
Garter stitch with two different methods and on different types of needles. How to knit in garter stitch correctly Knit in garter stitch

Garter stitch with two different methods and on different types of needles.  How to knit in garter stitch correctly Knit in garter stitch

Garter stitch, also known as rope stitch, ruffle stitch, bed stitch and double purl stitch, is called the foundation of basic knitting stitches. She is considered one of the most simple patterns, along with stocking knitting, which help beginning craftswomen master knitting of the same type, in in this case— facial, loops.

The name of the scarf pattern was warm, filled with associations with beloved mothers and grandmothers, and it fully justifies itself - in the old days, goat down scarves were often knitted in a similar way.

Garter knitting with knitting needles

Now garter stitch is used with success in creating the most different models knitted items: hats, scarves and snoods, cardigans and jackets, coats and much more. The imagination and taste of the craftswoman allows her to make things of incredible beauty, combining garter knitting with other, more complex and intricate patterns, resulting in originality of lines, ornaments and designs as a whole.

Of course, having learned to knit a garter stitch, craftswomen will want to take up more interesting patterns to work with, but garter stitch can come in handy later at any time, for example, by becoming a beautiful background for openwork patterns, arans, braids, and many other things that the craftswomen plan to create in the future.

What is garter stitch?

Let's start learning the basics of knitting - garter stitch. First of all, this double-sided knitting type, so the pattern is often chosen for knitting snoods, scarves, belts, lapels, collars and trims.

In addition, the advantages of garter stitch are not limited to ease of execution and versatility of application:

  1. it perfectly preserves its original appearance and prevents deformation of the original shape of the thing;
  2. the edges do not curl when garter stitching;
  3. Knitting a scarf pattern gives things an airiness - a special volume due to the beautiful relief knitting.

How to knit correctly - diagram and description

So, how to knit garter stitch? There are several ways to make this double purl pattern. Let's also consider diagrams with detailed descriptions of the knitting process.

  • Classic garter stitch

The most popular and easiest option for knitting a garter pattern. This type of garter stitch is done using the so-called classic facial loops— that is, the needle is inserted behind the front wall of the loop.

Garter stitch knitting needles - diagram and description:

  1. We put twenty stitches on a knitting needle and start knitting according to the drawing.
  2. We remove the first loop, which will be the edge loop - this way the edge of the knitting will be neat.
  3. Now we knit the front buttonhole by pulling the knitting needle into the loop at the front and pulling the thread out at the back. In this way you need to knit the row to the very end.
  4. The last loop is knitted inside out. The needle should pass behind the loop and grab the thread located in front.
  5. Turn the product over and start knitting in the same way as the first row: the loops should be knit, with the exception of the edge loops, which are located along the edges.
  • Garter stitch with granny stitches

A more complex method of knitting a shawl pattern, which is used experienced craftswomen who have determined the most convenient knitting option for themselves. In the case of the “grandmother’s” method of knitting facial loops, the knitting needle is inserted behind back wall loops. This type of garter stitch is considered not so convenient, but some needlewomen “recognize” only it.

Knitting pattern and work progress:

  1. We cast on the required number of loops in the first row.
  2. We remove the first loop without knitting, the next one is a knit stitch.
  3. The entire first row is knit stitches.
  4. We turn the knitting - we have purl loops.
  5. We remove the first loop, and carefully monitor the progress of the work further!
  6. Working thread for knitting - we knit our purl loop like a knit stitch.
  7. We also knit the next loop as a knit stitch. And so on.
  8. To knit garter stitch in the round, you simply need to knit the odd rows and purl the even rows, or vice versa.
  • Garter stitch purl stitches

Some craftswomen prefer this way of making this pattern: they knit it entirely using purl stitches. As a result, the pattern turns out to be a little wider and looser - that is, it gives an openwork effect.

Knitting pattern and work progress:

  1. We cast on the required number of loops on the knitting needles, not forgetting at the end about the first removed loop, which will be the edge one.
  2. We take the knitting needle by the thread. The working thread should be located to the right of the loop, which is on the left needle.
  3. The right needle is inserted into the left loop under the thread.
  4. To create a purl loop, you need to grab the thread with the end of the knitting needle, which is in your right hand. You need to pull it out from left to right through the current knitting loop.
  5. The next and all subsequent loops will be purl, not counting the edge stitches. This type of knitting is shown in more detail in the video lesson below.

