
Swaddling an adult is a new Japanese method of treatment. Promotion for additional income Fetish swaddling in an adult blanket

Swaddling an adult is a new Japanese method of treatment.  Promotion for additional income Fetish swaddling in an adult blanket

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The question “how to swaddle a newborn” arises before a new mother already in the maternity hospital, when the screaming bundle, solemnly presented by obstetricians, becomes wet after the first feeding. Sometimes doctors themselves reveal the secrets of swaddling, but it is much better to master this science during pregnancy by practicing on dolls or, for example, soft toys.

It would seem that the range of hygiene products for children allows you to do without diapers altogether, because there are disposable diapers, a large selection of clothes small size and other delights. But you shouldn’t consider classic flannel and cotton diapers a relic of the past, because the need for their use will become acute in the following situations:

  • at the first bath. Pediatricians recommend spending the baby's first bath in thin cotton fabric so that the child feels safe and is not afraid of the bath;
  • calm the baby if necessary. Despite the fact that babies in their mother’s tummy can easily put their fingers and toes into their mouths, in the first days and weeks of life these same limbs often frighten the baby. Movements are uncoordinated and abrupt. Tight swaddling at first allows the baby to warm up and fall asleep peacefully. And rest assured, he will sleep soundly, because unexpected awkward throwing up of his arms and legs will not disturb his sleep;
  • for any skin problems. The skin of a newborn is very delicate and sensitive. Diaper rash and rashes often appear in diapers, and in diapers the skin breathes, which has a beneficial effect on the baby’s health;
  • during hygiene procedures. Newborns need to clean their ears, nose, and sometimes put drops in their eyes. It is extremely difficult to do this while the little doll is spinning, screaming and waving her little arms. In this case, the diaper takes on the role of a pacifier for several minutes. The baby will obediently lie down while the mother carries out all the planned activities;
  • during medical procedures. Even placing an ordinary heating pad on your baby’s tummy will be easier and more effective if he is wrapped up and does not resist the unusual (and sometimes unpleasant) actions of his mother or doctor.

Swaddling has a beneficial effect on the development of a newborn's sense of touch. Touching the fabric allows this feeling to develop faster. And if a premature baby is born, the diapers will imitate the mother’s womb, which will definitely benefit the newborn.

Full tight swaddling. In this case, the child is wrapped in cloth from head to toe. Such a tight cocoon does not allow the newborn to turn his head and move. The legs in the diaper can be straightened or slightly bent.

Classic swaddling. The baby is wrapped in a diaper from heels to neck. The shoulders are closed, the arms are pressed tightly to the body, and you can turn your head as much as you like, reacting to your mother’s voice or turning your face to the milk-filled breast.

Swaddling free. A cozy “nest” is created from diapers, in which the child can move his arms, legs, and head to a limited extent. Coordination of movements develops and the child becomes familiar with his own capabilities and body.

Swaddle the lower body. It is convenient when the baby craves freedom, is not afraid of his hands, and does not flinch. This swaddling allows you to do without disposable diapers - the baby’s feet will not freeze, the skin will breathe, and the beautiful new baby vest will not get dirty if the doll “makes a puddle.”

To find out how, when and for how long to swaddle a newborn, take a closer look at his behavior. Advice from experienced grandmothers or nurses will not help much here; each baby is individual and unique.

To begin with, it is better to swaddle a newborn completely, with his head, so he will be warm and comfortable. Next, note the child’s reaction to his limbs while washing and changing clothes. Take a closer look at how the baby sleeps more soundly - with only his legs wrapped in fabric or wrapped up from head to toe.

Trembling, frightened screams, and too sudden movements of the hands can cause tight swaddling for several days or even weeks. And if the baby sleeps well in a blouse with sleeves and rompers, then you should not pull him down and enslave him, limit yourself to loose swaddling.

The following is a table with recommendations for choosing the size of the material. Clarification: warm flannel diapers most often serve as a second layer on top of the first cotton one, so you can purchase or sew them yourself big size(for example 100 x 100 cm).

The size is also affected by the following circumstances:

  • if you sew diapers yourself, then it is more convenient to take the width equal to the width of the fabric roll;
  • When making diapers from sheets (use only new ones), it is more convenient to cut in such a way that the least amount of trim remains or no trim remains at all.
From 70x70 cm to 80x95 cm For swaddling, diapers of this size are not the most comfortable. It is better to use them as a sheet or napkin (for example, to wipe a child’s face) from 40 rub. / PC. cotton, from 90 rub. / PC. - flannel
95x100 cm (100x100 cm) Convenient for swaddling newborns. When the baby grows up, the fabric can be used as a bedding on a bed or changing table On average 90-100 rubles. piece (kulirka, chintz)
From 110x110 cm to 125 x 125 cm Large comfortable diapers, suitable even for a three month old baby. Cuts of this size can be easily wrapped in several layers From 135 rub. calico, from 160 rub. - flannel
Rectangular diapers with sizes from 120 x 70 to 135 x 95 cm Convenient to use. You can wrap the baby with his head or just wrap his legs Chintz and kulirka from 85 rub. piece or from 400 rub. for a set of 5 pieces
Velcro diapers or envelope for newborns. Dimensions: 54 cm, 62 cm, 70 cm. Envelope with Velcro. Made from knitwear, footer, cotton, fleece, lace and embroidered inserts are possible decorative elements. Facilitates the process of swaddling, convenient to use on a walk or when visiting a pediatrician. From 800 rub. (from thin kulirka - from 300 rub.)

