shelf life and improve the taste. It is also indispensable for confectioners - a variety of pastes, fondants, fillings, cookies, and cakes contain palm fat. It is also present in chocolate.

2. Consumers have no idea how milk is made from palm oil. And not only this, but all fermented milk products. The cream is separated from the milk using a separator, and casein and milk protein are collected. Palm fat and other elements are added to the resulting skim milk to give the product a “natural” taste. Other products are processed no less masterfully: cottage cheese, ice cream, condensed milk, butter, sour cream - to increase shelf life and production volumes, quality goes to the side.

3. In addition to the food industry, this fat is also used in cosmetology. It is added to soaps, shampoos, creams. Thanks to the content of vitamins A and E, the oil perfectly moisturizes the skin, softens it, and improves the condition of the hair.

The use of palm fruit oil is common throughout the world. I would like to believe that manufacturers do not violate product production technology and use high-quality raw materials that will not harm our health.


Diets and healthy eating 21.09.2017

Dear readers, today on the blog we will talk about palm oil. How many rumors and various assumptions can be heard about him now, many of them are negative. Let's try to figure out where the truth is and where the lies are, what are the benefits and harms of palm oil for our health.

How is palm oil obtained?

First, let's talk about the technology for obtaining this product. Humanity has been using this oil for many thousands of years. This is vegetable oil. And it is a rare type of vegetable oil because it is hard. For the first time, archaeologists discovered a small vessel with the remains of this product in Egypt, but palm oil production was not established in this country, so experts concluded that palm oil was traded back in the era of the pharaohs.

This oil is obtained from the fruits of a special Guinea oil palm, which originally grew in Africa. Then it was taken all over the world. And now the lion's share of industrial production of palm oil occurs in Southeast Asia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Malaysia.

The effect of palm oil on human health is an issue that has not been fully studied. Large world-famous companies such as Nestle use hundreds of tons of this product every year, but many people believe that palm oil can be harmful to health and lead to the development of various diseases.

Today's technology for producing oil is not particularly different from that which existed in ancient times. According to it, palm fruits are first ground and then heated. Under the influence of temperature, oil is released from the pulp, which is completely ready for further use. A similar method for obtaining palm oil is used in food processing plants.

Palm oil obtained in this way is in demand in the food industry: with its addition, various confectionery products, frying products, mayonnaise, spreads, table oil, processed cheese, etc. are produced. In addition, palm oil has found application in the cosmetics industry - it is included in creams, serums and masks for skin and hair.

Health benefits and harms of palm oil

Despite the widespread use of palm oil, the health benefits and harms of this product are perceived ambiguously by many.

Today you can often find various myths about palm oil that can be misleading. According to one of them, palm oil contains a large amount of cholesterol, so its excessive consumption can provoke various diseases, for example atherosclerosis. Based on USDA data, palm oil is completely cholesterol-free, so from this point of view the product is completely safe.

Benefits of palm oil

One of the factors that explains the benefits of palm oil is the record content of vitamin E in this product, namely tocotrienol, a substance that destroys free radicals and makes cancer cells lifeless. Therefore, palm oil can rightfully be called a fighter against cancer.

Quote More than 15 years ago, when rumors about the dangers and benefits of palm oil just began to spread, scientists conducted an experiment during which it was found that the product contains 14 times more vitamin A than carrots.

There is also an opinion that the harm of palm oil lies in the fact that the product undergoes hydrogenation - the process of turning liquid oil into solid. For example, hydrogenation is used to produce margarines and spreads. But the fact is that melting palm oil requires temperatures above 30˚C, so there is no point in hydrogenation.

The health effects of palm oil vary from person to person. For example, if the body has a sufficient amount of unsaturated fatty acids, palm oil helps break down toxins and toxic substances. Dosed consumption of palm oil improves immunity and promotes normal digestion.

Palm oil, which is found in various foods, contributes to:

  • strengthening hair and nails;
  • increasing skin elasticity;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • improving vision;
  • normalization of the nervous system;
  • strengthening teeth and bones;
  • reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

But despite the obvious advantages of this product, palm oil also has its disadvantages, which will be discussed further.

The harm of palm oil

When considering the health risks of palm oil, the main factor that scientists and experts focus on is the high content of saturated fats in the product. Approximately the same amount of fatty acids is found in butter. When asking the question of whether palm oil is dangerous, the answer is: yes – if it is consumed in excess.