Video lesson

If the diagrams and descriptions of options for performing garter stitch still leave any questions, then beginners can always use visual videos on working with knitting needles.

Video - garter stitch with knitting needles classic facial loops:

Video - garter stitch purl loops:

This is the simplest and universal pattern for knitting needles, it is with this that beginner needlewomen are advised to learn to knit, because if the product is not circular, for this pattern you need to be able to perform only one knit stitch.

Despite its simplicity, the advantages of this pattern are obvious: firstly, although it is called “garter stitch”, you can make anything from it, moreover, the product turns out to be slightly pulled together vertically, forming a kind of accordion, which makes the product even more warmer. This knitting is an excellent option for winter pullovers; many people use this technique to create an insole.

Secondly, an important advantage is that this knitting is double-sided, that is, on the front and back sides it is absolutely identical. This makes it even more versatile; it can be used to trim a cowl scarf or the roll-up collar of a knitted coat.

We will show you a small garter stitch, there will also be a diagram, description and photo of course. For this we need 2 knitting needles and a skein of any thread. It is desirable that the threads be as voluminous as possible, then the pattern will be very beautiful and embossed.

So, garter stitch with knitting needles: put 2 knitting needles together and cast on 32 stitches, this will be enough for the sample. You need to cast on the stitches on both needles together so that the first row does not turn out too tight.

Then we take out one knitting needle and turn the knitting back towards us.

To make the edge even, remove the first loop without knitting. This rule should be used in almost all patterns, not just garter stitch.

We knit the row to the end with facial loops. The last stitch should be purled to avoid a knotted edge.

Now we turn the knitting towards ourselves again.

We remove the first loop again without knitting.

And again we knit a row with facial loops.

This is what 6 knitted rows look like. When knitting, we carefully ensure that all the loops are the same; we should not allow either too tight or too loose loops, otherwise we will not get straight rows, but ugly waves.

Having knitted 10 rows, you can clearly see the texture of the pattern.

Learn to knit and create something unusual.

Simple garter stitch with knitting needles perfectly preserves the original appearance of the knitted item, it does not stretch, and its edges do not curl. The pattern is airy and embossed. Garter stitch can be made from knit stitches alone or from purl stitches alone, as well as by alternating knit and purl rows.

We offer several video tutorials that tell you how to knit garter stitch. They provide the basics for creating this simple pattern, which can be used for a variety of purposes, for example, you can knit a cardigan or bactus in garter stitch, use the pattern as a background for other types of patterns, or knit in the round.

Let's look at how to knit garter stitch with knit stitches. The knitting pattern is extremely simple. Having cast any number of loops for the first row, remove the first loop, and knit all the remaining loops, inserting the knitting needle behind the front wall of the loop. When the row is completed, the last stitch is knitted and the knitting is turned over.

Everything is repeated in exactly the same way: the first loop is removed, and the entire row is knitted with facial loops. The last loop is also knitted. The product obtained in this way looks the same even with front side, and with the wrong side.

This knitting method is extremely simple and fast. Using it, you can knit almost anything - under your knitting needles you will get a hat or collar, scarf or snood. If the size of the item is small, knitting can be done with ordinary knitting needles, the number of which is selected depending on the thickness of the yarn used. If the product is planned to be wide or closed in a circle, garter stitch can be done with circular knitting needles connected to each other with fishing line.

This is a classic way of knitting a shawl pattern, literally the ABC of knitting, which any beginning knitter should master to the point of automaticity.

A shawl pattern, also called “ruffle” or “rope”, is often used to fill the gaps between various openwork or relief patterns, serves as an excellent backdrop for any knitter’s ideas.

Video lesson:

For the sample on which the master class is being conducted, 14 loops were cast on, two of which are edge loops, and the rest are used to form the pattern. The first loop at the beginning of the row is an edge loop, and it can be removed without knitting. Next, the entire row is knitted with purl stitches behind the front wall of the loop. The edge loop is also knitted purlwise. Then the knitting is turned over and the work continues in the reverse order.

The edge loop is removed without knitting, and then purl loops are made, to obtain which the back wall of the loop is grabbed. The last loop is also purled. Knitting continues in the same order from row to row, gradually moving across, until the required number of rows is completed or the item of the required length is obtained.