Swaddling with handles. Method 1

  1. Lay out the fabric on the changing table or bed.
  2. We place the baby on the diaper so that his neck lies on the top edge of the diaper.
  3. We place the child's left hand on his chest or stomach. We take the upper left corner of the diaper and place it behind the child’s back through his right side.
  4. We place the child’s right hand next to the left and hold it with our left hand. We take the upper right corner of the diaper and bring it behind the baby’s back through his left side.
  5. We straighten the lower corners of the diaper and take them with both hands. Place the bottom edge of the diaper higher on the baby's chest bent arms. If the diaper is too long, fold the edge.
  6. We carefully tuck the free right corner under the newborn’s back.
  7. We draw the free left corner through the back and out over the child’s right shoulder.
  8. Next, you can tuck the corner into the crease on the baby’s chest or use tape to secure the “bundle.”

Video – Lesson on swaddling a baby

Swaddling with handles. Method 3

  1. Lay out the diaper. Fold the top edge 15-20 cm.
  2. We insert the baby's right arm under the fold.
  3. We place the baby's hand on the tummy and at the same time move the right edge of the canvas over the baby's left side.
  4. We do the same with the left edge of the diaper - insert the left handle under the fold, wrap the left edge over the baby’s right side.
  5. We tuck the bottom edge under the child’s knees.

Swaddling is done without dragging the baby with the cloth. The baby should be wrapped up, but be able to move a little.

Swaddling without handles is free. Method 1

  1. We place the baby on the diaper so that the upper edge passes just below his armpits (Fig. 1).
  2. We spread the baby's arms to the sides. We grab the canvas on the right and bring it behind the child’s back through his left side (Fig. 2).
  3. We repeat the operation with the left edge of the canvas (Fig. 3).
  4. We make sure that the child’s legs lie straight. We take the bottom edge of the diaper and twist it under the baby’s heels (Fig. 4).
  5. “Open” the lower corners of the diaper by pulling them in different directions (Fig. 5).
  6. Place the bottom edge of the diaper on the baby’s tummy (Fig. 6).
  7. We bend the right corner behind the back, then the left. We tuck the tip of the diaper behind the fold on the tummy (Fig. 7-10).

Swaddling without handles. Method 2 - wide

This type of swaddling is suitable for children from birth to three months, and is often used to prevent hip dislocations and treat infant dysplasia. The fabric holds the baby's legs in a half-bent position, with the knees spread in different directions.

For swaddling, a thin square diaper is used (calico, kulirka, etc.). Additionally, you can prepare a hat and thick fabric for the second layer.

Step 1. Spread out the diapers

On a flat, hard surface, first place the diaper with the wrong side up. Fold the diaper diagonally with the wrong side inward. The fold line will pass under the baby's back. The corner should then end up between the baby’s legs.

Place a diaper (gauze or disposable) on the resulting “kerchief”.

Step 2. Wrapping the baby

We put the baby on the diaper. The fold line of the “kerchief” should be below the child’s shoulder blades, in the diaper – located between the legs. We put on a diaper or (as recommended by the doctor) place a fabric folded several times between the child’s knees, which will hold the legs in the correct position.

If you are using a disposable diaper, the front edge with the picture should be folded outward so that it does not cover the umbilical wound.

We place the bottom corner of the diaper on the baby's tummy.

We wrap the right and left ends in turn around the baby and tuck them under the back.

This method is not suitable for babies who have seizures or are afraid of their own hands. You will need a vest and two diapers - the material is selected according to the temperature in the room. We put on the vest in advance.

Step 1. Spread the fabric

We spread the first diaper. If it is rectangular, then lay it horizontally. Fold the top edge by 10-15 cm.

Place a second diaper on top; similarly, fold the top edge, and it should be 5-10 cm below the top edge of the bottom sheet.

Step 2. Roll up the first layer

We place the baby with his back on the folds of both diapers. We transfer the entire right edge under the baby’s back through his left side. At this point, you can place the bottom corner of the fabric between the baby’s knees and heels.

Step 3. Second layer

We tuck the right and left edges of the diaper under the baby’s back. We place the lower ends under the knees. We do not straighten the child’s legs and do not restrict movement. We take out the corners of the fabric and tie them on top above the knees.

Video - Swaddling newborns

When swaddling, do not cover the baby's nose and chin with cloth so as not to impede breathing.