Scientists who have studied the composition of palm oil claim that it contains monosaturated acids: palmitic and stearic. These substances can harm the body, causing diseases such as atherosclerosis and thrombosis.

In addition, palm oil is often present in foods that are subsequently cooked. When exposed to high temperatures, product components become carcinogenic and can harm the gastrointestinal tract.

Palm oil in baby food

When studying the benefits and harms of palm oil in food, it is worth paying attention to how safe it is to give this oil to children. This nuance is especially important in relation to bottle-fed infants.

A small child has an imperfect digestive system - in the first year of life, his body lacks enzymes that ensure the digestion of many substances. That is why it is worth paying special attention to the question of why palm oil is dangerous in infant formula, so as not to put the child’s health at risk.

It is no coincidence that palm oil is present in many infant formulas. The fact is that mother's milk is a source of nutrients, vitamins and minerals necessary for the full growth and development of the baby. Studies have shown that breast milk consists of 20-25% palmitic acid, which is also found in palm oil. For example, cow's milk contains significantly less of this acid, therefore, at first glance, the presence of this component in baby food is extremely desirable.

However, many children who are bottle-fed and mixed-fed suffer from colic, diarrhea and constipation of unknown etiology. When asked whether palm oil is dangerous for infants, doctors answer positively and associate various digestive disorders with the content of this particular component in baby food.

Another thing to consider when purchasing infant formula with palm oil is that this product slows down the absorption of calcium, an essential substance for the growth of a child’s bones and teeth. Thus, it is better to choose palm oil-free blends. Today, many manufacturers have learned to synthesize modified palmitic acid, the digestibility of which is several times higher than that found in palm oil.

Myths about palm oil

Today, many people talk about the dangers of palm oil, but almost no one can say exactly why palm oil is dangerous for the body. Of course, there are some points, especially regarding the presence of palm oil in infant formula, but it is important to understand that many “facts” that are not related to reality have been created around this product.

In free sources you can find a wide variety of myths about palm oil, from the fact that palm oil contributes to the development of depression and stress, and ending with the fact that the product provokes cancer.

Here are the most popular myths about palm oil that have nothing to do with reality:

  • The danger of palm oil is that it is not digested in the body. The myth is based on the fact that all fats are digested at temperatures above the human body. In fact, palm oil is not digested by temperatures;
  • In civilized countries, the use of palm oil is punishable by law. It is not true. About 15% of all palm oil consumption occurs in the United States;
  • Palm oil is obtained from the stem part of the tree. The product is actually squeezed from the fleshy part of the plant;
  • Palm oil is suitable only for the cosmetic and metallurgical industries; it should not be present in food. According to statistics, almost half of all confectionery products are made with the addition of this product.

I suggest you watch a video in which Oleg Medvedev, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor at Moscow State University, debunks myths about palm oil. I highly recommend watching it.

Fatty oils are a source of energy necessary not only to maintain the normal functioning of living organisms, but also to increase the vitality of fruits and seeds, in the case of plants. There is a small supply of vegetable fats in the seeds of any plant, but there are especially many of them in sunflowers, olives, rapeseed, soybeans, wheat, flax, cocoa, various nuts and, including, palm fruits.

Vegetable oils are obtained from fruits by pressing, cleaning and deodorizing. The content of unsaturated fatty acids in this oil can reach 70%. These acids are essential, i.e. The human body itself is not theirs, but it needs them to ensure vital processes and normal functioning. These are acids such as oleic and linoleic, which are part of vitamin F. They are responsible for the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels, increase the body’s immunity and help it fight inflammation. An additional advantage of vegetable fats is the absence of cholesterol, which is so abundant in animal fats. By replacing animal fats with vegetable oils in your diet, you can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and solve the problem of excess weight.

Features of palm oil

Palm oil is also a vegetable source of fat, and although this product is considered exotic for Russia, its global production of the total amount of vegetable oils is about 30%. Its main suppliers to the world market are Indonesia and Malaysia, and its consumers are India, China and the European Union.

A distinctive feature of this oil is not only its relatively low price, but also its low content of unsaturated fats, which react with air and oxidize, becoming rancid. This is why products containing palm oil can be stored much longer than those containing other vegetable oils. Palm oil is added to confectionery, margarine, mayonnaise, baked goods, dairy products, and is also used for biodiesel and cosmetics.

It can be said that the use of palm oil, which has lower biological value, is more beneficial to producers, since it suits them from a practical point of view. But how justified is this from a point of view?