The width is determined by the number of loops cast on before starting knitting. The front and back sides when using this classic knitting method look exactly the same.

For comparison, we offer a sample in which crossed purl loops were used. In appearance, both samples are the same, but the fabric based on crossed loops is more elastic. In this way, you can knit a women's scarf or any other item, alternating garter stitch with various knitted patterns.

Video lesson:

Provided detailed description, how to create a simple garter stitch pattern by knitting all rows with the same knit stitches, which are knitted behind the front walls. In order for all the loops to turn out beautiful and even, you will have to practice a little.

The pattern turns out exactly the same on both sides. This knitting is used to start or complete knitting, to fill the space between other patterns. It can also serve as an independent canvas, not too dense and quite plastic. Using garter stitch, you can create not only straight scarves or blankets. It is quite possible for her to knit a nice beret; it will make an interesting hat.

The video tutorial shows the creation of a simple pattern, this is a lesson for beginner knitters who should perfectly know and be able to create a pattern called “garter stitch”. The knitting width is determined by the number of stitches cast on.

If they do not fit on the knitting needles, you can use circular knitting needles with fishing line.

The second size of a knitted item is determined by the number of rows knitted - there are no restrictions here. Having mastered this method of knitting, you can move on to other ways of creating interesting knitted items, automatically using the classic method if necessary.

Video lesson:

Evgenia Smirnova

To send light into the depths of the human heart - this is the purpose of the artist

7 Mar 2016


Things made from yarn are very popular. Knitting is always relevant for beginners; many people want to learn this craft. One of the simplest and most understandable techniques is garter stitch. In ancient times, this pattern was the main one for down scarves. It consists of embossed and smooth rows that alternate. Using the elementary method of weaving, people make a variety of beautiful things. Knitting lessons in this way are further presented with step-by-step algorithms.

Features of garter stitch

Antique garter knitting has a number of features and advantages in contrast to other options for creating fabric:

  • the product does not stretch and does not change its original shape;
  • items created using garter stitch with knitting needles turn out voluminous;
  • the edges of the thread product do not curl;
  • Knitting for beginners in the garter technique is a good basic skill, an ideal foundation for more complex variations and patterns.

Step-by-step instructions with patterns and descriptions of garter stitch

Let's try to understand how knitting is done for beginners. Let's look at several varieties of the ancient pattern and detailed algorithms for its creation. Thanks to simple step by step instructions To create an ornament, any novice needlewoman can learn such a craft. Patterns for knitting fabric from threads are created according to three scenarios: knit, purl and circular.

Knitting pattern with facial loops

Let's start with detailed explanations for beginners. How to weave an ancient ornament from facial “scales”? The process technology consists of the following points:

  1. The first method begins with the classic technique: we tie any number of loops onto two knitting needles, including edge loops.
  2. We take out one knitting needle and transfer it to the right hand.
  3. On the index finger of the second hand we lay out the thread that comes from the ball. It is necessary to press it with the remaining fingers, except the thumb.
  4. Grab the first stitch of the row with the right knitting tool. Carefully remove it index finger from left back to right, do not knit. This is how the first loop of the edge of the product is removed - the edge loop, the next one is the first in the row.
  5. We insert the knitting needle into the first loop on the left, while grabbing the thread. We knit the front one (behind the front wall).
  6. We create new loops until there is nothing left on the left. We turn the canvas over: we take the part that is on the tool in our left hand and “stamp” the remaining elements of the product according to the sample.
  7. Repeat steps 3 and 5 until the required length of the product is obtained.

Description of knitting with purl stitch

The fabric is often knitted with purl loops. Even if you have little experience creating things using this technique, then step-by-step algorithm will help you master this art to perfection. The algorithm for creating a picture looks like this:

  1. We return to the previous diagram, but instead of the second point we do the following: we take the knitting needle by the thread. The working thread should be located to the right of the loop, which is located on the left knitting tool.
  2. The right tool is inserted into the left loop under the thread.
  3. To obtain a purl loop, the tip of the knitting needle, which is in the right hand, grabs the thread. You need to pull it out from left to right through the current loop of the product.

Master class on knitting on circular knitting needles

Garter stitch in the round is carried out using a special device with fishing line. Sometimes, to conveniently create a drawing, two-pointed tools are used - with two working ends. This method of weaving with threads is also not complicated, especially if you learn the technology of the first two methods. The circular process of knitting an ornament consists of alternating rows consisting of smooth back and front “scales”.