It is important to straighten all the folds of tissue, because the skin of a newly born baby is very delicate and easily injured.

It is important to monitor the temperature to prevent the baby from overheating. If the room is cool, it is better to first dress the baby in a vest and rompers, and then swaddle. Or it is permissible to use two diapers - the bottom (first layer) of chintz, the top of flannel.

If the room is hot, you should take a diaper from a drawer or calico, and do not cover your head with anything (recommendation only for full-term babies).

Do not use pins to secure diapers - this can be dangerous.

Do not allow the newborn's skin to come into contact with wool or fur products. In the first month of life, the baby’s clothes must be made of soft natural fabrics, ironed and steamed on both sides. The same rule applies to diapers.

In America, Indian tribes used rabbit skins and dry grass as ingredients for diapers. The used grass was then thrown away and the skins were dried. So the baby was comfortable and dry. In the second century BC, Europe was already beginning to swaddle babies in cloth as reusable diapers.

Our article will highlight all the nuances of swaddling and answer the question up to what age this simple procedure should be done.

Swaddling is a set of measures aimed at creating a comfortable stay for the baby, retaining waste products and preventing diaper rash.

With the help of diapers, favorable conditions are also created for the baby to sleep peacefully.

Pediatrician Komarovsky E.O.: “Swaddling a child is not harmful. Buying diapers is much cheaper than baby vests and rompers. But it’s easier for dads to put on baby vests and rompers. There is no dad who perfectly masters the skill of swaddling.”

It is important to study the fabric requirements:

  1. Good quality. The diaper should not tear when stretched.
  2. Absorbent effect. The most important property. The diaper should absorb moisture well and at the same time maintain a “breathable effect”.
  3. Proper finishing of edges. In general, children's clothes are hemmed using an overlocker. This is necessary to avoid tight seams that can chafe. delicate skin crumbs.
  4. Be soft to the touch, without foreign odors. Should not fade when washed.
  5. Only natural materials - chintz, flannel, kulirka, linen, footer, knitwear. Avoid synthetics.
  6. Diaper sizes. Very comfortable in the form of a square with a side of 1.2 m. This is enough for you to easily swaddle your baby.
  7. Do not choose fabric with bright colors so as not to irritate the child. The composition of dyes can be harmful to the skin.
  8. Diapers need to be washed regularly baby powder and iron on both sides.

Calico. Must be made of cotton material. They are usually always closest to the newborn's body. Also used as crib sheets.

Flannel. They are swaddled over calico. They are thicker than chintz and retain heat well. They can be used as a bedspread. In summer you can not use it.

Knitted. Appeared recently. They stretch quite well, are soft and gentle to the touch. They are also swaddled under flannel.

Cocoon diapers with Velcro. Modern diapers, which can also be made of knitted fabric. They do not create unnecessary folds. It will not be difficult for a mother to wrap her baby in such a diaper.

Disposable diapers. Not intended for swaddling. Necessary for laying on a changing pad or on a bed so that the baby does not stain the surface. Convenient when going to the clinic. Must not contain synthetic materials.

Mom Elena, 28 years old: “I bought my daughter 10 flannel and 10 cotton and knitted diapers. It was enough, even a little too much. We could have swaddled a couple more babies. A very comfortable diaper - a cocoon, I had only one copy of it. My daughter loved to fall asleep in it.”

How to properly swaddle a newborn?

Classic swaddling with handles. Option #1

We spread a cotton diaper on the changing table so that there are no wrinkles. We place the baby in the center of the diaper so that the head lies above the edge of the fabric.

We place our left hand on the baby's chest, and wrap one end of the diaper under the baby's back. We do the same with the right handle, and also wrap the second edge of the diaper under the back.

We straighten the lower corners, cover the baby's chest with the edge and place the right corner under the newborn's back, and the left corner over the baby's right shoulder. We tuck a small corner into the fold on the baby’s chest.

The diaper should not crumple or create unnecessary folds. This will interfere with the baby's sleep.

We spread the diaper. We bend the edge a little at the top. We hide the baby’s right hand in the resulting pocket. Now we place this hand together with the diaper on the stomach and cover the baby’s right side.

Then we do the same with the left edge of the diaper. We straighten the bottom edge and bend it under the knees.

We spread the diaper into a diamond shape. Fold the top corner. We lay the baby down so that his head is above the diaper. We hold the baby's right hand and place the corner of the diaper behind the baby's left side through the armpit.

And the other lower corner is over the child’s left shoulder. We wrap the left corner of the diaper around the baby's body. The free bottom can simply be folded under the legs.

At high temperature You cannot swaddle your baby.

Used in the treatment of dysplasia hip joints and for the prevention of congenital dislocations. This swaddling creates a “frog pose” to unload the joints.

Everything is as usual. We spread the diaper on the changing table. Fold it diagonally to make a triangle.