Harm and benefits of palm oil

This oil contains many carotenoids, which are especially beneficial for those with skin and hair problems. There are almost 50 times more natural carotenoids in this oil than in tomatoes and 15 times more than in carrots. Provitamin A, carotene, has a positive effect on the quality of vision and eye health. Vitamin E and tocopherols, which are part of palm oil, help increase muscle mass, improve skin tone, and stimulate sexual function. Therefore, many nutritionists advise adding it to milk formulas used for baby food.
Natural carotenoids contained in palm oil are absorbed in the body without causing hypervitaminosis, unlike synthetic vitamin preparations.

Palm oil, by its natural properties, is a hydrogenated vegetable fat with a high melting point. This is a natural substance, in its properties and appearance, reminiscent of margarine. High-quality edible palm oil, mixed with other ingredients of food, allows you to extend their life and gives a unique pleasant taste. The problem is that unscrupulous producers use non-edible, technical palm oil, the cost of which is much lower, as well as the customs duties levied for its import into the country. Therefore, the main problem that has contributed to the controversy and talk that this oil is for health is counterfeit products using low-quality vegetable fats.

The palm tree is a plant that is not subject to genetic modification, so the oil from its fruit remains today one of the few products that has not been subject to such effects.

When you go to the store to buy groceries, be sure to pay attention to the ingredients listed on the label. In the case where low-quality oil was used, it will most likely be labeled simply as vegetable or fat. But it should be remembered that even high-quality edible palm oil contains a large amount of saturated fatty acids and, in particular, palmitic acid. This acid helps increase cholesterol levels in the blood, causing dangerous vascular diseases such as atherosclerosis. Therefore, it is worth limiting the amount of confectionery products and snacks in your diet, buying not crackers or ice cream, but more vegetables and fruits.

Occupies a special place in modern life. This exotic product is less popular than butter and vegetable oil, but it is the subject of heated discussions. Palm oil contains a huge amount of tocopherols, ubiquinone, and carotenoids, which are quite strong antioxidants, and this is very beneficial for the human body. Many companies use palm oil for cosmetic purposes, but it can also be used in food. Tocopherols allow you to increase muscle volume, and if they are insufficient, sexual function may suffer. Provitamin A is of great importance for the functioning of the visual pigment of the retina; it also ensures the activity of the visual analyzer.

Palm oil: harm and benefits for our body

Scientists and doctors have been engaged in lively debate for several years about the effects of palm oil - is it beneficial or harmful? This product cannot be called unambiguous, so it is necessary to take a closer look at its properties. The cost of palm oil is relatively low, and its exceptional technological and nutritional properties give it special importance, and therefore the demand for this type of product is increasing markedly. The shelf life of products increases significantly if palm oil is added to them. Beautiful color makes familiar products more attractive and appetizing.

Palm oil is obtained from plants that have not yet been subjected to genetic modification, so it is the only one hundred percent natural product. This adds even more popularity to him in modern society. Palm oil is sold in unrefined and refined forms, there is a third type produced in Latin America, it is a hybrid of African and American palms.

It seems that the benefits of palm oil are obvious, but there are other aspects to this product. It is usually blamed for containing huge amounts of acids. This oil is often compared to lard, but it does not contain anterogens. Palm oil contains mainly unsaturated fatty acids that are easily digestible. The harm of palm oil is associated with the high amount of it contains, which increases cholesterol in the blood, which can cause atherosclerosis, obesity, vascular thrombosis, and other diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Palm oil: harm and benefit according to nutritionists

Nutritionists are convinced that palm oil, the harms and benefits of which have not yet been fully determined, is rather harmful. To increase the shelf life of dairy products, this component is added to them, because of this they become refractory. The temperature at which these products begin to melt is noticeably higher than the temperature of the human body; if such food ends up in the stomach, then it becomes just a sticky mass trying to seal everything around. Oils are usually valued for their high content and their usefulness, and the price depends on this. Palm oil contains such acid and contains all substances useful for the body.

Palm oil: harm and benefit

Those people who are concerned about their health switch to soft margarine, but this product will not be safe if it contains palm oil. When choosing margarine, you must carefully study the composition. There should be no palm oil in it. It is a fairly strong carcinogen. In developed countries, this type of oil has long been abandoned, and products containing it must have a label indicating this. Thus, this oil is, of course, cheap, but there are no health benefits from it.