Garter stitch educational video tutorials for beginners

Wondering how to learn to knit from scratch? Free video tutorials on handicrafts available to everyone are what you need. With the help of detailed master classes, you can quickly master all the methods of forming a relief fabric. Learn knitting techniques

The skill of needlework using knitting needles has been known in Rus' since ancient times. Our great-grandmothers also did needlework in the evenings, lighting a candle or a torch, and telling each other stories and fables. In those days, women knitted mainly socks, mittens or scarves, and only sometimes larger items. But over time, the number of patterns increased, needlework developed and the models were endlessly improved. Not only mittens and hats, but also very complex items began to be knitted with knitting needles. But today we will talk about one type of clothing, or rather about hats. For a long time, scarves have been knitted in Rus' using one single technique, which has since been called “garter knitting”. This technique is well known and very common among needlewomen. Knitting can be done different ways.

In this lesson we will look at a description of all the methods that are used by craftswomen to make products using the Garter Stitch method. For knitting, you can use two methods, which in turn are also divided into groups. The knitting pattern for each of them is extremely simple, and consists only of knit or purl stitches in both knit and purl rows. The first method involves using exclusively facial loops (LF). But we know well that knit stitches are usually knitted in two ways. This division into groups has also been known to everyone for a long time. The first method is called “classical drugs”. You can see them in the photo. They are knitted behind the front wall, and this is their peculiarity. The garter stitch pattern is made both straight and in the round, that is, on circular knitting needles , which absolutely does not affect the quality of work and appearance

canvases. This lesson contains photo and video materials.

The second variety is the so-called “granny” LP, formed by knitting loops with knitting needles behind the back wall, as can be seen in the photo. The most common is knitting the LP behind the front wall, that is, using the classical technique. You will be able to achieve high-quality garter stitch with knitting needles if you knit only one type of stitches, classic or granny stitches. These two types cannot be alternated with each other, because the quality of the pattern will deteriorate. There are times when it is necessary to make a greater density of loops, and this is achieved by knitting behind the back wall, that is, “grandmother’s way.” This is not as convenient as we would like, but the result will please you with the excellent quality and density of the fabric. It is necessary to note one more feature of this method. It consists in the fact that garter stitch is a pattern that is the same on both sides, that is, double-sided.

“Grandma’s” facial loop This allows you to use technology to make things such as a scarf or collar, belt or placket. With the same success, garter stitch is used to knit a large item as a whole. Pay attention to the garter stitch, tied with threads different colors . It is performed in rows, forming multi-colored stripes that look very impressive. To do this, use the same color to perform two rows of work in a row, one of which is front and the other is back. At the same time, the one-sidedness of this knitting remains unchanged, when on each side the stripes will have the same appearance. Note also that the knitting method using knitting needles of a larger diameter will allow you to form a garter stitch that resembles openwork because it has a very loose structure. This technique is often used to make summer knitwear, as well as shawls or scarves.

Video: Grandmother's way of knitting loops

Garter stitch purl stitches

The second embodiment of this pattern is the exclusive use of purl loops of two types. The quality of the product with this method changes slightly, and it becomes wider. In addition, the canvas loses density and becomes loose. Purl loops(IP) are also knitted in two ways, classic and “grandmother’s”. If you knit a classic stitch, then on the reverse side of the fabric we will see the same classic, but with a front loop. But the IP knitted using grandma’s method looks from the reverse side like grandma’s LP. If you don't keep this in mind, you'll end up with crossed stitches, which doesn't quite serve the purpose of the pattern. You can knit garter stitch either on regular knitting needles or in the round.

Scarf knitting pattern

The garter knitting pattern is as simple as its verbal description. Here you will see a photo showing a pattern diagram, and make sure that this is one of the simplest examples of patterns. If you make a detailed description of it, it will become clear that all rows, without exception, are performed with facial loops. If desired or necessary, the rows of LP can be replaced with purl rows (IP). In this case, all loops are knitted using classic or grandmother’s stitches. The video attached to the lesson shows how the pattern technique is performed. In this case, the loops are knitted behind the front wall, that is, they use the classic method of knitting facial loops.

Video: How to do garter stitch