We place the larger edge of this triangle under the baby’s lower back. It is better to put on a gauze diaper even before diapering.

We place the bottom corner of the diaper on the tummy, and tuck the side corners from the top on the baby’s belt. You can wear a vest on top.

Favorite type of swaddling immediately after birth in the hospital. We spread the diaper and place the newborn so that the head is below the edge of the diaper. We wrap the baby. First, we bring one edge behind the back, while fixing the handle, then the second. The bottom edge can be placed on the breast and secured.

In this position, the baby sleeps very comfortably; it is difficult for him to even move his head, so unnecessary movements will not wake him up.

Also in Soviet times It was believed that this type of swaddling helps straighten the legs. But, as it turned out, this was an erroneous version.

Tight swaddling prevents the baby from breathing and developing normally, so it has been abandoned lately.

In cool weather, you still need either a blanket or a warm envelope on top of the diapers. First, you swaddle your baby in any convenient way. Then spread out the blanket in a diamond pattern and wrap the baby up. The upper corner of the blanket can cover your face from strong winds or frost.

In general, a child should be swaddled until he is three months old. This is the period when the baby is already starting to roll over onto his tummy, and extra diapers will interfere with his ability to explore the world.

You can swaddle your head only for the first week of your baby’s life.

Pay attention to how your baby sleeps. If he doesn't wake up from shaking his arms or legs, you can swaddle him freely.

Some parents even wear baby vests and rompers almost from birth.

The process of swaddling is very important in the life of children. This way it allows the baby to feel his mother’s hands, warmth, and care. And if both parents are doing this, then this will free up a few minutes for mom to relax. Everyone chooses what is convenient for them. And, as it turned out, swaddling is not harmful, but even useful.

Be healthy!

After the baby is born and discharged from the maternity hospital, the mother’s natural desire is to surround him with care and warmth. Therefore, parents are interested in the question of whether or not to swaddle their newborn baby, whether to swaddle tightly or loosely. There are several methods by which this action can be carried out. different ways, depending on the health status of the baby.

The tradition of wrapping a baby in a swaddle has ancient roots. This process is designed to perform several functions at once. At the first appointment, pediatricians explain why newborns should be swaddled. They unanimously agree that swaddling is necessary in order to:

  1. The baby did not freeze while lying in the crib, because his thermoregulation is not as perfect as that of adults.
  2. The child's chaotic movements were limited to avoid sudden fright if the baby touched his face or body with a hand.
  3. The newborn felt more protected. The diaper limits the space and resembles the cocoon in which it was in the womb.

There are many different arguments given by opponents and supporters of various baby swaddling systems. There is still debate among pediatricians about whether or not to swaddle newborn babies. Positive arguments for wrapping children include:

  • maintaining body temperature;
  • fixation of limbs;
  • more restful sleep;
  • ensuring the comfort of the newborn.

In addition, swaddling is a mandatory measure for children with congenital pathologies of the arms or legs, as well as for premature infants. There are not many negative aspects and they relate to the conservative method of tight swaddling, when you have to forcefully straighten the baby’s limbs and press them tightly to the body. The main disadvantages of swaddling are:

  1. Inability to adjust temperature. Because of this, the baby overheats. Diaper rash and diaper dermatitis appear on the baby's skin.
  2. Constantly being in a thick, warm diaper leads to insufficient physical and emotional development.

This method, such as tight swaddling, is currently used much less frequently than before. Some pediatricians, when telling young mothers whether it is necessary to swaddle a newborn, express strong arguments in favor of abandoning this method of wrapping babies. In this position, the child’s movements will be unnatural and constrained. Blood circulation and heat exchange may be impaired. However, in some cases, when the child is hyperactive or has developmental pathologies, this technique will help calm him down faster. Then it is recommended to swaddle the baby tighter when he sleeps.

The loose or wide swaddling technique is a more gentle option, in which the baby is given the opportunity to move his legs and arms a little. A variation of this method is to wrap only the lower limbs. In this case, the legs are not fully straightened. On the contrary, they are given a free, relaxed position.

The question of whether it is worth swaddling a newborn and which method is better still causes debate among experts. Our grandmothers and mothers, who raised children 20-30 years ago, when answering the question of whether it is necessary to swaddle a newborn baby, recommend wrapping the baby tightly. Pediatric doctors, based on the results of numerous studies, advise taking a closer look at the baby’s temperament and wrapping him up depending on his activity.

After the baby is born, it is necessary to swaddle him. After all, it’s hard for a newborn baby to get used to the fact that the space around is not limited. The baby may be frightened by the hands, touching their face with them. At this age, it is advisable to leave the child’s limbs free only during therapeutic massage and air procedures. Gradually, after a month, you can no longer wrap your hands when feeding, remembering to wear scratchy mittens or a special undershirt so that the baby does not injure himself with his claws.

Many mothers have doubts about whether or not to swaddle their newborn at night. Here, most pediatricians are unanimous in their opinion - when the baby is in a separate crib, it is better to wrap him whole, using the free swaddling method. Then parents can be sure that the baby will sleep peacefully most of the night.

The swaddling method assumes that the arms remain free. The main reason why in the old days grandmothers swaddled their legs was that after rigid fixation with a swaddle they would be much straighter. It has now been proven that this method cannot affect congenital pathologies and straighten the child’s bones. However, if a child at this age is diagnosed with hip dysplasia, then this technology will help fix the limbs motionless and promote recovery.

It is better for young parents to master the swaddling technique in advance, so that later, when the baby is born, they do not waste time on training. In order to perform this simple procedure, you need to prepare a wide diaper, gauze diaper or diaper. It is important to pay attention to the time of year in which the baby was born, because flannel fabric is not suitable for hot summers.

You need to use a thin cotton diaper, which will provide sufficient ventilation and help avoid the appearance of diaper dermatitis. The most common wrapping method involves placing the fabric horizontally. It is most convenient to perform the procedure in the following sequence:

  1. Wrap the diaper around the newborn's hips and place the baby perpendicular to the wide side of the diaper.
  2. Lightly press the baby's hand to the side, take the corner of the fabric located on the same side, wrap it around the body and adjust the edge on the back.
  3. Take the opposite corner, carefully straighten the child’s other arm, and place the edge of the diaper behind the back.
  4. Pull the lower corners in different directions, place them on the baby’s chest and in the area just above the elbows, and secure behind them.
  5. Straighten out all the folds that might get in the way of the baby.

In order to understand when to stop swaddling your baby, you should carefully monitor your newborn. If he sleeps peacefully and doesn’t disturb himself with his hands, then he won’t need to do any more wrapping. On average, this occurs in 3-4 months. Some babies themselves begin to free their limbs, examine them, and show interest in the world around them. This means that it’s time to choose other clothes that will suit the baby’s age - rompers and undershirts.

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AUTONEPHILIA – sexual arousal directly from swaddling...
put a large blanket on the table,
on it an oilcloth measuring a meter by one and a half,
first put a flannel or flannelette diaper on her (a large sheet),
then a cotton diaper (large sheet),
on top of them is a diaper, folded several times in the form of a pad.
We force the lower one to lie on the diaper
A diaper is placed between his legs, which is brought under the vest at the back, and placed in front below the navel.
The bottom one lies on the diaper so that the top edge of the diaper (the sheet is large) is at the level of the armpits. A cotton diaper is secured around the chest.
The lower end of this diaper is passed between the legs of the lower one so that they are separated from each other - this protects them from abrasions.
The end is then wrapped over the stomach or around the legs.
The flannel diaper is first wrapped over the stomach, and then wrapped around the legs or torso.
An oilcloth measuring 30x30 cm is placed between the flannel diaper and the blankets so that the blanket does not get wet in case of enuresis in the lower one.
The blanket is used in the same way as a flannel diaper.
bottom in diapers
satisfied and happy

When we talk about newborns, the image of a cute little bag carefully wrapped in a diaper immediately appears in our heads. Indeed, until quite recently, it was customary to swaddle babies in a set of a diaper and a blanket, or only in a diaper.

How justified this is in our time, when a lot of cute clothes for little ones have appeared, we will discuss below. However, to this day many mothers and nurses in the maternity hospital they are used to wrapping a newborn “the old fashioned way.”

During his time in the mother's womb, the baby has become accustomed to limited space, and therefore at first he may experience discomfort from the new freedom of movement, and swaddling will help him adapt gradually.

In addition, as practice shows, babies in diapers often fall asleep faster and sleep more peacefully than in diapers.

With sufficient skill, parents can change their baby's diapers to clean ones much faster and easier than changing blouses and pants. However, the use of a diaper in infancy, helps mom and dad save a lot on diapers, which, you see, is a weighty argument in our time.

If our great-grandmothers made do with one type of swaddling - now it is called tight - using a swaddle for this, then modern children are swaddled in different ways: freely, selectively (leaving arms or legs free) and even in a special orthopedic way.

Tight swaddling is now used quite rarely; the child needs to be left a little freedom. However, the basic principle remains the same - the diaper completely covers both the baby’s arms and legs. This method is called simple or classic swaddling.

Depending on the mother's need or desire, the baby can be swaddled freely, leaving room for the legs to move, or even leaving the arms free.

You can swaddle the baby completely, with his head. If the room where the child is is cool, this can be very convenient. Especially if the baby is not very good at putting on a hat.

We offer an algorithm of actions that will help you swaddle your newborn easily and, most importantly, correctly.

Is a changing table required?

It is convenient to swaddle your baby on a special changing table. As a rule, it is simply a flat table with a shelf for storing care products.

This table, of course, is very convenient because it has sides to protect the baby, and also allows the mother not to bend over the child too much, easing the load on her back.

However, its presence is not at all necessary. It is quite possible to swaddle your baby both on the bed and on the sofa.

  • An important point when swaddling is to ensure that the baby’s neck and chest are not pulled too tightly.
  • Never leave a swaddled baby on your stomach, as this can lead to suffocation.
  • You should not wrap your baby in a diaper after 3 months, let him move more. If desired, you can leave swaddling only for nighttime sleep.

And most importantly: never leave your child on the sofa or table unattended! If you need to leave for something, be sure to transfer the baby to his crib. Better once again play it safe rather than risk it!

How to prepare your baby before swaddling?

You can wrap your baby in a diaper only after following standard hygiene procedures:

  1. The child needs to be washed and dried thoroughly.
  2. Before wrapping the baby in diapers, put on a diaper or gauze diaper.
  3. Having carefully blotted the skin, treat it under the diaper with oil, baby cream or talcum powder to prevent diaper rash from forming.

In order to save money when swaddling a baby, you can use gauze diapers rather than ready-made disposable diapers. How to build it is clearly demonstrated by the following diagram in pictures:

After washing, it is highly advisable to iron diapers for a newborn on both sides with a hot iron. If possible, it is better to use a steamer. Then the fabric will not only be disinfected, but will also become softer.

If you don’t have such a device, you can simply spray water on the fabric while ironing.

Previously, even kindergarten children, playing at being daughters and mothers, deftly wrapped dolls in rags, copying their mother’s movements. If you didn’t swaddle toys as a child or are not sure that you know how to do it correctly, we will try to tell and show everything.

For a better understanding, we offer instructions in pictures:

This method of swaddling is shown in as much detail as possible in the following video clip (video from the maternity hospital):

The principle of loose swaddling is the same as tight swaddling. The only difference: it is performed without strong tension on the diaper, as a result, the baby’s legs and arms remain practically free. In addition, you can swaddle only the baby’s arms or just the baby’s legs in this way.

All actions are performed in the same way as with full swaddling - first one edge is folded, then the other, and finally the lower part is raised and wrapped under the armpits.

If desired, the child can be swaddled only the lower part of the body. In this case, they put a vest or blouse on him, and place him on a diaper not at the level of the neck and shoulders, but at the level of the armpits.

The algorithm for swaddling a baby's head is as follows:

  1. The baby is placed diagonally on a diaper or blanket, so that one of the corners is above the baby's head.
  2. The corner is wrapped around the head, imitating a hat or cap.
  3. Take turns wrapping one side, the bottom corner, and the other side, as in classic swaddling.

This method is demonstrated in even more detail in the following video:

Wide swaddling is a means of preventing and even treating congenital dislocation and subluxation of the hip, if it is diagnosed in early dates. In newborn babies, the femoral head easily falls into place if the legs are in the correct position.

When treating congenital dislocation of the hip, special panties are used during swaddling or a folded diaper is simply placed between the legs.

This is done to ensure that the legs are constantly in an extended position. The instructions for wide swaddling are quite simple - the main thing is to leave the baby's legs in a free position.

The essence of this type of swaddling is that the baby is wrapped in a swaddle only halfway and in the usual physiological position - with legs bent and spread apart. That is, the diaper in the hip area is not tightened tightly, but remains in a loose position.

The sequence of wide swaddling is the same as direct swaddling:

  1. The child is placed on a diaper, one edge is bent to the opposite side diagonally, fixing it under the handle.
  2. Fold the second side of the diaper, leaving the lower part wide and free.
  3. The lower part of the diaper is lifted and wrapped around the child’s waist, making sure that the legs are in a completely free position.

Curvature of the legs: fact or fiction?

The idea of ​​our ancestors that by using tight swaddling it is possible to provide a child with slender, even legs is currently untenable. Therefore, pediatricians strongly do not recommend swaddling the baby in this way.

Tight swaddling negatively affects the physiological and emotional development child, as a result causing problems in the respiratory and nervous systems, gastrointestinal tract and being one of the causes of rickets.

Swaddling “with arms” can provide significant assistance to the baby and parents when going to bed. Indeed, sometimes it happens that children cannot fall asleep, since the chaotic waving of their hands frightens them and wakes them up.

However, sometimes these problems can hide disturbances in the functioning of the child’s nervous system, so it is better not only to swaddle the child for sleep, but also to consult a doctor with the corresponding question.

As we have already said, after practicing a couple of times, you can swaddle your baby very quickly and deftly. So in some cases this is the simplest and quick way dress the child. In addition, let's not forget about saving. Indeed, for the first couple of months the baby is quite comfortable in diapers.

On the other hand, by dressing the baby in pants and a blouse, parents provide him with maximum freedom to move. And we know that any movement improves muscle development and tone.

And, in the end, all these baby clothes are so beautiful! Maybe you shouldn't deny yourself pleasure? By the way, perhaps in this way parents from the very early age instill good taste in children?

Whether you will swaddle your child or dress him from birth in pants and blouses is up to you, the parents, to decide. The main thing is that both you and the baby feel comfortable and comfortable.

In Japan, researchers amaze with their discoveries. They recently recommended: swaddling adults for sound sleep and healthy nervous system. It is believed that a person is incredibly happy when they hug him. After swaddling, the whole body is enveloped in warmth, which is why newborns calm down and go to sleep.

An interesting therapy has been invented for adults. The patient should sit cross-legged and be completely wrapped in a sheet. After this, you need to start swinging strongly forward, then back. It turns out that this way you can improve the condition of your muscles, relax them, cure osteochondrosis, scoliosis, and normalize your posture. Therapy is most suitable for women who have recently given birth to a baby.

But at Southampton Hospital, Nicholas Clark (professor) categorically prohibits the use of this method for both infants and adults. It leads to damage to the hip joints. Midwives from King's College also see huge harm in swaddling babies. When a child is tightly compressed by a diaper, his legs are stretched out, he cannot move his limbs at all. It all ends with serious joint problems. For normal development of the pelvis, the baby must gradually bend his tiny legs from the first days. Also, swaddling increases the risk of sudden death; the baby may overheat. Therefore, it is better to give preference to modern methods, not to swaddle a newborn, and an adult can try himself in this interesting role!

Window to the world? I'm a copywriter!
A year has already passed since I received constant access to the Internet... Every person who has this “window to the world” sooner or later begins to be interested in the possibility of earning money remotely. And I'm no exception.

To be afraid of lies - not to go to forums? Features of earnings of reposters and rewriters
Each of us, I have no doubt, has at least tried to make money in areas such as rewriting and reposting. So I started down this path some time ago. I sincerely hoped, with the help of some of my knowledge, to convey something useful to people and at the same time earn a pretty penny. And you know, not right away, but it started to work out!

People constantly come across such offers by entering the phrase “earn money on the Internet” into a search engine. You are a person who does not miss any opportunity to earn money, including on the Internet. You're doing it right - modern Internet is not only a means of obtaining information of interest, but with its help you can find a good extra income. One “but” is still present. In contrast to one person’s desire to make money, another has a desire to deceive, “hit the jackpot” and disappear into the vastness of the World Wide Web. You need to have certain

We wait a day, two, three. In the end, the truth comes: we have just been scammed like rabbits, deceived like the last fools... So many advertisements - a typist at home, a PC operator, an independent manager... All these advertisements are easy to find on the Internet, they all promise high wages pay, work without leaving home, a lot of free time and minimum age restrictions - from 16 to 70.

Feeling it on myself dark side remote work - anonymity, or expecting sky-high prospects against the backdrop of slogans.... you can find yourself without ground under your feet. “Question everything” is the translation of this Latin saying belonging to the 17th century French philosopher and scientist Rene Descartes. In Soviet times, even schoolchildren knew these words, but not at all because they “taught” the philosophy of Descartes at the school of that time. It turns out that it was Marx’s favorite saying, and the favorite sayings of the leaders of the world proletariat were supposed to be known.
How are we being deceived on the Internet? The Magic of Magic Wallets(3DSguru, Shutterstock)
The noble image of the swindler Ostap Bender, created by the classics Ilf and Petrov, aroused sympathy among numerous readers. The same cannot be said about modern scammers who do not disdain any means of making money. They can cause nothing but anger. After all, people sometimes give their last money in the hope that it will be returned to them in double or even triple the amount.

In Japan, researchers amaze with their discoveries. They recently recommended: swaddling adults for sound sleep and a healthy nervous system. It is believed that a person is incredibly happy when they hug him. Afterwards, the whole body is enveloped in warmth, which is why newborns calm down and go to sleep.

An interesting therapy has been invented for adults. The patient should sit cross-legged and be completely wrapped in a sheet. After this, you need to start swinging strongly forward, then back. It turns out that this way you can improve the condition of your muscles, relax them, cure osteochondrosis, and normalize your posture. Therapy is most suitable for women who have recently given birth to a baby.

But at Southampton Hospital, Nicholas Clark (professor) categorically prohibits the use of this method for both infants and adults. It leads to damage to the hip joints. Midwives from King's College also see huge harm in swaddling babies. When a child is tightly compressed by a diaper, his legs are stretched out, he cannot move his limbs at all. It all ends with serious joint problems. For normal development of the pelvis, the baby must gradually bend his tiny legs from the first days. Also, swaddling increases the risk of sudden death; the baby may overheat. Therefore, it is better to give preference to modern methods, not to swaddle a newborn, and an adult can try himself in this interesting role!

I met Olya for the first time more than 3 years ago, and when I learned what she was doing, I was surprised... “Postpartum recovery” sounded unusual, and I still see similar reactions in people to this phrase. For some reason, most people think that we are talking about babies. But no, pay attention in this case gives himself entirely to the woman in labor, to the mother, to the woman. And some kind of secret meaning immediately appears in this.

Exactly a month ago I gave birth to a daughter. Yes, I now have a new role!!! Very responsible, unexpected, because I still can’t believe that life has completely changed once and for all! And I receive confirmation of this every minute (and even at night).

But not about that yet))

The pregnancy was going well, sometimes I didn’t feel so pot-bellied at all, and only the windows reflected a new image.

We began to communicate more actively with Olya, because she is also a homeopath and osteopath. And I don’t want any medical interventions during pregnancy. And I began to periodically consult with Olya about my situation. 2 times she pulled me out of a cold-painful state with the help of homeopathy. And in the 7th month we met in Lisbon and spent several weeks as two families. It all ended with me being deeply imbued with Olya’s approach to pregnancy and childbirth. And of course I wanted her to be present more often in my life. What I couldn’t even dream of, since Olya and her family live in Ukraine. But (lo and behold!) her husband (my friend) suddenly arranged everything so that at the time of 9 months, they came to live in St. Petersburg!!!

I was happy!!

Actually, it turned out that Olya did a lot during my birth. She was my and Dusin’s guardian angel! Every time I quietly thank her for this))))

And... I digress again... I’ll skip the story about childbirth... it’s very personal..

Olya and I agreed in advance about my swaddling, preferably on the 5th or 7th day. We decided to do it a week after giving birth. I bought various herbs (as it turned out, even more than I needed, but in the end almost everything went into use) and begged my mother for old duvet covers. And it began...

I was really looking forward to this day! Almost the same as childbirth.. (although I waited much longer for childbirth))
I really wanted to experience this effect for myself, which until the end seemed somehow mysterious to me (after all, I couldn’t even really explain to people what this swaddling meant).

First, Olya conducted a session of craniosacral therapy (osteopathy) to understand what changes had occurred in my body. It turned out that everything was more or less in order (only my stomach sagged slightly). Let me explain, my stomach at the last term was simply huge!! About 15 kilograms of a watermelon... at the end it also sank, and I could no longer see my knees.

Then she let me choose essential oils(some were brought from Thailand, and these were the ones I wanted to use) All these oils, heated together with the base almond oil, were supposed to be rubbed into my body... I was in anticipation))

Meanwhile, the herbs were already boiling in a saucepan, located in a nice rag bundle. The herbs then floated in my bath. I undressed, climbed into the bath... the water was barely tolerable, closer to hot. And this is done so that my body thoroughly warms up and lends itself to editing. Meanwhile, a drink was being prepared on the fire. This is for warming up the insides))

Oh my god, what a drink that was!!! MAGIC!! Sticky, sweet, tart, a thousand times tastier than mulled wine. Some ingredients remained secret. I drank about 3 large cups until I was completely tired... And I still had to crawl to bed... my mind was already pleasantly switched off. Somewhere in the middle of my bath procedures, Dusya asked to come to me.... I thought about feeding her, but when I lowered her into the bath, she began to look around with curiosity and with bliss on her face. The atmosphere in the bath was also fabulous, candles were burning, and the herbs made the water a rich tea color, add to all this the aromas and fumes. The daughter felt this and relaxed, stopping crying. I had that same bag of hot herbs lying on my stomach; it additionally warmed everything inside.

Then I moved into the room, onto the bed. There Olya wrapped me in duvet covers, like a baby in diapers, rubbed my whole body with warm oil (without sparing... it took a whole mug), put on woolen socks and a hat, and then another magic began... My mind plunged into some kind of deep caves of oblivion... I wanted to completely switch off, surrender to the sensations of my body and float down the river in my warm, tight cocoon.

But then the work just began... Ties (head, chest, belt, hips, knees). How did I feel...? It pulled me out of oblivion.. and the body began to turn on.. Olya said, it began to work, because at some moments, it resisted such a tight contraction, and sometimes it seemed that I could no longer breathe.. but slowly, slowly (imperceptibly from the outside) I got used to these sensations and again went into oblivion. Somewhere in the middle they brought Dusya, put her to her chest, and fed her. Swaddling did not interfere with this at all; on the contrary, it united us (swaddled daughter and mother)

Changing each place probably took about 20 minutes. And when it was all over, Olya pulled out all the diapers from under me and left me to rest (without getting up for 4 hours, and also lie on my back the whole next day).

The next morning I woke up as if still drunk (pleasant) and couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw my stomach in the mirror (it was exactly half gone!!!) The body itself was soft, plastic and slow. This effect did not leave me for several more days.

Then, on Olya’s advice, I tied up my stomach and wore warm socks (even though it was summer outside), took care of myself and did not waste my strength. I devoted all my time to my daughter and my recovery. After all, this is exactly how you need to behave after giving birth, everything else will still happen. For now this is the only important thing)))

Thank you for everything, Olya!!!

She often publishes her news and interesting articles there. You can consult her about health and everything))) She also travels a lot and is constantly developing! Welcome!